इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ” “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru IS 542 (1968): coconut oil [FAD 13: Oils and Oilseeds] “!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda “Invent a New India Using Knowledge” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह” है” ह Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS : 542 -11M (SupencdlDl IS : 3471- 1"') == 9 (Reafllraaed 200999 2010 Indian Standard SPECIFICATION FOR COCONUT OIL j (Second Revision) j '< ( Sixth Reprint AUGUST 2007 (Incorporatlba Amendment ijo. ~ andIncludtna Amendment Nos. 2, 3 & 4) I : UDC 665.353.6 " CoPY;111tI1973 BUREAU or INDIA-N '8TAND~RDS ~AK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUll SHAH ZAlARMAllO NEW DELID 110002 0,2 November 1888 1•• M2-I. Indian Standard SPECIFICATION FOR COCONUT OIL (Second Revision) Oils and Oil.eed. Sectional Committee, CAFOO 5 &/wUlltn., CIWrIIIa Swutik ou Milia Ltd, Bombay DaJ. S. BADAMI S8RI MmtlNrs V. A. PAtUER (AllmMt, to DrJ. S. Badami) Dn K. T. ACHAYA. Reponal R~h Laboratory (CSIR.). Hyderabad DB G. LAUBMJ_AKAY"K.. (AlII,""") SKRt V. P. AAAIft'ANAR"YAlfAtf Directorate or Marketin & IDlpeCtion (Miniatry 01 Food, Aariculture. Community DevrlopmeDt ~ Co-operation ) t NalPur Smu V. CSAlO>RAMOULY ( Ai"".,,,. ) SHRI R. C. DAB GUPTA National Test HOUle, Calcutta SaRI N. DS8IXACHAB. The Tala Oil Milia (10 Ltd, Bombay DB B. G. GUNn. (Alima"") Indian Agricultural Research lrutitute, New Delhi. DR K. C. Gtn~ATI atUl Indian Councilor Apicultural aaearda, New Delhi SRRI H. P. GUPTA. East India Oil Millen AIIociation, Calcutta SaRI R. R. MUUADJ (Alt"".u) DR G. S. HATT1AlfGni Mindustan Lever Ltd, lIombay SftRI K. P. JAJit Directorate orsu.... ~ V. . . .tt (Miniitry or rood, Apiculture, Community ~Iopmmt • Oo-operation), New Delhi &Rftl F. G. T. MRM• • ( AI""..,,) DR S. M. KAJJ ltalab Private Ltd, Bombay 8R.IJ. C. DEY (AI",,,tll,) (CAlcutta) 8H"R1 S. S. tlOlJ.VAR ( Madra) SHft! N. S. (.4""",") MAINI S... HA'RIIW 8ftMr (Allmllt") Dn R. D. NARA.(I SOl Re,ional 08iee. Oilleeda Developmmt (Miniltry or PoocI, Apiculture, Community Deftlopmeat • Co-operation ), Hyderabad Cenrral C'..ommittee for Pood Standard. (Ministry or HNlth' Family Planning), New DeIhl D. S. CRADH" (AI'"...',) ( C.IiDM • ,." 2 ) 4 _ __ BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEWDELHI 110002 1I,M2.1_ ( t:.Ii.../,.. /UtI, I ) M,mIJ"s R.p,"",'i,., SRal N. P. NOPANI Bombay Oilsef'd. and Oil, Ex~hanF Ltd, Bornbav 5"81 C. V. l\(ARIW ALA (All"".II) . 8••1 V. M. PAl GOd~j Soaps Private Ltd, Bombay SRRI B. V. KANTAK (All"""') SHill S. S. RAX4.8WAMY The Vanupati Manufaetur~rA' Al'SOC'iation of India, Bombay Directorate G~neral of Technical Development, Nt'w Delhi Oil Techno1olica1lleIQrch Institute, Anantapur Solvent Extractors' Auociation of India, Bombay Oa H. G. R. a.noT a....... -r&TIV. SHRIIU.. SHARKA SRal P. P. 8HAJtJlA (AllmUlt,) SaRI P. V. Sa.IEA.TAo RAO Khadi and Village Industries Commission, Bomba')' 8RBI P. V. GUJARA'l'BI (.41"""") SIIBI L. R. SUD Ministry of Defence ( R It D ) SUI A. P. CRAie••VDTY ( AlImWI ) 8. .1 P. M. TKo... Central Warehoulinl Corporation, New Delhi SHU P. RAM»U (AI,..,..,,) SBa' D. D.u GunA, Dirr.ctor General, lSI (&-oJlicio M,mlHr) Director (Chan ) $m'1tn7 SBRIS.SUBRAHKANYAM Deputy Director (Ch~m) t lSI Oils and Fats Subcommittee, CAFDC 5: 1 e-rnn Da G. S. Hindustan Lever Ltd, Bombay HA'l'TIANnIlJ Mma'trJ SURt V. U. MARBALLt (All""tJII to Dr G. S. Hattianpi ) Da K. T. ACRAYA Relional Rewarch l~boratory (aSIR), Hyderabad DR G. LAX.RJllflfARAYAJJA ( ~Il"" S••I OoJlOLOHAlfD J. AOA.RWAL Bombay OilRed. and Oil. Exchange Ltd, Bonlbay SRRI C. V. MAR1W ALA ( AI,.",." ) , SWIU V. P. ANANTANA"AYAKA1f Dirrctorate of Mark..ting It Inspection (Ministry of Food, Alriculturt', C'.ommunity Dcveolopmmt Ie Co-opnation ), N&fIPur 8.BI V. CUAlCDUKOULY (Al'nut,) S.I\I DHORJATI PUIAD SHAftA- C.tclItta Chemi('al CeO Ltd, C..leutra .." ) C1IARYYA SaRI AWIL KUMA'R D.... (~lmIUlU) DR H. Il. CAliA DR It. C. DA:NDOlfA. SIJU N. D.IKACHA'& DR B. G. Ot1JfDB ( MAa,mr- AI,,,..,,) Indian In.titute of Science, Ban.alore The But Asiatic Co (lndia) Pvt Ltd, Madru The Ta.. on Mill. Co Ltd, Bomt.y 2 M. ."s S.as S. C. Rqw,smlill' Indian Soap aBO•• Calcutta Ilia! P. G. T. MIl. . . . s..r-au. Kla.oa. (141"""") 8. .1 B. S. MODI Da It. S. MUATI DB H. G, R.. Il.DDT S••I L. R. and Toiletries M.ktT.' AIIOciatlon, SUD Directorate or 8\11IlT It Vanaapati ( Ministry or Food, Agricultule, CommuDity Development A CQ-operation ), New Delhi The Vanaapati Manuracturen' Association of India. Bombay Tunpbhadra Industries Ltd, Kurnonl Directorate General or Technical Development.• New Delhi . Ministry of nefrnre ( R &: D ) Panel for Studying Indian Standards on Oils and Fatl, CAFDC 5: 1 : 1 c.w..." Da 8. M. l{indtL~tan J ever PATJ:L Ltd, Bombay M";,b,,, Directorate or Marketing It Inspcctien (Ministry nf Food, Agriculture, Community Development &: ('~.o~ralion ), Nagpur S••I V. CHAN'DRA.1I0'OLY (AllmuJU) 8.a. P. V. GUIAKATKI Khadi and \'illage Industries Commission, Bombay S8Jtl V. D. HXRVATTK (A/Urate) DR J. O. KANE In penonal capuity (ntpartrlUnt tJ/Ch,mi,,,1 r,cluuJJn(J. SRRI V. P. AMAlft'AKARAYANAlf UniNtsilJ n.[ Bomb".1. BtmabIl.1) ~ntral Committee for Food Standard~ (Mini.try of . SZC'RM'ARY Health It Family Planning), New Delhi AaIII'l'AKT SBCRftAftY ( SRa, P. P. SHARMA SHal L. D. NANAVATl S••I SHIVJlAJ SARA-OUR S.R' I. D. 51.0M ( AI""..,,) . Solvent Fdtracton' AA.~iati()n or India, Bombay AI",,,ou) " IncUan Vegetable Product" Ltd. Iletmhay Ministry of J.)eitnce ( R It I) MOIPF- 300 Deptt, or81812007-1oo 8 AMENDMENT NO. 2 JANUARY 1990 TO IS : 542 • 1968 SPECIFICATION FOR COCONUT OIL ( Second Revision ) ( Page 4, clause %.1.1 ) - Substitute the following for the existing clause: '1.1.1 Refined Coconut Oil - Refined coconut oil means oil which is obtained by expression or solvent extraction of coconut oil bearing materials, deacidified either with alkali or physical refining or by miscella refining by bleaching with adsorbent earth and/or carbon and doedorized with steam.' ( Page 5, clause 4.3 ) - Substitute the following for the existing clause: c4.3 Admixture witb ()ther on. - The material shall be free from admixture of other oils. 4.3.1 The material shan be free from non-edible oils, when tested in accordance with 9; 10, II, 12, 14, IS and 16 of IS : 548 ( Part 2 )-1976·.' ( Page 7, clause 6.1 ) - Add the following new clause after 6.2: '6.2.1 The containers may also be marked with the Standard Mark. NOTE - The use of the Standard Mark is governed by tho provisions 01 the Bureau of Indian Standards Act. 1986 and the Rules and Replations made tbere.. under. The Standard Mark on products covered by an Indian Standard cODveyl the assurance that they have been produced to comply with tbe requirements of that standard under a well-defined system or inspection. testin, and quality control which is devised and supervised by DIS and operated by the producer. DIS marked products arc also continuously checked by DIS for conformity to that standard us a further safeguard. Details of conditions under which. licence for the usc of the Standard Mark may be ,ranted to manufacturen or producers, may be obtained from the Bureau of Indian Standards.' ·Methods of sarnphng and test for oils and fats: Part 2 Purity test. (CAFDC 5) AMENDMENT NO. 3 DECEMBER 1995 TO IS 542: 1968 SPECIFICATION FOR COCONUf OIL ( SecondRevision) ( Page 4, Foreword, clause 0.4 ) - Add the following clause 0.5 after clause 0.4 and renumber the subsequent clause: '0.5 A scheme for labelling environment friendly products to be known as ECO Mark bas been introduced at tbe instance of the Ministry of Environment and Forests ( MEF). The ECO Mark shall be administered by the Bureau of Indian Standards ( BIS ) under tbe BIS Act, 1986 as per the Resolution No. 71 dated 20 February 1991 88 published in the Gazette of the Government of India vide GSR 85(E) dated 21 February 1991. For 8 product to be eligible for marking with the ECO Mark it shall also carry the Standard Mark of BIS for quality besides meeting additional optional environment friendly ( EF ) requirements. The EF requirements for coconut oil, raw and refined are therefore being included through an amendment. This amendment is based on the Gazette Notification No. 678 dated 30 August 1994 for Labelling Edible Oils, Tea and Coffee as environment friendly products, published by the Ministry of Environment and Forests.' (Page S, clause 4.4 ) - Add the following clauses after clause 4.4: '4.5 Optional Requirements for ECO Mark 4.!.1 GeneralRequirements 4.!.1.1 The product shall conform to the requirements of quality prescribed under clauses 4.1 to 4.4. The manutacturers sball. produce to BIS environmental consent clearance from the concerned State Pollution Control Board ~s per the nonns laid down under the Water ( Prevention and Control 01 Pollution) Act, 1974; Air ( Prevention and Control of Pollution ) Act, 1981; Water ( Prevention and Control01Pollution) CessAct, 1977 respectively, along with the autbbrizltion, if required under the Environment ( Protection) Act, 1986, while applying for ECOMark. 4.5.~ Specific Requirements 1 Amend No. J to IS 54Z : 19" 43.%.1 Theproduct shall not contain anatoxin, more than 5 mg/kg, when tested by tbe method prescribed in Appendix A. 4.5.1.% The pesticide residues, if any, shall not exceed the tolerance liouts as prescribed in the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954 and Rules Ilude thereunder. Only permitted antioxidants not exceeding the quantities specified against each as prescribed under the Prevention of FoodAdulteration Act, 1954 and Rules Dlide thereunder, shall be used, if required. 4.s.%.4 The product shall not contain any of the toxic metals in excess of the quantities prescribed in Table 2. TABLE Z LIMITS FORTOXIC METAL.fit SLNo. CHARACl'ERJSnc REOUIRBfENT METHOD OF TEsT, i) Lead, mr/ka. MIl.Y S.O ii) Arsenic, mA, Max 0.5 do iii) CadmiuJD,ai~Max 1.0 do iv) Mercury (Iotal) m&Jkc, MIU 0.25 do REF 10 15 of IS 1699: 1995- • Methods of sampliDI ad test (or foodoolours ( $«OM revision ). ( Page S, clause 5.1 ) - Add the following new clause 5.1.1 after clause 5.1: '5.1.1 For ECO Mark the product shall be packed in such packages which are made from recyclable ( tbat is which can be re-processed to manufacture Iny useful product) or biodegradable materials.' ( Page 5, clause 6.1 ) - Add the followil\g new clause 6.1.1 after clause '.1: "6.1.1 For ECO Mark the containers shall be marked with the following information: I) Ust of identified critical ingredients in descending order of quantity, percent by mass, which shall include 'made fronl coconut'; b) The brief criteria for whicb tbe producthas been labelled for Eoo Mark; and c) Shelf life of the plOduet.·' 2 Amend No.3 to IS 541 : 1968 (Page 7, clause 8.% ) - Add the following Appepdix after clause 8.%: 'APPENDIX A (Clause ) DETERMINATION OF AFLATOXIN A ..l REAGENTS A-I.I Acetone, 70 Percent - 700 mlacetone in 300 ml distilled water. A·l.1 Aeetonet %0 Percent - 200 81) acetone in 800 ml distilled water. A·I.3 Lead Acetate, ZO Percent - 200 g neutral acetate in distilled water and 3 ml glacial acetic acid, diluted to one litre. A-1, PROCEDURE A-Z.l Dissolve 30 g sample in 100 ml hexane. A..Z.z Extract with 3 x 50 lui 70 percent acetone. A·Z.3 To the extract add 60 ml distilled water and 20 mllead acetate. A-Z.4 Boil to reduce volume to 150 mi. Cool to about 20°C. A-Z.! Filter and wash with 20 percent acetone. A-Z.' Extract filtrate and washings with 3 )( SO ml chloroform. A·Z.7 Pass chloroform layer through anhydrous sodium sulphate. .A·Z..8 Concentrate to SO mland spot on TLC plate. A·3 CALCULATION · .nnrJlu.. Aftatoxm, &U&,-t'J =V x 1 000 vxm X S # where v =volume of extract in ml, =volume of extract giving minilllumobservable tluorescence in Jj,1, m II: s =standard toxin giving minimum observable fluomsce~ce in ~g.' V mass of sample in g, and (FAD44) 3 AMENDMENT NO. 4 MARCH 2002 TO IS 542: 1968 SPECIFICATION FOR COCONUT OIL ( Second Re,illon ) ( Amendment /\'0. 3, page 2, clause] mg/kg '. (FAD44 ) Substitute '5 J.lg/kg' for '5 Indian Standard SPECIFICATION FOR COCONUT OIL (Second Revision) o. FOREWORD 0.1 This Indian Standard (Second Revision) was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution on 28 August 1968, after the draft finalized by the Oils and Oilseeds Sectional Committee had been approved by the Chemical Division Council and the Agricultural and Food Products Division Council. 0.2 India ranks among the largest coconut producing countries of the world. The chief coconut growing states in India are Madras, Kerala, . Mysore, Orissa, and West Bengal. Considerable quantities of coconut oil, both in the raw and refined state, are used in India for edible purposes and for margarine and bakery fatl. Furthermore, the oil finds wide use in the manufacture of soaps and various types of cosmetic and toilet preparations. The requirements for various grades of the oil have, therefore, been SO prescribed in this standard that these grades are suitable for the foregoing purposes. The oil is also used for pharmaceutical purposes. 0.3 This standard was originally issued in 1954. In ita first revision issued in 1963, the limits of acid value, colour and the moisture and insoluble impurities were modified in the light of experience. As the standard covered only the expressed type of oil, and since there was an urgent need for formulation of an Indian Standard for the so!vent-extracted type, 15:3471·1966* was issued al an emergency standard based on the data made available to the ad hoe Consultative Group let up for the purpose. After having decided to normalise this emergency standard the need for rationalizing the grades of the oil covered in these standards was keenly felt. Thls second revision of IS: 542..1954 hal been prepared amalgarnatinJr its.earlier revision and 18:3471·1966*. As a consequence, IS: 3471·1966i now stands withdrawn. 0.4 The requirements laid down in this standard for the expressed type of the ail correspond to the specifications prescribed by the Directorate of ~farketing and Inspection in their Vegetable Oils Grading and Marking ·Specification for solvent extracted coconut oil. 3 llulel, 1955. For the purpose of regulating the quality of the 101v( ".textracted type of this oil, the concerned Indian Standard on the solventextracted type or the oil which is incorporated now had been adopted in the relevant schedule of the Solvent-Extracted Oil, De-oiled Mt\,al and Edible Flour (CQntrol) Order, 1967. In so far al the edible grades are concerned, this standard takes care of the provisions of the Prevention Af Food Adulteration Rule., 1954, as modified from time to time. U For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this ltandard i. complied with, the final value, observed or calculated, expressthe result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance With 18:2-1960·. The number oflignificant places retained in the rounded off value lhould be the same .1 that of the specified value in this standard. in, I. ICOPB 1.1 Thilltandard preacnDea the requirements and the methods of sampling and test for coconut oil used for edible and industrial purposes. . 2. TZRMINOLOGY 2.1 For ~he purpole of thil standard, the definitions given under 2 of 18:548-1964t and a110 thole given below, shall apply. 2.1.1 RlfittldCoeo,"" Oil- Coconut nil obtained by the process of expres,ion or 101vent extraction which hal been refined by neutralization with alkali, bleached with bleaching earth or activated carbon or both, and deodorized with Iteam, no other chemical agents being used. 2.1.2 hi·"fillltl CueOtlrl' 0;1- Coconut oU obtained by the process of 101veDt extraction which ha. been neutralized with alkali, and with or without bleachinl with bleachins earth or activated carbon or both, no other chemical agerttl beins used, S. TYPBI AND GIlADES 1.1 The material shall he of the following types and Rradea: a) Ex/Wusttl Refined Grade, Grade lA (Raw») Grade IB (Raw), and Grade 2 (Raw). ..... for fOUDClbw off numerical valuet (,..iIM). tMethrxla of ampIiJII and tat oil. and rot rats (,..;,.). 4 b) SOi,,,,,, Exlraeted Refined Grade, Semi-refined Grade, and Grade 1 (Raw). 3.1.1 The Refined Grades of the expressed and solvent-extracted types and the Raw Grades lA and lB of the expressed type are suitable for direct edible consumption. 3.1.2 Raw Grade 2 of the expressed type and the other two grades of the solvent-extracted type are suitable for hydrogenation, refining and other industrial uses, and not for direct edible consumption. 4. REQ,UlREMENTS 4.1 o.aerlpdoD- The material shall be obtained from good quality coconut cake or from clean and sound copra Cocos nucif,,(J Linn., fame Palmle, by a process of expression, . 4.1.1 Solvent-extracted oil shall be obtained from the oieaginoul material using solvent hexane conforming to IS: 3470-1966*. 4.2 The material shall be clear and free from rancidity, adulterants, sediment suspended and other foreign matter, separated water, and added colouring and flavourlng substances. 4.2.1 The clarity of the material shall be judged by the absence of turbidity after keeping the filtered sample at 30°C for 24 hours, 4.3 Admi.tare with Other ons - The material shall be free from admixture with other oils, when tested according to the methods pre.. crihed under 20 of IS: 548-1964t_ 4.4 'The material shall also comply with the requirements given in Table 1. 5. PACKING .5.1 The material shall be supplied in suitable well-closed container, as agreed to between the purchaser and the supplier. 6. MARKING 6.1 The containers shall be marked with the name, including the type and grade, and weight of the material in the container; manufacturer's name and trade-mark, if any: batch number; and the year of manufacture. . ·~pt'cili(".tinn (Ir hexane, food Rrade.· tt\{rthodl of ..."pling and fe-51 fill' ()il8 and fatl (r,vj,s,~). ~ (2) CHA RAC'TZJlJITJC (3) Grade ~ ~ SolYalt-Exttacted r----.A.--~ (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) .... Grade Grade 2 Rdioed Semi- Grade 1 IB IA (Raw) Grade refiaecI (Raw) (Raw) (Raw) Refined GracIe , . . . . - -_ _-..A-_ _ _ _ _ ExpraIed wo. -..A.-_ _ _ _ _- - - , R..Qt7IBZKD1T8 OJ' I (10) Ta-r) JlUTO MftBOD - - - - - .-----------250- - - -Methods or .mpli. . and tfSt for oils and fats (HIIisM). tMethods oltCit for petroleum and its products: Plash point (c1oled) by Penaky-Martena Apparatus. i) J r l Moisture and iDIoIuble impu1 0-1 1·0 0-25 0-1 rities, percr.nt by wright, M.. 0·25 0·25 .0'25 56:' ii) Colour in a I-in cell on the IAYibond scaIe,expweucd u II 42 ,.+ SR, not deeper than 30 2 10 u 30 +---------1-4480 to 1·4490iii) Rriraeti"·e indrx at we -. 1'\ II , 0-915 to 0"'920----.----+ iv) Specific gravity at 3Oo/30°C +v) Saponification value,.Ma. 15 } of IS : 548-19647-5 to 7-5 to 7-5 to 1-5 to 7·5 to 7·5 to 81) to ,ri) Iodine value ( Wijs ) 14 UH) ]0-0 16-0 JO-o 10-0 la.O 13-0 1J-5 8-0 7 2-0 6-6 0-5 vii) Acid val~, Mu 1-0 100 0-5 0-8 0-8 )-0 0·8 0-5 a.a "iii) UDIaJ'ODi&abje maatd~ per• I CUlt by weight, M. 13·0 13-0 ix) Polmske value, AIM 13-0 13 I 13'0 x) Flash point, Pensky Martml 225 (~).d~C,~fi. 100 90 P: 21 orIS: 1+t8t (1) No. SL (a.- 4.4 all 8.1 ) TAnB I a&Q,lJIaDIDITIlOa COCONUT OIL ...• I ~ •..... 111M2.1_ 6.2 In addition, in the case of Grade 2 (Raw) of the expressed type oil and the Semi-refined Grade and the Grade 1 (Raw) of the solvent extracted oil, the containers shall also be suitably marked C NOT FOR DIREGr EDIBLE CONSUMPTION' (either printed on the label affixed to the container or lithographed or stencilled thereon with indelible ink) in a type size of not less than 50 mm, · 7. SAMPLING 7.1 Representative samples of the material .hall be drawn as prescribed under" of IS: 548·1964·. I. TESTS 1.1 Tests shall be carried out as prescribed in IS: 548-1964* and IS: 1448t. Reference to the relevant clauses of those standards is given in col 10 of Table 1. 8.2 ~Iity of RealeBa - Unless specified otherwise, pure chemicals and distilled water (s" IS: 1070-1960:) shall be used in the tests. No'll': - , Pure chemical. t shall mean afFrct the rt'luh. of analrlil. ch~miC'.al1 that do Dot contain impuritiel which ·~ff'thoda nt IIJnplin. and t~.t for oila and fata ( r"u,4). tMethodi tr.st Cor petroleum and itt ~Uetl. tSpecification for water di.till~ quality ( "l1fui). ~ or 7 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS Headq.."".: Manlk Shlvln, 8 81hldurShih ZItIr Mlrg, NEW OELHI11 0002 T~ ..:23230131.23233375,23238402 Fax:81+01123239398.23238382 I- Mill: InfoObll.org.tn -website: http:/twww.bll.org.ln c.n"", UbotItory: Plot No: 2018, Siterv, Sahib.bldIndultrlll Atel, SAHIBABAD 201010 rellpho". 2770032 "."..,0IIIt»e: centrli : Manlk Bhlv.". 9BlhldurShahZIfIrMlrg, NEW DELHI 110002 tem : 1/14 CIT SCheme VIIM. 'ltP. Road. KlnkurglChl. KOLKATA700054 Northern : SCO 335-338, sector 34-A, CHANDIGARH 180022 23231817 23378882 Southern: C.I.T. Clmpul,lVCrou Road, CHENNAI 800113 tweatem: Mlnalcallyl, Ee,MIDC, Behind MarolTelephone Exchange. 22541884 -e•• 2808285 28328285 Andherl (Ea.t), MUMBAl400093 ; S,..ncll 0fII. .: 'PulhPlk', Nurmohlmtd Sh.,kh Merg, Khlnpur, AHMEDABAD 380001 PMnYllndultrill Arel. 1· StIge, BlnglIorI- Tumkur Road, BANGALoRE Commercill-cum..omce Complex. Opp. Duahe,. Meldln, Arera ColonY. Blttln Mlrt<et, BHOPAL 482018 62-03, Gangl Nlglr, Unit VI, BHUBANESHWAR 751001 5"FIoqr, Koval Towers, 44 Ball Sundnm RoM, COIMBATORE 841018 • S~sector 12, F.rldlbld \21007 SavltrlComplex, 118G.t Road. GHAZIABAD201Q01 53/5 Ward No. 28. R.oo Ba(UI ROId, 5th By-lane,Apurbi Sinha Path, GUWAHA1I781003 5-8-58C, L.N. Gupta Marg, Nampaly Station Road, HYDERABAD 500001 Prithlvl ~ R08d, ~1tI &hI" 0vIrM. link. c-8qhImI, JAlPUR 302001 . 11/418 8, SlrvodlYi Nagar, KANPUR 208005 StthlBhlWln, 2M ~. Behind LIlli CNmI, Naval KIIhorI ROId, LUCKNOW 228001 H. No. 15,SIctor-3, P4RWANOO, DIItt. SolIn(H.P.) 173220 Plot NoA-20-21,lftItitVtIonI1ANI, SectorG, GoutIm Budh Nlgar, NOIDA201307 PltliputrllndUltrlll E• • PATNA 100013 Plot NoI. 857", MlrkltYard. Guild, PUNE 411037 tlSlhlllnand Hqu.- ,. Floor, BhaktInIp' CIreII, eo Flit Roed, RAJKOT 380002 T.C. No. 2/275 (1 &2), NelrFoodCorpcntIon oflndll. Roed. _rlm,THIRW_1I5OO4 1-Floor, Udyog _ , WDA. Junction. VlSHAlCHAPATNAM-03 ..,rim _IGor ·SI" 0fIIcI1i1t5ChowrtnghllApprotlch. ~O. PrtncIp..... KOLKATA700072 tsalel 0fIIcI (WRO) Plot No. E.e, MlDe, Ad No.8, IIhInd TIIIphonIExchIngI. Andhlrt(EMt), ~0013 Prtntld'by. . MInIgIr, GcMmmInt of lnell PNII '1rIdIbId, 2007 580 1348 8384858 2423452 2403138 2210141 2282175 2881•• 2458508 23201084 2223282 2233012 2818823 235438 2402201 2282808 24274104 2378251 2557114 271_ 238e32G 2132_