While this is a very vital subject, information regarding it is scarce. Little is said about it
in brotherhood lectureships and literature. It is one of the most difficult problems to deal
with. The one removed may be greatly hurt and upset. Other church members may be
upset by his removal. A leader who realizes he is not qualified should resign. If he does
not, he should be removed. His feelings should be considered. However the welfare of
the church is more important than his feelings.
Some guidelines:
1. Love should be the motivation for everything we do. 1 Corinthians 16:14
2. We should be kind, compassionate and concerned for the interests and welfare of
others. Philippians 2:1-4; Ephesians 4:31, 32
3. We should pray for wisdom and God’s help. James 1:5; 5:16
4. Treat others as you want them to treat you. Matthew 7:12
Removing Unqualified Elders
When should an elder be removed from the eldership?
1. When he will not repent of sin he is known to be guilty of.
2. When his conduct is a negative influence.
3. When he does not possess the qualities the Bible says an elder must have. 1 Timothy
3; Titus 1. In some cases, elders who were once qualified no longer have some of the
essential characteristics.
4. When he is unable to do the work of an elder.
5. When a large percentage of faithful members do not accept him as a leader.
Suggested procedure:
1. Get a close friend to talk with him and suggest that he resign.
2. If he refuses to resign, two elders or an elder and another strong Christian man go to
him and plead with him for the good of the church.
3. If he still refuses to resign, the other elders meet and pass a resolution calling for his
resignation. He is given a written notice of this.
4. If he does not resign in response to this notice, a statement is made to the congregation
explaining that after much prayer and discussion with this brother, it has been decided
that he will no longer by an elder of the congregation.
Suggested procedure when the majority of the members believe all the elders to be
unqualified and are unwilling to accept them as leaders:
1. Be very cautious and prayerful. Make certain you are following biblical principles
regarding the matter.
2. Three men who are respected by the congregation meet with the elders and suggest
that they resign.
3. If they don’t resign, ask them to allow a respected preacher or other leader from
another congregation to assist.
4. As a last resort, concerned members may need to transfer to another congregation or
begin a new one.
If members are dissatisfied because elders stand for biblical teaching, the elders should
not yield to them. They should be expected to resign only if they are hindering God’s
Removing Unqualified Deacons
When should a deacon be relieved of his responsibilities? (See what is said about elders.)
Suggested procedure:
1. Have a close friend meet with him and suggest that he resign.
2. If he refuses, two elders go to him and suggest his resignation, giving reasons.
3. If he still does not resign, the elders give him a letter informing him that he is no
longer a deacon.
4. Depending on circumstances and the reasons for his disqualification, it may be best
not to read the letter to the church.
Removing Unqualified Preachers
When should a preacher be removed from his role?
1. When he is guilty of known sin and refuses to repent. What if he repents? Whether
he should continue in his role should be determined by the wishes of the
2. When he loses the confidence and support of a significant number of faithful
members. This could be because of his life or because of his preaching and other
aspects of his work.
3. When he will not or cannot do his work effectively.
4. When he is self-willed and refuses to listen to the leaders and other members.
5. When he promotes error regarding essentials of salvation and Christian fellowship
and will not repent of it and renounce it.
6. Caution: Members should not expect perfection in a preacher. No preacher can
satisfy everyone. Even Jesus had critics!
7. A preacher is unwise to try to continue with a church when a significant percentage of
faithful members don’t want him as their preacher.
Suggested procedure:
1. Get one of his good friends to talk to him and suggest that he resign.
2. If he does not resign, two elders or two leading men of the church go to him and
plead for his resignation for the good of the church.
3. If he does not resign, he should be given the opportunity to meet with the elders, or
men of the church if there are no elders, to discuss the matter.
4. If his resignation is not forthcoming, the elders, or if there are no elders, the men of
the church should declare that his role as preacher will end effective a certain date.
Removing An Unqualified Bible Class Teacher
When should a teacher be asked to stop teaching a class?
1. When he/she is guilty of sin and will not repent.
2. When his/her reputation is bad.
3. When he/she promotes error that hurts the church and will cause people to be lost.
4. When he/she is clearly incompetent and class members do not want him/her to
continue as teacher.
Suggested procedure:
1. The person in charge of the educational program should ask the teacher to resign. If
he/she does not, the elders, or leading men of the church if it has no elders, should see
that he/she is replaced.
2. If he/she is a faithful Christian, it would be good to suggest other ways in which
he/she can serve.
Note: The procedures mentioned herein are merely suggested ways of dealing with a
most sensitive and difficult problem. Many of these ideas are from Church
Administration, Walter H. Adams, Firm Foundation.
By Jerry Humphries
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