S. Adoko, O. Kingsley, J. Eguavoen, O. Eguavoen, O. Adoko, O. Collins &P. Edoro A TWO ENDS FED DIRECT CURRENT (DC) RING DISTRIBUTOR FOR LIGHT EMISSION DIODES’ APPLICATION IN ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING SYSTEM 1 Adoko Sambwa, 2 Okundaye Kingsley, 3Jeffery Eguavoen 4 Omorodion Eguavoen 5Onyeka Adoko 6Okundia Collins, 6Peter Edoro Energy Consultants (Renewable Energy) Asa-Lambda Technology Ltd. C/o: Crossing Over Ventures, 9, Akpakpava Road, Benin City, Nigeria Email:adokosam@yahoo.com 1 Abstract: With the trend of light emitting diode in architectural lighting system, existing practices for commercial and residential buildings’ electrical wiring / design to provide illumination, control, protection, and energy monitoring needs to be changed. The proposed “two ends Fed direct current (DC) ring distribution power flow” in this work has very high functionality. Several functions can be identified and implemented as a single entity, providing access to predict total energy consumption including an estimation of energy loss in the transmission, while influencing significant cost savings as compared with the conventional practices. This paper describes the merits of DC Power Flow Integration in architectural lighting system. The design is made possible through the application of fundamental theorems, rules, and principles as related in electrical engineering. Keywords: LED integration, DC distribution, Design and Applications. 1 S. Adoko, O. Kingsley, J. Eguavoen, O. Eguavoen, O. Adoko, O. Collins &P. Edoro 1. INTRODUCTION In the eve of increasingly energy crisis, mostly in Africa Sub-Sahara, DC distribution network in interior lighting system will play a key role in energy charging and energy utilization. This paper investigates the reliability and suitability of a ring DC distribution topology for an interior lighting system. The implementation of DC power distribution architecture is then proposed, analyzed and simulated as an efficient method of power transmission for architectural lighting system’s applications. The authors are motivated by the following facts. – absence of reactive power in a DC feeder, the possibilities of an efficient integration of other sources of power within the same network, the fact that adopting DC distribution, more sub-distributions can be created within the main frame of DC topology as shown in figure 1. Figure 1: DC distribution topology If the trend to halve or reduce the energy consumption is real, the need to adopt technological option becomes a reality which needs special consideration. Light emitting diode (LED) has paved way for such realization to be possible. But, considering the fact that light emitting diodes are semi-conductors, DC distribution is an ideal medium to transport energy to the point where it is converted to illumination. Interestingly, the growth in energy demand remains incompatible with renewable source of energy [1]. And, if this postulation is true, the best practice for efficiently utilize energy, needs to be considered with the utmost urgency it may deserve. When considering the three drivers of energy demand, Mark Diesendorf pointed at the technology choice to be the most probable solution to tackle the energy situation [2]. Hence, the combination of LEDs in DC distribution will guaranty reliability and efficiency [3]. 2. DC CONFIGURATION NETWORK TOPOLOGY There exist various configurations of DC distribution architectures. This paper elaborates on a ring DC distribution network. This, has proved to be a cost-efficient solution to enhance reliability and suitability of the distribution. Consequently, this paradigm will open new possibilities for LED integration in architectural lighting system [4]. In this paper, the ring distribution network has been simulated to justify the efficiency and reliability of this concept, which by definition; it is a process of finding the voltages across, and the currents through each component in the network. Assuming that the components of such network are all linear, Kirchhoff’s law of voltages and currents will be the most suited for this analysis. The nature of loads to be used in this method has greatly influenced our choice of method [5]. 2 S. Adoko, O. Kingsley, J. Eguavoen, O. Eguavoen, O. Adoko, O. Collins &P. Edoro A ring network topology as shown in figure 2 was chosen based on the advantages attached to it, that is, a network in which all devices (loads) are connected to one another in the shape of a closed loop. Figure 2: Ring topology network 3. ANALYSIS / SIMULATION In electrical engineering system’s design with the simulation components of direct current (DC) power flow, optimization of the operating performance of the entire network is an elementary perceptive approach, using the existing rules and theories as detailed in electrical technology for the transmission as against the conventional (AC) method. It is recognized that, the performance of energy consumption using LED as load, has a linear and constrained nature with respect to the design variables as far as illumination is concerned [7]. When those components are integrated and implemented in a network for operation, it would manifest such interconnectivity between the system performance and the above mentioned constrained. Such inherent imperfection as heat, being emitted by LED can only be tackled by the manufacturers. Therefore, this paper demonstrates an evolutionary algorithm by the implementation of DC power flow using network fed in both ends. Figure 3: Ring distribution feeder with equal voltage in both ends. The main scenario of the measurement procedure is the current allocations and the voltage drop along the transmission network. The current allocations seems very trivial issues but, with the existing techniques in which the network will be dismantled and reconfigured using the Kirchhoff’s law as shown in Figure 4. 3 S. Adoko, O. Kingsley, J. Eguavoen, O. Eguavoen, O. Adoko, O. Collins &P. Edoro Ia + Id – Ib – Ic – Ie = 0 … … 2 Figure 4: Kirchhoff’s law of currents and voltages. The fundamental reality to envail in this analysis is the current distribution, voltage drop, and power losses, among others. Adopting ring distribution network, there, exist a sizeable number of opportunities to accommodate sub-distributions within the main network, as shown in figure 5. Figure 5: Ring distribution/sub-distribution topology. Figure5: shows a two-wire DC network, distributed randomly along a closed circuit which is fed a t one or more than one point. Mathematically, when calculating its voltages distribution, it is assume as consisting of a series of open distributions fed at both ends, and having subdistributions within the same platform [8], great economy in copper can be affected. Figure 6: Parallel connected two end feeders 4 S. Adoko, O. Kingsley, J. Eguavoen, O. Eguavoen, O. Adoko, O. Collins &P. Edoro 4. ANALYSIS The fundamental components to be determined in the analysis of ring distribution are the voltages drop, power losses in the transmission, and the currents passing through each load. The load are fed at both ends of the distribution with equal voltages as shown in figure 7 (a) and (b) (a) (b) Figure 7: A ring distribution with equal feeds. When considering a DC network fed at both ends with equal voltages, there is a point in the network where the voltage drop is higher than the rest; such point will be considered with great attention in this analysis. Considering the ends E1 AND E2 which represent the distribution feeders with equal voltages, it is expected that there will be potential drop along the transmission, from E1 and onward, reaching a minimum value. In guise of analysis, let assume that all currents tapped off between points E1 and B will be supplied from E1, while those tapped off between E2 and B will be supplied from E2. Point B is the meeting point of currents from source E1 and E2, named y and z respectively. Ideally, the distribution behaves as if it was cut off into 2 portions, as shown in figure 8. Figure 8: Ring distribution as two identical distributions. 5 S. Adoko, O. Kingsley, J. Eguavoen, O. Eguavoen, O. Adoko, O. Collins &P. Edoro When configurating the network in this pattern, the fundamental objective will be to identify and measure the necessary parameters. In the ring distribution configuration, the knowledge of actual distance between the taping off points and the power source is necessary. Equally, the internal resistance of the conductor needs to be identified as shown in figure 9 where a ring distribution of length 400m, of two wires of 0.2ohms per 1,000m resistance, having the loads a tapped off at point B,C and D as shown in figure 9. The power source is 24V (a) Figure 9: Ring distributions simulation The distribution is fed at point A. the voltage drop at B C and D can be determined as follow: The current crossing point D is I. 70 I + 90 (I-5) + 80 (I-12) + 60 (I-22) = 0 300I = 2,730 - I = 9.1 amps 4.1 Voltage Drops - Drop in section AD = 2 (9.1 X 70 X 0.2/1000) = 0.25V Drop in section DC = 2 (4.1 X 90 X 2/1,000) = 0.15V Drop in section CB = 2[(12-9) X 80 X 0.2/1,000]=0.1V Drop in section BA = 2[(12.9) X 60 X 0.2/1000] =0.15V 4.2 Energy Loss In The Transmission Energy Loose in the transmission Between D and C, 0.15 X 4.1 = 0.615 ω Between C and B, 0.1 X 2.9 = 0.29 ω Between B and A, 0.15 X 12.9 = 1.935 ω Between A and D Total Loss = 2.840 ω = PLOSS Power at the source is P1 = V.I = 528 ω Power at the end of the transmission is P2 = P1 – PLoss = 528 – 4.0852 = 523.915 … …3 6 S. Adoko, O. Kingsley, J. Eguavoen, O. Eguavoen, O. Adoko, O. Collins &P. Edoro Efficiency Of The Network P2 Efficiency η = x 100 P1 523.915 = x 100 = 99.23% 528 4.3 … …4 Figure 10: Current distribution Network Verifications of the result using Kirchhoff’s laws. I4, + I6 = I5 4, 1 + 2.9 = 7A => I8 = Iy + I6 12.9 = 10 + 2.9 => I1 = I2 + I8 22 = 9, 1 + 12.9 => I2 = I3 + I4 9.1 = 5 + 4.1 => 7 S. Adoko, O. Kingsley, J. Eguavoen, O. Eguavoen, O. Adoko, O. Collins &P. Edoro RESULTS: The authors opined that DC distribution will soon be significant of importance as regard its reliability, efficiency, and adaptability. These qualities will be considered fundamental if the issue of energy consumption in architecture lighting system remains a problem to be solved. This network proved that, in adopting DC distribution topology, it is possible to determine and predict the actual energy consumption. The paper is supported by the efficiency and reliability offered as well as the ability to support and integrate mix source of energy and storage technologies in a single bus bar. The intended solution is that the energy dissipation and consumption will reduce. Equally, the source of emissions will reduce by making use of renewable source of energy. 6. APPLICATIONS The adoption of DC distribution topology is influenced by the absence of reactive power in DC source; the possibility to have an efficient and easy integration of additional sources (power) to the same network has been an added factor. At this platform, DC power distribution architecture will out-weight AC type as far as reliability, efficiency and susceptibility is concerned. As was pointed that, reliability and efficiency of a typical power distribution can be improved by decreasing the number of power conversion required within the crucial current path from the source to the load [6]. To effectively make use of the DC power distribution, there is urgent need to harmonize the supply of the loads (LEDs) to DC source. It will be then confirmed that, a move to DC distribution topology is justified when efficiency and lossless distribution are concerned. It will then be appreciated to consider DC distribution architecture when considering integrating LEDs in interior lighting system, but significant compatibility issued among difference manufacturers needs to be aligned so that LEDs can exhibit its full potential as light source. 8 S. Adoko, O. Kingsley, J. Eguavoen, O. Eguavoen, O. Adoko, O. Collins &P. Edoro The authors opine that, DC distribution architecture remains the most fundamental method or process for powering LEDs in architectural lighting system due to its compatibility, flexibility, and suitability. But the wide spread of DC distribution will some gallops as far as its implementation is concerned. This is the fact that there is no single standard for DC power supplies. The development of DC-DC converters has brought a corrective measure and it has widened the trend of DC distribution beyond any existing obstacle. 7. CONCLUSION With the rush of LEDs integration as direct replacement to the existing light source there is tendency from various manufacturers to have LEDs’ plug in as AC load. This trend, although being retrogressive, has facilitated the use of converter in the same compartment with LED. Such configuration may result to an excessive power loss due to AC – DC conversion. However, the authors of this paper strongly recommended that DC distribution can be advantageous in multiple aspects and predicted a massive widespread adoption of DC distribution topology as far as LEDs application is concerned. Supporting Neil Rasmussen [9], who stipulated that “eliminating power conversion stages will increase electrical efficiency. In other words, adopting DC distribution will enhance electrical flexibility of the entire network. This has equally been confirmed by Rudy Kraus [10] that the effect of using direct current is to reduce the number of voltages and conversion between AC and DC, which will makes the overall system more efficient. The clear advantages of DC distribution will lead to the use of this topology for future lighting in buildings. This will be translated to a system having: - lower capital acquisition cost [11], higher efficiency, and high reliability [12] as confirmed in the present paper. The most important prerequisite for the distribution of DC power flow, integrated with solar energy in light emitting diode’s applications, is the accurate measurement of the parameters. These parameters need to be calculated with some level of precision so that an algorithm may be established for larger and more complex systems. However, bad analysis of the distribution of DC power flow with inconsistent measurements such as in coherent satisfaction of the Kirchhoff’s current and voltage law will result to a very expensive project or project which may not resist the test of time during practical implementation. In spite of the above, DC distribution power flow in LED’s application, integrated with sophisticated controllers, light sensors and drivers, may provide acceptable result to the end users. 8. ACKNOWLDEGEMENT The authors acknowledge with thanks for the financial and moral contribution from “Kesslink Global Resources, Musafa & Scar Ltd, and Desreell Options Investment Ltd”. 9 S. Adoko, O. Kingsley, J. Eguavoen, O. Eguavoen, O. Adoko, O. Collins &P. Edoro 9. REFERENCE [1] Adoko et al (2008) “Reduction of Energy consumption in building requires a comprehensive Electrical Design of an integrated interior lighting system using light emitting Diode (LED)”. 7th International Conference on sustainable Energy Technologies, South Korea, Seoul (2008) [2] Mark Diesendof (2007) “Green House solutions with Sustainable Energy”, university of New South Wales Press Ltd, University of New South Wales. Sydney NSW 2052. Australia [3.] Adoko et al (2008) “Effective Paradigm for direct current (DC) distribution using light emitting diodes (LEDs) in architectural lighting system”. The 3rd Regional World Renewable Energy Congress 10th Arab International Conference. Kuwait City, Kuwait 2008. [4.] Ibid [5.] Nilsson Jan et al “Electric circuits PP 112 – 113” Pearson prentice Hall 2007 [6.] E. C. 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J et al (1999) “Solid State High Voltage DC power distribution and control” proceeding of the 1999 particle accelerator conference, New York, 1999. [12.] Ibid. for server farms” 10 S. Adoko, O. Kingsley, J. Eguavoen, O. Eguavoen, O. Adoko, O. Collins &P. Edoro Dr. Adoko Sambwa M.M, born in Democratic Republic of Congo. He studied power electronics at the University of Lagos, Nigeria, obtaining his Ph.D in 1994 in the University of Benin, Nigeria. He is the Director of Asa-Lambda Technology, an Energy Consultant firm based in Nigeria. He is a member of International Solar Energy Society (ISES), Africa Wind Energy Association, and the Nigeria Society of Engineers. His research areas have included re-adaptation, reconfiguration of new technologies to the rural dwellers. He has sizeable number of papers to his merit. He has been with his present company since 1994, working as a development engineer for rural electrification. Renewable Energy is considered as a pivot in which the matrices of development will rely upon and the Sub-Saharan Africa has much to gain. 11