Canadian Mineralogist Vol. 21, pp. 655-660(1983) lr lN KEWEENAWAN BASALTSoF THEMAMA|NSEpotNT FoRMATtoN,oNTARto N.W.D. MASSEY*, J.H. CROCKET aNn A. KABIR Departmentof Geology,McMasterUniversity,Hamilton, Ontario LgS4Ml ABSTRACT Olivine-phyriclavasof the Mamainsepoint Formation (Lake Superior,Ontario) show an averageIr contentof0.4g ppb. This is about ten timesthat of overllng plagioclasephyric laval, which average0.041ppb Ir: Simih;rhough smallerdifferencesin Cr and Ni contentsof the two rock types appear to result from the incorporation of earlier_ formed cumulate olivine and chromiie into the olivine_ phyric lavas.Ir tenorsof plagioclase-phlriclavasmay thus be more representativeof this proteioioic sequencelthey are comparableto those found in modern ocean_floor basaltsand ancient ophiolitic suites. Keywords: geochemistry,basalt, proterozoiq, Mamainse Point Formation, Ontario, iridium, chromium, nickel, cumulates. SoN,rMelns Les lavesA phdnocristauxd'olivine de la formation de Mamainse,Point(lac Supdrieur,Onmrio) contiennent,en moyenne,0.48ppb d,iridium, soit environdix fois plusoue Iescoul6esA phdnocristauxde plagioclase qui lesrecouwint (0.041ppb). Desdiff6rencesmoins frappantesdansla con_ centration de Cr et de Ni dans ces deux types de basaltes rdsulteraientde l'incorporation de cumulaiJd'olivine et de chromite dansleslavesd olivine. La teneuren iridium des basaltesi plagioclaseseraitdonc la plus repr6sentativede cettesequence prot6rozoique;cesrochessont comparables, a cepolnt <tevue,aux basaltesdesfondsoc6aniques modernese[ dessuitesophiolitiquesanciennes. (Traduit par la R6daction) Mots-clds: g5ochtmie,basalte,prot6rozoique, formation de Mamainse Point, Ontario, iridium, chrome, nickel, cumulats. INTRoDUCTIoN The Mamainse Point - Alona Bay area lies at the eastern end of Lake Superior, about g0 km north of Sault Ste Marie (Fig. l). The late proterozoic Ma_ mainse,Point Formation, of Keweenawan age, rests unconformably on the Archean granite-greenstone terrane ofthe Superior province. A thickness of4ffi to 5000 m of the formation is exposed; it is dominated by mafic flows, with subordinate shallow_ EPresentaddress:PrecambrianSection,Ontario Geological Survey,77 Grenville Street,Toronto, Ontario M5S iB3. level felsic intrusive bodiesand interlayeredcoarse clastic sediments(Annells 1973,Thomson 1953). The mafic flows are mainly ophitic or melaphyric in lithology, although occasionalcoarsergabbroic and glomeroporphyritic typesare found. Sparse(5go) phenocrystsof olivine or plagioclase(or both) are developedin many flows, with olivine-phyric flows at the baseof the sequencegiving way to plagioclasephyric flows higher up. Someof the olivine-phyric flows may contain up to 200/oolivine phenocrysts, suggesting the incorporation of early-formed cumulate olivine in theseflows. Low-gradeburial metamorphismin the zeoliteand prehnite-pumpellyite facieshasresultedin alteration of the original mineralogy, with only augite remaining relatively fresh. The effectsof alteration are most severein vesicularzonesat the tops and bottoms of flows. Consequently,the data presentedhere have been determined on samplescollected from flow centres. Fortunately, a large group of elements(Al, Fe, Mg, Ti, P,Y; Zr, Nb, Ni, Cr, Co, REE,Th, Ta, Hf and U) appear to have been immobile or only moderatelyaffected by geochemicalreadjustments accompanyingburial metamorphism(Massey1980). Stratigraphicvariation in theseimmobile elements revealstrends with stepwisecyclicity that allow the MamainsePoint sequence to be subdividedinto five successiveseries (Massey 1980). The Alona Bay volcanic rocks are believedto be stratigraphically equivalentto the series-Ilavasof Mamainsepoint; both are olivine-phyric.The othersseries(II-V) are plagioclase-phyric.CIPW norms and discriminant diagrams based on immobile elementsallow the volcanic rocks to be classifiedas tholeiites. The petrogenesisof the Mamainsepoint volcanic rocks wasmodeledfrom major and immobiletraceelementabundances,including rare-earthelements, by Massey(1980).Thepreferredmodel for magma generation,which relies heavily on rare-earthpatterns,suggests that parentalmagmasweregenerated by dynamic melting within a rising diapir of garnet lherzolitemantle. Incompatibleelementratios, particularly ThlU, imply that volcanic rocks of series I, II and III were formed from one diapir, whereas rocks of series.IVand V were probably generated in a seconddiapir labeledwith a slightly differenr Th,/U ratio. Variation trendsin AlrOr, FeO,,MgO, TiO2, Ni and Cr in the five volcanic series'suggest 655 656 THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST tfe rod ff:d''n / I iif, F------1 I nb ma '%),li\"" .-';2'r-qliri '6ii€;4"^ pro. 1. 6glglalized geologicalmap of the KeweenawanRift, Lake Superior arca.a: Pre- and Lower Keweenawansediments,b: Lower and Middle Keweenawan volcanicrocks, c: intrusiverocks, d: Oronto Group and equivalents,e: BayfieldJacobsvilleGroup. Strata are shownshadedwhereexposed,unshadedwhereburied beneaththe Palaeozoiccover (boundariesshownwith dashedline). Major faults are indicatedby heavydashedlines. MP MamainsePoint, MBA Michigan Basin gravity anomaly, MGA Midcontinent GeophysicalAnomaly, GF Grenville Front. that shallow-levelfractional crystallizationof olivine, plagioclaseand very small amountsof chromite has occurred. Ir Rssut-rs eNo DrscusstoN Iridium was determinedby radiochemicalneutroilactivation analysisusing, with minor modification, the procedureof Crocket et al. (1968).Samplesof 250 mg were irradiated in the McMaster reactor at a neutron flux of approximately l0r3 neutrons/cmzlsfor 3 days.After a decayperiod of 3 weeks,Ir was separatedradiochemicallyand the 74-day 1e2lrcounted on an intrinsic germanium detector. The sensitivitylimit for Ir is 0.005 ppb. Ir Rssut-ts ANDDIScussIoN Ir contents,along with Ni and Cr, are listed for individual samplesin Table l. Averages for the various seriesaregivenin Table 2, togetherwith the averagesfor the olivine-phyric and plagioclase-phyric flows. The major feature of the data is the clear distinction betweenolivine-phyric and plagioclasephyric lavas. Ir values differ by an order of magnitude,0.48 ppb for olivine-phyric flows comparedto 0.041ppb for the plagioclase-phyricflows. Similar differencesare also found in the Cr and Ni contents,which arehigherin olivine-phyricflows by factors of 5.5 and 3, respectively.There are no significant differencesin averageIr content of the Ir-poor plagioclase-phyricflows of seriesII-V (Iable 2). Differencesin averageNi and Cr content ofthe plagioclase-phyricflows are more distinct. Plots of Ir againstCr and againstNi are shown in Figures 2 and 3, respectively. For the total population of 54 samples,there is a strong positivecorrelationbetweenIr, Ni and Cr. Ir IN KEWEENAWAN BASALTS, ONTARIO TABLEl. Ir, Ni AND Cr C0NTENTS 0F BASATTSFR0M'IHEI,IAilAINSE POINT FORI'IATION Ir. Nl Cr ppD ppn ppn Sample No. 6 d gr ]3 I : : ,- 9' r5 19 22 23 -28 p, 29 -,2' Jt 47 5l 52 54 rsu Ji60 63 176 721 I . 3 5 0 835 2353 0.2M 168 733 0 . 3 I 171 '173 479 0.319 699 0 . 4 0 0 ]53 624 0.804 5 5 2 l l l 3 0 . 4 6 6 210 7& 0 . 4 5 6 360 6 t8 0 . 0 3 6 r20 ' 1 6 6 241 0.053 190 0.033 l J t Jt5 0.023 80 153 0.029 106 300 0.020 6 1 1 9 1 n n?o ' t 2 7 1 0 4 't02 0 . 0 3 1 l?8 0.038 ]38 98 0 . 0 4 0 83 406 't72 0.036 l8l 't64 U . U b 5 144 0 . 0 6 6 168 146 0 . 1 4 0 ]65 164 0.016 Jt co 0 . 0 2 5 37 t56 Sample Ir Ni Cr ppb ppm ppm No. 66 67 69 7t 72 74 75 76 77 78 79 81 87 0.085 44 86 0.044 73 128 0.040 45 126 0.036 42 106 0.059 19 98 0.036 40 186 0.054 Il3 150 L 0.061 176 tl6 0.031 1l 24 0.054 I 37 136 <0.005 <5 18 0.023 28 86 0.015 41 64 0.079 162 248 4 0.047 173 273 82 0.015 281 274 AA 0.019 254 388 >:; 0.019 271 292 d; o, 0.066 202 245 0.026 139 253 3sd 0.020 88 173 97 0.043 t96 266 '100 0.048 147 2?4 112 0.030 37 201 0.41p 398 996 0.s74 372 1058 0 . 2 9 1 3 5 11 0 5 8 i 1 1 3 0.409 351 1222 0.327 369 1260 657 The Ir-Ni-Cr correlations for the nine series-I rocks are 0.97 and 0.96 for Ir versusNi and Ir yer"sasCr, respectively;thesecorrelationsare significant at >0.190 confidencelevel. Thesestrong positive correlations, the olivine-phyric character, and the high Ir, Ni and Cr contentsof theserocks suggest a strong associationof all threemetalswith olivine. The strong partition of nickel into olivine from basic magma is well known. Massey(1980) found that precipitation of small amountsof chromite was required to accountfor the Cr content of the various volcanic seriesusing the fractional crystallization flo^ ^..i F 133 ^ " .gr't]11.. o ig .ot l. TABLE2. AVEMGEIr, Ni ANDCr CONTENTS OF BASALT SERIES,IiIAMAINSE POINTFORI.4ATION Local i ty Series TT ppb AlonaBay Mamainse Point 0l -phyri c (AlonaBay+I) Plag-phyric (rr-v) I II III rll v Ni ppm ppm 0.40 3 6 6 1 1l 9 311 903 0 .0 3 2 ! 0 . 02i 112t38 232!65 0.05010.035120t53 157195 0.04210.021 59!52 102148 0 . 0 3 9 i 0 . 0 2 1177!75 258155 0.48 331 980 0. 041 I l3 0.o 0l lr ppb FIG.2. Cr versuslr for MamainsePoint basalts.Samples are divided into series(seeTable l): opentrianglesAlona Bay volcanic suite, closedtrianglesseriesI, opensquares seriesII, opencirclesseriesIII, closedsquaresseriesIV, closedcircles seriesV. 178 Note: Seriesare numbered fron baseuoward. The relevantcorrelation-coefficients, r(Ir versrzs Ni) and r(Ir versusCr), are 0.86 and0.92, respectively, and are significant at a 0.lVo level. However, with few exceptions,theseelementsare not slrongly correlated wiqhin the subpopulationsrepresentedby the various series.Except for the olivine-phyric,Ir-rich series-Ibasaltsand the b verws Ni correlation in series-Ilrocks, no correlationssignificant to better than a 590confidencelevelwere found for either Ir yersrs Ni or b versusCr in any of the various rockseries.The strong positive correlations found for the total population arise in part from the essentially bimodal distribution of data, in which the olivinephyric rocks representa high Ir-Ni-Cr subpopulation and the plagioclase-phyricrocks constitutea low Ir-Ni-Cr subpopulation. lp araP .f'.'t{' A o ^aA^ :"% t om o.f 0.1 lr ppo t0 FIc. 3. Ni versuslr for MamainsePoint basalts.Symbols as in Fig. 2. 6s8 THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST modeling-techniquesof Ale$ e et al. (1977), It is suggestedthat all theseobservationsare reasonablyaccountedfor by proposingthat the olivine grains of series-Irocks carry minute inclusionsof chromite, which in turn concentrateIr. The concentrationof Ir by chromite has been demonstratedin several studiesof mineral separatesfrom sulfur-poor mafic and ultramaficrocks(Gijbelset al. 1974,1976,Oshin & Crocket 1982). Concentration of Ir with olivine in maficultramafic rocks hasbeensuggested in other studies. Keays& Davison (1976)found an enrichmentof Ir in sulfur-poor dunitic komatiites from Western Australia.Keays(1982)arguedthat Ir is concentrated with olivine in dunitic komatiites and that the concentration mechanismis probably an early precipitation of an iridium-osmium alloy alongwith olivine. It was also noted that Ir enrichmentin sulfur-poor olivine-rich rocks is characteristicof thoserocks that crystallizein a plutonic environment,being usually absent in extrusive komatiites. Whereasthe Mamainse Point volcanic rocks are tholeiitic and generallymuch poorer in Ir than komatiitic rocks, the tendencyfor olivine of plutonic rocks to show Ir enrichment is compatible with the suggestion presentedhere for the MamainsePoint olivine-phyric volcanic rocks. As olivine, along with plagioclaseand chromite, are inferred to be on the liquidus at extrusion, it is probable that a significant fraction of thesemineralsprecipitated as cumulatesin high-level magma chambersand that the Ir enrichmenttook place in this environment. Whereas the precise mechanism by which the Ir-olivine association becomesestablishedis uncertain, a strong casecan be made for chromite as the Ir concentratoron a basisof high Cr contentand high positiveCr-Ir correlation in olivine-phyricrocks, and model calculations that requirethe precipitationof smallamounts of chromite, possibly as small inclusions within olivine. Another possibleexplanationof the high Ir content of the olivine-phyric rocks is that they carry magmatic sulfides. Whereasthe Ir-Ni correlation might ariseby concentrationof the metalsin sulfide, the Ir-Cr correlation is not explainedby a sulfide control, and this mechanismis discountedas a likely means of concentratingIr in the olivine-phyric volcanic rocks. Phenocrysts are the distinctive characteristicof theselavasand can explainthe high Ir, Ni and Cr if the olivine is interpretedas being concentratedin earlier-formedcumulatesthat have been variably incorporated into the lavas. This mechanismwould be expectedto haveprofound effectson the compatibleelements,suchas Ir, but little effect on mildly compatible or incompatible elements. To fully explain the Ir and Cr data, however,somechromitemust also be incorporated, possiblyas smallinclusionswithin the olivinegrains. (ppb) 0F SULFUR-P0oR Ir C0N]tNTS MFIC R0CK5 TABLE 3. AVERAGE n ocean-floor basalt (malnly Mid-Atl anti c Ridge) oceanlc intraplate and off-rldqe island basalts ( m a l n t yu o t e r l r e s J Continental plateau basalts (nalnly tholel ltes from Parana, Karroo, Deccan and columbia River) Diabase dykes, North and south Carolina Gr€at Lake dolerite, Tasmania o p h i o l i t l c M g - r l . c hb a s a l t ophiolitlc Fe-rich basalt Ir, ppb References < 0 . 0 5 7a , d , f , h , i , J 27 0.36 a,b,e,f 0.09? b,c 0.27 f 2i 0.082 S I l0 0.056 0.0t9 k k R e f e r e n c e s : a B a e d e c k e re t a l . ( 1 9 7 1 ) , b c r o c k e t u n p u b l . data, c crccket & skippen-(1966), d crccket & Teruta (1977\, e Crccket et al. (1973), f Gottfried & Greenland ( 1 9 7 2 \ . a G r e e n l a n i l ( f 9 7 ] ) . h H e r t o q e ne t a l . ( 1 9 8 0 ) , I t i e a y si 5 c o t t ( 1 9 7 6 ) ; j L ; u l e t a l . - ( l 9 Z - ) ; _ l o s h i n ( l e 8 l ) . n: nunber of samples CoMPARTSoN wrrH OrHERAREAS Although only a relatively small data-baseis available,comparisonof Ir contentsin the Mamainse Point Formationvolcanicrockswith thoseof basalts from other areasis useful. Table 3 includesbasalts, mainly tholeiites,from severalsettings:ocean-floor basalts,oceanicand continentalintraplate basalts. Although thereis somevariation within eachgroup (dueto different degreesof fractionation, for example) that is not apparentin the tabulation, there is a significant difference in averageIr contents in basalts from different geologicalsettings.In particular, ocean-floorand ophiolitic basaltsshowlow Ir contents(0.056ppb), whereasintraplate basalts are much richer in Ir (0.36 ppb). The continental plateau basalts are also higher than ocean-floor basaltsand comparemore closelywith the oceanic within-plate basalts. A cursory comparison might suggestthat the olivine-phyricvolcanicrocks of the MamainsePoint Formation are comparableto the oceanicintraplate and continental plateau basalts, whereas the plagioclase-phyricrocks are comparablewith the ocean-floorbasalts.However, if the higher Ir contents of the olivine-phlric lavas result from inclusion of earlier-formed cumulate olivine and chromite, their useful comparisonwith other rock that the low suitesmay be precluded.It is suggested Ir content of the plagioclase-phyricrocks is more representativeof the parentalmagma. Data on immobile incompatible elementsfor the Mamainse Point Formationtholeiiteshasalreadyled to the suggestionthat they comparevery closelywith oceanfloor basalts(Massey1980).Ir data seemcompatible with this conclusion. IT IN KEWEENAWAN BASALTS. ONTARIO 659 This comparison i$ interestingbecausethe MaGrrnus, R., HrNornsoN, P. & Zzrs, J. (1976): mainsePoint Formation, like other Keweenawan Geochemistryof sometrace elementsin mineral sequences, is subaerial and believed to have acseparates from Rhum,InnerHebrides,with special emphasison iridium. Econ. Geol. 71, t36+1370, cumulatedin an elongaterift (King & Zietz 1971, Chase& Gilmer 1973).The Ir data presentedhere along with geophysical(Halls l97g) ana otnei --._'__ Mlttl,*:;. H., DpssoroucH. G' & geochemical oatilirassey le80), lead totrreinterpretation of the KeweenawanRift as an immature proto-oceanicrift. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The financial supportofthe Natural Sciencesand EngineeringResearchCouncil of Canadais gratefully acknowledged.Scholarshipsupport to the senior author from the Natural Sciencesand Engineering Research Council of Canada and the Ontario GraduateScholarshipProgram is appreciated.The thoughtful commentsof the two refereescontributed significantly to the improvement of the final manuscript. 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