EATON CLIPPINGS Volume 24, Issue 3 2015 November 2 November 4 November 5 November 6-7 November 8 November 9 November 11 November 12 November 16-17 November 16 November 17 November 18 November 23 November 27-28 November 28 November 30 December TBA December 10 December 18 2016 January 4 January 29 February 1 February 15-19 NOVEMBER 2015 SCC Meeting – Eaton School Library – 6:30 p.m. Grade 9 TOKW – Take Our Kids to Work Day Flu Clinic – Eatonia Oasis Living – 10 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Sr. Girls’ VB Conferences at Dinsmore Grades K-3 Family Sunday Fun Day Remembrance Day Program – 11:00 a.m. – School Gym No School – Remembrance Day Report Cards - Grades 1-12 Scholastic Book Fair Parent Teacher Interviews – (evening) Parent Teacher Interviews – (evening) Grade 8 Talk to Youth Live - Kindersley No School – time in lieu of evening parent teacher interviews Basketball Camp for Grades 5-12 Ref Clinic (basketball) 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. No School – Professional Development Day Band Poinsettia, Planter and Wreath pick-up Winter Band Concert 7:00 p.m. Last Day of School for Students School Resumes No School – Professional Development Day Second semester starts No School Poppy Sales This year we will not be canvassing the town to sell Poppies door to door. Instead anyone interested in purchasing Poppies can send money to school with their child on November 9th and 10th. Any amount that you feel is appropriate is fine. (No set price.) The businesses around town will also have poppy boxes set out for you to purchase Poppies to wear. November 12, 2015 Grades 1-12 November 9, 2015 Eaton School Gym 11:00 a.m. Grades K-12 November 16 (evening) November 17 (evening) (No School November 23) All Community members are welcome to join us as we Remember. We look forward to seeing everyone there. Concert Band Parents Just a reminder that all concert band students will need to have a white shirt, black dress pants, black shoes, and black socks for the Remembrance Day Service on November 9th. If your child is in need of any of these items please contact the school at 306-967-2536. KINDERGARTEN/GRADE 1 It has been a wonderful month! Here is what has been going on….. During October students made pumpkin personalities art, a fall tree, and prepared charcoal scenes. They carved jack-o-lanterns with their parents, relatives, and grandparents on October 30th. A scary (but not too scary) Halloween party was held. Everyone looked awesome as they took part in the costume parade. Thanks to parents that sent birthday cupcakes and Halloween snacks for the class. We have had some real learning going on with our Agriculture in the Classroom theme. The students were able to help grind wheat into flour, make pizza and then eat it! It was interesting to learn where our food comes from. The students enjoyed making living necklaces to watch the seeds germinate. Some students figured the alive seed was already growing the first day they got them!! During Physical Education the class has been doing Halloween stations, playing tag games, using bouncy balls to practice tossing skills, and probably the most interesting was rubber chicken baseball. We have been exploring using effort awareness and various pathways. We will be going skating during the month of November. We will need one volunteer to transport skates each day we go skating. We will be in need of skate tiers and people to untie skates. A note will come out shortly with more information on school skating. The Kindergarten class is working on basic readiness skills. It would be helpful to review basic information at home such as phone number, birthday, and address. They are working on counting to 10 and 20 and they are learning the letters of the alphabet. The Kindergarten class is learning to make choices and work independently during Centre Time. It would be most beneficial to practice independent skills at home such as zipping coats, putting boots on and taking them off, and looking after their own belongings. By encouraging children to do things for themselves helps increase self-esteem and promotes healthy growth. Please encourage your children to do things for themselves. The Grade One class is reviewing the lower case letters in Printing. They are learning initial and final consonant sounds in Phonics. They are working on Lesson 4 in Sight Words and they are expanding their sight word vocabulary. In Math they are finishing learning to add to 5. We’re becoming proficient addition magicians. Please quiz us up on our facts to 5. They are doing a unit on representing Numbers to 20. The Grade Ones are on the road to reading - what an exciting time for all of us! Keep reading the little books every day!! In Science the students are learning about seasons (months, days of the week and calendars). In Computers the class is using Kid Pix. We now know how to log on and off. We have also gone to, RAZ Kids and Mathletics which are enjoyable sights to use to reinforce reading and math skills. The students have been busy preparing a poem for the Remembrance Day Ceremony on Monday, November 9th at 11:00 a.m. in the gym. Feel free to join us. It’s hard to believe that October is over and we are heading into November already. I am sure everyone is excited about the first report cards (Kindergartens will get their first report card next term, in March) and interview day that is quickly approaching. Kindergartens will have their first interview in November. Have a wonderful day and a super month! - Mrs. Shelley Follensbee GRADE 2/3 Happy Halloween! October has been a very busy month in the Grade 2/3 room. We are well into our term one assessments as term one report cards are fast approaching. Students are building their collection of artifacts in their assessment binders, which will be shared with parents at the upcoming three way conferences. Students have completed sight word assessments, writing samples, spelling assessments, informal reading assessments, as well as DRA assessments. In ELA we are finishing up our Bubbles and Balloons theme. Students have read many stories, and completed written retells, sequencing activities and creative writing projects. They have also identified their favorite characters and given reasons for their choice. We have been working with the RAZ reading program as well and students are encouraged to access this from a home computer as it offers reading material at the student’s current reading level. We watched a video that explained the science behind bubbles. We also took part in the BUBBLE FAIR on October 16th. We would like to thank all of the parents and grandparents who volunteered to work at the stations. We also made BUBBBLE GUM using a kit. Students have also completed a book talk on a book of their own choosing. In Spelling we have completed unit 9. In Phonics the Grade Three students are working with long vowel words to identify the patterns that make vowels long. The Grade Two students have been working with short vowel words. Students in both grades are continuing to refine their pencil grip, and letter formations. Grade Two students are printing letters and the Grade Three students are reviewing cursive letters. In Math both grades have completed the patterning unit. Everyone had a chance to complete two patterning tasks using the smart board. These have been printed and will be included in the assessment portfolio. We are now working with reading numbers, as well as representing and comparing numbers. Grade Two students need to know the numbers to 100 and the Grade Three students need to know up to 1000. Students are also working on the MATHLETICS program. They are encouraged to access MATHLETICS from home as well. We got to see the musical performance by BORIS. Students have also been working on their entries in the Remembrance Day Poster contest. At the Remembrance Day program we will be singing a song with the K-5 students as well as doing a 2/3 poem. In Phys-ed we have been working on sending and receiving skills for volleyball. In Science we have completed the section about magnetism and have discovered that magnets can attract and repel other magnets. We also made magnets out of pins, and we also created an electro magnet. We are now learning about static electricity. Students will be using their knowledge of magnetism and static electricity in a design project to create a boat or a sled, which moves using one of these forces. In Social Studies the Grade Three students have been learning about the United Nations International Rights of Children. They have also begun to learn about conflict resolution. They have looked at our rights and responsibilities and how the two are related. We also looked at how decisions are made and we had a mock election on October 19th to help children understand the election process. We would like to thank all of the people who were able to come and assist us with carving pumpkins. We also thank those who sent board games and drinks for the party, as well as those who provided the snacks. Grade 2/3 school skating will be taking place in November so be sure to check that your child has skates and a helmet that fits. Notes will be sent out shortly with information regarding dates, and times, and helping to tie skates. - Mrs. Marla Frison GRADE 4/5 It is amazing what we have accomplished and taken part in throughout October! In the classroom, the Grade 4s and 5s tackle work in ELA, Math, Social, Science, Arts Ed, Band/Music, Health and Phys Ed with lots of determination. Reading is the focus in ELA: reading strategies, reading comprehension, reading…reading…reading. We are starting to wind down our main unit theme – Imagination and Fantasy – and will be starting a final project and writing a test right away. Each student has a RAZ-kids account that they access to give them more reading practice. RAZ-kids is an on-line leveled literacy program that the students are enjoying, especially as they get to use tablets in our classroom. We wrote three major writing assignments so far this term: a descriptive paragraph of an imaginary character, a letter to a genie asking for 3 wishes to be granted, and a Remembrance Day poem or essay for competition in the Legion Remembrance Day Poster and Literary contest. In ELA, we also continue to work at journal writing, do word work and spelling, and we are preparing a poem for the Remembrance Day service. The Grade 4s have completed the first unit on patterns and equations, and will be beginning whole numbers in Math. Grade 5s will soon wrap up their Whole Numbers unit which focuses on representing and estimating numbers and they will do a quick unit on geometry. Both the Grade 4s and 5s love Tech Time in Math. This is when they go on to Mathletics or Prodigy Math (both online strategy games that get them using math), or go online to Math Magician to practice our math facts. These are things they can do at home, too, for extra practice. While the federal election was the focus of several Social Studies classes, we have also been learning about understanding the Aboriginal heritage of Canada and analyzing the evolution of Canada as a multicultural nation. Science classes “sound” interesting. Students are excited about the research project they are engaged in. We are putting our skills to use as we research the sounds that mammals make in order to prepare a video. Arts Ed projects this month included collages, Fowl Supper posters, and posters in black and white or color for the Legion Remembrance Day Poster and Literary contest. Grade 4s and 5s have been writing stories in Health about bullying. Phys Ed is fun. The kids enjoy volleyball, co-operative games, and fitness with Miss Vannest. Grade 5s have been learning to play their instruments, and it’s super important they keep practicing. The day the Grade 4s got their recorders was a pretty exciting day. Outside the classroom, the Grade 4s and 5s have participated in x-country and midget volleyball. They have cheered on the other Spartans at their games, too. We thoroughly enjoyed the Boris Sichon performance, and appreciated a day off when the teachers had a professional development day. We participated in the food drives and happily sponsored the SRC bake sale. Super Happy Fun Time is a favorite. Of course, we were very excited to celebrate Halloween by attending the SRC Halloween carnival, carving pumpkins and parading our costumes in the gym. Thanks to our parents for helping carve and for helping with our costumes. As always, there were lots of wonderful, creative ideas! What is there to look forward to in November? Our participation in the Remembrance Day service, report cards and parent-teacher interviews, book fair, more SRC activities, and the start of basketball season to name a few. Eaton School is a busy place and a great place to be! - Mrs. Lisa King CROSS COUNTRY Cross Country has had a spectacular season with an extra amount of enthusiasm! In the top 10 at Districts in Outlook were Kylan Wagner who placed 8th, Kelsey Guidinger placed 5 th, Brendan Ritchie placed 5th, and Madison Somerville came in 1st. Then Kelsey went on to compete in Provincials in Saskatoon where she placed 60 out of 107 participants. She ran quickly and made us Spartans proud! To wind up the season there was the annual Cross Country Wild Western Wind Up! (Dodge Ball in the gym). The athletes took this activity seriously and eagerly fought until the end where the girls slightly beat the boy’s team. Until next season in running……….. - Mrs. Shelley Follensbee, Coach MIDGET VOLLEYBALL What a great season the Midget Co-ed Volleyball players had! A high five goes out to: Brayden, Brooklyn, Braecyn, Emersyn, Trinity, Taryn, Kylee, Kenzie, Shawi, Dani, Kearin, Abrie, Ce’Nedra, Ryanna, Madison and Kylan. We really improved our play and our skills and you could see that in the five match-ups we played against teams from Elizabeth School, Eston and Elrose. It was a successful season as the Midget team was fairly evenly matched with their opponents. There were lots of close games, and the Spartans won several sets. Best of all, we had a fun time. Way to go, Spartans! The team would especially like to thank their fans for driving us to games and for coming out to cheer us on. Much appreciated…thank you. Thanks for a great season, Midget players! - Mrs. Lisa King, Coach JUNIOR GIRLS’ VOLLEYBALL Well, it has been a whirlwind season for the Junior Girls’ Volleyball Team! The girls competed this year in games against Eston and Kindersley. As well, we competed in tournaments in Outlook and Leader. Our team this year consisted of 8 girls! We were pleased with the improvements we saw over the season in terms of skills and comradery. Our coach this year was Miss Melanie Shillington. Our players were: Alyssa Evans, Danielle Townsend, Adrianna Graham, Emma Eckstein, Hannah Eckstein, Hannah Swan, Madison Somerville and Abrie Hayes. These girls were so supportive of each other! They were always loud and cheering on their teammates 100%. Sectional playoffs were held on October 21st in Kindersley. The girls fought hard against Kindersley to earn the win. However, the girls were eliminated in a final game against Eston. Despite the loss, the girls were still very upbeat and thankful for the season. Again, we would like to thank all of the parents, staff, and community members who supported our team throughout the season. Without all of your support for driving, refereeing, etc. our season would not be possible. Thanks for the great season girls! JUNIOR BOYS’ VOLLEYBALL The Junior Boys’ Volleyball team had another successful season this fall. This year we played games in Eatonia, Leader, Kindersley, and Eston and travelled to tournaments in Loreburn, Unity, Leader, and Beechy. The boys worked hard this year to develop their skills and to become a strong volleyball team. The team this year consisted of Jacob “the Krazy” Knutilla and Cameron “the Crusher” Stallmann in Grade 9; Caden “the Hurricane” Hayes, Jackson “the Slayer” Schuh, Taylen “the Taser” Solvberg and Turner “the Terror” Somerville in Grade 8; and Quinn “the Powerhouse” Price, Brody “the Basher” Oomen, and Kyle “the Killer” Theaker in Grade 7. It was great watching these 9 boys develop their skills and work to become a good volleyball team. Some highlights this year included our tournament performances where we fought hard and played well even against some really strong teams. Mrs. Facca and Mr. Hoult were very proud of seeing the boys work together and play well. There were some really fantastic games this year. The Junior Boys’ Volleyball team would like to thank the parents who took time out of their busy schedules to drive us to our many games and tournaments, especially this year when many were so far away. Without their support our season would not have been possible. Although our season has now ended and we bid goodbye to our Grade 9 players, Cameron and Jacob, the Grade 7s and 8s are eager to move into their shoes and Mr. Hoult and Mrs. Facca are looking forward to another great year next year. Mr. Michael Hoult & Mrs. Cindy Facca, Coaches SRC REPORT October was an incredibly busy month for the A big thank you to the parents, students and staff from Eaton School as a total of 359 pounds of food was donated. This is equivalent to 359 meals collected to fight hunger. SRC. We hosted the Spartan football team’s last game of the season where they played Gull Lake. We hosted a Blue Jays Day to help support our Canadian Baseball Team. On October 16 we held a short pep rally for our Spartan Cross Country athlete, Kelsey Guidinger, who was off to Provincials in Saskatoon. We canvassed the town for food for our Hallowe’en for Hunger food drive. The SRC also spearheaded the loading and weighing of the food for the FCC food drive. We spent a lot of time preparing for our Hallowe’en Carnival which was enjoyed by all who attended. A new event at this year’s carnival was the” haunted high school hallway”. Thanks to the SCC who helped at the barbeque. We held a Hallowe’en themed bake sale, with proceeds going to The Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund. Our volleyball teams are all done, except for the Sr. Girls’ who will attend Conference playoffs the first week in November. All teams have been playing hard and representing our school well, showing real Spartan Spirit and doing us proud. November is report card month, so some time will need to be spent studying. November is Movember, so we plan to have some sort of fundraiser for this worthy cause so look for further details. Mrs. Patti Filyk, SRC Advisor Horse Riddles (for you Toni) Eaton School has an updated Web Page and 1. What do horses tell their kids at night? 2. Why did the pony take cough medicine? 3. What happened to the mare who broke her leg? now has a Facebook page, Twitter and Instagram. You can find us at: 1. 2. 3. Pony tales He was a little hoarse. She’s in stable condition. instagram – eatonspartans The SCC would like to congratulate the SRC on the fantastic job on the Halloween Carnival. The carnival was enjoyed by all! We are proud of the student leadership in Eaton School. Eatonia Band Association Poinsettia, Holiday Planter, and Wreath Sale The Eatonia Band Association is selling RED, WHITE, AND PINK Poinsettias Plants this year! NEW THIS YEAR 10 inch Holiday Planters with mixed tropical plants and a 22 inch Berries and Bows Wreath If you have not received a call by November 6, 2015 and would like to purchase a plant, please contact Tosha Stallman at 306-967-2297 or Cheryl Bailey at 306-967-2846 NOTE: Poinsettia plants, Holiday Planters, and Wreaths will be available for pickup in December. The exact day, time and location for pickup will be posted at a later date. FLU CLINIC Eatonia Oasis Living November 5, 2015 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. SCC PRESENTS The SCC would like to give the opportunity for families to bring their children to the Eaton School Gymnasium one SUNDAY each month (watch for posters on the dates) and have an activity from 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. There will be two groups - Grades K-3 and Grades 4-7. There will also be a sign up sheet with the activity that will be chosen for that date. Please bring a Parent, a water bottle and gym shoes. This will happen once a month for each group till May 2016. Watch for posters in the community. Activities may include: kick ball, volleyball, dodge ball, floor hockey, etc. POSITIVE MENTAL HEALTH INITIATIVE In an effort to increase graduation rates, Sun West School Division is engaging in a Positive Mental Health Initiative. The objective is to build school cultures where mental health wellness is recognized as an important part of everyday life. We are striving to reduce stigmas attached to mental health issues and to build awareness of available supports. To initiate conversations, the school counselors will be meeting with students in Grades 6, 9, and 11 to determine mental health needs in the division. During November, 2015 the counselor will conduct classroom focus-group discussions asking students general questions about their awareness of mental health issues. The data collected will provide a baseline measure of the current state of mental health awareness in the division at this time, and will provide valuable information as we progress toward improved graduation rates. Parents are asked to please contact their school if they wish to have their child(ren) removed from the focus groups, or if they wish to access a copy of the focus-group questions. Basketball Camp Eaton School will be running its annual basketball camp on November 27th & 28th. This will be a chance to learn some basketball skills and practice skills to get you ready for the upcoming basketball season. The camp is open to students in Grades 5-12 and will run on Friday from 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. and Saturday from 9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. We will also be running a basketball ref clinic Saturday November 28th from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. with Referee Kyra Parkin. The ref clinic is open to anyone, so if you are interested in learning how to ref, or just interested in learning a bit more about the rules of basketball come and check it out. For more information and to register for either of the above, talk to Mr. Hoult. Please Join Us!!! WHAT: Fun, interactive activities for families to do together such as crafts, games, reading corner, imaginative play, puzzles, etc. There will be a different theme every week. WHO: Any families with children 0 — 5 years of age WHERE: Eaton School — Band Room WHEN: Thursday, October 29 — Music & Nursery Rhymes Friday, November 6 — Occupations Friday, November 13 — Family & Home Thursday, November 19 — Nutritious Food Thursday, November 26 — Shapes & Colors Thursday, December 3 — Down on the Farm TIME: Drop in any time between 1:30pm — 3:30pm COST: FREE! Hope to see you there!!! Dear Parents, The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to our school and you are invited to come and share in this celebration of literacy with us! Now more than ever, reading is vital to leading a better life. Knowing how to read is just the beginning. Motivating young people to keep reading, comprehend what they read and develop the ability to think creatively are the end goals. Scholastic Book Fairs has the books to motivate more reading. With your involvement, we can inspire children to practice reading and read more often. Together, we can make a difference in their lives that will last a lifetime. P.S. Book Fair hours are 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on November 16th and 17th and 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 on November 18th. NEW THIS YEAR Here is the Author Video link so you can access the author video and flyers from the comfort of your home: November 16th and 17th Eaton School Library