FEATURE ARTICLE A TRIPLE BY SLIT TEST FOR QUANTUM MECHANICS URBASI SINHA, CHRISTOPHE COUTEAU, FAY DOWKER, THOMAS JENNEWEIN, GREGOR WEIHS, AND RAYMOND LAFLAMME “If Born’s rule fails, everything goes to hell”. [1] Q uantum mechanics, one of the pillars of theoretical physics in the 20th century, has been tremendously successful at describing the world around us. The theory has been able to describe the world of atoms and molecules, solid state physics, particle physics, allowing us to understand the photoelectric effect, superconductivity and much more. It has led to new technologies which have transformed our lives, from Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to the laser and the transistor and might lead to new ones such as quantum computers and quantum cryptography. Despite having these resounding successes, the theory still predicts phenomena that are very much counterintuitive. Quantum mechanics seems to fundamentally change the way we understand the world, opening the door to many potential interpretations. All other theories of physics that we have encountered have ultimately disagreed with observations or predicted their own demise; it would thus be surprising if quantum mechanics were to be a final theory of nature. Many attempts have been made to complement it or generalize it, by modifying some of its axioms, such as adding hidden variables, non-linear evolution etc. One axiom of quantum mechanics is that the probability is proportional to the modulus of the wave function squared [2]. This paper describes a program to test this axiom using a generalization of the famous double slit experiment. THE TRIPLE SLIT EXPERIMENT Many people encounter quantum mechanics for the first time when reading the third volume of the Feynman SUMMARY As one of the postulates of quantum mechanics, Born’s rule tells us how to get probabilities for experimental outcomes from the complex wave function of the system. Its quadratic nature entails that interference occurs in pairs of paths. We present an experiment that sets out to test the correctness of Born’s rule by testing for the presence or absence of genuine three-path interference. This is done using single photons and a three slit aperture. Lectures in Physics [3] in which Feynman describes the double slit experiment and comments that it “has in it the heart of quantum mechanics”. This view is widely shared in the physics community so it will come as a surprise to many that, though indeed the double slit experiment exhibits, beautifully, the phenomenon of interference between two histories of a single system B the photon trajectories in this case B this phenomenon does not fully characterize “quantumness”. Quantumness, it has been discovered [4], consists not only of the existence of interference between pairs of histories but precludes interference between triples of histories. The double slit experiment demonstrates two-way interference. The probability P for the photon to be detected in an experiment at a particular position on the screen when both slits, call them A and B, are open is not equal to the probability of the photon being detected at that particular band when only A is open plus the the probability for the photon to be detected there when only B is open: P (A c B) − P (A) − P (B) /= 0 (1) where A c B is shorthand for “the photon is detected at the band when both A and B are open” etc. We call this nonzero quantity, the interference I2(A, B) and it is responsible for the famous pattern of light and dark bands. It describes the interference between two histories composed of the photon passing through slit A or slit B. If we now consider an experiment with three slits, A, B and C, we can generalize I2 to I3(A,B,C). Now, there are seven experimental situations to consider: all three slits open, any pair of slits open or any single slit open. If we write the probability of a photon landing at a specified position on the screen for these seven different experiments as P (A c B c C), P (A c B) etc. and P (A) etc. (respectively) then Quantum Mechanics tells us that the following combination is zero: P (A c B c C) − P (A c B) − P (B c C) − P (C c A) + P (A) + P (B) + P (C) = 0. (2) This is a consequence of Born’s rule. Remarkably, until the present work, this prediction of quantum theory had not yet been put to direct experimental test. PHYSICS IN U. Sinha <usinha@ uwaterloo.ca>, Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1 C. Couteau, Université de Technologie de Troyes, France F. Dowker, Imperial College, UK T. Jennewein, Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo G. Weihs, Universität Innsbruck, Austria R. Laflamme, Perimeter Institute and Director, Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo CANADA / VOL. 66, NO. 2 ( Apr.-June 2010 ) C 83 A TRIPLE SLIT TEST ... (SINHA ET AL.) Although Born’s rule has been indirectly verified to high accuracy in other experiments, the consequences of a detection of even a small three-way interference in the quantum mechanical null prediction would be tremendous. If a non-zero result were to be obtained, it would mean that quantum mechanics is only approximate, in the same way that the double slit experiment proves that classical physics is only an approximation to the true laws of nature. This would give an important hint on how to generalize quantum mechanics and open a new window to the world. Currently we have no idea what such a theory could look like but research is already being done to explore the characteristics of and alternative ways to understand such a theory [7]. It might even give a hint towards unifying quantum mechanics and gravity, a major goal of fundamental physics today. Obviously the discovery of a three path interference would lead to the question: Is there four-way interference? There is indeed a whole hierarchy of theory types: a level k theory being one in which there is k-way interference but no k+1-way interference [4]. An interesting consequence of the violation of Born’s rule would be for computer science. In the last 40 years, computer scientists have classified sets of problems according to the difficulty with which they can be solved. They look at how these sets relate to each other and have conjectured many relationships. A well-known example is the famous question of whether or not the classes P and NP are the same [5] C finding a proof to resolve this longstanding question would earn a million dollar prize from the Clay Foundation [6]. Aaronson has shown that violating Born’s rule would have a dramatic effect on computational complexity because it would allow one to efficiently distinguish two states that are exponentially close. This would relate two complexity classes implying that NPcomplete problems could be solved in polynomial space [8] something which is not believed to be true with either classical or quantum computers and would surprise many computer scientists. A similar conclusion was reached by Meyer in [9]. He has suggested that a task that takes two steps with quantum C level k = 2 C resources could be achieved in one step with level 3 resources and so on. To realise this intriguing idea would require models for level 3 and higher k physical systems to be discovered but it shows that the implications of a detection of super-quantum theories would be very far reaching indeed, even beyond the boundaries of physics itself. BRINGING THEORY TO THE LAB ... The triple slit experiment is being performed at the Institute for Quantum Computing in the University of Waterloo, Canada. In this experiment, we evaluate the triple slit interference term given by equation (2). If Quantum Mechanics is correct, this term will be zero, if there is a further generalization to the theory, then we would get a non zero result which cannot be explained by experimental errors. Fig. 1 Pictorial representation of how the different probability terms are measured. The leftmost configuration has all slits open, whereas the rightmost has all three slits blocked. The black bars represent the slits, which are never changed or moved throughout the experiment. The thick grey bars represent the opening mask, which is moved in order to make different combinations of openings overlap with the slits, thus switching between the different combinations of open and closed slits. The experiment consists of measuring the seven probability terms in equation (2) along with an eighth term P(0) which gives the background probability (this takes care of any experimental background such as detector dark counts i.e. spurious counts measured by the detector even in the absence of a source of photons). We define a quantity ε as ε = P (A c B c C) − P (A c B) − P (B c C) − P (C c A) + P (A) + P (B) + P (C) − P (0) (3) Figure 1 shows how the various probabilities are measured in a triple slit configuration. For better comparison between possible realizations of such an experiment, we further define a normalized variant of ε called ρ, ε ,where δ δ= | IAB | + | IBC | + | ICA | = | P (A c B) − P (A) − P (B) + P (0)| + | P (B c C) − P (B) − P (C) + P (0)| + | P (A c C) − P (A) − P (C) + P (0)| . ρ = (4) (5) Since δis a measure of the regular interference contrast, ρ can be seen as the ratio of three-path interference over the regular two-path interference. (If δ= 0 then ε = 0 trivially, and we really are not dealing with quantum behavior at all, but only classical probabilities.) EXPERIMENTAL SET UP Figure 2 shows a schematic of the complete experimental setup. The laser beam passes through an arrangement of mirrors and collimators before being incident on a 50/50 beam splitter. The beam then splits into two, one of the beams is used as a reference arm for measuring fluctuations in laser power whereas the other beam is incident on the thin metal membrane , which has the slit pattern cut into it using commercial laser cutting. The beam height and wast is adjusted so that it is incident on a set of three slits, the slits being centered on the beam. There is 84 C LA PHYSIQUE AU CANADA / Vol. 66, No. 2 ( avr. à juin 2010 ) A TRIPLE SLIT TEST ... (SINHA ET AL.)AA Fig. 2 Schematic of experimental set-up. another membrane in front which has the corresponding blocking designs on it such that one can measure the seven probabilities in equation (2). The slit plate remains stationary whereas the blocking plate is moved up and down in front of the slits to yield the various combinations of opened slits required to measure the seven probabilities. As mentioned above, in our experimental set-up, we also measure an eighth probability which corresponds to all three slits being closed in order to account for dark counts and any background light. Figure 2 shows this pictorially. A multi-mode optical fiber is placed at a point in the diffraction pattern and connected to an avalanche photodiode (APD) single photon detector which measures the photon counts corresponding to the various probabilities. The optical fiber can be moved to different positions in the diffraction pattern in order to obtain the value of ρ at different positions in the pattern. Some of our preliminary results as well as experimental details have been published in [10]. At present we are working on using single photons as our incident photons. We have a heralded single photon source (HSPS) [11] based on parametric down conversion (a method by which a blue photon splits into two red photons when it is incident on a non linear crystal to maintain energy conservation) and the use of single photons enables us to know the exact number of events and also gives us a means of performing the same experiment using two independent sources of incidence with different statistics. Figure 3 shows a comparison between interference with three slits open obtained by using a Titanium Sapphire laser at 810 nm on one hand and a heralded single photon source on the other. CONCLUSION Quantum mechanics has been one of the most elegant and important theories in 20th century physics and has been suc- Fig. 3 Comparison between experimentally obtained triple slit interference patterns. The blue dots indicate the laser pattern and the red dots indicate the single photon pattern. The black line has been drawn to aid the eye. cessful in explaining and motivating numerous applications. However, in spite of its successes, there are still mysteries associated with the theory which hint at the possibility of the existence of more generalized versions. This makes it important to test the fundamental postulates of quantum mechanics through dedicated experiments. In this paper we have described an experiment to test Born’s rule. Some of our preliminary observations have been reported in [10] giving non-zero result for ρ, as defined in equation (5). However, this could be caused by some systematic errors that have not yet been controlled. Improvements to the experiment set-up have since been made, including performing the experiment using single photons [12]. The future will tell us whether we understand these errors or perhaps that there could be a discrepancy with the predictions of quantum mechanics. We just have to wait and watch! ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Research at IQC and Perimeter Institute was funded in part by the Government of Canada through Industry Canada and by the Province of Ontario through the Ministry of Research and Innovation. Research at IQC was also funded in part by CIFAR and NSERC. This research was partly supported by NSF grant PHY-0404646. U.S. Thanks to Aninda Sinha for useful discussions. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. W.H. Zurek, Private communication. M. Born, Zeitschrift fur Physik 37, 863-867, 1926. R.P. Feynman, R.B. Leighton and M. Sands, The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, USA (1965). R.D. Sorkin, “Quantum mechanics as quantum measure theory”, Mod. Phys. Lett. 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