Appendix-B 1.0 Environmental Stress Screening (MIL-STD-2164) 1.1 Introduction Environmental Stress Screening (ESS) is carried out as part of the Acceptance Test Plan (ATP) for each of the delivered Production Units. The ESS is based on Military Standards for Environmental Stress Screening Process for Electronic LRUs, viz., MILSTD-2164 (EC) and DOD-HDBK-344 (USAF). The ESS test severities and screening methods have been chosen to simulate realistic operational environment of the Radar Subsystems and to provoke the latent defects in the test item, without either degrading its performance or damaging its operational life. Monitoring of specific performance parameters of the test item shall be carried out during the screening tests. 1.2 Power Burn-in The test item will be powered „ON‟ continuously for 8 hours at +65°C. After completion of the „Power Burn-in‟ and recovery of the item to ambient conditions, the test item shall be subjected to VE and a PC and record the results. 1.3 Random Vibration (Pre-Thermal-Cycling) Test The Random Vibration test will be carried out along all the three mutually perpendicular axes for duration of five minutes each, as per profile given in Fig.2-1 on all the test items. The LRUs shall be kept energized during the vibration test. Visual Examination will be carried out after the test to check for appearance of any defect and record the results. 0.04 PSD g2 / Hz + 3 dB / Octave - 3 dB / Octave 0.01 grms = 6.06 20 Figure. 1-1 80 350 FREQUENCY (Hz) ESS - Random Vibration Test Profile 2000 1.4 Thermal Cycling Test The test item will be subjected to the temperature extremes of -20oC and +55oC for ten cycles as per profile given in Fig.1-2. Full Cycle +55 T e m p e r a t u r e DWELL POWER ‘ON’ POWER ‘OFF’ AMBIENT TEMPERATURE PC POWER ‘ON’ PC -20 DWELL 90 90 90 30 o DWELL 30 Time (min) ( C) Figure 6-2 : Thermal Test Profile Test Profile Fig.1-2 : ESS -Cycling Thermal Cycling The rate-of-change of temperature from minimum to maximum, and vice versa, shall be at an average rate of 5 oC/min. The test item shall be powered and the PC taken as indicated in the figure, during each cycle and record the results. In Thermal Cycling Test, there should be 10 cycles out of which last 3 cycles should be defect-free. In case of any defects in the last 3 cycles, the complete test i.e. 10 cycles is required to be repeated. Also the dwell time should be 90 minutes at each peak. Power “ON” and testing of the unit is as per Fig. 1-2 1.5 Random Vibration (Post-Thermal-Cycling) Test The Random Vibration Test will be repeated after the Thermal Cycling Test and the Test-Item visually examined for appearance of any defect and record the results. 1.6 Performance Verification PC will be carried out before and after carrying out each of the tests. A total verification and measurement of performance parameters will be carried out finally under ambient conditions of the test site. The pass criterion will be that the Test Item performs well within the acceptable limits of the performance parameters. 2.0 SL. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Safety of Flight Tests (SoFT) on FTB (Propeller Aircraft) TEST Initial Visual Examination (VE) and Performance Check (PC) Initial Insulation and Isolation Resistance Bond Resistance Vibration (MIL-STD810D Method 514.3) TEST CONDITIONS At ambient condition REMARKS Check for finishes, workman ship defects and mounting during visual examination and record the observations. To be carried out at 500V DC between equipment body and connector pins (shorted together with active components disconnected) and between insulated live parts (As per BS2G – 100, Part – II). IR measured to be better than 20 M Ohms. All bonds for ground conductors, whose primary function is to provide a path for power, control or signal currents and lightning protection shall have a maximum DC resistance of 2.5 milliohm. The resistance across joints or seams in metallic members required to provide electromagnetic shielding shall also be 1 milliohm or less. Initial Resonance Search at 0.5g/1.0g from 5 Hz to 2000 Hz The test will be conducted with the test item hard mounted. First four Fundamental resonance which are having amplification greater than 3 i.e. Q>3 only to be recorded. The resonances recorded should not coincide with the platform fundamental frequencies. Equipment in `OFF‟ condition. (b) Endurance by random Vibration test (15 Min./axis in all 3 axes) Method 514.3, Category –4, Para I – 3.2.4, Figure 514.3-25(a) The test will be conducted with the test item either hard mounted or in a tray with suitable shock mounts depending upon the actual fitment on the platform. Equipment will be `ON‟ and important parameters monitored continuously during the test. Figure 2-1 Random-on-Random (Propeller – Aircraft) (c )Final Resonance Search as in (a) above and any deviation from the initial resonance search noticed should be recorded. VE and PC at the end of the test. 5 High Temperature Storage cum Operation As per MIL – STD – Method 501.2, Procedure – I & II Duration : 3 cycles 810D PC as shown in profile and after recovery. Visual examination shall be carried out after the test. Operation at 55C for one hour and storage at 70C as per figure 2-2 Figure 2-2 Diurnal Cycle for High Temperature Storage cum Operation 6 Low Temperature Storage cum Operation As per MIL – STD – 810D Method 502.2 PC during last ½ hour and PC after recovery. Storage cum Operation:–20ºC, ±2ºC Duration : 24 hrs (As per profile in Fig:2-3) Figure 2-3 Low Temperature Storage cum Operation test 7 Low Pressure (Altitude) As per Method 500.2, Procedure II MIL–STD–810D PC during last 1/2 hour and after recovery. Altitude: 3000mt(1000ft). Altitude change rate: 2000ft/min(10m/s) Duration: 4 Hours Temperature : –20ºC Test Profile as shown below in Fig – 2-4. Figure: 2-4 Altitude Test 8 Humidity As per MIL-STD-810D Method 507.2, Fig 507.2 – I Cycle: 1 Table 507.2 – II Temperature & RH: as per profile in Fig 6-5 below Duration: 1 cycle Figure 2-5 (i) (ii) PC during last 1/2 hour and after recovery. VE & PC after recovery. (iii) (iv) Humidity 9 Acceleration test (MIL-STD810D Method 513.3) Procedure -II Functional: Severity: Up 7.0g,Down 3.0g,Lat L& Lat R 4.0g,Fore & Aft 2.0g Structural: Severity: 1.5 times the levels given above Duration: 1 min along each direction P.C before and after the test Visual examination shall be carried out after the test 10 Shock (MIL-STD810D Method 516.3-8) Functional : Severity : 15g, 11 m sec Pulse shape : Half Sine Pulse No. of shocks : 3 shocks on each of 6 directions Total of 18 shocks. Equipment in `ON‟ condition VE and PC during and after the test. Equipment in unpacked condition mounted on a suitable fixture. Crash Safety : Severity : 30g, 11 m sec Pulse : Half Sine Pulse No. of shocks: 2 shocks in each of 6 directions. Total of 12 shocks. Mechanical weight equivalent Mock-up may be used for the test. VE after the test. 11 Final Insulation / Isolation Resistance To be carried out at 500V DC between equipment body and connector pins (shorted together IR measured to be > 5 M with active components ohms disconnected) and between insulated live parts (As per BS2G – 100, Part – II). 12 Final Visual Examination and Performance Check Check for deterioration of Final visual examination and finishes, workmanship defects performance check at room and mountings during visual ambient conditions at the examination and record the conclusion of all the tests. observations. 3.0 EMI/EMC Tests (MIL-STD-461E) Description Frequency Range CE102 Conducted Emissions All Power Leads individually 10KHz to 10MHz CE106 Conducted Emissions Antenna Terminals only CS101 Conducted susceptibility High-Sides of Power Leads only CS114 Conducted Susceptibility Bulk cable Injection All Interconnecting Cables Conducted Susceptibility Bulk cable Injection All Interconnecting Cables Conducted Susceptibility Cables and Power Leads All Interconnecting Cables Test CS115 CS116 RE102 Radiated Emissions, Electric Field RS103 Radiated Susceptibility, Electric Field Remarks Basic Limit Curve : for 28Vdc 9dB Relaxation : for 230 Ac 10MHz to 40GHz 34 dBV : Receive/Standby Mode (50+10log P)dBc for 2nd & 3rd Harmonics and –80 dBc for others: Transmit Mode 100Hz to 150KHz (Voltage) Limit Curve #1: for 230V AC (Voltage) Limit Curve #2 : for 28VDC 10KHz to Curve #5 : 10KHz200MHz 200MHz Impulse Excitation 10KHz to 100MHz Damped Sinusoidal Transients 2 MHz to 18GHz 30MHz to 40GHz Imax = 5 A Airforce (Air Applications) Limit Curve. E = 200 V/m