Nathan W. Erickson – Ph.D. - UT Direct

Nathan W. Erickson – Ph.D.
The University of Texas at Austin - CNS
120 Inner Campus Drive G2500
Austin, TX 78712-0264
512-232-1076 (Office)
The University of Texas at Austin (2011-Current)
Postdoc in Physics Education
The University of Texas at Austin (2003-2011)
Ph.D. Physics (Spring 2011)
Michigan Technological University (1999-2003)
B.S. Physics
Minor in Psychology
Employment Interest
Apply scientific research and techniques in the field of Physics Education Research (PER) into everyday
teaching and further raise the quality of higher education in physics
Work with existing condition to find a time efficent and inexpensive way of implementing PER methods
Educating and training physics students and physicist in physics education research to ensure further
Research History
Postdoc at The University of Texas at Austin.
Hybrid Learning in Physics and STEM fields using the Quest system.
Graduate Student at The University of Texas at Austin.
Nonlinear Optical Properties using Femtosecond Spectroscopy of Nanomaterials. Production of Metallic
Nanoparticles using Laser Ablation of Microparticles (LAM). Time-Of-Flight Spectroscopy of Nanomaterials.
Undergraduate Student at Michigan Technological University.
Raman Spectroscopy of low concentration gases using a multipass cell and an atomic filter.
REU Student at Center for Research and Education in Optics and Lasers at the Unviersity of Central Florida.
Quality Characterization of Alexandrite Laser Crystals using Multiple Wavelength Michealson
Teaching History
Lecturer at The University of Texas at Austin
Instructor of Record for non-calculus intro Physics (Phy 302K and 302L).
Head Teaching Assistant at The University of Texas at Austin.
Supervised and trained 3-7 Teaching Assistants per semesters, resolving any issues that arise in any section,
maintaining and revising the laboratory manual, maintaining and replacing obsolete and damaged
equipment, development of new labs (Phy 102M).
Teaching Assistant at The University of Texas at Austin.
Instructor of an introductory physics laboratory (kinematics) for non-majors (Phy 102M and 103M).
Tutor for the NSF sponcered Upward Bound program at Northern Michigan University
Served as a tutor and assistant instructor for the program specifically in a hands-on laboratory for rocketry
Subsitute Science and Math Teacher at Father Marquette Middle School in Marquette, MI.
Substute taught seventh and eighth grade math and science.
Swim Instructor at Marquette Senior High School in Marquette, MI.
Taught swim lessons for children from ages 5-15.
Solid understanding of a wide range of physical sciences: physical chemistry, atomic, molecular and
optical physics, and scientific instrumentation.
Laboratory and mechanical skills related to the design, construction and operation of research in
atomic, molecular and optical physics. In detail, experience designing and building laboratory
electronics, laser optics, ultra-high vacuum equipment, laser ablation spectroscopy, ion optics, time of
flight mass spectroscopy (linear and reflectron time-of-flight), fluorescence spectroscopy, time
correlated methods, time and frequency resolved measurements, imaging, computer control of
Understanding of current research in Physics Education Research and application of some techniques in
this field
Mathematical and numerical analysis skills, data modelling and fitting in both Physics and Psychology
Capable presenter of scientific progress and technical material.
Additional Skills
Intimate knowledge of the Quest Learning and Assessment System at UT.
Experience with a range of lasers and optics, techniques of ultra-high vacuum design and generation,
particle detection and spectroscopy in electric fields
Familiarity and experience with Fedral and State compliance laws such as FERPA
Trained in Tranmistion Electron Microspcopy (TEM) including Bright field, Dark Field, Selected area
diffraction, etc.
Trained in metal machining techniques such as Milling machines, Lathes, Band Saws, etc.
Workable knowledge of Mathamatica, Origin, Microsoft Products (Word, Excel, and Powerpoint), AutoCAD
Basic skill in HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript, LaTeX and TeX.
Personable leadership style. Patient teacher.
Presented and Published Works
Contributed Talk for AAPT Winter meeting –Decreasing Cost, Increasing Gains: Initial Data From a Flipped
Class (New Orleans 2013)
Invited Guest Speaker for Phy 398T – Supervised Teaching Seminar for Graduate Students (Each semester
of 2007-current)
N. Erickson: Size distributions and nonlinear optical enhancement of silver nanoparticles produced by LAM
Dissertation, The University of Texas at Austin (May 2011)
N. Erickson, K. Hoffman, J. Keto: Invesitgation of the size distribution of nanoparticles produced by Laser
Ablation of Microparticles, Proceedings of the APS Texas Section Fall Meeting in San Antonio, TX (2010)
N. Erickson: A Novel Use of Wikipedia in the Instruction of Introduction Physics Labs for Non-majors,
Proceedings of the APS Texas Section and AAPT Spring Meeting in Austin, TX (2010)
Physics 102M Laboratory Manual, Multiple Revisions, The University of Texas at Austin Physics
Department, (2006-2010)
N. Erickson,: Tips and tricks of the trade: Teaching suggestions according to Prof. Joe Redish, Discussion for
the Physics Education Forum, University of Texas at Austin (2010)
N. Erickson,: Comparing Lab Formats and Logistics Across UT Physics Department Courses, Discussion for
the Physics Education Forum, University of Texas at Austin (2009)
Professional Affiliations
Member of the American Physical Society (APS)
Member of the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT)
Active contributing member of the Physics Education Forum at the University of Texas at Austin
Participant in the Gender and Minority Panel Discussion for APS at The Univ. of Texas at Austin
Professional Service
Graduate Mentor for incoming Graduate Physics Students – August 2008 to 2011
Private Tutoring in Physics and Mathematics – 2002 to Present
Science Fair Judge at Lee Elementary School – February 2011
Science Fair Judge at Forest Trail Elementary School – January 2008
Personal Information
Born in Marquette, MI
Citizenship: United States of American