Nonlinear Behavior Analysis of

Nonlinear Behavior Analysis of Heat Integrated Distillation
Hongwen Li, Rafiqul Gani and Sten Bay Jørgensen
CAPEC, Department of Chemical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark,
Lyngby, Denmark
The efficiency of manufacturing systems can be significantly increased through diligent
application of control based on model analysis thereby enabling more tight integration
between decision-making and process operation. The principal objective of this study is
to investigate the nonlinear behavior, which is relevant for designing optimizing control
of a heat integrated distillation pilot plant. In this paper the nonlinear dynamic behavior
is investigated in terms of a bifurcation analysis. First, a simple dynamic model capable
of capturing the important non-linear behavior has been derived and solved through a
computer aided modeling toolbox (ICAS-MOT). Next, the position of control valves,
which plays an important role in moving the operation points around within the
operation range of the integrated column, is first used as bifurcation parameters. In this
paper the focus is on revealing and understanding the possible nonlinear behaviors and
their influence upon the further decisions behind the experimental design for validating
the process model in the region around optimal operation.
Keywords: Nonlinear behavior, analysis, heat integrated distillation column
1. Introduction
In chemical production and refinement plants energy integration represents a significant
potential for energy saving. However, the increase in complexity caused by the
introduced couplings may change plant characteristics drastically and thereby have
significant impact on operability and on control configuration selection for the plant.
Understanding such characteristics is essential for being able to use multivariable
control, which again is a premise for being able to optimize the operation of chemical
plants. Bifurcation analysis is considered as a useful method to investigate the dynamic
behaviour of a nonlinear process. A huge number of bifurcations have been derived and
described. In literature examples of an application oriented approaches are Kuznetsov
(1998) and Recke et al. (2001). Some of the more common bifurcations reported within
the chemical engineering in literature are fold and Hopf bifurcations. The purpose of
this paper is to develop control structures for planning experimental investigation of
pilot plant performance around optimal operation condition as a first step to
implementing optimizing control.
2. Process description and process model
Distillation column
The heat integrated distillation pilot plant, shown in Fig.1 (Hansen et al, 1998), contains
two main parts, a distillation column section and a heat pump section. It separates a
mixture of methanol and isopropanol, which contains low concentration water as
impurity. The column has 19 sieve trays. The heat pump section is physically connected
α CV 9
to the distillation column
through the condenser at the top
Expansion valve
and the reboiler at the bottom of
the column. Two control valves
αCV8 and αCV9 control the high
pressure and low pressure of the
heat pump section, respectively.
The values of valve coefficients
of αCV8 and αCV9 determine how
open the valves are. If αCV8 and
αCV9 equal one then high
Air coolers
pressure and low pressure on the
heat pump are at their minimum
α CV 8
values; otherwise, if αCV8 and
αCV9 equal zero, the high
pressure and low pressure reach
Fig. 1: Flow sheet of energy integrated
their maximum values. A more
distillation column
detailed description is available
in Eden et al (2000). The model used in this paper for bifurcation study is a simplified
version of the process (Li et al, 2003), where in Figure 1 D is the distillate flow rate, B
is the bottom product flow rate, V is the vapor flow rate and xD and xB is the molar
fractions of methanol. The feed contains 49.5mol% of methanol and 49.5mol% of
isopropanol and is saturated liquid and the nominal feed flow rate is 0.86095 mol.sec-1.
3. Bifurcation analysis
A bifurcation diagram shows the changes in the dynamics of a physical system and is
therefore very useful for investigating integrated process operations. A two-dimensional
bifurcation diagram is a map of a system variable as a function of small changes of a
system parameter, where all stable and unstable states are determined and hence shown.
By performing a bifurcation or continuation analysis one can depict how the pilot plant
behaves for a single (or two) operation or
uncertain parameters. Given this information
one can determine the location of the
bifurcation points. The bifurcation diagrams
have been calculated by using the
continuation program CONT (Ipsen and
Schreiber, 2000) where the models are solved
in MOT (Russel et al, 2000). The two control
valves αCV8 and αCV9 determine the operating
Figure 2.1: Bifurcation diagram with
αCV8 as bifurcation parameter
point movement within the operation window of the heat-integrated distillation column.
Hence these two parameters are selected as bifurcation parameters to investigate
estigate the
nonlinear behavior of the system in this paper. In the bifurcation diagrams shown
below, the solid lines denote stable stationary points and the dotted lines denote
unstable stationary points. The bifurcation points are where a stable and unstable branch
3.1 Bifurcation diagrams
In this paper the bifurcation analysis made first with αCV8 as bifurcation parameter at
constant αCV9=0.4, where all the level loops of the process are assumed to be perfectly
controlled. The bifurcation diagrams of all the important operational variables have
been determined and only the one corresponding to the vapor flow rate in the column is
shown in Figure 2.1. It can be seen that the system undergoes fold bifurcations at
αCV8=0.38, 0.45 and 0.41 where a stable and an unstable branch coalesce and annihilate
each other. The three fold bifurcation points are found and marked A, B and C,
respectively, in Figure 2.1, where IA and BC branches (solid line) are stable branches
while AB and CΙΙ branches (dotted line) are unstable. The size of the largest eigenvalue
corresponding to Figure 2.1 is depicted in Figure 2.2 and it is seen that a single real
eigenvalue crosses imaginary axis (from negative gain to the positive gain) at the three
fold bifurcation points, where they are zoomed in so as to see clearly how the
eigenvalue change their signs at their bifurcation points.
With respect to the operation of the pilot plant described by the model it can be
concluded that the feasible operation region is on the part of low vapour flow rate when
αCV9 is kept constant at 0.4 because the bifurcation points B and C are far beyond the
high pressure safety limit (see Figure 3) of the distillation pilot plant.
2 .10 E - 0 3
4. 0E-05
3. 0 E - 0 5
1.8 0 E - 0 3
3. 0E-05
2. 5 E - 0 5
2. 0E-05
2. 0 E - 0 5
1. 5 E - 0 5
1.5 0 E - 0 3
5. 0 E - 0 6
1.2 0 E - 0 3
1. 0E-05
1. 0 E - 0 5
0. 68
0 . 7
0 . 72
0. 0E+00
0 . 0 E +0 0
0. 7 4
0. 76
0. 78
1. 06
0. 8
1. 08
1. 1
1. 12
1. 14
1. 16
-1. 0E-05
- 5. 0 E - 0 6
9 .0 0 E - 0 4
6 .0 0 E - 0 4
3 .0 0 E - 0 4
0 .0 0 E +0 0
- 3 .0 0 E - 0 4
0 .4
0 .5
0 .6
0 .7
0 .8
0 .9
V a po r f lo w ra t e ( m 3 / hr)
Figure 2.2: The real part of the largest eigenvalue plotted as a function of the
vapour flow rate at constant αCV9=0.4
3.2 Sensitivity analysis of bifurcation
The theoretical and qualitative analysis of
bifurcation diagram Figure 2.1 is the following.
The slope of ∂V/∂αCV8=∂V/∂PH∂PH/∂αCV8 changes
sign through infinity at bifurcation points A, B
and C. It is known that both column pressure and
vapor flow rate in the column are sensitive to the
high and low pressures in the heat pump section,
where high pressure PH on the heat pump section
has positive gain to vapor flow rate in the column
(Li et al 2003), i.e. ∂V/∂PH>0. Thus the sign of
Figure 3: High pressure in the
∂V/∂αCV8 should follow the sign of ∂PH/∂αCV8,
heat pump section. The safety
which is the slope of high pressure with respect to
limit is 16 bar
αCV8 (see Figure 3). The total energy balance for
the energy integrated distillation pilot plant is:
d(Mtot⋅Htot)/dt=F⋅Hfeed- D⋅Htop-B⋅Hbot+Wcomp-Qcool-Qloos
Where Mtot⋅Htot is the total plant enthalpy, Hfeed, Htop and Hbot is enthalpy of feed, top
and bottom product, Qcool is heat transfer rate out through the air coolers, and Wcomp is
work introduced by the compressor. Qloos is the heat loss rate through equipment and
tube surfaces. This latter term can be neglected by ensuring proper insulation of all
When valve position αCV8 decreases, this will immediately affect the high pressure PH
such that PH begins to increase. Thereby the compression work is increased, but the
cooling rate will also gradually increase as the temperature gradient in the secondary
condenser and in the air coolers will increase with PH. The increase in the high pressure
affects vapor flow rate in the column, and consequently the heat pump low pressure PL
also increases when αCV9 is kept constant. The increased in low pressure PL tends to
reduce the compression work. If the resulting effect of PH and PL on Wcomp is positive,
the energy flux into the system increase further. And if the compressor work increases
faster than the sum of all the outgoing heat flows, the behavior of the entire plant may
become unstable, i.e. reach the bifurcation
points. So the sign of ∂PH/∂αCV8 depends
on difference between the increase of
compressor work and the sum of all the
outgoing heat flows.
3.3. Bifurcation diagram with cascade
From the bifurcation results in Figure 2.1
one can see that branch AB is unstable. So
as to compare the nonlinear behavior with
and without control of the high pressure
PH, a cascade control loop is added into
the model, where the control valve αCV8
now controls the high pressure PH, the set
Figure 4.1: Bifurcation diagram with the
cascade control: αCV8ÆPHÆV
point of which is given by the vapor flow control loop. Then the bifurcation analysis is
repeated, but now with the vapor flow rate set point as a bifurcation parameter shown in
Figure 4.1.
Comparing figures 4.1 and 2.1 one can see that the branches A1B1 and C1II become
stable (solid line) while B1C1 becomes unstable (dotted line) when cascade control loop
is implemented. The largest eigenvalue corresponding to Figure 4.1 is shown in Figure
4.2 where the branch B1C1 is much further into the right half plane than branch AB in
figure 2.2. This means that the controller improve the stability of the process within the
feasible operating region.
Vapor flow rate (m 3 / hr)
Figure 4.2 The real part of the largest eigenvalue plotted as a function of the vapour flow rate at
constant αCV9=0.4 with cascade (αCV8→ PH→V) control implemented
3.4 Sensitivity investigation to valve αCV9
The sensitivity of the bifurcations to αCV9 in Figure 5 shows that the vapor flow rate
increase as valve αCV9 open from 0.4 to 0.5 with the above cascade control loop
implemented. Consequently the low pressure PL will decrease. This is in agreement with
the finding that the low pressure PL has negative gain to column vapour flow rate (Li et
al, 2003).
Figure 5: Bifurcation diagram sensitivity
to αCV9 with cascade control
Figure 6: Sensitivity to UAB with
cascade control
3.5. Sensitivity investigation to heat transfer (area) coefficients of the reboiler and
The sensitivity of two uncertain parameters, i.e. heat transfer (area) coefficients in the
reboiler and condenser are investigated with the same cascade control loop. The results
of different heat transfer (area) coefficients in the reboiler are shown in Figure 6.
Clearly the bifurcation curves are somewhat sensitive to the reboiler heat transfer (area)
coefficient, whereas it is not sensitive to the condenser heat transfer (area) coefficient
(these results are not given in this paper).
4. Conclusions and future work
A bifurcation analysis has been performed on a heat-integrated distillation column. The
parameters chosen as primary bifurcation parameter in this investigation are the heat
pump control valves and set point of the vapour flow rate. The bifurcation analyses are
done with and without a control loop implemented to the high pressure on the heat
pump side. The results from the bifurcation analysis indicate that complex dynamic
behaviour occurs in this heat-integrated distillation pilot plant and reveals that a fold
bifurcation exists that the above-mentioned controller can improve the stability of the
system within the feasible operating range. Thus special precautions have to be taken to
verify the modelled behaviour before implementing optimising model predictive control
on the actual plant. Based on this analysis, a sequence of experiments involving the
distillation pilot plant has been planed to validate the model and the plant performance
in the region around optimal productivity.
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