UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO - BICOCCA Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali corso di Laurea Magistrale in Fisica Study of the Bc → J/ψ π and Bc → J/ψ 3π decay channels in the CMS experiment at LHC Relatore: Prof. L. Moroni Correlatore: Dott.ssa S. Malvezzi Simone COLOMBO Matr. 704371 Anno Accademico 2010/2011 Contents 1 CMS at LHC 1.1 The accellerator . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 The detector . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.1 Tracker . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.2 Electromagnetic Calorimeter 1.2.3 Magnet . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.4 Hadronic Calorimeter . . . . 1.2.5 Muon System . . . . . . . . 1.3 The trigger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 2 5 9 10 10 12 14 2 Physics at CMS 2.1 B physics at CMS . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 The Bc meson . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.1 Bc production . . . . . . . . 2.2.2 Bc decay . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.3 Experimental measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 20 21 22 24 25 3 Event Selection 3.1 Datasets and JSON Files 3.2 Triggers . . . . . . . . . 3.2.1 Analysis Triggers 3.2.2 Trigger Match . . 3.3 Track Combination . . . 3.4 Signal optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 30 33 33 36 37 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Monte Carlo studies 41 4.1 Testing the generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 4.1.1 MC signal - Data signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 iii CONTENTS iv 4.1.2 4.1.3 MC signal - Data background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Additional MC studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 52 5 Bc± → J/ψπ ± and Bc± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ analysis 5.1 Bc± → J/ψπ ± signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 5.2 Bc± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 6 Branching Ratio evaluations 68 σ(Bc± )×Br(Bc± →J/ψπ ± ) 6.1 σ(B ± )×Br(B ± →J/ψK ± ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 6.2 Br(Bc →J/ψ3π) Br(Bc →J/ψπ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 7 Bc lifetime 73 Conclusions 77 Bibliography 78 Introduction The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) is a high luminosity experiment located at Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. LHC aims √ at accelerating and colliding protons at a centre of mass energy up to s = 14 T eV and istantaneous luminosities up to 1034 cm−2 s−1 , opening new frontiers for highenergy physics. However, during the first years of operations, the machine √ has worked at a reduced centre of mass energy of s = 7 T eV and at a luminosity that reached the value of 5 × 1033 cm−2 s−1 in the last 2011 run. The physics program of CMS extends from the discovery of the Higgs Boson, the particle responsible for the mass generation in the Standard Model (SM), to the search for evidences of physics beyond the SM. In this context, the B physics sector represents an interesting field of observation: rare decays could indicate signatures of New Physics while the properties of a wide number of B-hadrons can be precisely tested thanks to the great production rate expected. The operational conditions reached by the LHC and the detector performances enable CMS to be an ideal laboratory for the study of the high mass B hadrons (Bc , Λb , Ωb , Ξb and Σb ). Among these, the Bc meson is a unique candidate for the study of the heavy flavor dynamics since it is formed by two different heavy quarks. In spite of the rich theoretical literature, only few decay modes have been experimentally observed and many properties have still to be investigated. Indeed, its production cross section at the LHC energy and decay branching fractions are under study and the only lifetime measurement comes from the semileptonic channel Bc± → J/ψl± ν, for which heavy Monte Carlo corrections, taking into account the neutrino missing energy, are required. The studies of the Bc meson presented in this thesis are based instead on the reconstruction of kinematically closed decay modes for the 2011 data samples, respectively Bc± → J/ψπ ± and Bc± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ . The Bc± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ is the third and most recent experimentally observed mode and the signal presented in this thesis represents the first evidence for the channel in CMS. The B ± → J/ψK ± process is topologically equivalent to the Bc± → J/ψπ ± decay mode and is thus studied to perform consistency checks for the Bc signals and as normalization mode. σ(Bc )×Br(Bc →J/ψπ) The ratio σ(B + )×Br(B + →J/ψK) is calculated for a 7 T eV production and its preliminary estimate, the first in CMS, is (0.982 ± 0.214)%. This result is in agreement with a preliminary value from LHCb and the CDF measurement. c →J/ψ3π) at 7 T eV is presented, leading A measurement of the ratio Br(B Br(Bc →J/ψπ) to a preliminary result of 3.55 ± 1.79. The big statistical error comes from the still limited Monte Carlo (MC) samples and will be reduced as soon as the next MC production will be avalaible. Nevertheless, the branching ratio measurement is compatible with recent theoretical predictions and with the only other experimental measurement, performed by LHCb. The first lifetime measurement on a full reconstructed decay channel is also performed, with a preliminary result of 0.453+0.042 −0.038 ps that should be compared with the PDG average τP DG = 0.45 ± 0.04 ps. Chapter 1 CMS at LHC 1.1 The accellerator The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the two-ring particle accelerator and collider installed in the 27 km LEP tunnel at CERN. It is designed to provide √ proton-proton (pp) collisions having a center of mass energy up to s = 14 T ev, a nominal luminosity of L = 1034 cm−2 s−1 and a bunch crossing of 25 ns. In the 2010 and 2011 data taking, the machine has been operated at √ s = 7 T ev and an istantaneous luminosity of L = 5 × 1033 cm−2 s−1 has been delivered in the last runs. This unique features allow it to reach the TeV energy scale, opening a new domain for physics studies. The aims of LHC are various and complementary: they range from the discovery of new physics phenomena (e.g. the search for the Higgs Boson and for supersimmetric particles) to new and more precise measurements for the properties of the known particles of the Standard Model (SM). The high beam intensities needed for a luminosity of 1033 cm−2 s−1 exclude the use of antiprotons and a single vacuum pipe: two different pipes are therefore needed, each one provived with a set of bending dipole magnets. The solution is a pp collider with separate magnet fields and vacuum chambers in the main arc and common straight sections in the interaction regions. Some machine parameters relevant for detectors operations are listed in Table 1.1. The bunches are formed in the Proton Sincrotron (PS) with the nominal spacing and an energy of 26 GeV ; the beam is then accelerated in the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) to 450 GeV and inserted in one of the LHC rings. 1 CHAPTER 1. CMS AT LHC 2 Once both the rings are filled, the beams are accelerated to the nominal collision energy. Various bunch gaps are used for the purposes of synchronization, acquiring calibration data and providing resets to front-end electronics. In order to constrain the beam inside the LHC tunnel, a bending magnetic field of 8.33 T is provided by 1232 cryodipoles, superconducting magnets working at 1.9 K. Energy per nucleon Design Luminosity Dipole field at 7 TeV Bunch separation No. of bunches No. of particles per bunch E L kB Np pp 7 1034 8.33 25 2808 1.15 × 1011 HI 2.76 1027 8.33 100 592 7.0 × 107 T eV cm−2 s−1 T ns Table 1.1: Parameters relevant for LHC detectors. The LHC has two high luminosity experiments, ATLAS and CMS, aiming at a peak luminosity of L = 1034 cm−2 s−1 and two low luminosity experiments, LHCb for B physics and TOTEM for the detection of protons from elastic scattering at small angles. A dedicated ion experiment, ALICE, is built for Pb-Pb ion operation. The LHC structure, shown in Fig.1.1, consists of eight arcs and straights sections, with four points of bunch crossing. ATLAS and CMS are located at diametrical opposite sections, at point 1 and 5 respectively, whereas ALICE and LHCb are located at point 2 and 8, in the two other interaction regions. The bending magnets are installed in the eight curved sections. 1.2 The detector With the energy and the designed luminosity given by LHC, a wide range of physics is possible; however many experimetal challenges have to be overcome. The design of the detector plays a crucial role in this scenario. The two main aspects of the collisions that must be taken into account are the rate at which they occur and the huge number of particles interested. About 1000 charged particles are expected to emerge from the interction point every 25 ns, leading to an event rate of approximately 109 inelatic CHAPTER 1. CMS AT LHC 3 Figure 1.1: Schematic layout of the LHC. events per second. The online event selection progress (”trigger”) must reduce such a huge rate to about 100 events/s for storage in a relative short time, taking into account the time of the next bunch crossing. In addition, at the nominal machine parameters, a mean of 20 inelastic collisions will be superimposed on the event of interest and the reconstruction of the event under study is made more difficult by pile-up effects (in the 2011 a mean of about 6 primary vertices of interaction is reached). These effects are reduced by using high granularity detector with good time resolution, resulting in low occupancy, and a fast electronic readout chain for online selection. The result is a large number of detector channels that require very good syncronization. The high radiation levels the detectors have to sustain must be also considered in their choice and realization. The detector requirements for CMS, to meet the goals of the LHC physics program, can be summarized as follows: • Good muon identification and momentum resolution over a wide range of momenta in the region |η| < 2.5, good dimuon mass resolution, and the ability to determine unambiguously the charge of muons with p < 1 T eV /c. CHAPTER 1. CMS AT LHC 4 • Good charged particle momentum resolution and reconstruction efficiency in the inner tracker. Efficient triggering and offline tagging of τ and b jets, requiring pixel detectors close to the interaction region. • Good electromagnetic energy resolution, good diphoton and dielectron mass resolution (≈ 1% at 100GeV), wide geometric coverage (|η| < 2.5), measurement of the direction of photons and correct localization of the primary interaction vertex, π 0 rejection and efficient photon and lepton isolation at high luminositiy. • Good ETmiss and dijet mass resolution, requiring hadron calorimeters with a large hermetic geometric coverage (|η| < 5) and with fine lateral segmentation. The design of CMS, depicted in Fig.1.2, meets these requirements with a high field solenoid, a full silicon inner tracking system and a homogeneous crystal-based electromagnetic calorimeter. Figure 1.2: View of the CMS detector. Different colors correspond to the various detectors. From innermost to outermost: the Tracker (pink), the Electromagnetic Calorimeter (green), the Hadronic Calorimeter (blue) and the Muon Chambers (yelow). CHAPTER 1. CMS AT LHC 5 The overall dimensions of the CMS detector are 21.6 m (length) × 14.6 m (diameter) for a total weight of 12500 tons. A superconducting solenoid 13 m long, with a 6 m inner diameter, provide a magnetic field of 3.8 T . The return field saturates 1.5 m of iron, in which 4 muon stations are placed. These features ensure robustness and full geometric coverage and a good momentum resolution within a compact structure. 1.2.1 Tracker Robust tracking and detailed vertex reconstruction are expected to play an essential role for an experiment designed to address the full range of physics that can be accessed at the LHC. Tracker measurements, combined with track segments in the muon chambers, provide a good reconstruction of the topology of the collision products emerging from the point of interaction. Aiming at high luminosity, CMS needs a detector technology featuring high granularity and fast response, so that the trajectories can be identified and assigned to the correct bunch crossing. Resistance to high level of radiations must be taken into account too. To satisfy the performance requirements and constrains it is chosen the strategy of providing a set of coordinate measurements of sufficient precision so that the track reconstruction is made using a small number of measurements. Fine detector granularity is therefore required, so that single channel occupancy at high luminosity for detectors with at least one hit in them is kept at ≈ 1-3% everywhere. The active region surrounds the interaction point and has a lenght of 5.8 m and a diameter of 2.5 m and is divided into a central barrel and two endcaps, consisting in several layers of detector (see Fig 1.3). The high hit resolution and granularity requests (from 15 µm to 40 µm in the trasverse plane) are fulfilled with Pixels and Silicon Strips technologies. They are fast on the scale of 25 ns and are arranged in three regions respect to the beam pipe, according to different particle flux areas: • the region below 20 cm, where the particle flux is the highest, with pixel detectors with a cell size of 150 µm × 150 µm; • the intermediate region between 20 cm and 55 cm, equipped with silicon microstrips with minimum cell size of 10 cm × 80 µm; CHAPTER 1. CMS AT LHC 6 • the outermost region, from 55 cm to 125 cm, where the flux i low enough to allow the use of larger-pitch silicon microstrips (25 cm × 180 µm). Figure 1.3: The CMS tracker section: each line represents a detector module, double lines are back to back modules. Pixel Tracker The CMS pixel detector is the part of the tracker closest to interaction point. It is made of three barrel layers and two end layers (end disks) on each side of the barrel. The barrel layers are located at mean radii of 4.4 cm, 7.3 cm and 10.2 cm and the endcaps cover radii from 6 cm to 15 cm; both are composed of modular detector units. The system provides efficient three-hit coverage in the region of pseudorapidity |η| < 2.2 and efficient two-hit coverage in the region |η| < 2.5. The active element consists of a thin, segmented sensor plate with integrated readout chips wire-bonded to the active surface. The chips are connected through bond wires to hybrid circuits, kept at a low temperature by cooling frames integrated in the structure. The pixel dimensions are dictated by the high resolution performance needed and the readout circuit area associated to each pixel. Squared pixel of 100 µm × 150 µm with n-on-n doping are chosen as the most appropriate. The geometry of the detector is arranged so that large charge sharing across neighbouring cells occurs and the resolutions can reach values between 10 µm CHAPTER 1. CMS AT LHC 7 and 15 µm in the barrel and between 15 µm and 20 µm in the endcaps, both in rφ ad z directions, improving spatial reconstrution. The total active surface of close to one square metre provides three 3D position measurements over almost the full η range. The performance of the tracker is illustrated in Figure 1.4. Figure 1.4: Resolution of transverse momentum, transverse and longitudinal impact parameter in the Pixel Tracker for single muons with transverse momenta of 1, 10 and 100 GeV /c. Strip Tracker The strip tracker mirrors the structure of the Pixel Detector and is divided in barrel and endcaps too. It uses silicon sensors with variable thickness and pitch depending the region (see Table 1.2). The barrel tracker region is divided into 2 parts: a TIB (Tracker Inner Barrel) and a TOB (Tracker Outer Barrel). The TIB consist in 4 layers and covers up to |z| < 65 cm. The first two provide measurement in both rψ r − z coordinates with stereo CHAPTER 1. CMS AT LHC 8 modules (100mrad of stereo angle), resulting in a single-point resolution of between 2334 µm in the rψ direction and 230 µm in z. The lower radiation levels in the TOB allow its 6 layers, with half-leght |z| < 110 cm, to mount thicker sensors. Stereo modules with the same stereo angle are equipped in the first 2 layers and the single-point resolution varies from 3552 µm in the rφ direction and 530 µ in z. (a) Pixel sensors and readout electronic (b) Silicon strip sensor Figure 1.5: CMS tracker detectors. The endcaps are divided into the TEC (Tracker End Cap) and the TID (Tracker Inner Disks). Each TEC comprises 9 disks that extend into the region 120 cm < |z| < 280 cm, and each TID comprises 3 small disks that fill the gap between the TIB and the TEC. Each module is arranged in rings and have strips of variable pitch pointing towards the beam line. Stereo modules are mounted on the first 2 rings of the TID and the innermost 2 rings and the fifth ring of the TEC. The operating temperature of the total 15400 modules is around −20o C. Part No detectors TIB 2724 TIB 2724 TOB 5208 TID 816 TEC 2512 TEC(2) 3888 thickness (µm) mean pitch (µm) 320 81/118 320 81/118 500 81/183 320 97/128/143 320 96/126/128/143 500 143/158/183 Table 1.2: Different strip parameters in the silicon tracker. CHAPTER 1. CMS AT LHC 1.2.2 9 Electromagnetic Calorimeter The Electromagnetic Calorimeter (ECAL) is a hermetic, homogeneous calorimeter comprising 61 200 lead tungstate (PbWO4 ) scintillating crystals mounted in the central barrel part, closed by 7324 crystals in each of the two endcaps. Lead tungstate scintillating crystals have short radiation (X0 = 0.89 cm) and Moliere (2.2 cm) lengths, are fast (80% of the light is emitted within 25 ns) and radiation hard (up to 10 Mrad). The choice of PbWO4 crystals is driven by the requirements of a compact calorimeter inside the solenoid that is fast, has fine granularity, and is radiation resistant. Figure 1.6: The CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter layout. The relatively low light yield (30 γ/M eV ) implies the use of photodetectors with intrinsic gain that can operate in a magnetic field. Silicon avalanche photodiodes (APDs) are used as photodetectors in the barrel and vacuum phototriodes (VPTs) in the endcaps. In addition, the sensitivity of both the crystals and the APD response to temperature changes requires a temperature stability. The barrel section (EB) has an inner radius of 129 cm. It is structured as 36 identical ”supermodules”, each covering half the barrel length and corresponding to a pseudorapidity interval of 0 < |η| < 1.479 . A ”supermodule” is composed of four modules, each formed by submodules with five pairs of crystals. The crystals are in quasi projective geometry, pointing to the interaction vertex, and ensure a coverage of 24.7 X0 . CHAPTER 1. CMS AT LHC 10 The endcaps (EE) are located at a distance of 314 cm from the vertex and cover a pseudorapidity range of 1.479 < |η| < 3.0; they are structured as “Dees” consisting of semi-circular aluminium plates from which are cantilevered structural units of 5 × 5 crystals, known as “supercrystals”. The endcap crystals, like the barrel crystals, off-point from the nominal vertex position, but are arranged in an xy grid (Fig. 1.6). A preshower device is placed in front of the crystal calorimeter over much of the endcap pseudorapidity range. The active elements of this device are two planes of silicon strip detectors, with a pitch of 1.9 mm, which lie behind disks of lead absorber at depths of 2 X0 and 3 X0 . The energy resolution of the ECAL can be parametrized as a function of energy: !2 2 2 S N σ = √ + C2 + E E E where S is the stochastic term, N the noise and C the constant term, due to intercalibration. 1.2.3 Magnet One of the requirement for the CMS detector is the capability to perform good momentum resolution measurements, and hence a good bending power is a key point. It is provided by a 3.8 T magnetic field created by a 13 m long, 5.9 m inner diameter superconducting solenoid. This choice affects largely the detector design and the technologies for the readout electronics: each device in the tracker and in the calorimeters must work reliably under this magnetic field. 1.2.4 Hadronic Calorimeter The design of the hadron calorimeter (HCAL) is strongly influenced by the choice of magnet parameters since, as mentioned before, most of the CMS calorimetry is located inside the magnet coil and surrounds the ECAL system. An important requirement of HCAL is to minimize the non-Gaussian tails in the energy resolution and to provide good containment and hermeticity for the ET measurement. Hence, the HCAL design maximizes material inside the magnet coil in terms of interaction lengths. This is complemented by an additional layer of scintillators lining the outside of the coil. Brass has been CHAPTER 1. CMS AT LHC 11 Figure 1.7: The CMS Hadronic Calorimeter layout. chosen as absorber material as it has a reasonable short interaction length, is easy to machine and is non-magnetic. In order to maximize the amount of absorber before the magnet, the tile-fibre technology is adopted. It consists of plastic scintillator tiles read out with embedded wavelength-shifting fibres. The fibres are spliced to high attenuation length clear fibres outside the scintillator that carry the light to the readout system. The photodetection readout is based on multi-channel hybrid photodiodes. The absorber structure is assembled by bolting together precisely machined and overlapping brass plates so as to leave space to insert the scintillator plates, which have a thickness of 3.7 mm. A crucial test to gauge the HCAL performance is the measurement of jet energy resolution and missing transverse energy resolution. Studies have been made on 3 parts of the calorimeter, chosen such that the jet energy resolution, as a function of ET , is similar in all 3 parts.√ The missing transverse energy ETmiss resolution is given by σ (ETmiss ) ≈ 1.0 ΣET CHAPTER 1. CMS AT LHC 1.2.5 12 Muon System Muon identification becomes more crucial for physics analysis as the centerof-mass energy and the luminosity increase and much of the new physics is expected to be gleaned within the muon channels. Dealing with a great bunch crossing rate (40 MHz) means that the CMS trigger must achieve an enormous reduction and scant but efficient selection of events, togheter with a good momentum measurement. To achieve this challenging goal the CMS experiment is provided with a robust muon system with three muon detectors [9]: Drift Tubes (DTs), Cathode Strip Chambers (CSCs), and Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs), arranged in a barrel section and two planar endcaps. The choice of the detector technologies has been driven by the very large surface to be covered and by the different radiation environments (Fig.1.8). The trigger and momentum measurement of the muons are performed by the DTs in the barrel region and by the CSCs in the endcap region. The RPCs operate in avalanche mode as dedicated fast muon trigger and are installed both in the barrel region and in the endcap region, coupled with DTs and CSCs. Figure 1.8: Side view of the Muon Chambers. Various eta regions are separated with dashed lines. CHAPTER 1. CMS AT LHC 13 The barrel muon system of the CMS detector consists of four stations integrated in the return yoke of the magnet that cover a seudorapidity of |η| < 1.2. Two stations are mounted on the inner and outer face of the yoke; the remaining two are located in slots inside the iron. The segmentation of each station is dictated by the longitudinal segmentation of the iron in five rings, each 2.5 m long. In total, 60 chambers compose each one of the inner three stations, while 70 chambers are used in the outer station. The basic chambers detector is a drift cell of approximately 400 ns maximum drift time. The twelve planes of drift tubes present in every chamber are organized in three independent subunits called Super Layers (SL) made up of four planes with parallel wires. Two SLs measure the coordinate in the transverse plane,while the third measures the z coordinate. Thick honeycomb place acts as a spacer between them. The four layers of each SL are staggered by half a cell, making it possible to use the correlation of the drift times in the different planes to compute the coordinate and the angle of the crossing tracks without any external time tag. In each endcap region, four muon stations of CSC (ME1 to ME4) are demanded to detect the muons. These chambers have trapezoidal shape and are arranged in a series of concentric rings centered on the beam line. The stations are separated by the iron disks of the flux return yoke, with different thickness, that isolate the electrons in showers and shield the detector from backsplash backgrounds. The first station has three rings of chambers, at increasing radius, and is placed inside the solenoidal magnet, while the other three stations are composed of two rings of chambers working in a lower magnetic field. Therefore, the sagitta measurement at the first station is crucial and leads to more stringent requirements on the resolution and alignment in this station than in the other ones. The chambers overlap, so no dead area in azimuthal range is left. Muons with typical pseudorapidity of 1.2 < |η| < 2.4 crosses 3 or 4 CSCs. Planes of resistive plate chambers (RPCs) are mounted in both the barrel and endcaps to provide an additional, complementary trigger. RPCs are gaseous parallel-plate chambers with a reasonable level of spatial resolution and excellent time resolution, comparable to that of scintillators. In the muon system, these chambers will cover roughly the same area as the DTs and CSCs but will provide a faster timing signal and have a different sensitivity to background. The use of RPCs in the trigger selection is discusser later, in a more dedicated section. Details on the three detectors are listed in Table 1.3. CHAPTER 1. CMS AT LHC Detector η region Stations Layers Chambers Channels DTs 0.0 - 1.3 4 Rφ8, Z4 250 195000 CSCs 0.9 - 2.4 4 6 540 Strips 273024 Wire groups 210816 Spatial per wire 250µm Rφ(6pts) 75µm resolution Rφ(6/8pts) 100µm (outer CSCs) 150µm √ (σ) Z (3/4 pts) 150µm R(6pts) (15-50)/ 72µm Time resolution 5 ns 6ns Within 20ns > 98% > 92% window 14 RPCs 0.0 - 2.1 Bar 4 - End 6 2 360 - 252 80640 - 80642 Cell Size 3ns 98% Table 1.3: Drift Tubes (DTs), Cathode Strip Chambers (CSCs) and Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs) properties and statistics. 1.3 The trigger Given the nominal luminosity of 1034 cm−2 s−1 , an event rate of 109 Hz is expected. Therefore it is crucial to have an efficient and robust event selection. The main physics requirements on the L1 trigger and the HLT are: • the selection must fulfill the needs of the CMS physics program; the efficiency for the physics objects must be as high as possible; • the selection must be as inclusive as possible, in order to keep every possible hint of new physics; • the rate of events accepted by the HLT should be within limits allowed by the data storaging, taking down the the rate of event to 100 Hz; • the final selection of events should include data samples for the calculation of all trigger and reconstruction efficiencies offine; • the events selected should be tagged to indicate the reasons for their selection. CHAPTER 1. CMS AT LHC 15 The tighter constrain on the event selection is the bunch crossing time of 25 ns. In such a short time interval the trigger cannot access all the raw data from the detector. CMS thus adopts a multi-level structure in which each step accesses only a part of the whole data, with the main goal of minimizing the overall CPU usage. The trigger is divided in two steps called Level-1 Trigger (L1) and High-Level Trigger (HLT) [10]. The L1 is based on custom hardware and uses only coarsely segmented data from calorimeters and muon detectors. Fig.1.9 shows the structure of the L1 trigger; the first action is the analysis, made by Local Triggers, of the energy deposits in calorimeter trigger towers and track segments or hit patterns in muon chambers. Regional Triggers combine informations of Local Triggers to determine and rank trigger objects, physics candidates like particles, jets and global physical quantities. The rank is determined as a function of energy or momentum and quality, reflecting the level of confidence attributed to the L1 parameter measurements. The highest-rank trigger objects are selected by the Global Calorimetes and Global Muon Triggers and sent to Global Trigger, that takes the decision to accept or reject the event. During the Level-1 decision-making period, all the high-resolution data is held in pipelined memories. Figure 1.9: Structure of the Level-1 Trigger system. After a fixed time interval of about 3.2 µs, the data from the pipelines are transferred to front-end readout buffers and, through the event building, CHAPTER 1. CMS AT LHC 16 data from a given event are transferred to a processor. Each processor runs the HLT software code to reduce the output rate to the final 100 Hz. The HLT code performs the reconstruction and selection of physics objects using the full event data in less than 1 s; this results in a significant constraint on the resources that the algorithms can use [24]. It is also necessary for the algorithms to be solid and reliable. Rather than reconstruct all possible objects in an event, the HLT implements the idea of partial reconstruction, arranging a chain of virtual trigger levels that access the data from the different detectors. The Level 2 uses calorimeter and muon detector information, the Level 2.5 additionally uses the tracker pixel information, and the Level 3 accesses the full event information. The Muon Trigger, interesting for this thesis since the analysis will be based on muon identification and reconstruction. Muon trigger and reconstruction The muon trigger system consists of the following items: • Drift Tube (DT) Trigger • Cathode Strip Chamber (CSC) Trigger • Pattern Comparator Trigger (PACT) based on Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) • Global Muon Trigger The DT an CSC ensure, thanks to their excellent spatial precision, sharp momentum threshold and background rejection. The RPCs act as bunch crossing identificators because of their faster time resolution. Time information and both spatial coordinates of a detected particle are carried by the same signal, as a result ambiguities typical for wire detectors are eliminated. The different and complementary features of DT/CSC and RPC build two trigger subsystems which deliver independent information about detected particles to the Global Muon Trigger (Fig.1.10). DT and CSC electronics first process the information from each chamber locally and for that are named local triggers. They produce a vector of position and angle for each muon crossing each station. The vectors are collected by the Track Finder, which combines them to form muon candidates and determinates their transverse momenta. The track finding principle relies on CHAPTER 1. CMS AT LHC 17 extrapolation from a source track segment in one muon station to a possible target segment in another station according to a pre-calculated trajectory originating at the vertex. If a target segment of compatible location and bending angle is found, it is linked to the source segment, for a maximum combination of four segments to form a complete track. The Muon Sorter select the four highest pt muons from each subsystem and sends them to the Global Muon Trigger, that combines the information from the various detectors. The merging takes into account trasverse momentum as well as information about the tracks quality and presence in both systems; the data leads to improved momentum resolution and efficiency compared to the standalone systems performances. The four muons that result as the best after the Global Muon Trigger evaluation are sent to the Global Trigger and take the name of Global Muons. Figure 1.10: The Level-1 Muon Trigger. The muon HLT is structured in two main levels. The Level-2 uses muon chambers information to perform a stand-alone reconstruction, with the full detector resolution. An iterative method reconstructs track segments and builds the trajectory from inside out, then the track fitting is performed from the outermost muon station inwards. A separate module computes the isolation of each muon candidate using calorimeters information. The Level-3 extends the muon trajectories to include the full tracker system starting from CHAPTER 1. CMS AT LHC 18 the Level-2 track and adding the pixel information. After each reconstruction level, a selection is applied on the muon candidates with various variable. The software module corresponding to this selection process is called filter, and a sequence of filter steps is a trigger path. By changing the filter cuts different trigger paths are created: in this way the muon trigger can be specialized to match the needings of different physiscs analysis. The main algorithm anternative to the muon reconstruction, explained so far, is the so called muon identification. It considers all the inner tracker tracks and then look for matching segments in the muon chambers. The candidates produced via this strategy are called Tracker Muons (Fig.1.11). In the creation of Tracker Muon candidates it is possible that a given segment is associated to more than one silicon track; an Arbitration process assigns each segment uniquely to a single candidate. The arbitration algorithm calculates the quantity ∆R2 = ∆X 2 + ∆Y 2 for each possible candidate, with ∆X and ∆Y being the distances between the extrapolated silicon track and the segment in local X and Y coordinates. The one with minimum ∆R is chosen. Figure 1.11: Different muon types reconstruction. Chapter 2 Physics at CMS The main goals for the CMS physics program can be framed in three main areas of work: Standard Model processes, Higgs searches and measurements and searches beyond the Standard Model. The Standard Model sector contains studies of the strong interactions, top quark physics and electroweak physics. B-hadrons will be copiously produced at the LHC and B, Bs and the elusive Bc can be produced. At the LHC, about one top quark pair is produced per second. Such a huge sample of top quarks allows to perform detailed measurements of the top quark properties, such as cross sections, spin properties, single top production, and searches for new physics in top decays. A detailed study on the mass measurement precision, limited till LHC by the systematics errors, is then expected. The LHC will also allow studies of QCD, electroweak, and flavour physics. Measuring properties of the known particles with the highest precision as possible is a complementary approach to direct searches for something new: any deviation from the SM expectation is a signal of new physics. One of the main missions of the LHC is to discover the origin of the electroweak symmetry breaking mechanism. Therefore, the search for the Higgs particle is a major task for the experiments. The Higgs particle search is studied for the SM and MSSM Higgs(es) in the full mass range starting from the LEP exclusion limits. Detailed systematic studies are included in the estimates for the integrated luminosity needed for a 5σ discovery. MSSM Higgs discoveries are studied both for neutral and charged Higgs. The LHC is expected to break new ground at the TeV energy scale. Search for new physics is therefore an extremely challenging field. If low mass supersymmetry exists, it will be within the reach of the LHC. The multi19 CHAPTER 2. PHYSICS AT CMS 20 purpose nature of CMS detector allows it to test the discovery potential in many different channels, with a wide choice of benchmark points that cover large part of different signatures. The discovery reach for scenarios with extra dimensions, and new vector bosons high mass states are analyzed, using several different experimental signals. Finally, alternative signatures for new physics such as contact interactions, heavy Majorana neutrinos, heavy top in Little Higgs models, and same sign top quarks have been taken into account and are object of study. 2.1 B physics at CMS The Heavy Flavor sector has been deeply investigated in the last decades. The B-physics is a wide field of observation, both for precise electroweak testing and physics beyond the SM probing. The b quark belongs to the third generation of quarks as the weak doublet partner of t quark and, being the lightest of the two, can only decay through flavor-changing processes. In this perspective, the study of B systems at high statistics can improve the constrains and test the SM for various decay channels. While B + and B 0 mesons properties have been well studied in the Beauty Factory, proving excellent agreement with the SM expectations, the higher energy available at colliders opens a new frontier of study on heavier particles, such as Bs , b-baryons and the Bc meson. The LHC ensures a new era for this physics: the center of mass energy avalaible is so high that the bb cross section will be up to ∼ 5 time larger than the Tevatron. Both CMS and LHCb have defined a rich program of measurements, focusing on their different strong points. LHCb is optimized for the measurements of the B meson properties at 2 < |η| < 4.5, while CMS is designed to give the best performances in the complementary pseudorapidity region. The more relevant detector components for B physics are the tracking system and the muon chambers: the fine granularity of Pixels and Silicon Strips allows to obtain a good track resolution even with few hits. This means that low luminosities facilitate B physics studies, as the pile up effects on track reconstruction are under control. An increased luminosity provides on one hand an increment in statistics, but on the other also an increase in the number of interactions per crossing so that the event reconstruction becomes more challenging. A particle that deserves careful study is the Bc meson. Its small cross- CHAPTER 2. PHYSICS AT CMS 21 section has limited, so far, its experimental investigation. The CMS experiment, due to the excellent muon identification systen and tracker detectors, allows the Bc± → J/ψπ ± and Bc± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ final state studies in the |η| < 2.4 region. These measurements, driven by the J/ψ benchmark in the final state, will provide basic information about the Bc production at 7 TeV, which are propedeutic for any more refined experimental investigation such as the Bc → Bs X. Some of the most interesting exclusive decay studies are: • Bs → µ+ µ− , as in the SM flavor-changing neutral current decays are forbidden at tree level and can only proceed through higher-order loop diagrams. By having a small error on the theoretical expectations, this mode is very attractive as a SM test bench and is potentially sensitive to physics beyond the SM. In the minimal supersymmetric extension of the SM (MSSM) the branching fraction for this decay can be increased by up to four orders of magnitude at large tanβ. Lower bounds on tanβ can be obtained from branching ratio measurements relative to this channel. CMS published upper limit is B(Bs → µ+ µ− ) < 1.9×10−8 [12], with improvements made in the recent period [18]; • Bs → J/ψ φ ,where the interference between Bs decays to J/ψ φ with or without mixing gives rise to a CP violating phase φs [16]. 2.2 The Bc meson The Bc meson is the ground state of b̄c system. It is the only quark-antiquark bound system composed of heavy quarks with different flavors, and thus flavor asymmetric with open charm and beauty. This peculiarity makes it an extremely interesting candidate for the study of the heavy-quark dynamics compared to symmetric heavy quarkonium (bb, cc) states. The production mechanism for this state is essentially different respect to the quarkonia; while the bb pair can be created in the parton processes qq (gg → bb), to produce bc two heavy q q̄ pairs have to be created in a single collision. Hadron colliders are thus the ideal place for the study of Bc meson, due to the fact that gluon fusion processes are predominant at the energy of LHC. Indeed, the first observation of approximately 20 Bc events in the semileptonic channel Bc± → J/ψl± ν came from the CDF Collaboration. The variation of bound state conditions for the heavy quarks in various systems makes possible to study processes where both the strong interactions CHAPTER 2. PHYSICS AT CMS 22 and the electroweak decays take place. With the study of such processes, it is possible to shed some light on the CP-violating parameters in the heavy quark sector and to enlarge the quantitative understanding of QCD dynamics, as well as to progress in the study of the most important parameters of the electroweak theory. The theoretical framework for the long-lived doubly heavy-quark hadrons is provided by the understanding of QCD dynamics, based on the Operator Product Expansion (OPE), QCD sum rules (SR), non-relativistic QCD (NRQCD) [19] and potential models (PMs) built on single heavy quark physics [21]. The small ratio of confinement scale to the heavy quark mass ΛQCD /mQ allows to describe strong interactions with heavy quarks with two main tools: the OPE, related to the small virtuality of heavy quark in the bound state, and the perturbative calculation of Wilson coefficients. Applying OPE on the heavy quark Lagrangian, effective theories are constructed (HQET). A further simplification is provided by a nonrelativistic description of the process, suggested by the large mass of the heavy quarks. The low velocity of motion compared with the mass makes non relativistic QCD (NRQCD) a reliable tool for the study of doubly heavy meson such as the Bc . This leads to analogies in respect to some heavy quarkonia systems, like the suppression of light quark-antiquark and quark-gluon sea and the non relativistic motion of b and c quarks. Under these conditions, the expansion parameters for the Lagrangian are the relative velocity v of quarks and the ratio ΛQCD /mQ . This double expansion generalizes the HQET approach to the NRQCD. In addition, for the direct production of the Bc and other bc mesons, the 1/mQ parameter is the appropriate quantity for the operator. The most accurate predictions of the masses of Bc (including excited states) are obtained in the framework of nonrelativistic potential models in [15], where the mass of the 1S-level in the bc system is predicted to be mBc = 6.25 ± 0.03 GeV /c2 with rather high accuracy. At the moment there are only three modes experimentally seen: Bc± → J/ψl± ν, Bc± → J/ψπ ± and Bc± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ . 2.2.1 Bc production The Bc production can be summarized as a three-stepped process: CHAPTER 2. PHYSICS AT CMS 23 • the concurrent production of the b and c quarks, according to perturbative QCD calculations • the binding of the quarks, in the framework on potential models • the decay of excited state to the ground state, via hadronic or electromagnetic transition The inclusive differential cross section represents the sum of the direct production cross section for the Bc and its excited states and can be written as [15]: dσ[p1 + p2 → Bc + X] = XZ dx1 dx2 fip1 (x1 , µ)fjp2 (x2 , µ)[dσ(ij → Bc + X)] ij (2.1) where fi are the parton distribution functions and the sum is performed over the partons i and j in the initial state hadrons. The NRQCD parametrization of the parton-parton cross section is: dσ[ij → Bc + X] = X dσ[ij → bc(n) + X]hOH (n)i (2.2) n It contains the short-distance cross section term dσ(ij → bc(n) + X) to create the bc in the color and angular-momentum state n, calculated as a pertubative expansion in αs for gluon fusion and annihilation processes, and the non perturbative matrix element hOH (n)i, which encodes the probability for a bc in the state n to bind to form the Bc meson. Such term scales by the relative velocity v of the charm quark. As pointed out before, two pairs of heavy quark must be produced in a single collision: the lowest order process is therefore proportional to α4 instead of α2 (the case of qq). This explains the smaller Bc production cross section with respect to particles from the Υ and Ψ families: for each Bc event, one thousand events of other B mesons are expected. As αs depends on the energy scale of the process, the α4 factor is responsible for large uncertainties in the theoretical predictions: there is a large ambiguity in the choice of the scale, since the short distance process involves several scales; experimental measures will shed light on this. The hadronic hard scattering processes of the LHC are the best environment possible nowadays for the Bc production, because gluon fusion process is predominant and the high luminosity will boost statistics. CHAPTER 2. PHYSICS AT CMS 2.2.2 24 Bc decay The first study of the Bc meson decay is dated 1986, with the work of Bjorken [17] on the the decays of hadrons with heavy quarks. His calculations of branching fractions and total widths are surprisingly similar to the modern predictions. An accurate lifetime measurement is important to test the Bc decay model while experimental studies of Branching Ratios (BR) and form factors will give a better understanding of the hadronic matrix elements implicated in the process, determined by non-perturbative QCD effects. These improvements will affect the determination of electroweak parameters, such as the quark masses and the mixing angles in the CKM matrix, that represent constraints on the physics beyond the Standard Model in the quark sector. The processes responsible for the Bc meson decay can be split into three types: • the c quark decay with the spectator b quark • the b quark decay with the spectator c quark • the annihilation channel Bc± → l± νl (cs, us), l = e, µ, τ . The Pauli Interference (PI) with the charm quark from the initial state is separated in the process b → ccs, where cs comes from the W + decay. The total width is the sum over the partial widths Γ(Bc → X) = Γ(b → X) + Γ(c → X) + Γ(ann) (2.3) Due to the three different possible decay channels, the Bc meson has an expected lifetime that is roughly one third shorter than other B mesons. Depending on the theoretical framework chosen, the various branching ratios are calculated and listed in Table 2.1. In contrast to what occur in OPE, where the basic uncertainty is given by the variation of heavy quark masses, in SR calculation these parameters are fixed by the two-point sum rules for bottomonia and charmonia. The accurancy for the total width of Bc is determined by the choice of scale for the hadronic weak lagrangian in decays of charmed quark. Another framework, used in calculations on non-annihilation channels, is the exclusive approach (see Table 2.1). Here, to obtain the total width, it is necessary to sum up widths of different decay modes calculated in the potential models (PM). The CHAPTER 2. PHYSICS AT CMS Bc decay mode b → bl+ ν b → cud Σb → c c → sl+ ν c → sud Σc → s Bc+ → τ + ντ Bc+ → cs OPE % PM % 3.9 ± 1.0 3.7 ± 0.9 16.2 ± 4.1 16.7 ± 4.7 25.0 ± 6.2 25.0 ± 6.2 8.5 ± 2.1 10.1 ± 2.5 47.3 ± 11.8 45.4 ± 11.1 64.3 ± 16.1 65.6 ± 16.4 2.9 ± 0.7 2.0 ± 0.5 7.2 ± 1.8 7.2 ± 1.8 25 SR % 2.9 ± 0.3 13.1 ± 1.3 19.6 ± 1.9 9.0 ± 0.9 54.0 ± 5.4 72.0 ± 7.2 1.8 ± 0.2 6.6 ± 0.7 Table 2.1: Amplitudes of the Bc decay modes calculated in the three frameworks differences between the results are very thin: the main contibution to the Bc lifetime is represented by c quark decays (∼ 70%) whereas the b decays and annihilation contibute with about 20% and 10% respectively. The calculations of the total Bc width in the inclusive OPE approach and the exclusive PM approach give consistent values, taking into account the largest uncertainty represented by the quark masses (especially the c quark). The final result is [25] τ (Bc )OP E = 0.55 ± 0.15 ps Sum rules calculations lead instead to a theoric lifetime value of: τ (Bc )SR = 0.48 ± 0.05 ps which is consistent with the value of the Bc lifetime measured by the CDF Collaboration in the semileptonic channel Bc± → J/ψl± X [6] τ (Bc ) = 0.46+0.18 −0.16 ± 0.03 ps 2.2.3 Experimental measurements Due to its small cross section and higher mass, compared to other B mesons, the Bc meson is a rather elusive particle and its experimental detection is quite recent respect to its first theorical assumption. The current measurements are limited to few decay modes involving the J/ψ meson, since this charmonium is clearly detected in experiments due to 5 TABLE II: Branching ratios of exclusive Bc+ decays at the fixed choice of factors: ac1 = 1.20 and ac2 = −0.317 in the non-leptonic decays of c quark, and ab1 = 1.14 and ab2 = −0.20 in the non-leptonic decays of b̄ quark. The lifetime of Bc is appropriately normalized by τ [Bc ] ≈ 0.45 ps. numbers in AT square brackets present the marginal values obtained in some potential models CHAPTER 2. The PHYSICS CMS 26 in order to show possible range of variation. Bc+ Bc+ Bc+ Bc+ Bc+ Bc+ Bc+ Bc+ Bc+ Bc+ Bc+ Bc+ Bc+ Bc+ Bc+ Bc+ Bc+ Bc+ Bc+ Bc+ Bc+ Bc+ Mode BR, % Mode BR, % Mode → ηc e+ ν 0.75 [0.5] Bc+ → J/ψK + 0.011 [0.007] Bc+ → Bs0 K + → ηc τ + ν 0.23 [0.2] Bc → J/ψK ∗+ 0.022 [0.016] Bc+ → Bs∗0 K + 0 → ηc! e+ ν 0.020 [0.05] Bc+ → D+ D 0.0053 [0.0018] Bc+ → Bs0 K ∗+ ∗0 → ηc! τ + ν 0.0016 [-] Bc+ → D+ D 0.0075 [0.002] Bc+ → Bs∗0 K ∗+ 0 + + ∗+ → J/ψe ν 1.9 [1] Bc → D D 0.0049 [0.0009] Bc+ → B 0 π + ∗0 + + ∗+ → J/ψτ ν 0.48 [0.35] Bc → D D 0.033 [0.003] Bc+ → B 0 ρ+ 0 ! + + + →ψe ν 0.094 [0.2] Bc → Ds D 0.00048 [0.0001] Bc+ → B ∗0 π + ∗0 ! + + + →ψτ ν 0.008 [-] Bc → Ds D 0.00071 [0.00012] Bc+ → B ∗0 ρ+ 0 0 + + ∗+ →D e ν 0.004 [0.02] Bc → Ds D 0.00045 [0.00005] Bc+ → B 0 K + ∗0 0 + →D τ ν 0.002 [0.08] Bc+ → Ds∗+ D 0.0026 [0.0002] Bc+ → B 0 K ∗+ ∗0 + + + → D e ν 0.018 [0.004] Bc → ηc Ds 0.28 [0.07] Bc+ → B ∗0 K + ∗0 + + ∗+ → D τ ν 0.008 [0.016] Bc → ηc Ds 0.27 [0.07] Bc+ → B ∗0 K ∗+ 0 + + + → Bs e ν 4.03 [1] Bc → J/ψDs 0.17 [0.05] Bc+ → B + K 0 ∗0 + + ∗+ → Bs e ν 5.06 [1.2] Bc → J/ψDs 0.67 [0.5] Bc+ → B + K ∗0 0 + + + →B e ν 0.34 [0.08] Bc → ηc D 0.015 [0.04] Bc+ → B ∗+ K 0 ∗0 + + ∗+ →B e ν 0.58 [0.15] Bc → ηc D 0.010 [0.002] Bc+ → B ∗+ K ∗0 + + + → ηc π 0.20 [0.12] Bc → J/ψD 0.009 [0.002] Bc+ → B + π 0 + + ∗+ → ηc ρ 0.42 [0.3] Bc → J/ψD 0.028 [0.014] Bc+ → B + ρ0 + + 0 + → J/ψπ 0.13 [0.08] Bc → Bs π 16.4 [1.6] Bc+ → B ∗+ π 0 + + 0 + → J/ψρ 0.40 [0.2] Bc → Bs ρ 7.2 [2.4] Bc+ → B ∗+ ρ0 + + ∗0 + → ηc K 0.013 [0.008] Bc → Bs π 6.5 [1.3] Bc+ → τ + ντ ∗+ + ∗0 + → ηc K 0.020 [0.018] Bc → Bs ρ 20.2 [11] Bc+ → cs̄ BR, % 1.06 [0.2] 0.37 [0.13] – – 1.06 [0.1] 0.96 [0.2] 0.95 [0.08] 2.57 [0.6] 0.07 [0.01] 0.015 [0.012]] 0.055 [0.006] 0.058 [0.04] 1.98 [0.18] 0.43 [0.09] 1.60 [0.06] 1.67 [0.6] 0.037 [0.004] 0.034 [0.01] 0.033 [0.003] 0.09 [0.03] 1.6 4.9 Figure 2.1: Prediction for exclusive decays of the Bc meson. so that in the absolute value of width it can be compared with the estimate of spectator decay [7], ! + −15 ! − Γ[Bespecially ≈ 20 c → c̄c cs̄] sr the pure leptonic decays, J/ψ →· 10µ+ µGeV, and J/ψ → e+ e− . ! three channels that have provided a direct are: Γ[Bc+ → c̄c cs̄]!spect. ≈ 90mass · 10−15measurements GeV, The Bc → J/ψ(→ µ )l1/4.5. ν This result is in agreement with the estimate in OPE [7], where a and we find the•suppression factor ofµabout strong dependence of negative term caused by the Pauli interference on the normalization scale of non-leptonic weak lagrangian was • emphasized, so that at Bc± → J/ψ(→ µ+moderate µ− )π ± scales one gets approximately the same suppression factor, too. To the moment we certainly state that the accurate direct measurement of Bc lifetime can provide us with the information on both±the masses of charmed ± ±beauty • B → J/ψ(→ µ+ µ− )πand π π ∓ quarks and the normalization point of non-leptonic weak lagrangian in the Bc cdecays (the a1 and a2 factors). The experimental study of semileptonic decays and the extraction of ratios for the form factors can test the spin symmetry derived in the NRQCD and HQET approaches and decrease The first observation was reported the CDF collaboration 1998, the theoretical uncertainties in the corresponding theoretical by evaluation of quark parameters asin well as the hadronic matrix elements, determined by the nonperturbative the reconstruction quark confinement.channel The measurement via the semileptonic channel [7]. effects Beingcaused not abyfull of branching fractions of forneutrino the semileptonic non-leptonic modesCarlo and their ratios can on inform on the values of (because missingandenergy), a Monte corrections a visible factorization parameters, which depend again on the normalization of non-leptonic weak lagrangian. The charmed spectrum M (Jψl) between 3.35 and 11 GeV/c2 has to be accounted for quark counting in the Bwith c decays is related to the overall contribution of b quark decays as well as with the suppression of b̄ → cc̄s̄ transition because the destructive The interference, which value for depends on reconstructed the nonperturbative the choice of Bof mass measured these Bcparameters c candidates. (roughly estimated, the leptonic constant) and non-leptonic weak lagrangian. 2 events is M(Bc )=6.40±0.39(stat)±0.13(syst) GeV/c . CDF also measured Thus, the progress in measuring the Bc lifetime and decays could enforce the theoretical understanding of what the inmean proper decay lenght really happens the heavy quark decays at all. cτ , Monte Carlo corrected, obtaining a lifetime ± + − ± CHAPTER 2. PHYSICS AT CMS 27 Figure 2.2: First evidence of the Bc meson in the decay channel Bc± → J/ψπ ± by the CDF Collaboration. of τ = 0.46+0.18 −0.16 (stat)±0.03(syst) ps [6]. The D0 collaboration measured the Bc lifetime in the same channel, using about 1.3 f b−1 harvested between 2002 and 2006 [13],obtaining the value τ = 0.448+0.038 −0.036 (stat)±0.032(syst) ps. ± The fully reconstructed decay Bc → J/ψπ ± has been investigated later, due to its lower rate, by CDF [8] and D0. The CDF fit of the invariant mass distributions (Fig 2.2) results in the Bc mass values of M (Bc ) = 6285.7 ± 5.3(stat) ± 1.2(syst) M eV /c2 [1]. The first observation of the Bc meson decaying into J/ψπ + π − π + was reported by LHCb at EPS Conference in July 2011 [5] and is shown in Figure 2.3. LHCb also observed the Bc → J/ψπ decay and measured 163.1±15.7 events in a data sample of 0.3 fb−1 . CHAPTER 2. PHYSICS AT CMS 28 (a) Bc± → J/ψπ ± signal (b) Bc± → J/ψπ + π − π + signal Figure 2.3: Observation of the Bc meson in the decay channels Bc± → J/ψπ ± and Bc± → J/ψπ + π − π + by the LHCb Collaboration. Chapter 3 Event Selection In this work, the analysis of the Bc± → J/ψπ ± and Bc± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ channels performed on the 2011 data of CMS is reported. The Bc± → J/ψµ± ν channel has been studied most in the past because of its higher Branching Ratio (BR). The only available Bc lifetime measurement has been performed at the Tevatron on this semileptonic mode; however, because of the undetected neutrino, some MC corrections are required. In contrast, the Bc± → J/ψπ ± and Bc± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ channels are kinematically closed and less affected by the MC corrections and the related systematics. The topology of the decay channel Bc± → J/ψπ ± is sketched in Figure 3.1. The decay channel B ± → J/ψK ± , topologically equivalent to Bc± → J/ψπ ± , is studied as it serves as normalization channel for BR measurements and, being statistically richer, allows various consistency checks. The analysis strategy adopted for the reconstruction of the decay is carried out in different steps: • the reconstruction is driven by the triggered candidate J/ψ; • the J/ψ meson is then combined with one or three tracks in order to form a valid vertex; • several additional cuts are applied to isolate the Bc signal with respect to the large background. For each event there will be the possibilty that multiple candidates fulfill the basics requests on the quality of the track and on vertex reconstruction. The one with the highest pT is retained and subjected to additinal topological selection criteria in the analysis. 29 CHAPTER 3. EVENT SELECTION 30 ~B reco P c ✓ P~⇡ P~µ SV P~µ+ P~Bc L PV PV Figure 3.1: Bc± → J/ψπ ± decay scheme. The Bc± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ is similar, except for the number of π. The same strategy is adopted for both the channels, although each one is tuned with different cut values in order to maximize the signal yield and its isolation from the background. 3.1 Datasets and JSON Files The study reported in this thesis in based on a sub-sample of the data recorded by the CMS detector in 2011, with a centre of mass energy of 7 T eV . The LHC delivered about 5.73 f b−1 of data to CMS, of which CMS recorded about 5.22 f b−1 (Fig.3.2). It must be pointed out that not all the collisions of the LHC lead to good events: a JSON file (Java Script Object Notation) certificates which luminosity sections in which runs are considered good and should be processed. Information on the machine conditions and tunings, detector calibration, geometry and alignements is contained in the Global Tag. The dataset used for the analysis are: • /MuOnia/Run2011A-PromptReco-v4/AOD • /MuOnia/Run2011A-PromptReco-v5/AOD CHAPTER 3. EVENT SELECTION 31 • /MuOnia/Run2011A-PromptReco-v6/AOD • /MuOnia/Run2011B-PromptReco-v1/AOD The associated Global Tag are: GR P V 22 and the JSON file is: Cert 160404−180252 7T eV P romptReco Collisions11 JSON M uonP hys.txt The various datasets correspond to different luminosity periods and different machine conditions, which affect the data taking. The trigger and reconstruction efficiency of the experiments is also affected, as pointed out in Figure 3.3 and Table 3.1. Figure 3.2: Integrated luminosity vs time delivered to (red), and recorded by CMS (blue) during stable beams at 7 T eV centre of mass energy. CHAPTER 3. EVENT SELECTION 32 Ntrk 0.0045 1e33 0.004 2e33 3e33 0.0035 5e33 0.003 0.0025 0.002 0.0015 0.001 0.0005 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Event Track Size (a) Track size Nprim 0.18 1e33 0.16 2e33 3e33 0.14 5e33 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Primary Vertex Size (b) Primary Vertex Collection size Figure 3.3: Event track size (3.3a) and Primary Vertex Collection size (3.3b) for different luminosity periods. CHAPTER 3. EVENT SELECTION Dataset PromptReco PromptReco PromptReco PromptReco 2011A v4 2011A v5 2011A v6 2011B PV (mean) 5.4 6.4 10.1 11.1 33 Track Size (mean) 216 248 372 399 Table 3.1: Mean number of primary vertex and track size per event for the 2011 data, divided per dataset. 3.2 Triggers The Trigger system has been described in the section 1.3. As pointed out, in CMS the trigger plays a fundamental role: the physics analyses are strictly related to which events the various triggers accept. It is anyway useful to recall that the HLT contains various trigger paths, each corresponding to a dedicated selection. A path consists of several steps (software modules), if an intermediate filter decision on a trigger path is negative, the rest of the path is not executed (skipped) and the specific trigger rejects the event. A trigger table contains the names of the paths avalaible for the reconstruction of events. It changes because of technical reasons and variations in the luminosity delivered by the LHC. Dealing with various versions of HLT trigger table complicates the study, since the triggered object is selected with different criteria, affecting from the beginning the efficiency of the whole analyses. In the worst cases, the trigger becomes prescaled (a prescale factor is applied to its algorithm and its rate is lowered) or is discarded, in order to free band width in favor of the discovery potential at high pT , for triggers designed for the leading edge CMS analyses. For the Heavy Flavor analyses like this one, at relatively low pT , dedicated dimon triggers were introduced to identify the J/ψ meson from B-decays. The instantaneous luminosity varied during the year and so did the trigger tables. Table 3.2 summarizes the various trigger tables implemented in the periods of analysis. 3.2.1 Analysis Triggers The analysis is driven by the J/ψ meson decaying into two muons, with a branching ratio of (5.93 ± 0.06) × 10−2 . Triggers based on dimuon identification are therefore taken into account. CHAPTER 3. EVENT SELECTION Luminosity cm−2 s−1 1 − 1.44 × 1033 2 × 1033 3 × 1033 5 × 1033 34 Trigger tables Run2011/1.e33/v1.1/HLT/V1 to ../v1.2/HLT/V3 Run2011/2e33/v1.1/HLT/V1 to ../v1.2/HLT/V7 Run2011/3e33/v1.1/HLT/V1 to ../v5.0/HLT/V1 Run2011/5e33/v1.4/HLT/V3 to ../v2.2/HLT/V4 Table 3.2: Instantaneous luminosities and trigger menus used in this analysis. Events per 10 MeV Dedicated triggers for the detatched J/ψ → µ+ µ− are very useful for the aim of this work and are present with slight variations in the whole data under study (Tab 3.3). Figure 3.4 shows the mass spectrum for the dimuon vertices reconstructed by the various triggers, spanning a range from 1 to more than 100 GeV. All the main physical resonances are well identified, although some of them are prescaled (the ones not coloured in the plot). 106 2011 Run, L = 1.1 fb-1 J/ψ CMS s = 7 TeV 5 10 ψ' Bs Υ 4 10 ω φ trigger paths ψ' J/ψ Bs → µ+µΥ low p double muon T high p double muon T 3 10 Z 102 10 1 10-1 1 10 102 dimuon mass [GeV] Figure 3.4: Dimuon mass spectrum in 2011 data collected by early July, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.1 f b−1 . The superimposition of various dimuon trigger paths is performed, with different colors for the non prescaled triggers. CHAPTER 3. EVENT SELECTION Dataset PromptReco 2011A v4 PromptReco 2011A v5 PromptReco 2011A v6 PromptReco 2011B Trigger Path HLT DiMuon7 Jpsi Displaced v1 HLT DiMuon7 Jpsi Displaced v3 HLT DoubleMu3p5 Jpsi Displaced v2 HLT DoubleMu3p5 Jpsi Displaced v2 HLT DoubleMu4 Jpsi Displaced v1 HLT DoubleMu4 Jpsi Displaced v1 HLT DoubleMu4 Jpsi Displaced v4 HLT DoubleMu4 Jpsi Displaced v5 35 L cm−2 s−1 1 × 1033 1.44 × 1033 2 × 1033 2 × 1033 3 × 1033 3 × 1033 3 × 1033 5 × 1033 Lumi pb−1 954 411.875 673.143 2644 Table 3.3: Datasets and Triggers used in this analysis. For each period, the corresponding integrated luminosity is reported. These triggers select events where the two muons have: • a minimum traverse momentum (single or paired); • opposite charge; • a maximum Distance of Closest Approach (DCA), which calculate their minimum spatial distance; • a threshold in Confidence Level (CL) of the dimuon vertex, i.e. the J/ψ candidate. The following cuts are also applied to establish whether the J/ψ is coming from the interaction point (prompt J/ψ) or is a decay product of a resonance: • cosα > 0.9, where α is the angle, in the transverse plane, between the dimuon momentum and the separation between the dimuon vertex calculated and the beamspot. • Lxy /σ > 3 , where Lxy is the transverse detachment between the dimuon vertex and the beamspot and σ is the relative uncertainty. • pµµ T > 6.9 GeV. The detachment in Lxy /σ is crucial to discard the prompt J/ψ [11]. Numerical values of the requirements for HLT DiMuon7 Jpsi Displaced and HLT DoubleMu4 Jpsi Displaced are given in Table 3.4. The offline analysis aims at reconstructing locally the J/ψ which has fired the trigger. To do this, two opposite charged muons from the Muon CHAPTER 3. EVENT SELECTION 36 Cuts: DiMuon7 Jpsi Displaced DoubleMu4 Jpsi Displaced single PT µ min 0 4 pair PT µ min 6.9 6.9 J/ψ mass window 2.9 - 3.3 2.9 - 3.3 J/ψ vertex CL 0.005 0.15 J/ψ detachment 3 3 J/ψ coseno 0.9 0.9 DCA 0.05 0.05 ηµ max 2.4 2.2 L1 seed L1 DoubleMu0 L1 DoubleMu0 HighQ Table 3.4: List of the main thresholds required HLT DiMuon7 Jpsi Displaced and HLT DoubleMu4 Jpsi Displaced. by Collection are selected. Both global and tracker muons are considered, with arbitration (see section 1.3) perfomed to the latter. The same trigger cuts are then implemented, with further requirements on the muon track quality, listed in Table 3.5. Valid Hits nr Valid Pixel Hits nr Normalized χ2 >6 >2 < 10 Table 3.5: Supplementary requirements on muon track quality. 3.2.2 Trigger Match The Trigger Matching tool allows to check whether the offline J/ψ candidates correspond to those triggered, giving an important feedback on reliability of the offline reconstruction strategy and on the various trigger efficiencies. q 2 The matching algorithm defines the quantity ∆R = ∆η + ∆φ2 , where ∆η and ∆φ are the differences in η and φ coordinates between the offline muons and the ones that formed the J/ψ triggered. The Trigger Matching condition is satisfied if ∆R < 0.5, otherwise the event is rejected. A check has been carried out on the dataset 2011A PromptReco v4, showing that the cases where the reconstructed J/ψ is different from the triggered one are in the order of 10−4 . CHAPTER 3. EVENT SELECTION 37 Figure 3.5 shows the numbers of the J/ψ triggered in each event; in most of the cases only one J/ψ pass the trigger, and is correctly identified by the trigger match. jpsiCounter_coseno 1 Entries 2903880 Mean 1.5 RMS 0.0207 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 10-5 10-6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Number of J/ ψ candidates Figure 3.5: Number of Jpsi triggered per event in 2011A PromptReco v4 dataset, semilogarithmic view. 3.3 Track Combination Once the J/ψ meson is correctly reconstructed, a third track from the Track Collection is selected: it has not to be identified as a muon track and must satisfy quality cuts analogous to those applied to the muon pair (Tab 3.6). An additional cut imposes a minimum transerse momentum threshold for the accepted third track of 0.9 GeV /c, rejecting the very low pT tracks. The three tracks vertex is reconstructed using the Kalman Vertex Fitter and the vertex CL has to be greater than 0.001. CMS does not have a particle identification detector to distinguish a pion track from a kaon one. It is thus only possible to assign a priori the π mass to the selected track in the Bc analysis and the K mass for the B ± normalization channel. In the Bc± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ analysis, three tracks are selected instead CHAPTER 3. EVENT SELECTION 38 of one, each subjected to the same quality cuts mentioned before. In case of multiple candidates per event, the one with highest pT is chosen (Fig. 3.6). Valid Hits nr Valid Pixel Hits nr χ2 /ndof pT (GeV) |η| >6 >2 <3 > 0.9 < 2.4 Table 3.6: Third track quality requirements. Mean RMS ×10 3 2200 5.089 5.372 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 number of Bc candidates per event Figure 3.6: Distribution of Bc candidates for a Bc± → J/ψπ ± event. The invariant mass distributions of the highest pT candidate per event for B and Bc are presented in Fig.3.7. The B ± peak is clearly visible without any additional cut in the region between 5.1 and 5.4 GeV /c2 . On the other hand, the Bc invariant mass shows no evidence for the signal in the expected mass region (between 6 and 6.5 GeV /c2 ). The peak in the region between 5 and 5.5 GeV/c2 of the Bc± → J/ψπ ± channel is due to the Cabibbosuppressed decay B ± → J/ψπ ± , overwhelmed by the ”reflection” caused by the decay of a B ± whose K is misidentified as a π. In the Bc± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ plot (3.7c) a similar effect is visible; in this case the misidentified K could come from the decay B ± → J/ψπ ± π ± K ∓ . The reflected peak in this five bodies state is less sharp because of the higher combinatorial background produced in the analysis. ± CHAPTER 3. EVENT SELECTION 3.4 39 Signal optimization Further studies are performed on the selected Bc events, aiming at improving the yield and the Signal toNoise ratio of the selection [20]. The main cuts, analyzed in order to achieve this goal and obtain a stable and isolated signal, are: • Secondary vertex CL Although a minimum threshold of the secondary vertex is already required, a tighter cut can improve the selection as it increases the goodness of the fit. It is more likely for the background events to have a lower CL, since the vertex isn’t a real particle decay. • J/ψ and tracks η. A narrow |η| window allows to improve the track resolution, since more precise momentum measurements are performed by the detector. • Bc and track pT Applying a minimum threshold in transverse momentum helps in rejecting the softer particles, often responsible for background effects. • pointing back angle The pointing back angle θ is defined as the angle between the vector connecting the primary and the secondary vertex and the reconstructed l·Bc is defined, in ”analcandidate momentum. The quantity cosθ = |l|·|B c| ogy” with the J/ψ trigger request. • L/σL − L is the decay length, obtained as the projection of the vector → s, pointing from the primary to the secondary vertex, onto the momen→ − ·− p→ B tum (L = s− ). The primary vertex is chosen as the one with the → pB highest track pT from the Vertex Collection and is recalculated eventually excluding the tracks belonging to the secondary vertex. σL is the resolution on L, for discarding those candidates whose proper decay length is not well reconstructed. The combinations of these cuts for the extraction of good signals in Bc± → J/ψπ ± and Bc± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ channels are performed and disussed in later sections. CHAPTER 3. EVENT SELECTION 40 HBcK Entries 5971680 Mean 4.625 0.6002 RMS 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 2 GeV/c (a) Channel B ± → J/ψK ± BcPi 50000 HBcPi Entries 5971680 Mean 4.683 0.6325 RMS 40000 30000 20000 10000 04 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 GeV/c2 (b) Channel Bc± → J/ψπ ± 22000 20000 EachBcMass Entries 3413227 Mean 5.038 0.7668 RMS 18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 GeV/c2 (c) Channel Bc± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ Figure 3.7: Invariant mass distributions of B ± (3.7a) and Bc (3.7b and 3.7c) candidates, after candidate selection. Chapter 4 Monte Carlo studies The knowledge of the reconstruction efficiencies is a necessary condition for any branching ratio measurement, and only Monte Carlo studies are able to provide this information. The Bc production rate is ∼ 10−3 with respect to the bb production. Therefore, in PYTHIA, only one Bc is produced out of ∼ 106 p-p interactions. To enhance the event generation efficiency a dedicated generator is necessary: BCVEGPY is a hadronic production program for B c mesons, based on a complete calculation approach [22][23]. The Bc production is computed at the lowest order α4 in terms of the dominant subprocess of perturbative QCD (pQCD) gg → Bc (Bc∗ ) + c + b. The generation is interfaced with PYTHIA and the CMSSW analysis framework in two steps. BCVEGPY generates ”parton” configurations in Les Houches Accord format (file LHE), a standard file format proposed to store process and event information. The files are then input to PYTHIA6 for the hadronization. Since the general samples do not implement the Bc production, private samples have been produced locally. The production conditions are a collision energy of 7 TeV and a luminosity of L = 2×1033 , representing an intermediate point for the machine conditions in the whole 2011 data. The sample for the B ± → J/ψK ± channel is produced completely in PYTHIA6 (Tune Z2). A total of 385000 Bc± → J/ψπ ± , 180000 B ± → J/ψK ± and 385000 Bc± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ events are produced and tested. 41 CHAPTER 4. MONTE CARLO STUDIES 4.1 42 Testing the generator Some studies are carried out in order to test the reliability of the Bc production model at 7 TeV: • the comparison between the pure signal MC and sideband-subtracted data. Agreement in the distributions of the main kinematical and topological variables is a necessary condition to suggest that data are well reproduced by the local MC. • the comparison between the MC and data sidebands. The study of these distibutions is useful for refining cuts on variables that present different trends for the signal and the background, offering a more effective background selection preserving the signal. 4.1.1 MC signal - Data signal In this section is presented a series of studies on the distibution of the main variables of the event. The pure signal events coming from the Bc → J/ψπ ± Monte Carlo are compared with data after the subtraction of the background. The results are shown in Figures 4.2 and 4.3. A ±2σ region is taken within the Bc mass value and two sideband of 2σ each are chosen at the two sides as representatives of pure background regions (see Fig.4.1). The assumption is that the sideband regions represent the background under the signal and, consequently, their subtraction will result in a clean signal distribution. The tune of the cuts is driven by statistic considerations, as the trigger rejects most of the event generated and it is not trivial to perform the reconstruction with a sufficient set of events. The correspondant studies with the three pions channel suffer from the efficiency drop of the trigger so that not enough events are collected to perform a statistically significant test. The analysis presents an overall agreement between the distributions shapes, both for kinematical and topological variables. In particular, the pT of data and MC appear to be very similar (plot 4.2a), suggesting that the generator and the trigger are able to reproduce data. CHAPTER 4. MONTE CARLO STUDIES 43 BcPi 300 HBcPi Entries 3039905 Mean 6.172 RMS 0.4134 250 200 150 100 50 0 5.6 5.8 6 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.8 7 2 GeV/c Figure 4.1: Invariant mass distribution for the Bc candidates, showing signal region (orange) and sidebands (grey). 4.1.2 MC signal - Data background Several complementary issues could emerge from the study of the MC with respect to the data background events coming from the sidebands. The focus of these analyses is the search for substantial differencies in the two distributions, in order to develop more effective strategies and a better set of cuts for the signal over background isolation. The plots reported in Figures 4.4 and 4.5 attest that no additional signatures, which could be exploited to better discriminate signal against background, manifest. However, the pT distribution (Fig.4.4a) suggests that the signal is lying at slightly higher pT values than the background. A mimimum threshold for the candidate transverse momentum will cut events more likely coming from the background rather than signal. Regarding the η instead (see plot 4.4b), the sidebands data seem to cover wider pseudorapidity windows with respect to the MC, which slightly prefers more central regions. Narrowing the maximum |η| could favour the signal isolation and also improve resolutions. CHAPTER 4. MONTE CARLO STUDIES 44 Bc pt - pt sideband 0.2 HDiffPt_Bc Entries 335 Mean 22.43 Data 0.15 MC HDiffPt_Bc 0.1 Entries 56 Mean 21.87 0.05 0 -0.05 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 GeV/c (a) Transverse momentum Bc eta - eta sideband 0.12 Data 0.1 MC HDiffEta_Bc 0.08 HDiffEta_Bc Entries Entries 335 56 Mean-0.0306 0.1252 Mean 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 -0.02 -2 -1 0 1 2 η (b) η Figure 4.2: Comparison between MC (red) and data Bc signal (black) for some variables. CHAPTER 4. MONTE CARLO STUDIES 45 Bc CL SV - sideband 0.1 Data HDiffCLs_Bc Entries Mean 0.08 HDiffCLs_Bc 56 0.5834 Entries MC Mean 335 0.5233 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 -0.02 -0.04 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 (a) Secondary vertex CL Bc L/Sigma - L/Sigma sideband 0.2 Data MC 0.15 HDiffLS_Bc HDiffLS_Bc Entries Mean 335 Entries 56 18.26 0.1 Mean 15.77 0.05 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 (b) L/σ Figure 4.3: Comparison between MC (red) and data Bc signal (black) for some variables. CHAPTER 4. MONTE CARLO STUDIES 46 Bc sideband pt 0.18 Data sideband 0.16 MC HPt_Bc_BKG Entries Mean 100 20.13 0.14 0.12 HDiffPt_Bc Entries 56 Mean 21.87 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 GeV/c (a) Transverse momentum Eta sideband 0.05 Data sideband MC 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 HDiffEta_Bc HEta_Bc_BKG Entries Mean 100 Entries 0.0272 Mean 0 -2 -1 0 1 2 56 -0.0306 η (b) η Figure 4.4: Distributions of the main variables for the MC (red) and the background data from the sidebands (black). CHAPTER 4. MONTE CARLO STUDIES 47 CL SV sideband HCLs_Bc_BKG Entries 100 Mean 0.4754 0.06 Data sideband HDiffCLs_Bc Entries MC 56 Mean 0.5834 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 (a) Secondary vertex CL L/Sigma sideband 0.16 Data sideband 0.14 MC 0.12 HLS_Bc_BKG Entries 100 Mean 13.44 0.1 0.08 Entries Mean 56 15.77 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 (b) L/σ Figure 4.5: Distributions of the main variables for the MC (red) and the background data from the sidebands (black). CHAPTER 4. MONTE CARLO STUDIES 4.1.3 48 Additional MC studies The study of the distributions of primary vertices and track size for the MC and the data can bring to light differencies in the overall event topology. A mean value of 6.1 for the number primary vertex and 210 for the track size are found, proving a substantial agreement with the data observations (recall Tab.3.1). The J/ψ pT distribution of the generated events slightly differs between the Bc± → J/ψπ ± and the Bc± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ productions (Fig 4.6). In particular, the spectrum of the J/ψ in the first channel is shifted to higher values with respect to the latter. This effect could be explained by the different number of bodies in the final state, resulting in a lower Q-value for the three pions decay. Less energy is thus avalaible for the J/ψ and its momentum would be consequently lower. It is worth noticing that the trigger transverse momentum threshold is at 7 GeV , therefore a great part of the generated J/ψ mesons does not survive this cut. Only 6% of the generated J/ψ matches this trigger requirement for π/K analysis; for the three pions case the situation is worse, with only a 3% of accepted events. In the context of topological analyses, the correct identification of the vertices positions plays a crucial role. The choice between the multiple primary vertices of interactions emerging from each collision depends on the criteria of arbitration assumed. The event production vertex is inferred from the CMS Offline Primary Vertex Collection. In the high pile-up conditions, when multiple Primary Vertices (PV) are reconstructed, the choice of the event vertex is not trivial. In this analysis the production vertex is chosen as the primary vertex whose associated track collection has the higest pT sum, while the decay vertex (i.e. the secondary vertex) is reconstructed offline. To verify that the arbitration does not bias the analysis, a test with the MC is mandatory. The wrong choice of PV would affect the L evaluation and all the correlated variables. The lifetime measurement would be strongly influenced by the selection. A typical bias check is the pull distribution, in which is calculated the quantity → − − x RECO − → x GEN σ where the three spatial coordinate distance between the true primary vertex (obtained by generation) and the one chosen in the reconstruction is divided by the position error of the latter. If no biases are introuduced, the typical CHAPTER 4. MONTE CARLO STUDIES 49 Pt Jpsi Mean 3.262 RMS 9000 2.144 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 pT(J/ ψ ) GeV/c (a) Bc± → J/ψπ ± channel Mean 2.606 RMS 1.794 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 p (Jψ) GeV/c T (b) Bc± ± ± ∓ → J/ψπ π π channel Figure 4.6: Transverse momentum distributions of the generated J/ψ for Bc± → J/ψπ ± (4.6a) and Bc± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ channels (4.6b). expected function is a Gaussian with mean µgaus = 0 and associated error σgaus = 1. Pull distributions in the three dimensions are produced for the Bc± → J/ψπ ± channel and fitted with Gaussian (µ = 0, σ = 1) in Figure 4.7. The results of the fit guarantee that the choice of the primary vertex with respect to the pT criterion does not bias the analysis. Although the limited statitic forbids to perform a robust analysis for the Bc± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ channel, pull distributions have been studied as well and do not show any dramatic biases (Fig. 4.8). CHAPTER 4. MONTE CARLO STUDIES XRECO PV - X GEN PV / σRECO 50 Entries 556 RMS 50 1.227 χ2 / ndf 30.25 / 29 37.43 ± 2.21 Constant 40 Mean 30 -0.003874 ± 0.049920 1.112 ± 0.046 Sigma 20 10 0 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 (a) x coordinate Y RECO PV - Y GEN PV/ σRECO Entries Mean RMS 556 0.03681 1.244 38.69 / 34 45 χ 2 / ndf 40 Constant 41.24 ± 2.39 Mean 0.02192 ± 0.04441 Sigma 0.9934 ± 0.0373 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 (b) y coordinate ZRECP PV - Z GEN PV/ σRECO Entries 556 RMS 45 1.183 χ 2 / ndf 40 Constant 35 Mean 30 Sigma 41.82 / 26 36.4 ± 2.3 -0.08653 ± 0.05067 1.033 ± 0.046 25 20 15 10 5 0 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 (c) z coordinate Figure 4.7: The Bc± → J/ψπ ± pull distributions in the three spatial dimensions are showed. The choice of the PV does not bias the analysisis. CHAPTER 4. MONTE CARLO STUDIES 51 Pull: (XPRIMBP-XPRIM)/Error Entries 13 Mean -0.08563 RMS 0.9368 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 (a) x coordinate Pull: (YPRIMBP-YPRIM)/Error Entries 13 Mean 0.2875 RMS 1.249 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 (b) y coordinate Pull: (ZPRIMBP-ZPRIM)/Error Entries 13 Mean 0.6093 RMS 1.107 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 (c) z coordinate Figure 4.8: The Bc± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ pull distributions in the three spatial dimensions are showed. Chapter 5 Bc± → J/ψπ ± and Bc± → J/ψπ ±π ±π ∓ analysis While the pre-selection cuts allow for the B ± → J/ψK ± peak to be resolved clearly, no evidence of Bc signal emerges from the Bc invariant mass distribution (see plots 3.7). The strategy adopted for the Bc signal extraction is driven by the selection criteria exposed in section 3.4. Starting from a reasonable baseline selection, various cuts are separately evolved to tighter values and the response of the signal is checked in terms of variations in the peak yield and Signal to Noise (StoN) ratio. Such approach, supported by the Monte Carlo considerations, leads to the discrimination of the most favourable selections for the optimization of the signal. 5.1 Bc± → J/ψπ ± signal A good set of topological selections, which leads to a good signal yield and to a signal to noise ratio of ∼ 0.3, for the Bc± → J/ψπ ± channel is: • Secondary vertex CL > 10 % • cosθ > 0.85 • |η(J/ψ)| < 1.6 • L/σ > 3 • |η(π/K)| < 1.6 52 CHAPTER 5. BC± → J/ψπ ± AND BC± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ ANALYSIS 53 • pT (Bc ) > 8 GeV • pT (µ) > 4 GeV The signals of B ± → J/ψK ± and Bc± → J/ψπ ± with these selections are shown in Figure 5.1. A yield of 495±71 events with a signal to noise ratio of 0.33 is obtained for the Bc . As expected, many more B ± events are reconstructed, leading to a yield of 164541±533 with a signal to noise ratio of 6.9. (a) B ± → J/ψK ± channel (b) Bc± → J/ψπ ± channel Figure 5.1: Invariant mass distributions for B ± → J/ψK ± (5.1a) and Bc± → J/ψπ ± (5.1b) channels. The peak is fitted with a Gaussian over a polynomial background. CHAPTER 5. BC± → J/ψπ ± AND BC± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ ANALYSIS 54 The behaviors of the Bc± → J/ψπ ± yield (a) and StoN ratio (b) when the various variables are evolved are presented in plots from Figure 5.2 to 5.5. When the evolution is performed on a variable, the others are kept fixed at correspondant baseline values. The cosine evolutions (Fig 5.2a and 5.2b) show a constant increase in the StoN ratio, without substantial yield loss; at the last steps, which correspond to cosines greater than 0.9997, the peak is reconstructed with StoN ≥ 1 without compromising the yield much. The pointing back angle turns out to be a useful criterion of selection for topology studies also in its offline three dimensional generalization (remember that cosθxy is already implemented in the J/ψ trigger). Regarding the secondary vertex confidence level, a better vertex reconstruction (up to 0.20 in CL) boost the StoN till ∼ 0.5 (5.3a), achieving an increase of a factor of 4 in spite of an almost constant yield (5.3b). The behavior of the extracted signal as a function of η needs a more precise explanation, as it can appear misleading. The plot 5.4a suggests a linear correlation between pseudorapidity and yield until the latter reach a plateau at about |η| ∼ 1.5. On the other hand, such increase comes along with a reduction in StoN ratio. The physical explanations lies in the fact that integrating over |η| adds both signal and background events and so, the more signal events are extracted (increasing the yield), the more background is added. The StoN properly estimates how many background events are reconstructed for each signal event. From a certain point (|η| ∼ 1.5 in this case), no more signal events are retained and all the new contribution comes from the background: the yield reachs a value of ∼ 450 while the StoN drop to ∼ 0.15. The pseudorapidity is therefore a powerful tool for the extraction of with out a strong signature, such as the Bc . Finally, the L/σ evolutions (Fig 5.5a and 5.5b) show that a more severe detachment causes a yield loss (remember that the Bc has a shorter lifetime than most of other B-mesons) but is efficient in the background reduction as the combinatory is more likely to be short lived. Yield CHAPTER 5. BC± → J/ψπ ± AND BC± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ ANALYSIS 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 cosθ evolution (cut number) S/N (a) Yield evolution of cosθ, from 0.9599 to 0.9999 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 cosθ evolution (cut number) (b) StoN evolution of cosθ, from 0.9599 to 0.9999 Figure 5.2: Yield and signal to noise evolutions for Bc± → J/ψπ ± 55 Yield CHAPTER 5. BC± → J/ψπ ± AND BC± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ ANALYSIS 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Secondary vertex CL evolution (cut number) S/N (a) Yield evolution of CL, from 0.01 to 0.20 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Secondary vertex CL evolution (cut number) (b) StoN evolution of CL, from 0.01 to 0.20 Figure 5.3: Yield and signal to noise evolutions for Bc± → J/ψπ ± 56 Yield CHAPTER 5. BC± → J/ψπ ± AND BC± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ ANALYSIS 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 ηπ evolution (cut number) S/N (a) Yield evolution of pion |η|, from 0.7 to 2.4 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 ηπ evolution (cut number) (b) StoN evolution of pion |η|, from 0.7 to 2.4 Figure 5.4: Yield and signal to noise evolutions for Bc± → J/ψπ ± 57 Yield CHAPTER 5. BC± → J/ψπ ± AND BC± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ ANALYSIS 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 L/σ evolution (cut number) S/N (a) Yield evolution of L/σ, from 0 to 14 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 L/σ evolution (cut number) (b) StoN evolution of L/σ, from 0 to 14 Figure 5.5: Yield and signal to noise evolutions for Bc± → J/ψπ ± 58 CHAPTER 5. BC± → J/ψπ ± AND BC± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ ANALYSIS 59 From the evolution studies, some cuts are identified giving a S/B ratio ≥ 1. For instance, a signal yield of a 187 ± 32 events is achieved, with a S/B=1.33, when the cosθ > 0.9994 cut is applied over the baseline cuts. The corresponding invariant mass distribution is shown in Fig.5.6. Figure 5.6: Invariant mass distribution for Bc± → J/ψπ ± . The cut cosθ > 0.9994 is tightened with respect to the baseline cuts. 5.2 Bc± → J/ψπ ±π ±π ∓ signal The same signal optimization strategy is performed on the the Bc± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ channel. However, some requests for the baseline selections must be hardened with respect to the Bc± → J/ψπ ± channel, since it is more difficult to reconstruct higher multiplicity final states while keeping the background under control. No evidence of signal is found with the baseline selection of the Bc± → J/ψπ ± analysis (Fig.5.7). The secondary vertex confidence level, for instance, is raised to 0.15, since the evolution plots for the Bc± → J/ψπ ± suggest an improvement in StoN without consistent drawbacks. The cut on |ηπ | is spread to the two new tracks, while the |ηJ/ψ | and the minimun candidate pT are mantained invariated. The major improvements comes from the CHAPTER 5. BC± → J/ψπ ± AND BC± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ ANALYSIS 60 topological cuts like the pointing back angle and the L/σ detachment, which play a striking role for the background reduction. The baseline selection for Bc± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ channel is: • Secondary vertex CL > 15 % • cosθ > 0.99 • |η(J/ψ)| < 1.6 • L/σ > 8 • |η(π)| < 1.6 • pT (Bc ) > 8 GeV • pT (µ) > 4 GeV The signal obtained with this selection is presented in Figure 5.8: a yield of 193±47 is obtained, with a StoN ratio of 0.33. Figure 5.7: Invariant mass distribution for Bc± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ with Bc± → J/ψπ ± baseline cuts. The region between the red lines is where the Bc signal is expected. The evolutions of the variables are shown in plots from 5.9 to 5.12. From the cosine evolution (Fig. 5.9a and 5.9b) it can be inferred that when CHAPTER 5. BC± → J/ψπ ± AND BC± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ ANALYSIS 61 a cosθ ∼ 0.9994 is reached, the StoN ratio approaches 1 without a dramatic loss in the yield. The cut of CL > 0.15 is necessary to isolate the Bc± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ signal. Spanning of the cut up to 0.25 does not show any significant improvement to reduce the background (Fig. 5.10a and 5.10b). In the η evolution figures, the number of events are shown when integrated in an increasing region from 0.5 to 1.6. It is clear from the plot that, when region wider than |η| > 1.3 are considered, more backgroundis integrated than signal. The L/σ variable is eventually evolved. When L/σ > 16 is reached, the StoN arrives at ∼ 1. However, since the Bc is a short lived state, a severe detachment cut reduces the yield of a form ∼ 3. A value of L/σ > 8 is then considered also for the final signal selection. Figure 5.8: Invariant mass distribution for Bc± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ with baseline cuts. Yield CHAPTER 5. BC± → J/ψπ ± AND BC± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ ANALYSIS 62 250 200 150 100 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 cosθ evolution (cut number) S/N (a) Yield evolution of cosθ, from 0.999 to 0.9999 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 cosθ volution (cut number) (b) StoN evolution of cosθ, from 0.999 to 0.9999 Figure 5.9: Yield and Signal to Noise evolutions for Bc± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ Yield CHAPTER 5. BC± → J/ψπ ± AND BC± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ ANALYSIS 63 260 240 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Secondary vertex CL evolution (cut number) S/N (a) Yield evolution of CL, from 0.10 to 0.25 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Secondary vertex CL evolution (cut number) (b) StoN evolution of CL, from 0.10 to 0.25 Figure 5.10: Yield and Signal to Noise evolutions for Bc± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ 64 Yield CHAPTER 5. BC± → J/ψπ ± AND BC± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ ANALYSIS 250 200 150 100 50 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 ηπ evolution (cut number) S/N (a) Yield evolution of pion |η|, from 0.5 to 1.6 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 ηπ evolution (cut number) (b) StoN evolution of pion |η|, from 0.5 to 1.6 Figure 5.11: Yield and Signal to Noise evolutions for Bc± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ Yield CHAPTER 5. BC± → J/ψπ ± AND BC± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ ANALYSIS 65 250 200 150 100 50 0 2 4 6 8 10 L/σ evolution (cut number) S/N (a) Yield evolution of L/σ, from 8 to 18 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 L/σ evolution (cut number) (b) StoN evolution of L/σ, from 8 to 18 Figure 5.12: Yield and Signal to Noise evolutions for Bc± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ CHAPTER 5. BC± → J/ψπ ± AND BC± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ ANALYSIS 66 Driven by considerations obtained from the evolution plots, a signal with good StoN ratio, of the order ∼ 1.3, is obtained with a harder cut selection, increasing the cosθ > 0.9995 and narrowing the pseudorapidity window to |ηπ | < 1.2. The relative signal plot is shown in Figure 5.13. Figure 5.13: Invariant mass distribution for Bc± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ . More severe cuts cosθ > 0.9995 and |ηπ | < 1.2 are applied over the baseline selection. Separated studies on the various datasets have shown that the scaling of the signal is not proportional to the increase of the statistic. In particular, the 2011 B dataset contributes mainly with background events. Morover, the overall event topology varies with time. With the increase of the luminosity, which grows from the value 1.44 × 1033 of the PromptReco 2011A v4 to 5 × 1033 in the last period of PromptReco 2011B v1, the reconstruction of the events becomes more challenging and the multiplicity of tracks and vertex increases. Different trigger conditions play a role too. The efficiency of the analysis suffers because of these variations, as shown in the plots 5.14a and 5.14b. CHAPTER 5. BC± → J/ψπ ± AND BC± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ ANALYSIS 67 (a) 2011A v4 (b) 2011B v1 Figure 5.14: Invariant mass distributions of Bc± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ channel for two datasets, 2011A v4 (upper plot) and 2011B v1 (lower plot). Despite the lower statistic, the upper plot shows more signal than the lower one. Chapter 6 Branching Ratio evaluations 6.1 σ(Bc± )×Br(Bc± →J/ψπ ± ) σ(B ± )×Br(B ± →J/ψK ± ) Once a reliable signal extraction is achieved, the ratio can be evaluated through the relation σ(Bc± )×Br(Bc± →J/ψπ ± ) σ(B ± )×Br(B ± →J/ψK ± ) σBc± × Br(Bc± → J/ψπ ± ) × Bc± N (Bc± → J/ψπ ± ) = N (B ± → J/ψK ± ) σB ± × Br(B ± → J/ψK ± ) × B ± Differently from CDF, which performed a similar measurement using the Bc± → J/ψµ± ν semileptonic channel, two hadronic decay channels are compared here. The two channels have three bodies in the final state and similar signatures. Uncertainties on the production mechanism and many systematics cancel out in the ratio Bc± /B ± , which relates the two channel reconstruction efficiencies. The non-vanishing effects are taken into account by the different efficiencies, obtained by Monte Carlo calculations. The efficiency values i can be factorized as i = Naccepted Ntriggered Nreconstructed × × = acceptance + trigger + reco Ngenerated Naccepted Ntriggered where Naccepted is the number of the generated events that lie in the region |η| < 2.5, i.e. the detector active region, Ntriggered are the events that pass the trigger and Nreconstructed the ones that reach the end of the analysis. The different factors, expressed in percentage, are summarized in Table 6.1. The 68 CHAPTER 6. BRANCHING RATIO EVALUATIONS acceptance trigger reconstruction 69 Bc± →J/ψ π± % B ± →J/ψK ± % 56.63 ± 0.15 51.27 ± 0.21 0.31 ± 0.01 0.86 ± 0.03 21.95 ± 2.01 29.26 ±2.19 Table 6.1: MC efficiencies at L = 2 × 1033 cm−2 s−1 .The efficiency values are factorized in the three components. low statistic at the end of the reconstruction is mostly due to the low trigger efficiency, determined by the tight cuts on the J/ψ dicussed in the previous section. The efficiency evaluation through the local MC sample is performed under two correlated assumptions: • 2×1033 represents an average luminosity value for the 2011 data taking; • the efficiency results can be extended to the other luminosity periods. For a more precise measurement, the signal events should be divided into the different luminosity periods and corrected by the corresponding efficiencies, generated by different MC. By the way, it must be recalled that the creation and the testing of the private MC sample tuned for Bc production at 7 TeV has been a great effort for the Milano group. The yields considered for the measurement correspond to the baseline selections of the Bc± → J/ψ π ± and B ± → J/ψK ± channels (Fig.5.1). N (Bc± →J/ψπ ± )×B ± σ(Bc± )×Br(Bc± →J/ψπ ± ) is equal to The first estimate of σ(B ± )×Br(B ± →J/ψK ± ) = N (B ± →J/ψK ± )× ± Bc 497 ± 71 (1.23 ± 0.08) × 10−3 × = (0.982 ± 0.214)% 164541 ± 533 (3.77 ± 0.57) × 10−4 This measurement is compared with a preliminary number presented by the LHCb Collaboration at EPS 2011, studying the 7 TeV collisions, namely (1.4 ± 0.4 ± 0.1)%. The two cross-section × branching ratios from CMS and LHCb are in good agreement. Comparison with Tevatron data at 1.8 TeV can be also carried out, with indirect considerations. CDF performed the measurement σ(Bc± ) × BR(Bc± → J/ψl± ν) +0.032 = 0.132+0.041 −0.037 (stat.)±0.031(syst.)−0.020 (lif etime) ± ± ± σ(B ) × BR(B → J/ψK CHAPTER 6. BRANCHING RATIO EVALUATIONS 70 Inferring the ratio (Bc± → J/ψl± ν)/(Bc± → J/ψπ ± ) from the theory, the value of (0.90 ± 0.28)% can be estrapolated, still in agreement with the result here presentated for the first time in CMS. In order to renforce the result, the same ratio is calculated in various η regions. In Table 6.2 are presented the results obtained for |η| < 0.5, 0.5 − 1, 1−1.5 for the baseline cuts and the tight selection, where the cosθ > 0.9994 is requested in addition to the baseline. No evidences for any particular dependance as a function of |η| are found. baseline cuts tight cuts |η| < 0.5 0.5 < |η| < 1.0 1.0 < |η| < 1.5 (0.98 ±0.29)% (0.82 ±0.28)% (0.06±0.03)% (1.10 ±0.38)% (0.94 ±0.34)% (0.96 ±0.32)% Table 6.2: Bc± /B ± ratio calculated for different |η| windows and cut selections. When all the events are weighted by the efficiency evaluated in the last period of data taking (with L = 3 − 5 × 1033 ) the ratio is R = 1.32 ± 0.29%. To proceed with further considerations, a higher MC statistic would be necessary. 6.2 Br(Bc →J/ψ3π) Br(Bc →J/ψπ) The first observation of the channel Bc± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ in CMS allows to c →J/ψ3π) measure the BR ratio Br(B . Br(Bc →J/ψπ) Differently from the previous evaluation for B ± /Bc , the cross section production σBc vanishes in the calculation and the comparison between the yield lead directly to the BR. Br(Bc± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ ) × (Bc± →J/ψπ± π± π∓ ) N (Bc± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ ) = N (Bc± → J/ψπ ± ) Br(Bc± → J/ψπ ± ) × (Bc± →J/ψπ± ) The efficiencies are listed in Table 6.2. The MC assumptions made for the B /Bc ratio are still valid. To limit possible residual systematics introduced by the analysis cuts, the Bc± → J/ψπ ± channel is now subjected to the same severe selection as the Bc± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ . ± CHAPTER 6. BRANCHING RATIO EVALUATIONS 71 The list of the cuts and the correspondant signal are presented in Figure 6.1. The tighter cuts reduce the yield and the MC efficiency but improve the discrimination from the background and a clear isolation of the signal peak. acceptance trigger reconstruction Bc± →J/ψπ± % Bc± →J/ψπ± π± π∓ % 56.63 ± 0.15 52.57 ± 0.14 0.31 ± 0.01 0.16 ± 0.01 4.1 ± 0.08 2.1 ±0.8 Table 6.3: MC efficiencies at L = 2 × 1033 cm−2 s−1 , with separate efficiency contributions. Cut set sv CL > 15% cosθ > 0.999 |η(J/ψ)| < 1.6 L/σ >8 |η(π)| <1 pT (Bc ) > 8 GeV pT (µ) > 4 GeV Figure 6.1: Cut selection and correspondant Bc± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ signal for c →J/ψ3π) the Br(B branching ratio. Br(Bc →J/ψπ) CHAPTER 6. BRANCHING RATIO EVALUATIONS 72 The calculation leads to the result 92 ± 19 (7.1 ± 1.4) × 10−5 × = (3.55 ± 1.79) 102 ± 15 (1.8 ± 0.7) × 10−5 This evaluation suffers from a big uncertainty, mainly due to the efficiency estimations. Ongoing efforts in the production of larger MC samples will limit this dominant source of error in the future, aiming at a more precise measurement. This result can be compared to theoretical predictions and a recent experimental calculation. The LHCb collaboration has obtained for the same BR the value of 3.0 ± 0.6 ± 0.4 [14]. From the theoretical side, predictions of this BR calculated by Rakitin and Koshkarev with a norecoil approximation lead to the value 1.5 [3]. Likhoded and Luchinsky use three different approaches to predict the form factors and obtained ratios Br(Bc+ →J/ψπ + π + π − ) =2.0,1.9 and 2.3 respectively [2]. Br(B + →J/ψπ + ) Chapter 7 Bc lifetime The lifetime of the Bc meson is performed using the reduced proper time technique[4] in the Bc± → J/ψπ ± channel. This estimate represents the first lifetime calculation for a fully reconstructed Bc decay mode. This analysis method has been traditionally used for the determination of the charmed meson lifetimes, whose values sit in the range of 10−13 s, i.e. the same as the Bc meson. The reduced proper time t0 is defined as t0 = mBc × (L − Nσ ) cp where L is the distance between the primary and the secondary vertex, mBc and p are the mass and the momentum of the Bc candidate, c the light speed and Nσ is number of σL after which the reduced time is considered. If σL is independent from L, the t0 distribution follows the same exponential distribution of the proper decay time, with the same τ and therefore same lifetime value. The application of this technique corresponds to the requirement of a minimum L/σ cut, in analogy with the topology criterion defined for the signal isolation. Although the efficiency at short proper times is reduced, the background rejection is enhanced, since background events are mostly short-lived. The reduced proper time is evaluated on a event-by-event basis and the obtained distribution is fitted with a binned maximum likelihood. Such method allows to infer the signal and background distributions directly from data and does not require any background parametrization. The signal reduced proper time distribution is made with events taken within ±2σ of the Bc mass peak, while the backgound distributions are formed by events com73 CHAPTER 7. BC LIFETIME 74 ing from two sidebands chosen at 4σ above and below the Bc mass peak, each half as wide as the signal region (Fig.7.1). The signal and background reduced proper time distributions are divided in proper time wide bins, spanning about 6 nominal lifetimes. BcPi 80 HBcPi Entries 2141458 Mean 6.053 RMS 0.3331 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 5.6 5.8 6 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.8 2 GeV/c Figure 7.1: Events considered in lifetime measurement: the signal region is represented in orange, while sidebands are colored in grey. The number of events for each reduced proper time bin ni is predicted as the sum of two terms, representing the signal and the background: 0 f (t0i )e−t /τ bi ni = (Ns − B) · +B· 0 −t0 /τ Σi f (ti )e Σi bi where Ns and B are the total number of events in the signal and background regions respectively, bi is the observed number of events in a reduced proper time bin i of the sideband histogram, and f (t0i ) is a correction function obtained from Monte Carlo simulation. B and τ are the free parameters of the fit. The MC correction function is obtained dividing the simulated reconstructed reduced proper time in each bin by the input decay exponential: in this way the geometric acceptance, reconstruction efficiency and analysis cuts are taken into account in the binned fit. The plot 7.2 shows the f (t0i ) correction function. CHAPTER 7. BC LIFETIME 75 Correction function 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 t' (ps) Figure 7.2: Correction function, obtained by dividing the simulated reconstructed reduced proper time in each bin by the generated proper time distribution. In Figure 7.3, the results of this technique performed on the 2011 data samples are shown; the baseline selection cuts of the Bc± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ signal are used for the extraction of the Bc signal. In the left plot, three t0 distributions are shown: • the predicted distibution, result of the binned fit, is indicated by the red histogram; • the data are indicated with black dots and error bars; • the background distibution is superimposed, incicated by the teal histogram. In the right plot a pure exponential function with the fitted lifetime value is superimposed to the background subtracted, efficiency corrected reduced proper time distribution. From the fit, the value τ = 0.453+0.042 −0.038 ps is obtained. This result is in agreement with the PDG value of τP DG = 0.45 ± 0.04 ps, based on the CDF and D0 meaurements in the semileptonic channel Bc± → J/ψµ± ν. Further improvements will be performed with new MC samples that will lead to a better determination of the correction functions, and with the new statistic expected for the 2012 data harvesting. CHAPTER 7. BC LIFETIME Bc reduced proper time 102 76 Bc Signal corrected proper time Bc reduced proper time Background proper time Bc Signal corrected proper time Bc corrected proper time 10 10 1 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 t' (ps) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 t' (ps) Figure 7.3: On the left, the reduced proper time distribution for observed events (dots) is shown. The red histogram represents the predicted events and the teal histogram the background events superimposed. On the right, an exponential curve with the fitted lifetime (pink line) is superimposed to background subtracted and MC corrected reduced proper time distribution (dots). Conclusions The last year has been very exciting for the high energy physic. The LHC delivered to the CMS experiment more than 5 f b−1 of luminosuty, exceeding by far the expectations. The various CMS analyses received thus a great boost, entering the region in which hints of New Physics could begin to show up. CMS refined not only the Higgs searches, but also those involving Supersymmetry and Exotica (new physics beyond the Standard Model). The harvesting of such high statistic made also possible the study of rare processes in the B sector, such as Bs → µ+ µ− (with the CMS result B(Bs → µ+ µ− ) < 7.7 × 10−9 at 95% CL). In addition, the elusive Bc particle has been detected in the fully reconstructed (Bc± → J/ψπ ± and Bc± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ channels. A clear signal yield of 495 ± 71 Bc has been obtained for the Bc± → J/ψπ ± decay mode and of 193±47 for the channel Bc± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ . The signal Bc± → J/ψπ ± π ± π ∓ reported in this work is the first evidence of this decay in CMS. These Bc signals have led to preliminary measurements of production cross sections at 7 T eV , branching ratios and Bc lifetime. σ(Bc )×(Br(Bc →J/ψπ ± ) The ratio σ(B + )×(Br(B ± →J/ψK ± ) is estimated as (0.982 ± 0.214)%, in agreement with the preliminary value from LHCb. ± ± ∓ c →J/ψπ π π ) ratio lead to a result of 3.55±1.79. The measurement of Br(B Br(Bc →J/ψπ ± ) Although preliminary, this measurement is compatible with theoretical predictions and with the only other experimental value calculated by LHCb. The main uncertainties affecting these values come from the still limited Monte Carlo samples avalaible and will be reduced thanks to a new production in progress. The lifetime measurement of 0.453+0.042 −0.038 ps is performed for the fully reconstructed channel Bc± → J/ψπ ± ; it is consistent with the PDG average τP DG = 0.45 ± 0.04 ps. The studies of the Bc meson discussed represent a first effort in CMS to better understand this still unknown doubly flavored state. 77 Bibliography [1] Nuclear and Particle physics - Review of particle physics. Institute of Physics, 2006. [2] A.K.Likhoded and A.V.Luchinsky. Light hadron production in Bc →J/ψ + X decays. Phys. Rev. D, 81, 2010. [3] A.Rakitin and S.Koshkarev. Hadronic Bc decays as a test of Bc cross section. Phys. Rev. D, 81, 2010. [4] FOCUS Collaboration. New measurements of the D0 and D+ lifetimes. Phys. Lett B 537, 2002. [5] LHCb Collaboration. Hadronic and semileptonic b-hadron decays at LHCb. Talk at EPS Conference, Grenoble, 2011. [6] The CDF collaboration. [7] √ The CDF collaboration. Observation of the Bc meson in pp collisions at s = 1.8 T eV . arXiv:hep-ex/9805034, 1998. 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Grazie a Riccardo e a Sara, a cui in questi ultimi mesi ho negato la tranquillità di uno studio silenzioso e che hanno partecipato con me ad una lunga serie di giorni definitivi. Ringrazio tutti i miei amici: quelli dell’università, con cui ogni pranzo non si sa mai che discorso esce, quelli storici che ormai il venerdı̀ è fisso (ora ritornerò stabilmente promesso!), quelli con cui mi diverto il fine settimana, quelli con cui fingo di dare quattro calci al pallone, e chi più ne ha più nel metta.. Se in questo momento stai leggendo questa pagina, sei sicuramente fra questi quindi grazie! Un ringraziamento enorme va ai miei genitori, perchè si sa..sono anche farina del loro sacco! E come tale mi hanno sempre sostenuto, dandomi i mezzi per realizzare ciò che io sono e voglio, senza imposizioni sulle scelte veramente importanti. Penso che sia questa in fondo la cosa più grande e spero che in questo giorno importante siano fieri di me. E poi ci sei tu, tesoro, che mi hai accompagnato in tutta questa avventura, e solo io so veramente quanto è stato bello averti al mio fianco...ed ora, un capitolo della mia vita si chiude ed uno nuovo se ne apre, insieme. 80