Change Request System in CROW Outage Scheduler Midwest ISO Session Goal Clarify requirements and expectations in CROW’s Change Request System 2 Introduction Review of the Change Request System – The three types of Change Requests – Who does what with a Change Request – Best practices 3 CROW Change Request System The system within CROW that “documents” any change requested for an outage – Who requested the change – When the change was requested – Why the change was necessary 4 CHANGE REQUEST TYPES Three Types of Change Requests • Request Change – use prior to the Implementation Status • Request Schedule Change – use during the Implementation Status • Cancel Request – use to cancel an outage request once the request is beyond the Submitted Status and prior to implementation 6 Request Change CROW allows TOs and GOs to submit a Request Change Prior to Implementation Status in one of these states: • Submit • Study • Pre-approved • Approved (if not previously implemented) 7 Request Change Only the Planned Start date/time has a restriction: • Planned Start date/time can be modified if the outage submission rules allow the submission of a new outage request • Planned End date/time, equipment, notes, etc., can all be modified Note: Cannot submit a Change Request to change only the comment field in an Outage Request (should be removed with next crow release) 8 Request Schedule Change Use during the Implementation Status • Modify Planned End date/time only • Two types are available • Non-Forced - schedule change is a request; subject to Midwest ISO approval • Forced - Schedule change is unavoidable under given circumstances and is acknowledged by Midwest ISO 9 Request Cancel Use to cancel… • Entire request or a single period of an outage request and • is beyond the Submitted Status and prior to the Implemented Status NOTE: Request Cancel requests must be acknowledged by Midwest ISO before the outage changes to the canceled status 10 Recap • Three types of Change Requests: Request Change, Request Schedule Change, and Cancel Request • Submit Request Change allowed prior to Implementation status: Submit, Study, PreApproved, and Approved (if not implemented) • Request Schedule Change: during Implementation status • Request Cancel: Beyond Submitted and prior to Implemented 11 RESPONSIBILITIES WITHIN CROW CHANGE REQUEST Change Request Responsibilities Who submits change requests? – Primary • the TO/GO should submit the change requests – Secondary • submitted by Midwest ISO on requestor’s behalf when necessary NOTE: Change Request System TO/GO capabilities limited based on outage request Priority and type of changes desired 13 Change Request Responsibilities Who at the Midwest ISO monitors change requests? • The role responsible for the outage request in the time frame when the change request is submitted is responsible for monitoring and dispensing of the change request • This is the same as outage study/approve responsibility time frame 14 Who Monitors Change Requests? Role Monitors For… ROE CRs on outages in progress or planned to start same day and into next day TSP CRs on outages starting the next day or weekends OCE CRs on outage starting next business day forward Role Definitions ROE – Regional Operations Engineer TSP – Transmission Security Planning Engineer OC – Outage Coordination Engineer 15 Response to Change Requests… Change Requests submitted for an outage two or more business days in advance of the start date… – Midwest ISO treats these in the same manner as a new outage request – Midwest ISO cannot guarantee automatic acceptance since a reliability assessment/study must be conducted prior to accepting any change request – Midwest ISO will respond as soon as practical, and within the time period allowed for study of a new outage request – Under extenuating circumstances, the GOP/TOP may contact/call the Outage Coordination Engineer and request expedited processing of the change request 16 Response to Change Requests… Change Requests submitted for an outage day prior to the planned start date… – Midwest ISO cannot guarantee automatic acceptance since a reliability assessment/study must be conducted prior to accepting any change request – Midwest ISO will respond as soon as practical, normally within 12 hours or midnight day prior (whichever comes first) – Under extenuating circumstances, the GOP/TOP may contact/call the TSP Engineer and request expedited processing of the change request 17 Response to Change Requests… Change Requests submitted for an outage applicable same day… – Midwest ISO cannot guarantee automatic acceptance since a reliability assessment/study must be conducted prior to accepting any change request – Midwest ISO will respond as soon as practical, normally within 4 hours – Under extenuating circumstances, the GOP/TOP may contact/call the Regional Operations Engineer and request expedited processing of the change request 18 Recap • TO/GO submits Change Requests, with Midwest ISO submitting on requestor’s behalf when necessary • The role responsible for the outage request in the time frame when the change request is submitted is responsible for monitoring and dispensing of the change request 19 BEST PRACTICES Best Practices for TO & GO Customers • Outage Operations at Midwest ISO are handled by different teams depending on the time frame – using a change request versus a new outage submission is determined by understanding the Midwest ISO time frames • If the original outage schedule will not proceed if a change request is denied, consider canceling and submitting a new request • A Change Request is best used for incremental changes 21 Best Practices – Improper Use • Request Change to modify the Priority of a planned outage, specifically to move to Emergency or Forced – Submit a new forced outage request and implement, follow up with a cancel request for the planned outage • Modify the Derate level of an implemented outage – Complete the current outage in progress and submit a new outage and implement for 1 minute after the previous completion time Note: the Midwest ISO is currently working to provide changes to better handle Derate outages 22 Best Practices – New Outage Request ? My change request was Denied and I was asked to submit a new outage request… When a Midwest ISO engineer/operator cannot respond to the change request (i.e. perform the necessary evaluation) in the time available and required for a response: – Outages must be canceled in order to prevent impact • in the day-ahead and FRAC markets • in next day security assessments – TO/GO must submit a new outage request • Planned if appropriate otherwise as an Opportunity NOTE: Midwest ISO engineer can submit an Opportunity outage for the TO, if within 24 hours 23 Best Practices ? Should I submit a change request or new outage request? If the Midwest ISO team responsible for study and approval of the outage timeframe is the same as the new change timeframe: a change request may be used – Example: ROE is monitoring outage to start today • One hour prior to the planned start of the outage a change request comes in to reschedule the outage out 1 week • Change request will likely be denied, it is not within the ROE study horizon NOTE: Outage Coordination will study/approve an outage in this time frame 24 Best Practices Outages Pending Implementation – when planned start of the original request is greater than 2 business days out submit a Change Request – Exception - advancing the Planned Start into Real-Time, then contact the Operations Engineer desk 25 Best Practices When planned start date is the same day, next day, or over the weekend… – Use a Change Request* when Delay the planned start out one day or within the previous approved outage window – Cancel the original request and submit a new outage request when Delay the start of the outage by several days or outside the previously approved outage window (this is not within the ROE and TSP study horizon) *May need to contact Operations Desk for assistance submitting the change request depending on outage Category and Priority 26 Recap • A Change Request is best used for incremental changes • Improper use: 1. modify the Priority of a planned outage to Emergency or Forced and 2. modify the Derate level of an implemented outage • If the Midwest ISO team responsible for study and approval of the outage timeframe is the same as the new change timeframe: a Change Request may be used 27 Transmission & Generation Outage Submission Timeline REFERENCE Transmission Submittal Timelines Outage Class Reference Table Outage Class Submittal Timeline Class I at least 14 Calendar Days in advance of the planned start date Class II at least 7 Calendar Days in advance of the planned start date Class III at least 48 hours in advance of the planned start date Class V by 1400 hours EST the day prior to the outage 29 Transmission Outage Submission Time Requirements Priority E.R.T. Fac. Class Lead Time Reqd. Planned OOS,ISNO Class I > 14 days OOS, ISNO Class II > 7 days OOS, ISNO Class III > 24 hours GSP All > 48 hours HLW, INFO All > 24 hours OOS,ISNO Class I 24 hours to 14 days OOS, ISNO Class II 24 hours to 7 days OOS, ISNO Class III > 24 hours HLW, GSP, INFO All > 24 hours Discretionary All All > 24 hours Urgent All Class I 24 hours to 14 days All Class II 24 hours to 7 days Emergency All All < 24 hours Forced All All < Present System Time Opportunity 30 Generation Outage Submission Time Requirements Priority E.R.T. Fac. Class Lead Time Reqd. Planned OOS All > 48 hours Derate To, ECON All > Present System Time All All 24 hours to 7 days Emergency All All < 24 hours Forced All < Present System Time Urgent All 31 QUESTIONS ? Thank you! 32