ISBN 978-0-620-44584-9 Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering c 2009 SAIEE, Innes House, Johannesburg Copyright ° SIDE EFFECTS OF CURRENT-LIMITING REACTORS IN TRANSMISSION LINE Yang Pengcheng, Chen Shuiming*, Xu Wei, Bian Xiao, Wang Wei State Key Lab of Control and Simulation of Power Systems and Generation Equipments Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China *Email: Abstract: Air-cored Current-Limiting Reactor (CLR) is widely used to limit the magnitude of fault current in power systems, while at the same time the application of CLR also brings some problems. This paper deals with the side effects of CLR on three types of transient overvoltages in the power transmission line, namely, transient recovery voltage (TRV), switching overvoltage (SOV) and temporary overvoltage (TOV). Various simulations are carried out with PSCAD/EMTDC. Researches show that TRV caused by single-phase short circuit fault exceeds the limit in China. For this problem, parallel capacitors can be used to restrain TRV, and the method of choosing its location and capacity is also discussed in this paper. The simulation results indicate that with the increase of CLR impedance, the magnitude of SOV and TOV also goes up or even exceeds the limit. Equivalent Circuit Method is developed to evaluate the influence of CLR on SOV. In general, CLR will cause the TRV, SOV and TOV rise. Simulations are strongly recommended before CLR be used to ensure the overvoltage of transmission line below the limit. 1 the voltage drop, the joule losses and the high magnetic INTRODUCTION fluxes (higher distances/clearances required). On the As the power system developing, the short-circuit other hand, despite these disadvantages, their effects current levels are also increasing rapidly. In some could be economically compensated when avoiding substations, the short-circuit current levels have been equipment substitution. close to or even exceeded the capacity of circuit breakers. Decreasing the short-circuit current levels can It can also be demonstrated that the presence of a not only prevent important equipments from being lumped inductance in an electric circuit could lead to an broken down by large fault current, but also reduce increase in the severity of the transient recovery voltage electromagnetic interference caused by fault current. (TRV) across the circuit breaker (CB) contacts, The most common solutions to high fault current levels associated with the interruption of the circuit current [1]. are[1]: up-rating of switchgear and other equipment; The switching overvoltage (SOV) and temporary splitting the grid and introducing higher voltage overvoltage (TOV) will also increase because of the connections (AC or DC); introducing higher impedance lumped inductance. In this paper, various simulations transformers and series reactors; and using complex are carried out with PSCAD/EMTDC, the results of strategies like sequential network tripping. Nevertheless, which are shown in the following sections. The CLR these alternatives may create other problems such as discussed in this paper is 0.025H. loss of power system security and reliability, high costs, 2 and increase of power losses. Up to now, the usage of air-core current-limiting reactor (CLR) is an adopted SIDE EFFECTS OF CLR ON TRV When CLR is inserted into the circuit, for instance, to solution. The applications of CLR in Brazil [1] and limit the short circuit current, the rate of rise of the Canada [2] showed that CLR had good effects on transient recovery voltage tends to drastically increase restraining fault current. because of its very large surge impedance (at least several thousands of Ohms). Fortunately, however, The guidance factors for CLR dimensioning, which installing a suitable capacitor across the reactor may could even make the CLR application unfeasible were Pg. 1 Paper G-41 Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering c 2009 SAIEE, Innes House, Johannesburg Copyright ° ISBN 978-0-620-44584-9 easily solve this problem. In some cases it might be 2) necessary to install capacitors from each side of the of line, the amplitude as well as steepness of TRV at reactor to ground. In any case, usually an in-depth Huangdu exceeds the limit and the steepness of TRV at computer analysis must be performed to make sure the Sijing exceeds the limit. While single phase fault takes place in the middle circuit breaker characteristics are not exceeded. 3) While single phase fault takes place near Sijing Based on 500kV Sijing-Huangdu transmission line substation, the steepness of TRV at both Huangdu and where CLR was used for the first time in China [3], Sijing exceeds the limit. TRV and the suitable restraining measures are presented TRV while single phase fault takes place near Sijing in this section. Substation are shown in Figure 2 The equivalent network and the parameters of transmission lines are shown in Figure 1 and Table 1. (a) Fig 1: Equivalent Network Table 1: Transmission Line Parameters of Equivalence Power Network Line Names Wires Length Shipai~Huangdu Double-circuit 4×400 38 km Huangdu~Sijing Double-circuit 4×400 23 km Sijing~Nanqiao Double-circuit 4×400 26 km Huxi~Sijing Double-circuit 6×630 25 km As defined in GB 1984-2003 of China, the standard (b) value of TRV across the circuit breaker is shown in Fig 2: TRV while Fault near Sijing Substation (a) TRV Table 2. 2.1 at Huangdu (b) TRV at Sijing (The Line in Red is the Limit of TRV) TRV Caused by Single Phase Short-circuit Lots of simulations have been done to calculate TRV at 2.2 substations when single phase fault taken place. The As mentioned in the beginning of this section, parallel results show that: 1) Measures to Restrain TRV capacitors can be used to restrain TRV. In the project design, 60 nF capacitors are installed at Sijing While single phase fault takes place near Huangdu substation. TRV while single phase fault near Sijing substation, the amplitude of TRV at Huangdu exceeds substation are shown below. the limit and the steepness of TRV at Sijing exceeds the limit. Pg. 2 Paper G-41 Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering c 2009 SAIEE, Innes House, Johannesburg Copyright ° ISBN 978-0-620-44584-9 Table 2: Standard Value of TRV with 4-Parameters in 500kV Rated voltage First off Amplitude First Reference Time1 Amplitude of Time2 Coefficient Factor Voltage (kV) (μs) TRV (kV) (μs) Outlet Fault 1.3 1.4 438 219 817 876 Short Line Fault 1 1.4 337 168 629 672 Test Method (kV) 550 Figure 3 demonstrate that capacitors installed at Sijing have some effects on restraining TRV at Sijing. While at Huangdu, there is little effect. TRV at both sides of transmission line still exceeds the limit. In order to suppress TRV to the limit, much larger capacitors should be installed at both sides of the line. 900 None L+C L 800 700 600 (a) kV 500 400 300 200 100 0 -100 0.3158 0.316 0.3162 0.3164 0.3166 s 0.3168 0.317 0.3172 0.3174 (a) 900 None L+C L 800 700 600 (b) kV 500 400 Fig 4: TRV While Fault near Sijing Substation when 0.8μF capacitors installed (a) TRV at Huangdu (b) TRV 300 200 at Sijing (The Line in Red is the Limit of TRV) 100 0 -100 0.316 0.3162 0.3164 0.3166 0.3168 s 0.317 0.3172 0.3174 3 0.3176 EFFECTS OF CLR ON SWITCHING OVERVOLTAGE (b) Fig 3: TRV while Fault near Sijing Substation when 60 nF capacitors installed (a) TRV at Huangdu (b) TRV at With CLR installed on the transmission line, theoretical Sijing at the same time. Taking switching overvoltage of three (Red-Limit; Blue-no CLI and analysis shows that switching overvoltage will increase Capacitor; phases energizing line with no load for example [4], Green-with CLI; Black-with CLI and capacitor) U c = U cm [− cos(ωt + ϕ ) + Researches suggest that 1 μF and 0.8 μF parallel capacitors installed at Huangdu and Sijing substation 2 ω 2 2 −δ t sin ϕ + cos ϕ e cos(ω0t + θ )] ω 0 respectively is a good choice. In this case, the TRV at both sides of line meets the limit as shown in figure 4. Pg. 3 (1) Paper G-41 Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering c 2009 SAIEE, Innes House, Johannesburg Copyright ° ISBN 978-0-620-44584-9 Where UC is the voltage at the terminal of transmission line, and ϕ 0 is the phase angle when energizing, R L For that switching overvoltage depends on the phase, and C are equivalent resistance inductance and capacitor maximum 98% statistical overvoltage. Monte Carlo based simulations were made to get the of transmission line. Table φ = φ0 − arctan ω0 = 4: Three Phase Energizing Switching Overvoltage of 750kV transmission line 1 ωC , tan θ = ω tan φ , δ = R , R ω0 2L ωL − 0km 80km 160 km 240 km 320 km 400 km 1.49p.u 1.61p.u 1.68p.u 1.72p.u 1.76p.u 1.75p.u 1.52p.u 1.64p.u 1.70p.u 1.74p.u 1.79p.u 1.75p.u No 1 −δ 2 LC CLR For the sake of simplicity, it is assumed that R is so With small that it could be ignored; as a result attenuation coefficient is 0. In the case that ϕ 0 is 90 degree, the CLR following can be derived U cm = Table 5: Single Phase Reclosing Switching Overvoltage of 750kV transmission line 1 Uc ω2 1− 2 ω0 (2) 0km 80km 160 km 240 km 320 km 400 km 1.25p.u 1.31p.u 1.34p.u 1.34p.u 1.32p.u 1.29p.u 1.24p.u 1.33p.u 1.36p.u 1.36p.u 1.34p.u 1.29p.u No CLR ω0 = 1 (3) LC With CLR −b ± b2 − 4ac will 2a rise as far as L increases. Results of related simulations These results show that adding CLR to the transmission are consistent with the theory. These simulations are consistent with the theory above. As the impedance of based on a real-life 750kV power transmission line, the CLR is small compared to that of the transmission line, parameters of which are shown in Table 3 the rising rates of switching overvoltage are not As shown above, ω0 and U cm line indeed increases the switching overvoltage which obviously. Actually, switching overvoltage of three phases energizing line with no load and single phase Table 3: Parameters of 750kV Transmission Line reclosing rise by 1.74% and 1.69% separately. The most Line Names Wires Length severe switching overvoltage is 1.79p.u., lower than the Yinchuan~Lanzhou 6×400 400 km limit value in China. Table 6: Switching Overvoltage while Different CLR CLR(Ω) 0 km 80km 160 km 240 km 320 km 400 km 7.85 1.52 p.u. 1.64 p.u. 1.70 p.u. 1.74 p.u. 1.79 p.u. 1.75 p.u. Three Phase 20 1.55 p.u. 1.66 p.u. 1.73 p.u. 1.76 p.u. 1.82 p.u. 1.76 p.u. Energizing 40 1.60 p.u. 1.70 p.u. 1.76 p.u. 1.81 p.u. 1.86 p.u. 1.76 p.u. 60 1.64 p.u. 1.76 p.u. 1.85 p.u. 1.89 p.u. 1.90 p.u. 1.77 p.u. 7.85 1.24 p.u. 1.33 p.u. 1.36 p.u. 1.36 p.u. 1.34 p.u. 1.29 p.u. Single Phase 20 1.23 p.u. 1.37 p.u. 1.38 p.u. 1.40 p.u. 1.39 p.u. 1.28 p.u. Reclosing 40 1.23 p.u. 1.42 p.u. 1.42 p.u. 1.47 p.u. 1.47 p.u. 1.27 p.u. 60 1.24 p.u. 1.44 p.u. 1.44 p.u. 1.49 p.u. 1.48 p.u. 1.29 p.u. Pg. 4 Paper G-41 Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering c 2009 SAIEE, Innes House, Johannesburg Copyright ° ISBN 978-0-620-44584-9 Further more, effects of other CLR are also researched. ( L0 * l + LC )* C0 * l = (l + le ) 2 * L0 C0 Based on Equation 3, as the impedance of CLR (4) increases, the overvoltage will rise as well. Effect of Where l is the length of line; LC is the impedance of CLR with different impedance is shown in Table 6. CLR; le is the length of equivalent line for CLR. As previously stated, it is obvious that installing CLR to Generally, le is much smaller than l, so the quadratic transmission term can be ignored line will increase the switching overvoltage. The up-rate of overvoltage depends on the le = impedance of CLR, especially for 3 phase energizing switching overvlotage. If the impedance of CLR is greater than 20 Ω, it will exceed the limit (1.8 p.u.). LC 2L0 (5) Based on the equation, in the simulations, CLR can be At the same time, a simple method called Equivalent substituted by a segment of line whose length is le. As Circuit Method is developed to estimate the increase of for the 750kV transmission line studied in this section, switching overvoltage cause by CLR. As shown in the inductive reactance of line is 0.2649 Ω/km, so the Equation 2, the increase depends on ω0. CLR leads to length of equivalent line is 14.82km. The simulations’ the total impedance of line rises, which is equivalent to results of Equivalent Circuit Method are shown in Table prolong the transmission line. Correspondingly, CLR 7. can be considered as line for the sake of simplicity. It is As shown below, the error of Equivalent Circuit Method assumed that ω is the oscillation frequency of line is 0.68% and 1.46% for switching overvoltage of 3 with CLR, and ω ' is the oscillation frequency of phase energizing and single phase reclosing separately. equivalent line. ω = ω ' , following equation can be As the error is small, it is a good choice to estimate the derived: switching overvoltage with Equivalent Circuit Method when CLR is installed. Table 7: Switching Overvoltage Results with Different Methods Method 0 km 80km 160 km 240 km 320 km 400 km Three Phase With CLR 992 kV 1069 kV 1113 kV 1138 kV 1167 kV 1145 kV Energizing Equivalent Circuit 954 kV 1056 kV 1114 kV 1145 kV 1159 kV 1146 kV Single Phase With CLR 809 kV 871 kV 885 kV 890 kV 877 kV 839 kV Reclosing Equivalent Circuit 826 kV 890 kV 903 kV 892 kV 902 kV 860 kV Table 8: Power Frequency Overvoltage of 750kV Transmission Line Method 0 km 80km 160 km 240 km 320 km 400 km With CLR 1.11 p.u. 1.15 p.u. 1.18 p.u. 1.21 p.u. 1.22 p.u. 1.23 p.u. No CLR 1.10 p.u. 1.13 p.u. 1.16 p.u. 1.19 p.u. 1.20 p.u. 1.21 p.u. With CLR 1.04 p.u. 1.16 p.u. 1.20 p.u. 1.20 p.u. 1.14 p.u. 1.04 p.u. No CLR 1.05 p.u. 1.16 p.u. 1.20 p.u. 1.20 p.u. 1.14 p.u. 1.04 p.u. With CLR 1.11 p.u. 1.16 p.u. 1.19 p.u. 1.22 p.u. 1.24 p.u. 1.24 p.u. No CLR 1.13 p.u. 1.18 p.u. 1.22 p.u. 1.25 p.u. 1.27 p.u. 1.27 p.u. Power Frequency Single Phase Fault Load Rejection Pg. 5 Paper G-41 Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering c 2009 SAIEE, Innes House, Johannesburg Copyright ° ISBN 978-0-620-44584-9 4 60 nF capacitor used in the original plan can not restrain SIDE EFFECTS OF CLR ON TEMPORARY TRV to the limit perfectly. Researches show 1 μF and OVERVOLTAGE 0.8 μF parallel capacitors installed at each end of line CLR will lead to temporary overvoltage rising as well. respectively can restrain TRV to the limit. Unfortunately, As for unload lossless transmission line, the ratio of these capacitors are too expensive for real project. Thus, voltage at terminal to voltage at head end is [4] further researches are needed to find another proper way U& 1 K12 = 2 = & U1 cos α l X s sin α l − ZC to solve this problem. (6) For switching overvoltage and temporary overvoltage, installing CLR will also lead to a rise of these overvoltages except for single phase fault overvoltage. Where α is phase-shift coefficient, l is the length of line, Researches show that as far as the impedance of CLR ZC is line impedance and Xs is the impedance of CLR. increases, the overvoltage goes up. Equivalent Circuit α = ω L0C0 , Z c = L0 C0 Method introduced in this paper can be used to estimate the switching overvoltage while CLR installed. It is obviously that the power frequency overvoltage will Regardless of TRV or switching overvoltage or rise when CLR installed. In order to determine whether temporary overvlotage, CLR will lead to an increase. As temporary overvoltage will exceed the limit, related a result, simulations are strongly recommended before simulations are made. The line parameters are the same CLR be used to ensure the overvoltage of transmission to those in Section 3 which is shown in Table 3. line below the limit According to Table 8, following conclusions can be 6 drawn: 1) CLR will lead to power frequency overvoltage and load rejection overvoltage increase. 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