Bonding Table 2.2 Common Types of Interactions and their Pair-Potentials w(r) between Two Atoms, Ions, or Small Molecules in a Vacuum (3 ¼ 1)a Type of interaction Interaction energy w(r) Covalent, metallic Complicated, short range Charge–charge þQ1Q2/4p30r (Coulomb energy) Charge–dipole #Qu cos q/4p30r2 #Q2u2/6(4p30)2kTr4 Dipole–dipole #u1u2[2 cos q1 cos q2 # sin q1 sin q2 cos f]/4p30r3 #u12 u22 =3ð4p30 Þ2 kTr 6 ðKeesom energyÞ Charge–non-polar #Q2a/2(4p30)2r4 Dipole–non-polar #u2a(1 þ 3 cos2 q)/2(4p30)2r6 #u2a/(4p30)2r6 (Debye energy) Two non-polar molecules Hydrogen bond a 3 hva2 # ðLondon dispersion energyÞ 4 ð4p30 Þ2 r 6 Complicated, short range, energy roughly proportional to #1/r2 w(r) is the interaction free energy or pair-potential (in J); Q, electric charge (C); u, electric dipole moment (C m); a, electric polarizibility (C2 m2 J#1); r, distance between the centers of the interacting atoms or molecules (m); k, Boltzmann constant (1.381 & 10#23 J K#1); T, absolute temperature (K); h, Planck’s constant (6.626 & 10#34 J s); n, electronic absorption (ionization) frequency (s#1); 30, dielectric permittivity of free space (8.854 & 10#12 C2 J#1 m#1). The force F(r) is obtained by differentiating the energy w(r) with respect to distance r: F ¼ #dw/dr. The stabilizing repulsive “Pauli Exclusion” interactions (not shown) usually follow an exponential function w(r)f exp(#r/r0), but for simplicity they are usually modeled as power laws: w(r)fþ1/rn (where n ¼ 9–12). Dipole Moment u =ql Where l is the distance between two charges of value q Example Two electronic charges q = ± e separated by l =0.1 nm Dipole moment is (1.602 x 10-19)(10-10)=1.6 X 10 -29 Cm = 4.8D 1D = 3.336 X10-30 Cm Interaction between ions Interactions between dipoles and ions 74 INTERMOLECULAR AND SURFACE FORCES EQ (a) C EQ Charge Q=ze 1 Dipole moment u =q 2 r 1 A B EQ Eu (b) (c) 2 74 INTERMOLECULAR AND SURFACE FORCES EQ (a) C EQ Charge Q=ze 1 Dipole moment u =q 2 r 1 A B EQ Eu (b) (c) 2 Ion Dipole 76 INTERMOLECULAR AND SURFACE FORCES 5 ´ 10–19 0 0.1 nm 0.02 nm r 1D u q q w (r) (J) e r 90 q 0 0.1 r (nm) 0.2 0.3 kT at 300 K r 0.02 nm 0 0.1 nm −5 ´ 10–19 FIGURE 4.2 Charge-dipole interaction energy in vacuum (3 ¼ 1) between a unit charge e and a dipole of moment u ¼ Dipole-Dipole Interactions θ ΙΈ θ Dipole-Dipole NTERMOLECULAR AND SURFACE FORCES 0 Parallel r q kT at 300 K q 0.1 nm 0 w (r) (J) 0.1 nm q In line –19 Parallel –10 0 r In line u q 0.1 q 0.2 r (nm) 1D 0.3 0.4 Not quite as strong as ion-ion or dipole ion rotating Dipoles If you allow the dipole to rotate freely are large distances what happens (ion-dipole) e Chapter 4 • Interactions Involving Polar Z 1 qi ¼ 4p 2 2 hsin qi ¼ ; 3 hcos2 p 0 2 cos q sin q dq Z 2p 0 1 df ¼ ; 3 1 hsin fi ¼ fi ¼ ; 2 hsin qi ¼ hcos qi ¼ hsin q cos qi ¼ 0; 2 hcos2 hsin fi ¼ hcos fi ¼ hsin f cos fi ¼ 0: less than kT, we can expand Eq. (4.11): "wðrÞ=kT ! " #2 $ wðrÞ wðr; UÞ 1 wðr; UÞ þ/ ¼ 1" þ ¼ 1" "/ 4p 2 2 hsin qi ¼ ; 3 0 3 0 1 hsin fi ¼ fi ¼ ; 2 hsin qi ¼ hcos qi ¼ hsin q cos qi ¼ 0; 2 hcos2 hsin fi ¼ hcos fi ¼ hsin f cos fi ¼ 0: n w(r, U) is less than kT, we can expand Eq. (4.11): e"wðrÞ=kT ! " #2 $ wðrÞ wðr; UÞ 1 wðr; UÞ þ/ ¼ 1" þ ¼ 1" "/ ; kT kT 2 kT ! $ 2 wðr; UÞ wðrÞ ¼ wðr; UÞ " þ/ : 2kT angle-averaged free energy for the charge-dipole interaction is therefore, 4.5) for w(r, U), wðrÞ ¼ ! z" " Qu cos q Qu " " 2 4p30 3r 4p30 3r 2 Q2 u2 2 6ð4p3 3Þ kTr 4 for #2 cos2 2kT $ q þ/ Qu kT > ; 2 4p30 3r Dipole Dipole Take home Ion dipole r^2 dipole-dipole r^3 Ion-rotating dipole r^4 (thermal contraints) rotating dipole-dipole r^6 (thermal contraints) dipole interactions weaker than ion dipole moment = u = ql