MITSUMI Temperature Switch IC With Enable MM3588 Temperature Switch IC With Enable Monolithic IC MM3588 Outline This IC is a a temperature switch IC that senses the IC ambient temperature and switches the IC output from the Low to the High level when there is a detected temperature. With the hysteresis circuit,IC output level keeps High until the ambient temperature falls to hysteresis temperature after detection. The detection temperature can be selected in the range of 60°C TDET 90°C at 1.0°C steps using rank expansion,with detection temperature accuracy of ±2.0°C. Features 1. Low current consumption (Typ. 1.5µA) 2. With enable function pin 3. Low operating power supply voltage (Operating voltage 1.6~5.0V) Package SSON-6J Applications 1. 2. 3. 4. Mobile phone Video games Laptops System temperature monitoring. etc. • Any products mentioned in this catalog are subject to any modification in their appearance and others for improvements without prior notification. • The details listed here are not a guarantee of the individual products at the time of ordering. When using the products, you will be asked to check their specifications. MITSUMI Temperature Switch IC With Enable MM3588 Model Name M M 3 5 8 8 1 3 4 E 2 Detecitng Temperature (TDET) 60 TDET=60°C TDET is 1.0°C steps 90 TDET=90°C 3 Package SSON-6J R R ~ 1 Hysteresis Temperature (THYS) A THYS=5.0°C B THYS=10°C C THYS=15°C 2 R R L 4 Packing Specifications R HOUSING (Standard) L HOUSING Block Diagram VDD CE Reference Voltage Source DET Noise Rejection Circuit Logic Circuit Temperature Sensor TEST GND Pin Assignment 6 5 4 1 2 3 SSON-6J (TOP VIEW) 1 2 3 4 5 6 TEST GND CE DET N.C. VDD Exposed Die Pad 1 1 : The tab on the center of the bottom face is connected to the IC substrate inside the package. To use the device, it should be shorted to GND or OPEN. • Any products mentioned in this catalog are subject to any modification in their appearance and others for improvements without prior notification. • The details listed here are not a guarantee of the individual products at the time of ordering. When using the products, you will be asked to check their specifications. MITSUMI Temperature Switch IC With Enable MM3588 Pin Description Pin No. Pin Name Function Internal Equivalent Circuit 1 1 TEST 2 Testing pin GND 2 GND Ground pin VDD ON/OFF-CONTROL PIN 3 CE CE L H 3 DET OFF ON 3 High Inpedance Standard Mode GND 4 4 DET Temp. Detect Output Pin GND 5 6 N.C. VDD NO CONNECTION Power supply pin 2 : Testing pin is connected with the internal circuit for testing. When resistance and capacity are connected with Testing pin, this product produce improper operating signals. Please set Testing pin to the open state. 3 : If any inputs are left open, since the input potential is undefined, the output logic level will be undefined, creating an unstable operating state. Connect CE pin with VDD pin, when it is not used. Absolute Maximum Ratings Item Symbol Ratings Units Supply voltage VDDmax −0.3~6.0 V DET output voltage VDETmax −0.3~6.0 V CE input voltage VCEmax −0.3~6.0 V Junction temperature TjMAX 150 °C Storage temperature Tstg −55~150 °C Power dissipation Pd 250 mW Recommended Operating Conditions Item Symbol Ratings Units Operating ambient temperature Topr −30~125 °C Operating voltage VDD 1.6~5.0 V • Any products mentioned in this catalog are subject to any modification in their appearance and others for improvements without prior notification. • The details listed here are not a guarantee of the individual products at the time of ordering. When using the products, you will be asked to check their specifications. MITSUMI Temperature Switch IC With Enable MM3588 Electrical Characteristics (Except where noted otherwise Ta=25°C) Item Symbol Measurement conditions Operating supply voltage VDD TDET=60~90°C 1.6 Detecting temperature accuracy 5 TDETAC VDD=1.8V −2.0 THYS=5.0°C 2.5 5.0 7.5 THYS=10°C 7 10 13 THYS=15°C 10.5 15.0 19.5 1.5 Hysteresis temperature 6 THYS Min. Typ. Max. Units CE=VDD, Ta=+25°C 1.8 4 5.0 V 2.0 °C A °C A 2.0 µA B 0.1 µA C mA D Supply current IDD DET sink current IDETL VDET=0.4V DET leak current ILEAK VDET=5.0V 0.1 µA E CE input current ICE VCE=H Level 0.1 µA F CE high threshold voltage VCEH VCE=H Level 1.4 VDD+0.3 V G CE low threshold voltage VCEL VCE=L Level 0 0.2 V G CE response time tCER 200 µs H Noise rejection time tnoise Ta=60~90°C 250 500 µs A VDD start-up response time tVSR RPULL-UP=1MΩ 100 500 µs I CE=GND, Ta=+25°C 4 12 4 : The test circuit symbols. 5 : Detection temperature can be selected in 1.0°C steps (60~90°C). 6 : Hysteresis temperature can be selected in 5.0°C steps (5.0°C, 10°C, 15°C). • Any products mentioned in this catalog are subject to any modification in their appearance and others for improvements without prior notification. • The details listed here are not a guarantee of the individual products at the time of ordering. When using the products, you will be asked to check their specifications. MITSUMI Temperature Switch IC With Enable MM3588 Measuring Circuit A. Detecting Temperature B. Supply Current IDD A VDD CE 0.1µF 1.8V 1.8V DET MM3588 TEST GND VDD 1M 1.8V CE 0.1µF 5.0V 1.8V V 1M DET MM3588 TEST 5.0V GND TDET : L H THYS : H L L : State of DET output Low level H : State of DET output High level Ta = 40 100°C C. Supply Current (VCE=GND) D. DET Sink Current IDD A VDD 0.1µF 1.8V CE 0V VDD 1M DET MM3588 TEST 1.8V CE 0.1µF 5.0V 1.8V DET MM3588 TEST GND CE 0V ILEAK DET MM3588 TEST 1.8V DET MM3588 TEST CE A 1M DET MM3588 TEST 5.0V GND 5.0V H. CE Response Time VDD CE VDD ICE 1.8V G. CE Threshold Voltage 0.1µF 0.1µF A GND 1.8V 5.0V F. CE Pin Current VDD 0.1µF A GND E. DET Leak Current 1.8V IDETL VDD 1M 1.8V 0.1µF 5.0V V GND 0 1.8V CE 1M DET MM3588 TEST GND 5.0V V VDET : L I. VDD Start-up Response Time VDD 0 1.8V 1.8V CE DET MM3588 TEST GND 1M 5.0V V VDET : H L • Any products mentioned in this catalog are subject to any modification in their appearance and others for improvements without prior notification. • The details listed here are not a guarantee of the individual products at the time of ordering. When using the products, you will be asked to check their specifications. H MITSUMI Temperature Switch IC With Enable MM3588 Timing Chart t1 Ta (°C) Detecting Temperature Hysteresis Temperature VDD (V) t Detection Release Temperature VDD < 10V t CE (V) 1.4V 0.2V IDD (µA) t t DET (V) tCER t tCER tCER tnoise tCER tnoise t1 tnoise VDD (V) 90% DET (V) 10% tVSR • Any products mentioned in this catalog are subject to any modification in their appearance and others for improvements without prior notification. • The details listed here are not a guarantee of the individual products at the time of ordering. When using the products, you will be asked to check their specifications. MITSUMI Temperature Switch IC With Enable MM3588 Application Circuit RPULL-UP VDD CE DET MM3588 0.1µF Logic System TEST OPEN GND · We shall not be liable for any trouble or damage caused by using this circuit. · In the event a problem which may affect industrial property or any other rights of us or a third party is encountered during the use of information described in these circuit, Mitsumi Electric Co., Ltd. shall not be liable for any such problem, nor grant a license therefore. • Any products mentioned in this catalog are subject to any modification in their appearance and others for improvements without prior notification. • The details listed here are not a guarantee of the individual products at the time of ordering. When using the products, you will be asked to check their specifications. MITSUMI Temperature Switch IC With Enable MM3588 Characteristics (Except where noted otherwise Ta=25°C, VDD=1.8V) Ambient temperature - DET output voltage 6.0 VDET (V) 5.0 4.0 3.0 MM3588B80RRE 2.0 1.0 0.0 −50 0 50 100 150 Ta (ºC) Supply voltage - Supply current (CE=VDD) Supply voltage - Supply current (CE=GND) 0.10 1.6 Supply current (µA) Supply current (µA) 2.0 125ºC 25ºC 1.2 −30ºC 0.8 0.4 125ºC 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 −30, 25ºC 0.00 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 1 6 2 3 5 6 VDD (V) VDD (V) Ambient temperature - Supply current (CE=VDD) Ambient temperature - Supply current (CE=GND) 2.0 0.10 Supply current (µA) Supply current (µA) 4 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.4 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 TDET 0.0 −50 0 50 Ta (ºC) 100 150 0.00 −50 0 50 100 Ta (ºC) • Any products mentioned in this catalog are subject to any modification in their appearance and others for improvements without prior notification. • The details listed here are not a guarantee of the individual products at the time of ordering. When using the products, you will be asked to check their specifications. 150 MITSUMI Temperature Switch IC With Enable MM3588 Supply voltage - DET sink current Ambient temperature - DET sink current 30 −30ºC 25 Sink current (mA) Sink current (mA) 30 25ºC 20 125ºC 15 10 25 20 VDET=0.4V 15 10 5 5 0 −50 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0 VDD (1V/div) VDD (1V/div) DET (1V/div) DET (1V/div) 150 t (100µs/div) t (100µs/div) Supply voltage - Noise rejection time Ambient temperature - Noise rejection time 400 400 350 350 300 300 tnoise (us) tnoise (us) 100 Start-up response (Ta TDET) Start-up response (Ta TDET) 250 50 Ta (ºC) DET (V) Ta=80ºC 200 150 200 150 100 100 50 50 0 VDD=1.8V 250 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 VDD (V) 5.0 6.0 50 60 70 80 Ta (ºC) • Any products mentioned in this catalog are subject to any modification in their appearance and others for improvements without prior notification. • The details listed here are not a guarantee of the individual products at the time of ordering. When using the products, you will be asked to check their specifications. 90 100