English Language Program Course Policies These are the English Language Program course policies as required for accreditation. Instructors will explain these course policies in class and provide details which may include additional policies from the instructor. See http://appliedtech.iit.edu/opd/elpcoursepolicies. ACADEMIC HONESTY The issue of academic honesty will be taken very seriously. Plagiarism and other forms of cheating will result in serious consequences for the student. The code of conduct for IIT requires original work, and prohibits students’ from passing off someone else’s work as their own. Students are not allowed to copy any phrase or excerpt word for word, unless quotation marks are used. Any student who plagiarizes or cheats on an assignment will receive a “zero” for that assignment, and further acts of plagiarism/cheating could lead to failing the course. ATTENDANCE Attendance is very important. If you do not attend class, you will miss valuable information and may not be able to pass the class. For classes that meet twice a week, if you miss the equivalent of more than three (3) class meetings after the Last Day to Add/Drop with No Tuition Charges you cannot pass the class and may be required to retake it. For classes that meet once a week, if you miss the equivalent of more than two (2) class meetings, after the Last Day to Add/Drop with No Tuition Charges you cannot pass the class and may be required to retake it. Students who arrive late and miss more than half of any one class will be marked absent. DISABILITIES Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with documented disabilities. In order to receive accommodations, students must obtain a letter of accommodation from the Center for Disability Resources and make an appointment to speak with me as soon as possible. Our office hours are listed on the first page of the syllabus. The Center for Disability Resources is located in the Life Sciences Building on the Main Campus, room 218, 312-567-5744 or disabilities@iit.edu. ELECTRONIC DEVICES Use of cell phones is not allowed during class sessions. Please either turn off your phones or put them on silent mode. Do not send text messages or make phone calls during class. If you must communicate with someone, please quietly leave the classroom to do so. You will be asked to leave if you talk on the phone or text during class, resulting in an absence. EMAIL COMMUNICATION All students must contact their professors using their hawk.iit.edu mail address. This is due to the fact that many foreign emails do not display names in English and iit.edu will mark foreign addresses as junk mail. If you do not use hawk.iit.edu your professors may not receive your important emails, or they may not know who the email is coming from. ENGLISH ONLY Even though many of you will be able to communicate using your first language, the English Language Program has a strict policy of English only during class meetings. We believe this is the best way for students to maximize language learning potential and take full advantage of the English language environment you now live in. Revised 12/5/2014 9:35 AM Page 1 of 2 English Language Program Course Policies GRADING S (Satisfactory) PESL Students PL Students and PENG Students P (Pass) A 90-100% B 80-89.99% C 65-79.99% U (Unsatisfactory) PESL Students PL Students and PENG Students F (Fail) E 0-64.99% As part of your grade in the course, you are required to participate in a self-assessment survey that will be sent to you by email after the midpoint of the semester. If you do not complete the survey, your total course grade percentage will be reduced by 5%. HOMEWORK Please come to class prepared! If there are homework assignments, you must have them completed before each class meeting. Homework will be collected throughout the term. Late assignments will lose a letter grade for each day late. PARTICIPATION Participating in class sessions is the best way to practice and build your language skills and to master course content. Participation is a significant portion of your grade and includes being prepared for class, using English only during class, and participating in class discussions and group work by offering ideas and asking questions. PUNCTUALITY Being on time for class is extremely important in American academic culture. Each class will begin promptly. If you arrive late, you will miss important information and disrupt the flow of the lesson. Please arrive on time, be ready to work, and do not expect class to dismiss early. Late arrival will affect your participation grade and may result in additional absences. Students who arrive late and miss more than half of any one class will also be marked absent. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES All students at an American university are expected to be responsible for many aspects of their education. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to find out what was missed from a classmate; what the homework assignments were, and what work needs to be completed before the next class meeting. It is also your responsibility to maintain an awareness of your grade in the course and approach the professor about the possibility of extra credit assignments (professors will NOT alert you to failing grades). Finally, be aware that the end of term is a very busy time for all students with many projects and exams reaching due dates. Plan appropriately so you have time to manage all your assignments. Revised 12/5/2014 9:35 AM Page 2 of 2