G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, KURNOOL Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Electrical Circuits and Simulation Lab Manual R-15 Regulation Prepared by K.Jagadeesh Assistant Professor Dept of EEE Page 1 G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, KURNOOL ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS & SIMULATION LAB I B.Tech EEE-II Sem List of Experiments 1. THEVENIN’S, NORTON’S AND MAXIMUM POWER TRANSFER THEORM 2. VERIFICATION OF SUPERPOSITION THEOREM 3. VERIFICATION OF COMPENSATION THEOREM 4. VERIFICATION OF RECIPROCITY& MILLMAN’S THEOREM 5. LOCUS DIAGRAM OF R-L AND R-C SERIES CIRCUITS. 6. SELF, MUTUAL INDUCTANCES AND CO-EFFICIENT OF COUPLING OF A COUPLED COIL 7. VERIFICATION OF SERIES RESONANCE AND PARALLEL RESONANCE 8. DETERMINATION OF Z & Y PARAMETERS 9. SIMULATION OF DC CIRCUITS USING PSPICE PROGRAMMING.. 10. SIMULATION OF DC TRANSIENTS 11. VERIFICATION OF TELLEGEN’S THEOREM 12. TIME RESPONSE OF FIRST ORDER RC/RL NETWORK FOR NON SINUSOIDAL INPUT Dept of EEE Page 2 G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, KURNOOL THEVENIN’S, NORTON’S THEORMS Aim: - To verify Thevenin’s & Norton’s theorem. Apparatus Required:a) Thevenin’s theorem: b) Norton’s theorem: Bread board Bread board Ammeter’s :(0-10mA) MC –1 No. Ammeter’s :(0-10mA) MC –2 No. Ammeter (0-200ma) MC Regulated power supply (0-30V) Regulated power supply (0-30V) Resistor - 100 Resistors: 2.2K -3No. Resistors: 2.2K -3No. Decade Resistance Box 3.3 K -1No. 3.3 K -1No. Connecting wires 1K -1No. 1K -1No Theory: Procedure: 1) Make the connections as per the circuit shown in fig(1) 2) Switch on the supply, apply Vs=15V by varying regulated power supply and note down reading of load current (IL) in table1. 3) Connections are made as per the circuit shown in fig (2) 4) Switch on the supply, apply Vth=7.5V by varying regulated power supply. (According to calculations), and note down reading of load current IL table 2. 5) And compare Load currents in both cases. Calculations: Dept of EEE Page 3 G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, KURNOOL a) To find Rth: Req=2.2k+(1k*1.5k)|(1k+1.5k) =(2.2+0.6)k =2.8k b) To find Vth : I=Vs / (2.02k) Let, Vs=5v I=(5 / 2.02x103) Vth=I * (2.2 x103) Vth=(5/ 2.02x103) * (1.02 x103)=3V c) Equivalent Thevenin’s circuit: IL =Vth/(Rth+RL) = (3 / 3.8 x103 ) =0.79 mA IL = 0.79 mA Observation Table: Vth(V) Vs(V) Il(mA) T P T P 5 3 2.95 0.77 0.67 10 6 5.97 1.58 1.34 15 9 8.94 2.37 2.04 Norton’s theorem: Dept of EEE Page 4 G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, KURNOOL Theory:- Procedure:1) Make the connections as per the circuit diagram shown in fig (3). 2) Switch on the power supply, apply Vs=15V, by varying regulated power supply and note down the reading of Load current (IL) in table3. 3) Make the connections as per the circuit diagram shown in fig (4) 4) Switch on the power supply, apply IN=ISC by varying the regulated power supply (According to calculations) & note down the reading of load current IL in table 4. 5) And compare Load current in both cases. Calculations: i) To find RN : Req=2.2k+(1k*1.5k)|(1k+1.5k) =(2.2+0.6)k =2.8k \ ii)To find IN : Let Vs=5V, Vth = 3 V According to Duality, Isc= IN =2.8/3.8K = 0.79mA iii) From Equivalent Norton’s Circuit: IL in AB Circuit =(Isc*2.8K )/(1K +2.8 K ) Amps. = 0.79 mA Observation Tables:Dept of EEE Page 5 G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, KURNOOL Isc(mA) Vs(V) Il(mA) T P T P 5 1.07 1.05 0.79 0.71 10 2.14 2.11 1.58 1.41 15 3.21 3.17 2.37 2.25 Result: Thus the Thevenin’s, Norton’s & are verified theoretically and practically. Dept of EEE Page 6 G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, KURNOOL VERIFICATION OF MAXIMUM POWER TRANSFER THEOREM Aim: - To verify maximum power transfer theorem. Apparatus Required:- 1. bread board 2. decade resistance box 3. resistor(100 ohms) Circuit Diagram for DC maximum power transformation: Theory:Procedure: 1.Make the connections as per the circuit diagram shown in figa. 2.Swich on the supply, apply the voltage Vs = 15V. 3.Vary the resistance in DRB in steps of 20 ohms and note down the current readings 4.Current is measured simultaneously and power is calculated. Calculations: - in ammeter. If VS = 5V Pmax = VS2/4RL Dept of EEE Page 7 G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, KURNOOL Pmax = (15)2/4 * 100 =0.562W Observations:S No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 RL (ohms) 100 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 2800 3000 I (mA) 3.1 2.8 2.4 2.1 2.0 1.7 1.7 1.6 P =I2 R (watts) 0.093 3.64 5.76 6.51 7.4 7.14 7.65 7.36 Model Graph:- The graph drawn between load resistance on x-axis & power transferred to load on y-axis . The model graph as shown below. Result: Thus the Maximum power transfer are verified theoretically and practically. Dept of EEE Page 8 G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, KURNOOL VERIFICATION OF SUPERPOSITION THEOREM Aim: To verify Superposition Theorem. Apparatus Required:1) Regulated Power Supply, 0-30V (R.P.S,) 2) Ammeter (0-20mA) MC-1No (0-50mA) MC -1No (0-200mA) MC -2No 3) Resistors--270 , 100 , 390 , 1k -2No, 2.2k . 4) Connecting wires. Circuit Diagram:- Fig.1 Theory:Sample Calculations:Dept of EEE Page 9 G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, KURNOOL case1) Let V1 = 10V & V2 = 20V:10 = 490 I1 + 390 I2 20 = 390 I1 + 660 I2 Solving the above equations, I1 = -7 mA , I2 = 34.4 mA & I3 = 27.4 mA Case2) Let V1 = 10V & V2 = 0 :10 = 490 I1 + 390 I2 0 = 390 I1 + 660 I2 Solving the above equations, I’1 = 38.57 mA , I’2 = -22.82 mA & I’3 = 15.75 mA Case3) Let V1 = 0V & V2 = 20V :0 = 490 I1 + 390 I2 20 = 390 I1 + 660 I2 `Solving the above equations, Hence , I1” = -45.19 mA , I2” = 57.2 mA & I3” = 12 mA I1 = I’1 + I1” I2 = I’2 + I2” I3 = I’3 + I3” Procedure:1) Make the connections as per the circuit diagram shown in fig1 2) Apply the source voltages V1, V2 and note down the current reading I1, I2 & I3. 3) Remove second source by short circuit i.e, V2=0 , then apply only V1 source and note down the current readings I1I, I2I, I3I and tabulate . 4) Remove second source by short circuit i.e,V1=0 , then apply only V2 source and note down the current readings of I1II, I2II, I3II and tabulate. 5) Repeat the experiment for different values of source voltages. Observation Table:- V1() V2 Dept of EEE I1 I2 I3 I1I I2I I3I I1II I2II I3II Page 10 G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, KURNOOL 10 20 - 10 0 - - - 0 20 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Result : Hence the super position theorem is verified theoretically and practically. Dept of EEE Page 11 G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, KURNOOL MILLMAN AND RECIPROCITY THEOREM i) Aim:- To verify the Millman’s and Reciprocity theorem. ii) Apparatus required:a) Millman’s theorem : 1. Rps – (0-30V) dc - 2 no 2. Resistors - 2.2K - 2 no - 1K -1 no - 1.1K -1no 3. Ammeter-(0-20mA) -1 no b) Reciprocity theorem: 1. Rps – (0-30V) dc -2 no 2. Resistors – 270 - 2 no -100 -1 no 3. Ammeter-(0-20mA) -2 no iii) A) Circuit Diagram for Millman’s theorem:- iv) Theory:Sample Calculations: V1 =10 V , V2=15V & R1=R2=2.2K then Vm = [10/2.2 + 15/2.2 ] / [1/2.2 + 1/2.2] = 12.5V Rm = 1 / [1/2.2 + 1/2.2] = 1.1K Load current IL = Vm / [Rm + RL] = 12.5 / [1.1K + 1K] = 5.95 mA v)Procedure:-(Millmans Theorem) 1. Make the connections as per the circuit diagram shown in fig 1. 2. Switch on the supply, apply the source voltages V1=10V& V2=15V. 3. Note down the readings of ammeter and tabulate in table1. 4. Make the connections of equivalent Millman’s circuit as shown in fig 2. 5. Switch on the supply; apply the millman voltage Vm (calculated) and note down readings of ammeter and tabulate in table2. 6. Repeat the experiment at different source voltages and compare the readings. vi)Observation Tables: Dept of EEE Page 12 the G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, KURNOOL Table 1. S.No V1 (volts) 1 10 2 5 3 15 V2 (volts) 15 10 20 IL (mA) Table2.(Millmanequivalent circuit) S.No Vm IL (volts) (mA) 1 12.5 2 3 B) RECIPROCITY THEOREM:- i) Circuit Diagram:- Fig. 2 Fig.3 ii) Theory:- iii) Procedure:1) Make the connections as per the circuit diagram shown in fig2 2) Apply the source voltage Vs=10V, in aa’ branch, Note down the reading of ammeter in table1.connected in bb’ branch. 3) Connections are made as per the circuit diagram shown in fig 3. 4) Apply the source voltage Vs=10V, in bb’ branch, Note down the reading of ammeter in table2. Connected in aa’ branch. Dept of EEE Page 13 G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, KURNOOL 5) The current readings should be equal in both cases and repeat the experiment at different source voltages. iii) Observation Table: Table 1. S.No Voltage (Vs) 1 2 3 10 15 20 Current (mA) Table 2. S.No Voltage (Vs) 1 2 3 Current (mA) 10 15 20 iv) RESULT:- The Milliman’sand reciprocity theorems are verified theoretically and practically. Dept of EEE Page 14 G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, KURNOOL COMPENSATION THEOREM Aim: To verify compensation theorem Apparatus required:1. Rps – (0-30V) dc -2 no 2. Resistors – 270 - 2 no -100 -1 no 3. Ammeter-(0-20mA) -2 no Circuit Diagram for compensation theorem:- Theory:- Procedure:1. Make the connections as per the circuit diagram shown in fig 3. 2. Switch on the supply, apply the source voltages Vs=10V. 3. Note down the readings of ammeter and tabulate in table 3. 4. Make the connections as per the circuit diagram shown in fig 4. 5. Switch on the supply, apply Vref = I100*R100 (calculated) and note down the readings of ammeter and tabulate in table4. 6. Repeat the experiment at different source voltages and compare the readings. Observation Tables: Table 1. S.No Vs (volts) 1 10 2 15 3 20 I100 (mA) IL (mA) Table 2.(Equivalent circuit) S.No Vs Vref=I100*R100 (volts) (mA) 1 10 2 15 3 20 IL (mA) Result:- Hence the compensation theorem is verified. Dept of EEE Page 15 G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, KURNOOL Current Locus Diagram Aim:- To draw the current locus diagram for series RC circuits. Apparatus Required:- 1) Voltmeter - (0-75V)MI 2) Ammeter - (0-1A)MI 3) Wattmeter - 75V / 5A / LPF 4) Capacitor - 33 μF 5) Rheostat - 250 Ohms / 2.5A 6) Auto-transformer – 230V / (0-270V) Circuit Diagram:- Theory:- Procedure:1. 2. 3. 4. Make the connections as per the circuit diagram shown in fig1. Keep the rheostat at maximum resistance position and switch on the supply. Apply the source voltage Vs= 60V at constant value by using variac. Vary the resistance in steps, note down the readings of ammeter, and wattmeter and tabulate the readings. 5. Calculate power factor and phase angle. Formulae:Power Power factor W = V I Cos = Cos = W/VI Observation Table:Dept of EEE Page 16 G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, KURNOOL S.No Vs (Volts) Current (Amps) W (watts) p.f = Cos = W/VI = Cos –1(W/VI) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Model Graph: - Plot the graph between Voltage vector (on X-=axis) and current vector (on yaxis) as shown below. ` Fig 2. Result:- The locus diagram of series RC circuit when the resistance as variable was obtained. Dept of EEE Page 17 G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, KURNOOL SELF AND MUTUAL INDUCTANCES OF A COUPLED COIL Aim: To determine the self and mutual inductances of a given 1-ph transformer and also determine co-efficient of coupling. Apparatus Required: 1.Voltneter - (0-300V) MI 2. Ammeter – (0-1A) MI 3. 1-ph Wattmeter - 2.5A/300V/LPF 4.1-ph Transformer – 1.5KVA, 230/115V. 5. 1-ph variac – 240V / (0-270V) A) i) Circuit Diagram-I: Circuit Diagram-II: Dept of EEE Page 18 G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, KURNOOL Theory: Procedure: 1. Make the connections as per the circuit diagram shown in fig 1. 2. Switch on the supply, Apply the rated voltage of LV winding by varying the autotransformer. 3. Note down the readings of ammeter, voltmeter and wattmeter and tabulate the readings in table1. 4. Make the connections as per the circuit diagram shown in fig 2. 5. Switch on the supply, Apply the rated voltage of HV winding by varying the autotransformer. 6. Note down the readings of ammeter, voltmeter and wattmeter and tabulate the readings in table 2. Calculations: From circuit –I: Wo = V1 Io Cos o Working current, Magnetizing current (or) Cos o = Wo / V1 Io = ------ -- Iw = Io Cos o (amp) = ---------- A Iμ = Io Sin o (amp) = ---------- A Io = √ (Iw2 + Iμ2) a) Self inductance of first coil (LV winding): L1 = V1 / (2Πf Iμ) = ---------- H b) Mutual inductance b/n two coils: M12= E2 / j Iμ= E2 / (2Πf Iμ) = ---------- H From circuit –II: Wo = V1 Io Cos o Working current, Magnetizing current Iw =Io Cos o Iμ = Io Sin o (or) Cos o = Wo / V2 Io = ---------(amp) = ---------- A (amp) == ---------- A c)Self inductance of first coil (LV winding) : L2 = V1 / (2Πf Iμ) = ---------- H d)Mutual inductance b/n two coils: M21= E2 / j Iμ= E2 / (2Πf Iμ) = ---------- H M12 = M21 = M == ---------- H e) Co-efficient of coupling K = M / √ (L1 L2) = ---------- Dept of EEE Page 19 G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, KURNOOL Observation Table: Table 1.(LV side) V1 E2 (volts) (volts) 115 Io (amp) Wo (watts) Table 2.(HV side) V1 E2 (volts) (volts) Io (amp) Wo (watts) 230 Result: The experiment was conducted on a given 1-ph transformer, from this a) Self inductance of first coil (LV winding) b) Self inductance of second coil (HV winding) c) Mutual Inductance between two coils d) Co-efficient of coupling Dept of EEE L1 = ---------L2 = ---------M = ---------K = ---------- H H H Page 20 G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, KURNOOL SERIES RESONANCE AND PARALLEL RESONANCE Aim:-To verify series and parallel resonance for given circuits. Apparatus Required:Series resonance: Bread board Ammeter’s:(0-10mA) MI –1 No. Function generator Volt Meter (0-50) AC Decade Resistance Box: Decade Inductance Box Decade capacitance Box Parallel resonance: Bread board Ammeter’s:(0-10mA) MI –1 Nos. Function generator Volt Meter (0-50) AC Decade Resistance Box: Decade Inductance Box Decade capacitance Box A i) Circuit diagram for Series Resonance: B) Circuit diagram for Parallel resonance: Dept of EEE Page 21 G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, KURNOOL Theory: Formulae: 1 a) Resonant frequency : fo = Hz 2π √LC b) Half power frequencies: f1 = fo – R/ 4πL Hz f2 = fo + R/ 4πL Hz c) Band width: BW = f2 – f1 (or) R/ 2πL d) Q –factor: Procedure-1:(Series Resonance) 1. Make the connections as per the circuit diagram shown in fig1. 2. Apply the sinusoidal voltage of peak-peak value is 10V 3. Vary the frequency of sine wave between 100 Hz – 300 Hz in steps, and note down the readings of ammeter. 4. Tabulate the readings in table1. Procedure-II: :(Parellel Resonance) 1. Make the connections are made as per the circuit diagram shown in fig2. 2. Apply the sinusoidal voltage of peak-peak value is 10V 3. Vary the frequency of sine wave between 100 Hz – 300 Hz in steps, and note down the readings of ammeter. 4. Tabulate the readings in table2. Calculations: R = 100ohms, L = 0.1 H, C = 6.1mf a) Resonant frequency fo = 1/(2π √LC) = ---------- Hz b) Half power frequencies Dept of EEE Page 22 G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, KURNOOL f1 = fo – R/ 4πL = ---------- Hz f2 = fo + R/ 4πL = ---------- Hz c) Band width: d) Q –factor: BW = f2 – f1 (or) R/ 2πL = ---------- Hz = ---------- Observation Table: Table 1: (series resonance) S.NO. Frequency Current (Hz) (mA) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Table 2:(parallel resonance) S.NO. Frequency Current (Hz) (mA) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Model Graph: Draw the graph between frequency Vs current as shown below. Dept of EEE Page 23 G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, KURNOOL Result: Dept of EEE In series resonance circuit, a) Resonant frequency b) Half power frequencies c) Bandwidth BW = d) Q-Factor = In parallel resonance circuit, a) Resonant frequency b) Half power frequencies c) Bandwidth BW = d) Q-Factor = fo = f1 = , f2 = fo = f1 = , f2 = Page 24 G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, KURNOOL DETERMINATION OF Z & Y PARAMETERS Aim:- To determine the open-circuit parameters(Z)and short-circuit parameters (Y). Apparatus Required: 1. Volt meter 2. Ammeters 3. Resistors 4. RPS - (0-15V) MC - (0-100 mA) MC - 390Ω, 270 Ω & 100Ω - (0-30V) DC Circuit diagrams: a) OC Parameters: b) SC Parameters: Theory:- Sample Calculations:When 2-2’ port is open circuited i.e I2 = 0 V1 = 660 I1 ; Z11 = V1 / I1 = 660 ohms V2 = 270 I1 ; Z21 = V2 / I1 = 270 ohms Dept of EEE Page 25 G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, KURNOOL When 1-1’ port is open-circuited i.e I1=0 V1 = 270 I2 ; Z12 = V1 / I2 = 270 ohms V2 = 370 I2 ; Z22 = V2 / I2 = 370 ohms Similarly, Y11 = 1/ Z11 Y21 = 1/Z21 , , Y12 = 1/Z12 Y22 =1/Z22 Procedure:- a) (OC Parameters) 1. Make the connections as per the circuit shown in figure 1. 2. Switch on the supply, and apply the Voltage Vs = 10V. 3. Note down the reading of two ammeters and tabulate and calculate Z11 & Z21. 4. Make the connections as per the circuit shown in figure 2. 5. Switch on the supply, and apply the Voltage Vs = 10V. 6. Note down the reading of two ammeters and tabulate and calculate Z12 & Z22. b) Procedure:- (SCParameters) 1. Make the connections as per the circuit shown in figure 3. 2. Switch on the supply, and apply the Voltage Vs = 10V. 3. Note down the reading of two ammeters and tabulate and calculate Y11 & Y21. 4. Make the connections as per the circuit shown in figure 4. 5. Switch on the supply, and apply the Voltage Vs = 10V. 6. Note down the reading of two ammeters and tabulate and calculate Y12 & Y22. Observation Tables: (OC Parameters). V1(Volts) V2(Volts) I1(amp) 10 I2(amp) Z11 (Ω) Z12(Ω) 0 10 Z21(Ω) Z22(Ω) -- 0 -- -- -- (SC Parameters) V1(Volts) V2(Volts) 10 0 0 10 I1(amp) I2(amp) Y11 (mho) Y12(mho) Y 21(mho) Y 22(mho) --- --- Result: - The open circuit and short circuit parameters are found and as follows, Z11 = Z12= Z21= Z22= Dept of EEE Y11= Y12 = Y21= Y22= Page 26 G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, KURNOOL SIMULATION OF DC CIRCUIT Aim:- To obtain the node voltages, branch currents, power of all voltage sources of a given dc circuit by using PSPICE programming. Apparatus Required:- 1.PC ______ 1 no. 2. PSPICE software _____ 1 no. Circuit Diagram:- Theory:1.DC Analysis:- Calculation of node voltages and branch currents and their quiescent values are the outputs. Eg:- DC sweep voltage (.DC), Small-Signal transfer function (Thevenin’s equivalent) (.TF) DC Small-Signal sensitivities (.SENS) 2.Transient Analysis:- Responses of time-invariant sources and transient analysis of dc and fourier circuits. Eg:- Transient responses _____ (.TRAN) Fourier Analysis _____ (.FOUR) 3.AC Analysis:- (.AC) & (.NOISE) etc. Dept of EEE Page 27 G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, KURNOOL PSPICE PROGRAM :VS 1 0 DC 20V IS 0 4 DC 50MA R1 1 2 500 R2 2 5 800 R3 2 3 1000 R4 4 0 200 VX 3 0 DC 0V VY 5 4 DC 0V OP END : DC Voltage source of 20V between 1& 0 nodes : DC Current source of 50mA between 4 & 0 nodes : Resistance of 500ohms between 1 & 2 nodes : Resistance of 800ohms between 5 & 2 nodes : Resistance of 1000ohms between 2 & 3 nodes : Resistance of 200ohms between 4 & 0 nodes : Measure current through R3 : Measure current through R2 : Directs the bias point to the output file. : End of the program. Result:The node voltages, branch currents, power of all voltage sources of a given dc circuit are obtained. Dept of EEE Page 28 G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, KURNOOL SIMULATION OF TRANSIENT CIRCUITS Aim:- To obtain the simulation result of a given series RLC circuit with different inputs using PSPICE programming. Appartus Required:- 1.PC ________ 2. PSPICE software ________ 1 no. 1 no. Circuit Diagram:- Theory:- Pspice allows the various types analysis as follows: 1.DC Analysis:- Calculation of node voltages and branch currents and their quiescent values are the outputs. Eg:- DC sweep voltage (.DC), Small-Signal transfer function (Thevenin’s equivalent) (.TF) DC Small-Signal sensitivities (.SENS) 2.Transient Analysis:- Responses of time-invariant sources and transient analysis of dc and fourier circuits. Eg:- Transient responses _____ (.TRAN) Fourier Analysis _____ (.FOUR) 3.AC Analysis:- (.AC) & (.NOISE) etc. Dept of EEE Page 29 G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, KURNOOL PSPICE PROGRAM :- a) Pulse Input:VS 1 0 pulse (-5 5 IN IN 1M 2M) : Pulse input with specifications R 1 2 2 : Resistance of 2ohms between 1 & 2 points L 2 3 50U : Inductance of 50 micro –H between 2 & 3 points C 3 0 50U : Capacitance of 10 micro-F between 2 & 3 points TRAN IN 4M : Transient response of RLC circuit PROBE : Representation in graphs END : End of the program b) Step Input:VS 1 0 PWL(0 0 100N 1) R 1 2 2 L 2 3 50U C 3 0 50U TRAN IN 4M PROBE End : Step input with specifications : Resistance of 2ohms between 1 & 2 points : Inductance of 50micro-H between 2 & 3 points : Capacitance of 10micro-F between 2 & 3 points : Transient response of RLC circuit : Representation in graphs : End of the program c)Sinusoidal Input:VS 1 0 SIN(0 10 1K) R 1 2 2 L 2 3 50U C 3 0 50U TRAN IN 4M END : Sinusoidal input with specifications : Resistance of 2 ohms between 1 & 2 points : Inductance of 50 micro-H between 2 & 3 points : Capacitance of 10 micro-F between 2 & 3 points : Transient response of RLC circuit : End of the program d)Exponential Input:VS 1 0 EXP(0.5 1 0.1N 1 1.5N) : Exponential input with specifications R 1 2 2 : Resistance of 2ohms between 1 & 2 points L 2 3 50U : Inductance of 50 micro –H between 2 & 3 points C 3 0 50U : Capacitance of 10 micro-F between 2 & 3 points TRAN IN 4M : Transient response of RLC circuit PROBE : Representation in graphs END : End of the program Result:- The simulation results of series RLC circuits are obtained and recorded. Dept of EEE Page 30 G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, KURNOOL VERIFICATION OF TELLEGEN’S THEOREM Aim: - To verify Tellegen’s theorem. Apparatus Required: Bread board Ammeter’s :(0-10mA) MC –1 No. Regulated power supply (0-30V) Resistors: 2.2K -3No. 3.3 K -1No. 1K -1No. . CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: Theory: Procedure: 1) Make the connections as per the circuit shown in fig. 2) Switch on the supply, apply Vs=10V by varying regulated power supply and note down reading of load current (IL),V1,V2&V3 in table. 3) Repeat step-2 for Vs=15V and Vs=20V. 4) Calculate the algebraic sum of powers in all three branches. Calculations: Applied voltage Vs=10V Total resistance in the circuit Req=5.4KΩ Current in the circuit I= Dept of EEE Vs =1.85mA Req Page 31 G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, KURNOOL Voltage drop in 2.2KΩ, V1=4.07V Voltage drop in 2.2KΩ, V2=4.07V Voltage drop in 1KΩ, V3=1.85V sum of the powers in all three branches, 3 Vk i K = v1i1 v 2 i2 v 3 i3 v s i s =7.53+7.53+3.42-18.5=0 Watt k 1 Observation Table: S.No. Vs(volts) 1 2 3 15 20 10 IL(mA) V1(volts) V2(volts) V3(volts) Result: Thus the Tellegen’s theorem is verified theoretically and practically. Dept of EEE Page 32