Connected Industrial Robust, Reliable, and Secure Process Control Networking White Paper Honeywell Fault Tolerant Ethernet Why FTE? Honeywell Fault Tolerant Ethernet (FTE) is Honeywell FTE was developed in response to a need for a invented protocol that has been standardized by the high speed and reliable Ethernet network for International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 62439. FTE provides Ethernet communication redundancy for the mission critical monitoring and control operations. Even though standards have since been developed for IT Ethernet networks via Experion process control network. It relies on Honeywell rapid spanning tree there are many scenarios software in PCs, servers, and embedded devices while where manufacturer interpretation of the leveraging cost effective common off the shelf (COTS) networking equipment to provide process control standard as well as edge cases can result in an unacceptable gap in communication (around 30 seconds) during or recovering from a network communication that is fault tolerant, responsive, fault that would result in a loss of view or control. deterministic, and secure. FTE is fully compatible with Other redundancy implementations such as NIC Foundation Fieldbus High Speed Ethernet (HSE) network (network interface card) teaming vary vendor to redundancy and IEC 62439. The illustration below depicts a basic Honeywell Experion system using FTE, while the rest of vendor, often require more than 2 NIC cards, and have implementations that cannot detect or mitigate network failures depending on location the document describes the significant advantages of FTE in the network. Furthermore, unlike other IEC and how they are achieved. 62439 protocols, FTE has the ability to provide Level 3 ESF ACE fault scenarios. FTE can also connect directly to Optional HSRP Router Router ESC Level 2 protection for single attached nodes in certain Experion Server EST ESV Safety Manager Terminal Server routers where others need additional equipment. Domain Controller With FTE Honeywell has designed a network LCN Qualified Switches specifically with mission critical control traffic in mind that takes the advantages of Ethernet while providing robust and fast fault tolerance, Level 1 deterministic behavior, and network security. Additionally, FTE is transparent to all applications running on a device, providing applications all the robustness of FTE without Honeywell Fault Tolerant Ethernet Network requiring any modification. Fault Tolerance Deterministic With FTE there is no single point of failure on the Determinism in control systems means that the data always arrives within the network that results in a loss of Ethernet communication between FTE devices. Each FTE device has two Ethernet connections while only using a single network IP address. When combined with the Experion network topology this provides for four possible paths between two FTE devices (A-A through the A switch, B-B through the B switch, A-B through the FTE crossover, and B-A through the FTE crossover). sample period of a control module. FTE achieves determinism even with the use of COTS equipment by implementing a best practices topology and making use of switched network features such as Quality of Service (QoS). QoS allows Honeywell to prioritize control and view traffic to ensure that it is delivered. By controlling other switch characteristics such as spanning-tree Honeywell is also able to predict how the Ethernet network will react to different faults and any actions the switch will take on fault recovery. Honeywell also is able to attain determinism by understanding and planning for the amount of network communication on the process control network. On a full capacity system (330 FTE devices) average network bandwidth is around 5Mbps (megabits per second), so a 100 Mbps Ethernet network allows for a Experion Console Station large amount of reserve bandwidth. In order to maintain large reserve bandwidth Experion systems with virtual machines Honeywell has qualified 1 gigabit per second (Gbps) connections for virtual machine hosts. FTE A FTE Switch A FTE B FTE Switch B FTE Crossover FTE A FTE B Secure The Honeywell FTE network is a high security network that complies with the Industrial Automation and Control Systems Security standards (ISA SP99). Honeywell C300 controller and FIM4 connected to Control Firewall The network is designed in levels which allows for the compartmentalization of data flow following the zones and conduits model of ISA99 and enabling protection at each level boundary. The most critical traffic used for direct control is at the lowest depth which affords it the greatest protection. Level Node Descriptions active at all times. By doing this and not utilizing Level 4 Plant Level Applications a switch-over/fail-over methodology FTE is able Level 3 Advanced Control and Advance Applications (Non-Critical Control Applications) Supervisory Control, Operator HMI (HMI, and Supervisory Both FTE Ethernet adapters on a given node are to determine the best communication path for each individual packet of data for each individual Level 2 Controllers) FTE device on the network. When a fault occurs in the network FTE is able to detect and mitigate Level 1 Real Time Control (controllers and IO) faults usually within 1 second, and some within 1 millisecond. The worst case is within 2 seconds. In addition to the network design, the Honeywell FTE network is continually These faults are reported to the user through being evaluated and being refined with network security features for alarms and events allowing the quick authentication, encryption, and access control. This includes IPsec, identification and resolution of network fractures. specialized devices such as the Honeywell Modbus TCP Firewall, and methods for securely communicating between the Experion network and other non- FTE devices also track and determine the best path available for nodes with a single Ethernet FTE networks. connection that do not utilize FTE. When an FTE Self-reliance with off the shelf components device detects a fault in the network it attempts FTE has complete responsibility for the redundancy operation and Honeywell to determine which of its two adapters can still communicate with the non-FTE device and then will continue to communicate with that device if possible. has complete control of FTE. This is essential in a critical control environment. In addition Honeywell extensively tests and qualifies off the shelf networking equipment from vendors such as Cisco and HP. This ensures that specified hardware and firmware versions operate to the demanding standards of the process control network. By following Honeywell Experion Network Best Practices and using qualified equipment sites are provided with a network with well-known and understood characteristics that has been thoroughly tested in the presence of faults to perform the critical control mission. - PAGE 2 - Virtualization Sustainability As with security the Honeywell Experion network is perpetually being Through FTE Honeywell has been able to allow assessed for supporting new technologies and requirements for process customers with installed capital investments in control networks such as virtualization. The Honeywell network design the Honeywell Universal Control Network based realizes the criticality of virtual management traffic by creating a secure on the IEEE 802.4 (Coax) Token bus network to management network that still allows for efficient site management and be modernized, integrate and interoperate with configuration of the system. Furthermore, the FTE network understands Experion, and facilitate plant expansions. This is and allows for the increased bandwidth demands of physical hosts as well known as the Honeywell Enhanced Universal as the use of thin clients. In the diagram below redundant level 2.5 routers Control Network (EUCN) and it allows customers have been added to provide a secure management network that can be to take full advantage of not only FTE's fault shared between multiple FTE communities. The thin clients have direct FTE tolerance but also the performance, determinism, connections and VMware hosts also have 1 Gbps FTE connections that are and security required for new devices and used by the virtual images. applications. Moreover, this commitment to support Honeywell customers and their intellectual investments continues to evolve with Honeywell’s Experion Local Control Network (ELCN). Currently under development, this solution will allow customers to unify TotallPlant Solution (TPS)/Total Distributed Control (TDC) solutions with Experion PKS. In Conclusion Honeywell FTE technology is an integral part of the Experion distributed control system and designed to provide customers with a deterministic and redundant process control network without requiring more than common networking equipment. It provides a robust reliable backbone for security and fault tolerance that enhances the user’s ability to perform the Experion Network for Virtual Solution critical control mission. For More Information Learn more about how Honeywell’s Fault Tolerant Ethernet can improve Process Control Networking, visit Experion and EUCN or ELCN pages or contact your Honeywell Account Manager Distributor or System Integrator. Honeywell Process Solutions 1250 West Sam Houston Parkway South Houston, TX 77042 Honeywell House, Arlington Business Park Bracknell, Berkshire, England RG12 1EB UK Shanghai City Centre, 100 Zunyi Road Shanghai, China 200051 WP-16-07-ENG June 2016 © 2016 Honeywell International Inc. - PAGE 3 -