Active Target Experimental Possibilities at MAX-lab J.R.M. Annand Department of Physics and Astronomy Active Target Experimental Possibilities, J.R.M. Annand, PAC Meeting, MAX-lab October 2008 Experimental Possibilities at Low Energy and Momentum Transfer How does Lund fit in the European/US Scheme? Lund MAX-lab Tagged Photons 10 – 200 MeV UK funding “problematic” after March 2009 MAMI @ Mainz Electrons 180 – 1508 MeV Tagged Photons 20 – 1400 MeV Polarised target/beam/recoil programme dominates next few years Jefferson Lab Electrons 500 – 6000 MeV, Hall-A p(e,e'p)0 Q2 0.04 - 0.15 GeV2 Low energy experiments before upgrade ?? (partial summer shutdown) HIGZ Higher energy range attainable in practise? Active Target Experimental Possibilities, J.R.M. Annand, PAC Meeting, MAX-lab October 2008 New Measurements @ MAX-lab Tagged Photons E = 10 – 120 MeV ➢ ➢ ➢ Main broad-band tagger, SAL FP array, 450 keV E resolution. Total Photoabsorption cross section of 3,4He (1% stat. ~2hr gas sc.) Both gas scintillators and SSD/MWPC active targets Partial photoreaction cross sections of 3,4He Gas scintillator and MWPC/SSD active targets, TOF arrays 6,7 Li total photoabsorption (see D. Middleton) ➢ ➢ Compton scattering with active 3,4He target and large NaI array Separate coherent scattering from quasi-free? Rates? Near threshold pion photoproduction on 3,4 He ? Active Target Experimental Possibilities, J.R.M. Annand, PAC Meeting, MAX-lab October 2008 4 He Total Photoabsorption & Active Target Analysis Pilot Experiment MAX-Lab 2000 EIHH + LIT Calculation Gazit et al PRL 96,112301,2006 Realistic Potential AV18 2-N + Urbana IX 3-N (,n) Nilsson X 2 (,n)+(,p) Shima Necessary Corrections Window background Detection efficiency Target thickness uncertainty GEANT-4 MC model Active Target Experimental Possibilities, J.R.M. Annand, PAC Meeting, MAX-lab October 2008 High Pressure Gas-Scintillator Active Target for MAX-lab 4 Optically isolated chambers 4 PMT readout per chamber 2 containment chambers ...isolate window events 1-2 MPa pressure ~500 ppm N2 0.5 mm Be outer window 5m Al-Mylar inner windows 52-104 mg/cm2 target thickness Operational pressure 1-2 MPa Alternative gas mixtures under test (He-Xe) Geant-4 computer model under construction Active Target Experimental Possibilities, J.R.M. Annand, PAC Meeting, MAX-lab October 2008 Setup for Test Beam October 2008 16 3.5/2.5 l liquid scintillator Nordball low-energy n 10 300 x 20 x 10 cm plastic scintillator 3 Very large NaI(Tl) Various 10” NaI(Tl) Active Target Experimental Possibilities, J.R.M. Annand, PAC Meeting, MAX-lab October 2008 Compton Scattering at MAX-lab S.Beane et al, 2004 PT O(Q4) 3 Large NaI CATS, BUNI, DIANA Neutron polarisabilities main focus Coherent Compton on 2H MAX energy range low for QF Need good energy resolution Also proposals for 4He and 12C 2 H(,) Data M.Lucas, PhD Thesis U.Illinois 1994 D.Hornidge et al, PRL84(2000),2334 M.Lundin et al, PRL(2003),192501 Current MAX-lab programme L.Myers et al. Active Target Experimental Possibilities, J.R.M. Annand, PAC Meeting, MAX-lab October 2008 Compton Scattering on 3He Choudhury et al., PRL98(2007)232303 120 MeV 60 MeV 80 MeV Alternative “take” on neutron polarisabilities Polarised 3He ~ polarised neutron...neutron spin polarisabilities? PT calculations @ NLO of coherent 3 He(,) now available Consistent framework for analysis of 2H and 3He data? No data available What could MAX-lab do? Zero sensitivity @ 90 deg. Active Target Experimental Possibilities, J.R.M. Annand, PAC Meeting, MAX-lab October 2008 Alternative Techniques for Compton Scattering test at MAMI July 2008 Unshielded 4 Detector Crystal Ball Select single events (with recoil p) Single from 0 contaminates signal. Clean up by proton detection Proton energy unreliable @ lower E Angular correlation seems to be sufficient Neutron signal possible? Compton Signal Possibilities for Experiments at Low Energy and Momentum Transfer Preliminary Computer Studies of Coherent 3He(,3He) Geant-4 Simulation Crude model of detector geometry and materials Active Target 3 of 10” NaI + Pb collimator 5 of “Nordball” n-detector E = 20 - 140 MeV Phase-space generator of events Will include realistic model of non-active elements Realistic event generators Active Target Experimental Possibilities, J.R.M. Annand, PAC Meeting, MAX-lab October 2008 Preliminary MC Calculations 3He(,3He) Uncollimated 10” NaI Active Target Experimental Possibilities, J.R.M. Annand, PAC Meeting, MAX-lab October 2008 Preliminary MC Calculations 3He(3He) 3He(pd) 15 cm Collimator on 10” NaI @ 90o Elastic Inelastic Active Target Experimental Possibilities, J.R.M. Annand, PAC Meeting, MAX-lab October 2008 Counting Rate Tagged-Photon Intensity 0.5 MHz/MeV 10 MeV bin = 5 MHz Target thickness @ 20 bar = 20 x 0.1786 x 10-3 x ¾ x 32.8 gcm-2 Compton rate in target 52 events/hr per b cross section Effective photon detector acceptance 250 msr Compton rate @ 90o for = 25 nb/sr 0.325/hr Experiment with bremsstrahlung? Pre-upgrade single-cell active-target interrupt ~ 100 Hz Active Target Experimental Possibilities, J.R.M. Annand, PAC Meeting, MAX-lab October 2008 +3He ppn R. Skibinsky et al., PRC67,054002,2003 d5/d1d2dS |{NN+3NF}-{NN}| Faddeev AV18 + U-IX, Siegert, E=120 MeV CD Bonn + MT', Siegert, E=120 MeV Skibinski et al, PRC72,044002,2005, Data Belyaev et al, Sov.JNP44,181,1986 E=120 MeV Full AV18 + UIX Dashed AV18 Only E=200 MeV Present Fadeev calculations not valid above pion production threshold Energies slightly low for Mainz detectors Yerevan Active target? Large angle acceptance + good energy/angle resolution Angle range sufficient? Increased operating pressure? Ge-6 array + Si-strips + L3He target Possibilities for Experiments at Low Energy and Momentum Transfer Experimental Outlook Summary MAX-lab Lund Active target activity resumed in 2007 Start beam studies of active 4He target October 2008 Include Nordball TOF for (,n) signal Include 10” NaI detectors for Compton signal Continue Target development in Glasgow..... in combination with development of Geant-4 models as quantitative analysis tools 4 He production runs early 2009....also 1st 3 He runs? Yerevan active target ? (funding Yerevan group...EU)? Investigate 3He photodisintegration with Yerevan target? Complementary Compton scattering programme with MAMI ? Possibilities for Experiments at Low Energy and Momentum Transfer