Signal Transmission Through LTI Systems ES 442 Spring 2016 Signal Transmission 1 Pulse Response in a LTI Network We are interested in the pulse response in a given LTI system with a bounded input – bounded output (BIBO). y ( t ) x( t ) h ( t ) x( t ) LTI Network h(t) & H(f) Lathi & Ding pp. 123-124 Y ( f ) X ( f )H ( f ) X( f ) by convolution theorem where x(t) is the input, h(t) is impulse response of the network and y(t) is the output (Note: the symbol * denotes convolution). x(t ) X( f ), h(t ) H ( f ) and y(t ) Y ( f ) where H ( f ) is the transfer function of the network. We can write H ( f ) H ( f ) e and Y ( f ) e jy ( f ) jh ( f ) X( f ) H ( f ) e Signal Transmission j(x ( f ) jh ( f )) 2 Signal Distortion During Signal Transmission In amplifiers and transmission over a channel we want the output waveform to be a replica of the input waveform. This means we want distortionless transmission. Another way to say this: If x(t) is the input waveform, then the output waveform y(t) should be y(t) = K·x(t) (K is a constant) So in general, y(t) = K·x(t-td) The Fourier transform is Y(f) = K·X(f)e-j2ftd by application of the convolution theorem. Signal Transmission 3 Signal Distortion During Signal Transmission For distortionless transmission the transfer function H(f) we can write, From H ( f ) Ae j 2 ftd H ( f ) A and h ( f ) 2 ftd Conclusion: Distortionless transmission requires a constant amplitude |H(f)| and a linear phase response h(f) passing through the origin at f = 0. A |H(f)| f h(f) Signal Transmission 4 All-Pass versus Distortionless Systems All-Pass System: Has a constant amplitude but without the linear phase response. A distortionless system is always an all-pass system, but the converse is not true in general. Transmission phase can cause distortion. In practice, many systems only approximate a linear phase response that passes through f = 0. Hence, td ( f ) 1 dh ( f ) needs to have a constant slope. 2 df otherwise, time delay td will vary with frequency f. For ES 442, phase distortion is very important in digital communication systems because a nonlinear phase characteristic in a channel causes pulse dispersion (spreading out) and causes pulses to interfere with adjacent pulses (called interference). Signal Transmission 5 Time Delay of Ideal Transmission Line What is the time delay of a coax transmission line of length L? The delay varies linearly with the length of the transmission line. ZL = ZS = 50 L td (radians) (radians/sec) and L td velocity x 2 cycles = 4 radians Signal Transmission 6 Phase Delay in Ideal Transmission Line ZL = ZS = 50 L With an air filled coaxial transmission line the time delay is roughly 1 nanosecond (10-9 second) per foot of physical length. For a transmission line with polyethylene dielectric the time delay is of the order of 1.5 nanosecond per foot of length. 2 f Linear Phase Response td Length = L1 Signal Transmission 7 Example (Lathi & Ding – pp. 128-129) input R output + + g(t) C y(t) We have an RC low-pass filter, find the transfer function H(f), and sketch |H(f)|, the phase n(f) and delay td(f). The transfer function for y(f)/g(f) is 1 RC H( f ) 1 RC j(2 f ) a 1 general form: where a a j (2 f ) RC Signal Transmission 8 Example (Lathi & Ding – pp. 128-129) 1 RC H( f ) 1 RC j(2 f ) a 1 where a general form: a j (2 f ) RC Therefore, the magnitude H ( f ) and phase h ( f ) are given by H( f ) 1 RC 1 RC 2 f 2 h ( f ) tan 1 2 f h ( f ) 1 RC 2 f 1 RC 2 , and a for 2 f 1 Signal Transmission RC 9 Example (Lathi & Ding – pp. 128-129) The time delay td is derivative of the phase with respect to frequency, namely, d h ( f ) d ( f ) 1 d h ( f ) h , Definition d d(2 f ) 2 df which is the slope of the phase versus frequency plot. td ( f ) For our RC low-pass filter example the time delay is 2 f d h ( f ) d 1 td ( f ) tan d(2 f ) d(2 f ) 1 RC From a table of derivatives: d 1 tan d a d(tan 1 x ) 1 dx 1 x2 Signal Transmission 10 Example (Lathi & Ding – pp. 128-129) 2 f d h ( f ) d td ( f ) tan 1 d(2 f ) d(2 f ) 1 RC 2 f d 2 1 1 1 1 RC RC td ( f ) 2 2 d(2 f ) 1 2 f (2 f )2 1 RC RC 1 1 RC 1 RC RC td ( f ) 2 2 2 1 (2 fRC ) 1 (2 f ) RC and for very low frequencies, 1 td ( f ) RC for 2 f a 1 RC a Signal Transmission 11 Example (Lathi & Ding – page 129) Plot from page 129 of Lathi & Ding: Amplitude response within 2% of peak value a1 RC Slope is - td Signal Transmission 12 Example (Lathi & Ding – page 129) td ( f ) 1 RC a 1 a 0 2 f a Signal Transmission 13 Ideal Filter versus Practical Filter The signal g(t) is transmitted without distortion, but has a time delay of td. f H( f ) and h ( f ) 2 ftd ; 2 B f j 2 ftd H( f ) e and 2B f j 2 ftd h(t ) F 1 e 2 Bsinc 2 B(t t d ) 2 B Filter h(t ) H( f ) 1 f B B td h ( f ) 2 ftd 1 2B t Lathi & Ding; Page 130 Violates causality Signal Transmission 14 Ideal Filter versus Practical Filter – II Impulse response h(t) is response to impulse (t) applied at time t = 0. The ideal filter on the previous slide is noncausal unrealizable . Practical approach to filter design is to cutoff h(t) for t < 0. hˆ(t ) h(t ) u(t ) A good approximation if td is large (td approaches infinity for ideal filter). Many different practical non-ideal filters exist: Butterworth Chebyshev I Chebyshev II Elliptic Signal Transmission 15 Butterworth Filter (Maximally Flat Magnitude) Nt h (nth order filter) or de r Signal Transmission 16 Butterworth Filter (Maximally Flat Magnitude) Im(s) Cauer topology 2 H ( j ) Unit circle Re(s) H 2 (0) 1 C 2n Sallen–Key topology Signal Transmission 17 Butterworth Filter Impulse Response Fourth-order filter h(t ) H( f ) h ( f ) Lathi & Ding; Page 133 Signal Transmission 18 Comparing Butterworth, Chebyshev & Bessel Filters |H(f)| |H(f)| h(t) Unit step response Signal Transmission 19 Phase Delay versus Group (Envelope) Delay Phase response of H ( f ) is h ( f ), therefore h ( f0 ) Phase delay (at one frequency f 0 ) is td , and 2 f 0 Group delay (over a frequency band) t grp Envelope d h ( f ) d(2 f ) Input: x(t ) A(t ) cos(2 ft ) Output: y(t ) H ( f ) A(t t grp ) cos(2 f (t td ) ) Signal Transmission 20 Channel Impairments (Overview) • Linear distortion caused by impulse response. y(t ) h(t ) g(t ) Y( f ) H( f )G( f ) H(f) attenuates (|H(f)|)and phase shifts the signal. • Nonlinear distortion ( e.g ., clipping) xp y(t ) x( t ) xp x(t ) x p x p x(t ) x p x(t ) x p • Random noise (independent or signal dependent) • Interference from other transmissions or sources • Self interference & ISI (reflections or multipath) Signal Transmission 21 Pulse Distortion in a Sine-Squared Pulse Input pulse Output pulse (a) Amplitude-frequency distortion and phase-frequency distortion Input pulse Input pulse Output pulse Output pulse (b) Amplitude-frequency distortion (c) Phase-frequency distortion Signal Transmission 22 Inter-Symbol Interference Path 2 Path 1 Signal Transmission 23 Application of Equalizers H EQ ( f ) 1 HC ( f ) EQ ( f ) C ( f ) Signal Transmission 24