Mathematics Department MATHEMATICS SKILLS RECOMMENDED COURSE SEQUENCE MATH 105 MATH 110 MATH 103 Arithmetic for College Students Introduction to Algebraic Concepts How to Succeed at Math MATH 115 MATH 107 Elementary Algebra How to do Word Problems *MATH 125 Intermediate Algebra *MATH 120 Plane Geometry ELEMENTARY EDUCATION **MATH 241 Trigonometry with Vectors CSULA BUSINESS & SOCIAL SCIENCES OTHER MAJORS MATH 215 MATH 230 MATH 245 MATH 227 MATH 227 Principles of Mathematics I Mathematics for Liberal Arts Students College Algebra or Statistics Statistics or MATH 173 **MATH 260 Introduction to Math Programming (C++) Pre-Calculus Principles of Mathematics II MATH 273 MATH 261 MATH 227 Calculus I Statistics (CSULA requirement) Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (C++) LIBERAL ARTS MATH 216 MATH 235 MATH 230 Finite Mathematics Mathematics for Liberal Arts Students MATH 236 or Calculus for Business & Social Science MATH 245 College Algebra (SEE COUNSELOR) MATH 262 Calculus II MATH 284 MATH 272 MATH 270 Introduction to Number Theory Discrete Math Linear Algebra MATH 173 or GE 121 or CSIT 243 MATH 263 Calculus III MATH 280 MATH 282 Introduction to Abstract Algebra MATH 275 Introduction to Numerical Analysis Ordinary Differential Equations MATH 286 Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Computer Science (STEM Track) *NOTE: Students may take M120 and M125 simultaneously or in reverse order as long as the M115 prerequisite is met. Partial Differential Equations in the Natural Sciences **NOTE: Students may take M241 and M260 simultaneously or in reverse order as long as both the M120 and M125 prerequisites are met. SUBJECTS & COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Mathematics decimals; geometry; measurement; ratio, proportion, percent; statistics, probability; pre-algebra; problem solving; estimation; and functions. It replaces Mathematics 105 and Mathematics 112. Note: There is no credit by examination for any math class. Note: NDA after a course indicates that this course will not meet the Associate degree requirement, and is non-degree applicable. 103 How to Succeed at Math (1) NDA 102 Developmental Mathematics 1 (6) NDA Note: This course is offered on a PASS/NO-PASS basis only. Labor atory, 12 hours. This course covers basic study skills necessary to successfully complete mathematics courses. Topics include preparing for class, solving math problems, where to go for help, minimizing test anxiety, and memory techniques for recalling information, with a special emphasis on having a positive experience in math. This self-paced, individualized course is designed to give the student an understanding of, and competency in, basic mathematics, including operations on whole numbers, fractions, mixed numbers, east los angeles college 2013-2015 GENERAL CATALOG Lecture, 1 hour. 219 Mathematics Department 105 Arithmetic (3) NDA 125 Intermediate Algebra (5) Lecture, 3 hours. Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of Mathematics 115 or acceptable level of skill as demonstrated in the Mathematics placement process. Note: This course is offered on a PASS/NO-PASS basis only. This course is designed to give students understanding and competency concerning the arithmetic of positive numbers. Topics include the standard operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division on whole numbers, fractions, and decimals with applications. Ratios, proportions, and percents are also covered. Additional topics may be chosen from geometric figures and introductory algebra. 107 How to Do Word Problems (1) Lecture, 1 hour. This course is designed to assist students in elementary algebra to master the basic concepts of solving word problems which includes recognizing relevant data in the problem, choosing an appropriate method of solution, and checking the answer. 110 Introduction to Algebraic Concepts (5) NDA Prerequisite: Mathematics 105 or acceptable level of skill as demonstrated in the Mathematics placement process. Lecture, 5 hours. This course reviews topics in arithmetic relevant to algebra and introduces ideas necessary for understanding algebra. Students discuss fundamental notions of algebra including the arithmetic of signed numbers, solving first degree equations, mathematical modeling, and basic graphing techniques. 112 Pre-Algebra (3) NDA Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of Mathematics 105 or acceptable level of skill as demonstrated in the Mathematics placement process. Lecture, 3 hours. This course bridges the gap between arithmetic and algebra. Topics include operations with signed numbers, order of operations, evaluating expressions and formulas, rules of integer exponents, distributive property, working with polynomials, solving simple equations, working with graphs, linear equations, word problems, and basic geometry. 115 Elementary Algebra (5) Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of Mathematics 102, 110, or 112 or acceptable level of skill as demonstrated in the Mathematics placement process. Advisory: Mathematics 107. Lecture, 5 hours. Note: A scientific or business calculator is required for this class. This course strengthens and further develops manipulative skills in elementary algebra. Topics include the fundamental operations on algebraic expressions, solutions of equations and inequalities, exponentiation, graphs of algebraic, exponential and logarithmic functions, systems of equations and inequalities, and an introduction to the conic sections. Applications are included in a wide variety of word problems. 173 Introduction to Mathematical Programming (4) UC:CSU Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of Mathematics 260. Lecture, 3 hours; Labor atory, 2 hours. This course is an introduction to programming using C++, including theory, applications, and programming. Variables and basic data types, operators, control structures, input and output, arrays, strings, functions, recursion, structures, pointers, namespaces, and overloading are discussed in detail. Classes and object-oriented programming are introduced. Commenting of code and debugging are emphasized. Course includes examples from mathematics. 192 Graphing Calculator (1) CSU Lecture, 1 hour. This course introduces the use of the graphing calculator. It includes topics such as graphing functions in two and three dimensions, writing programs, engineering and calculus applications, solving systems of equations using matrices, and analyzing data using statistics. 215 Principles of Mathematics I (3) UC:CSU Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of Mathematics 125. Lecture, 3 hours. This course is intended for those who plan to teach mathematics in elementary schools. The course covers the language of sets, elementary logic, systems of numeration, numbers, fundamental operations, functions, integers, rational numbers, real numbers, and algorithms used in calculations. 216 Principles of Mathematics II (3) UC:CSU Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of Mathematics 215. Lecture, 5 hours. Lecture, 3 hours. This course covers the fundamentals of beginning algebra. Topics include signed numbers, evaluation of algebraic expressions, exponents, solving equations, polynomials, factoring, rational expressions, radicals, quadratics, graphs, systems of equations, inequalities, and applications. This course is the second in the sequence intended for those who plan to teach elementary school mathematics. Topics presented include basic probability, introductory statistics, and introductory geometry including constructions, congruence and similarity, measurement, motion geometry, and tessellations. 120 Plane Geometry (5) Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of Mathematics 115 or acceptable level of skill as demonstrated in the Mathematics placement process. Lecture, 5 hours. This is a basic course in the fundamentals of Euclidean plane geometry which includes consideration of geometric properties and relationships. Practice in accurate thinking and developing logical proofs are emphasized. 220 east los angeles college 2013-2015 GENERAL CATALOG Mathematics Department 227 Statistics (4) UC:CSU IGETC Area 2A 241 Trigonometry with Vectors (4) CSU (UC Credit Limit: Math 227 combined with ENG GEN 221, maximum credit, one course). Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of Mathematics 125 or acceptable level of skill as demonstrated in the Mathematics placement process. Prerequisites: Satisfactory completion of Mathematics 120 and Mathematics 125 or acceptable level of skill as demonstrated in the Mathematics placement process. Lecture, 4 hours. Note: A calculator is required. See the instructor about the specific kind needed. This course is an introduction to probability, measures of central tendency and dispersion, descriptive and inferential statistics including sampling, estimation, hypothesis testing. Analysis of variance, chi-square and student t-distributions; linear correlation, and regression analysis are also presented as topics. 230 Mathematics for Liberal Arts Students (3) UC:CSU IGETC Area 2A Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of Mathematics 125 or acceptable level of skill as demonstrated in the Mathematics placement process. Lecture, 4 hours. Note: A scientific calculator is required for this class. See the instructor about the specific kind needed. This course includes the study of the trigonometric functions and their inverses; measurement of angles in degrees and in radians; evaluating triangles; solutions of trigonometric equations; verification of trigonometric identities; vectors; complex numbers; graphing trigonometric functions and polar curves. 245 College Algebra (3) UC:CSU IGETC Area 2A (UC Credit Limit: Math 245 and 260 combined - maximum credit four units). Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of Mathematics 125 or acceptable level of skill as demonstrated in the Mathematics placement process. Lecture, 3 hours. Lecture, 3 hours. An introduction to the spirit and style of mathematics and its pursuit as a human endeavor. Topics are chosen from a variety of mathematical fields including logic, set theory, systems of numeration, number theory, algebra, the metric system, geometry, mathematical systems, consumer mathematics, probability, statistics, graph theory, voting and apportionment which are intended to illustrate the nature of mathematical discovery, the utility of mathematical applications, and the beauty of geometric design. Note: A scientific calculator is required for this class. See the instructor about the specific kind needed. 235 Finite Mathematics (5) UC:CSU IGETC Area 2A Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of Mathematics 125 or acceptable level of skill as demonstrated in the Mathematics placement process. Lecture, 5 hours. Note: A calculator is required. See the instructor about the specific kind needed. This course covers topics in finite mathematics with applications to business and social sciences. Systems of linear equations, inequalities, linear programming, mathematics of finance, matrix algebra, probability, statistics, and game theory are among the topics presented. 236 Calculus for Business and Social Science (5) UC:CSU IGETC Area 2A (UC Credit Limit: Math 236 combined Math 261 + Math 262, maximum credit, two courses). Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of Mathematics 235 or Mathematics 245. Lecture, 5 hours. Note: Student should consult a counselor to determine which prerequisite is required by the university targeted for transfer. Note: A calculator is required. See instructor about the specific kind needed. This course consists of elementary differential and integral calculus of algebraic, exponential, and logarithmic functions, as well as partial derivatives and the method of Lagrange multipliers. Applications to business and the social sciences are emphasized. This course covers topics including polynomial and rational functions, inverse, exponential and logarithmic functions, systems and matrices, analytical geometry, sequences and series, the binomial theorem, mathematical induction, counting theory, and probability. 260 Pre-Calculus (5) UC:CSU IGETC Area 2A (UC Credit Limit: Math 245 and 260 combined - maximum credit four units). Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of Mathematics 125 or acceptable level of skill as demonstrated in the Mathematics placement process. Lecture, 5 hours. Note: A calculator is required. See the instructor about the specific kind needed. This course covers topics in college algebra including polynomial and rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, systems of equations and inequalities, conic sections, sequences and series, and limits as a preview to calculus. 261 Calculus I (5) UC:CSU IGETC Area 2A (UC Credit Limit: Math 236 combined Math 261 + Math 262, maximum credit, two courses). Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of Mathematics 241 and Mathematics 260 or acceptable level of skill as demonstrated in the Mathematics placement process. Lecture, 5 hours. Note: A calculator is required. See the instructor about the specific kind needed. This is the first of a three-course sequence in calculus. Topics included are: limits and continuity, derivatives, applications of differentiation, integrals, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, and applications of integration. 262 Calculus II (5) UC:CSU IGETC Area 2A (UC Credit Limit: Math 236 combined Math 261 + Math 262, maximum credit, two courses). Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of Mathematics 261. Lecture, 5 hours. Note: A calculator is required. See the instructor about the specific kind needed. This is the second in a three-course sequence in calculus. Topics include differentiation and integration of logarithmic, exponential, circular and hyperbolic functions and their inverses, indeterminate forms, improper integrals, standard techniques of integration, parametric equations and polar coordinates, arc length, area of a surface of revolution, infinite sequences and series, and representation of functions as a power series. east los angeles college 2013-2015 GENERAL CATALOG 221 Mathematics Department 263 Calculus III (5) UC:CSU IGETC Area 2A 280 Introduction to Numerical Analysis (3) UC:CSU IGETC Area 2A Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of Mathematics 262. Prerequisites: Satisfactory completion of Mathematics 263 and EITHER Mathematics 173 or General Engineering 121 OR Computer Science Information Technology 243. Lecture, 5 hours. Note: A calculator is required, see instructor about the specific kind needed. This is the third of a three-course sequence in calculus. Topics include vectors and the geometry of space, vector functions, partial derivatives, multiple integrals and vector calculus. 270 Linear Algebra (3) UC:CSU IGETC Area 2A Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of Mathematics 262. Lecture, 3 hours. This course includes the study of systems of linear equations and their solutions, matrices, determinants, vector spaces, linear transformations, orthogonality and characteristic value problems. 272 Methods of Discrete Mathematics (5) UC:CSU IGETC Area 2A Prerequisites: Mathematics 262. Lecture, 5 hours. This course introduces sets, relations, functions and logic along with formal methods of proof such as contradiction, contrapositive, induction, diagonali-zation, recursion, and the Pigeonhole principle. These ideas and methods are developed by looking at problems from combinations and counting, elementary number theory, and graph theory. Topics from map coloring, complexity, and cryptography are also discussed. 273 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (4) UC:CSU Prerequisites: Satisfactory completion of Mathematics 173. Lecture, 3 hoursl labor atory, 2 hours. This course focuses on object-oriented programming, data structures, and algorithm design using C++. Topics include a review of classes and objects, operators and operator overloading, dynamic memory allocation, class inheritance, re-usability of code, friends, exceptions, the Standard Template Library, Big-O notation, linked lists, stacks, queues, and trees, as well as algorithms for searching and sorting. Commenting and debugging of code are emphasized. Lecture, 3 hours. This course is designed to provide an introduction to numerical methods. Topics presented include error analysis, finding roots of non-linear equations, numerical methods for matrix operations, interpolation and curve fitting. Numerical methods in differentiation and integration also are considered. 282 Introduction to Abstract Algebra (3) UC:CSU Prerequisites: Satisfactory completion of Mathematics 270. Lecture, 3 hours. This course is an introduction to numbers, number systems, and the basic algebraic structures of groups, rings, and fields. 284 Introduction to Number Theory (3) UC:CSU IGETC Area 2A Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of Mathematics 262. Lecture, 3 hours. This course introduces topics in elementary number theory, including the study of primes, composites, the Euclidean algorithm, Diophantine equations, congruences, divisibility, multiplicative functions, quadratic residues, and continued fractions. 286 Partial Differential Equations in the Natural Sciences (5) UC:CSU IGETC Area 2A Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of Mathematics 275. Lecture, 5 hours. This course introduces linear partial differential equations and boundary and initial value problems with particular emphasis on the wave equation, the heat equation, and the Laplace equation. The techniques of separation of variables, eigenfunction expansions, and the method of characteristics for nonlinear equations are also studied. 185 Directed Study - Mathematics (1) CSU 275 Ordinary Differential Equations (3) UC:CSU IGETC Area 2A 285 Directed Study - Mathematics (2) CSU Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of Mathematics 263. 385 Directed Study - Mathematics (3) CSU Lecture, 3 hours. Conference 1 hour per week per unit. Note: A scientific calculator is required for this class. The above courses allow students to pursue Directed Study in Mathematics on a contract basis under the direction of a supervising instructor. The courses will grant credit for one, two or three semester units, respectively. The complexity of the topic of study will determine which course the student should take. This course provides the student with a basic understanding of the theory and content of ordinary differential equations. Various methods of solving these equations, especially first and second order, are emphasized as are solutions to physical applications problems. Other topics covered include existence and uniqueness theorems, systems of linear differential equations, numerical and graphical methods using computers, and the Laplace transform. 222 Credit Limit: A maximum of 6 units in Directed Study may be taken for credit. Note: UC Credit for variable topics courses in this discipline is given only after a review of the scope and content of the course by the enrolling UC campus. This usually occurs after transfer and may require recommendations from faculty. Information about internships may also be presented for review, but credit for internships rarely transfers to UC. east los angeles college 2013-2015 GENERAL CATALOG