ERP Checklist and Run Sheet v. 2.05.10 Study: Experimenter(s): Ss

ERP Checklist and Run Sheet
v. 2.05.10
Run Time:
Computer Used:
Experimental File Name:
Vision Recorder File:
Before the Participant Arrives
___ Complete the Run Log
___ Unplug the blue network cables from the wall
___ Plug in the correct task device (keyboard, joystick, button box)
___ Turn on both computers with monitor switch in the correct position (1 = A; 2 = B)
___ Run End-It-All on both machines
___ Turn on the amplifier
___ Open BrainVision Recorder – verify the workspace and subject number
___ Load the experimental program (MATLAB, EPRIME)
___ Prepare the tray (gel, alcohol, cotton balls, q-tips, collars, electrodes)
When the Participant Arrives
___ Measure the participant’s head
Cap Size Used: 54 / 56 / 58
___ Obtain the participant’s written consent
___ Test the participant for a gel allergy
___ Obtain the information about the participant
Participant’s Handedness: L / R
Participant’s Age:
Participant’s Gender:
History of brain injury/trauma? Y / N
Is there anything the participant can think of that may influence data collection?
___ Put on eye and reference electrodes (ensure mastoids are tight behind ear)
___ Fit the cap (Fpz & Oz in same vertical plane, Cz pointing straight up)
___ Plug in the cap
___ Gel the electrodes
Before the Run
___ Get all the average impedance between 10 - 20 kâ„Ĥ
List high impedance CHs:
___ Verify the Ss distance from the monitor with the string
___ Ensure the participant understands the instructions
___ Check that VISION RECORDER is saving
During the Run: Record the following information
Bad Channels Observed (what channel, what behaviour)
Watch the participant – are they engaged in the task?
Make sure that you talk to the participant during the rest breaks
Other behavioural comments
After the Run
___ Check that VISION RECORDER is stopped
___ Turn off the AMPLIFIER (on both boxes)
___ Clean up the participant
___ Debrief the participant
Clean Up
___ Finish cleaning any cap that is currently soaking (or do this before the run, but not during)
___ Remove the electrodes from the cap CAREFULLY – do not pull out clumps of electrodes
___Clean the cap you just used, scrubbing the electrodes and the cap with the brush (scrub each individual
electrode site on the cap and both sides of the electrodes with the brush before soaking).
___ Rinse the cap and electrodes
___Put the cap and electrodes in to soak for 1 – 2 hours
___Soak the cap, electrodes, syringes, chin straps in the disinfectant for 5-10 minutes
___ Rinse everything after soaking in disinfectant and put carefully for drying. Avoid entanglement of electrodes.
Final Steps
___ Store consent form in designated area
___ Sign the Run Log and note any problems
___Sign the trainee log form if Level 1 and the trainee completed the session successfully