ICEBREAKERS: Action Name Game: Have everyone stand in a circle. Everyone has to choose an action that starts with the same letter as his or her first name (marching Morgan, leaping Leah). The person who’s turn it is will step in the center of the circle, and then he or she will act out the action he/she choose for their name. The person will then step out of the circle back in line with the rest of their classmates. The rest of the class with then repeat the action along with saying “marching Morgan.” Adjective Name Game: Have everyone stand in a circle. As the facilitator you should tell your students to pick a food or adjective that starts with the same letter of their first name (Mango Morgan (food), Marvelous Morgan (adjective), etc.). One person will start, and introduce them by their food or adjective name. Then the next person will go and introduce the person that just went prior to them and will then introduce themselves by their adjective name. Everyone will continue to repeat the people’s names that have already introduced themselves until they make it around. You, Me, Left, Right: Have everyone stand in the circle. People should learn the names of the person on the left and right of them. Then have someone volunteer to go in the middle of the circle. The person in the middle of the circle will introduce him or herself and then point at someone and either says “you, me, left, or right.” If the person says “you”, the person pointed at will have to say his or her own name. If the person in the middle says, “left,” the person pointed at will say the name of the person on the left. The person in the middle is trying to get the person they point at to mess up. Once someone messes up, the person in the middle takes his or her spot, and the one who messed up goes in the middle. Shoe Game: Have everyone partner up with someone or you can also go around in a circle and have everyone go to use it as a fun fact. Each student has to talk about the coolest places their shoes that they are currently wearing have ever been. ENERGIZERS: Impulse: Have everyone count off by twos. Have the ones form one line and the twos form another line. The ones should be standing shoulder to shoulder and directly across from someone in the two line. They should then sit on the ground pretzel style. The person facilitating will go towards the front of the line and will be standing up. At the end of the line (opposite end of the facilitator), there should be some sort of ball/object in between the last two people. Have everyone in the lines close their eyes and hold hands. The facilitator will hold the first two people’s hands and will squeeze them without them knowing. Once each person feels a squeeze, they can squeeze the next person’s hand. Once the very last person in line feels a squeeze they can open their eyes and grab the ball. The goal is to have one team grab the ball first and create a competitive atmosphere. The losing team will all rotate to the right or left so a new person is at the end spot. Gigolo: Here is a link to explain the game: Here is a video that shows what the game looks like: Barnyard: This game needs to be played in an open space or outside. Have everyone spread out and close their eyes. Walk around and assign each person (quietly and secretly) an animal. When you say go, each person will have to start making the noise they think their animal makes. They will have their eyes closed and based on their hearing they will have to group together with the people making the same noise as them. It is extra funny to assign animals that don’t have a clear noise like a giraffe, elephant, etc. Tongue Killer: Stand in a circle. Assign one person in secret to be the “killer.” Also assign one person to go in the center. The tongue killer will stick their tongue out at various people in the circle. If the tongue killer makes eye contact with you and sticks their tongue out, you have to sit on the ground. The person in the middle has to try to guess who this tongue killer is. Capture the Bandana: Divide the group into two teams. Give each team a bandana. Each team has about two minutes to hide the bandana from the other team, but part of it must be visible. It can be hidden on a member in the group, but again, some of it must be visible. Each team will start searching for the other’s bandana. The first team to find the bandana wins! Finger Palm Grab: Have everyone stand in a circle. Have everyone stick their left hand out with their palm facing up. Have everyone put their right hand pointer finger in the middle of the person’s palm on their right side. The facilitator will count to three and on three, the person has to try to squeeze the person’s pointer finger, but the Pattern Game: You have everyone sit in a circle on the ground except one person in the middle. You will choose one person in secret sitting in the circle to be the “captain”. This person will create a pattern by hitting the ground, clapping their hands, hitting their knees, etc. Everyone in the circle will do the same pattern as the captain. The person in the middle has to guess who is changing the pattern, and they have three guesses. The chief has the change the pattern throughout the game so the person in the middle can guess. Heads up Seven Up: There will be seven volunteers picked. The rest of the students will put their head down with their eye’s closed and their thumb up. The seven volunteers will go Amoeba Tag: You pick two people to be “it” and have the rest of the team line up on one end. On the count of three, they all run, and whoever the “it” person tags has to hold hands and join the person who tagged them. The game is over when there are no runners left. This is a great game to play when combining forces with another Orientation Leader. Eye Contact: Everyone will stand in a circle with his or her eyes closed. You will count to three, and then everyone will open their eyes. If they are making eye contact with someone in the circle, they are both out. Song Wars: Divide up into teams. Maximum of six teams; minimum two. You will pick a key word such as “America”. Each team gets two minutes to think of songs that have America in the lyrics. Everyone has to be either singing or dancing. Once they sing the lyric with America in it, then it moves to the next team to sing their song. It keeps going around in a circle around the teams proceeding to their next song with America in the lyric. None of the teams can repeat or they are out. The teams can’t hesitate for long either when it is there turn or they are out as well. Use words that have lots of songs with the word in it. Make sure the teams are singing loud and everyone is participating! Bring Me a…: Divide the group up into teams of 4-­‐5. Have them spread out in a circle but stay close to their groups. The facilitator will stand in the middle of all the teams. The facilitator will say bring me a “bobby pin, shoe, paperclip, pocket lint, pony tail, earring, etc.” The first person to bring the item to you will earn a point. World, Floor, Camouflage, Catepillar: World: Have everyone circle up, tell them to memorize who is on the left and right of them, when you scream out “world” randomly they have ten seconds to get back into that exact circle. Flood: If you scream out flood, they have to get up on anything except for the ground in ten seconds, if one of them is on the floor they lose. Camouflage: You stand facing one direction; they all have ten seconds to get out of your site. If you can see any of them, they lose. Catepillar: They all have to get into a single file line, and wiggle their arms within ten seconds. You can play this throughout the day with them! It’s a good way to keep them on their toes, get the whole group together, or take attendance. Keep track of points all day, and give candy at end of day! What’s in Your Milk?: Have the team circle up. Have one person be in the middle. The person in the middle gets assigned a funny word (moist, pudding, etc). The people on the perimeter of the circle have to ask the person in the middle questions, and no matter the question, the person in the middle has to respond with that word. If they smile or laugh, they are out. This game has the potential to get inappropriate so be careful. Ninja: Have everyone stand in a circle with both their hands out in a “ninja” pose. One person will start and take one of their hands and make one movement to try and hit the next person’s hand. It will keep going around in a circle. Each person can attempt to hit the person’s hand on the left or right of them. If your hand gets hit, you have to put it behind your back, but you still have one hand left. If your final hand gets hit, you are out of the game. The circle will have to get tighter when people start to get eliminated. There will be one winner in the end.