Revise Prerequisites:
MATH 123 – Finite Mathematics (3)
(RE) Prerequisite(s): 119 with a grade of C or better, or 130 with a grade of C or better, or 125 or 141 or 147.
(RE) Prerequisite(s): 119 or 130 or 125 or 141 or 147.
MATH 125 – Basic Calculus (3)
(RE) Prerequisite(s): 119 with a grade of C or better, or 130 with a grade of C or better, or 123.
(RE) Prerequisite(s): 119 or 130 or 123.
MATH 130 – Precalculus I (4)
(RE) Prerequisite(s): 119 with a grade of C or better, or appropriate placement exam score.
(RE) Prerequisite(s): 119 or appropriate placement exam score.
MATH 141 – Calculus I (4)
(RE) Prerequisite(s): 130 with a grade of C or better.
(RE) Prerequisite(s): 130.
MATH 147 – Honors: Calculus I (4)
(RE) Prerequisite(s): 130 with a grade of C or better.
(RE) Prerequisite(s): 130.
MATH 151 – Mathematics for the Life Sciences I (3)
(RE) Prerequisite(s): 130 with a grade of C or better.
(RE) Prerequisite(s): 130.
Add new graduate courses:
MATH 597 – Graduate Student Seminar in Mathematical Research
1 Credit Hour
Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only.
Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
Credit Restriction: May not be applied towards Mathematics major (Master of Science)
MATH 629 – Seminar in Stochastics
1-3 Credit Hours
Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
MATH 639 – Seminar in Differential Equations
1-3 Credit Hours
Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
MATH 689 – Seminar in Mathematical Ecology
1-3 Credit Hours
Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
Mathematics Major, BS, Major Requirements, Revise statement to:
The major consists of 40 hours in thirteen courses divided into four categories: (1) core courses, (2) courses for breadth, (3) courses
for depth, and (4) additional courses (to reach 40 hours). Note: Courses used for depth (3) may also be used for breadth (2).
The major consists of 37 hours in twelve courses divided into four categories: (1) core courses, (2) courses for breadth, (3) courses
for depth, and (4) additional courses (to reach 37 hours). Note: Courses used for depth (3) may also be used for breadth (2).
Mathematics Major, BS, Major Requirements, number 4, Revise to:
4. Select additional courses to reach a total of 40 hours:
any 400 level mathematics courses (except MATH 490, MATH 497, MATH 498 and MATH 499)
any mathematics graduate course numbered 510 or above
4. Select additional courses to reach a total of 37 hours:
any 300-400 level mathematics courses (except MATH 300, MATH 307, MATH 309, MATH 399, MATH 403, MATH 405, MATH
490, MATH 497 and MATH 498)
any mathematics graduate course numbered 510 or above
COSC 311 - Discrete Structures
COSC 312 - Algorithm Analysis and Automata
Add the following four new Math concentrations:
Mathematics Major, BS – Applied Mathematics Concentration
College Requirements
Arts and Sciences
Select one course:
COSC 102 – Introduction to Computer Science
MATH 171 – Computer Literacy for Mathematics
Select one sequence:
MATH 141 – Calculus I *
MATH 142 – Calculus II *
MATH 147 – Honors: Calculus I *
MATH 148 – Honorss: Calculus II *
Concentration Requirements
The concentration consists of 40 hours in thirteen courses divided into five categories: (1) core courses, (2) courses for breadth, (3)
courses for applied breadth, (4) courses for depth, and (5) additional courses (to reach 40 hours).
1. For the Core, complete all of the following (or honors equivalents):
MATH 231 – Differential Equations I
MATH 241 – Calculus III
MATH 251 – Matrix Algebra I
MATH 300 – Introduction to Abstract Mathematics
MATH 495 – Math Proficiency
2. For Breadth, select one course from each category:
MATH 351 – Algebra I
MATH 455 – Abstract Algebra I
MATH 456 – Abstract Algebra II
MATH 457 – Honors: Abstract Algebra I
MATH 458 – Honors: Abstract Algebra II
MATH 341 – Analysis I
MATH 445 – Advanced Calculus I
MATH 446 – Advanced Calculus II
MATH 447 – Honors: Advanced Calculus I
MATH 448 – Honors: Advanced Calculus II
Numerical Analysis
COSC 370 – Introduction to Scientific Computing
MATH 371 – Numerical Algorithms
MATH 471 – Numerical Analysis
MATH 472 – Numerical Algebra
Probability and Statistics
MATH 323 – Probability and Statistics
MATH 423 – Probability
MATH 424 – Stochastic Processes
MATH 425 – Statistics
3. For Applied Breadth, select one course from each category:
MATH 435 – Partial Differential Equations
MATH 453 – Matrix Algebra II
MATH 405 – Models in Biology
MATH 411 – Mathematical Modeling
MATH 475 – Industrial Mathematics
MATH 498 – Senior Honors Thesis
any 300-400 level course in an area outside of mathematics, or an additional foundational course, chosen in consultation with an
advisor and approved by the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
4. For Depth, select one of the following pairings:
MATH 423 – Probability
MATH 424 – Stochastic Processes
MATH 423 – Probability
MATH 425 - Statistics
MATH 471 – Numerical Analysis
MATH 472 – Numerical Algebra
MATH 471 – Numerical Analysis
MATH 475 – Industrial Mathematics
MATH 472 – Numerical Algebra
MATH 475 – Industrial Mathematics
5. Select additional courses to reach a total of 40 hours:
approved 300 or 400 level courses outside of mathematics
400 level math courses, chosen in consultation with an advisor
any mathematics graduate course numbered 510 or above
Mathematics Major, BS – Math Biology Concentration
College Requirements
Arts and Sciences
Select one course:
COSC 102 – Introduction to Computer Science
MATH 171 – Computer Literacy for Mathematics
Select one sequence:
MATH 141 – Calculus I *
MATH 142 – Calculus II *
MATH 147 – Honors: Calculus I *
MATH 148 – Honors: Calculus II *
Select two of the following courses:
BIOL 113 – Introductory Plant Biology I
BIOL 114 – Introductory Plant Biology II
BIOL 115 – Introductory Plant Biology Laboratory
BIOL 150 – Organismal and Ecological Biology or BIOL 158 – Honors: Organismal and Ecological Biology
BIOL 160 – Cellular and Molecular Biology or BIOL 168 – Honors: Cellular and Molecular Biology
BIOL 159 – Skills of Biological Investigation or BIOL 167 – Honors: Skills of Biological Investigation
BIOL 220 – General Microbiology
BIOL 229 – General Microbiology Laboratory
BIOL 240 – General Genetics
BIOL 260 – Ecology
BIOL 269 – Ecology Field-Based Laboratory
BIOL 280 - Evolution
Concentration Requirements
The concentration consists of 37 hours in twelve courses divided into four categories: (1) core courses, (2) courses for breadth, (3)
courses for depth, and (4) additional courses (to reach 37 hours).
1. For the Core, complete all of the following (or honors equivalents):
MATH 231 – Differential Equations I
MATH 241 – Calculus III
MATH 251 – Matrix Algebra I
MATH 300 – Introduction to Abstract Mathematics
MATH 495 – Math Proficiency
2. For Breadth, select one course from each category:
MATH 351 – Algebra I
MATH 455 – Abstract Algebra I
MATH 456 – Abstract Algebra II
MATH 457 – Honors: Abstract Algebra I
MATH 458 – Honors: Abstract Algebra II
MATH 341 – Analysis I
MATH 445 – Advanced Calculus I
MATH 446 – Advanced Calculus II
MATH 447 – Honors: Advanced Calculus I
MATH 448 – Honors: Advanced Calculus II
Numerical Analysis
COSC 370 – Introduction to Scientific Computing
MATH 371 – Numerical Algorithms
MATH 471 – Numerical Analysis
MATH 472 – Numerical Algebra
Probability and Statistics
MATH 323 – Probability and Statistics
MATH 423 – Probability
MATH 424 – Stochastic Processes
MATH 425 – Statistics
3. For Depth, select one of the following pairings:
MATH 411 – Mathematical Modeling
MATH 405 – Models in Biology
MATH 581 – Mathematical Ecology I
MATH 582 – Mathematical Ecology II
4. Select additional courses to reach a total of 37 hours:
MATH 423 – Probability
MATH 424 – Stochastic Processes
MATH 425 – Statistics
MATH 431 – Differential Equations II
MATH 435 – Partial Differential Equations
MATH 445 – Advanced Calculus I
MATH 446 – Advanced Calculus II
MATH 447 – Honors: Advanced Calculus I
MATH 448 – Honors: Advanced Calculus II
MATH 453 – Matrix Algebra I
MATH 471 – Numerical Analysis
MATH 472 – Numerical Algebra
MATH 581 – Mathematical Ecology I
MATH 582 – Mathematical Ecology II
MATH 583 – Mathematical Evolutionary Theory
BCMB 311 – Advanced Cellular Biology
BCMB 412 – Molecular Biology and Genomics
BCMB 420 – Advanced Topics in Biochemistry and Cellular and Molecular Biology
BCMB 422 – Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
BCMB 440 – General Physiology
EEB 404 – Ecosystem Ecology
EEB 421 – Community Ecology
EEB 461 – Special Topics in Organismal Biology
EEB 484 – Conservation Biology
LFSC 507 – Programming for Biological Data Analysis
MICR 321 – Advanced Microbiology
MICR 329 – Advanced Microbiology Laboratory
MICR 330 – Immunology
MICR 421 – Food Microbiology
MICR 470 – Microbial Ecology
WFS 340 – Wetlands Ecology and Management
WFS 401 – Ecology and Management of Wildlife Health
WFS 431 – Wildlife Physiology and Nutrition
WFS 443 – Fisheries Science
WFS 444 – Ecology and Management of Wild Mammals
Mathematics Major, BS – Math Education Concentration
Select one course:
COSC 102 – Introduction to Computer Science
MATH 171 – Computer Literacy for Mathematics
Select one sequence:
MATH 141 – Calculus I *
MATH 142 – Calculus II *
MATH 147 – Honors: Calculus I *
MATH 148 – Honors: Calculus II *
Concentration Requirements
The concentration consists of 40 hours in thirteen courses divided into five categories: (1) core courses, (2) courses for breadth, (3)
courses for education breadth, (4) courses for depth, and (5) additional courses (to reach 40 hours).
1. For the Core, complete all of the following (or honors equivalents):
MATH 231 – Differential Equations I
MATH 241 – Calculus III
MATH 251 – Matric Algebra I
MATH 300 – Introduction to Abstract Mathematics
MATH 495 – Math Proficiency
2. For Breadth, select one course from each category:
MATH 351 – Algebra I
MATH 455 – Abstract Algebra I
MATH 456 – Abstract Algebra II
MATH 457 – Honors: Abstract Algebra I
MATH 458 – Honors: Abstract Algebra II
MATH 341 – Analysis I
MATH 445 – Advanced Calculus I
MATH 446 – Advanced Calculus II
MATH 447 – Honors: Advanced Calculus I
MATH 448 – Honors: Advanced Calculus II
Numerical Analysis
COSC 370 – Introduction to Scientific Computing
MATH 371 – Numerical Algorithms
MATH 471 – Numerical Analysis
MATH 472 – Numerical Algebra
Probability and Statistics
MATH 323 – Probability and Statistics
MATH 423 – Probability
MATH 424 – Stochastic Processes
MATH 425 – Statistics
3. For Education Breadth, select one course:
EDPY 401 – Professional Studies: Applied Educational Psychology
INPG 385 – VolsTeach: Research Methods in Science
TPTE 355 – Introduction to Secondary Schools
4. For Depth, select one of the following pairings:
MATH 400 – History of Mathematics
MATH 460 - Geometry
MATH 460 – Geometry
INPG 353 – VolsTeach: Perspectives on Math and Science
5. Select additional courses to reach a total of 40 hours:
Any 400-level MATH courses, except for 497, 498 and 499 (If INPG 353 is used to satisfy the Depth requirement, MATH 400 may
not be used to satisfy this requirement)
Any mathematics graduate course numbered 510 or above
Mathematics Major, BS – Theoretical Math Concentration
Select one course:
COSC 102 – Introduction to Computer Science
MATH 171 – Computer Literacy for Mathematics
Select one sequence:
MATH 141 – Calculus I *
MATH 142 – Calculus II *
MATH 147 – Honors: Calculus I *
MATH 148 – Honors: Calculus II *
Concentration Requirements
The concentration consists of 40 hours in thirteen courses divided into five categories: (1) core courses, (2) courses for breadth, (3)
courses for Theoretical breadth, (4) courses for depth, and (5) additional courses (to reach 40 hours).
Note: Courses used for depth (4) may also be used for Theoretical breadth (3).
1. For the Core, complete all of the following (or honors equivalents):
MATH 231 – Differential Equations I
MATH 241 – Calculus III
MATH 251 – Matrix Algebra I
MATH 300 – Introduction to Abstract Mathematics
MATH 495 – Math Proficiency
2. For Breadth, select one course from each category:
MATH 351 – Algebra I
MATH 455 – Abstract Algebra I
MATH 456 – Abstract Algebra II
MATH 457 – Honors: Abstract Algebra I
MATH 458 – Honors: Abstract Algebra II
MATH 341 – Analysis I
MATH 445 – Advanced Calculus I
MATH 446 – Advanced Calculus II
MATH 447 – Honors: Advanced Calculus I
MATH 448 – Honors: Advanced Calculus II
Numerical Analysis
COSC 370 – Introduction to Scientific Computing
MATH 371 – Numerical Algorithms
MATH 471 – Numerical Analysis
MATH 472 – Numerical Algebra
Probability and Statistics
MATH 323 – Probability and Statistics
MATH 423 – Probability
MATH 424 – Stochastic Processes
MATH 425 – Statistics
3. For Theoretical Breadth, complete all of the following (or honors equivalents):
MATH 445 – Advanced Calculus I
MATH 455 – Abstract Algebra I
MATH 467 – Honors: Topology
4. For Depth, select one of the following pairings:
MATH 445 – Advanced Calculus I
MATH 446 – Advanced Calculus II
MATH 447 – Honors: Advanced Calculus I
MATH 448 – Honors: Advanced Calculus II
MATH 443 – Complex Variables
MATH 445 – Advanced Calculus I
MATH 455 – Abstract Algebra I
MATH 456 – Abstract Algebra II
MATH 457 – Honors: Abstract Algebra I
MATH 458 – Honors: Abstract Algebra II
MATH 462 – Differential Geometry
MATH 467 – Honors: Topology
Complete a 500-level graduate sequence in Analysis, Algebra or Topology
5. Select additional courses to reach a total of 40 hours:
MATH 421 – Combinatorics
MATH 423 – Probability
MATH 424 – Stochastic Processes
MATH 425 – Statistics
MATH 431 – Differential Equations II
MATH 435 – Partial Differential Equations
MATH 443 – Complex Variables
MATH 446 – Advanced Calculus II
MATH 448 – Honors: Advanced Calculus II
MATH 453 – Matrix Algebra II
MATH 456 – Abstract Algebra II
MATH 458 – Honors: Abstract Algebra II
MATH 462 – Differential Geometry
Graduate courses in Algebra, Analysis, Geometry, Topology, Probability or Differential Equations