POEMS FOR Perfect Poems With Strategies for Building Fluency: Grades 1-2 © Scholastic Teaching Resources R E P E AT E D R E A D I N G S Tiny Tim —TRADITIONAL I had a little turtle, His name was Tiny Tim. I put him in the bathtub, To see if he could swim. He drank up all the water, He ate up all the soap. Tiny Tim was choking On the bubbles in his throat! In came the doctor, In came the nurse, In came the lady With the alligator purse. Continued 64 Perfect Poems With Strategies for Building Fluency: Grades 1-2 © Scholastic Teaching Resources POEMS FOR R E P E AT E D R E A D I N G S They pumped out all the water, They pumped out all the soap, They popped the airy bubbles As they f loated from his throat. Out went the doctor, Out went the nurse, Out went the lady With the alligator purse! 65 Instructional Routine POEMS —TRAD Scholastic Teach ing Resources for Building Fluenc y: Grades 1–2 With Strategies POEMS ITION AL TO GNITI BUILD RECO ON OF PHONICS P AND AT T E R N S DS SIGHT WOR Te r r ific To e s With Perfect Poems y: Grades Building Fluenc Strategies for 1–2 ing Scholastic Teach Resources —TRADI STEP 5: Provide time throughout the week for students to practice reading aloud their poems. Circulate and listen in. Provide feedback on key aspects of fluent reading. Then, allow students to share their readings at the end of the week. L TIONA s, terrif ic toe I have such es. erever I go with me wh I take them t, fantastic fee I have such t. ll smell swee at, they sti No matter wh s, toe d an t t and fee Toes and fee se. f ine as tho ng else as There’s nothi 53 POEM S FO R REPEA TED Te n i n the B ed —AN READI NGS ONY MOU S There were ten in and th the b e little ed one sa “Roll o id, ver, ro ll over. ” So the y all ro lled o Four h ver and it the four fe f loor and g ll out. ave a They k shout! ept on rolling Three a nd hit the three f loor fell out and g . They ave a kept shout! on ro lling a Two h nd tw it the o fell f loor out. and g ave a There shout! was o ne in and th th e bed e little one sa “Good id, night! ” Schola stic Tea ching Resour ces Perfect Poems With Stra tegies for Buildin g Fluenc y: Gra des 1–2 Poems are like language amusement parks; they represent the works of those playing with language in rhythmic and creative ways. Sharing the joys of written language with students is a wonderful and valuable gift. PHRASING 37 STEP 3: Do an echo reading of the poem. Read aloud each stanza and have students repeat using the same pace, accuracy, and expression. STEP 4: Assign the poem to partners, small groups, or individuals based on the goal of each poem. For example, poems designed for repeated readings should be assigned to individuals, whereas poems for choral readings should be assigned to small groups. AND If all the sea s were one sea, What a great sea that wo uld be! If all the tre es were one tree, What a great tree that wo uld be! If all the ax es were one ax, What a great ax that would be! And if all the men were one man, What a great man he would be! And if the gre at man took the great ax , And cut down the great tre e, And let it fal l into the gre at sea, What a great SPLASH that would be! Perfect Poems STEP 2: Read aloud the poem. Highlight one or two aspects of fluency, such as intonation or phrasing. Discuss these aspects of fluency and model them using selected sentences or phrases from the poem. B U I L D I N TO N AT I O N If A ll th e S e a s Use the following routine for introducing each poem. STEP 1: Distribute copies of the poem or write the poem on chart paper. As an alternative, make a transparency of the poem and show it on the overhead projector. TO 59 Perfect Poems With Strategies for Building Fluency: Grades 1-2 © Scholastic Teaching Resources 13