LEARN NEWSLETTER • No 9 • MARCH 2014 Sustainable agriculture – production of food for today and tomorrow Humanity is dependent on a safe and secure supply of food. Protein is an important and necessary part of our diet. The main part of the protein that we eat comes from milk, eggs, poultry, fish and meat. About 50 % ze several months per year even if they are housed in systems with robot milking. Most of this is regulated in Swedish law and regulations which means that according to EU legislation (CAP programme) of the meat that we eat today in Sweden comes from Swedish farms but this figure used to be about 75 % 10 years ago. Swedish agriculture has developed production systems that provide our livestock with good living conditions including bedding (e.g. straw, sawdust/wood chips), ample space, high quality feed and water and the possibility to behave naturally. We do not allow trimming of pig’s tails or poultry’s beaks. These are good indicators of animal welfare. It is not either possible to fixate sows in connection with farrowing. Our dairy cows are able to gra- it is not possible to compensate farmers for the extra costs to upkeep these high standards. This gives us products of a high quality and the occurrence of diseases such as Salmonella and Campylobacter are very rare and therefore the use of antibiotics is extremely low compared to most other countries. The use of growth regulators in livestock production is prohibited, which it is not the case for several of the countries that we import meat from that are located outside the EU. This means that when eating Swedish meat, the risk of antibio- C H R I ST I N E JA KO B S SO N S EN I O R P ROJ ECT M A N AG ER Contents 1 Sustainable agriculture – production of food for today and tomorrow 2 Does littersize in the sow ”always” increase between 1st and 2nd parity? 2 Human pathogens in Swedish wild boars 3 FRESH – Fish REaring and Stress Hazards 4 Predicting Methane production in Dairy Cows P H OTO: J EN N Y SV EN N ÅS G I L LN ER , S LU A sign at a grocery store in London which says ”John Mearns has been farming pigs in Oxfordshire for 25 years. His animals can root freely and cool in the wallows, behaving naturally”. Photo: Christine Jakobsson, SLU. tics resistance and hormonal effects from growth regulators is almost non-existent. At the same time, all these measures have a price and it is more expensive to produce these high quality products. Here the old time truth still applies “You get what you pay for”. But we seem to have a problem in Sweden, as far from all consumers seem to understand the value and high quality of locally produced Swedish products. Even though they may state that they do in questionnaires but will all the same buy the cheapest products at the store. When travelling a fortnight ago in London I could not help but notice in one of the large food-chains behind the cashier’s desk there was an enormous sign, about 10 meters long, putting forward the positive aspects of British pork. Beside it were signs also about dairy and grain products respectively. I have not yet seen anything like this in Sweden but would really like to in the future! LEARN Newsletter #9 Does littersize in the sow ”always” increase between 1st and 2nd parity? Pi Swedish Farmer’s Foundation for With financial support from the PIG Agricultural Research, a database with information from Swedish commercial piglet producing herds was built (The Swedish sow data base). Herds using the herd monitoring software PigWin were asked to share the information stored in their herd PC. This information comprises information, on sow level, about all events and recordings made: mating date, farrowing date, weaning date, litter size at farrowing as well as at weaning, etc. The intention with this database was to be a resource for education, research and advice. The database was created at SLU, but is now run by ‘Svenska Pig’ [www. svenskapig.se], being an advisory platform between university and industry. Using this database, we can ‘easily’ find information how ‘this or that’ is today in Swedish piglet production. Below, I will present some findings on parity influence on litter size, based on information from this database. We all know from textbooks that the 2nd litter of a sow is larger that her first lit- ter. On average, at least! Fig. 1 shows how litter size in 18 Swedish piglet producing herds of good size varies over parities. Data include farrowings 2009 to 2012. All sows in these herds were Landrace-Yorkshire crosses. Both number of total born piglets, as well number of liveborn piglets increase up to 4th parity, and thereafter we see a decrease. However, about 15–20 % of the sows are culled after each parity, and thus it is not the same number of sows behind each value. A question that arose in my head, was to check if there is a variation between herds, for the within-sow difference between litter size in parity 1 and 2. In total, data on 6 650 sows, with information on both her 1st and 2nd litter was included in these analyses. For each of these sows the difference between number of liveborn piglets in parity 2 minus parity 1 was calculated. Mean values for each of the 18 herds are presented in Fig. 2. We see a wide variation between herds for this parameter, a range from –0.5 to +1.8, with a median value of +0.5 piglets. Why this large variation? The genetic material in these herds is almost the same. The sows are crosses between Norwegian Landrace and Swedish Yorkshire, and the terminal sires are Hampshire or Duroc. The conclusion is thus that this above mentioned difference between herds is caused by differences in management and feeding. This issue could be an interesting topic for a PhDstudent to go deep into. Which factors cause this variation, how is lifetime production of the sows influenced by these factors? However, for this we need to find economic funds, and that is not that easy to find with the decreasing volumes in the Swedish pig sector. N I L S LU N D EH E I M , D EPA R T M EN T O F A N I M A L B R EED I N G A N D G EN E T I C S , S LU. Photo taken at night with a bait remote camera. Human pathogens in Swedish wild boars V The Swedish wild boar population has grown fast during the last deVETERINARY cade and today the number of wild boar shot is equal to the number of moose shot every year. This is a great resource that has the potential to be used even more! The wild boars are omnivores and very social, gathering at artificial feeding places commonly used to facilitate hunting and to avoid damage on crops and in gardens. These feeding places may be a risk in the transfer of disease agents between animals. However, little is known about this situation in Sweden. Legislation today mandates that all wild boars that are to be sold on the market must pass through a wild game handling plant. At the plant, the carcass and the offal are inspected by a veterinarian and samples are taken to examine the presence of Trichinella larvae. Hunters may also send in samples from wild boar meat, aimed for their own consumption, for Trichinella -analysis. However, pathogens that will not give any gross lesions on the wild boar carcasses or the offal will not be detected. Our research is performed as a collaboration project between SLU, SVA and SLV and focuses on the presence of four common foodborne pathogens Yersina (Y.) enterocolitica, Y. pseudotuberculosis, Salmonella and EHEC (Escherichia coli O157:H7) and their presence in Swedish wild boars. In humans, these pathogens may induce vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain although in some cases, severe secondary disease such as reactive arthritis, sepsis and kidney failure can also develop. CONTINUES ON THE NE X T PAGE >>> LEARN Newsletter #9 FRESH – Fish REaring and Stress Hazards A Our first study included 88 free living wild boars of mixed age and gender, mainly from the central parts of Sweden. Samples from the tonsils, faeces and abdominal lymph nodes were collected. In the sampled animals Yersinia enterocolitica and Y. pseudotuberculosis were most common with 20 % prevalence, respectively, and Salmonella spp. was found in >10 % of the animals. Over 40 % of the examined wild boars carried one, two or all three of these pathogens. No EHEC was demonstrated. The bacteria were most commonly detected in the tonsils but were also present in the faeces and the abdominal lymph nodes. It is important to keep track of these pathogens in the wild boar population and measures should be in place to prevent their spread and growth after the wild boars have been shot. Special care should be taken when removing the head, tongue and tonsils and if the carcass has been contaminated with intestinal content, special hygiene measures should be adopted. It is also important to have knowledge about the characteristics of these bacteria in case of infection in humans. With a zero tolerance for the presence of Salmonella spp. in Swedish food-producing animals it is of great concern that Salmonella spp. is present in the wild boar population. The routes of transmission to domestic animals are many, such as direct contact between wild boars and domestic outdoor raised pig and transmission through rodents, small birds and feed from fields where wild boars have been rooting. Ongoing research will focus on the molecular epidemiology of these bacteria and also on how management, feeding and handling at slaughter influences their presence in the wild boar population and in the meat. The presence of these pathogens in hunting dogs will also be examined to try to evaluate their presumptive role in transmission. >>> T E X T A N D P H OTO: A XE L SA N N Ö. D EPA R T M EN T O F C L I N I CA L SC I EN C ES , S LU. FRESH is a recently launched FORMAS-funded research colAQUA CULTURE laboration between the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and the University of Gothenburg (GU) aiming to increase knowledge about welfare of fish in modern aquaculture systems. Animal welfare is a complex issue that embraces a combination of disciplines ranging from veterinary medicine and nutrition to physiological and behavioural needs and responses. The goal of FRESH is to link all of the disciplines to understand the different needs and biological risks of the animal by using physiological methods and modern biotelemetry (Fig. 1) to better understand the fish's reaction in common fish farming situations. Figure 1. Biotelemetry system for fish implanted in the peritoneal cavity of a salmonid fish. The system has two so-called ”Doppler blood-flow probes” which are placed around the aorta (I) and the large blood vessel to the gastrointestinal tract (II). (Picture: Albin Gräns) A big challenge when studying the welfare of fish is that fish do not have, at least not for us humans, a clearly perceivable body language that can provide guidance on the experiences of the fish. For example, most fish do not have the ability to create sounds, which otherwise is a common way for animals to signal fear and discomfort. The fish may instead display escape behaviour, or "freezing", which means that it remains motionless and also reduces the number of heartbeats and the ventilation rate. These signals may be difficult for us to perceive under common fish culture conditions; such as when netting, sorting, transporting and vaccinating fish. In general, this lack of clearly distinguish-able signals from fish makes it difficult for policy makers when formulating regulations and recommendations on animal welfare in fish farming. To understand what the fish really perceive as stressful, we must first study their physiological stress responses in order to understand what it perceives as stressful and how it reacts in various situations. This can be done in controlled laboratory experiments attempting to mimic e.g. handling situations, various conditions in the farming environment or to test new feeds. However, it is often difficult to completely emulate a specific farming situation where a multitude of interacting factors are present, and so a better approach may be to measure how fish reacts to various stressors on site at the aquaculture facility. Recently developed biotelemetry equipment (see Figure 1) allows us to do this by using so called "focal fish" that are instrumented with physiological biotelemetric devices. This means that a number of fish in a culture tank or holding pen are instrumented in the body cavity with small implants capable of monitoring blood flow, heart rate and blood pressure and are then released back into the culture. Hours, days or even weeks later the fish is caught and the researcher can download information on how various situations in the culture have affected their physiology. In this way we can also see if the specific situations that we recreate in the laboratory, with the possibility of even more detailed measurements of physiological responses, are representative of the real situation occurring in aquaculture rearing systems. Our team is involved in developing this new technology together with a bioengineer from USA. We also have a system to measure heart and ventilation rates noninvasively on fish in the laboratory precluding surgical procedures. The principle is based on the fact that actively working muscles emit weak electrical potentials. Thus, by placing electrodes in the water that surrounds the fish, we can record the weak signals from the heart and ventilatory muscles and measure changes in these stress-sensitive physiological systems without even touching the fish. T H E P ROJ ECT G ROU P C O N S I STS O F: BO A LG ERS (C O O R D I N ATO R , S LU), M I C H A E L A XE L S SO N (G U), LOT TA B ERG (S LU), A L B I N G R Ä N S (G U), A N D ERS K I ES S L I N G (S LU), TO R B JÖ R N LU N D H (S LU), ER I K SA N D B LO M (G U), K R I ST I N A SU N D E L L (G U) OC H H EN R I K SU N D H (G U). Follow the project on: http://www.slu.se/en/departments/animal-environment-health/research/researchproject/animal-welfare-in-modern-production-systemsfor-fish/ LEARN Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science Christine Jakobsson P.O. Box 7084, 750 07 Uppsala, Sweden www.slu.se/learn Contact persons Christine Jakobsson Senior Project Manager Phone: 018-67 16 82, 0733-91 00 84 E-mail: christine.jakobsson@slu.se Dairy Cow Science Assoc. professor Margareta Emanuelson Phone: +46 18-67 16 49, +46 70-335 74 70 E-mail: margareta.emanuelson@slu.se In vitro gas production system. Photo: Mohammad Ramin. Pig Science Professor Nils Lundeheim Phone: +46 18-67 45 42 E-mail: nils.lundeheim@slu.se Predicting Methane production in Dairy Cows Poultry Science Professor Ragnar Tauson Phone: +46 18-67 45 18, mobil +46 70-652 71 79 E-mail: ragnar.tauson@slu.se Methane is a greenhouse gas contributing to global warming. DAIRY Agriculture, especially the livestock sector contributes to a large extent to the greenhouse gas effect in the atmosphere by producing large amounts of methane. Measuring methane production from dairy cows will then be of great interest. Measuring methane production from the cows in farm conditions is very difficult and costly. In the thesis a method and equations able to predict methane production from dairy cows are described. A method called in vitro gas production was used to predict methane production in dairy cows. In vitro gas production is a devise that mimics the stomach of a dairy cow, and feeds that are given to the animal can also be used in the system but in a smaller scale. The method is a reliable tool for predicting methane production from dairy cows. The second D method of predicting methane production is the use of equations. In this thesis equations were developed based on the results of already published papers reporting actual (live) measurements of methane production. The developed equations are easy to use and apply in farm conditions to predict methane production. The equations can also be used in national inventories predicting methane production in dairy cows. Actually, developed equations have already been introduced and used in a Finnish ration formulation system for dairy cows. In the report by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) the developed equations in this thesis have also been mentioned for predicting methane production in dairy cows. M O H A M M A D R A M I N . D EPA R T M EN T O F AG R I C U LT U R A L R ES E A RC H F O R N O R T H ER N SW ED EN , S LU Beef and Lamb Science Researcher Katarina Arvidsson Phone: +46 511 671 44 E-mail: katarina.arvidsson@slu.se Feed Science Network Assoc. professor Rolf Spörndly Phone: +46 18-67 19 92, +46 70 657 21 89 E-mail: rolf.sporndly@slu.se Veterinary Medicine Researcher Magdalena Jacobson Phone: +46 18-67 14 75 E-mail: magdalena.jacobson@slu.se Aquaculture Science Research Coordinator Anna Norman Haldén Phone: +46 702 62 83 50 e-mail: anna.norman.halden@slu.se Buildings and Technology Science Assoc. professor Anders Henrik Herlin Phone: +46 40-41 52 19 E-mail: anders.herlin@slu.se L AYOU T: M Å R T EN G R A N ER T, S LU