Washington Elementary - Norfolk Public School

Norfolk Public Schools Foundation
Scholarship Application Instructions
Thank you for your interest in applying for scholarships offered through the Norfolk Public Schools Foundation. We are proud to
represent our many donors and offer these outstanding scholarship opportunities to Norfolk High School graduating seniors. We have
streamlined the process by consolidating the application process into one comprehensive application. By completing one application you
can apply for multiple scholarships. Check back often as new scholarships can be added at any time. If you have already completed an
application, and a new scholarship is added, simply complete a second application for that scholarship.
To apply:
* Complete page 1 of the following application. This page is required but will be for office use only. Scholarship applications are kept
anonymous during the selection process. Your name will be removed from all documents forwarded to the selection committee.
* Complete the additional information necessary on page 2-5 of the application. Please be sure to mark all scholarships for which
you would like to be considered. If you do not mark the scholarship, you will not be considered. Only complete the essays pertaining to
the scholarships for which you are applying. Essays should be typed and must be included with the application at time of submission.
Please put the Scholarship Name and your Student ID# in the header of each page. To ensure anonymity please do not use your
name in the essay. Please review the website (www.norfolkpublicschools.org) information prior to completing your application to
determine what additional information is required.
* To determine financial need we use the SAR (Student Aid Report) from the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). If
the scholarships you are applying for lists "financial need" in the selection criteria you will need to provide us with a copy of your FAFSA.
No other financial aid form will be accepted. To ensure anonymity, these reports will be used "in office" only and will not be shared with
the selection committee.
* Transcripts are required and must be attached to this completed application at time of submission. The lack of a transcript will
disqualify the applicant. If you have questions regarding transcripts, please contact the Guidance Office. To ensure anonymity your name
will be blacked out by our office for the selection process.
* Letters of Recommendation are a requirement for many scholarships. If your application is being considered for a scholarship that
requires a Letter of Recommendation from a NPS staff member, those recommendations must be attached to the completed application
at time of submission. To ensure anonymity please ask your reference to not refer to you by name. All references to your name will be
blacked out for the selection process. If you have multiple recommendations in your packet please notate which scholarship(s) each
recommendation is intended to accompany.
* It is the responsibility of the student applying to ensure all fields and required items have been completed correctly and turned
in by the deadline date. Incomplete applications, not meeting the requirements of the selection criteria as defined on the NPS website
(www.norfolkpublicschools.org - Foundation tab - Scholarships), will be disqualified from consideration.
*You must be a member of the graduating class of Norfolk High School to apply for NPSF Scholarships. If you will receive a diploma
from Norfolk Public Schools on graduation day you are eligible to apply.
* Mail or deliver your printed application and all supporting documentation to:
Norfolk Public Schools Foundation
Attention: Scholarship Committee
512 Philip Avenue, PO Box 139
Norfolk, NE 68702-0139
* Selected recipients will be notified by mail prior to the Honors Night presentation. (The Jenna Krivohlavek Memorial Scholarship
recipient and Cindy Froehlich Memorial Scholarship recipient will be revealed in person at Honors Night. If you apply for those scholarships you
are asked to be present at Honors Night.)
Best wishes to you on your quest for post-secondary educational scholarships. The NPS Foundation hopes you have much success as you
leave Norfolk High School and go on to do great things!
Any questions or concerns can be directed to the NPS Foundation office at 402-644-2500, ext 1174 or sarahdittmer@npsne.org; or at the
Senior High Guidance Office. Thank you!
Central Administration Bldg - 512 Philip Avenue - PO Box 139
Phone: 402-644-2504 * Fax: 402-644-2506
website: www.norfolkpublicschools.org * Email: sarahdittmer@npsne.org
page 1
Application Date:
Reset Form
Student ID#:
Student Name:
*this page is for office use only*
*please do not staple this packet*
*please make documents one-sided*
Parent/Guardian Name(s):
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Email Address:
Yes, I agree to allow the NPS Foundation to use my photo/likeness in any
marketing materials (including the website and FaceBook) to promote the
work of the Norfolk Public Schools Foundation.
Please remember to not include your name
in any supporting materials such as letters
of recommendations or the essays. All
references to your name will be blacked out
by the NPSF office to ensure anonymity.
The information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
I understand that information given falsely will result in an ineligible application.
Applicant's Signature
Application Deadline:
March 25, 2015
at 4:00 p.m.
Before submitting your application please review the
"Scholarships" tab on the "Foundation" page of the
NPS website at www.norfolkpublicschools.org to be
sure you have all the supporting documents
including transcripts, teacher recommendations, etc.
Thank you for your interest in the
NPS Foundation Scholarship Program.
Best wishes on your post-secondary education.
Mail or deliver your printed application and all
supporting documentation to:
Norfolk Public Schools Foundation
Attention: Scholarship Committee
512 Philip Avenue, PO Box 139
Norfolk, NE 68702-0139
page 2
Student ID#:
Year of NHS Graduation:
SAT Scores
(List in order of
Critical Reading/Math/Writing):
Number of years as a student at NPS
ACT Composite Score:
Class Rank:
Yes, a transcript is included (required)
What course of study do you plan to pursue in college?
What college(s) do you plan to attend?
Please list all school-related honors/awards you have received & extra-curricular activities. (include a brief description of the activity and the dates of participation)
Please list all experiences in community, church, volunteer, and other activities outside an education setting. Also include any relevant employment history.
(brief description & dates)
page 3
Student ID#:
Financial Need information
This page will be shared with the selection committee if the scholarship lists "financial need" in the criteria.
If you are not applying for any scholarships that asks for "financial need" in the criteria then you may disregard this page.
The criteria details can be found at www.norfolkpublicschools.org - under the "Foundation" tab, then choose "Scholarships".
Yes, I have reviewed the scholarship information and if "financial need" is a listed criteria (or a secondary criteria) I have included a FAFSA copy.
(See example below - we only need the page of the FAFSA that lists the EFC number. )
Please list any scholarships you have been awarded as of the date of this application. (include scholarship name and amount)
Are there any circumstances or details you would like the selection committee to consider regarding your financial need? Please explain in detail.
page 4
Student ID#:
Scholarships Available
Please select all scholarships that you would like the application to be considered for. If there is an essay question required for the scholarship application
it is listed below the title. The essay information should be typed and included with the completed application at time of submission.
A reminder that each scholarship has criteria for supporting documentation. Please consult the "Scholarship" tab on the NPS Foundation webpage at
www.norfolkpublicschools.org to be sure you have met the application criteria and deadline.
B Positive (B+) Doug Brown Memorial Scholarship
Essay: Tell how you have displayed a positive attitude, kindness, and compassion in your community of family and friends. How have you used these attributes to
mentor or lead others?
Deb Cover Memorial Scholarship
Essay: If you received Speech Language therapy during your school career, how has it positively impacted you? If you are planning a college major in Speech Pathology,
what do you hope to accomplish in your career? Please answer the question(s) applicable to your application.
Were you a recipient of Speech Therapy services at NPS or are you seeking a degree in Speech Pathology?
Richard Cross/Allen Janovec/NFL Speech & Debate Scholarship
Essay: How have you benefited from the Speech/Debate program and how do you feel it will help you in the future?
How many years have you competed on the Speech/Debate team?
Dan and Trudie DePasquale Education Scholarship
Are you seeking a Bachelor's degree in Education?
Eleanor H. Fuhrman Memorial Scholarship
Are you seeking a Bachelor's degree in Education?
Future Educator Ethnic Minority Student Scholarship
Essay: Why do you want to be a teacher and what do you hope to accomplish as a teacher?
Are you seeking a degree in Education?
Please be sure you meet the ethnic minority student requirement of this scholarship.
Future Educator Scholarship
Essay: Why do you want to be a teacher and what do you hope to accomplish as a teacher?
Are you seeking a Bachelor's degree in Education?
Cindy Gipson Memorial Scholarship
Essay: Tell us about a book you read and how that book influenced your life. Essay can be no longer than one page.
Lawrence and Hilda Jochens Memorial Enrichment Scholarship
Jenna Krivohlavek Memorial Scholarship
Essay: How have your years at NHS influenced your life?
Please use specific examples to show how you've grown, what you've enjoyed, and how you've been challenged.
Student ID#:
page 5
Lincoln Elementary School PIC Scholarship
Essay: What are your educational plans and what will be your major college study?
Why should you be awarded this scholarship?
How did your years at Lincoln Elementary prepare you for a lifetime of learning?
Are you a former student of Lincoln Elementary School (prior to 2010 - this does not include Montessori students)?
John & Louise Looker Memorial Scholarship
Essay: Why should you be considered for this scholarship? Specifically, for what would you use this scholarship money?
Eva C. Maas Memorial Scholarship
Essay: Explain why you plan to attend Northeast Community College and what your plans are for education and career.
Roger E. Maxwell Memorial Scholarship
Essay: List your educational and vocational goals
J. Paul and Eleanor McIntosh Scholarship
Essay: Tell what impact this scholarship would have on your future. Where do you plan to attend college and what are your future goals/plans?
Norfolk Public Schools Foundation Scholarship Endowment
Essay: How did your experience as a student in Norfolk Public Schools prepare you for your post-secondary education or training?
Northern Hills Elementary School PTO Scholarship
Essay: What are your educational plans and what will be your major college study? Why should you be awarded this scholarship?
How did your years at Northern Hills prepare you for a lifetime of learning?
Are you a former student of Northern Hills Elementary School?
Harley Rector Memorial Scholarship
Essay: What are your plans for the future? Also, please tell us about your involvement in school and community and why you like to be involved.
Are you seeking a degree in Education? This is not a primary criteria, but in the event of a tie it will serve as secondary criteria.
Karl Stefan Memorial Scholarship
Essay: How have you exhibited strong character, citizenship, and involvement in activities? What are your educational and vocational goals?
Ted & Linda (Lanman) Toay Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to one male and one female. What is your gender?
Ralph, Florence, Jennie, & Edna Walker Memorial Scholarship
Essay: Please list your education plans and career goals.
Doug Witte/ELL Tribute Scholarship
Essay: How have you benefitted from the English Language Learner (ELL) program and how do you feel it will help you in the future?
What are your educational plans and what will be your course of study?
The following scholarships do not require an application. A recipient will be selected based on the assigned criteria.
Cindy Froehlich Memorial Scholarship
Ralph T. & Florence Walker Athletic Scholarship
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