Calculation of GMR-Effect in Confined Current Path (CCP)-CPP Spin Valves J. Velev, A. Bandyopadhyay, K. Nagasaka, T. Zhao, H. Fujiwara, W. H. Butler MRSEC, IRG-1 Center for Materials for Information Technology an NSF Materials Science and Engineering Center Introduction Areal densities for hard disk drives are doubling annually. However, it will be difficult to maintain this astounding rate of technological advance. CIP (current-in-the-plane) spin valves presently being used are beginning to encounter critical difficulties: (1) Electrically insulating layers must be inserted between the spin-valve element and the magnetic layers that form the read-gap making it difficult to reduce the read-gap length. (2) The resistance R and the resistance change due to GMR effect ∆R of the spin-valve element are expressed as; R = ρeff(w/ht), ∆R = ∆ρ(w/ht) ρeff: the effective resistivity, ∆ρ:the change of resistivity due to the GMR effect, w, h and t: the track width, height and thickness of the element, respectively (See Figure. 1). It is expected that higher areal densities will be achieved by decreasing w faster than h, keeping t almost constant, resulting the decrease of R proportional to w/h. In order to keep the present output level, we must increase the power applied to the element, i.e. P=V2/R. This will cause a serious cooling problem, because the heat flow from the element occurs primarily in the track width direction through the leads. (3) The bias field resulting from the sense current becomes higher proportionally to h/w2. Advantages of CPP (current-perpendicular to-the-plane) spin valves: (1) The magnetic layers forming the read-gap can be made to act as electrodes, making the head structure much simpler. The cooling problem is also eased substantially because the heat flow becomes essentially perpendicular to the element plane. (2) The disturbance due to the magnetic field induced by the sense current will also be reduced as the size of the element decreases. The major drawback of CPP spin-valves: The resistance of the element is much smaller than that of CIP spin-valves. R = ρeff(t/hw), ∆R = ∆ρ(t/hw), with t << h and w (See Fig.1). Much higher current is needed to obtain a reasonable output. Thus, we plan to investigate a strategy of confining the current path (CCP) in order to raise the resistance. Calculation based on two-current model demonstrates that the resistance of CPP spin valves can be raised with this technique even with a substantial increase in the magnetoresistance ratio, ∆R/R. J CIP sensor CPP sensor w lead h sensor lead w h ∆R∝w/(h*t) J ∆R∝t/(h*w) bit track Schematic of CCP-CPP Spin-Valve bit track Electrode (Cu) AF-layer (with low ρ to be developed) pinned-layer (CoFe) conducting layer (Cu) free-layer (CoFe) Electrode (Cu) Substrate (ATC) CC-layer: Insulator with a hole (or holes) Fig. 1 It is expected that in advanced magnetic recording systems, the magnetic bits will become smaller primarily through a reduction in track width in order to moderate the decline in field at the head which scales exponentially in the ratio of head-bit separation to bit length. From purely geometric considerations it is expected that as the track width, w, becomes smaller, the signal, ∆R, from a CIP spin valve sensor tends to become smaller while that from a CPP sensor becomes larger. Two-Current Model RP = [(1/2R1)+(1/2R2)] –1 < =2R1/(1+α) R1<R2 R1 Iup R2 Idown R1 R2 RAP = (R1+R2 )/2 = R1(1+α)/2 R1 Iup R2 Idown R2 R1 ∆R = RAP-RP = (α-1)2R1/(2(α+1)) (1) ∆R/RP=(α-1)2/(4α) (2) α ≡ R2/R1 is the scattering asymmetry parameter Current Confining Effect Confining factor: β ≡ A/Acond A: total area of the CC-layer Acond area of the conducting part of the CC-layer Confining factor of the other F-layer: β’ << β R1 Iup R2 R2 Idown R1 ∆R = RAP-RP = (α-1)2ββ’R1/((α+1) (β+β’)) ∆R/RP = (α-1)2ββ’/(α (β+β’)2) For β’= 1(confinement is only for one F-layer) ∆R ~ [(α-1)2R1 (α+1)]β / (β+1): monotonic increase with β max:2 times ∆R/RP ~ (α-1)2 β /(α (β+1)2): monotonic decrease with β CPP Spin Valve Model y z x 0.5nm Ry Rx I 0.5nm y z 40nm x Rx 4 m n 0 Unit cell Ry Resister array No current density change is assumed in z-direction. The CPP-element area is assumed 40 x 40 nm2. The element is divided into unit cells of multiple of pillars of 0.5x0.5x40 nm3 and each pillar is converted into a 4-resistor array each resister being connected at a Central vertex as shown above. Calculation Method We break up the spin-valve into nx times ny cells and determine the conductance between every cell and its neighbors. We are looking to determine the voltages in every node (middle of every cell). Vi + nx gu gl gr Vi −1 Vi gd The Kirchhoff’s law for cell i can be written: Vi − nx Vi ( gl + g r + gu + g d ) − Vi −1 gl − Vi +1 g r − Vi + nx gu − Vi − nx g d = 0 Subject of the boundary conditions: Vi − nx = V0 at the bottom Vi + nx = V1 at the top gl = 0 at the left end gr = 0 at the right end Vi +1 Every cell conducts only to the cells immediately next to it so the matrix of coefficients has only a few non-zero diagonals. It can be efficiently stored and solved to obtain the voltages in the network: ∑g 1 − gl2 0 M − g 1d+ nx 0 M 0 − g 1r ∑ g2 − gl3 0 L − g r2 ∑ g3 − gu1 0 0 L − gu2 O 0 − g d2+ nx 0 0 0 0 V1 V0 g 1d M nx V0 g d M M = n − nx +1 V1 gu M n n ∑ g Vn V1 gu 0 0 0 After voltages are known the currents between every 2 nodes are: I xi = 1 (Vi +1 − Vi ) g ri + (Vi − Vi −1 ) gli ) ( 2 I yi = 1 (Vi + nx − Vi ) gui + (Vi − Vi −nx ) g di ) ( 2 The total resistance is: nx R = (V1 − V0 ) / ∑ I yi i =1 Parameters Used for Calculation βCoFe = 0.58, γCoFe/Cu = 0.34 materials ρup(µΩc m) ρdown (µΩcm) CoFe 32 120 CoFe/Cu 299 606 Cu 8.4 8.4 Current Distribution Cu AF AFM 80* 80* AFM/Cu 500* 500* CoFe Cu CoFe AFM/Co Fe 500* 500* Cu Estimated values through experiments by Fujitsu * Assumptions CC-layers GMR Ratio and Resistance as Functions of Two Current Confining (CC)-Layer Locations AF Cu CoFe Cu CoFe AF Cu CoFe Cu CoFe Cu Cu GMR ratio SV element resistance (40 nm x 40 nm) Summary 1. Calculation of GMR effect was performed on CCP-CPP spin valve structure using a resistor-array model by applying twocurrent model. 2. Potential and current distribution at each node are calculated by solving a matrix form of Kirchhoff’s law using LAPACK. 3. For a typical example of CCP-CPP structure, we calculated the dependence of the GMR effect on the location of two CC-layers, giving parameters determined experimentally when available. 4. The followings have been confirmed: a. The most effective locations of the two CC-layers are in the middle of free and pinned layers b. By this configuration, three times enhancement of the GMR ratio is attainable for the CC-layers of a 1/80 confinement factor, with the hole locations matching with each other. 5. The effect of mismatching of the hole location will be examined.