Online Assignment Tutorial Completing assigments on Skyward that can make life a bit easier for both teacher and student. This tutorial will go through four things: 1. Creation of an online assignment. 2. Attaching a document or picture to on online assignment. 3. Assigning an online assignment. 4. Grading an online assignment. Creating an online assignment. Note – I would advise creating all your questions in a MS Word or Google docs so that you can cut and paste questions and answer choices into Skyward. 1. Click on the drop down button ‘Other Access’ 2. Click on the link ‘Online Assignment Template’ 4. A list of the assignment templates that you have already created should come up in alphabetical order. To create a new assignment template click on the button ‘Add.’ 5. This window should pop-up. Type a title into the ‘Name’ box and then hit the button ‘Save and Add Questions’ You could change the default points, have the questions appear to the student in a random order, and determine how many questions per page the students will see as well. All of these things can be edited later if you change your mind. As it says next to the button, Skyward can autoscore the assignment and then posted it automatically to Gradebook, but only if the assignments consists only of multiple choice and true/false questions. Once you hit the ‘Save and Add Questions’ button this window should appear. There are four types of questions: multiple choice, true/false, short answer, and essay. Short Answer questions are meant for one or two word answers. Skyward will try to grade these, but all spelling /formatting in the student answer must match one of the possible correct answers you provide. Essay questions are meant for answers that are much longer. Skyward allows 3000 characters for a response to an essay question. If you believe that your students will need more space, simply add additional questions with the text: “additional space for essay if needed” Only use this button after the last question or if you are planning on saving your work to finish at a later time. 5. Select the type of question you want. Type in the question and the possible answers (if needed) and hit the button ‘Save and Add Another.’ On your last question hit the button ‘Save and Back’. You can format the text by hitting the button ‘View Style Toolbar’ in the textbox. This will bring up a number of formatting buttons. You can then format the text in roughly the same way you would in Word or PowerPoint. 6. Once you finish your last question and hit the ‘Save and Back Button’ on the question screen this window should appear. Make sure that everything is set the way you want and hit the button ‘Save and Back.’ You’re done. These arrows allow you to move questions up or down, so that you can adjust the order of the questions. This button will present the questions to the students in random order. Different students will see the questions in different orders. This button will randomly change the order of your questions. Be cautious with this button. Attaching a document or picture to on online assignment Skyward allows you to attach documents to individual questions in an online assignment. These attachments could range from readings that students need to complete before answering the questions to pictures/diagrams that are referred to in the questions. Note: avoid attaching more than one thing to a single question. 1. Click on the ‘attach’ button. 2. After clicking the ‘attach’ button this window pops up. Click on the ‘Browse’ button. 3. The ‘Browse’ button brings up this window. This is the same window you would see if you tried to open a document in Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc. Navigate to the file you want and double-click on that file. (If you do not want to double-click, single-click on the file you want. When the file name appears in the file name box, click on the ‘Open’ button. 4. Once you double-click on the file you want, this window pops back up. Now the file address should be in the purple box next to the ‘Browse’ button. Click on the ‘Upload’ button. 5. Once the file is uploaded, it will appear in the big ‘Attachment Maintenance’ box. Click on the ‘Save’ button and you are done. Assigning an online assignment. Once you have created the new online assignment template, you will need to assign it to your students. 1. Navigate to the class that you want and click on the drop down for ‘Assignments’. Click on ‘Add Assignment’ 2. When the assignment window comes up, choose the category, write in the title, choose your dates and assign point values as you would with any other assignment. Once you have done this click on the ‘Options’ drop down menu and choose ‘Copy from My Online Assignment Templates’ Note: If you have not yet create the online assignment you could click on the ‘Create Online Assignment’ selection in this drop down menu and create the assignment fresh. The only problem I have found with this route is that if you create the assignment here, the assignment does not appear on your list of online templates for later use. 3. A list of the assignments you have created should pop up. Highlight the one you want by clicking on it and the click on the ‘Clone to Assignment’ button. 4. Change the settings to what you want for that specific assignment. Start Date: This is the date when the assignment becomes available to students to complete. Stop Date: This is the date when the assignment is no longer available to complete. Show results: This is when students can go into their past assignments and see their scores. Once you have changed these settings to what you want, hit the button ‘Save and Back’ 5. This window should reappear. Click on the ‘Save and Back’ button and you’re done. Note: The actual due date appears to be the date that Skyward refers to when posting things to the Calendar in Family Access. Grading an online assignment Once students have completed the assignment online, you will need to grade it online as well. 1. Navigate to the class you want and click on the assignment you want to grade. 2. This window should pop-up. Click on the button that says ‘Score Online Assignment’ 3. Highlight the student whose assignment you want to grade and click on the button ‘Score Online Assignment’ 4. Grade the assignment. You type in the amount of points (to the tenth of a point if you want) students earned. In addition you can type in short comments. Skyward will automatically score multiple choice, true/false, and short answer questions (but you can change Skyward’s score if you choose to). Make sure you grade each page. Once you are done grading the assignment click the button ‘Post Score to Gradebook’ Note: If you do not finish grading an assignment or if you do not wish to post it to Gradebook you could just click ‘Save and Close.’ 5. Once this window pops up make sure the score is accurate. Then if you want students to see what they earned on individual questions and your comments check the ‘Show Results in Student Access’ Box. You may also input special codes and general comments in this window. Once your are done click on the button ‘Save and Close.’ 6. Once you click on ‘Save and Close’ the ‘Score Online Assignment’ window will come back up. Highlight the next student you want to score and click the button ‘Score Online Assignment’. Once you are done grading all the assignments click on the ‘Back’ button.