THE NOTICE OF MEETINGS APPEARS ON THE CITY OF GAINESVILLE WEB PAGE AT: City of Gainesville NOTICE OF MEETINGS FOR WEEK OF April 18-24, 2016 MONDAY, APR 18, 2016 Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) (TV) 3:00 PM Auditorium, City Hall, 200 East University Avenue Mayor’s Community Response Council Subcommittee 6:00 PM Roberta Lisle Kline Conference Room, City Hall, 200 East University Avenue City Commission Special Meeting Re: Interview Candidates for City Manager City Beautification Board Sub Committee 10:00 AM Auditorium, City Hall, 200 East University Avenue 5:00 PM Gainesville Arts & Parks Foundation, Inc. 5:30 PM Citizen Advisory Committee for Community Development (CACCD) 6:00 PM Spanish Court, Thomas Center Building A, 302 NE 6th Avenue Room 204, Thomas Center Building A, 302 NE 6th Avenue Room 201, Thomas Center Building B, 306 NE 6th Avenue TUESDAY, APR 19, 2016 WEDNESDAY, APR 20, 2016 Black on Black Crime Task Force Bus Tour 5:30 PM Old Dr. Banks Office, 635 NW 6th Street City Beautification Board 5:30 PM Public Recreation and Parks Board 5:30 PM Spanish Court, Thomas Center Building A, 302 NE 6th Avenue Room 204, Thomas Center Building A, 302 NE 6th Avenue THURSDAY, APR 21, 2016 Board of Trustee/General Employees' Pension Plan 12:55 PM Auditorium, City Hall, 200 East University Avenue City Commission Regular Meeting (TV) 1:00 PM Auditorium, City Hall, 200 East University Avenue Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) 7:00 PM Grace Knight Conference Room, Alachua County Administration Building, 2nd Floor, 12 SE First Street FRIDAY, APR 22, 2016 No Meetings Scheduled at the Time of Publication 12:00 AM LATE SUBMITTALS: Items added after the 2PM Thursday deadline are considered late and will be placed on revised Notices of Meetings (TV) = Meeting to be broadcast live on Government Access Channel Cox Cable 12. PLEASE NOTE: Union Negotiation Meetings are Noticed by Human Resources Department on the City Hall Bulletin Board (200 East University Avenue) and at the Old Library (222 East University Avenue). -*- All persons are advised that, if any person decides to appeal any decision made at any of these meetings, they will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purpose, they need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. -*-Persons with disabilities who require assistance to participate in the meetings are requested to notify the Equal Opportunity Office at 334-5051 or call the TDD phone line at 334-2069 at least 2 business days in advance. -*- All meetings are subject to change and/or cancellation. Please direct questions to the Clerk of the Commission Office at 334-5015. Notice of Meetings Updated: 04/14/2016 04:09 PM Prepared by: The Clerk's Office/sry Week of April 18-24, 2016 Page 1 THE NOTICE OF MEETINGS APPEARS ON THE CITY OF GAINESVILLE WEB PAGE AT: City of Gainesville NOTICE OF MEETINGS FOR WEEK OF April 18-24, 2016 * * * COURTESY INFORMATION * * * The weekly Notice of Meetings is available on the City's Web Site and broadcast on Cox Cable's Government Access Channel 12 between scheduled programming. Revisions to the Notice of Meetings may occur at any time permissible and are updated on the official bulletin board, the City web site and Cox Channel 12. The "Official" point of notification is the first floor bulletin board in the lobby of City Hall (200 East University Avenue). All other types of notification (Gainesville Sun, Channel 12, City Web Site, and hard copies available in the Clerk's Office) are provided for the courtesy of the citizens and will be updated within a reasonable time after the official bulletin board, technology permitting. Notice of Meetings Updated: 04/14/2016 04:09 PM Prepared by: The Clerk's Office/sry Week of April 18-24, 2016 Page 2