LINDA M. YOUNG Associate Professor, Head Department of Political Science, Montana State University 2-­‐134 Wilson Hall, Bozeman, MT 59717; 406 994-­‐5604; EDUCATION Ph.D., Agricultural Economics, University of California, Davis, 1987. “The Formation of Wheat Policies in the United States, Canada, and Japan: Case Studies of Endogenizing Policy Behavior,” doctoral dissertation. Alex McCalla, advisor. B.A., Development Studies, University of California, Berkeley, 1980 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Head, Department of Political Science, Montana State University, Bozeman (January 2012-­‐present) Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Montana State University, Bozeman. (June 2008-­‐ present) Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Montana State University, Bozeman. (August 2005–May 2008) Senior Research Scientist, Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics, Montana State University, Bozeman. Conducted independent research on trade policy, carbon sequestration in agriculture, trade remedy law, and food aid. With the Consortium for Agricultural Soils Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases, duties included research, grant administration, and outreach activities. Developed and taught a course “Issues in Economic Globalization.” (January 2001–August 2005) Agricultural Policy Program Coordinator, Trade Research Center, Montana State University, Bozeman. Conducted research and provided public education on trade issues. Supervised the publication process for Trade Research Center publications, commissioned papers for publications and conferences, assisted in the design and organization of TRC conferences, interacted with media and the public on trade issues. (January 1996–December 2000) Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics, Montana State University, Bozeman. Instructed course in international economics and conducted research. (September 1994–December 2000) Research Associate, Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. (October 1993–September 1994) Instructor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. Instructed undergraduate econometrics course. (January 1993–June 1993) Senior Economist, Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Canberra, Australia. (January 1988–September 1990) Linda M. Young GRANTS: $1,331,000 in total “The Human Ecology Learning and Problem Solving Lab.” Research Expansion Grant, Office of the Vice President for Research and Economic Development, Montana State University, (PI)$60,000. “Export Promotion Programs, Income Variability and Aspirations of Agricultural Families in Peru.” ADVANCE Mid-­‐career Mentoring Grants, Montana State University, $4,100. “Promoting Open Agricultural Markets Through Capacity Building in Developing Countries.” William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, in collaboration with the International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium (IATRC), July 2006– June 2009, $735,000. “Advance Fellows Award: The WTO and Food Aid: Preserving Humanitarian and Development Benefits.” National Science Foundation, February 1, 2004– January 31, 2007, $379,380. European Commission. Travel grant for expenses to present a paper at the conference on Agricultural Policy Reform and the WTO: Where Are We Heading? Capri, Italy, June 2003, $3,300. NSF EPSCOR, Montana State University. Faculty Development Travel Grant to attend meetings of the International Association of Agricultural Economists, Durban, South Africa, August 2003, $2,100. “Resolution of Trade Disputes: Moving from Litigation to Collaborative Problem Solving.” Faculty Research Grant, Canadian Consulate Genera, 2001–2002, $4,700. “Implications of Trade Liberalization on Trade and Food Security of Developing Countries.” Cooperative Agreement with the Economic Research Service, September 2000–September 2002, $69,000. “Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Disputes with in the NAFTA Agricultural Sector.” Cooperative Agreement with the Economic Research Service, September 2001–December 2002, $22,500. “Implications of Increasing Vertical Linkages in Agri-­‐Food Supply Chains in Canada and the United States,” with J.E. Hobbs. Project for Agricultural and Agri-­‐Food Canada, June 1999–March 2000, CA$25,000. Final report available at “Changing Canadian Grains Policies: Consequences and Opportunities for Montana’s Grain. Industry,” with J.B. Johnson, C.H. Rust, and V.H. Smith. Montana Wheat and Barley Committee, July 1, 1995–June 30, 1996, $25,000. “Changing Canadian Grains Policies: Implications for Montana,” the Canadian Consulate, 1996, $2,000. HONORS Anna K. Fridley Award for Distinguished Teaching, Montana State University, 2013 Member, Executive Board, International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium, 2004 Member, Future Steering Committee, International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium, 2004 2 Linda M. Young Member, editorial board of the Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Development, 2004–present Member, editorial board of the Estey Centre Journal of International Law and Trade Policy, 1999–present Chair, commissioned paper for the International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium, 2001 Wheat Policy Prize, Oregon Wheat Growers, 1999 TEACHING FIELDS International Political Economy Food and Hunger Globalization Political Economy of Energy MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY SERVICE Search Committees, Environmental Economist Spring 2014, Dean of the Library Summer 2012 University Budget Council, 2013-­‐present Rapid Action Task Force, Fall 2013 ADVANCE, Project Tracs, 2011-­‐present College of Letters and Science Strategic Planning Committee, 2012 Social, Behavioral and Economic Science Initiative, 2012-­‐13 Presidential Medal for Global and Visionary Leadership Committee, 2005–12. Promotion and Tenure Committee, chair, Dept of Political Science, 2008, 2010. CONSULTING Trade Policy Specialist, Consultant to Ministry of Agriculture, Pakistan, for the Food and Agriculture Organization, United Nations, November 2005–May 2006. Oxfam, policy paper on the WTO and Food Aid and presented conclusions to Oxfam America. MAJOR INVITED PRESENTATIONS “Export Competition Issues and Solutions.” Presentation at the OECD-­‐WTO-­‐ IDB/INTAL Regional Meeting on Agriculture and Trade in Latin America, Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 9–11, 2006. “Export Competition Issues for Pakistan in the Doha Round.” Presentation to the Secretary of Agriculture, Islamabad, Pakistan, November 16, 2005. “Export Competition Issues in the World Trade Organization.” Presentation to WTO Delegations, International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development, Geneva, Switzerland, June 16, 2005. “Food Aid: Interests, Trade-­‐offs and Options.” Presentation to Oxfam, Washington, DC, December 13, 2004. “Food Aid and WTO Disciplines.” Presented at the expert consultation on Export Competition: Equivalence of Alternative Policies and Mechanisms, Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome, Italy, November 25–26, 2004. 3 Linda M. Young “State Trading Enterprises and WTO Disciplines.” Presented at the expert consultation on Export Competition: Equivalence of Alternative Policies and Mechanisms, Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome, Italy, November 25– 26, 2004. COMMISIONED PAPERS Young, L.M. 2005. “Export Competition Disciplines in the Doha Round.” Trade Policy Issues Paper 3, International Food and Agricultural Trade Policy Council, Washington, DC, June. Available at­‐ bin/ Abbott, P.C. and L.M. Young. 2005. “An Evaluation of Possible Disciplines for Food Aid in the World Trade Organization.” Oxfam America, Boston, MA, January. Abbott, P.C. and L.M. Young. 2003. “Export Competition Issues in the Doha Round.” Paper for the conference Agricultural Policy Reform and the WTO: Where Are We Heading? Capri, Italy, June 23–26. Available at Hobbs, J.E. and L.M. Young. 2001. “Vertical Linkages in Agri-­‐Food Supply Chains in Canada and the United States.” Research and Analysis Directorate, Strategic Policy Branch, Agriculture and Agri-­‐Food Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, June. Available at Young, L., P. Abbott, and S. Leetmaa. 2001. “Export Competition: Issues and Options in the Agricultural Negotiations.” Commissioned Paper No. 15, International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium, May. Available at­‐bin/ REFERRED JOURNAL ARTICLES Young, L.M. and Kathleen C. Hansen. 2011. “Disconnections in US and EU Agricultural Policy and Trade Negotiations: A Transactions Costs Politics Approach.” The Estey Centre Journal of International Law and Trade Policy 12(1):2-­‐28. Young, L. M. 2009. “Introduction: Capacity Building and Agricultural Trade Policy Challenges in Developing Countries.” Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Development 5(2). Young, L. M. 2009. “Capacity Building Programs in Agricultural Trade Policy.” Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Development 5(2). Young, L.M. and P.C. Abbott. 2008. “Food Aid Donor Allocations After 1990.” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 56(1):27–51. Young, L.M., A. Weersink, M. Fulton, and J.B. Deaton. 2007. “Carbon Sequestration in Agriculture: EU and US Perspectives.” EuroChoices 6(1):32–37. Young, L.M. 2006. “Eliminating Non-­‐Tariff Barriers to Trade: Feasible? Desirable?” Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Development 2(1):159–162. Young, L.M. and J. Waino. 2005. “The Antidumping Negotiations: Proposals, Positions and Anti-­‐dumping Profiles.” Estey Centre Journal of International Law and Trade Policy 6(1):23–46. (http://www.estey­‐1.pdf) 4 Linda M. Young Young, L.M. 2003. “Carbon Sequestration in Agriculture: The U.S. Policy Context.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 85(5):1164–1170. Wainio, J., L.M. Young, and K. Meilke. 2003. “Trade Remedy Actions in NAFTA: Agriculture and Agri-­‐Food Industries.” World Economy 26(7):1041–1065. Young, L.M. and J.E. Hobbs. 2002. “Vertical Linkages in Agri-­‐Food Supply Chains: Changing Roles for Producers, Commodity Groups, and Government Policy.” Review of Agricultural Economics 24(2):428–441. Young, L.M. 2002. “Options for World Trade Organization Involvement in Food Aid.” Estey Centre Journal of International Law and Trade Policy 3(1):10–28. (­‐1.pdf) Hobbs, J.E. and L.M. Young. 2000. “Closer Vertical Co-­‐ordination in Agrifood Supply Chains: A Conceptual Framework and Some Preliminary Evidence.” Journal of Supply Chain Management 5(3):131–142. Young, L.M. 2000. “U.S.-­‐Canadian Agricultural Trade Conflicts: Time for a New Paradigm.” Estey Centre Journal of International Law and Trade Policy 1(1):22–35. (­‐1.pdf) Young, L.M. 1999. “Prevalence and Reform of State Trading Importers in World Grain Markets.” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 47(4):351–362. Abbott, P.C. and L.M. Young. 1999. “Wheat-­‐Importing State Trading Enterprises: Impacts on the World Wheat Market.” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 47(2):119–136. Young, L.M. 1999. “Moving Towards a Single Market Is Hard: Trade Tensions in the American and Canadian Cattle and Beef Market.” Saskatchewan Law Review 62(2):453–469. Young, L.M. and J.M. Marsh. 1998. “Integration and Interdependence in the U.S. and Canadian Live Cattle and Beef Sectors.” American Review of Canadian Studies 28(3):335–354. Young, L.M. and T. Sheales. 1990. “Foreign Investment and the Australian Beef Industry.” Agriculture and Resources Quarterly 3:66–75. Young, L.M. and B. Moir. 1990. “Assessing Assistance to Chinese Wool Production and Wool Processing.” Agriculture and Resources Quarterly 2:288–299. Young, L.M. and S. Bartley. 1989. “Potential Policy Changes and EC Demand for Australian Field Peas.” Agriculture and Resources Quarterly 1:317–323. BOOKS Young, L.M., J.B. Johnson, and V.H. Smith, eds. 1999. 2000 WTO Negotiations: Issues for Agriculture in the Northern Plains and Rockies. Trade Research Center, Montana State University, Bozeman, November. 182 pp. PEER REVIEWED BOOK CHAPTERS Young, L. M. and T. Bushman. 2014. “Autonomy, Competence and Market Structure: Self Determination Theory Applied to Small Agricultural Exporters from Latin America.” In R Christy, C da Silva, N Mhlanga, K Tihanyi, and E Mabaya, (Eds) Innovative Institutions, Public Policies and Private Strategies for Agro-­‐ Enterprise Development. World Scientific Publishing Co. Inc. 5 Linda M. Young Young, L.M. and J. Waino. 2007. “The Antidumping Negotiations: Proposals, Positions and Anti-­‐dumping Profiles.” In P.S. Prasad, ed., The Legal Aspects of Antidumping Laws. Hyderabad, India: ICFAI University Press, Law Books Division, forthcoming. Young, L.M. 2007. “Government Procurement.” In W.A. Kerr and J.D. Gaisford, eds., Handbook on International Trade Policy. Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd., pp. 311–319. Antle, J.M. and L.M. Young. 2005. “Policies and Incentive Mechanisms for the Permanent Adoption of Agricultural Carbon Sequestration Practices in Industrialized and Developing Countries.” In R. Lal, N. Uphoff, B.A. Stewart, and D.O. Hansen, eds., Climate Change and Global Food Security, Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, pp. 679–701. Young, L.M., J. Wainio, and K. Meilke. 2004. “Trade Remedy Actions in NAFTA Agriculture and Agri-­‐Food Industries.” In R.M.A. Loyns, K. Meilke, R.D. Knutson, and A. Yunez-­‐Naude, eds., Keeping the Borders Open. Proceedings of the Eighth Agricultural and Food Policy Information Workshop, Texas A&M University, University of Guelph, and El Colegio de México / Winnipeg, Manitoba: Friesen Printers, pp. 232–281. Abbott, P.C. and L.M. Young. 2004. “Export Competition Issues in the Doha Round.” In G. Anania, M.E. Bohman, C.A. Carter, and A.F. McCalla, eds., Agricultural Policy Reform in the WTO: Where Are We Heading? Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd., pp. 252–283. Loyns, R.M.A., L.M. Young, and C.A. Carter. 2001. “What Have We Learned from Cattle/Beef Disputes?” In R.M.A. Loyns, K. Meilke, R.D. Knutson, and A. Yunez-­‐ Naude, eds., Trade Liberalization Under NAFTA: Report Card on Agriculture. Proceedings of the Sixth Agricultural and Food Policy Information Workshop, Texas A&M University, University of Guelph, and El Colegio de México / Winnipeg, Manitoba: Friesen Printers, pp. 175–207. Young, L.M. 2001. “Looking To the Future: Conflict Avoidance and Resolution in NAFTA’s Agricultural Trade.” In R.M.A. Loyns, K. Meilke, R.D. Knutson, and A. Yunez-­‐Naude, eds., Trade Liberalization Under NAFTA: Report Card on Agriculture. Proceedings of the Sixth Agricultural and Food Policy Information Workshop, Texas A&M University, University of Guelph, and El Colegio de México / Winnipeg, Manitoba: Friesen Printers, pp. 331–347. Young, L.M. and J.M. Antle. 1999. “Introduction and Major Findings.” In L.M. Young, J.B. Johnson, and V.H. Smith, eds., 2000 WTO Negotiations: Issues for Agriculture in the Northern Plains and Rockies, Trade Research Center, Montana State University, Bozeman, pp. 1–24. Abbott, P.C., P.M. Patterson, and L.M. Young. 1998. “Plans and Adjustment: A Structuralist Approach to Modeling Grain Importer Behavior.” In A. Schmitz, ed., World Agricultural Trade, Boulder, CO: Westview Press, pp. 299–325. Adams, G. and L.M. Young. 1998. “Structural Developments in the U.S. Grains Subsector.” In R.M.A. Loyns, R.D. Knutson, and K. Meilke, eds., Economic Harmonization in the Canadian/U.S./Mexican Grain-­‐Livestock Subsector. Proceedings of the Fourth Agricultural and Food Policy Systems Information 6 Linda M. Young Workshop, Texas A&M University and University of Guelph / Winnipeg, Manitoba: Friesen Printers, pp. 41–63. Young, L.M. and K. Huff. 1997. “Free Trade in the Pacific Rim: On What Basis?” In T. Hertel, ed., Global Trade Analysis Using the GTAP Model, New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 235–252. JOURNALS Young, L.M. 2008. Guest editor of the Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Development, 5(2). OTHER PUBLICATIONS Young, L. M. (2015). Making do or moving forward: An assessment of our global food system [Book review]. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. Young, L.M. (organizer and producer). 2005. Pressures for Agricultural Policy Reform: WTO Panels and the Doha Round Negotiations. CD-­‐ROM of the proceedings of the International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium, Summer Symposium, Seville, Spain, June 19–21. Young, L.M. and P.C. Abbott. 2005. “The WTO Negotiations and Disciplines for Food Aid.” Bridges 9(5):3–5. Young, L.M. 2003. “Soil Carbon Sequestration in Agriculture: The U.S. Policy Context.” MontGuide, MT200312 AG, Extension Service, Montana State University, Bozeman, December. Young, L.M. and J.E. Hobbs. 2000. “Public Policy Responses to Increased Vertical Linkages in Agri-­‐food Supply Chains.” Research Discussion Paper No. 43, Trade Research Center, Montana State University, Bozeman, June. Young, L.M. 2000. “Looking to the Future: Conflict Avoidance and Resolution in NAFTA's Agricultural Trade.” Research Discussion Paper No. 42, Trade Research Center, Montana State University, Bozeman, June. Loyns, R.M.A., L.M. Young, and C.A. Carter. 2000. “What Have We Learned from Cattle/Beef Disputes?” Research Discussion Paper No. 41, Trade Research Center, Montana State University, Bozeman, April. Young, L.M. 2000. “A Perspective on Oregon Wheat Grower’s Interests in the Millennium Round of Agricultural Trade Negotiations.” Research Discussion Paper No. 39, Trade Research Center, Montana State University, Bozeman, February. Hobbs, J.E. and L.M. Young. 1999. “Increasing Vertical Linkages in Agrifood Supply Chains: A Conceptual Model and Some Preliminary Evidence.” Research Discussion Paper No. 35, Trade Research Center, Montana State University, Bozeman, August. Young, L.M. 1999. “Prevalence and Reform of State Trading Importers in World Grain Markets.” Research Discussion Paper No. 32, Trade Research Center, Montana State University, Bozeman, July. 7 Linda M. Young Young, L.M. 1999. “The Sanitary and Phytosanitary Agreement of NAFTA and the GATT.” Briefing No. 8, Trade Research Center, Montana State University, Bozeman, April 20. Young, L.M. 1999. “Moving Towards a Single Market Is Hard: Trade Tensions in the Canadian-­‐U.S. Cattle and Beef Markets.” Research Discussion Paper No. 27, Trade Research Center, Montana State University, Bozeman, March. Young, L.M. 1999. “Free Trade Area of the Americas.” Briefing No. 6, Trade Research Center, Montana State University, Bozeman, March 8. Young, L.M. 1999. “Bilateral and Regional Trade Agreements.” Briefing No. 5, Trade Research Center, Montana State University, Bozeman, March 8. Young, L.M. 1999. “Discussant Comments on Papers by Perdikis and Kerr and Marks, Freeze and Kalaitzandonakes.” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 47(4):433–435. Young, L.M. 1999. “Upcoming Agricultural Trade Negotiations through the World Trade Organization.” Briefing No. 2, Trade Research Center, Montana State University, Bozeman, January. Young, L.M. 1999. “Fast Track Authority.” Briefing No. 1, Trade Research Center, Montana State University, Bozeman, January. Young, L.M. and J.M. Marsh. 1998. “Integration and Interdependence in the U.S. and Canadian Live Cattle and Beef Sectors.” Policy Issues Paper No. 5, Trade Research Center, Montana State University, Bozeman, July. Young, L.M. 1998. “Wheat Quality: Trends and Issues.” Conference proceedings, Markets, Prices, Polices and Risks: The Economic Future of Agriculture in the Northern Plains, Trade Research Center, Montana State University, Bozeman, May. Abbott, P.C. and L.M. Young. 1998. “Wheat Importing State Trading Enterprises: Impacts on World Wheat Markets.” Research Discussion Paper No. 8, Trade Research Center, Montana State University, Bozeman, March. Young, L.M. and J.M. Marsh. 1997. “Live Cattle Trade Between the United States and Canada: Effects of Canadian Slaughter Capacity and Health Regulations.” Research Discussion Paper No. 7, Trade Research Center, Montana State University, Bozeman, December. Marsh, J.M. and L.M. Young. 1997. “The Growing Canadian Feeding and Packing Segments – How Will Montana Feeder Cattle Prices Be Affected?” Montana Stockgrower, Fall, p. 56. Young, L.M. 1996. “Changing Canadian Grains Policies: Implications for Montana’s Grain Industry.” Policy Issues Paper No. 1, Trade Research Center, Montana State University, Bozeman, September. Young, L.M. and V.H. Smith. 1995. “GATT Constraints on the 1995 Farm Bill.” Special Report No. 10, Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics, Montana State University, Bozeman, October. Young, L.M. 1995. “The Uruguay Round Agreement: Consequences for Montana Sugar Beet Producers.” Special Report No. 6, Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics, Montana State University, Bozeman, August. 8 Linda M. Young Young, L.M. 1995. “Free Trade in Sugar with Mexico: Implications for Montana Sugar Beet Producers.” Special Report No. 5, Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics, Montana State University, Bozeman, August. Abbott, P.C. and L.M. Young. 1994. “Modeling International Grain Trade with Real World Institutions.” Department of Agricultural Economics, Staff Paper 94– 15, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, August. MONOGRAPHS Sturgiss, R., H. Field, and L.M. Young. 1990. 1990 and US Sugar Policy Reform, Discussion Paper 90.4, Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ABARE), Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, Australia. Young, L.M., M. Marchant, and A. McCalla. 1990. The Political Economy of Agricultural Trade: A Review of the Literature on Domestic Policy Behavior and International Price Formation, AGES 9103, Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC, January. Bartley, S., L.M. Young, and L. Crackel. 1989. Price Formation for Australian Field Peas: The Impact of EC Policies, Discussion Paper 89.5, Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ABARE), Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, Australia, August. CONFERENCES ORGANIZED Labor Markets in a Global Economy. 2008. Conference Theme Day Co-­‐organizer, International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium, Winter Meeting, Washington, DC, January 7–9. ( Pressures for Agricultural Policy Reform: WTO Panels and the Doha Round Negotiations. 2005. International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium, Summer Symposium, European Commission Joint Research Center, Seville, Spain, June 19–21. CONFERENCE SESSIONS ORGANIZED Young, L.M. 2014. “Addressing the Local Impacts of Oil and Gas Development: Is State Fiscal Policy Up to the Task?” Meeting of the Agriculture and Applied Economics Association, Minneapolis, July 27-­‐29. Young, L.M. 2009. “Agricultural Trade and Developing Countries: Research from the Hewlett/IATRC Capacity Building Program.” Meetings of the International Association of Agricultural Economics, Beijing, August. Young, L.M. 2004. “Antidumping.” Plenary Session of the International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium, St. Petersburg, FL, December 5–7. Young, L.M. 2004. “Food Security and Trade.” Selected paper session for the annual meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Denver, CO, August 1–4. 9 Linda M. Young Young, L.M. 2003. “Issues and Options for Carbon Sequestration in Agriculture.” Principal paper session for the annual meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Montreal, Quebec, July 27–30. Young, L.M., S. Shapori, and W. Kiene. 2003. “Reappraising the Role of Food Aid.” Invited paper session for the 25th International Conference of Agricultural Economists, Durban, South Africa, August 16–22. Young, L.M. and S. Shapouri. 2001. “U.S. Food Aid: Current Issues and Future Directions.” Joint Meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Association and the Canadian Agricultural Economics Association, Chicago, IL, August 5–8. Young, L.M. 1999. “State Trading Enterprises.” Joint Annual Meetings of the Western Agricultural Economics Association and the Canadian Agricultural Economics Society, Fargo, ND, July. Young, L.M. and H. Furtan. 1997. “Charter Challenge.” Joint Meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Society and the Canadian Agricultural Economics Society, Toronto, Ontario, July. Young, L.M. and R.M.A. Loyns. 1996. “Changes in Canadian Grains Polices: Perspectives from Both Sides of the Border.” Annual meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Society, San Antonio, TX, July. PRESENTATIONS Young, Linda. 2014. “Home From Holiday: Lessons on Taxation on Unconventional Drilling in Montana.” Presentation at the meetings of the Agriculture and Applied Economics Association, Minneapolis, July 29th. Young, Linda. 2014. “Montana’s Fiscal Policy for Oil and Gas: How Do They Make the Sausage?” Meetings of the Energy Policy Institute, San Francisco, September 5th. Young, Linda. 2013. "Have Local Impacts Influenced Legislative Debate Regarding Taxation on Unconventional Drilling in Montana?" Presentation at the Western Energy Policy Research Conference, Center for Advanced Energy Studies, Portland. Young, L.M. 2010. “Disconnections in US and EU Agricultural Trade Policy: A Transactions Cost Politics Approach.” Poster presentation given at the meetings of the Agriculture and Applied Economics Association, Denver, Colorado, July 25-­‐27. Young, L. M. 2009. “Capacity Building for Agricultural Trade Policy: Past Issues and Future Directions.” Presentation for the meetings of the International Association of Agricultural Economics, Beijing, August. Young, L. M. 2009. “What Marks Research Relevant for Policy.” Presentation for the meetings of the International Association of Agricultural Economics, Beijing, August. Young, L.M and K.C. Hansen. 2008 “The WTO and Liberalization of Services: Implications for Developing Country Agriculture.” Presentation for the meetings of the International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium, Globalization and the Rural-­‐Urban Divide, Seoul, Korea, June 30-­‐July 1. 10 Linda M. Young Young, L.M. 2008 “Doha Round Outcomes: Export Competition Pillar” Presentation for the meeting of the Hewlett IATRC Capacity Building Program, Seoul, Korea, June 29. Young, L.M. 2007. “Global Food Security: Status and the Way Forward.” Rotary Club and League of Women Voters, Ventura, CA, April 25–26. Young, L.M. and P.C. Abbott. 2006. “Disciplining Domestic and Trade Agricultural Policy: Where Does Food Aid Fit?” Presented at the meetings of the American Agricultural Economists Association, Long Beach, CA, July 24–26. Young, L.M. 2006. “Globalization: Economic Integration and Its Issues.” Presentation to the Middle Eastern Partnership, Montana State University, Bozeman, July 17. Young, L.M. and F. Wilmer. 2006. “World Systems Analysis and Challenges to the Core: Brazil, West African, the Cotton Case and the WTO.” Poster presented at the North South Divide meetings of the International Studies Association, San Diego, CA, March 22–25. Young, L.M. 2006. “Pakistan: Agricultural Trade and Development Challenges.” Presentation to the International Speakers Series, Montana Center for International Visitors, Bozeman, MT, January 19. Young, L.M. 2005. Discussion of “The Extent and Impact of Food Non-­‐Tariff Barriers in Rich Countries.” Presented at the meetings of the International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium, San Diego, CA, December 4–6. Young, L.M., A. Weersink, M. Fulton, and B.J. Deaton. 2005. “Carbon Sequestration in Agriculture: Institutional Responses to the Kyoto Protocol in Australia, Canada, the European Union and the United States.” Paper presented at the Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Management and the Biosphere, Victoria, British Columbia, April 28–29. Young, L.M. and J. Wainio. 2004. “The Anti-­‐dumping Negotiations: Proposals, Positions and Anti-­‐dumping Profiles.” Selected paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Denver, CO, August 1–4. Young, L.M. 2003. “How Well Food Aid Has Addressed Need: An Evaluation of the Past Decade.” Paper presented to the 25th International Conference of Agricultural Economists, Durban, South Africa, August 16–22. Young, L.M. 2003. “The United States: Policies Affecting Carbon Sequestration in Agriculture.” Presented in a principal paper session of the meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Montreal, Quebec, July 27–30. Abbott, P.C. and L.M. Young. 2003. “Export Competition Issues in the Doha Round.” Presented at the conference on Agricultural Policy Reform and the WTO: Where Are We Heading? Capri, Italy, June 23–26. Antle, J.M. and L.M. Young. 2003. “Policies and Incentive Mechanisms for the Permanent Adoption of Agricultural Carbon Sequestration Practices in Industrialized and Developing Countries.” Paper presented at the conference on Climate Change, Carbon Dynamics and World Food Security, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, June 10–11. Young, L.M. 2003. “Agricultural Export State Trading Organizations and the WTO Negotiations on Agriculture,” Presented to the conference on Agricultural 11 Linda M. Young Competitiveness and World Trade Liberalization: Implications of the WTO and FTAA. Fargo, ND, May 29–30. Young, L.M. 2002. “Alternatives to Current Trade Remedy Law within NAFTA.” Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Long Beach, CA, July 28–31. Young, L.M., J. Waino, and K. Meilke. 2002. “Trade Remedy Actions in NAFTA: Agriculture and Agri-­‐Food Industries.” Presentation to the Policy Disputes Information Consortium Annual Workshop, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, March 6–9. Young, L.M. 2001. “Options for World Trade Organization Involvement in Food Aid.” Paper presented at the Joint Meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Association and the Canadian Agricultural Economics Association, Chicago, IL, August 5–8. Young, L.M., 2001. “Alternative Paradigms for Resolving International Trade Disputes.” Presented at the Great Lakes Regional Forum on Agri-­‐Food, Guelph, Ontario, June 7–8. Young, L.M. 2001. “Export Competition: Issues and Options in the Agricultural Negotiations.” Paper presented to the meetings of the International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium, Washington DC, May 2001, and to the Department of Agricultural and Business Economics, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, June. Young, L.M. 2000. “Looking to the Future: Conflict Avoidance and Resolution in NAFTA’s Agricultural Trade.” Paper presented at the Sixth Agricultural and Food Policy Information Workshop Trade Liberalization Under NAFTA: Report Card on Agriculture, San Diego, CA, February 16–19. Young, L.M. 2000. “Looking to the Future: Conflict Avoidance and Resolution in NAFTA’s Agricultural Trade.” Paper presented at the meetings of the Canadian Agricultural Society, Vancouver, British Columbia, June. Abbott, P.C. and L.M. Young. 2000. “State Trading Enterprises and the WTO: Importing versus Exporting State Trading Enterprises.” Paper presented by Philip Abbott at the Globalization and New Agricultural Trade Rules for the 21st Century conference, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, February 12–14. Young, L.M. 1999. “State Trading in World Grain Markets.” Comments given at the Workshop on the Role of the State in Agricultural Trade, Stanford, CA, November. Young, L.M. 1999. “Sanitary and Phytosanitary Issues.” Presentation given at the 2000 WTO Negotiations: Issues for Agriculture in the Northern Plains and Rockies conference, Trade Research Center, Great Falls, MT, November. Young, L.M. 1999. “Prevalence and Reform of State Trading Importers in World Grain Markets.” Invited paper presented at the Joint Meetings of the Western Agricultural Economics Society and the Canadian Agricultural Economics Society, Fargo, ND, July. Hobbs, J.E. and L.M. Young. 1999. “Increasing Vertical Linkages in Agrifood Supply Chains: A Conceptual Model and Some Preliminary Evidence.” Paper 12 Linda M. Young presented at the Joint Meetings of the Western Agricultural Economics Society and the Canadian Agricultural Economics Society, Fargo, ND, July. Young, L.M. 1999. “Costs and Benefits for Canada and the United States of Further Policy Harmonization: The Case of Beef and Grains.” Paper presented at the Joint Meetings of the Western Agricultural Economics Society and the Canadian Agricultural Economics Society, Fargo, ND, July. Young, L.M. 1999. “Identifying Critical U.S./Canadian Trade Issues.” Presentation to the Farm Foundation’s Bennett Agricultural Round Table, Banff, Alberta, June 11–12. Young, L.M. 1999. “When Free Trade Is Not Fair Trade.” Invited presentation to the Western Canadian Wheat Growers annual convention, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, January 8. Young, L.M. 1998. “Moving Toward a Single Market is Hard: Trade Tensions in the Canadian-­‐U.S. Cattle and Beef Markets.” Paper presented at Agriculture, Law and the Environment: A Conference Examining the Legal Effects of Internationalization, University of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, November. Young, L.M. and P.C. Abbott. 1998. “Wheat-­‐Importing State Trading Enterprises: Impacts on the World Wheat Market.” Paper presented at the meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Salt Lake City, UT, August. Young, L.M. 1998. “How Have Quality Attributes of U.S. Wheat Exports Changed?” Presentation given at the Markets, Prices Policies and Risk: The Economic Future of Agriculture in the Northern Plains and Rockies conference, Trade Research Center, Montana State University, Bozeman, May. Adams, G. and L.M. Young. 1998. “Structural Developments in the U.S. Grains Subsector.” Paper presented at the Fourth Agriculture and Food Policy Systems Information Workshop, April 22–25, Lake Louise, Alberta, April. Abbott, P.C. and L.M. Young. 1998. “Implications of State Trading by Importers for International Wheat Trade.” Paper presented by Philip Abbott at the meeting of the Moroccan Agricultural Economics Association, Rabat, Morocco, February. Abbott, P.C. and L.M. Young. 1997. “Wheat-­‐Importing State Trading Enterprises: Impacts on the World Wheat Market.” Paper presented at the meetings of the International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium, San Diego, CA, December. Young, L.M. and J.M. Marsh. 1997. “Integration and Interdependence in the U.S. and Canadian Live Cattle and Beef Markets.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Canadian Studies in the United States, Minneapolis, MN, November. Young, L.M. 1997. “Russian and Chinese Wheat Import Demand: Comments.” Comments given at the Economics of World Wheat Markets: Implications for North America conference, Trade Research Center, Montana State University, Bozeman, October. Young, L.M. 1997. “Emerging (and Diminishing) Markets.” Presentation given at the Crop Pest Management School, Montana State University, Bozeman, January. 13 Linda M. Young Young, L.M. and J.M. Marsh. 1996. “Sanitary Regulations and Canadian-­‐U.S. Trade in Cattle: An Evaluation of the Northwest Pilot Project.” Paper presented at the Trade, Policy and Competition: Forces Shaping American Agriculture conference, Washington, DC, November. Young, L.M. 1996. “U.S. Reactions to Changing Canadian Grains Policies.” Talk given at the annual meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Association, San Antonio, TX, July. Young, L.M. 1996. “Implications of the U.S. ’96 FAIR Act for Saskatchewan and the Prairies.” Presentation given at the Farming in 2000? Ante Up! Conference, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada, June 20–21. Young, L.M. and P.C. Abbott. 1995. “Structural Change in Grain Import Demand Behavior.” Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Association of Agricultural Economics, Indianapolis, IN, August. Abbott, P.C. and L.M. Young. 1994. “Modeling International Grain Trade with Real World Institutions.” Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Association of Agricultural Economics, San Diego, CA, August. Young, L.M. 1993. “Trade Liberalization in the Pacific Rim: On What Basis?” Talk given at the annual meeting of the International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium, San Diego, CA. Young, L.M. 1990. “Outlook for the Australian Sugar Industry.” Paper presented at the National Agricultural Outlook Conference, Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Canberra, Australia, February. Young, L.M. 1989. “Australian Grain Legumes and Oilseeds in the International Vegetable Protein Market.” Paper presented at the National Agricultural Outlook Conference, Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Canberra, Australia, February. Young, L.M. 1989. “Outlook for the Australian Oilmeal Industry.” Paper presented at the Australian Oilseeds Federation Oilseeds Forum, Sydney, Australia, February. Young, L.M. 1987. “Endogenizing Government Policy Behavior.” Talk given at the annual meeting of the International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium, Washington, DC, December. MEDIATION AND FACILITATION Mediator with Project Settle, Gallatin County, Bozeman, Montana, 1999–2003 Board of Directors, Community Mediation Center, Bozeman, Montana, 1999–2003 Facilitator, Montana-­‐Alberta Opportunities Conference, Great Falls, Montana, 1999 Trained as a mediator, Collaborative Decision Resources, Boulder, Colorado, 1999 Facilitator, Canada-­‐U.S. Grain Summit, Banff, Alberta, September 1998 REVIEWER National Science Foundation, Sociology Division, 2007 National Research Initiative, 1999, 2002 Economic Research Service, USDA Agriculture and Resource Economics Review 14 Linda M. Young Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Development Journal of World Development Review of Agricultural Economics American Journal of Agricultural Economics Australian Journal of Agricultural Economics Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics European Review of Agricultural Economics Food Policy CABI Publishers University of Calgary Press CURRENT COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Board Member, Human Development Resources Council, Bozeman, MT, Fall 2013-­‐ present 15