BulletinNo. RANSG@ .l53.|039 O1AO22Dual PRESSURECONTROL CONVERTIBLE SELECTOR S6REW RESET LICATION PTION/APP DESCRI BUrroN \- Rancodualpressurecontrolsare usedfor eitheroperating andair conditioning refrigeration commercial or protecting systems.Within one NEMA I enclosure,they are a combinationof both high and low pressurecontrols to operatea commonswitch. interconnected \- I I LADJUSTMENT \\-. RANGE ADJUSTMENT SCREWS | \ '' DIFFERENTIAL -Z sc*Ew Rancodual pressurecontrolsare suitablelor R12, R22, and are availablewith eithermale and R5O2refrigerants flareor capillarywithflarenut pressureconnections. The 012,witha singlepole,singlethrowswitch(SPST), the 012 will directlycontrola singlephasecompressor; pilot control of single contactorfor with a used mayalsobe and three-phasecompressors.The 022, with a double pole,singlethrowswitch(DPST),willdirectlycontrolsingle The electricalratings inside or three-phasecompressors. exceeded. not be must cover the control INSTALLATION The low pressurecloses(cuts-in)the switchon nse of compressorsuctionpressureand opens (cuts-out)the switchon pressuredrop. The high pressurefunction discharge to opentheswitchas thecompressor overrides pressurerises.See page3 for ControlAdjustments. CAUTION To prevent possible electricalshock or equipment damage, disconnect electrical power to unit before and during installation.DO NOT restore electrical power to unit until the control is properly installed and grounded. DO NOT locate the control in an expfosive atmosphere as a safety hazard can result due to possible spark generation in the control. T h r e e v e r s i o n so f s w i t c h o p e r a t i o na r e a v a i l a b l e : automaticon both low and high pressure;manualreset on both low and high pressure;and convertible(manual or automatic)on high pressurewith automaticon low pressure.The converlibleresetfeatureallowsthe high pressureside to be changedfrom manualto automatic resetby merelyturningthe selectorscrew. Controlsare not to be located in areas of extreme moisture,dirt or dust, or in a corrosiveor explosive can shortencontrollife. Theseenvironments atmosphere. IMPORTANTNOTICE (trippingswitch) MANUALOPERATION The switchcan be manuallyclosedby liftingthe bellowstab on the low pressureside, providedthat the systemhighpressureis belowthe high pressurecut-in.Cycltlg-thecontrol at any other pointWILL CAUSE CONTROLDAMAGEAND VOIDSWARRANTY. fl NOI \ fl NOf t \ 't. CONTROLBODY MOUNTING It is importantnotto twistor strainthe controlbodyas shifting of the calibration mayresult. Prelgrred [[ r-.lh V_ RANCOdualpressure controls canbemounted inanyposition, eithervertically or horizontally, withoutaffecting performance. Thecontrolcan bemounted onanexisting bracket, ontheangle bracketprovided, or canbe flush-mounted withouta bracket. Nootherholesareto be cutor drilledin thecontrolframe. 1. Secure thecontrol to eitheranexisting bracket ortheangle bracketprovided by usingat leasttwoof thetappedholes inthebackofthecontrol withthe10-32x3/16screws.. lf other mountingscrewsare used,they must not protrudeinto the control more than 1/8,'to avoid damage. 2. Whenusingtheanglebracket, thecontrolcan bemounted to the compressor or any flat surfaceby usingtwo or moreof the fourslottedholesin the baseof the anote bracket. __\J i', H.P r/ I I I t f l e x e db e y o . r C r t sp l . , ' s : a 'l , : l s . 3 : : : , : , : , =: : . c s - : , , , _; a : l : : : and brokencapillariescan result.Breakagecan be prevented by properinstallationpractices. i-q+ii r-;-"1 Li.ij 'ff,-j I i') -r i z-l f i \J-t' --j-1, '- ':zt-___ ,l Altornats No When the control is mounted directly on the c 0 m p r e s s o rt,h e c a p i l l a r ym u s t b e s e c u r e dt o t h e compressorso that everythingmovestogether.lf the c a p i l l a r yo r c o n t r o li s s h a k i n go r v i b r a t i n ga g a i n s t t h e c o m p r e s s o rv i b r a t i o n ,w o r k - h a r d e n i n o gf t h e c a p i l l a r ym a y o c c u r , l e a d i n g t o e v e n t u a lf a i l u r e . NOTE:The controlalsocan be flushmountedwithout thebracketby usingthe.20inchholesinthebackof the controlframe.Accesscan be gainedby removing the frontcoverandsecuring thecontrolbodyto a wallor any flat surface. Mounting to an unevensurfacemaycause improper controloperation. CAPILLARYCARE AND MOUNTING Compressors vibrate. Copper work-ha rdensandfractu reswhen L.P COMPRESSOF MOUNTING ' 'o S u c l r o t/ Compressor ll ln s enEtn ts acrs than 18'€p. tube should b€ se6' :t iin,rg 1. Minimizethe numberof timesthe capillary is bent.Each t i m e i t i s r e b e n t , i t w o r k - h a r d e n sm a k i n g i t m o r e susceptibleto breakage. 2. Avoidsharp bends,kinks,strainsor pinchmarks in the capillary.Neverallowthe capillaryto restagainstsharp edges or rub againstmetal sudaceswhere it can be damagedby friction. 3. The capillaryshould be straightwithin4 inchesof the pressureconnectionso the pulsationsdo not workhardenthe capillary. 4. Purge all tubingand lines beforeconnectingpressure controls. 5. Route the capillaryso that it will be self-draining to minimizeoillogging. Coils can be taped or ti€d M i n .o t 2 C o i l s2 t o 3 l n c h e sn D i a .C o i l s W h e n t h e c o n t r o l b o d y i s m o u n t e dr e m o t e f r o m t h e c o m p r e s s o ar n d t h e p r e s s u r ec o n n e c t i o n sa r e o n t h e c o m p r e s s o ra, v i b r a t i o nc o i l m u s t b e u s e d b e t w e e nt h e c o m p r e s s oar n d t h e m o u n t e dc o n t r o l . T h e c a p i l l a r yb e t w e e nt h e p r e s s u r ec o n n e c t i o na n d the vibration coil shouldbe securedto the compressor. REMOTEMOUNTING 1r'to18' l-- l- r'"1 1,n"0*,^n"" Cornpressor INSTRUCTION SHEET1531039 Min. of 2 Coils 2 lo 3 inchos in Diametsr Coils 6', ths tubing should b€ clamp€d as shom below Thecapillary between thevibration coilandthecontrol bodyshouldbe securedto a stationary memberwhen thatdistanceexceeds6 inches. FEMOTEMOUNTING Min. ol2 Coils 2 to 3lnches in Dia Coils CONTROL ADJUSTMENTS Controlsettings areto be as specified by the equipment manufacturer andas required for theapplication. DO NOT adjustthepointers beyondthe highestor lowestmarkson the scaleplate. Thescaleplate is onlyfor reference andthefinal controlsettings shouldbe verifiedwitha gaugeset. As a finalcheck, thesystemshouldbe runthroughseveral cyclesto assurepropersettings andinstallation. LOWPRESSURE SIDE(cut-inon rise) Compressor The cut-outsettingshouldneverbe lowerthan 18 to 20 inches of vacuumon R12 and singlestageR22 and R502systems shouldneverbe set lowerthan 0 PSIGto 3 inchesof vacuum. Excessivelylow settingscan causecompressordamage. 2 or MoreCoilsOf TubingOn CompressorSide ol Clamp 8. Coil and secureany excesscapillaryto avoid possibledamagedueto vibration. Capillary coils shouldbe no lessthan2 inchesin diameter(3 inchesis recommended). Wheneverpossrble, inserta sectionof rubberpipeinsulation intothe coilsto absorbvibration. 9. Althoughcoilingand securingthe excess capillaryis importantto dampenthe effectsof vibration,it is just as importantto allowenough slackin the capillaryso that it is not taut like a "banjostring". 10. On startupof the equipment,observethe capillaryfor excessivevibrationand make correctionsas reouired. 2. Allelectricalwiring shouldconformto the Natlonal Electrical Codeand localregulations. 3. The electricalratingsinsidethe controlcovermust not be exceeded. 4. Whenmountinga conduitconnectorto the control frame, care is to be taken so that the control m e c h a n i s mo r t h e h i n g ep i n i s n o t d a m a g e d duringinstallation. 5. Attach electricalleads to the switch terminals usingthe screwsprovided.The terminalsmust notbe bent,cut off, drilledor retapped. Electrical leadsmustnot be taut:slackmustbe allowedfor temperature changeand vibration. The terminal configurations are shownbelow. -'-l-1 LousrDC ^"_slmJl *"'ll=:lJ ffi,xg T oIx6 r{|GH dtr|s tory I r,4r, r, L,r+-o r, A |rolrliroc sf,su T bGn_Q of€f6l{Gll ctoJEt Loiv 1. Adjustthe low pressurerangescrew untilthe scale pointerindicatesthe desiredcut-in. Turningthe range screwclockwiselowersboththe cut-in and the cut-out: counterclockwise raisesboth. 2. Adjustthe differential screwuntilthe scalepointer indicates the desireddifferential.Turningthe differential screw clockwiseincreasesthe differential: counterclockwise decreases. The cut-outis calculatedby subtractingthe differential from the cut-insetting.20" of vacuumis the lowest attainable cut-out. CONTROL WIRING powerto the unit. 1. Disconnect electrical l--.1 F- rl I NOTE:A controlwith manualreseton the low side has a scaleplatethat directlyindicatesthe cut-outand has a fixed differential of approximately10 PSl.A controlwith automatic reseton the low side,has a scaleplatethat directlyindicates the cut-in and differential (differencebetweencut-inand cutout).The cut-outis calculatedas follows: t t,ri-! O(AlvlPLE: Cut-ln c|iff.refidal Cut€rJt = t6 :16 20 ctottt 0t ttttt|'rt **"Hli rTro - Er Cut-ln l:15 a o /l ,6a c " 8- - . 1 I roo+r'o ur. I Io. I lqfi0|rBl I cullx J I HIJS OI;fErflltl LOWPRESSURE CUT-OUT CHECK Thelowpressure sidecanbe precalibrated by usinga conlainer of refrigerant anda gaugeset.Usea continuity meterto indicate theclosingandopeningof theswitch. Adjust thecontrolto thedesiredsettings; pressurize thecontrolwhile adjusting thesettings. Lowpressure settings canbe rechecked whentheunitis runningby connecting a gaugeto thesuctionlineservice valve.Closethe liquidlinevalveandallowthesystemto pump down,observing thecut-outpoint.Thenopentheliquidline valveandallowthepressure to increase, observing thecut-in point.Adjustthesettings as necessary. I A INSTRUCTION SHEET1531039 MANUALRESET the control,the causeof the abnormal Beforeresetting pressure Controls andcorrected. shouldbe determined equippedwith a manualresetfeaturecan be resetby before theresetbaror resetbutton.However, depressing mustdrop50thecontrolcanbe reset,thehighpressure lf thecontrolis a manual 60 psibelowthecontrolcut-out. mustriseapproximately resetonthelowside,thepressure 10 psiabovethecontrolcut-out. SIDE(cut-out on rise) HlcHPRESSURE of 50 functionhasa fixeddifferential Thehighpressure uponthecontrolmodel.Thismeans or 60 psidepending must thatin orderfor the controlto reset,the pressure drop50-60psibelowthecut-out. withhighpressure areequipped NOTE:Somecontrols limitstops.Althoughthe highpressurerangecan be adjusted,the factoryset limitstoppreventsadjustment higherthanthe limitstopseiling.DO NOTattemptto beyondthe limitstopsetting. forcetheadjustment CONVERTIBLE(Manual/Automatic)RESET witha manual/ areequipped controls Manydualfunction The reset for highpressure. resetcapability automatic screwatop theselector by positioning function isselected for manualreset,or downfor thecontrolin an up position the nut reset. Afterthe screwis positioned, automatic mustbe relocked. Adjustthe highpressurerangescrewuntilthe scale pointerindicates Turning the thedesiredcut-outsetting. cut-out; counterclockwise lowers the clockwise screw raises. HIGHPRESSURECUT.OUTCHECK T h e h i g h p r e s s u r ec u t - o u tc a n b e c h e c k e db y the air flowon air thefan or by blocking disconnecting reduce Onwatercooledcondensers, cooledcondensers. thecut-outand or shutoftthewaterflowwhileobserving Thesechecksmustbe CAUTION: adjustas required. for a brieftimeonly. Low Pressure Range psrc Difrerential pqI I Range PS I (] 100to 250 12"to 50 50 Fixed 5to35 l0 to 40 Prxsrrrp Automatlc 150to 450 60 Fixed 60 Fixed ol2 o22 SPS-I DPST -16" , CaPillan Hishl\lale1*ithl*ith Prxsrrm I Flerc | Flarc\rrt - - \ u l .t : t l [ t o 1l I-505 1 JE" CaPillary' 36" Capillar.v with I FlareNut Flerp Nrrl o l r - r 5 0 6| , , , , ' r r , ,\uto/|VIan** Automatic 150to 450 10"to lfi) Low Differential PSI I Reset High Pressure Automatrc 022-1102 CLrnvcrtible) Aui.,rnrll or2-r502 AutoA{rn'* Automatic t C o n r c n i btl c Automatlc Automatic Automatlc Auto/Man** tConvcrtible) Manual* \{anualx* Oll ,tltl3 0 1 2 - r 5 5 0o l ] - r 5 - 1 9 o12-4834 o22-t106 otz-t594 I Locks open pressure decrease **Locks open on pFessur,eincrcase. RANSG@CCINTFICILS Wholesale& Replacement PartsDivision 555LondonRoad Delawar€, Ohio43015 (614)876{022 Copyright1985,Rancolncorporated All RightsReserved Form#1531039