Emmanuel shares his thoughts


The Introduction to my Journey……..

Everything …virtually everything rises and falls…on Leadership (John C. Maxwell)

If this saying was not so apparent to me as a young man studying his way through medical college or as an intern passionately chasing investigation results, it sure does now!

The effects of poor leadership (or its complete absence) are so tangible to me now. One would need a mind-altering substance to deny the problem.

So I've asked myself why ISQua chose the words 'The Emerging Leader' and not any of the possible variant. Perhaps a thousand other options exists but…

The more I looked around me, met with people in and out of organizations, the more I sat in meetings and brainstormed on problems that plague the healthcare industry… the more I agree with the choice of words. This is a simple deliberate choice but one with deep meaning.

Why do we have people in governance who are everything but not leaders?

Why do we have absent-minded managers who are completely disconnected from the visions of their organizations?

Why do we have our scarce resources being poorly managed?

Why are medical errors on the rise daily while the health workforce persistently looks the other way?

The questions are endless but the answer is rooted in a seemingly simple concept- it all rises and falls on Leadership!

From personal leadership to corporate leadership, the needs are real and unavoidably present!

So again, here comes ISQua, to change, to pioneer, to make a difference, to create awareness but not passively. ISQua rises to the challenge again…taking the bull by its horns…contributing passionately to reduce the burden of the problem.

The Emerging Leader program is a commitment to raise leaders who would be supported, encouraged, motivated to:

Model the Way by committing to find their voice and set the example


Inspire a Shared Vision through envisioning the future and enlisting others

Challenge the Process by searching for opportunities, experiment and take risks

Enable Others to Act as they foster collaboration and strengthen others


Empower the Heart through the creation of systems that recognize contributions and celebrate values/victories.

Frequently going through this well-articulated work of Kouzes and Posner on the Leadership Practices

Inventory, I am compelled to look inwards and appreciate this opportunity to be empowered and supported to lead.

Also as I meditated on a recently published article, which compared Emerging Leaders to Emerging

Markets, my heart was overwhelmed again for the amazing opportunity given by ISQua for me to lead…so the story begins…

Emmanuel Aiyenigba

November 2014
