London Mathematical Society ISSN 1461–1570 SMALL DEGREE REPRESENTATIONS OF FINITE CHEVALLEY GROUPS IN DEFINING CHARACTERISTIC FRANK LÜBECK Abstract We determine for all simple simply connected reductive linear algebraic groups defined over a finite field all irreducible representations in their defining characteristic of degree below some bound. These also give the small degree projective representations in defining characteristic for the corresponding finite simple groups. For large rank l our bound is proportional to l 3 and for rank 6 11 much higher. The small rank cases are based on extensive computer calculations. 1. Introduction In this note we give lists of projective representations of simple Chevalley groups in their defining characteristic. There are two types of results. First we determine for groups of rank 6 11 all such representations of degree less than or equal some bound depending on the type (e.g., 100000 for type E8 ), see Theorem 4.4 for details. These data are produced using a collection of computer programs developed by the author. Of course, some of the degrees given in our tables have been known before. To give two examples: Gilkey and Seitz handle some cases for exceptional types with computational methods in [6]. Some small rank cases are handled more theoretically like type B2 and G2 by Jantzen in [11] (although the explicit degrees are still not too easy to obtain from that result). Secondly we determine for groups of classical type with rank l all representations of degree at most l 3 /8 for type Al , and of degree at most l 3 for the other types. For large l this is a small list, given in Theorem 5.1, and for small l this range is easily covered by our tables mentioned above. This extends similar results by Liebeck with bounds proportional to l 2 , see [13, 5.4.11] and the references given there. Our results contains in particular a complement to the tables of representations in nondefining characteristic up to degree 250 worked out by Hiß and Malle in [7]. We fix some notation for the whole paper. Let G̃ be a finite twisted or non-twisted simple Chevalley group in characteristic p (we consider 2 F(2)0 as sporadic and exclude it here, but see the corresponding remark after Theorem 4.4). There is an associated connected reductive simple algebraic group G over F¯ p of simply connected type, a Frobenius endomorphism F of G, a number q = p f with 2 f ∈ Z and an m ∈ N such that: — G is defined over Fqm via F m . — For the group of F-fixed points G(q) with center Z we have G̃ ∼ = G(q)/Z. — G(q) is the quotient of the universal covering group of G̃ by the p-part of its center. Received 25th August 2000, revised 28th May 2001; published ???. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification 20C33, 20C44, 20G05, 20G40 c 200X, Frank Lübeck LMS J. Comput. Math. VV (200X) 1–32 Small degree representations in defining characteristic (Note, that this includes the Suzuki and Ree groups.) So, asking for the projective representations of G̃ in characteristic p is the same as asking for the representations of G(q) in characteristic p. These can be constructed by restricting certain representations, called highest weight representations, of the algebraic group G to G(q). This is explained in Section 2. In Section 3 we shortly describe how our computer programs for computing weight multiplicities work. In Section 4 we describe our main result consisting of lists of small degree representations for groups of rank at most 11. The lists are printed in Appendix 6. Finally, in Section 5 we consider groups of larger rank. Acknowledgements. I wish to thank Kay Magaard, Gunter Malle and Gerhard Hiß for useful discussions about the topic of this note. 2. Representations in defining characteristic There are several well readable introductions to this topic, for example Humphreys’ survey [9]. A detailed reference is Jantzen’s book [12]. We recall some of the basic facts. For G of simply connected type of rank l as in the introduction let T be a maximal torus of G, X ∼ = Zl its character group and Y ∼ = Zl its co-character group. Let {α1 , . . . , αl } ⊂ X be a set of simple roots for G with respect to T and α∨i ∈ Y the coroot corresponding to αi , i = 1, . . . , l. Viewing X ⊗ R as Euclidean space we define the fundamental weights ω1 , . . . , ωl ∈ X ⊗ R as the dual basis of α∨1 , . . . , α∨l . This is a Z-basis of X (because G is simply connected). There is a partial ordering 6 on X defined by ω 6 ω0 if and only if ω0 − ω is a nonnegative linear combination of simple roots. A weight ω ∈ X is called dominant if it is a non-negative linear combination of the fundamental weights. The Weyl group W of G, generated by the reflections along the αi , acts on X. Under this action each W -orbit on X contains a unique dominant weight. From now on let L be a finite dimensional G-module over F¯ p . Considering this as T L module there is a direct sum decomposition L = ω∈X Lω into weight spaces Lω such that t ∈ T acts by multiplication with ω(t) on Lω . The set of ω ∈ X with Lω 6= {0} is called the set of weights of L. The set of weights of L is a union of W -orbits and for ω ∈ X, x ∈ W we have dim(Lω ) = dim(Lωx ). The following basic results characterize the irreducible representations L via their set of weights. Theorem 2.1 (Chevalley). Let G and L be as above. (a) If L is irreducible then the set of weights of L contains a (unique) element λ such that for all weights ω of L we have ω 6 λ. This λ is called the highest weight of L, it is dominant and we have dim(Lλ ) = 1. (b) An irreducible G-module L is determined up to isomorphism by its highest weight. (c) For each dominant weight λ ∈ X there is an irreducible G-module L(λ) with highest weight λ. A dominant weight λ = a1 ω1 + · · · + al ωl ∈ X is called p-restricted if 0 6 ai 6 p − 1 for 1 6 i 6 l. The following result of Steinberg shows how all highest weight modules L(λ) of G can be constructed out of those with p-restricted highest weights. Theorem 2.2 (Steinberg’s tensor product theorem). Let F0 be the Frobenius automorphism of F¯ p , raising elements to their p-th power. Twisting the G-action on a G-module 2 Small degree representations in defining characteristic L with F0i , i ∈ Z>0 , we get another G-module which we denote by L(i) . If λ0 , . . . , λn are p-restricted weights then L(λ0 + pλ1 + · · · + pn λn ) ∼ = L(λ0 ) ⊗ L(λ1 )(1) ⊗ · · · ⊗ L(λn )(n) . Finally we need to recall the relation between the irreducible modules of the algebraic group G and those of the finite group G(q). This is nicely described by Steinberg in [19, 13.3, 11.6]. Theorem 2.3 (Steinberg). Let G and G(q) be as in the introduction. We define a subset Λ of dominant weights. If G(q) is not a Suzuki or Ree group (i.e., not of type 2B2 , 2G2 or 2F4 ) then Λ = {a1 ω1 + · · · + al ωl | 0 6 ai 6 q − 1 for 1 6 i 6 l}. In the case of Suzuki and Ree √ groups we define Λ = {a1 ω1 + · · · + al ωl | 0 6 ai 6 q/ p − 1 if αi is a long root, 0 6 ai 6 √ q p − 1 if αi is a short root} (note that q is the square root of an odd power of p = 2, 3 or 2, respectively, in these cases). Then the restrictions of the G-modules L(λ) with λ ∈ Λ to G(q) form a set of pairwise inequivalent representatives of all equivalence classes of irreducible F¯ p G(q)-modules. These results show that the dimensions of the irreducible representations of the groups G(q) over F¯ p are easy to obtain if we know the dimensions of the representations L(λ) of the algebraic groups G for p-restricted weights λ. 3. Computation of weight multiplicities In this section we sketch how we compute the degree of the representation L(λ) for given root datum of G, highest weight λ and prime p. For almost all p it is the same as for the algebraic group over the complex numbers with same root datum, respectively its Lie algebra. In these cases the degree can be computed by a formula of Weyl, see [8, 24.3]. In the other cases no formula is known. But in principle there is an algorithm to compute the degree. This is described in [8, Exercise 2 of 26.4] and goes back to Burgoyne [2]. This was also used in [6] to handle some cases in exceptional groups. The idea is to construct a so-called Weyl module V (λ)Z generically over the integers. By base change this leads to a module V (λ) for any G with the given root datum over any ring, which has λ as a highest weight. Over C or over F¯ p for almost all p this is irreducible and so isomorphic to L(λ). In general L(λ) is a quotient of V (λ). To construct V (λ)Z one considers the universal enveloping algebra U of the complex Lie algebra corresponding to the given root datum. It contains a Z-lattice UZ , the Kostant Z-form of U , which is defined via a Chevalley basis of the Lie algebra. Up to equivalence there is a unique irreducible highest weight representation V (λ) for U with highest weight λ. Let 0 6= v ∈ V (λ) be a vector of weight λ (this is unique up to scalar). Then we set V (λ)Z := UZ v = UZ− v. We fix an ordering β1 , . . . , βN of the set of positive roots. Then UZ− and UZ+ have Z-bases labeled by sequences a = (a1 , . . . , aN ) of non-negative integers. Applying such a basis element fa of UZ− to a vector of weight ω we get a vector of weight ω−a1 β1 −· · ·−aN βN (and L similarly for basis vectors ea of UZ+ ). So, decomposing V (λ)Z = ω∈X (Vω )Z according to the weight spaces, we can describe generating sets of (Vω )Z by all non-negative linear combinations of positive roots which are equal to λ − ω. There is a non-degenerate bilinear form (·, ·) on V (λ)Z which can be described via this generating system. Different weight spaces are orthogonal with respect to this form. Let 3 Small degree representations in defining characteristic a, b be two coefficient vectors as above such that the corresponding linear combination of the positive roots is the same. Then eb fa v = na,b v is again of weight λ and one defines ( fa v, fb v) := na,b ∈ Z. Since the form is nondegenerate we can compute the rank of a weight lattice (Vω )Z by computing the rank of the matrix (na,b ) where a and b are running through all non-negative linear combinations of positive roots for λ − ω. The dimension of the weight space Lω of L(λ) is the rank of (na,b ) modulo p. The coefficients na,b can be computed by simplifying the element eb fa with the help of the commutator relations in U , see [8, 25.]. These involve the structure constants for a Chevalley basis of the corresponding Lie algebra which can be computed as described in [3, 4.2]. In principle this allows the determination of dim(L(λ)) for all G, p and λ. But in practice these computations can become very long, already in small examples. There are technical problems like the question how to apply commutator relations most efficiently in order to compute the integers na,b . Different strategies change the number of steps in the calculation considerably. But the main problem is that the generating sets for the weight spaces as described above are very redundant. Usually the number of non-negative linear combinations of positive roots which yield λ − ω is much larger than the dimension of Vω . By a careful choice of the ordering of the positive roots one can reduce the linear combinations to consider, because for many a = (a1 , . . . , aN ) with ω = λ − a1 β1 − · · · − aN βN there is a 1 6 k 6 N such that λ − a1 β1 − · · · − ak βk is not a weight of V (λ) (and hence fa v = 0). But the main improvement we get by using results of Jantzen and Andersen, see [12, II.8.19]. The so-called Jantzen sum formula expresses the determinant of the Gram matrix of the bilinear form (·, ·) on the lattice (Vω )Z in terms of weight multiplicities of various V (µ) with µ 6 λ. The weight multiplicities of these V (µ) can be efficiently computed by Freudenthal’s formula, see [8, 22.3]. In particular the formula gives exactly the set of primes p for which the Weyl module V (λ) is not isomorphic to L(λ). In rare cases it happens that a prime p divides such a determinant exactly once - then we know without further calculations that dim(Lω ) = dim(Vω ) − 1. Using these determinants we compute only parts of the matrices (na,b ) corresponding to a subset of its rows and columns until the submatrix has the full rank dim(Vω ) and the product of its elementary divisors is equal to the known determinant. Then the rank of (na,b ) modulo p is the same as the rank of this submatrix modulo p. With this approach we never need submatrices of (na,b ) of much larger dimension than dim(Vω ). (In [6] the consideration of the matrices (na,b ) was substituted by computing somewhat smaller matrices using the action of parabolic subalgebras in cases where λ has a non-trivial stabilizer in W , but these matrices were still big compared to the dimension of the weight spaces.) Of course, our method is limited to representations where no single weight space has a dimension of more than a few thousand. Actually we can also compute by our approach the Jantzen filtrations of the Weyl modules, see [12, II.8], by computing the elementary divisors of the matrices (na,b ) and not just their rank. One needs a sophisticated algorithm to compute the exact elementary divisors of such matrices of dimension bigger than 200, say. We developed the algorithm described in [14] for this purpose. We have a collection of computer programs for doing the calculations described above; they are based on the computer algebra system GAP [17] and the package CHEVIE [5]. It is planned to make them available to other users in form of another package. This will be built on a new version of CHEVIE for GAP - Version 4 which is currently developed. 4 Small degree representations in defining characteristic While rewriting the current programs we hope to improve their efficiency and to extend their functionality. We postpone a much more detailed version of this very sketchy section until this package is ready. 4. Representations of small degree for groups of small rank From Theorem 2.2 we see how to construct any highest weight representation L(λ) of G from those with p-restricted weights by twisting with field automorphisms and tensoring. Assume now we are given the type of an irreducible root system and a number M ∈ N. We consider the groups G over F¯ p with this root system for all p at once. We want to find for all primes p all p-restricted dominant weights λ such that the highest weight representation L(λ) of the group G over F¯ p has degree smaller or equal M. Our main tool to restrict this question to a finite number of λ to consider is the following result by Premet, see [16]. Recall from Section 2 that the set of weights of L(λ) is a union of W -orbits and that each W -orbit contains a unique representative which is dominant. Theorem 4.1 (Premet). If the root system of G has different root lengths we assume that p 6= 2 and if G is of type G2 we also assume p 6= 3. Let λ be a p-restricted dominant weight. Then the set of weights of L(λ) is the union of the W -orbits of dominant weights ω with ω 6 λ. We note that in the exceptional cases with different root lengths and p = 2, respectively p = 3, the statement of the theorem does actually not hold. The following remark shows how to compute explicitly the number of weights of L(λ) as given by Premet’s theorem. Remark 4.2. (a) Let ω = a1 ω1 + · · · + al ωl be a dominant weight. Then the stabilizer of ω in the Weyl group W is the parabolic subgroup generated by the reflections along the simple roots αi for which ai = 0. (b) For given dominant weight λ one finds the set Ω = {ω| ω dominant and ω 6 λ} efficiently as follows: Initialize Ω ← {λ}. For each ω ∈ Ω and for each positive root α compute ω − α. If this is also dominant add it to the set Ω. Proof. For (a) see [8, 10.3B] and for (b) see [15, Prop.1]. Here is an algorithm for finding a set of candidate highest weights for representations of G of rank at most a given bound. It shows in particular that for any given bound there is only a finite number of highest weights which must be considered. Algorithm 4.3. Input: An irreducible root system and an M ∈ N. Output: A set A of dominant weights which contains all λ such that there is a prime p for which λ is p-restricted and a group G over F¯ p corresponding to the given root system with highest weight representation L(λ) of degree at most M. (1) For a dominant weight λ we define m(λ) as the number of weights in all W -orbits of dominant weights ω with ω 6 λ. The numbers m(λ) can be computed using 4.2. (2) We initialize the set A with all 2-restricted weights λ with m(λ) 6 M. (3) We choose a linear function γ : X → Z which takes positive values on the simple roots αi , 1 6 i 6 l (and hence on the fundamental weights). Then we start to enumerate recursively for n = 0, 1, . . . all dominant weights λ with γ(λ) = n. (Clearly, for fixed n there is a finite number of such weights.) For each of these λ we compute m(λ) and if it is 6 M we put λ into A. 5 Small degree representations in defining characteristic We proceed until we find an interval I = [a, a+max(γ(αi ) | 1 6 i 6 l)] such that a > γ(λ) for all λ ∈ A and such that for all dominant λ with γ(λ) ∈ I we have m(λ) > M. (4) If the given root system has roots of different length we add all 2-restricted weights to A. If there is a component of type G2 we also add all 3-restricted weights. (5) We return the set A. Proof. We have to show that we will eventually find an interval I, as described in step (3), and that all dominant weights which were not considered during the algorithm lead to modules of dimension > M. In the cases of root systems with different root lengths and p = 2 or p = 3 for which Premet’s theorem 4.1 does not give a statement we have put in step (4) all 2-, respectively 3-restricted weights into A. So, from now on we only consider weights and primes for which Premet’s theorem is applicable. This theorem says that m(λ), defined in (1), is a lower bound for dim(L(λ)) for all primes p such that λ is p-restricted. Now we show that in steps (2) and (3) we construct the set A as the set of dominant weights λ with m(λ) 6 M. First note that for ω 6 λ dominant we have m(ω) 6 m(λ). Furthermore let λ = a1 ω1 + · · · + al ωl be a dominant weight which is not 2-restricted, i.e., one ai > 2. Then λ − αi is also a dominant weight. This follows from the fact that the coefficients of the simple root αi expressed as linear combination of the fundamental weights is given by the i-th column of the Cartan matrix (which has entries 2 on the diagonal and non-positive entries elsewhere). So, for a weight λ with one of the coefficients ai > 2k, k ∈ N, there are at least k smaller dominant weights and so m(λ) > k. This shows that we are constructing a finite set and that we will find the interval I in step (3). Now we show by induction on the value n of γ, starting from the lower bound n = a of the interval I, that for a dominant weight λ with γ(λ) = n we have m(λ) > M. This is clear for n ∈ I by construction of the interval I in step (3). So, assume that γ(λ) > a + max(γ(αi ) | 1 6 i 6 l). If λ is 2-restricted we have found in step (2) that m(λ) > M (it is not in A by construction of I). Otherwise one coefficient of lambda, say ai , is > 2. Then λ − αi is dominant and we have a 6 γ(λ − αi ) < γ(λ). By induction hypothesis we get M < m(λ − αi ) < m(λ). In Table 1 we fix some bound M for each irreducible root system of rank at most 11, respectively 17 in case Al . Table 1: Chosen degree bounds for groups of small rank Type M Type M Type M Type M Type M Type M A2 400 A12 3000 B2 300 G2 500 A3 500 A13 3000 B3 700 C3 1000 A4 1000 A14 3000 B4 1000 C4 2000 D4 2000 F4 12000 A5 2500 A15 3000 B5 2000 C5 2500 D5 3000 A6 2800 A16 3000 B6 4000 C6 4000 D6 4000 E6 50000 6 A7 3000 A17 3000 B7 5000 C7 6000 D7 5000 E7 100000 A8 4000 A9 6000 A10 10000 A11 12000 B8 7000 C8 10000 D8 10000 E8 100000 B9 8000 C9 10000 D9 15000 B10 10000 C10 10000 D10 18000 B11 12000 C11 12000 D11 20000 Small degree representations in defining characteristic For each irreducible root system listed in Table 1 we used the given M as input for Algorithm 4.3. For each weight λ in the output set A and for all primes p for which λ is p-restricted we computed the exact weight multiplicities of L(λ) using the techniques described in Section 3. We remark that the sets A from Algorithm 4.3 are much larger than the list of weights which actually lead to representations of dimension 6 M, since we used a very rough lower bound for these dimensions. But for weights of representations of much larger degree we usually find quite fast some weight multiplicities > 1 which gives better lower bounds for the dimension. We stop the computation of weight multiplicities when this better estimate becomes larger than M. In this way almost all of the computation time for our result was actually spent on those weights which appear in our result tables. The bounds M were chosen such that the results presented below could be computed interactively with our programs within about two days using 10 computers in parallel. The types Al , 12 6 l 6 17, were added upon request of Gunter Malle, who asked to cover in this note all representations of degree 6 2 dim(G) for a specific application. Here is our main result. Theorem 4.4. For any type of root system and number M as given in Table 1 and all primes p the Tables 6.6 to 6.53 list the p-restricted weights λ such that the representation L(λ) of the algebraic group G over F¯ p has degree at most M. The exact degree of L(λ) is also given. Furthermore we describe the centers of the groups G and the action of the fundamental weights on the center in 6.2. This allows to determine the kernels of the representations L(λ). The Frobenius-Schur indicators in case p 6= 2 are given by 6.3. As mentioned above we have actually computed the exact weight multiplicities for the representations appearing in the tables of Section 6. It would take too much space to print this in detail but the results are available upon request from the author. Our table for type F4 includes a description of the representations of the Ree group 2 F (2). The related finite simple group is the commutator subgroup which is of index 2. 4 The restrictions of the irreducible representations of 2 F4 (2) in characteristic 2 remain irreducible, except that with highest weight λ = (1100) which splits into two representations of degree 2048, see the Modular Atlas [10]. The types considered above do not include A1 , i.e., G = SL2 (F¯ p ). The reason is that this case is easy to describe systematically. This seems to be well known but also follows immediately from 4.1 since all weight multiplicities are at most 1 in this case, see [8, 7.2]. Remark 4.5. If G is of type A1 then the representation L(kω1 ) with 0 6 k 6 p − 1 has degree k + 1. For odd p the center of G is non-trivial and of order 2. It is contained in the kernel of L(kω1 ) if and only if k is even. 5. Representations of small degree for groups of large rank In this section we consider classical groups of large rank. We prove the following result. Theorem 5.1. Let G be of classical type and l be the rank of G. Set M = l 3 /8 if G is of type Al and M = l 3 otherwise. If l > 11 then all p-restricted weights λ such that the highest weight representation L(λ) of G has dimension at most M are given in Table 2. The table also includes the dimensions of these modules. (Note that the case of type Bl and p = 2 is included in case Cl and p = 2.) The fundamental weights are labeled as explained in 6.1. 7 Small degree representations in defining characteristic Table 2: Small degrees for classical groups of large rank type Al Bl Cl Dl λ 0 ω1 , ωl ω2 , ωl−1 2ω1 , 2ωl ω1 + ωl ω1 + ωl 0 ωl ωl−1 2ωl 2ωl 0 ωl ωl−1 ωl−1 2ωl 0 ωl ωl−1 ωl−1 2ωl 2ωl p all all all all p | l +1 p - l +1 all 6= 2 6= 2 p | 2l + 1 p - 2l + 1 all all p|l p-l all all all 2 6= 2 p|l p-l degree 1 l +1 l(l + 1)/2 (l + 1)(l + 2)/2 l 2 + 2l − 1 l 2 + 2l 1 2l + 1 2l 2 + l 2l 2 + 3l − 1 2l 2 + 3l 1 2l 2l 2 − l − 2 2l 2 − l − 1 2l 2 + l 1 2l 2l 2 − l − gcd(2, l) 2l 2 − l 2l 2 + l − 2 2l 2 + l − 1 Note that the corresponding result for G of rank l 6 11 is included in Theorem 4.4. Proof. We first prove that the weights which don’t appear in our table correspond to representations of degree larger than M. (Case Bl , Cl ) Let λ = a1 ω1 + · · · al ωl be a dominant weight. If some ai 6= 0 then the W -stabilizer of λ is contained in a reflection subgroup of type Bi−1 × Al−i , see 4.2. Hence, the W -orbit of λ and so dim(L(λ)) is at least l bi := (2l l!)/(2i−1 (i − 1)! · (l − i + 1)!) = 2l−i+1 . i−1 For l > 12 and 1 6 i 6 l − 2 we have bi > l 3 . If al−1 6= 0 and al 6= 0 then the stabilizer of λ is contained in a reflection group of type Bl−2 , whose index is > l 3 for all l > 6. This shows that only weights with at most one non-zero coefficient, either al−1 or al , can appear in our list. If al−1 > 2 then, as explained in the proof of 4.3, λ − αl−1 6 λ is also a dominant weight. But this has coefficient 1 at ωl−2 . Using the estimate as above for this smaller weight and Premet’s theorem 4.1 (note that the λ considered now is not 2-restricted) we see again that dim(L(λ)) > l 3 . A similar argument shows that al < 3 for weights in our list. 8 Small degree representations in defining characteristic So, the only weights which could (and actually do) lead to degrees 6 l 3 are 0, ωl , ωl−1 and 2ωl . (Case Dl ) Here we find the relevant λ with very similar arguments as in case Bl and Cl . (Case Al ) Because of the symmetry of the Dynkin diagram the weights a1 ω1 +· · ·+al ωl and al ω1 + al−1 ω2 + · · · + a1 ωl must describe representations of equal degree (in fact they are dual to each other). We can again use very similar arguments as above to find the relevant weights for our list. (Here we rule out 3ω1 and ω1 + ω2 by observing 3ω1 − 2α1 − α2 = ω3 = ω1 + ω2 − α1 − α2 .) It remains to determine the exact degrees of the L(λ) in our table. Probably they are known to the experts but we could not find references for all cases. Type Al and L(ωl ) and L(ωl−1 ) for the other types are contained in [13, 5.4.11] and [8, 25.5, Ex. 8]. We include a proof for the degrees of L(2ωl ) and L(ωl−1 ) in types Bl , Cl and Dl following hints of K. Magaard and G. Hiß. The idea is to use explicit modules. For all types we know the G-modules V (Xl ) := L(ωl ), X ∈ {A, B,C, D}. These are the natural modules of SLl+1 , SO2l+1 , Sp2l or SO2l , respectively. We determine the constituents of V (Xl ) ⊗V (Xl ) for X ∈ {B,C, D}. Note that for these types V (Xl ) is self-dual. Since the case p = 2 is covered by the references above (2ωl is not 2-restricted), we assume in the rest of the proof that p is odd. We will use the following general remarks. If V is an indecomposable F¯ p G-module then V ⊗ V ∗ has the trivial module as direct summand if and only if p - dim(V ) (here V ∗ denotes the dual module). In that case there is exactly one trivial direct summand, see [1, 3.1.9] for a proof. If v1 , . . . , vn is a basis of V then V ⊗V has two submodules S2 (V ) with basis {vi ⊗ v j + v j ⊗ vi | 1 6 i < j 6 n} ∪ {vi ⊗ vi | 1 6 i 6 n} and Λ2 (V ) with basis {vi ⊗ v j − v j ⊗ vi | 1 6 i < j 6 n}. Since p 6= 2 we have V ⊗V = S2 (V ) ⊕ Λ2 (V ). (Case Cl ) Let {vi , v0i | 1 6 i 6 l} be a basis of the natural symplectic module V (Cl ) such that for the symplectic form (·, ·) we have (vi , v0i ) = 1 = −(v0i , vi ), 1 6 i 6 l and (vi , v j ) = 0 = (vi , v0j ) for all i 6= j. Then the vector ∑li=1 (vi ⊗ v0i − v0i ⊗ vi ) ∈ Λ2 (V ) is invariant under the symplectic group. If p - 2l this vector must span the unique trivial direct summand mentioned above. The group G contains a subgroup isomorphic to SLl (F¯ p ). An element acts on the subspace of V (Cl ) spanned by v1 , . . . , vl and by its inverse on the subspace spanned by v01 , . . . v0l . Hence V (Cl ) restricted to this subgroup is isomorphic to V (Al−1 ) ⊕V (Al−1 )∗ . Restricting the representation S2 (V (Cl )) to this subgroup we find the decomposition S2 (V (Al−1 )) ⊕ S2 (V (Al−1 )∗ ) ⊕ (V (Al−1 ) ⊗ V (Al−1 )∗ ), see [4, I,12.]. Using the known degrees for case Al−1 , we see that this contains at most 2 trivial constituents. The similar restriction to a subgroup of type Cl−1 shows by induction that one irreducible constituent of S2 (V (Cl )) has degree at least 2(l − 1)2 + l − 1. Comparing degrees we see that the three non-trivial constituents in the restriction to SLl must lie in a single constituent of S2 (V (Cl )). To summarize, we have at most one non-trivial and two trivial constituents. If there are trivial constituents then one must be in the socle, i.e., there must be an invariant vector. This can only be the one we see in the (V (Al−1 ) ⊗V (Al−1 )∗ )-summand of the restriction to SLl . We can write down such a vector and check that it is not invariant under the whole group G; apply an element which does not leave the space spanned by v1 , . . . , vl invariant. We have proved that S2 (V (Cl )) is irreducible. We can argue very similarly for Λ2 (V (Cl )). If p - l we find that it is a direct sum of an irreducible and the trivial module found above. If p | l we find that there is one non-trivial constituent, exactly one trivial constituent in the socle and at most two trivial constituents. 9 Small degree representations in defining characteristic Since in this case the trivial constituent in the socle is not a direct summand there must be a second trivial constituent in the head, by duality. If V (Cl ) has a highest weight vector v then v ⊗ v is contained in S2 (V (Cl )) and has weight 2ωl . Hence S2 (V (Cl )) ∼ = L(2ωl ). The other constituents of the tensor product must correspond to dominant weights smaller than 2ωl , there are only two of them, 2ωl − αl = ωl−1 and 0. We get that the non-trivial constituent of Λ2 (V (Cl )) is isomorphic to L(ωl−1 ). (Case Dl ) This can be handled by almost exactly the same arguments as the case Cl . Here the trivial submodule is contained in S2 (V (Dl )). (Case Bl ) In this case we consider the restrictions of S2 (V (Bl )) to subgroups Hr of type Br + Dl−r , 0 6 r < l. This leads to decompositions S2 (V (Br )) ⊕ S2 (V (Dl−r )) ⊕ (V (Dl−r ) ⊗ V (Br )). Comparing this decomposition for r = 0 and r = l/2 or r = (l − 1)/2, respectively, and using the results for type Dl−r and induction we see as in type Cl that S2 (V (Bl )) has only one non-trivial and maybe a few trivial constituents. There is an r such that p - (l − r) and p - (2r + 1). The decomposition above for this r shows that there are at most two trivial constituents. Furthermore, as in type Dl we find a trivial submodule. Either this is a direct summand (if p - (2l + 1)) then it is the only trivial constituent or otherwise there is a second constituent in the head of S2 (V (Bl )). The argument for Λ2 (V (Bl )) is again very similar. This finishes the proof. It would be interesting if the degrees in our list could be determined more systematically in the framework of highest weight modules. Then one could work out systematically generalizations of Theorem 5.1 where the bound M is substituted by any fixed polynomial in l. The following Corollary completes the list in [7] which gives all representations of G(q) in non-defining characteristic of degree at most 250. Corollary 5.2. For any simple G over F¯ p we find all p-restricted weights λ of G such that L(λ) has degree 6 250 in the tables given in Theorems 4.4 and 5.1. Taking Theorem 2.2 into account this determines all L(λ) with degree 6 250. 6. Appendix: Tables for groups of small rank In this section we give the detailed lists for Theorem 4.4. We start by introducing some notation and describe the centers of the groups G and the action of the fundamental weights on the center. 6.1. Ordering of fundamental weights For the irreducible types of root systems we choose the following ordering for the simple roots αi , the corresponding coroots α∨i and the fundamental weights ωi , 1 6 i 6 l. We show the Dynkin diagrams with the node of αi labeled by i. (This is the labeling we use in all databases of the CHEVIE [5] project.) 10 Small degree representations in defining characteristic Al Dl s 1 s 2 s1 @ 3 @s 3 s p p p l s p p p l 4 s Bl s Cl 1 s < 2s 3 s p p p l s > 2s 3 s p p p l 1 s 3 s 4 s 5 s 6 s 5 s 6 s 8 1 s s s2 G2 s > 2s 1 s s > 3s 1 F4 2 s 4 E6 s s2 E7 s 1 s 3 s 4 s 5 s 6 s 7 E8 s2 s 1 s 3 4 s 7 s s2 6.2. Action of fundamental weights on the center of G We give for each irreducible type of root system the values of ωi (z) for z in the center Z(G) of G. To compute this we use that Z(G) is contained in a maximal torus T of G. Such a T is isomorphic to (∑li=1 Zα∨i ) ⊗Z F¯ × p and Z(G) consists of those z ∈ T with αi (z) = 1 for all 1 6 i 6 l. So, we have to solve a system of equations given by the Cartan matrix of the root system. We denote ζm ∈ F¯ × p an element whose multiplicative order is m. For n ∈ N we write n p0 for the largest divisor of n which is prime to p. For elements z ∈ Z(G) we write ω(z) := (ω1 (z), . . . , ωl (z)). (Al ) Z(G) is cyclic of order m = (l + 1) p0 . It contains a generator z such that ω(z) = (ζm , ζ2m , . . . ζlm ). (Bl ) Z(G) is cyclic of order m = gcd(2, p + 1). For the generator z we have ω(z) = (ζm , 1, . . . , 1). (Cl ) Z(G) is cyclic of order m = gcd(2, p + 1). For the generator z we have ω(z) = (ζlm , ζl−1 m , . . . , 1, ζm ) (Dl , l odd) Z(G) is cyclic of order m = 4 for odd p and m = 1 for p = 2. There is a generator z such that ω(z) = (ζm , ζ3m , ζ2m , 1, ζ2m , 1, ζ2m , . . . , 1, ζ2m ). (Dl , l even) Z(G) is elementary abelian of order m2 with m = 2 if p is odd and m = 1 if p = 2. There are generators z1 and z2 such that ω(z1 ) = (ζm , 1, 1, ζm , 1, ζm , . . . , 1, ζm ) and ω(z2 ) = (1, ζm , 1, ζm , 1, ζm , . . . , 1, ζm ). Here z = z1 z2 is the element such that G/hzi ∼ = SO2l (F¯ p ). (E6 ) Z(G) is cyclic of order m = 3 if p 6= 3 and m = 1 if p = 3. There is a generator z such that ω(z) = (ζm , 1, ζ2m , 1, ζm , ζ2m ). (E7 ) Z(G) is cyclic of order m = gcd(2, p + 1). For the generator z we have ω(z) = (1, ζm , 1, 1, ζm , 1, ζm ). (G2 , F4 , E8 ) Z(G) is trivial. 6.3. Frobenius-Schur indicators If p is odd we can determine the Frobenius-Schur indicators of the representations in our lists using a result of Steinberg, see [18, Lemmas 78 and 79]. 11 Small degree representations in defining characteristic If G is of type Al or of type Dl with odd l or of type E6 then the representations L(∑li=1 ai ωi ) and L(∑li=1 aτ(i) ωi ), where the permutation τ is given by the automorphism of order two of the Dynkin diagram, are dual to each other. For other G all L(λ) are self-dual. If L(λ) is self-dual (and recall that p is odd) then its Frobenius-Schur indicator is ‘+’ if Z(G) has no element of order 2. Otherwise it is the sign of λ(z) where z is the only element of order 2 in Z(G), respectively z = z1 z2 in case Dl with even l. This can be computed by 6.2. 6.4. An example As an example how to read the data in this Appendix, let us determine all irreducible representations in defining characteristic for groups of type B3 (q) ∼ = Spin7 (q), q = p f which have degree 448: We apply Theorems 2.2 and 2.3. We first need to compute all factorizations of 448 into factors > 1 which appear as degrees in 6.23. Although many divisors of 448 appear as degree the only such factorizations are 448 = 7 · 64 = 7 · 8 · 8. Now we have a closer look at 6.23. If p = 2 then there is no irreducible representation of degree 7. And the listed representations of degree 448 do not correspond to 2-restricted weights. So, in characteristic 2 there are no irreducible representations of this degree. For p 6= 2 we have representations with p-restricted weights of dimension 7 and 8. If q > p3 there are irreducible representations Li, j,k of degree 448 with highest weight of form pi ω3 + p j ω1 + pk ω1 , where 0 6 i, j, k 6 f − 1 and i, j, k are pairwise different. For p = 3 there is no irreducible representation of degree 64 and none with p-restricted weight of degree 448. So, there are no further irreducible representations of degree 448 in this case. If p = 5 there is L(ω3 ) of degree 7 and L(ω1 + ω2 ) of degree 64. If q = 5 f we find for any 0 6 j, k 6 f − 1, j 6= k, the irreducible representation L0j,k := L(5 j (ω1 + ω2 ) + 5k ω3 ) restricted to B3 (q) of degree 448. Furthermore we see in 6.23 that L(ω1 + 3ω3 ) and L(2(ω1 + ω3 )) have degree 448. For larger p there is no representation of degree 64 in our list. We only find L(ω1 + 3ω3 ) if p 6= 11 and in case p = 7 also L(3ω1 + ω2 ). For all representations found above the prime p is odd and so the center of G and of G(q) is of order 2. Using 6.2 we see that for the non-trivial element z in the center we have ω1 (z) = −1 and ωi (z) = 1 for i = 2, 3. Applying this to the weights listed above we find that exactly L(2(ω1 + ω3 )) in case p = 5 and Li, j,k for p 6= 2 are not faithful. From 6.3 we see that these are also the representations with Frobenius-Schur indicator ‘+’. The others have indicator ‘-’. 6.5. Reading the tables In the tables below we denote a weight a1 ω1 + · · · + al ωl by (a1 , . . . , al ). When all ai can be written with a single digit we also suppress the commas. In type Al the representations L(a1 ω1 + · · · + al ωl ) and L(al ω1 + al−1 ω2 + · · · + a1 ωl ) are dual to each other, in particular they have the same dimension. In 6.6 to 6.21 we save some space by only including one of such a pair of representations. 12 Small degree representations in defining characteristic 6.6. Case A2 , M = 400 (Recall the remark in 6.5.) deg 1 3 6 7 8 10 15 15 18 19 21 24 27 28 33 35 36 36 37 39 42 45 48 55 60 63 63 64 66 71 75 75 78 80 81 82 87 90 90 91 91 99 102 105 105 111 114 117 118 120 120 λ (00) (01) (02) (11) (11) (03) (04) (12) (13) (22) (05) (13) (22) (06) (15) (14) (07) (24) (33) (23) (23) (08) (15) (09) (24) (16) (33) (33) (0,10) (25) (19) (34) (0,11) (17) (25) (28) (37) (34) (46) (0,12) (55) (18) (1,11) (0,13) (26) (2,10) (35) (44) (39) (0,14) (19) p all all all 3 6=3 all all all 5 5 all 6=5 6=5 all 7 all all 7 7 5 6=5 all 6=7 all 6=7 all 5 6=5,7 all 7 11 7 all all 6=7 11 11 6=7 11 all 11 all 13 all all 13 7 7 13 all 6=11 deg 120 123 125 126 127 132 136 143 153 154 159 162 162 165 168 168 171 171 179 181 183 190 192 192 195 195 201 207 208 210 210 213 215 215 216 216 217 222 224 231 231 231 234 235 243 246 251 252 253 255 255 λ (35) (48) (44) (57) (66) (27) (0,15) (1,10) (0,16) (36) (29) (28) (45) (45) (1,11) (1,15) (0,17) (38) (47) (2,14) (56) (0,18) (37) (3,13) (1,12) (29) (4,12) (1,17) (5,11) (0,19) (46) (6,10) (2,11) (55) (55) (79) (88) (2,16) (1,13) (0,20) (2,10) (3,10) (38) (3,15) (49) (4,14) (58) (39) (0,21) (1,14) (5,13) 13 p 6=7 13 6=7 13 13 all all all all all 11 6=11 7 6=7 6=13 17 all 11 11 17 11 all 6=11 17 all 6=11 17 19 17 all 6=11 17 13 7 6=7,11 17 17 19 all all 6=13 13 6=11 19 13 19 13 11 all all 19 deg 255 260 262 267 267 270 270 271 273 276 276 279 280 288 297 300 312 315 316 323 325 330 333 336 339 343 348 351 351 354 357 360 360 361 370 372 375 375 375 378 378 381 384 384 387 388 393 395 396 397 399 λ (67) (47) (6,12) (48) (7,11) (2,11) (8,10) (99) (56) (0,22) (57) (66) (39) (1,15) (1,21) (0,23) (2,12) (48) (2,20) (1,16) (0,24) (3,10) (3,19) (57) (3,11) (66) (4,18) (0,25) (2,15) (49) (2,13) (1,17) (4,10) (5,17) (58) (6,16) (3,14) (49) (59) (0,26) (67) (7,15) (3,11) (68) (77) (8,14) (9,13) (4,13) (10,12) (11,11) (1,18) p 13 6=11 19 11 19 6=13 19 19 6=11 all 11 11 6=11,13 6=17 23 all all 6=11,13 23 all all 6=13 23 6=11,13 13 6=11,13 23 all 17 11 all 6=19 13 23 11 23 17 6=11,13 13 all 11 23 6=13 13 13 23 23 17 23 23 all Small degree representations in defining characteristic 6.7. Case A3 , M = 500 (Recall the remark in 6.5.) deg 1 4 6 10 14 15 16 19 20 20 20 32 35 36 44 45 50 52 56 58 60 64 68 69 70 80 83 84 84 84 85 100 105 116 116 λ (000) (001) (010) (002) (101) (101) (011) (020) (003) (011) (020) (102) (004) (102) (111) (012) (030) (013) (005) (111) (021) (111) (022) (202) (103) (031) (202) (006) (013) (202) (040) (104) (040) (015) (112) p all all all all 2 6=2 3 3 all 6=3 6=3 5 all 6=5 3 all all 5 all 5 all 6=3,5 5 3 all 5 5 all 6=5 6=3,5 5 7 6=5 7 3 deg 120 120 124 126 140 140 140 149 156 160 165 173 175 180 184 189 192 196 206 211 216 220 220 224 224 231 235 236 256 260 260 270 280 280 280 λ (007) (104) (203) (022) (014) (031) (112) (024) (121) (203) (008) (113) (121) (033) (131) (105) (023) (050) (042) (113) (015) (009) (122) (023) (051) (060) (032) (212) (113) (041) (204) (204) (032) (041) (106) 14 p all 6=7 7 6=5 all 6=5 6=3 7 3 6=7 all 5 6=3 7 5 all 5 all 7 7 6=7 all 5 6=5 7 7 5 7 6=5,7 5 7 6=7 6=5 6=5 all deg 285 286 294 299 300 300 300 315 334 336 360 360 360 364 380 380 384 396 416 420 420 420 420 439 440 455 460 476 480 480 484 496 500 λ (303) (0,0,10) (212) (222) (122) (212) (303) (016) (131) (060) (019) (024) (122) (0,0,11) (115) (213) (131) (107) (025) (108) (114) (205) (313) (028) (017) (0,0,12) (033) (132) (033) (124) (151) (304) (304) p 7 all 3 5 7 6=3,7 6=7 all 7 6=7 11 6=7 6=5,7 all 7 5 6=5,7 all 7 11 all all 5 11 all all 5 5 6=5,7 7 7 7 6=7 Small degree representations in defining characteristic 6.8. Case A4 , M = 1000 (Recall the remark in 6.5.) deg 1 5 10 15 23 24 30 35 40 40 45 45 50 51 65 70 70 74 75 103 105 121 126 126 135 145 160 160 165 170 174 175 175 175 176 λ (0000) (0001) (0010) (0002) (1001) (1001) (0011) (0003) (0011) (0101) (0020) (0101) (0020) (0110) (1002) (0004) (1002) (0110) (0110) (0102) (0012) (0013) (0005) (0102) (1011) (1003) (1003) (1011) (0111) (0201) (0021) (0021) (0030) (1011) (2002) p all all all all 5 6=5 3 all 6=3 2 3 6=2 6=3 3 3 all 6=3 2 6=2,3 5 all 5 all 6=5 3 7 6=7 2 3 5 3 6=3 all 6=2,3 7 deg 185 195 199 200 210 210 224 235 255 280 280 305 315 315 320 325 330 365 375 381 390 395 410 410 420 420 435 445 450 450 470 476 480 490 495 λ (0022) (0201) (2002) (2002) (0006) (0201) (0013) (0111) (0031) (0103) (0111) (0120) (0120) (1004) (0040) (0015) (0007) (0130) (1102) (0220) (0202) (0104) (1012) (1102) (0014) (0022) (1102) (2003) (1012) (2003) (0024) (1111) (1102) (0040) (0008) 15 p 5 3 3 6=3,7 all 6=3,5 6=5 5 5 all 6=3,5 5 6=5 all 5 7 all 5 3 5 3 7 7 5 all 6=5 7 7 6=7 6=7 7 3 6=3,5,7 6=5 all deg 510 535 540 545 560 560 560 615 640 670 670 683 700 700 715 720 720 765 794 826 835 840 855 875 895 924 945 945 949 955 980 999 1000 λ (0112) (1013) (0104) (0202) (0031) (0202) (1005) (1021) (0033) (0023) (1021) (1022) (0112) (0301) (0009) (0015) (1021) (0203) (1111) (0042) (0211) (0023) (0121) (2004) (0113) (1006) (0105) (1013) (1111) (0032) (0130) (3003) (3003) p 3 5 6=7 5 6=5 6=3,5 all 5 7 5 7 5 6=3 all all 6=7 6=5,7 7 5 7 3 6=5 3 all 5 all all 6=5 7 5 6=5 7 6=7 Small degree representations in defining characteristic 6.9. Case A5 , M = 2500 (Recall the remark in 6.5.) deg 1 6 15 20 21 34 34 35 50 56 70 78 84 90 90 105 105 114 120 126 126 141 154 175 188 189 204 210 210 246 246 252 258 279 280 315 336 363 369 384 400 404 405 414 420 λ (00000) (00001) (00010) (00100) (00002) (10001) (10001) (10001) (00011) (00003) (00011) (01001) (01001) (00020) (00101) (00020) (00101) (10002) (10002) (00004) (00110) (00200) (01010) (00200) (01010) (01010) (00110) (00012) (00110) (00013) (01002) (00005) (00102) (10011) (01002) (10003) (00102) (10011) (10011) (10011) (10101) (20002) (20002) (00021) (00021) p all all all all all 2 3 6=2,3 3 all 6=3 5 6=5 3 2 6=3 6=2 7 6=7 all 3 3 2 6=3 5 6=2,5 2 all 6=2,3 5 3 all 5 3 6=3 all 6=5 5 7 6=3,5,7 2 7 6=7 3 6=3 deg 426 440 462 474 490 504 520 540 560 606 630 630 666 666 700 708 720 720 720 786 792 804 813 840 840 840 896 924 951 960 960 980 1050 1050 1050 1071 1078 1098 1134 1134 1170 1176 1176 1194 1224 λ (00022) (02001) (00006) (00111) (00030) (00013) (10101) (10101) (02001) (01003) (00201) (01011) (00031) (01101) (10004) (00111) (00201) (01003) (01011) (00015) (00007) (11002) (01020) (00103) (00201) (01011) (00111) (01101) (00040) (00300) (01110) (00300) (00014) (01101) (20003) (01020) (10012) (00120) (00022) (10012) (00120) (00120) (01020) (00104) (10013) 16 p 5 3 all 3 all 6=5 7 6=2,7 6=3 7 5 3 5 3 all 5 3 6=7 2 7 all 3 5 all 6=3,5 6=2,3 6=3,5 2 5 5 3 6=5 all 6=2,3 all 3 5 5 6=5 6=5 3 6=3,5 6=3,5 7 5 deg 1246 1251 1260 1287 1338 1365 1386 1420 1431 1449 1470 1506 1539 1569 1575 1674 1686 1701 1751 1764 1764 1800 1800 1876 1890 1960 1974 1980 1995 2002 2024 2061 2100 2106 2205 2268 2290 2310 2310 2364 2415 2430 2430 λ (00130) (00024) (11002) (00008) (10102) (00210) (10005) (01110) (02002) (00210) (00210) (00220) (00202) (02002) (01004) (00112) (00310) (10102) (00400) (00031) (00040) (00104) (02002) (00033) (00023) (01110) (10021) (00015) (20004) (00009) (11011) (01012) (03001) (01102) (10021) (10006) (30003) (10022) (20004) (10201) (00202) (01012) (10111) p 5 7 6=3 all 5 5 all 5 7 3 6=3,5 5 3 3 all 3 5 6=5 5 6=5 6=5 6=7 6=3,7 7 5 6=3,5 3 6=7 5 all 3 7 7 3 6=3 11 5 5 6=5 5 5 6=7 3 Small degree representations in defining characteristic 6.10. Case A6 , M = 2800 (Recall the remark in 6.5.) deg 1 7 21 28 35 47 48 77 84 112 133 133 140 161 175 189 196 203 210 210 224 266 344 357 378 391 392 393 448 455 462 469 483 λ (000000) (000001) (000010) (000002) (000100) (100001) (100001) (000011) (000003) (000011) (010001) (010001) (010001) (000020) (000101) (100002) (000020) (001001) (000004) (000101) (001001) (000110) (010010) (000200) (000012) (010010) (010010) (001100) (001010) (000013) (000005) (000110) (100011) p all all all all all 7 6=7 3 all 6=3 2 3 6=2,3 3 2 all 6=3 5 all 6=2 6=5 3 5 3 all 3 6=3,5 3 2 5 all 2 3 deg 490 490 493 540 553 560 581 588 687 707 707 735 735 736 756 783 784 840 861 875 882 924 1008 1050 1113 1148 1148 1176 1211 1260 1302 1323 1386 λ (000110) (000200) (010002) (010002) (000102) (100003) (001010) (001010) (200002) (001002) (100011) (100011) (200002) (001100) (000102) (001100) (001100) (001002) (000021) (000022) (000021) (000006) (000013) (020001) (100101) (000111) (020001) (000030) (100101) (020001) (100004) (100101) (100004) 17 p 6=2,3 6=3 7 6=7 5 all 5 6=2,5 3 3 2 6=2,3 6=3 2 6=5 5 6=2,3,5 6=3 3 5 6=3 all 6=5 3 2 3 7 all 5 6=3,7 5 6=2,5 6=5 deg 1428 1520 1575 1701 1709 1716 1771 1827 1863 1876 1907 1953 1967 1967 2016 2100 2106 2155 2156 2198 2310 2331 2352 2387 2394 2400 2400 2415 2450 2611 2646 2646 2800 λ (010011) (000031) (010003) (011001) (000015) (000007) (000111) (010011) (000201) (010011) (001003) (110002) (002001) (200003) (010011) (000103) (000201) (001011) (200003) (010101) (000014) (100012) (000111) (010020) (001101) (001003) (001011) (000040) (100012) (110002) (000022) (000201) (110002) p 3 5 all 3 7 all 5 5 5 7 7 3 3 5 6=3,5,7 all 3 3 6=5 2 all 3 6=3,5 3 3 6=7 2 5 6=3 7 6=5 6=3,5 6=3,7 Small degree representations in defining characteristic 6.11. Case A7 , M = 3000 (Recall the remark in 6.5.) deg 1 8 28 36 56 62 63 70 112 120 168 208 216 266 272 280 308 330 336 378 392 392 420 448 504 504 630 657 λ (0000000) (0000001) (0000010) (0000002) (0000100) (1000001) (1000001) (0001000) (0000011) (0000003) (0000011) (0100001) (0100001) (0000020) (1000002) (1000002) (0000101) (0000004) (0000020) (0000101) (0010001) (0010001) (0010001) (0001001) (0000110) (0001001) (0000012) (0100010) p all all all all all 2 6=2 all 3 all 6=3 7 6=7 3 3 6=3 2 all 6=3 6=2 2 3 6=2,3 5 3 6=5 all 3 deg 658 719 720 784 784 792 860 888 924 945 952 1008 1016 1064 1092 1107 1128 1169 1176 1231 1232 1244 1280 1336 1344 1484 1512 1512 λ (0100010) (0100010) (0100010) (0000013) (0000200) (0000005) (1000011) (1000003) (1000003) (0100002) (0000110) (0000110) (0001100) (0000102) (0001010) (0002000) (0010010) (2000002) (0000200) (2000002) (2000002) (1000011) (1000011) (0010010) (0010010) (0001010) (0000102) (0001010) p 2 7 6=2,3,7 5 3 all 3 5 6=5 all 2 6=2,3 3 5 2 3 5 5 6=3 3 6=3,5 7 6=3,7 3 6=3,5 5 6=5 6=2,5 deg 1592 1624 1632 1652 1680 1708 1716 1763 1764 1800 1848 2016 2100 2128 2136 2289 2344 2352 2352 2400 2464 2520 2520 2520 2584 2632 2800 2828 λ (0010002) (0000021) (0010100) (0000022) (0000021) (0001002) (0000006) (0002000) (0002000) (0010002) (0000013) (0200001) (0001002) (1000101) (0001100) (0010100) (0001100) (0001100) (0010100) (1000004) (0000111) (0000030) (0200001) (1000004) (0100011) (1000101) (1000101) (1001001) p 7 3 2 5 6=3 3 all 5 6=3,5 6=7 6=5 3 6=3 2 2 5 5 6=2,3,5 6=2,5 11 3 all 6=3 6=11 3 3 6=2,3 5 λ (00010001) (00010001) (00000012) (00001001) (00010001) (01000010) (01000010) (01000010) (00000013) (00000005) (10000011) (10000003) (10000003) (01000002) (01000002) (00000200) (00000110) (20000002) (00000102) (00000110) (20000002) (20000002) (10000011) (10000011) p 2 3 all 6=5 6=2,3 7 2 6=2,7 5 all 3 11 6=11 3 6=3 3 2 11 5 6=2,3 5 6=5,11 2 5 deg 2079 2304 2352 2385 2394 2520 2691 2700 2772 2844 2907 2922 2970 3003 3060 3139 3168 3318 3402 3414 3465 3654 3744 3780 λ (10000011) (00001100) (00001010) (00100010) (00100010) (00000200) (00100010) (00100010) (00000102) (00000021) (00002000) (00000022) (00000021) (00000006) (00010010) (00011000) (00000013) (00001010) (00001010) (02000001) (00100002) (00001002) (00010010) (00010010) p 6=2,3,5 3 2 3 2 6=3 7 6=2,3,7 6=5 3 3 5 6=3 all 5 3 6=5 5 6=2,5 3 all 3 3 6=3,5 6.12. Case A8 , M = 4000 (Recall the remark in 6.5.) deg 1 9 36 45 79 80 84 126 156 165 240 306 315 387 396 414 495 504 540 630 684 720 882 882 λ (00000000) (00000001) (00000010) (00000002) (10000001) (10000001) (00000100) (00001000) (00000011) (00000003) (00000011) (01000001) (01000001) (10000002) (10000002) (00000020) (00000004) (00000101) (00000020) (00000101) (00100001) (00100001) (00000110) (00001001) p all all all all 3 6=3 all all 3 all 6=3 2 6=2 5 6=5 3 all 2 6=3 6=2 7 6=7 3 5 deg 966 966 990 1008 1050 1135 1214 1215 1278 1287 1359 1395 1440 1461 1540 1554 1764 1864 1890 1890 1943 1944 2034 2043 18 Small degree representations in defining characteristic 6.13. Case A9 , M = 6000 (Recall the remark in 6.5.) deg 1 10 45 55 98 98 99 120 210 210 220 252 330 430 440 530 540 615 715 780 825 990 λ (000000000) (000000001) (000000010) (000000002) (100000001) (100000001) (100000001) (000000100) (000000011) (000001000) (000000003) (000010000) (000000011) (010000001) (010000001) (100000002) (100000002) (000000020) (000000004) (000000101) (000000020) (000000101) p all all all all 2 5 6=2,5 all 3 all all all 6=3 3 6=3 11 6=11 3 all 2 6=3 6=2 deg 1110 1155 1452 1485 1596 1826 1848 1860 1924 1925 1980 1990 1992 2002 2100 2100 2145 2278 2310 2376 2826 2850 λ (001000001) (001000001) (000000110) (000000012) (000001001) (010000010) (000001001) (000100001) (010000010) (010000010) (000100001) (100000011) (000000013) (000000005) (000010001) (000010001) (100000003) (010000002) (000010001) (010000002) (200000002) (000000200) p 2 6=2 3 all 5 2 6=5 7 3 6=2,3 6=7 3 5 all 2 3 all 5 6=2,3 6=5 3 3 deg 2924 2925 3048 3155 3156 3200 3300 4510 4620 4698 4740 4752 4905 4940 4950 4950 4950 5005 5148 5730 5940 λ (200000002) (200000002) (000000110) (100000011) (000000102) (100000011) (000000110) (001000010) (000001010) (000000021) (000001100) (000000102) (000000022) (001000010) (000000021) (000000200) (001000010) (000000006) (000000013) (001000002) (020000001) p 11 6=3,11 2 11 5 6=3,11 6=2,3 7 2 3 3 6=5 5 2 6=3 6=3 6=2,7 all 6=5 3 3 6.14. Case A10 , M = 10000 (Recall the remark in 6.5.) deg 1 11 55 66 119 120 165 275 286 330 440 462 583 583 594 704 715 880 1001 1155 1210 1485 1705 λ (0000000000) (0000000001) (0000000010) (0000000002) (1000000001) (1000000001) (0000000100) (0000000011) (0000000003) (0000001000) (0000000011) (0000010000) (0100000001) (0100000001) (0100000001) (1000000002) (1000000002) (0000000020) (0000000004) (0000000101) (0000000020) (0000000101) (0010000001) p all all all all 11 6=11 all 3 all all 6=3 all 2 5 6=2,5 3 6=3 3 all 2 6=3 6=2 3 deg 1760 2145 2277 2706 2784 2903 2904 2959 2992 3003 3014 3080 3168 3300 3391 3465 3510 4115 4158 4158 4234 4235 4422 λ (0010000001) (0000000012) (0000000110) (0000001001) (0100000010) (0100000010) (0100000010) (1000000011) (0000000013) (0000000005) (1000000003) (1000000003) (0000001001) (0001000001) (0100000002) (0001000001) (0100000002) (2000000002) (0000010001) (0000010001) (2000000002) (2000000002) (0000100001) 19 p 6=3 all 3 5 3 5 6=3,5 3 5 all 13 6=13 6=5 2 11 6=2 6=11 13 2 3 3 6=3,13 7 deg 4620 4653 4653 4719 4752 4917 4983 5016 5445 7403 7722 7865 7876 7887 8008 8008 8448 8459 8470 9042 9075 9405 9713 λ (0000010001) (1000000011) (1000000011) (1000000011) (0000100001) (0000000200) (0000000110) (0000000102) (0000000110) (0000000021) (0000000102) (0000000021) (0010000010) (0000000022) (0000000006) (0000000013) (0000001010) (0010000010) (0010000010) (0000001100) (0000000200) (0200000001) (0010000002) p 6=2,3 2 5 6=2,3,5 6=7 3 2 5 6=2,3 3 6=5 6=3 2 5 all 6=5 2 3 6=2,3 3 6=3 3 5 Small degree representations in defining characteristic 6.15. Case A11 , M = 12000 (Recall the remark in 6.5.) deg 1 12 66 78 142 142 143 220 352 364 495 572 768 780 792 912 924 924 1221 1365 1650 λ (00000000000) (00000000001) (00000000010) (00000000002) (10000000001) (10000000001) (10000000001) (00000000100) (00000000011) (00000000003) (00000001000) (00000000011) (01000000001) (01000000001) (00000010000) (10000000002) (00000100000) (10000000002) (00000000020) (00000000004) (00000000101) p all all all all 2 3 6=2,3 all 3 all all 6=3 11 6=11 all 13 all 6=13 3 all 2 deg 1716 2145 2508 2508 2574 3003 3432 4069 4070 4146 4211 4212 4212 4290 4356 4356 4368 4863 5005 5148 5500 λ (00000000020) (00000000101) (00100000001) (00100000001) (00100000001) (00000000012) (00000000110) (01000000010) (01000000010) (10000000011) (01000000010) (01000000010) (10000000003) (10000000003) (00000000013) (00000001001) (00000000005) (01000000002) (01000000002) (00000001001) (00010000001) p 6=3 6=2 2 5 6=2,5 all 3 5 2 3 11 6=2,5,11 7 6=7 5 5 all 3 6=3 6=5 3 deg 5720 5797 5939 5940 6642 6654 6720 7656 7656 7656 7788 8074 8514 8580 8580 9009 9504 10296 11220 λ (00010000001) (20000000002) (20000000002) (20000000002) (10000000011) (10000000011) (10000000011) (00000000102) (00000010001) (00000010001) (00000000110) (00000000200) (00001000001) (00000000110) (00000010001) (00001000001) (00000100001) (00000100001) (00000000021) p 6=3 7 13 6=7,13 11 13 6=3,11,13 5 2 3 2 3 2 6=2,3 6=2,3 6=2 7 6=7 3 6.16. Case A12 , M = 3000 (Recall the remark in 6.5.) deg 1 13 78 91 167 168 286 442 λ (000000000000) (000000000001) (000000000010) (000000000002) (100000000001) (100000000001) (000000000100) (000000000011) p all all all all 13 6=13 all 3 deg 455 715 728 988 988 1001 1157 1170 λ (000000000003) (000000001000) (000000000011) (010000000001) (010000000001) (010000000001) (100000000002) (100000000002) p all all 6=3 2 3 6=2,3 7 6=7 deg 1287 1651 1716 1820 2288 2366 λ (000000010000) (000000000020) (000000100000) (000000000004) (000000000101) (000000000020) λ (0000000000100) (0000000000011) (0000000000003) (0000000000011) (0000000001000) (0100000000001) (0100000000001) p all 3 all 6=3 all 13 6=13 deg 1442 1442 1456 2002 2184 2380 λ (1000000000002) (1000000000002) (1000000000002) (0000000010000) (0000000000020) (0000000000004) p all 3 all all 2 6=3 6.17. Case A13 , M = 3000 (Recall the remark in 6.5.) deg 1 14 91 105 194 194 195 λ (0000000000000) (0000000000001) (0000000000010) (0000000000002) (1000000000001) (1000000000001) (1000000000001) p all all all all 2 7 6 2,7 = deg 364 546 560 910 1001 1246 1260 20 p 3 5 6=3,5 all 3 all Small degree representations in defining characteristic 6.18. Case A14 , M = 3000 (Recall the remark in 6.5.) deg 1 15 105 120 223 223 λ (00000000000000) (00000000000001) (00000000000010) (00000000000002) (10000000000001) (10000000000001) p all all all all 3 5 deg 224 455 665 680 1120 1365 λ (10000000000001) (00000000000100) (00000000000011) (00000000000003) (00000000000011) (00000000001000) p 6=3,5 all 3 all 6=3 all deg 1545 1545 1560 1785 2835 λ (01000000000001) (01000000000001) (01000000000001) (10000000000002) (00000000000020) deg 560 800 816 1360 1820 1888 λ (000000000000100) (000000000000011) (000000000000003) (000000000000011) (000000000001000) (010000000000001) p all 3 all 6=3 all 3 deg 1888 1904 2144 2160 λ (010000000000001) (010000000000001) (100000000000002) (100000000000002) deg 288 680 952 969 1632 λ (1000000000000001) (0000000000000100) (0000000000000011) (0000000000000003) (0000000000000011) p 6=17 all 3 all 6=3 p 2 7 6=2,7 all 3 6.19. Case A15 , M = 3000 (Recall the remark in 6.5.) deg 1 16 120 136 254 255 λ (000000000000000) (000000000000001) (000000000000010) (000000000000002) (100000000000001) (100000000000001) p all all all all 2 6=2 p 5 6=3,5 17 6=17 6.20. Case A16 , M = 3000 (Recall the remark in 6.5.) deg 1 17 136 153 287 λ (0000000000000000) (0000000000000001) (0000000000000010) (0000000000000002) (1000000000000001) p all all all all 17 deg 2278 2295 2380 2567 2584 λ (0100000000000001) (0100000000000001) (0000000000001000) (1000000000000002) (1000000000000002) p 2 6=2 all 3 6=3 6.21. Case A17 , M = 3000 (Recall the remark in 6.5.) deg 1 18 153 171 322 λ (00000000000000000) (00000000000000001) (00000000000000010) (00000000000000002) (10000000000000001) p all all all all 2 deg 322 323 816 1122 1140 λ (10000000000000001) (10000000000000001) (00000000000000100) (00000000000000011) (00000000000000003) 21 p 3 6=2,3 all 3 all deg 1938 2718 2736 λ (00000000000000011) (01000000000000001) (01000000000000001) p 6=3 17 6=17 Small degree representations in defining characteristic 6.22. Case B2 , M = 300 deg 1 4 4 5 10 12 13 14 16 20 24 25 25 30 35 35 40 44 52 54 55 56 60 61 64 68 71 76 80 λ (00) (01) (10) (01) (20) (11) (02) (02) (11) (30) (12) (03) (21) (03) (21) (40) (12) (31) (31) (04) (04) (50) (14) (05) (31) (22) (22) (13) (13) p all 2 all 6=2 all 5 5 6=5 6=5 all 7 7 3 6=7 6=3 all 6=7 7 5 7 6=7 all 11 11 6=5,7 5 7 7 6=7 deg 81 84 84 85 86 91 105 115 116 116 120 126 140 140 140 144 145 149 154 160 164 164 165 174 179 180 180 181 184 λ (22) (15) (60) (06) (23) (05) (41) (42) (33) (51) (70) (06) (06) (14) (32) (17) (08) (42) (23) (51) (34) (52) (80) (07) (24) (18) (33) (09) (15) p 6=5,7 13 all 13 5 6=11 all 5 11 7 all 11 6=11,13 6=11 all 17 17 7 6=5 6=7 13 11 all 13 11 19 7 19 11 deg 199 199 200 204 204 206 220 220 224 231 236 251 256 256 260 260 264 265 271 284 284 285 285 286 294 296 300 λ (07) (25) (71) (07) (33) (24) (42) (90) (15) (61) (53) (25) (16) (33) (24) (44) (1,10) (0,11) (08) (08) (36) (08) (43) (10,0) (09) (72) (52) p 11 7 11 6=11,13 5 7 6=5,7 all 6=11,13 all 13 13 13 6=5,7,11 6=7,11 7 23 23 13 11 17 6=11,13,17 11 all 17 13 7 6.23. Case B3 , M = 700 deg 1 6 7 8 14 21 26 27 35 40 48 63 64 64 77 104 104 105 112 112 120 132 λ (000) (001) (001) (100) (010) (010) (002) (002) (200) (101) (101) (011) (011) (110) (003) (110) (300) (011) (110) (300) (102) (020) p all 2 6=2 all 2 6=2 7 6=7 all 7 6=7 3 2 5 all 3 5 6=2,3 6=3,5 6=5 3 3 deg 141 155 168 168 168 182 189 189 248 280 293 294 301 304 309 330 344 371 371 371 378 378 λ (020) (004) (020) (102) (201) (004) (201) (210) (120) (103) (400) (400) (005) (012) (012) (012) (111) (005) (013) (210) (005) (210) 22 p 5 11 6=3,5 6=3 5 6=11 6=5 3 7 11 5 6=5 13 7 3 6=3,7 5 11 5 5 6=11,13 6=3,5 deg 384 448 448 448 472 483 512 518 521 560 560 560 616 616 664 672 672 672 687 693 λ (111) (103) (202) (310) (111) (022) (111) (202) (030) (104) (301) (500) (021) (202) (310) (021) (120) (500) (006) (021) p 3 6=11 5 7 7 5 6=3,5,7 3 7 13 all 7 5 6=3,5 5 3 3 6=7 13 6=3,5 Small degree representations in defining characteristic 6.24. Case B4 , M = 1000 deg 1 8 9 16 26 36 43 44 48 84 112 126 128 147 147 156 λ (0000) (0001) (0001) (1000) (0010) (0010) (0002) (0002) (0100) (0100) (1001) (2000) (1001) (0003) (0011) (0003) p all 2 6=2 all 2 6=2 3 6=3 2 6=2 3 all 6=3 11 3 6=11 deg 160 231 246 304 336 369 406 416 432 448 449 450 451 495 544 558 λ (0011) (0011) (0101) (1010) (1100) (0020) (0004) (1010) (1010) (1002) (0004) (0004) (0020) (0020) (3000) (0101) p all 2 6=2 all 2 6=2 11 6=11 2 2 6=2 13 3 6=13 deg 288 320 320 330 418 429 462 670 749 870 934 935 1088 1143 λ (10001) (00011) (10001) (01000) (00011) (00011) (20000) (00101) (00020) (00004) (00004) (00004) (10010) (00020) p 2 6=2,3 2 7 5 3 13 2 6=2,7 11 11 6=11,13 7 6=3,7 5 7 deg 576 579 594 656 672 752 768 784 798 840 867 874 910 924 957 λ (1002) (0110) (0101) (1100) (3000) (1100) (1100) (0110) (2001) (2001) (0012) (0012) (0012) (2001) (0013) p 6=11 3 6=2,7 3 6=5 7 6=3,5,7 2 5 3 3 11 6=3,11 6=3,5 5 6.25. Case B5 , M = 2000 deg 1 10 11 32 44 55 64 65 100 164 165 264 264 275 λ (00000) (00001) (00001) (10000) (00010) (00010) (00002) (00002) (00100) (01000) (00100) (00003) (00011) (00003) p 11 2 6=11 6=2 5 6=2,3,5 all 2 3 5 13 6=5,13 3 5 deg 1144 1375 1376 1408 1408 1430 1440 1760 1760 1961 1970 1991 λ (00020) (00101) (10010) (01001) (10010) (00101) (10002) (10002) (11000) (00012) (00012) (00110) p 6=3,5 3 5 2 6=3,5 6=2,3 13 6=13 5 11 13 3 6.26. Case B6 , M = 4000 deg 1 12 13 64 64 78 89 90 208 286 364 416 429 λ (000000) (000001) (000001) (000010) (100000) (000010) (000002) (000002) (000100) (000100) (001000) (000011) (000003) p all 2 6=2 2 all 6=2 13 6=13 2 6=2 2 3 5 deg 442 560 560 704 715 715 768 1287 1508 1559 1639 1716 1728 λ (000003) (000011) (010000) (100001) (000011) (001000) (100001) (010000) (000101) (000020) (000004) (200000) (000004) 23 p 6=5 2 2 13 6=2,3 6=2 6=13 6=2 2 3 17 all 5 deg 1729 2185 2275 2847 2925 3392 3808 3838 3849 3849 3927 λ (000004) (000020) (000020) (000101) (000101) (100010) (001001) (000012) (000012) (000012) (000012) p 6=5,17 11 6=3,11 11 6=2,11 11 2 13 3 5 6=3,5,13 Small degree representations in defining characteristic 6.27. Case B7 , M = 5000 deg 1 14 15 90 105 118 118 119 128 336 455 λ (0000000) (0000001) (0000001) (0000010) (0000010) (0000002) (0000002) (0000002) (1000000) (0000100) (0000100) p all 2 6=2 2 6=2 3 5 6=3,5 all 2 6=2 deg 650 650 665 896 910 1090 1105 1288 1365 1664 1664 λ (0000003) (0000011) (0000003) (0000011) (0001000) (0000011) (0000011) (0010000) (0001000) (1000001) (1000001) p 17 3 6=17 2 2 7 6=2,3,7 2 6=2 3 5 deg 1792 1912 2715 2821 2884 2939 2940 3003 3961 4079 4080 λ (1000001) (0100000) (0000020) (0000004) (0000101) (0000004) (0000004) (0010000) (0000020) (0000020) (0000020) p 6=3,5 2 3 19 2 17 6=17,19 6=2 13 7 6=3,7,13 6.28. Case B8 , M = 7000 deg 1 16 17 118 136 151 152 256 544 680 λ (00000000) (00000001) (00000001) (00000010) (00000010) (00000002) (00000002) (10000000) (00000100) (00000100) p all 2 6=2 2 6=2 17 6=17 all 2 6=2 deg 935 935 952 1344 1582 1615 2380 3808 3840 4096 λ (00000003) (00000011) (00000003) (00000011) (00001000) (00000011) (00001000) (00010000) (10000001) (10000001) p 19 3 6=19 2 2 6=2,3 6=2 2 17 6=17 deg 4251 4488 4540 4691 4692 5066 6188 6528 6631 6783 λ (00000020) (00100000) (00000004) (00000004) (00000004) (00000101) (00010000) (01000000) (00000020) (00000020) deg 780 969 1273 1292 1311 1920 2261 2906 λ (000000100) (000000100) (000000011) (000000003) (000000003) (000000011) (000000011) (000001000) p 2 6=2 3 7 6=7 2 6=2,3 2 deg 3876 6763 6936 6972 7124 7125 λ (000001000) (000000020) (000000004) (000010000) (000000004) (000000004) λ (0000000002) (1000000000) (0000000100) (0000000100) (0000000003) (0000000011) (0000000003) p 6=3,7 all 2 6=2 23 3 6=23 deg 2640 3038 3059 4466 5985 9954 λ (0000000011) (0000000011) (0000000011) (0000001000) (0000001000) (0000000020) λ (00000000002) (00000000100) (00000000100) (10000000000) (00000000003) (00000000011) p 6=23 2 6=2 all 5 3 deg 2277 3520 4002 4025 7084 8855 λ (00000000003) (00000000011) (00000000011) (00000000011) (00000001000) (00000001000) p 3 2 7 19 6=7,19 2 6=2 2 5 6=3,5 6.29. Case B9 , M = 8000 deg 1 18 19 152 171 188 189 512 λ (000000000) (000000001) (000000001) (000000010) (000000010) (000000002) (000000002) (100000000) p all 2 6=2 2 6=2 19 6=19 all p 6=2 3 23 2 7 6 7,23 = 6.30. Case B10 , M = 10000 deg 1 20 21 188 210 229 229 λ (0000000000) (0000000001) (0000000001) (0000000010) (0000000010) (0000000002) (0000000002) p all 2 6=2 2 6=2 3 7 deg 230 1024 1120 1330 1729 1729 1750 p 2 5 6=2,3,5 2 6=2 3 6.31. Case B11 , M = 12000 deg 1 22 23 230 253 274 λ (00000000000) (00000000001) (00000000001) (00000000010) (00000000010) (00000000002) p all 2 6=2 2 6=2 23 deg 275 1496 1771 2048 2254 2254 24 p 6=5 2 11 6=2,3,11 2 6=2 Small degree representations in defining characteristic 6.32. Case C3 , M = 1000 deg 1 6 8 13 14 14 21 48 50 56 57 58 62 63 64 70 84 89 90 112 126 126 158 171 λ (000) (001) (100) (010) (010) (100) (002) (101) (011) (003) (101) (011) (110) (200) (011) (101) (200) (020) (020) (110) (004) (110) (102) (210) p all all 2 3 6=3 6=2 all 2 3 all 3 7 5 5 6=3,7 6=2,3 6=5 7 6=7 2 all 6=2,5 7 7 deg 172 189 202 216 246 252 286 295 309 316 316 330 350 358 378 385 423 426 448 462 512 525 552 573 λ (300) (012) (102) (102) (013) (005) (021) (030) (111) (120) (201) (300) (021) (111) (201) (030) (111) (022) (013) (006) (111) (103) (120) (210) p 7 all 5 6=5,7 5 all 3 5 5 3 5 6=7 6=3 3 6=5 6=5 7 5 6=5 all 6=3,5,7 all 5 5 deg 594 616 623 665 666 666 786 792 798 813 840 854 861 875 903 924 924 924 938 942 951 951 994 λ (210) (120) (202) (410) (031) (500) (015) (007) (014) (301) (130) (211) (301) (400) (022) (014) (022) (112) (400) (104) (040) (202) (031) p 6=5,7 6=3,5 3 11 5 11 7 all 5 5 7 7 7 7 3 6=5 6=3,5 5 5 7 5 5 11 6.33. Case C4 , M = 2000 deg 1 8 16 26 27 36 40 41 42 48 112 120 128 160 240 246 266 279 281 288 308 λ (0000) (0001) (1000) (0010) (0010) (0002) (0100) (1000) (1000) (0100) (0011) (0003) (1001) (0011) (1001) (0101) (0020) (0101) (0020) (1001) (0020) p all all 2 2 6=2 all 3 3 6=2,3 6=3 3 all 2 6=3 7 2 3 3 5 6=2,7 6=3,5 deg 312 313 315 330 416 504 513 558 593 594 594 632 744 765 768 784 784 784 789 792 792 λ (1100) (2000) (0101) (0004) (1010) (0110) (1010) (0012) (2000) (0012) (2000) (0110) (0110) (1010) (1100) (0013) (0110) (0200) (0200) (0005) (0110) 25 p 5 5 6=2,3 all 2 3 3 5 7 6=5 6=5,7 7 5 7 2 5 2 3 7 all 6 2,3,5,7 = deg 792 825 944 1016 1048 1056 1072 1114 1155 1200 1201 1232 1352 1504 1512 1608 1652 1716 1728 1891 λ (1010) (0200) (0102) (1100) (1100) (1100) (0102) (1002) (1002) (2100) (3000) (0102) (0021) (0021) (0021) (0013) (0022) (0006) (0013) (0111) p 6=2,3,7 6=3,7 5 3 7 6=2,3,5,7 3 3 6=3 7 7 6=3,5 11 5 6=5,11 11 5 all 6=5,11 3 Small degree representations in defining characteristic 6.34. Case C5 , M = 2500 deg 1 10 32 43 44 55 100 110 121 122 132 164 165 λ (00000) (00001) (10000) (00010) (00010) (00002) (00100) (00100) (01000) (10000) (10000) (01000) (01000) p all all 2 5 6=5 all 2 6=2 3 3 6=2,3 2 6=2,3 deg 210 220 310 320 320 615 670 715 779 780 848 891 1088 6.35. Case C6 , M = 4000 deg 1 12 64 64 64 65 78 196 208 352 364 364 364 λ (000000) (000001) (000010) (000010) (100000) (000010) (000002) (000100) (000100) (000011) (000003) (001000) (010000) p all all 2 3 2 6=2,3 all 5 6=5 3 all 2 3 deg 365 428 429 429 548 560 560 572 768 1221 1365 1508 1585 λ (100000) (001000) (001000) (100000) (000011) (000011) (010000) (010000) (100001) (000020) (000004) (000101) (000020) deg 882 896 909 910 1093 1094 1288 1430 1624 1638 1792 1912 λ (0000011) (0000011) (0001000) (0001000) (0100000) (1000000) (0010000) (1000000) (0010000) (0010000) (1000001) (0100000) deg 1582 1699 1700 3264 3280 3281 3620 3792 3808 3876 4096 4488 4861 λ (00001000) (00001000) (00001000) (00010000) (01000000) (10000000) (00000020) (00010000) (00010000) (00000004) (10000001) (00100000) (10000000) 6.36. Case C7 , M = 6000 deg 1 14 89 90 105 128 336 336 350 546 560 820 λ (0000000) (0000001) (0000010) (0000010) (0000002) (1000000) (0000100) (0000100) (0000100) (0000011) (0000003) (0001000) p all all 7 6=7 all 2 2 3 6=2,3 3 all 5 6.37. Case C8 , M = 10000 deg 1 16 118 119 136 256 528 544 800 816 1328 1344 1581 λ (00000000) (00000001) (00000010) (00000010) (00000002) (10000000) (00000100) (00000100) (00000011) (00000003) (00000011) (00000011) (00001000) p all all 2 6=2 all 2 7 6=7 3 all 17 6=3,17 3 λ (00011) (00003) (00011) (00011) (10001) (00020) (00101) (00004) (00020) (00020) (00101) (00101) (01001) 26 p 3 all 11 6=3,11 2 3 2 all 11 6=3,11 5 6=2,5 3 deg 1099 1155 1276 1375 1408 1408 1430 1452 1562 1563 1992 2002 λ (10001) (10001) (01001) (00012) (01001) (10010) (00012) (00110) (11000) (20000) (00013) (00005) p 3 5 6=2,5 6=2,3 13 6=3,13 2 6=2,3 2 3 all 2 7 deg 1649 1650 1924 1938 2002 2847 2925 3432 3638 3652 3796 3808 λ (000020) (000020) (000101) (000101) (000101) (000012) (000012) (000110) (010001) (100001) (001001) (001001) p 5 6=3,5 3 6=3,5 3 3 2 6=2,3 5 6=2,5 2 2 deg 2001 2002 2184 2380 2884 3093 3094 3795 3811 3900 5355 λ (0100000) (0100000) (0000020) (0000004) (0000101) (0000020) (0000020) (0000101) (0000101) (0000101) (0000012) p 2 7 6=2,3,7 5 3 3 3 3 6=3,5 all 2 2 5 deg 4862 5066 5319 5320 6069 6188 6528 6749 6885 7056 7072 8908 9044 p 3 6=2,3 5 3 6=3,5 2 6=3 3 5 5 5 all p 13 6=3,7,13 5 3 6=2,3,5 7 6=7 3 3 3 5 2 λ (10000000) (00000101) (00000020) (00000020) (00100000) (00100000) (01000000) (00000101) (00000101) (01000000) (01000000) (00000012) (00000012) p 5 6=2,3,5 3 all 2 5 6=3,5 3 7 6=2,3,7 all p 6=2,3,5 2 17 6=3,17 5 6=2,5 2 7 6=2,7 5 6=2,3,5 3 6=3 Small degree representations in defining characteristic 6.38. Case C9 , M = 10000 deg 1 18 151 152 171 512 780 798 1122 1140 λ (000000000) (000000001) (000000010) (000000010) (000000002) (100000000) (000000100) (000000100) (000000011) (000000003) p all all 3 6=3 all 2 2 6=2 3 all deg 1902 1920 2755 2906 2907 5661 5985 6954 6972 7734 6.39. Case C10 , M = 10000 deg 1 20 188 188 189 210 λ (0000000000) (0000000001) (0000000010) (0000000010) (0000000010) (0000000002) p all all 2 5 6=2,5 all deg 1024 1100 1120 1520 1540 2620 6.40. Case C11 , M = 12000 deg 1 22 229 230 253 1496 λ (00000000000) (00000000001) (00000000010) (00000000010) (00000000002) (00000000100) p all all 11 6=11 all 2 deg 1496 1518 2002 2024 2048 3498 λ (000000011) (000000011) (000001000) (000001000) (000001000) (000000020) (000000004) (000010000) (000010000) (000010000) λ (1000000000) (0000000100) (0000000100) (0000000011) (0000000003) (0000000011) λ (00000000100) (00000000100) (00000000011) (00000000003) (10000000000) (00000000011) 27 p 19 6=3,19 7 2 6=2,7 3 all 3 2 7 p 2 3 6=3 3 all 7 p 5 6=2,5 3 all 2 23 deg 7752 8226 8416 8567 8568 9216 9841 9842 deg 2640 4466 4654 4655 8455 8855 deg 3520 6854 7083 7084 λ (000010000) (000000101) (000000020) (000000020) (000000020) (100000001) (010000000) (100000000) p 6=2,3,7 2 5 19 6=3,5,19 2 3 3 λ (0000000011) (0000001000) (0000001000) (0000001000) (0000000020) (0000000004) λ (00000000011) (00000001000) (00000001000) (00000001000) p 6=3,7 2 3 6=2,3 3 all p 6=3,23 3 5 6=3,5 Small degree representations in defining characteristic 6.41. Case D4 , M = 2000 Here, because of the symmetry of the Dynkin diagram, a weight (a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 ) and all those which are got from this by permuting a1 , a2 and a4 lead to representations of same degree. But for better readability we include all of these weights in this table. deg 1 8 8 8 26 28 35 35 35 48 48 48 56 56 56 104 104 104 104 104 104 112 112 112 152 152 152 160 160 160 168 168 168 168 168 168 195 224 224 224 224 224 224 246 293 293 293 294 294 294 299 300 λ (0000) (0001) (0100) (1000) (0010) (0010) (0002) (0200) (2000) (0101) (1001) (1100) (0101) (1001) (1100) (0003) (0011) (0110) (0300) (1010) (3000) (0003) (0300) (3000) (0011) (0110) (1010) (0011) (0110) (1010) (0102) (0201) (1002) (1200) (2001) (2100) (0020) (0102) (0201) (1002) (1200) (2001) (2100) (1101) (0004) (0400) (4000) (0004) (0400) (4000) (0020) (0020) p all all all all 2 6=2 all all all 2 2 2 6=2 6=2 6=2 5 3 3 5 3 5 6=5 6=5 6=5 7 7 7 6=3,7 6=3,7 6=3,7 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 6=5 6=5 6=5 6=5 6=5 6=5 2 5 5 5 6=5 6=5 6=5 7 6=3,7 deg 322 350 384 384 384 518 518 518 539 539 539 560 560 560 567 567 567 664 664 664 664 664 664 664 664 664 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 680 680 680 784 784 784 805 805 805 840 840 840 840 840 840 904 904 λ (1101) (1101) (0111) (1011) (1110) (0202) (2002) (2200) (0012) (0210) (2010) (0005) (0500) (5000) (0012) (0210) (2010) (0013) (0103) (0301) (0310) (1003) (1300) (3001) (3010) (3100) (0005) (0103) (0301) (0500) (1003) (1300) (3001) (3100) (5000) (0111) (1011) (1110) (0111) (1011) (1110) (0202) (2002) (2200) (0111) (0202) (1011) (1110) (2002) (2200) (1102) (1201) 28 p 3 6=2,3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 7 7 7 6=5 6=5 6=5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6=7 6=5 6=5 6=7 6=5 6=5 6=5 6=5 6=7 5 5 5 2 2 2 5 5 5 6=2,3,5 6=3,5 6=2,3,5 6=2,3,5 6=3,5 6=3,5 5 5 deg 904 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1144 1144 1144 1176 1176 1176 1256 1256 1256 1256 1256 1256 1296 1296 1296 1322 1322 1322 1351 1351 1351 1386 1386 1386 1400 1400 1400 1568 1568 1568 1680 1680 1680 1680 1680 1680 1841 1896 1896 1896 1896 1896 1896 1925 λ (2101) (0104) (0401) (1004) (1400) (4001) (4100) (1102) (1201) (2101) (0021) (0120) (1020) (0203) (0302) (2003) (2300) (3002) (3200) (1102) (1201) (2101) (0022) (0220) (2020) (0006) (0600) (6000) (0006) (0600) (6000) (0021) (0120) (1020) (0013) (0310) (3010) (0104) (0401) (1004) (1400) (4001) (4100) (1111) (0112) (0211) (1012) (1210) (2011) (2110) (0030) p 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 3 3 3 7 7 7 7 7 7 6=5,7 6=5,7 6=5,7 5 5 5 7 7 7 6=7 6=7 6=7 6=3 6=3 6=3 6=5 6=5 6=5 6=7 6=7 6=7 6=7 6=7 6=7 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 all Small degree representations in defining characteristic 6.42. Case D5 , M = 3000 deg 1 10 16 16 44 45 53 54 100 120 126 126 128 128 144 144 164 190 210 210 320 416 416 544 544 544 544 559 560 560 λ (00000) (00001) (01000) (10000) (00010) (00010) (00002) (00002) (00100) (00100) (02000) (20000) (01001) (10001) (01001) (10001) (11000) (00011) (00003) (11000) (00011) (01010) (10010) (01010) (03000) (10010) (30000) (00020) (01010) (10010) p all all all all 2 6=2 5 6=5 2 6=2 all all 5 5 6=5 6=5 2 3 all 6=2 6=3 2 2 3 5 3 5 3 6=2,3 6=2,3 deg 576 576 606 656 656 660 670 672 672 720 720 770 840 840 880 880 945 1050 1050 1056 1056 1184 1184 1200 1200 1242 1333 1341 1386 1408 λ (01002) (10002) (00004) (01100) (10100) (00004) (00101) (03000) (30000) (01002) (10002) (00020) (02001) (20001) (12000) (21000) (00101) (02001) (20001) (01100) (10100) (01100) (10100) (01100) (10100) (00110) (00012) (00012) (00012) (11001) deg 462 462 495 548 560 560 792 1143 1286 1287 1376 1376 1508 1561 1637 1638 1696 1696 1728 1728 λ (020000) (200000) (001000) (000011) (000011) (110000) (110000) (000020) (000004) (000004) (010010) (100010) (000101) (000020) (000020) (000020) (010010) (100010) (010010) (100010) p 3 3 7 3 3 6=7 2 6=5 6=5 6=3 6=3 6=3 3 3 5 5 6=2 6=3 6=3 7 7 2 2 6=2,3,7 6=2,3,7 3 5 3 6=3,5 2 deg 1424 1424 1440 1440 1476 1608 1676 1728 1772 1772 1782 1920 1920 2094 2094 2464 2464 2640 2640 2650 2708 2719 2719 2772 2772 2836 2970 2976 2976 λ (12000) (21000) (12000) (21000) (11001) (11001) (00200) (11001) (00005) (00013) (00005) (01003) (10003) (02010) (20010) (01011) (10011) (01003) (10003) (00110) (00110) (04000) (40000) (04000) (40000) (00102) (00110) (01011) (10011) p 7 7 6=5,7 6=5,7 5 7 3 6=2,5,7 7 5 6=7 7 7 5 5 3 3 6=7 6=7 7 2 5 5 6=5 6=5 5 6=2,3,7 2 2 6.43. Case D6 , M = 4000 deg 1 12 32 32 64 66 76 77 208 220 320 320 320 320 340 340 352 352 352 364 λ (000000) (000001) (010000) (100000) (000010) (000010) (000002) (000002) (000100) (000100) (010001) (010001) (100001) (100001) (000003) (000011) (000003) (010001) (100001) (001000) p all all all all 2 6=2 3 6=3 2 6=2 2 3 2 3 7 3 6=7 6=2,3 6=2,3 2 29 p all all 6=2 11 6=3,11 2 6=2 3 7 6=7 5 5 2 5 11 6=3,5,11 11 11 6=5,11 6=5,11 deg 1760 1760 2013 2079 2112 2112 2740 2784 2794 2848 2848 2860 3200 3200 3808 3960 3960 3992 λ (010002) (100002) (000101) (000101) (010002) (100002) (000110) (000012) (000012) (030000) (300000) (000012) (010100) (100100) (001001) (020001) (200001) (000013) p 7 7 5 6=2,5 6=7 6=7 3 3 7 5 5 6=3,7 2 2 2 7 7 5 Small degree representations in defining characteristic 6.44. Case D7 , M = 5000 deg 1 14 64 64 90 91 103 104 336 364 532 546 768 768 λ (0000000) (0000001) (0100000) (1000000) (0000010) (0000010) (0000002) (0000002) (0000100) (0000100) (0000011) (0000003) (0100001) (1000001) p all all all all 2 6=2 7 6=7 2 6=2 3 all 7 7 deg 832 832 882 896 910 1001 1288 1716 1716 1912 1975 2002 2275 2884 λ (0100001) (1000001) (0000011) (0000011) (0001000) (0001000) (0010000) (0200000) (2000000) (1100000) (0000020) (0010000) (0000004) (0000101) p 6=7 6=7 13 6=3,13 2 6=2 2 all all 2 3 6=2 all 2 deg 3003 3079 3080 3913 4004 4096 4096 4096 4096 4864 4864 4928 4928 λ (1100000) (0000020) (0000020) (0000101) (0000101) (0100010) (0100010) (1000010) (1000010) (0100010) (1000010) (0100010) (1000010) p 6=2 13 6=3,13 3 6=2,3 2 3 2 3 13 13 6=2,3,13 6=2,3,13 6.45. Case D8 , M = 10000 deg 1 16 118 120 128 128 135 544 560 768 800 1328 1344 λ (00000000) (00000001) (00000010) (00000010) (01000000) (10000000) (00000002) (00000100) (00000100) (00000011) (00000003) (00000011) (00000011) p all all 2 6=2 all all all 2 6=2 3 all 5 6=3,5 deg 1582 1792 1792 1820 1920 1920 3483 3605 3740 3808 4368 4488 5066 λ (00001000) (01000001) (10000001) (00001000) (01000001) (10000001) (00000020) (00000004) (00000004) (00010000) (00010000) (00100000) (00000101) p 2 2 2 6=2 6=2 6=2 3 5 6=5 2 6=2 2 2 deg 5169 5303 5304 6435 6435 6528 6900 7020 8008 8805 8925 λ (00000020) (00000020) (00000020) (02000000) (20000000) (11000000) (00000101) (00000101) (00100000) (00000012) (00000012) p 7 5 6=3,5,7 all all 2 7 6=2,7 6=2 3 6=3 6.46. Case D9 , M = 15000 deg 1 18 152 153 169 170 256 256 780 816 1104 1104 λ (000000000) (000000001) (000000010) (000000010) (000000002) (000000002) (010000000) (100000000) (000000100) (000000100) (000000003) (000000011) p all all 2 6=2 3 6=3 all all 2 6=2 5 3 deg 1122 1902 1920 2906 3060 4096 4096 4352 4352 5490 5644 5813 λ (000000003) (000000011) (000000011) (000001000) (000001000) (010000001) (100000001) (010000001) (100000001) (000000020) (000000004) (000000004) p 6=5 17 6=3,17 2 6=2 3 3 6=3 6=3 3 11 5 deg 5814 6972 8226 8549 8550 8568 11475 14043 14059 14212 λ (000000004) (000010000) (000000101) (000000020) (000000020) (000010000) (000000101) (000000012) (000000012) (000000012) deg 1500 1520 2620 2640 4466 4845 8036 8644 8645 9216 9216 λ (0000000011) (0000000003) (0000000011) (0000000011) (0000001000) (0000001000) (0000000020) (0000000004) (0000000004) (0100000001) (0100000001) p 3 6=11 19 6=3,19 2 6=2 3 11 6=11 2 5 deg 9216 9216 9728 9728 12712 13089 13090 14344 15504 17575 17765 λ (1000000001) (1000000001) (0100000001) (1000000001) (0000000101) (0000000020) (0000000020) (0000010000) (0000010000) (0000000101) (0000000101) p 6=5,11 2 2 17 6=3,17 6=2 6=2 3 5 6=3,5 6.47. Case D10 , M = 18000 deg 1 20 188 190 208 209 512 512 1120 1140 1500 λ (0000000000) (0000000001) (0000000010) (0000000010) (0000000002) (0000000002) (0100000000) (1000000000) (0000000100) (0000000100) (0000000003) p all all 2 6=2 5 6=5 all all 2 6=2 11 30 p 2 5 6=2,5 6=2,5 2 19 6=3,19 2 6=2 3 6=2,3 Small degree representations in defining characteristic 6.48. Case D11 , M = 20000 deg 1 22 230 231 251 252 1024 1024 λ (00000000000) (00000000001) (00000000010) (00000000010) (00000000002) (00000000002) (01000000000) (10000000000) p all all 2 6=2 11 6=11 all all λ (00000000100) (00000000100) (00000000011) (00000000003) (00000000011) (00000000011) (00000001000) (00000001000) deg 1496 1540 1958 2002 3498 3520 7084 7315 p 2 6=2 3 all 7 6=3,7 2 6=2 deg 11912 12145 12397 18744 18976 19227 19228 λ (00000000020) (00000000004) (00000000004) (00000000101) (00000000020) (00000000020) (00000000020) 6.49. Case G2 , M = 500 deg 1 6 7 7 14 26 27 27 38 49 64 77 77 λ (00) (01) (01) (10) (10) (02) (02) (20) (11) (11) (11) (03) (20) p all 2 6=2 3 6=3 7 6=7 3 7 3 6=3,7 all 6=3 deg 97 125 148 155 182 189 189 196 244 248 259 267 273 λ (21) (12) (30) (04) (04) (12) (21) (30) (31) (21) (13) (40) (30) p 5 11 11 11 6=11 6=11 3 5 13 7 13 7 6=5,11 deg 286 295 301 371 371 378 434 448 469 481 483 489 λ (21) (22) (05) (05) (13) (05) (13) (13) (14) (22) (22) (40) p 6=3,5,7 11 13 11 5 6=11,13 11 6=5,11,13 5 7 5 13 6.50. Case F4 , M = 12000 deg 1 25 26 26 52 196 246 246 273 298 323 324 676 λ (0000) (0001) (0001) (1000) (1000) (0010) (0010) (0100) (0010) (0002) (0002) (0002) (1001) p all 3 6=3 2 6=2 3 2 2 6=2,3 7 13 6=7,13 2 deg 755 1053 1053 1222 1274 2404 2651 2652 2991 3773 4096 4096 4380 λ (2000) (1001) (2000) (0100) (0100) (0011) (0003) (0003) (0011) (0011) (0011) (1100) (1010) 31 p 7 6=2 6=7 3 6=2,3 3 7 6=7 7 13 6=3,7,13 2 7 deg 5369 6396 6396 6707 7371 8424 9477 10829 11102 11739 11907 λ (1100) (0101) (1010) (1002) (1010) (1010) (2001) (1002) (3000) (0110) (0101) p 3 2 2 3 3 6=2,3,7 5 6=3 5 5 3 p 3 13 6=13 2 5 7 6 3,5,7 = Small degree representations in defining characteristic 6.51. Case E6 , M = 50000 deg 1 27 27 77 78 324 324 324 324 351 351 351 351 572 572 650 1377 1377 1701 1701 1702 1728 1728 2404 2404 2429 2430 2771 2925 3002 3002 3003 λ (000000) (000001) (100000) (010000) (010000) (000002) (000010) (001000) (200000) (000002) (000010) (001000) (200000) (100001) (100001) (100001) (010001) (110000) (010001) (110000) (000100) (010001) (110000) (000011) (101000) (020000) (020000) (000100) (000100) (000003) (300000) (000003) p all all all 3 6=3 5 2 2 5 6=5 6=2 6=2 6=5 2 3 6=2,3 5 5 13 13 2 6=5,13 6=5,13 3 3 13 6=13 3 6=2,3 5 5 6=5 deg 3003 5643 5643 5746 5746 5824 5824 5994 5994 6966 6966 7371 7371 7371 7371 7722 7722 9828 9828 11934 11934 13311 13311 15822 15822 17550 17550 18225 18225 18954 18954 19305 6.52. Case E7 , M = 100000 deg 1 56 132 133 856 912 1274 1330 1463 1538 1539 5568 5832 λ (0000000) (0000001) (1000000) (1000000) (0100000) (0100000) (0000010) (0000002) (0000002) (0000010) (0000010) (1000001) (2000000) p all all 2 6=2 3 6=3 2 3 6=3 7 6=2,7 7 5 deg 6424 6480 7106 7370 7371 8512 8645 18752 21184 24264 24264 24320 25896 6.53. Case E8 , M = 100000 deg 1 248 3626 3875 λ (00000000) (00000001) (10000000) (10000000) p all all 2 6=2 deg 23125 26504 26999 27000 λ (300000) (001001) (100010) (000011) (101000) (000011) (101000) (100002) (200001) (001001) (100010) (001001) (100002) (100010) (200001) (100002) (200001) (010010) (011000) (010002) (210000) (000004) (400000) (010010) (011000) (010010) (011000) (000020) (002000) (010002) (210000) (000004) p 6=5 5 5 5 5 6=3,5 6=3,5 7 7 2 2 6=2,5 5 6=2,5 5 6=5,7 6=5,7 2 2 3 3 7 7 3 3 6=2,3 6=2,3 3 3 7 7 6=7 deg 19305 19305 19305 20579 23179 26244 26244 28782 28782 31668 32319 33021 33021 34099 34398 34398 34749 35242 40831 43758 44955 44955 46332 46332 46656 46656 46683 46683 46683 46683 λ (010002) (210000) (400000) (030000) (110001) (000101) (100100) (020001) (120000) (110001) (110001) (000020) (002000) (110001) (000020) (002000) (110001) (001010) (010100) (030000) (020001) (120000) (020001) (120000) (001002) (200010) (000012) (000012) (201000) (201000) λ (1000001) (1000001) (0010000) (2000000) (2000000) (0010000) (0010000) (0000003) (0000100) (0000003) (0000011) (0000003) (0000100) p 19 6=7,19 2 19 6=5,19 3 6=2,3 7 2 11 3 6=7,11 3 deg 27664 30704 30779 39217 40755 44592 50160 51072 57608 79704 86128 86184 λ (0000100) (0100001) (0100001) (0100001) (0100001) (0000011) (0000011) (0000011) (1100000) (1100000) (1100000) (1100000) λ (00000002) (00000010) (00000002) (00000002) p 7 2 31 6 7,31 = deg 30132 30132 30380 λ (00000010) (00000010) (00000010) p 6=3,7 6=3,7 6=7 5 5 2 2 3 3 2 3 5 5 7 6=3,5 6=3,5 6=2,3,5,7 2 3 6=5 5 5 6=3,5 6=3,5 3 3 3 5 3 5 p 6=2,3 2 3 7 6=2,3,7 11 2 6=2,3,11 5 13 2 6=2,5,13 p 3 5 6 2,3,5 = References 1. 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