SHORT PAPER International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol 2, No. 7, November 2009 Voltage Profile Improvement Using Static Var Compensators (SVC) And Thyristor Controlled Voltage Regulator (TCVR) M.Arun Bhaskar1 C.Subramani2 M.Jagdeesh Kumar3 Dr.S.S.Dash4 Dr.P.Chidambaram5 1 Senior Lecturer , Department of EEE, Velammal Engineering College, Chennai, India Email: Senior Lecturer2, Assistant Professor3, Professor5, Department of EEE, Velammal Engg. College, India Email:,, Professor4, Department of EEE, SRM University, Chennai, India Email: Abstract - The voltage level of the system changes when SVC and the power system. The power system is there is change in load and the drop in the load voltage leads modeled as an equivalent voltage source Vs, behind to an increased demand for the reactive power that, if not equivalent system impedance Xs, as viewed from the met by the power system leads to a further decline in the SVC terminals. The system impedance Xs indeed bus voltage. This decline eventually leads to a progressive corresponds to the short circuit MVA at the SVC bus and rapid decline of voltage at that location, which may have a is obtained as [12, 13] cascading effect on neighboring regions that causes voltage collapse. 2 In this paper, FACTS controllers such as Static VAr Compensators (SVC) and Thyristor Controlled Voltage Regulators (TCVR) are used to maintain the voltage with in the limits. SVC will either supply the reactive power or extract the reactive power and the TCVR will inject series voltage at the load end so as to avoid voltage collapse. Smooth variation of reactive power is possible by controlling the firing angle of the thyristors. SVC and TCVR models are developed and tested in IEEE test system, and the outputs are given. xs = sc (1) Where Sc = the 3 phase short circuit MVA at the SVC bus Vb = the base line to line voltage MVAb = the base MVA of the system If the SVC draws a reactive current Isvc then in the absence of the SVC voltage regulator the SVC bus voltage is given by Vs=Vsvc + Isvc Xs (2) The SVC current thus results in a voltage drop of IsvcXs in phase with the system voltage Vs. the SVC bus voltage decreases with the inductive SVC current and increases with the capacitive current. [3]Equation represents the power system characteristic or the system load line. This equation implies that the SVC is more effective in controlling the voltage in the weak bus system and less effective in strong ac systems (low Xs) The voltage control action in the linear range is described as Vsvc = Vref + XSLISVC (3) Where Isvc is positive if inductive, negative if capacitive Index Terms - FACTS, Voltage Stability, TCVR, SVC I. INTRODUCTION In recent years, greater demands have been placed on the transmission network, and these demands will continue to increase because of the increasing number of non utility generators and heightened competition among utilities themselves. Added to this is the problem that it is very difficult to acquire new rights of way. Increased demands on transmission, absence of long term planning and the need to provide open access to generating companies and customers, all together have created tendencies towards less security and reduced quality of supply. The FACTS technology is essential to alleviate some but not all of these difficulties by enabling utilities to get the most service from their transmission facilities and enhance grid reliability. It must be stressed, however, that for many of the capacity expansion needs, building of new lines or upgrading current and voltage capability III. VOLTAGE REGULATION BY THYRISTOR CONTROLLED VOLTAGE REGULATOR The basic concept of voltage regulation is the addition of an appropriate in-phase component to the prevailing terminal (bus) voltage in order to change (increase or decrease) its magnitude to the value specified (or desired). Thus voltage regulation could theoretically be achieved by a synchronous in-phase voltage source with controllable amplitude, ± ∆ V, in series with the ac system and the regulated terminal. II. VOLTAGE CONTROL BY THE SVC The voltage control action of the SVC can be explained through a simplified block representation of the 86 © 2009 ACADEMY PUBLISHER vb SHORT PAPER International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol 2, No. 7, November 2009 after 5 cycles TCVR is connected in the load bus and the voltage amplitude is increased from 4.4kV to 4.9kV. igure. 5 Simulation Model of SVC Figure. 12 Voltage profile improvement in 7th bus of IEEE 14 Bus system using TCVR IV. SIMULATION RESULTS B. MODELLING OF TCVR TCVR is considered as the common voltage regulator. It is able to smoothly vary voltage magnitude with a tap changing in the control range of –αmin < αl <α max A static model of TCVR with a tap ratio is connected in a series impedance of the distribution line The TCVR operates by inserting an in-phase voltage to the main bus voltage so as to change its magnitude. It is modeled by an ideal tap changer transformer in series with the branch. Its value depends on the main bus voltage magnitude Vb of the line in which the device is located. The additional voltage is in the range -0.15 Vb ≤ VTCVR ≤ 0.15 Vb p.u C. SVC CONNECTED IN AN IEEE 14 BUS SYSTEM SVC with PI controller is used in the closed loop system and depending on the load the firing angle is adjusted automatically and the voltage is maintained with in the limit. The initial load connected is 5+j50*10-3.After 10 cycles another load of 2.5+j25*10-3 is included and there will be dip in the voltage level from 5kV to 4.4kV and after 5 cycles SVC is connected in the 7th bus and the voltage amplitude is increased from 4.4kV to 5kV. Figure. 9 Voltage profile improvement in 7th Bus of IEEE 14 Bus system using SVC D. TCVR CONNECTED IN IEEE 14 BUS SYSTEM TCVR with PI controller is used in the closed loop system and depending on the load the firing angle is adjusted automatically and the voltage is maintained with in the limit. The initial load connected is 5+j50*10-3.After 10 cycles another load of 2.5+j25*10-3 is included and there will be dip in the voltage level from 5kV to 4.4kV and Figure. 6 Simulation model of TCVR E. SVC CONNECTED IN AN IEEE 30 BUS SYSTEM SVC with PI controller is used in the closed loop system and depending on the load the firing angle is adjusted automatically and the voltage is maintained with in the limit. The initial load connected is 5+j50*10-3.After 10 cycles another load of 2.5+j25*10-3 is included and there will be dip in the voltage level from 5.2 kV to 4kV and after 5 cycles SVC is connected in the load bus and the voltage amplitude is increased from 4kV to 5.2kV. Figure. 15 Voltage profile improvement in 7th bus of IEEE 30 Bus system using SVC F. TCVR CONNECTED IN AN IEEE 30 BUS SYSTEM TCVR with PI controller is used in the closed loop system and depending on the load the firing angle is adjusted automatically and the voltage is maintained with in the limit. The initial load connected is 5+j50*10-3.After 10 cycles another load of 2.5+j25*10-3 is included and there will be dip in the voltage level from 5kV to 3.5kV and 87 © 2009 ACADEMY PUBLISHER SHORT PAPER International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol 2, No. 7, November 2009 [4] IEEE Special Stability Controls Working Group,” Static Var compensator Models for Power Flow and Dynamic Performance Simulation”, IEEE Trans.on Power Systems, Vol.9, pp229-240, Feb 1994 [5] G.M.Huang and P.Yan,” The impacts of TCSC and SVC on power system and load curtailments”, Power Engineering Society Summer Meeting, Vol 1, pp.33-37, July,2001 [6] E.Acha, V.G.Agelidis,, Power Electronic Control in Electrical Systems, Cornwall: MPG Books Ltd, 2002 [7] Paul M.Anderson and A.A.Fouad, Power System Control and Stability, New York: IEEE Press, pp.37-39, 1994 [8]Hingorani, N.G.”Flexible AC Transmission”, IEEE Spectrum, Vol.30, pp.40-45, April 1993 [9] L.Gyugyi,” Power electronics in electric utilities: static VAR compensators “, Proceedings of the IEEE, vol.76, pp.483-494, April 1988 [10] M.R.Iravani and Maratukulam.D,”Review of semiconductor controlled phase shifters for power system applications”, IEEE Transaction on power systems, vol.9, pp.1833-1839, Nov 1994 [11] Dr.P.S.Bimbhra,”Power Electronics”, pg 680- 684, Khanna Publishers, 2006 [12] Narain G. Hingorani, Laszlo Gyugyi., “Understanding FACTS: Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems”, IEEE Press,1999 [13] R. Mohan Mathur, Rajiv K. Varma, “Thyristor-Based FACTS Controllers for Electrical Transmission Systems”,Wiley, 2002 after 5 cycles TCVR is connected in the load bus and the voltage amplitude is increased from 3.5kV to 4.5kV. Figure.17 Voltage profile improvement in 7th bus of IEEE 30 Bus system using TCVR G. COMBINED OPERATION In Combined operation, for 10% fall in voltage TCVR will inject the reactive power and improve the voltage profile and if the voltage sag is more than 10%, then for the first 10% TCVR will act and there after SVC will supply the reactive power so as to maintain the voltage value with in the limit. Figure.19 Voltage profile improvement in combined operation of SVC & TCVR V. CONCLUSION In this paper SVC and TCVR are simulated using MATLAB simulink technique. These two devices improve the voltage profile; both are used at the load end to maintain the voltage with in the prescribed limit. SVC is connected in parallel with the load and TCVR gives series injection. For small variation in the voltage TCVR acts and for large variation SVC works so as to increase the voltage to the desired value. In coordinated control for the first 10% variation in the voltage TCVR injects the voltage in-phase with the prevailing bus voltage and if the variation is more than 10%, for the first 10% TCVR works and thereafter SVC injects the reactive power so as to maintain the voltage. These have been tested in IEEE 14 and IEEE 30 bus system and the results obtained found to be satisfactory. VI. 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