Overland Storage ARCvault ® 24 Library User Guide

ARCvault® 24 Library
User Guide
July 2008
ARCvault 24 User Guide
©2006-2008 Overland Storage, Inc. All rights reserved.
Overland®, Overland Data®, Overland Storage®, ARCvault®, LibraryPro®, LoaderXpress®, Multi-SitePAC®, NEO SERIES®, PowerLoader®,
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NEO™, Simply Protected™, Simply Protected Storage™, SnapWrite™, and ULTAMUS SERIES™ are trademarks of Overland Storage, Inc.
All other brand names or trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
The names of companies and individuals used in examples are fictitious and intended to illustrate the use of the software. Any resemblance to
actual companies or individuals, whether past or present, is coincidental.
All information contained in or disclosed by this document is considered proprietary by Overland Storage. By accepting this material the recipient
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Overland Storage provides this manual as is, without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied
warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Overland Storage may make improvements or changes in the product(s) or
programs described in this manual at any time. These changes will be incorporated in new editions of this publication.
Overland Storage assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, sufficiency, or usefulness of this manual, nor for any problem that
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This guide provides installation instructions and operational information
necessary for using the Overland Storage ARCvault 24 Library. It assumes you
are familiar with basic functions of your computer and networks. It also assumes
you are knowledgeable about the Storage Area Network (SAN) to which the
ARCvault unit is being connected.
This user guide exercises several typographical conventions to help explain how to
use your ARCvault 24 Library.
Description & Usage
Words in boldface indicate items to select such as menu items or
command buttons.
This type of format details the keys you press simultaneously. In this
example, hold down the Ctrl and Alt keys and press the r key.
A Note indicates information that emphasizes or supplements
important points of the main text.
An Important note is a type of note that provides information
essential to the completion of a task or that can impact the product
and its function.
A Caution contains information that the user needs to know to avoid
damaging or permanently deleting data or causing physical damage
to the hardware or system.
A Warning contains information essential to people’s safety. It
advises users that failure to take or avoid a specific action could
result in physical harm to the user or hardware.
Flow Indicator (>) Words in boldface with a greater than sign between them indicate the
flow of actions to accomplish a task. For example, Setup > Passwords
> User indicates that you should press the Setup button, then the
Passwords button, and finally the User button to accomplish a task.
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ARCvault 24 User Guide
Firmware Updates
The latest release of the ARCvault firmware can be obtained from the Overland
Storage FTP site.
1. Point your browser to ftp://ftp.overlandstorage.com/Firmware/ARCvault/.
2. Open the appropriate ARCvault folder.
3. Download the latest firmware file labeled ARCvault_nnnn.bin
(where “nnnn” represents the latest version number).
For additional assistance, search at http://support.overlandstorage.com/.
Product Documentation
ARCvault® Series product documentation and literature are available online at:
Overland Technical Support
For assistance configuring and using your ARCvault, search for help at:
Our Overland Storage Technical Support staff is also available to assist you by
phone at:
1 (877) 654-3429 (Toll-free and active only in US and Canada)
+1 (858) 571-5555 Option 5 (Worldwide)
They are available on normal business days, 6 AM through 5 PM (PST), excluding
Overland holidays. At all other times we will respond to technical support calls
within 4 hours.
Technical support for our EMEA customers is available as well from our United
Kingdom office at:
+44 (0) 118-9898050
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (GMT)
Monday through Friday
You can e-mail our technical support staff at techsupport@overlandstorage.com.
Electrostatic Discharge Information
A discharge of static electricity can damage micro-circuitry or static-sensitive
devices. To help prevent Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) damage, observe these and
other standard ESD precautions:
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Transport and store items in static-safe containers.
Make sure you are always properly grounded.
Avoid touching pins, leads, or circuitry.
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Chapter 1 - ARCvault 24 Overview
Features ....................................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Design and Layout ..................................................................................................................................... 1-2
Operator Interfaces .............................................................................................................................. 1-4
Media Magazines ................................................................................................................................. 1-5
I/E Element ............................................................................................................................................. 1-6
Interface Security Levels ............................................................................................................................ 1-6
Chapter 2 - Installation and Setup
Activating the Warranty ............................................................................................................................ 2-1
Configuring the Unit for Everyday Use ...................................................................................................... 2-2
Power On the Library ............................................................................................................................ 2-2
Reset the SCSI ID ................................................................................................................................... 2-2
IP Address Configuration ..................................................................................................................... 2-2
DHCP Addressing ............................................................................................................................ 2-3
Different Static IP Address .............................................................................................................. 2-3
Configure E-Mail Communications ..................................................................................................... 2-4
Loading the Tape Media ........................................................................................................................... 2-5
Chapter 3 - Daily Operation
Power Controls ............................................................................................................................................ 3-1
OCP Touch Screen ..................................................................................................................................... 3-2
Status Check ............................................................................................................................................... 3-2
Tape Cartridges .......................................................................................................................................... 3-4
Bar Code Labels .................................................................................................................................... 3-4
Media Magazines ....................................................................................................................................... 3-4
I/E Element ............................................................................................................................................. 3-5
Single-Slot I/E Element ..................................................................................................................... 3-5
Full-Magazine I/E Element .............................................................................................................. 3-6
Slot Numbering ...................................................................................................................................... 3-7
Media Handling .......................................................................................................................................... 3-8
Moving Media Inside the Library ......................................................................................................... 3-8
Using the Magazines for Bulk Media Exchanges ............................................................................... 3-9
Using the I/E Element for Media Exchanges ...................................................................................... 3-9
Managing Media With a Single-Slot I/E Element ......................................................................... 3-9
Managing Media With a Full-Magazine I/E Element ................................................................ 3-10
Tape Drive Cleaning ................................................................................................................................ 3-10
Running a Cleaning Cartridge Using the OCP ................................................................................ 3-10
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ARCvault 24 User Guide
Chapter 4 - Operator Control Panel
Overview ..................................................................................................................................................... 4-1
Startup Screen ....................................................................................................................................... 4-2
Default Screen ...................................................................................................................................... 4-2
Going Offline ......................................................................................................................................... 4-2
OCP Software Map .................................................................................................................................... 4-3
Default Screen Options .............................................................................................................................. 4-4
Power Button ............................................................................................................................................... 4-4
Help Button .................................................................................................................................................. 4-5
Media Menu ................................................................................................................................................ 4-6
Mag Access Button .............................................................................................................................. 4-6
Move Media Button .............................................................................................................................. 4-7
Move a Tape Cartridge ....................................................................................................................... 4-8
Status Menu ................................................................................................................................................. 4-8
Cart Map Button ................................................................................................................................... 4-9
Drive Data Fields ............................................................................................................................. 4-9
Magazine Data Fields ................................................................................................................... 4-10
Library Button ....................................................................................................................................... 4-11
Drive Buttons ........................................................................................................................................ 4-12
Setup Menu ............................................................................................................................................... 4-14
View Opts Button ................................................................................................................................ 4-14
Library Button (View-Only) ........................................................................................................... 4-15
Network Button (View-Only) ........................................................................................................ 4-15
SCSI/FC Button (View-Only) ......................................................................................................... 4-16
Edit Opts Button .................................................................................................................................. 4-18
Library Button (Editable) ............................................................................................................... 4-18
Network Button (Editable) ............................................................................................................ 4-19
SCSI/FC Button (Editable) ............................................................................................................. 4-22
Passwords Button ................................................................................................................................ 4-24
Creating or Changing Passwords ............................................................................................... 4-25
Disabling Password Verification ................................................................................................... 4-25
Password Usage ............................................................................................................................ 4-26
Utilities Menu .............................................................................................................................................. 4-26
Service Button ..................................................................................................................................... 4-26
Diagnostics Button .............................................................................................................................. 4-28
Security Button .................................................................................................................................... 4-29
Validate a Password and Determine Its Level ........................................................................... 4-29
Chapter 5 - Remote Management Utility
RMU Usage .................................................................................................................................................. 5-1
Accessing RMU ........................................................................................................................................... 5-2
RMU Navigation .......................................................................................................................................... 5-3
General Procedure for Changing RMU Settings ............................................................................... 5-4
RMU Software Map ..................................................................................................................................... 5-5
Status Tab .................................................................................................................................................... 5-6
Status Page Media Map ...................................................................................................................... 5-7
Library Status Information ..................................................................................................................... 5-8
Detailed Reports ................................................................................................................................... 5-9
Drive Status Summary Table .............................................................................................................. 5-11
Media Tab ................................................................................................................................................. 5-12
Using the Move Media Option .......................................................................................................... 5-13
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Clean a Drive ...................................................................................................................................... 5-13
Inventory Library .................................................................................................................................. 5-14
Setup Tab ................................................................................................................................................... 5-14
OCP Security Passwords ..................................................................................................................... 5-16
RMU Security Passwords ..................................................................................................................... 5-16
Network ................................................................................................................................................ 5-17
Remote FTP Server .............................................................................................................................. 5-19
Library Configuration .......................................................................................................................... 5-19
ARCvault Logical Unit Numbers .................................................................................................. 5-22
SCSI Configuration .............................................................................................................................. 5-22
Drive Configuration ............................................................................................................................ 5-25
SCSI Drives ...................................................................................................................................... 5-25
SAS Drives ....................................................................................................................................... 5-25
FC Drives ......................................................................................................................................... 5-27
Notification Registration ..................................................................................................................... 5-29
Reset to Defaults ................................................................................................................................. 5-32
Functions Tab ............................................................................................................................................ 5-32
Update Firmware Using HTTP ............................................................................................................. 5-35
Update Firmware Using FTP ................................................................................................................ 5-36
Local FTP Server Update ............................................................................................................... 5-36
Remote FTP Server Update .......................................................................................................... 5-36
Check Firmware Revision Level ......................................................................................................... 5-37
Send a Test E-Mail ............................................................................................................................... 5-37
Run a Library Diagnostic .................................................................................................................... 5-37
Reboot the Library .............................................................................................................................. 5-38
Reconfigure the Library ...................................................................................................................... 5-38
Unlock Library ...................................................................................................................................... 5-38
History Tab ................................................................................................................................................. 5-39
Display a Trace Log ............................................................................................................................ 5-39
Download a Trace Log File ................................................................................................................ 5-41
Send a Support Ticket ........................................................................................................................ 5-41
Help Link ..................................................................................................................................................... 5-42
Logout Link ................................................................................................................................................ 5-42
Chapter 6 - Troubleshooting and FSCs
Possible Problems ........................................................................................................................................ 6-1
Sample Screens ..................................................................................................................................... 6-1
Error Recovery ............................................................................................................................................. 6-2
FSC/ERP Cross-Reference Table .......................................................................................................... 6-2
Error Recovery Procedures .................................................................................................................. 6-8
Magazine Release .................................................................................................................................... 6-20
Long-Term Drive Removal ........................................................................................................................ 6-21
Touch Screen Overrides ........................................................................................................................... 6-22
Touch Screen Forced Recalibration ................................................................................................. 6-22
Touch Screen Contrast Reset ............................................................................................................ 6-22
Appendix A - ARCvault Specifications
Physical Specifications ...............................................................................................................................A-1
Technical Information ................................................................................................................................A-2
Reliability and Safety ..................................................................................................................................A-3
Temperature, Humidity and Altitude ........................................................................................................A-3
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Shock ............................................................................................................................................................A-4
Vibration ......................................................................................................................................................A-5
Electromagnetic Emissions ........................................................................................................................A-5
Appendix B - Updating the Firmware
Using a Local FTP Server ............................................................................................................................. B-1
Using a Remote FTP Server ......................................................................................................................... B-2
Appendix C - Available Commands
Appendix D - Sequential Mode
Sequential Overview ..................................................................................................................................D-1
Sequential Setup .........................................................................................................................................D-2
OCP Configuration ...............................................................................................................................D-2
RMU configuration ................................................................................................................................D-2
Visible Changes ....................................................................................................................................D-3
Sequential Mode Operation .....................................................................................................................D-3
Possible Error Conditions .......................................................................................................................D-4
Cleaning ......................................................................................................................................................D-5
Other Considerations .................................................................................................................................D-5
Glossary and Acronym List
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ARCvault 24 Overview
The ARCvault 24 is a cost-effective tape backup and archive solution designed for
small and medium businesses with big-business demands. It incorporates
affordability and capacity into a simple, compact solution that minimizes the
impact on scarce IT budgets. ARCvault 24 is designed to integrate easily with
most backup and archive applications and occupies just 2U of rack space
(Figure 1-1).
Figure 1-1: ARCvault 24 Library
The ARCvault 24 Library features:
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A compact 2U form factor (3.475 inches or 8.6cm)
A bar code reader for easy media management
Two removable 12-cartridge media magazines that internally latch to
prevent unauthorized access and provides easy off-site storage
A customizable Import/Export (I/E) Element that allows the addition or
removal of cartridges
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ARCvault 24 User Guide
ARCvault 24 Overview
A graphical touch screen on the front panel for manual operation
A remote management utility for convenient set up, control, and
Customer-replaceable components for easy, cost-effective support, service,
and upgrades
The following table details the features of the library:
Table 1-1: ARCvault 24 Features
Form Factor
Available Drives
LTO drives, up to two SCSI or SAS, or one Fibre
Maximum Number of Slots
Two 12-slot
Import/Export Slot
None, single slot, or 12-slot magazine
Bar Code Reader
Industry Standard Code 3 of 9
Power Supply
Single, not customer-replaceable
Manual Interface
2.5” x 1.25” (6.4 x 3.2cm) LCD touch screen,
128 x 64 pixels
Remote Management
Built-in web GUI
Customer Replaceable Units
Tape drive, drive cover assembly, chassis, and
Design and Layout
Most everyday backup and archive operations can be easily accomplished from the
front of the ARCvault unit (Figure 1-2) using the LCD touch screen that functions
as the Operator Control Panel (OCP). Additional features, functions, and settings
are available by accessing the unit’s Remote Management Utility (RMU) via a web
browser on a PC connected either directly to the unit or through the host network.
Center Bezel
Tape Cartridge Magazine
Door (Open)
Retaining Screw
Door Catch
Door Handle
Ventilation Slots
LCD Touch Screen
Figure 1-2. ARCvault 24 Front Panel
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ARCvault 24 Overview
Tape cartridges are loaded using the two removable magazines located behind the
doors on either side of the center bezel of the front panel. A pressure catch holds
the doors shut and, as a safety feature, both doors must be closed before the
internal robotics will function.
CAUTION: If a door is opened while the library is powered up, the robotics stop
immediately and a general alert message is displayed on the OCP. However, if a
door is opened while a move involving an I/E Element slot is occurring, the robotics
stop immediately and a WARNING message is shown. CLOSE THE DOOR
IMMEDIATELY to prevent possible damage to the library. When the door is closed,
any move is completed and all configured I/E Element slots are inventoried.
All cabling and power connections, along with the unit’s main power switch, are
located on the rear panel (Figure 1-3).
Power Switch
AC Receptacle
Drive Cover
SCSI Ports
System Fan
USB (Not Implemented)
Figure 1-3. ARCvault 24 Rear Panel (SCSI Drives)
When the power is on, the switch is illuminated. Access to the tape drives is
available through the drive cover by loosening just two thumbscrews, allowing
easy upgrading or replacement of the drives. Connections are available for
Ethernet and tape drive cabling (SCSI, FC, or SAS). The fan on the drive cover
handles the cooling exhaust.
SCSI 2-Port
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ARCvault 24 Overview
ARCvault 24 User Guide
Fibre Channel
Figure 1-4: Drive Covers for Different Drive Types
IMPORTANT: To function at its maximum rate, each SCSI tape drive must be on a
separate network bus and not daisy-chained to another device.
The library remembers its power state when power is removed from the unit.
When power is returned, the library returns to its previous state. For example, if
power is lost when the library was in an operational state, when power is returned
the library reboots and goes back to a ready state.
Operator Interfaces
There are two ways to interface with an ARCvault unit—using the OCP touch
screen on the front panel (Figure 1-5) or by accessing the unit’s RMU via a web
browser on a connected PC. The default IP address of the RMU is
The OCP is a 2.5" x 1.25" (6.4 x 3.2cm) touch screen with a 51 dpi (20 dpcm)
resolution. It features virtual buttons to access the menus and change the settings.
It provides an easy way to directly communicate with the unit and make changes
that are related to the use and movement of physical media. Refer to Chapter 4,
“Operator Control Panel,” for details.
Figure 1-5: ARCvault 24 OCP Default Screen
The RMU uses HTML and Java to create an interactive interface (Figure 1-6) that
addresses the majority of the library’s settings. A series of tabs along the top
provide access to different configuration and device management screens. Refer to
Chapter 5, “Remote Management Utility,” for details.
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ARCvault 24 Overview
Figure 1-6. ARCvault 24 RMU Interface
Media Magazines
Each ARCvault media magazine (Figure 1-7) holds up to 12 LTO tapes. The
ARCvault 24 has two magazines; one on each side. The numbering of the
magazine slots is bottom to top, from the front of the magazine to the rear. The left
magazine slots are numbered first followed by the right magazine slots.
Figure 1-7: ARCvault 24 Media Magazines
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ARCvault 24 Overview
I/E Element
The ARCvault 24 also offers a configurable I/E Element to provide a means of
exchanging tape media while the unit is still operating. You can set it to be either
the removable first slot of the left magazine or the entire left magazine.
When configured as a single slot, the I/E Element is the first slot (bottom front) in
the left magazine. It can be removed by opening the left door, squeezing the two
tabs in the center, and pulling the handle. The handle and bottom slot slide out,
leaving the other 11 slots in place and functioning (Figure 1-8).
Figure 1-8: Removing a Single-Slot I/E Element
When the I/E Element is configured as an entire magazine, the magazine unlocks
when the door is opened so it can be removed. After closing the door, the library
continues functioning with just the right magazine.
NOTE: Opening the left door immediately deactivates the robotics so that the I/E
Element can be removed. The I/E Element status is set to Removed. When the
door is closed, the library immediately inventories the I/E Element (either the
single slot or all 12 slots depending on the configuration) before continuing.
Interface Security Levels
There are two levels of security available with an ARCvault library:
User-Level security—Controls access to the power, media magazines, and
the movement of the media inside the unit.
Administrator-Level security—Controls access to most of the utilities and
the configuration editing.
For added protection, ARCvault lets you assign different passwords to each level
based on the type of access:
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The OCP touch screen provides User and Administrator security using 4digit hexadecimal passwords. These are disabled by default.
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ARCvault 24 User Guide
ARCvault 24 Overview
The RMU offers User and Administrator security using 12-digit
alphanumeric characters that are case sensitive. The default Administrator
password is “2” while the default User password is “1.”
NOTE: When entering a RMU password from the OCP, you are limited to only
hexadecimal characters (0-F). To take advantage of the full alphabet, you
must use the RMU Password change option on the Setup tab.
Table 1-2 shows the different OCP security levels, the OCP access point that
prompts for a password, and the scope of access.
Table 1-2: ARCvault OCP Security Levels
Controls this Access
• Power > Reboot Library
• Power > Power Off Library
• Mag Access
• Move Media
Controls access to the power, media
magazines, and the movement of the
media inside the unit.
All User access options plus these:
• Setup > Passwords
• Setup > Edit Opts > Library
• Setup > Edit Opts > Network
• Setup > Edit Opts > SCSI/FC
• Utilities > Service
• Utilities > Diagnostics
Controls access to most of the utilities
and the editing of configuration
NOTE: Each security type controls a specific group of OCP options. For example, adding
a User password does NOT protect Admin-level options. However, a higher level
of security permits access to all lower-level functions, such as Admin-level
security allows access to all User-level functions.
Table 1-3 shows the different RMU security levels, the RMU tabs that can be
accessed based on the password, and the scope of access.
Table 1-3: ARCvault RMU Security Levels
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Controls Access to This Tab
• Status
• History
Limits access to read-only features.
All tabs
Allows full access to all configuration
and diagnostic features.
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Installation and Setup
This section covers the basic setup of your ARCvault 24 library.
IMPORTANT: For installation information about your ARCvault 24 library, refer to the
ARCvault 12 & 24 Quick Start Guide. A printed copy is located inside the Accessory
Kit and a PDF version is located on the Documentation CD.
Activating the Warranty
Before installing your new unit, it is essential that you activate your ARCvault
warranty by registering your library. Technical and warranty support, including
automatic firmware version checking, is not available until this is accomplished.
Use these steps to register your unit at the Overland Storage website:
1. Go to the Overland Technical Support website at:
2. Using the MEMBER LOGIN (Figure 2-1), log in to the site.
NOTE: If you are not yet a member, click the New member? link and follow the
instructions. It’s free and easy!
Figure 2-1: Member Login and New Member Link
3. From the menu on the left, select My Products > Add or Register a
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.
NOTE: To set category watches or receive update notifications, you must include an
e-mail address with your registration.
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ARCvault 24 User Guide
Installation and Setup
Configuring the Unit for Everyday Use
Follow these basic steps to initially configure your library to your network.
Power On the Library
At the front of the unit, tap the OCP touch screen to power on the unit. The
Startup screen is displayed (Figure 2-2). The inventory status and IP address
alternate at the bottom of the screen.
Figure 2-2: OCP Startup Screen
Wait approximately 3 minutes for Power-On Self-Test (POST) to be completed and
the Default screen menu to be displayed (Figure 2-3).
Figure 2-3: OCP Default Screen Menu
Reset the SCSI ID
If necessary, change the unit’s SCSI ID (only if it needs to be different than the
default setting of “1”):
1. Press Setup > Edit Opts > SCSI/FC (pressing OK at the going offline
2. Press the Drv 1 Bus ID data field on the right.
3. Press the New data field.
4. Using the pop-up keyboard, enter the new SCSI ID number and press OK.
5. Press Save and then press OK to confirm.
6. Repeat Steps Steps 1–5 for the other drive.
7. When the screen resets, press Back three times.
IP Address Configuration
The ARCvault 24 Library comes configured with a static IP address of To
access the unit remotely for additional configuration, open your browser to this
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Installation and Setup
NOTE: Refer to Chapter 5, “Remote Management Utility,” for complete details on
remote configuration options and settings.
If the default remote access IP Address needs to be changed to a different static or
dynamic IP address, use one of the following procedures to change it.
DHCP Addressing
Use this procedure to have a DHCP Server automatically assign an IP address to
the ARCvault library:
1. At the OCP Default screen, press Setup > Edit Opts > Network > OK (at
the going offline message).
The IP Addr Assignment option is shown (Figure 2-4).
Scroll Button
Figure 2-4: OCP Network Configuration Screens
2. Change the IP Address Assignment to DHCP:
a. Press the IP Addr Assignment data field.
b. Press DHCP.
c. Press OK.
3. Press Save > OK (at the reboot message).
4. Press Back twice to return to the Default screen.
5. Press Power > Reboot Library > OK (at the going offline message) > OK
(at the reboot message).
Wait while the library reboots.
Different Static IP Address
Use these steps to change the static IP address of the ARCvault library:
1. At the OCP Default screen, press Setup > Edit Opts > Network > OK (at
the going offline message).
The IP Addr Assignment option screen is shown.
2. Change the static IP address:
a. Scroll down one screen to the Library IP Addr option.
b. Press the data field on the right.
c. Press the New data field.
d. Using the keypad, enter a unique IP address (www.xxx.yyy.zzz) assigned
by your network administrator, and press OK.
e. Verify the address is correct and press OK.
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Installation and Setup
3. Enter an IP mask:
a. Scroll down one more screen and press the IP Mask data field on the
b. Press the New data field.
c. Using the keypad, enter an IP mask (www.xxx.yyy.zzz) assigned by your
network administrator, and press OK.
d. Verify the address is correct and press OK.
4. Enter an IP gateway address:
a. Scroll down another screen and press the IP Gateway data field on the
b. Press the New data field.
c. Using the keypad, enter an IP gateway (www.xxx.yyy.zzz) assigned by
your network administrator, and press OK.
d. Verify the address is correct and press OK.
5. Enter a DNS Server address:
a. Scroll down one final screen and press the DNS Server data field on the
b. Press the New data field.
c. Using the keypad, enter an IP gateway (www.xxx.yyy.zzz) assigned by
your network administrator, and press OK.
d. Verify the address is correct and press OK.
6. Press Save > OK (at the reboot message).
7. Press Back twice to return to the Default screen.
8. Press Power > Reboot Library > OK (at the going offline message) > OK
(at the reboot message).
Wait while the library reboots.
Configure E-Mail Communications
Before the Send a Support Ticket, Check Firmware Revision Level, and Send a
Test E-Mail options in the RMU can be used, the SMTP Server address must be
entered using the RMU:
1. From a computer connected to the same network as the ARCvault library,
open a browser, connect to the default address of (or the
newly configured remote IP address), and login as Administrator (see
“Interface Security Levels” on page 1-6).
2. In the top frame of the RMU, click the Setup tab (Figure 2-5).
Figure 2-5: RMU Tabs
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Installation and Setup
3. Click the Notifications button (clicking Confirm at the going offline
Figure 2-6: Setup Screen Notifications Button
4. Complete the Configuration section (Figure 2-7):
Enter either the IP Address or Hostname for the E-Mail Server.
Select the Warning Level desired.
Figure 2-7: Notifications Configuration Options
5. In the E-Mail Addresses section, enter data for your network:
a. Enter up to four addresses to receive e-mail event messages.
b. Change the e-mail address that will be used as the return address (From
Address) for the event messages to a real address.
The From Address is used to receive e-mail responses from Overland
c. Click the check box to add a trace file to Critical event e-mails.
6. Click Submit.
The information is updated immediately.
7. To test the configuration, click the Functions tab and, under Send a Test
E-Mail, click Send E-Mail.
Loading the Tape Media
You are now ready to insert your tape cartridges into the library. The removable
media magazines provide an easy means of loading the media.
CAUTION: Keep a loaded magazine level. Tilting the magazine can result in the
tapes falling out and possibly being damaged. Also, do not hold a magazine by only
the handle; use both hands to support it.
1. At the OCP Default screen, press Media > Mag Access (pressing OK at the
going offline message) > Unlock All.
The magazine locked symbols change to unlocked symbols.
2. Open the doors and remove the magazines by pulling the handles.
3. Insert the tape cartridges.
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Installation and Setup
4. Reinsert the magazines.
The magazines relock automatically.
NOTE: If you did not remove and reinsert both magazines, you must press Relock
All before continuing.
5. Press Back once.
Wait while the unit automatically inventories the magazines.
6. Press Back again to return to the Default screen.
Your system is now ready for use.
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Daily Operation
This chapter covers some of the common functions and changes that might be
performed on the ARCvault 24 Library during daily use.
NOTE: Many of the these procedures require the use of either the OCP touch screen or
the Remote Management Utility (RMU). For detailed information on those two
features, refer to Chapter 4, “Operator Control Panel,” and Chapter 5, “Remote
Management Utility.”
IMPORTANT: A Full Trace log (see “History Tab” on page 5-39) should be saved
every time changes are made to the configuration in the event that the information
is needed should the chassis or controller card be swapped out.
Power Controls
To power on the unit, tap the OCP touch screen or press the rear Power switch.
This begins the POST process and displays the Startup screen (Figure 3-1). This
screen alternates between showing the current POST status and the default IP
address for the library.
Figure 3-1: POST Startup Logo Screen
After approximately 3 minutes, when the unit has completed its POST process
(including an inventory of cartridges), the unit automatically displays the Default
menu screen (Figure 3-2) and is ready for use.
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Daily Operation
Figure 3-2: OCP Default Screen
To power down the unit, first press the Power button on the OCP touch screen,
then press Power Off Library, and finally confirm the choice. The unit performs a
controlled shutdown, including parking the shuttle and robotics inside. For an
uncontrolled shutdown, press and hold the rear power switch for approximately 4
seconds to power down the unit.
NOTE: The library remembers its power state when power is removed from the unit.
When power is returned, the library returns to its previous state. For example, if
power is lost when the library was in an operational state, when power is
returned the library reboots and goes back to a ready state.
OCP Touch Screen
The OCP touch screen provides an easy way to make common configuration
changes and control access to the media. The following is a basic list of operational
procedures and general instructions for using the OCP touch screen.
Virtual buttons are represented on the screen as rectangles with labels such
as “Status.” Press inside the rectangle to activate the button’s feature or
A keyboard or set of option buttons is automatically displayed when
numbers need to be entered or specific selections are required.
If more options are available than can fit on the screen, arrow buttons are
displayed on the bottom so you can scroll through the options. Only one
arrow is shown when you reach the end or beginning of the list.
NOTE: The Status screen, Help screen, and all message screens use a scroll bar
with arrows on the right side in place of the Up/Down arrows. Drag your
finger up or down the scroll bar, or press and hold an arrow key to scroll.
A Back button is always available on the bottom right of all secondary or
lower menu screens to return you to the previous screen.
A Cancel button is available on all data entry screens to return you to the
previous menu screen without making changes.
When the library is powered off but still plugged in, the OCP glows blue.
Tapping the OCP starts the power on cycle.
Status Check
To quickly check the current status of the library, use the Status button on the
Default menu screen. The Status screens are read-only so a password is not
required to view the data.
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Daily Operation
1. At the OCP Default screen (Figure 3-3), press the Status button.
Figure 3-3: Status Button Location
2. At the Status Menu (Figure 3-4), press Cart Map.
Figure 3-4: Status Menu Screen
3. On the Cart Map screen (Figure 3-5), press a data field to see a detailed
status for a drive (Drv) and magazine (Mag). You will need to use the scroll
bar to view all the information.
Figure 3-5: Cart Map Screen (Complete Screen)
Drv 1—Drive 1 operational and tape status.
Drv 2—Drive 2 operational and tape status (blank if not installed).
Left Mag— Left media magazine slot and cartridge status.
Right Mag—Right media magazine slot and cartridge status.
Bottom left area—Shows the unit operational status (such as Library
If necessary, use the scroll bar on the right to view the different buttons.
4. Press Back to return to the Status Menu screen.
5. If necessary, press either the Library or Drive n button to see additional
NOTE: Refer to “Status Menu” on page 4-8 for more details and information about the
symbols used.
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Daily Operation
Tape Cartridges
While the ARCvault libraries are available with different LTO tape drives using
different tape formats, the general handling of the tape media is the same
throughout the ARCvault family. Before you can use the library, you must first
load the tape cartridges. If bar code labels are being used, they must be installed
before you load the cartridges.
Bar Code Labels
The ARCvault 24 comes with a bar code reader to help manage cartridges by
reading industry standard bar codes 3 of 9. The graphic below (Figure 3-6) shows
how to install a bar code label on an LTO tape cartridge.
Bar Code Label
Figure 3-6: Bar Code Label Installation
The following are important tips to ensure maximum media performance and life:
Place labels only in the recessed area, next to the write protection switch.
Never place labels on the top, bottom, sides, or rear of the cartridge—they
can cause loader faults and interfere with normal operations. Also, labels
placed in such locations can come off inside the equipment causing damage.
Always inspect cartridges before use for incorrect or improperly attached
Never reuse a cartridge label—always replace it with a new one.
Media Magazines
CAUTION: Keep a loaded magazine level. Tilting the magazine can result in the
tapes falling out and possibly being damaged. Also, do not hold a magazine by only
the handle; use both hands to support it.
The media magazines are used to store the tape cartridges inside the library when
they are not in use. They provide an easy means to add, remove, or exchange
cartridges as needed. They are also a convenient way to store cartridges once they
are full of data. As a security measure, access to the magazines can be password
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Daily Operation
I/E Element
By configuring the left magazine as a variation of the Import/Export (I/E) Element
option, the ARCvault 24 lets you add or remove tape cartridges without taking the
library offline. There are two types of I/E Elements available:
Single-slot – the bottom front slot of the left magazine is configured as an I/E
Element. Use the removable tray to access it.
Full-magazine – the entire left magazine is used as an I/E Element.
The default I/E Element setting for the ARCvault 24 is a single-slot I/E Element.
Single-Slot I/E Element
Configuring your ARCvault to have a single-slot I/E Element provides a maximum
benefit with a minimum impact on operations since only one slot is dedicated to
that purpose. The single-slot I/E Element can be removed by pressing together
both release tabs located on the front of the magazine and pulling the handle
(Figure 3-7). When the I/E tray is reinserted, the library automatically inventories
Release Tabs for I/E Element
Standard Magazine
I/E Element Magazine
Figure 3-7. I/E Element Location
CAUTION: When removing a single-slot I/E Element with a tape cartridge in it, be
careful to keep the slot tray level. Tilting the I/E Element can result in the tape
falling out and possibly being damaged.
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Daily Operation
When the bottom front slot and handle that form the single-slot I/E Element tray
assembly is removed (Figure 3-8), the remainder of the magazine (11 slots) stays
in the library. The library shows the I/E Element as “Removed,” but continues to
use the remaining 11 slots after the door is closed.
Figure 3-8: Removing Single-Slot I/E Element
Once the I/E Element is out of the unit, media can be removed or inserted
(Figure 3-9).
Tape Cartridge
I/E Element
Figure 3-9: Single-Slot I/E Element With Tape Inserted
Full-Magazine I/E Element
In this configuration, the entire left magazine is dedicated as an I/E Element,
allowing large numbers of tape cartridges to be exchanged without taking the
library offline. This can be useful when backing up large amounts of data
requiring numerous tapes to be exchanged before completing the job.
A full-magazine I/E Element is removed by just opening the door and pulling the
magazine by the handle. The release tabs are not used.
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Daily Operation
Slot Numbering
To help with the management of tape cartridges, the individual slots of the
magazines are numbered. The sequence of the numbering is by magazine, from
the bottom to the top, front to back. When an I/E Element is configured, those slots
are numbered separately.
When no I/E Element is enabled in the ARCvault 24 (Figure 3-10), the slot
numbering starts in the left magazine and continues with the right magazine.
Figure 3-10. Normal Magazine Slot Numbering
When a single-slot I/E Element is enabled in the ARCvault 24, the first slot of the
left magazine is used and is given an “i/e” label. This causes the regular slot
numbering (Slot 1) to start from the second slot of the left magazine (Figure 3-11).
i/e 1
I/E Element
Figure 3-11. Slot Numbering with Two Single-Slot I/E Element
When the entire left magazine is configured as an I/E Element, the slots are
numbered “i/e 1”–“i/e 12” (Figure 3-12) and the magazine name changes from “Left
Mag” to “I/E Mag” in the OCP. The regular slot numbering (Slot 1) starts with the
first slot of the right magazine.
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Daily Operation
i/e 3
i/e 6
i/e 9
i/e 12
i/e 2
i/e 5
i/e 8
i/e 11
i/e 1
i/e 4
i/e 7
i/e 10
I/E Element
(Entire Left
(Normal Slots)
Figure 3-12. Slot Numbering with Full-Magazine I/E Element
Media Handling
Most of the normal daily operations of an ARCvault library center around the
handling of tape media. The ARCvault 24 manages up to 24 tape cartridges.
Moving Media Inside the Library
NOTE: This is the same as the Move a Tape Cartridge option on the Media tab of the
The OCP Move Media command (Figure 3-13) provides the means to move
cartridges inside the library without physically touching them.
Figure 3-13: Move Media OCP Screen
NOTE: If the location type has no available openings, a dash (—) is shown for the
location number. If only one option is available for the location type, the location
number doesn’t change.
1. At the OCP Default screen, press Media > Move Media > OK (at the going
offline message).
2. At the Move Media screen, select the source location:
a. With the default From (Fr) field selected, use the left
to choose the source location type.
b. Use the right
arrows to select the source location number.
3. Select the destination:
a. Press the To field between the lower arrows.
b. Use the left
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arrows to select the destination type.
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ARCvault 24 User Guide
Daily Operation
c. Use the right
arrows to select the destination number.
4. Press Execute.
Wait for the tape to be moved. You are automatically returned to the Media
menu when done.
5. Press Back to return to the Default screen.
Using the Magazines for Bulk Media Exchanges
If you need to add, remove, or exchange a large number of tape cartridges and do
not have the left magazine configured as an I/E Element, you can take the library
offline and use one or both media magazines to exchange cartridges. Each
magazine holds up to 12 LTO cartridges.
CAUTION: Keep a loaded magazine level. Tilting the magazine can result in the
tapes falling out and possibly being damaged. Also, do not hold a magazine by only
the handle; use both hands to support it.
1. At the OCP Default screen, press Media > Mag Access > OK (at the going
offline message).
Wait for the robotics to come to a complete stop.
2. Press Unlock All and open the doors.
3. Carefully remove a magazine.
4. Add, remove, or exchange any tape cartridges.
5. Carefully slide the magazine back into the library until it relocks.
6. If needed, repeat Steps 3–5 for the other magazine.
7. Close the doors.
8. Press Back.
Wait while the library is automatically inventoried.
9. Press Back again to return to the Default screen.
Using the I/E Element for Media Exchanges
The ARCvault I/E Element allows you to import or export cartridges without
taking the library offline.
Managing Media With a Single-Slot I/E Element
Follow these steps to add, remove, or exchange tape cartridges in an ARCvault
library configured for a single-slot I/E Element:
1. If necessary, use the Move Media option to move a tape to the I/E Element
for removal.
2. Open the left door.
3. Remove the I/E Element by squeezing the two release tabs and pulling the
4. Add, remove, or exchange the tape cartridge.
5. Reinsert the I/E Element.
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Daily Operation
6. Close the door.
Wait while the library completes an inventory of the I/E Element.
7. If necessary, use the Move Media option to move the new tape to a slot or
Managing Media With a Full-Magazine I/E Element
NOTE: This works the same as using a regular magazine for a bulk exchange but the
ARCvault library remains online during the exchange.
1. As needed, use the Move Media option to move any tapes to the I/E
Element magazine for removal.
2. Open the left door.
3. Carefully remove the I/E Element magazine by pulling the handle.
4. Add, remove, or exchange any tape cartridges.
5. Carefully reinsert the I/E Element magazine until it relocks automatically.
6. Close the door.
Wait while the library completes an inventory of all 12 slots in the I/E
Element magazine.
7. If necessary, use the Move Media option to move any new tapes to a slot or
Tape Drive Cleaning
The ARCvault library provides an option to clean a tape drive manually. When
needed, the cleaning cartridge can be loaded using either the magazines or the I/E
Elements. To permanently keep a cleaning cartridge in the library, it is
recommended that it be stored in a Reserved slot. See “Reserved Slots” on
page 5-20.
CAUTION: Due to the abrasiveness of a cleaning cartridge, only perform a cleaning
when the library displays a message informing you to do so. Excessive cleaning can
shorten the life of a drive.
NOTE: If the cleaning cartridge has expired, an expiration message is shown and the
expired cartridge is returned to its slot. It must be replaced before the drive can
be cleaned.
Running a Cleaning Cartridge Using the OCP
Usually, when a cleaning is required, the cleaning cartridge is loaded at that time
so the OCP is used to complete the cleaning. However, cleaning can also be
handled remotely (see “Clean a Drive” on page 5-13).
1. Verify that a cleaning cartridge is loaded in the library and the drive to be
cleaned is empty.
2. From the OCP Default screen, select Utilities > Service > Clean Drive >
OK (at the going offline message).
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Daily Operation
Figure 3-14: Clean Drive Option Screen
3. Select the slot where the cleaning tape is located (usually a Reserved slot):
a. With the From (Fr) field selected by default, use the left
arrows to select the source location type.
b. Use the right
arrows to select the source location number.
NOTE: If only one number is available for a type, the display doesn’t change. If no
options are available for this location type, a dash (–) is displayed.
4. For a dual-drive configuration, press the To field between the bottom arrows
and use the right
arrows to select the drive number.
NOTE: The left arrows do not function because the only possible destination is a
drive. If a tape is in a drive, a dash (–) is displayed instead of that drive’s
number. Remove the tape from the drive and retry.
5. Press Execute to start the cleaning (or Back to cancel).
A cleaning message is displayed (Figure 3-15). When the cleaning cycle
completes, the library returns the cleaning cartridge back to the same slot
and the display returns to the Service options screen.
Figure 3-15: Cleaning Message
NOTE: If the tape selected is expired or not a cleaning tape, it is returned to the slot
and an error message is displayed (Figure 3-16).
Figure 3-16: Sample Cleaning Tape Error Message
6. Press Back twice to return to the Default screen.
7. If desired, remove the cleaning cartridge.
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Operator Control Panel
The Operator Control Panel (OCP) touch screen on the front of the ARCvault 24
(Figure 4-1) provides an easy way to directly communicate with the unit. By gently
pressing the virtual buttons, you select menus and options to view or change
OCP Touch Screen
Figure 4-1: OCP Touch Screen Location
NOTE: Some procedures are not available from the OCP touch screen and can only be
accessed using the RMU (see Chapter 5, “Remote Management Utility”).
The OCP touch screen is a 2.5” x 1.25” (6.4cm x 3.2cm) pressure-sensitive blue and
light-gray screen. It provides text and graphic messages and, through the use of
virtual buttons and sliders, allows users to make changes to current settings.
Some features are comprised of multiple screens. To move between these screens,
use the
arrows. For status, help, and message screens that are larger
than the OCP, use the scroll bar arrows on the right side to move up and down.
Holding down the scroll arrow keys results in continuous scrolling. The Back
button returns you to the previous screen.
Configurable items consist of a label on the left and a data field on the right.
Pressing the data field opens a configuration screen. Changes are entered in the
New data box using either the arrow buttons or a keypad. Press Save to apply the
data or Cancel to return unchanged to the previous screen.
For most applications, the factory default settings are sufficient. If changes are
needed, use the instructions provided in the following sections to adjust the
settings to meet your specific needs.
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Operator Control Panel
Startup Screen
The Startup screen (Figure 4-2) appears when the unit is first powered on and
POST begins. If a valid IP address is assigned, it alternates with the POST
inventory status at the bottom of the screen. The default IP address is
Figure 4-2: POST Screen
Default Screen
After approximately 3 minutes, when the library has completed its POST process
(including an inventory), the unit displays the Default menu screen (Figure 4-3)
and is ready for use.
Figure 4-3: Default Screen
This screen provides the basic menu from which you can access most options,
functions, and status screens of the ARCvault. You can also initiate a controlled
shutdown or reboot of the unit from here.
Going Offline
Many of the following OCP operations require that the library be taken offline.
Any such operation is preceded by a warning message (Figure 4-4) with OK and
Cancel response buttons. When the operation is complete and you return to the
previous OCP screen, the library automatically goes back online.
Figure 4-4: Going Offline Warning
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Operator Control Panel
OCP Software Map
The following is a map (Figure 4-5) of the OCP screens and their organization:
Reboot Library[User]
Power Off Library[User]
Other Help
Network [Admin]
View Opts1
IP Addr Assignment
Library IP Addr
Reserved Slots
IP Mask
Library Mode
IP Gateway
LCD Contrast
DNS Server
Bar Code Label Size
User & FTP Login
Bar Code Alignment
Administrator Login
Bar Code Check Digit
Secure Web Login
Bar Code Reader Tries
Admin RMU Access OK
Mag Access[SL1]
IP Addr Assignment
Left (unlock/relock)
IP Mask3
Right (unlock/relock)
IP Gateway3
Unlock/Relock All
DNS Server3
Move Media[SL1]
From (Fr)
Library IP Addr3
Service [Admin]
Clean Drive
Access All Mags
Force Reconfig
Secure Web Login
Admin RMU Access OK
Drv 1 Bus ID (SCSI)
Cart Cycle
Drv 2 Bus ID* (SCSI)2
Drive Cycle
Init Elem Status
Cart Map
Dev Capbl’s Page Len
I/E Elem Base Addr
Dr 1 (Drive 1 media info)
Post Recvr’d Errors
Dr 2* (Drive 2 media info)
TapeAlert Mode
Left Mag
Abort Move Status
(Interactive cartridge map)
Right Mag
(Interactive cartridge map)
Library (info)
Admin (if set)
User (if set)
If Fiber Channel drives are used , the
following commands replace each
“Drv n Bus ID” option .
* If installed
Passwords [Admin]
Edit Opts
Screen Calib
Error Log
Rpt Bin ID for FC Drvs
Drive 2* (drive info)
Security (pwd validation)
Report Elem Type
Drive 1 (drive info)
Reset User Defaults
Diagnostics [Admin]
Override Host Lock
View Opts:
Drv n Config (FC)
Library [Admin]
Port A Control
Reserved Slots
Port A Loop ID
Library Mode
World Wide Port A Name
LCD Contrast
Port B Control
SCSI/FC [Admin]
Port B Loop ID
World Wide Port B Name
Drv 1 Bus ID* (SCSI)
Drv 2 Bus ID* (SCSI)
World Wide Node Name
FC Link Topology
FC Link Speed
User = Security Level 1 protection available
Edit Opts:
Admin = Security Level 2 protection available
2. If Fibre Channel used , see alternate menu .
FC Link Topology
3. Only visible if Static IP addressing used .
FC Link Speed
Drv n Config (FC)
1. View Opts settings are read -only .
Figure 4-5. OCP Menu Outline
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Operator Control Panel
Default Screen Options
The Default screen (Figure 4-6) consists of six buttons below a logo.
Figure 4-6: Default Screen
The buttons provide links to the most commonly used functions and options of the
ARCvault unit (Table 4-1).
Table 4-1: Options Available from the Default Screen
Virtual Button
Power Button
Provides a reboot option and controlled power-down sequence.
Help Button
Displays the Technical Support contact screens.
Media Menu
Provides options for the physical handling of media. From this
screen, you can release the media magazines or move media within
the library.
Status Menu
Displays options to view the library status screens. This includes the
firmware version, serial number, drive status, and cartridge maps.
Setup Menu
Shows the Setup screen with links to configure most of the settings
for the library.
Utilities Menu
Provides access to service and diagnostic utilities.
Power Button
Pressing the Power button displays the Power Menu that consists of a reboot
option and a controlled power-down sequence (Figure 4-7). The power-down
sequence provides enough time to park the shuttle and robotics assembly before
shutting off the power. During either process, you are prompted to either confirm
or cancel the option.
NOTE: The Reboot Library and Power Off Library options can be password protected at
the User level. Note that the default User security setting for the unit is disabled.
See “Passwords Button” on page 4-24 to activate a password.
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Operator Control Panel
Figure 4-7: ARCvault Power Options
Help Button
Pressing the Help button on the Default screen displays Overland-specific
technical support information (Figure 4-8). To view all the information, press the
arrow buttons.
Figure 4-8: Technical Support Help Screen (Complete Screen)
Press the Other Help button for additional contact information.
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Operator Control Panel
If you are having difficulty contacting your local service provider, contact
Overland Storage directly. For further assistance, access Overland’s Technical
Support website at http://support.overlandstorage.com. You can also access
Overland’s general website at http://www.overlandstorage.com.
Media Menu
The Media Menu screen (Figure 4-9) provides ways to control the movement of
tape media into, out of, and inside the ARCvault library.
Figure 4-9: Media Menu Screen
Mag Access Button
IMPORTANT: Pressing this button takes the library offline. To continue, press OK.
When you exit the menu, the library automatically goes back online.
NOTE: This screen can be password protected at the User-level security. The default
User security setting is disabled. Refer to “Passwords Button” on page 4-24 to
change it.
Pressing the Mag Access button displays the screen (Figure 4-10) controlling the
locks that secure each media magazine. Access to a magazine is gained by pressing
either a specific magazine button or the Unlock All button.
Figure 4-10: Mag Access Screen
The ARCvault robotics and the Back button are disabled until the magazines are
locked back in place. Any removed magazines relock automatically when they are
reinserted into the unit. To relock the magazines that were not removed, press the
specific magazine buttons or the Relock All button (Figure 4-11).
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Operator Control Panel
Figure 4-11: Magazines Unlocked with Back Button Disabled
NOTE: If a magazine was removed from the library and not reinserted before relocking,
a message is displayed indicating that magazine’s removal. Press OK to
Pressing the Back button returns you to the Media screen and, if any of the
magazines were removed, causes the library to perform an inventory of only the
magazines removed. Pressing Back again returns you to the Default screen.
Move Media Button
IMPORTANT: Pressing this button takes the library offline. To continue, press OK.
When you exit the menu, the library automatically goes back online.
NOTE: This screen can be password protected at the User-level security. The default
User security setting is disabled. Refer to “Passwords Button” on page 4-24 to
change it.
The Move Media button displays the Move Media screen (Figure 4-12) used to
move media to or from a tape drive or between magazine slots. The screen consists
of To and From (Fr) data fields, up and down arrows, and Execute and Back
These Arrows...
...Change The
Location Type
Data Field
These Arrows...
...Change The
Location Number
Data Field
Figure 4-12: Move Media Screen Choices
As shown in Figure 4-12, the arrows on the left are used for changing the location
type in the left side of the data fields, and the arrows on the right are used for
changing the location number in the right side of the data fields.
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Operator Control Panel
NOTE: If the location type has no available openings, a dash (—) is shown for the
location number. If only one option is available for the location type, the location
number doesn’t change. The location numbers start at the smallest number and
wrap around at the top so, from the default starting number, press the down
arrow to reach the higher numbers more quickly.
Table 4-2: Move Media Location Type Options
Component Described
Active tape drives
Normal magazine slots
Magazine slots configured as I/E Elements
Reserved slots
Move a Tape Cartridge
1. At the OCP Default screen, press Media > Move Media > OK (at the going
offline message).
2. At the Move Media screen, select the source location:
a. With the default From (Fr) field selected, use the left
to choose the source location type.
b. Use the right
arrows to select the source location number.
3. Select the destination:
a. Press the To field between the lower arrows.
b. Use the left
c. Use the right
arrows to select the destination type.
arrows to select the destination number.
4. Press Execute.
Wait for the tape to be moved. You are automatically returned to the Media
menu when done.
5. Press Back to return to the Default screen.
Status Menu
When you press the Status button on the Default screen, the Status Menu is
displayed (Figure 4-13). This screen provides buttons that let you view the general
operational information about the library. No security password is required to
access these informational screens.
Figure 4-13: Status Menu Screen
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There are three options offered on this screen:
Table 4-3: Status Menu Options
Cart Map Button
Allows all users to view the current media information.
Library Button
Displays the current status of key library settings.
Drive Buttons
Shows the current operational status of a drive. If a second
half-height drive is installed, a Drive 2 button is displayed.
Cart Map Button
The Cart Map screen (Figure 4-14) displays drive (Drv) buttons on the left and
magazine (Mag) buttons on the right. Pressing one of these buttons provides access
to media locations and information. You need to use the scroll bar to view all the
Figure 4-14: Cart Map Screen (Complete Screen)
Drive Data Fields
The drive status buttons are listed from the top drive down, matching the physical
locations of the drives. Two rectangles make up a single drive bay. A full-height
drive is always shown in the top position of a drive bay with the lower bay position
crossed out indicating it is disabled (Figure 4-15).
Figure 4-15: Disabled Drive Bay
The default ARCvault 24 library only has one drive in the drive bay. The other
drive locations are disabled (crossed out).
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If a tape is in a drive, either a striped blue box is shown indicating a tape with a
bar code or a solid blue box is shown indicating a tape without a bar code. Pressing
a tape drive button displays information concerning its loaded status. Figure 4-16
shows the possible messages:
Figure 4-16: Pressing Drive Screen Shows Tape Details
Magazine Data Fields
Pressing a magazine button displays a map of the magazine slots (Figure 4-17)
with blue boxes representing the tape media.
Figure 4-17: Magazine Map
Pressing a slot with a striped blue box displays the bar code information of the
media (Figure 4-18). Pressing a slot with a solid blue box displays “No bar code.”
Pressing the bar code information box removes it from the screen.
Figure 4-18: Pressing Magazine Slot Shows Tape Details
If one or more reserved slots are configured, they are marked with an "r" followed
by the reserved slot number.
If a single-slot I/E Element is configured, an “ie” label is used to distinguish the I/E
Element which is always the lower left slot of the left magazine (Figure 4-19). If
the I/E Element has been removed, the slot displays an “X” (after exiting and
reentering map to refresh the screen).
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Figure 4-19: Left Magazine Map Showing Single-Slot I/E Element
If the entire left magazine is configured as an I/E Element, the magazine’s label
changes to “I⁄ E Mag” and the number sequencing is separated from the rest of the
library’s slot numbering (Figure 4-20).
Figure 4-20: Left and Right Magazine Maps with a 12-Slot I/E Element
Library Button
The Library button provides read-only access to general information (Figure 4-21)
about the ARCvault unit. Use the
arrows to shift between screens.
Figure 4-21: Library Info Screen (Complete Screen)
The following table lists the items shown and provides a key to the abbreviations:
Table 4-4: Library Info Screen Data
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Shows the current version number of the firmware.
Serial Number
Displays the serial number for this unit.
Library Mode
Shows whether random or sequential mode is selected.
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Table 4-4: Library Info Screen Data(Continued)
IP Address
Provides the IP address assigned to the unit. This is the IP
address used to access the RMU configuration software.
Addressing Mode
Displays if the IP address is static or dynamic.
Boot Firmware
Shows the revision level of the boot code.
Displays the revision level of the Controller card hardware.
MAC Address
Gives the MAC address for this unit.
Hours On
Displays the total number of powered-on hours.
Drive Buttons
The Drive 1 button provides read-only access to information about several key
items of that tape drive (Figure 4-22). If a second drive has been installed, a Drive
2 button is displayed.
SCSI Drive
FC Drive
SAS Drive
Figure 4-22: Sample Drive Info Screen (Complete Screen)
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The following table lists the items shown and provides a key to the abbreviations:
Table 4-5: Drive Info Screen Data
Drive Mfg
Displays the name of the drive’s manufacturer.
Drive Type
Shows the tape technology used by the drive.
F/W Rev
Provides the revision number of the drive firmware.
Gives the SCSI bus number assigned to the drive.
NOTE: Only visible if a SCSI drive is installed.
WW Node
Shows the World Wide Node Name.
NOTE: Only visible if an FC drive is installed.
Loop ID A
Displays the Loop ID for Port A.
NOTE: Only visible if an FC drive is installed.
Port A
Gives the World Wide Port A Name.
NOTE: Only visible if an FC drive is installed.
Loop ID B
Shows the Loop ID for Port B.
NOTE: Only visible if a dual-port FC drive is installed.
Port B
Displays the World Wide Port B Name.
NOTE: Only visible if a dual-port FC drive is installed.
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Drive State
Shows the current drive state. Possible states are:
• Idle
• Cleaning
• Loading
• Unload'g (Unloading)
• Active
• Reading
• Writing
• Locating
• Rewind'g (Rewinding)
• Erasing
• Format'g (Formatting)
• Calibr'g (Calibrating)
• Unknown
Displays the current cleaning status of the drive:
• OK—Normal operation
• Requested—Will require cleaning soon but can still operate
• Required—Requires cleaning but can still operate
H/W Comp
Shows if hardware compression is Enabled or Disabled.
Error Status
Provides the current drive functional status—OK, Warning, or Critical.
Pressing the Error Status button provides more information about a
Critical error condition.
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Setup Menu
When you press the Setup button on the Default screen, the Setup Menu is
displayed (Figure 4-23). This screen provides buttons that link you to all the OCPconfigurable items. Anyone can view the settings but Admin-level security is
required to make any changes to these items.
Figure 4-23: Setup Menu Screen
There are three options offered on this screen:
Table 4-6: Setup Menu Options
View Opts Button
Allows all users to view the current configuration options in readonly mode.
Edit Opts Button
Permits users with Administrator-level security to view and change
many of the unit’s options.
Passwords Button
Manages security access to different OCP options by using
hexadecimal passwords.
View Opts Button
Pressing the View Opts button displays the View Options menu screen (Figure 424). This screen has three buttons for viewing the current settings for different
sets of options as configured for your ARCvault library. The displayed options are
read-only and cannot be changed. No security password is required to access these
Figure 4-24: View Options Screen
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Library Button (View-Only)
The Library button provides read-only access to the ARCvault 24 primary settings
and displays several screens of information in read-only format (Figure 4-25). Use
arrows to shift between option screens.
Figure 4-25: View Library Options Screen
NOTE: To edit these options, refer to the Library button under Edit Opts (page 4-18).
Table 4-7 lists the items shown and provides brief descriptions:
Table 4-7: Viewable Library Options
Reserved Slots
Shows the slots reserved to either store cleaning cartridges or to
reduce the number of active slots to meet host software
Library Mode
Indicates if the unit uses random or sequential tape selection mode.
LCD Contrast
Shows the contrast setting between 0 and 63 for the LCD display.
Bar Code
Label Size
Exhibits the maximum number of bar code characters (1–8) reported
to both the host and the Cartridge Map.
Bar Code
Displays either Left or Right for the end of the bar code used when the
specified number of characters reported (Bar Code Label setting) is
less than the actual number of characters in the bar code.
Bar Code
Check Digit
Shows whether or not the verification of a check digit character in the
bar code label is enabled.
Bar Code Reader Denotes if the bar code reader has retries enabled or disabled.
Network Button (View-Only)
The Network button (Figure 4-26) provides read-only access to IP network
settings and security. Use the
arrows to shift between screens.
Figure 4-26: View Network Options Screen
NOTE: To edit these options, refer to the Network button under Edit Opts (page 4-19).
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Table 4-8 lists the items shown and provides brief descriptions.
Table 4-8: Viewable Network Options
IP Addr
Displays the method used for setting the IP address of the library’s
protected RMU website.
IP Addr
Shows the static IP address used to access RMU.
IP Mask
Displays the Subnet Mask address used to access RMU.
NOTE: Only visible if the IP address assignment is set to Static.
NOTE: Only visible if the IP address assignment is set to Static.
IP Gateway
Specifies the Gateway IP address used to access RMU.
NOTE: Only visible if the IP address assignment is set to Static.
DNS Server
Lists the DNS server address used with a static IP address.
NOTE: Only visible if the IP address assignment is set to Static.
Secure Web
Shows whether the secure Java (Yes) or standard HTML (No) login
screen is being used to access the RMU.
Admin RMU
Access OK
Denotes if Administrator security access to the RMU is allowed.
SCSI/FC Button (View-Only)
The SCSI/FC button provides read-only access to the SCSI, SAS, or FC settings.
Pressing this button displays several read-only screens showing the different
options currently used in the library (Figure 4-27). Use the
arrows to
shift between screens. For FC drives, when the View Values field for a particular
drive is pressed, a second set of data screens is displayed.
Figure 4-27: View SCSI Options Screen
NOTE: To edit the Drv n Bus ID option, refer to the SCSI/FC button under Edit Opts
(page 4-22). All other options are only editable using the RMU.
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Table 4-9 lists the items shown and provides brief descriptions.
Table 4-9: Viewable SCSI/FC Options
Option and Default Description
Drv n Bus ID
(for each drive)
Allows you to view the SCSI addresses of the drives.
Drv n Config
(for each drive)
Provides a submenu to view the settings for the FC drives.
Init Elem
Displays the library’s response to the SCSI Initialize Element Status
Dev Capbl’s
Page Len
Shows if the unit uses Short or Long lengths of the Mode
Sense/Select Device Capabilities Page.
Post Recvr’d
Specifies the setting for a TapeAlert informational exception.
Details the conditions for logging and reporting a TapeAlert data
Abort Move
Displays the library’s response if it receives a SCSI Reset or Abort
command while a Move Medium command is in progress.
Elem Type
Shows the method used to report the type of library elements
installed (such as LTO drives) using the SCSI Read Element Status
Rpt Bin ID
for FC Drvs
Exhibits the setting of the World Wide Name in the Device ID field of
the Read Element Status Data Transfer Element Descriptor.
NOTE: Only visible if SCSI drives are installed.
NOTE: Only visible if FC drives are installed.
Table 4-10 lists the items shown and provides brief descriptions of the submenu
displayed when FC drives are installed and a Drv n Config button in the View
SCSI/FC option list is pressed.
Table 4-10: Viewable FC Drv n Config Submenu Options
Port A Control
Shows the method used for setting the AL-PA for the port.
Port A Hard Loop ID
Displays the Loop ID that the tape drive uses to determine
the AL-PA hard address for the port.
World Wide Port A Name
Exhibits whether a Default or Custom setting is used to set
the World Wide Port Name (WWPN) for the port.
Port B Control
Shows the method used for setting the AL-PA for the port.
NOTE: This option is only visible for two-port drives.
Port B Hard Loop ID
Displays the Loop ID that the tape drive uses to determine
the AL-PA hard address for the port.
NOTE: This option is only visible for two-port drives.
World Wide Port B Name
Exhibits whether a Default or Custom setting is used to set
the World Wide Port Name (WWPN) for the port.
NOTE: This option is only visible for two-port drives.
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Table 4-10: Viewable FC Drv n Config Submenu Options(Continued)
World Wide Node Name
Displays whether a Default or Custom setting is used to set
the World Wide Node Name (WWNN)
Shows the topology used by the Fibre Channel ports.
Displays the link speed in gigabits per second used by the
Fibre Channel ports.
Edit Opts Button
Pressing the Edit Opts button displays the Edit Options menu screen (Figure 428). The three buttons on the menu screen provide links to secondary screens
where the main ARCvault settings can be set or changed.
NOTE: These three options can be password protected with Administrator-level
security. The default Administrator security setting is disabled. Refer to
“Passwords Button” on page 4-24 to change it.
Figure 4-28: Edit Options Screen
Library Button (Editable)
IMPORTANT: Pressing this button takes the library offline. To continue, press OK.
When you exit the menu, the library automatically goes back online.
The Library button on the Edit Options screen lets you edit the library user
options. Use the
arrows to shift between options. The option name is
shown in the label field (larger rectangle) on the left and the current setting is
shown in the data field (smaller rectangle) on the right. To make changes, press
the data field to display a data entry screen (Figure 4-29).
Figure 4-29: Press Data Field to Display Data Entry Screen
Changing Edit Library Options
1. Use the
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arrows to select the option to be changed.
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2. Press the option’s data field.
3. Press the New data field.
4. Using the pop-up keypad, enter the new data (see Table 4-11) and press OK.
The keypad closes and the data is shown in the New field.
5. Press Save to execute (or Cancel to return to the menu).
6. At the confirmation message, press OK.
The change goes into effect immediately unless you are changing the
number of Reserved slots which requires an immediate reboot.
Table 4-11 shows the different Edit Library Options available:
Table 4-11: Editable Library Options
Reserved Slots
Lets you reserve up to 11 or 12 slots (depending on the I/E Element
configuration). The slots are reserved from the last slot forward, and
are numbered with an “r” prefix on the Cartridge Map and Status
The reserved slots can be used to either store cleaning cartridges or
reduce the number of active slots to meet host software
Edit: Press the New data field. At the pop-up keyboard, enter a
number between 0 and 12, and press OK. Press Save.
Default: 0.
Library Mode
Lets you change the tape access mode from random to sequential to
emulate an autoloader. Requires an immediate reboot.
Edit: Press either Rand (random) or Seq (sequential), and press OK.
Default: Rand.
LCD Contrast
Lets you increase or decrease the contrast of the LCD display. The
incremental steps range from 0 (darkest) to 63 (lightest).
Pressing the
arrow increases the number in the New field and
lightens the screen. Pressing the
arrow decreases the number
and darkens the screen.
Edit: Press the New data field, use the
arrows to change
the number in the New data field, and then press Save.
Default: 32.
Network Button (Editable)
IMPORTANT: Pressing this button takes the library offline. To continue, press OK.
When you exit the menu, the library automatically goes back online.
The Network button on the Edit Options screen lets you edit the network user
options. The current option setting is shown in the data field (rectangle) to the
right of the option label. To make changes, press the data field to display a data
entry screen (Figure 4-30).
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Figure 4-30: Press Data Field to Display Network Data Entry Screen
IMPORTANT: To activate all the Static IP address options, you must first change the
IP Addr Assignment setting from DHCP to Static. Only then can the four static IP
address settings (Library IP, IP Mask, IP Gateway, and DNS Server) be edited. The Static
address changes do not take effect until the unit is rebooted.
Changing Edit Network Options
1. Use the
arrows to select the option to be changed.
2. Press the option’s data field.
3. Press the New data field.
NOTE: The two exceptions are IP Addr Assignment and Disable Admin Web Access.
For either of those options, just press an option button located below the
New field, and then continue with Step 5.
4. Using the pop-up keypad, enter the new data (see Table 4-12) and press OK.
The keypad closes and the new data is shown in the New field.
5. Press OK to return to the Edit Network Options.
6. Repeat Steps 1–5 for any other Network changes.
7. When ALL changes to Network options are made, press Save (or Cancel).
8. At the reboot message, press OK.
9. At the Edit Options screen, press Back twice to return to Default screen.
10. Press Power > Reboot Library > OK (at the reboot message).
Table 4-12 shows the different Edit Network Options available.
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Table 4-12: Editable Network Options
IP Addr
Lets you choose the method for setting the IP address of the library’s
RMU protected website. Choose to either have a DHCP server
automatically assign the address or enter a Static IP address
Edit: Press either DHCP or Static, and press OK.
Default: Static.
Library IP Addr*
Lets you enter a specific static IP address to be used to access the
NOTE: Only available if IP Addr Assignment is set to Static.
Edit: Press the New data field. At the pop-up keyboard, enter an IP
number, and press OK.
IP Mask
Lets you enter a specific static subnet mask IP address to be used to
access the RMU.
NOTE: Only available if IP Addr Assignment is set to Static.
Edit: Press the New data field. At the pop-up keyboard, enter an IP
number, and press OK.
Lets you enter a specific static gateway IP address to be used to
access the RMU.
NOTE: Only available if IP Addr Assignment is set to Static.
Edit: Press the New data field. At the pop-up keyboard, enter an IP
number, and press OK.
DNS Server
Lets you enter a specific DNS server IP address to be used.
NOTE: Only available if IP Addr Assignment is set to Static.
Edit: Press the New data field. At the pop-up keyboard, enter an IP
number, and press OK.
User & FTP Login Lets you choose a login code to access User-level security options in
RMU and perform FTP activities. Enter up to 12 alphanumeric
characters using hex characters 0–9 and A–F.
NOTE: Only capital letters are available from the OCP.
Edit: Press the New Login data field. At the pop-up hexadecimal
keyboard, enter a login password, and press OK. Repeat for the
Confirm field. Press OK to accept the change.
Default: 1.
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Table 4-12: Editable Network Options(Continued)
Lets you choose a login code to access Administrator-level security
options in RMU. Enter up to 12 alphanumeric characters using hex
characters 0–9 and A–F.
NOTE: Only capital letters are available from the OCP.
Edit: Press the New Login data field. At the pop-up hexadecimal
keyboard, enter a login password, and press OK. Repeat for the
Confirm field. Press OK to accept the change.
Default: 2.
Web Login
Lets you set whether a secure Java login screen or standard HTML
login screen is used to access the RMU. The options are Yes or No.
Selecting Yes turns on the Java screen. Selecting No results in the
HTML screen being used.
Edit: Press either Yes or No, and press OK.
Default: Yes.
Admin RMU
Access OK
Lets you prevent others from accessing the library remotely with
Administrator level security. The options are Yes or No.
NOTE: This can be used to prevent configuration changes from
being made remotely.
Selecting No prevents Administrator security access of the RMU. Only
User security is allowed thus limiting remote access to only the Status
and History screens.
Edit: Press either Yes or No, and press OK.
Default: Yes.
*These options are only valid if the IP Addr Assignment option is Static. Otherwise, they read "DHCP" and are
SCSI/FC Button (Editable)
IMPORTANT: Pressing this button takes the library offline. To continue, press OK.
When you exit the menu, the library automatically goes back online.
The SCSI/FC button on the Edit Options screen lets you edit the SCSI or SAS
drive bus ID or configure a FC drive. The current option setting is shown in the
data field (rectangle) to the right of the option label. To make changes, press the
data field to display a data entry screen (Figure 4-31).
Figure 4-31: Press Data Field to Display SCSI/FC Data Entry Screen
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Changing SCSI/FC Options for SCSI or SAS Drives
If SCSI or SAS drives are installed, use this procedure to configure the Bus ID for
a drive.
1. Use the
arrows to select the drive to be configured.
2. Press the data field to the right of the option label to open the data entry
3. Press the New data field.
4. Using the pop-up keypad, enter the new data (see Table 4-13) and press OK.
The keypad closes and the data is shown in the New field.
5. Press Save to execute (or Cancel to return to the menu).
6. At the confirmation message, press OK.
The change goes into effect immediately.
Table 4-13 shows the different Edit SCSI/FC Options available for SCSI drives.
Table 4-13: Editable SCSI Options
Option and Default Description
Drv n Bus ID
(for each drive)
Lets you set the SCSI bus addresses of the drives.
Edit: Press the New data field. At the pop-up keyboard, enter a
number between 0 and 15, and press OK.
Default: The default addresses are Drive 1 = ID 1 and Drive 2 = ID 2.
Changing SCSI/FC Options for FC Drive
IMPORTANT: Single-port FC drives show only a Port A. For dual-port FC drives, the
port options are named Port A and Port B. Both ports default to the same speed and
In most cases, you can use the default configuration values for Fibre Channel
drives. However, if it becomes necessary to change the default values, the only
values editable from the OCP are Topology and Speed.
NOTE: To change other FC drive options, you must use the RMU. See Chapter 5,
“Remote Management Utility” for details.
When FC drives are installed (Figure 4-32), use this procedure to configure the
submenu options.
Figure 4-32: Initial FC Submenu Screen
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1. Use the
arrows to select the drive to be configured.
2. Press the Set Values data field to the right of the option label to open the
data entry screen.
3. Use the
arrows to select the option to be changed.
4. Press the option’s data field.
Figure 4-33: Press Data Field to Display FC Data Entry Screen
5. Press the New data field.
6. Using the pop-up keypad, enter the new data (see Table 4-14) and press OK.
The keypad closes and the data is shown in the New field.
7. Press Save to execute (or Cancel to return to the menu).
8. At the confirmation message, press OK.
The change goes into effect immediately.
9. Press Back three times to return to the Default screen.
Table 4-14 shows the different Edit SCSI/FC Options available for FC drives.
Table 4-14: Editable FC Options
Option and Default Description
Specifies the topology used by the Fibre Channel ports. The four
options are Loop (Force Loop), L-PP (Use Loop, Allow Point-to-Point),
PP-L (Use Point-to-Point, Allow Loop), or PtoP (Force Point-to-Point).
Edit: Press one of the four buttons in the middle row, and press OK.
Default: L-PP
Sets the link speed in gigabits used by the Fibre Channel ports. The
options are Auto, 1 Gb/sec., 2 Gb/sec., or 4 Gb/sec.
Edit: Press one of the four buttons in the middle row, and press OK.
Default: Auto
Passwords Button
The Password button lets you to control access to most of the library OCP
functions by creating and managing hexadecimal passwords. Two pre-defined
levels of user security exist—User and Administrator (Admin) security levels
(Figure 4-34).
IMPORTANT: By default, the passwords for User and Admin OCP security levels are
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Figure 4-34: Edit Passwords Screen
You can create, change, or delete passwords at this screen. Each password is a
number from 1 to 9999 that is stored in non-volatile memory.
You can use a higher level password to gain access to lower level functions. For
example, you can use an Admin password to access the User-level Move Media
operation. However, if the higher Admin-level password is not set, Admin
functions can be accessed without a password even when the User password is set.
Creating or Changing Passwords
1. At the Password screen, press either User or Admin.
2. Press the NewPwd data field to open the Numeric Keypad.
Figure 4-35: Numeric Keypad for Passwords
3. Enter 1 to 4 digits and press OK.
The passwords are limited to only four digits and leading zeros are ignored
(0011 is the same as 11). Entering a string of one or more zeros clears any
existing password. Use the less than sign (<) to delete the last number, X to
clear the data field, and the return symbol (
) to cancel.
4. Touch the Confirm data field to reopen the Numeric Keypad.
5. Reenter the same 1–4 digits and press OK.
6. Press Save to set the password (or Back to cancel).
Wait while the setting is changed. The asterisks will blink once when done.
7. At the confirmation dialog box, press OK.
Disabling Password Verification
1. At the Password screen, press either User or Admin.
2. Press the NewPwd data field to open the Numeric Keypad.
3. Enter 0 and press OK.
4. Touch the Confirm data field to reopen the Numeric Keypad.
5. Reenter 0 and press OK.
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6. Press Save (or Back to cancel).
Wait while the setting is changed. The asterisks will blink once when done.
7. At the confirmation dialog box, press OK.
Password Usage
Whenever you try to access a password-protected button, a password entry screen
appears (Figure 4-36).
Figure 4-36: Password Entry Screen for an Admin Password
The level of password required for the OCP screen being accessed shows on the left
side. Press the Enter Pwd data field, enter the password using the pop-up
keyboard, press OK, and press Validate to continue.
NOTE: Whenever you return to the top level Default screen, all levels of password
access are cleared. You must reenter the passwords to re-access the protected
Utilities Menu
NOTE: Service and Diagnostics options can be password protected with Admin security.
The default Admin security setting is disabled. Refer to “Passwords Button” on
page 4-24 to change it.
The three buttons on the Utilities menu provide special maintenance and
diagnostics for managing the library (Figure 4-37).
Figure 4-37: Utilities Options Screen
Service Button
IMPORTANT: Pressing any button on either submenu screen takes the library
offline. Press OK at the going offline message to continue. When you exit the menu,
the library automatically goes back online.
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Operator Control Panel
The Service button displays a submenu of buttons to address the general library
service functions (Figure 4-38). Use the
arrows to shift between
screens. Press a function button to access that option.
Figure 4-38. Service Screens
Table 4-15 shows the different Utilities Service options available.
Table 4-15: Service Submenu Button Functions
Clean Drive
When Execute is pressed, the unit moves the selected cleaning
cartridge to the selected drive. When the cleaning cycle is finished,
the cleaning cartridge is moved back to the original slot.
NOTE: If the cleaning cartridge is expired or the tape is not a
cleaning cartridge, it is immediately returned to the original
slot and an error message is displayed.
Edit: Verify the From (Fr) slot is a slot with a cleaning cartridge, the To
slot is the drive being cleaned, and press Execute.
Default: The first Reserved slot, the first I/E Element slot, or the first
slot with media (in that order) as the From default and the first Drive
as the To default.
Access All Mags
Displays the screen controlling the locks that secure each media
magazine. Access is the same as using the “Mag Access Button” on
page 4-6.
Force Reconfig
Forces an immediate reconfiguration of the library to match the
current physical configuration. For use when permanently removing a
drive so that the elements are renumbered.
Override Host
(no secondary
Overrides a Host Prevent Media Removal lockout state preventing
magazine access when the host is not available.
NOTE: After accessing the magazines, cycle the library power to
restore normal operation.
Set User Defaults Resets user options stored in non-volatile memory back to the factory
default values. The library immediately reboots upon completion.
NOTE: Network settings are not changed so communications to the
library are not affected.
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Diagnostics Button
IMPORTANT: Pressing this button takes the library offline. To continue, press OK.
When you exit the menu, the library automatically goes back online.
The Diagnostics button displays a submenu of buttons that pertain to checking
library performance (Figure 4-39). Use the
arrows to shift between
screens. Press a function button to access that option.
Figure 4-39. Diagnostics Screens
NOTE: After running either a Cart Cycle or Drive Cycle diagnostics, the host software
should perform an inventory to update its cartridge map.
The following table details the diagnostic functions that can be accessed using the
Diagnostics submenu:
Table 4-16: Diagnostics Submenu Button Functions
Cart Cycle
When Start is pressed, the unit randomly moves cartridges between
active slots within the library. This process continues until the Stop
button is pressed.
Drive Cycle
When Start is pressed, the unit loads a cartridge into a drive and then
randomly moves a cartridge within the library. If more than one drive
is installed, the load-and-random-move process is repeated for the
other drive.
It then removes the cartridge from a drive and randomly moves
another cartridge within the library. If more than one drive is installed,
the unload-and-random-move process is repeated for the other drive.
The entire cycle repeats until the Stop button is pressed.
NOTE: Reserved slots are ignored for this diagnostic.
(no secondary
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Forces an immediate inventory of the library. The message “Inventory
in progress...” is displayed during this process.
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Table 4-16: Diagnostics Submenu Button Functions(Continued)
Screen Calib
Provides two screens to calibrate the touch screen of the library.
Press Screen Calib, press the boxed X at the lower left of the screen,
and press the boxed X at the upper right.
Error Log
Shows a list of Fault Symptom Codes and the powered-on time at
which they occurred. Use the arrows buttons to scroll through the list.
Security Button
Use the Security button (Figure 4-40) to set the security access level for the library
by validating a password. This provides access to different menu items based on
their security level. The current validated level is shown on the upper right.
Level for
Figure 4-40: Security Screen
NOTE: If a password does not exist for a security level, that level is not shown on the
Once a password is validated and the security level is set, it remains in effect until
the Default screen is reaccessed. User- and Admin-security levels are then cleared
and, if active, must be reentered before protected menu screens can be re-accessed.
Validate a Password and Determine Its Level
1. Press one of the security level buttons on the left.
2. Press the Pwd data field to open the Decimal Keypad.
3. Enter the 1–4 digit password for that security level, and press OK.
4. Press Validate to check the password (or Back to cancel).
5. Do one of the following:
If the password is correct, make a note of the security level flashing
If the password is wrong, at the error dialog box, press OK.
6. Press Back to exit the Password screen.
IMPORTANT: For information about the different security levels and access points,
refer to “Interface Security Levels” on page 1-6.
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Operator Control Panel
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Remote Management Utility
The ARCvault Remote Management Utility (RMU) is an interface built into the
ARCvault 24 that provides remote access to and configuration of the library
through an Ethernet port. It hosts a dedicated, protected web site that can be
accessed by a web browser using the IP address assigned to the ARCvault unit.
The default IP address is
Access is available either from a PC connected to your network or via the World
Wide Web using the default HTTP port 80.
NOTE: If connecting a laptop directly to the unit to access the RMU site, use either a
auto-MDIX port or crossover Ethernet cable plugged into the Ethernet port at the
rear of the unit.
The RMU default Login page uses Java-based encrypted HTTP authentication
that encrypts the password sent to the unit. The RMU firmware uses standard
HTML-based pages that are served to a web browser. The password used to log in
determines the level of access permitted.
NOTE: Physical options, such as tape removal, can only be accessed using the OCP
touch screen.
RMU Usage
The RMU interface uses interactive tabs to access different web pages for
configuring the library. In order to use RMU, you must have the following
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10/100BASE-T Ethernet network
ARCvault IP address (Default =
Host computer with Ethernet port
Internet Explorer (3.0 or higher), Firefox (1.0 or higher), or Netscape (3.0 or
higher) browser with Java and FTP configured
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Accessing RMU
NOTE: While you can login regardless of the operational status, the library must be in
the ready mode to communicate with the RMU. If you are unable to access some
RMU screens after logging in, verify that the library is not offline, still initializing,
or being used locally.
1. Type the unique ARCvault IP address (the default is in the
URL field of your browser, and press Enter.
IMPORTANT: If this is the initial launch of the product and you have not yet
registered it, use the Register button at the bottom of the Secure Login
screen to activate your warranty and technical support.
2. At either the Secure Login screen (Figure 5-1) or HTML Login (gray) screen,
enter either the User or Administrator security password to set the level
of access, and click Login.
The RMU passwords are case sensitive and must be entered exactly. The
default passwords are 1 for User and 2 for Administrator. These can be
changed using:
Setup > RMU Password option in the RMU
Setup > Edit Opts > Network > User & FTP Login/Administrator
Login in the OCP.
Figure 5-1: RMU Secure Login Screen
3. The RMU web interface is displayed.
If this is the first time accessing the RMU since the library was powered on,
the Status screen (Figure 5-6 on page 5-6) is shown. Otherwise, the last
visited tab is displayed. Use the tabs and links to navigate.
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NOTE: After 15 minutes of inactivity, the web session is automatically logged out and
the security level is reset to off. However, if the Status page has auto-refresh
turned on, it will continue to stay active until you either log out or view a different
page for more than 15 minutes without activity.
RMU Navigation
Each RMU page consists of two frames—a top navigational frame and a lower
data frame. The RMU tabs and links in the top frame (Figure 5-2) provide easy
access to different web pages for viewing information and configuring options. The
library name is displayed above the tabs on all pages (see the section “Library
Configuration” on page 5-19 on changing the name).
Figure 5-2. RMU Top Frame
IMPORTANT: Do not use the browser’s Back button to return to a previous screen.
Always use the tabs to ensure the dynamic data is refreshed and displayed
NOTE: If the library is busy, a message is displayed instead of the tab options.
Access to the various RMU web pages is controlled by the level of security set
when initially logging into the RMU:
User-level access – view Status and History tabs only.
Administrator-level access – view, configure, and use all RMU functions,
move media, and set or change the User-level password.
Use Table 5-1 to determine what options are available and the security levels
required for accessing them.
Table 5-1: RMU Navigation Tab Descriptions & Security Levels
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Functionality or Access
Status Tab
Displays visual representations of the drives and
magazines, library status chart, and drive status
charts. Holding the mouse over a media icon
temporarily displays the bar code information. A dropdown list provides access to detailed drive and library
All Levels
Media Tab
Lets you load or remove media from a tape drive, or
move media to different slots within the library.
Setup Tab
Provides access to most library configuration
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Remote Management Utility
Table 5-1: RMU Navigation Tab Descriptions & Security Levels (Continued)
Functionality or Access
Functions Tab
Offers maintenance and diagnostic options for the
library. A Reboot button is also available on this
History Tab
Gives you access to view or download library trace logs All Levels
and provides an automated service ticket process.
Help Link
Provides access to a PDF version of this user guide.
Logout Link
Disconnects from RMU and resets the security level to All Levels
All Levels
General Procedure for Changing RMU Settings
1. Click the appropriate navigation tab to display the functionality to be
CAUTION: Clicking a button may cause the library to go offline possibly
interrupting host requests. Once you exit the menu item, the library
automatically goes back online.
2. If the Library to go Offline message screen (Figure 5-3) is displayed, do
the following:
Figure 5-3: RMU Confirmation Screen
a. If desired, check one or both of the following options.
If you no longer want this message prompt to appear, check the first
If you want the function to be executed even if the library is busy,
check the second box.
b. Click Confirm to continue (or Cancel to terminate the process).
3. Follow the on-screen instructions. In most cases, when you are done, click
If necessary, click a button on the main page to access a subpage of options.
4. To return to a main menu page, click the same navigational tab again.
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RMU Software Map
This is a map (Figure 5-4) of the RMU screens:
Remote FTP Server
Status (User)
Operation Status
(Library Status)
Detailed Reports
Library Health
Library Status
Trap Address 1
User ID
Trap Address 2
Trap Address 3
Initial Directory
Trap Address 4
Use Passive Mode
Trap Version
Library Configuration
Drive 1 Status
Drive 2 Status (if installed)
(Interactive Cart Map)
(Drive Status)
SNMP Notification
Address (Server)
Trap Community Name
Library Name
Get Community Name
Library Mode
Set Community Name
Reserved Slots
Reset to Defaults
Auto Clean Mode
I/E Element Slots
Inventory Method
Bar Code Label Size
Media [Admin]
(Interactive Cart Map)
Move a Tape Cartridge
Bar Code Label Alignment
Bar Code Label Check Digit
Bar Code Reader Tries
Number of Enabled Slots
SCSI Configuration
Clean a Drive
Cleaning Tape Location
Drive to Clean
Vendor Identification
Custom Vendor ID
Product Identification
Inventory Library
Custom Product ID
Device Cap. Page Length
Initialize Element Status
Setup [Admin]
Abort Move Status
OCP Security Passwords
Report Element Type
OCP User Password
Post Recovered Errors
OCP Admin Password
TapeAlert Mode
RMU Security Passwords
Drive Configuration
RMU User Password
RMU Administrator Pwd
Disable RMU Admin. Access
Notification Registration
Browse (for File)
Update Drive FW- HTTP
Browse (for File)
Select Drive
Update Library FW- FTP
Retrieve File From
Update Drive FW- FTP
Retrieve File From
Select Drive
Check Firmware Rev. Level
Send a Test E-Mail
Run a Library Diagnostic
Time to Run
Reboot Library
Reconfigure Library
Unlock Library
Static IP Address
E-Mail Server
IP Address
Warning Level
E-Mail Addresses
Subnet Mask
Default Gateway
E-Mail Addr. 1
DNS Server
E-Mail Addr. 2
Dynamic IP Address
E-Mail Addr. 3
E-Mail Addr. 4
User = Protected by Security Level 1 password
From Address
Admin = Protected by Security Level
Attach Trace File to E-mail
2 password
History (User)
Display a Lib. Trace Log
Full Trace
Diagnostic Trace
Download Lib. Trace Log File
Full Trace
Diagnostic Trace
Send a Support Ticket
Drive Number
Update Library FW- HTTP
Items in Italics are view -only tables .
Figure 5-4. RMU Software Map
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Remote Management Utility
If an FC drive is installed, the Setup > Drive Configuration map changes:
Setup [Admin]
Drive Configuration
Drive Number
Port A Control
Port A Loop ID
World Wide Port A Name
Port B Control
Port B Loop ID
World Wide Node Name
FC Link Topology
FC Link Speed
World Wide Port B Name
Figure 5-5: RMU Software Map Addendum (for FC Drives)
Status Tab
The Status tab displays visual representations of components (Figure 5-6), general
information, statuses, and reports about the library. If necessary, scroll to see all
the information on the page.
Figure 5-6. RMU Status Screen
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Remote Management Utility
Table 5-2 provides details on the information presented on the Status screen:
Table 5-2: RMU Status Screen Features
Operational Status
Shows the current operational state.
• Normal – Fully functional with no operational issues.
• Warning – Errors detected but unit still operational.
• Critical – Unit no longer functions due to a critical error.
Clicking the underlined status state displays the Detailed
Library Health screen.
Library Status
Shows general information about the library and its firmware.
See “Library Status Information” for more information.
Detailed Reports
Use the drop-down menu to select one of the following detailed
• Library Health
• Library Status
• Drive n Status (a separate report is available for each drive)
See “Detailed Reports” for more information.
Slot and Drive Media Visual display of the magazines and drives showing the
locations of the tape media. Holding the mouse over the tape
icon temporarily displays the actual bar code.
See “Status Page Media Map” for more information.
Drive Status
Displays a summary of key drive information for each drive.
Refresh Options
You can configure an automatic refresh setting for the Status
screen. Options of 1-, 2-, or 5-minute refreshes are available.
See “Drive Status Summary Table” for more information.
Default: Off
Status Page Media Map
The media map shows a graphic representation of the magazines and drives
installed in the library. It also shows if a tape cartridge is in a drive or slot. When
the mouse is positioned over a tape icon with a bar code, the actual bar code is
temporarily displayed.
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Table 5-3: Graphics Used on Media Map
Drive bay configured for two half-height tape drives.
The top drive shows an unlabeled tape cartridge loaded.
Mouse-over temporarily displays the “Tape Loaded, No Bar Code.”
The numbers on the right are the drive numbers. The bottom drive
shows that the drive has been removed.
Drive bay configured for a single half-height tape drive.
The tape drive shows that it does not contain a tape cartridge.
Mouse-over temporarily displays “No Tape Loaded.”
The drive number is shown on the right. Since the bottom half of the
drive bay is not configured, it is blank.
Represents a slot containing a tape cartridge with a bar code label.
Mouse-over temporarily displays the actual bar code.
Represents a slot containing a tape cartridge with no label.
Mouse-over temporarily displays the “No Bar Code.”
Represents an empty slot. Mouse-over temporarily displays the
“Empty Slot.”
Represents a reserved slot that is being used either for cleaning
cartridges or for slot reduction to facilitate the host software.
Mouse-over works the same as regular slots.
When a media magazine is completely removed from the library,
“Removed” is displayed in every slot of the magazine.
When a single I/E Element is configured, the first slot of the left
magazine is shown as “i/e” with a dark blue background. If the I⁄ E
tray is removed, a Removed label is displayed in the slot.
When a full magazine I/E Element is configured, all the slots of the
magazine are shown as “i/e#” with a dark blue background. If the
I/E magazine is removed, a Removed label is displayed in all the
Library Status Information
The Library Status table shown on the Status page includes the current library
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Figure 5-7: Library Status Table Showing Current Library Status
Table 5-4: Library Status Table’s Library Status Field Details
Displayed Status
Library Initialization
Performing POST and startup inventory.
Library Idle
Ready mode.
Cartridge Fetch
Moving a tape cartridge to a drive.
Moving Cartridge
Returning a tape cartridge to a storage slot.
Taking Inventory
Performing an inventory of tape cartridges in the unit.
Shuttle Parked
During Power Off, the shuttle is moved to the Home position.
Checking Drives
Initializing the drives.
Orphaned Cartridge
Found a tape cartridge where none was suppose to exist.
I/E Slot Inventory
Performing an inventory of the I/E Element slot or slots.
Detailed Reports
Located in the upper right corner of the Status screen is the Detailed Reports
option (Figure 5-8).
Figure 5-8: Selecting a Detailed Report
Use the drop-down menu to select which report you want to view. The detailed
report is shown on its own screen. There are three report options:
Detailed Library Health report (Figure 5-9)
Detailed Library Status report (Figure 5-10)
Detailed Drive Status report available individually for each installed drive
(Figure 5-11)
NOTE: The Detailed Drive Status displays five additional tape-related items only
when a tape is loaded in the drive (Figure 5-12 and Figure 5-12). If using FC
drives, when connected to a Host, each Port shows three additional items
(Figure 5-14).
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Figure 5-9: Detailed Library Health Report
Figure 5-10: Detailed Library Status Report
Figure 5-11: Detailed Drive Status Report for SCSI Drive (With No Tape)
Only Shown
When A Tape
Is In Drive
Figure 5-12: Detailed Drive Status Report for SCSI Drive (With Tape)
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Only Shown
When A Tape
Is In Drive
Not Used
Figure 5-13: Detailed Drive Status Report for SAS Drive (With Tape)
Only Shown If
To A Host
Only Shown
When A Tape
Is In Drive
Figure 5-14: Detailed Drive Status Report for FC Drive (With Tape)
Drive Status Summary Table
The Drive Status (Summary) table on the Status page includes the current drive
Figure 5-15: Drive Status Table Showing Current Status
Current drive status codes are shown in the following table:
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Table 5-5: Tape Drive Activity
Displayed Text
No drive activity
Cleaning operation in progress
Medium is being loaded into the drive
Medium is being unloaded from the drive
Other medium activity
Reading from medium
Writing to medium
Locating medium
Rewinding medium
Erasing medium
Formatting medium
Calibrating medium
Other drive activity
FW Updating
Microcode update in progress
Undefined Drive Activity
Media Tab
IMPORTANT: Administrator-level security is required to access this screen.
The Media tab lets you manage three media-related functions:
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Move a selected cartridge to a target drive or cartridge slot using drop-down
lists showing available sources and destinations (Figure 5-16).
Clean a drive manually.
Inventory the entire library.
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Figure 5-16. RMU Move Media Screen
Using the Move Media Option
1. Using the Source drop-down list, choose the slot or drive of the source tape
cartridge. Using the Destination drop-down list, choose the destination slot
or drive.
2. Click Execute the Move (click Confirm at the going offline message).
During the move, updates are displayed every few seconds. After the move is
completed, a final status message is shown.
3. Click the Status tab to view the change.
Clean a Drive
A cleaning cartridge can be inserted in an I/E Element slot when needed or stored
in a reserved slot. If no reserved slots are configured, it can be stored in a regular
NOTE: The drive being cleaned must be empty before selecting this cleaning option.
1. Verify that a cleaning cartridge is loaded in the library.
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2. Using the drive cleaning menu option, select the source and destination.
From the Cleaning Tape Location drop-down list, select the slot where
the cleaning tape is located.
From the Drive to Clean drop-down list, select the drive to be cleaned.
3. Press Execute the Clean (click Confirm at the going offline message).
When the cleaning cycle completes, the library returns the cleaning
cartridge back to the original slot.
Inventory Library
1. Click Inventory (click Confirm at the going offline message).
Wait while the library is automatically inventoried.
2. At the successful inventory message, click the Media tab to view the results.
Setup Tab
IMPORTANT: Administrator-level security is required to access this screen.
The Setup tab provides submenu links that let you configure these nonvolatile
library options:
OCP Security Passwords
RMU Security Passwords
Remote FTP Server
Library Configuration
SCSI Configuration
Drive Configuration
Notification Registration
Reset to Defaults
Click one of the configuration buttons on the menu (Figure 5-17) to open a subpage
to view or change parameters.
NOTE: If you have not disabled the Offline Confirmation prompt, it will appear the first
time you access any of the configuration options under Setup. Click OK to
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Figure 5-17. RMU Setup Screen
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OCP Security Passwords
Clicking the OCP Passwords button in the Setup menu displays a subscreen
(Figure 5-18) that allows the User or Administrator security passwords for the
OCP to be changed. These passwords consist of 1-4 numeric digits and are used to
access different menu options on the OCP touch screen.
Figure 5-18. Setup Security Passwords Screen
NOTE: A password of 0 (zero) is not allowed. It is reserved to delete existing passwords.
There are several functions available from this screen:
To change a password, enter it in both the New and Confirm fields, and
click Submit.
To clear the fields without changing the password, click Reset.
To clear an existing password, enter zero (0) into both fields and click
To validate a password, enter a password in both fields and click Submit.
If the password is the same, a message appears stating, “No OCP
password changes performed; the password is currently being used for
this security level.”
If it is different than the current one, the password is changed to the
newly entered password.
RMU Security Passwords
Clicking the RMU Passwords button in the Setup menu displays a subscreen
(Figure 5-19) used to change the security passwords needed to access the RMU.
You can choose login codes of up to 12 alphanumeric characters to access the Userlevel or Administrator-level options.
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IMPORTANT: The RMU passwords are case-sensitive. Spaces or symbols are not
allowed. If any changes are made, clicking the Submit button causes the unit to
Figure 5-19. Setup RMU Passwords Screen
The RMU passwords cannot be cleared, only changed. The default passwords are
“1” for User-level security and “2” for Administrator-level security.
The Disable RMU Administrator Access option prevents any others from accessing
the library remotely with Administrator-level security. When this box is checked,
only User-level RMU access is permitted.
NOTE: To re-enable Administrator access, use the OCP commands Setup > Edit Opts >
Network > Disable Admin RMU Access > No.
Clicking the Network button in the Setup menu displays a subscreen (Figure 5-20)
for selecting the IP address selection method used to identify the library to the
host server. You can choose either dynamic (DHCP) or static IP addressing.
The default settings are Static IP Address selected with IP Address of,
Subnet Mask of, Default Gateway of, and DNS
Server of
IMPORTANT: If any changes are made, clicking the Submit button causes the unit to
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Figure 5-20. Setup Network Screen
To automatically obtain an IP address from a DHCP server, click the radio
button next to Dynamic IP Address, and click Submit.
To enter a specific Static IP address, click the button next to Static IP
Address, and click Submit. A secondary subscreen is displayed (Figure 5-21)
where you enter the static address, subnet mask, default gateway, and DNS
server address in the appropriate fields. Click Submit on this subscreen to
activate the options (or Reset to clear and start over).
Figure 5-21. Static IP Address Options Screen
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Remote FTP Server
Clicking the Remote FTP button in the Setup menu displays a subscreen
(Figure 5-22) used to set the FTP server parameters needed to download either
drive or library firmware. The following information is managed on this screen:
FTP server address (IP address or URL)
Login user ID
Login password
Initial directory access on the FTP server
Active/Passive mode (Passive is default)
NOTE: The default settings are configured for the Overland Technical Support FTP web
Figure 5-22. Setup Remote FTP Server Screen
Click Submit to activate the options (or Reset to clear the fields). See “Functions
Tab” on page 5-32 for more details on using the FTP option.
Library Configuration
Clicking the Library button in the Setup menu displays a subscreen (Figure 5-23)
for setting the basic library parameters.
IMPORTANT: If any changes are made (other than changing the Library Name),
clicking the Submit button causes the unit to reboot. Changing the Library Name
does not require a reboot.
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Figure 5-23. Library Configuration Screen
Use Table 5-6 to review the options available on this web page and their
Table 5-6: Library Configuration Options
Library Name
Enter an alphanumeric name of up to 31 characters. This name
appears at the top of all RMU pages. Spaces are allowed.
Default: ARCvault 24.
Library Mode
Choose either Random or Sequential. In Sequential mode, the
ARCvault acts like an autoloader and doesn’t respond to host
See Appendix D, “Sequential Mode,” for more information.
Default: Random.
Reserved Slots
Lets you reserve up to 11 or 12 slots (depending on the I/E Element
configuration). The slots are reserved from the last slot forward, and
are numbered with an “r” prefix on the Cartridge Map and Status
The reserved slots can be used to either store cleaning cartridges,
use the Auto-Clean feature, or reduce the number of active slots to
meet host software requirements.
Default: 0.
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Table 5-6: Library Configuration Options(Continued)
Auto Clean Mode Select either Enabled or Disabled from the drop-down list to activate
this feature.
A cleaning tape must be in a reserved slot for this feature to function.
Default: Disabled.
I/E Slots
Select the number of slots to be used as the I/E Element:
• 0—No I/E Element configured
• 1—Single-slot I/E Element accessed using the I/E tray in the left
• 12—Full-magazine I/E Element using the whole left magazine
Default: 1.
Bar Code Label
Choose number of characters from the bar code labels actually used
by the library. The range is 1–12 characters.
Default: 8 Chars.
Bar Code Label
If there are more characters in the bar code than configured as the
maximum number, then only the specified number of characters are
reported taken from either the Left or Right end of the code based on
this setting.
Default: Left Align.
Bar Code Label
Check Digit
Choose one of these settings for the bar code check digit:
• Disabled
• Enable Check, Send
• Enable Check, Don’t Send
Default: Disabled.
Bar Code
Select either Retries Enabled or Retries Disabled from the drop-down
list. With Retries Enabled, the bar code reader makes several
attempts to read a bar code label before moving to the next one.
NOTE: Disabling this option speeds up the inventory process when
unlabeled tapes are used.
Default: Retries Enabled.
Drive Used for
Select the drive in a multi-drive system that is used for LUN 1 bridging
of the library robotics controller to the host system. Refer to “ARCvault
Logical Unit Numbers” below for more information.
NOTE: This option is not visible on single-drive units.
Default: 1
Number of
Enabled Slots
This option is used in conjunction with an add-on left magazine with
special I/E Element tray to upgrade an ARCvault 12 loader into an
ARCvault 24 library. It can also be used to downgrade an ARCvault 24
library into an ARCvault 12 loader disabling the left magazine and
other features.
Default: 24.
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ARCvault Logical Unit Numbers
On a system with more than one drive, you can select the tape drive that provides
the path (bridge) to the host using LUN1 on the drive’s interface. The robotics
inside the ARCvault are managed by the host through the Automation/Drive
Interface (ADI) of the drive configured as the Host bridge. As a result, the robotics
has the same SCSI ID as the drive but is uniquely identified by a different logical
unit number (LUN). See Table 5-7 for LUN details.
Table 5-7: ARCvault Default LUN Assignments
SCSI ID (Target)
Drive 1
Drive 2 (Add-on)
SCSI Configuration
Clicking the SCSI button in the Setup menu displays a subscreen (Figure 5-24)
used to modify SCSI mode and TapeAlert parameters.
NOTE: Most items on this menu refer to standard SCSI reporting functions. Refer to the
SCSI standards documents available on the Internet for information about each
function and its configuration options.
Figure 5-24. Setup SCSI Configuration Screen
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Use Table 5-8 to determine the options available on this web page and their
Table 5-8: Setup SCSI Configuration Options
Specifies the response to the Vendor ID field of the SCSI Inquiry
command. The choices are OVERLAND or a custom ID (Vendor
Unique). The custom ID is entered in the bottom field. The ID must be
exactly eight characters long so blank characters are appended to the
end of a shorter ID to bring the total up to eight.
Default: OVERLAND.
Specifies the response to the Product ID field of the SCSI Inquiry
command. The choices are NEO Series, ARCvault, or a custom ID
(Vendor Unique). The custom ID is entered in the bottom field. The ID
must be exactly 16 characters long so blank characters are appended
to the end of a shorter ID to bring the total up to 16.
Default: NEO Series.
Device Capability Choose between Short (14 bytes) and Long (18 bytes) lengths of the
Page Length
Mode Sense/Select Device Capabilities Page (SCSI page 1Fh) to
accommodate different SCSI device implementations.
Default: Short (14 bytes).
Initialize Element Specifies the library’s response to the SCSI Initialize Element Status
command. The possible settings are No Inventory, Force Inventory,
and Force Label Scan.
Default: No Inventory.
Abort Move
Select the response to a SCSI Reset or Abort command while a Move
Medium command is in progress. The options are Busy or Not Ready.
Default: Busy.
Report Element
Determine the method to report the type of library elements installed
(LTO drives) using the SCSI Read Element Status command. The
options are Disabled or Enabled.
Select Disabled for the standard method that uses the DVCID CDB
field. Select Enabled to use the vendor-specific field in the Element
Default: Disabled.
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Table 5-8: Setup SCSI Configuration Options(Continued)
Post Recovered
Enable or disable the reporting of TapeAlert informational exception
conditions with a Recovered Error sense key, when the Method of
Reporting Information Exceptions (MRIE) field is set to a value of 0x3
in Mode Page 1Ch, or if the TapeAlert Mode option is set to Rec. Error
Default: Disabled.
TapeAlert Mode
Specifies conditions for logging and reporting the following TapeAlert
data options:
• Logging Disabled—Inhibits the logging feature.
• No Exceptions—Information exceptions are not reported.
• Generate Unit Attention—Reports information exceptions with a Unit
Attention sense key and an ASC/ASCQ of 5D/00.
• Conditionally Generate Recovered Error—If Post Recovered Errors is
enabled, reports information exceptions with a Recovered Error
sense key and an ASC/ASCQ of 5D/00.
• Unconditionally Generate Recovered Error—Unconditionally reports
information exceptions with a Recovered Error sense key and an
ASC/ASCQ of 5D/00.
• Generate No Sense—Reports information exceptions with a No
Sense sense key and an ASC/ASCQ of 5D/00.
• Report on Unsolicited Request Sense—Reports information
exceptions with a No Sense sense key and an ASC/ASCQ of 5D/00
only in response to an unsolicited Request Sense command.
Default: Logging Disabled.
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Drive Configuration
The ARCvault 24 supports SCSI, SAS, and Fibre Channel (FC) drives. Different
tape drive setup screens are displayed depending on the type of drive installed.
SCSI Drives
For SCSI drives, clicking the Drives button in the Setup menu displays a
subscreen (Figure 5-25) used to start the process to set the SCSI ID for a drive. At
the drive selection screen, select the number of the drive being configured and
click Select Drive.
Figure 5-25. SCSI Drive Configuration Selection Screen
At the ID settings screen for the selected drive (Figure 5-26), choose the SCSI ID
from the drop-down menu and click Submit.
Figure 5-26. SCSI Drive Configuration ID Settings Screen
The change takes place immediately.
SAS Drives
For SAS drives, clicking the Drives button in the Setup menu displays a subscreen
(Figure 5-27) used to select the drive for configuration. At the drive selection
screen, select the number of the drive being configured and click Select Drive.
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Figure 5-27. SCSI Drive Configuration Selection Screen
At the configuration screen for the selected drive (Figure 5-28), configure the ports
and world wide addressing for the drive and click Submit.
Figure 5-28. SAS Drive Configuration Screen
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Use Table 5-9 to review the options available on these web pages and their
Table 5-9: SAS Drive Configuration Options
Port X Control
NOTE: On a two-port drive, this option exists for ports A and B.
Specifies whether the port is disabled or enabled.
Default: Disable.
Port X ID
NOTE: On a two-port drive, this option exists for ports A and B.
Select Default or Custom to set the World Wide Port ID. The Default
setting uses the factory-configured ID while Custom allows you to
create a unique ID for Port X using the Custom WW Port X Name
Default: Default.
Custom WW Port
NOTE: On a two-port drive, this option exists for ports A and B.
Create a unique World Wide Port ID for Port X in the standard 8 pair
number format. To use this option, Port X ID must be set to Custom.
NOTE: If Port X ID is set to Custom, leaving the ID set to the default
00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 results in an error.
Default: 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00.
World Wide Node Select Default or Custom to set the World Wide Node Name (WWNN).
The Default setting uses the factory-configured WWNN while Custom
allows you to create a unique name for the drive.
Default: Default.
Custom WW
Node Name
Create a unique World Wide Node Name for Port X. To use this option,
World Wide Node Name must be set to Custom.
Default: 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00.
FC Drives
IMPORTANT: Some drives have two ports named Port A and Port B. While both ports
default to the same speed and topology, only one of the ports can be used to
communicate with the host system.
For FC drives, when the Drives button in the Setup menu is clicked, a submenu is
displayed that is used to configure the world wide addressing for the drive
(Figure 5-29).
NOTE: Unless special circumstances require a custom name, it is recommended to use
the default world wide port and node names.
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Figure 5-29. FC Drive Configuration Screen
Use Table 5-10 to review the options available on these web pages and their
Table 5-10: FC Drive Configuration Options
Port X Control
NOTE: On a two-port drive, this option exists for ports A and B.
Specifies the method for setting the AL-PA. The settings are Disable,
Soft Address, and Hard Address. When Hard Address is selected, the
Port X Hard Loop ID is enabled to select a valid Loop ID. Only one port
at a time can be used.
Default: Soft Address.
Port X Hard Loop
NOTE: On a two-port drive, this option exists for ports A and B.
Specifies the Loop ID that the tape drive uses to determine the AL-PA
hard address for the port. The possible settings are 1-125.
NOTE: This option requires Hard Address to be selected in the Port X
Control option.
Default: 1.
World Wide Port X NOTE: On a two-port drive, this option exists for ports A and B.
Select Default or Custom to set the World Wide Port Name (WWPN).
The Default setting uses the factory-configured WWPN while Custom
allows you to create a unique name for Port X using the Custom WW
Port X Name option.
Default: Default.
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Table 5-10: FC Drive Configuration Options(Continued)
Custom WW Port
X Name
NOTE: On a two-port drive, this option exists for ports A and B.
Create a unique World Wide Port Name for Port X. To use this option,
World Wide Port X Name must be set to Custom.
Default: 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00.
World Wide Node Select Default or Custom to set the World Wide Node Name (WWNN).
The Default setting uses the factory-configured WWNN while Custom
allows you to create a unique name for the drive.
Default: Default.
Custom WW
Node Name
Create a unique World Wide Node Name for Port X. To use this option,
World Wide Node Name must be set to Custom.
Default: 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00.
Specifies the topology used by the Fibre Channel ports. The four
options are Use Loop, Allow Point-to-Point; Use Point-to-Point, Allow
Loop; Force Loop; or Force Point-to-Point.
Default: Use Loop, Allow Point-to-Point.
Sets the link speed in gigabits per second used by the Fibre Channel
ports. The options are Auto, 1 Gb/sec., 2 Gb/sec., or 4 Gb/sec.
Default: Auto.
Notification Registration
IMPORTANT: Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) trap addresses and email settings are network specific. Contact your network system administrator for
the appropriate values.
Clicking the Notifications button in the Setup menu displays a subscreen
(Figure 5-30) to configure the library for sending out e-mail messages and sending
significant system event notifications to the network management system (NMS).
You can control the SNMP protocol used and the scope of the events that trigger
the messages. Changes take place immediately.
CAUTION: Before you can use the Send a Support Ticket (History screen), Check
Firmware Revision Level (Function screen), and Send a Test E-Mail (Function
screen) options, the e-mail configuration settings must be entered on this screen
and the network settings must be correctly configured. Be sure to set the library
name since it is included in all e-mails.
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Figure 5-30. Notification Registration Screen
Use Table 5-11 to determine the options available on this web page and their
Table 5-11: Notification Registration Options
E-Mail Server
Enter the address of the SMTP mail server either as a hostname or IP
Default: <blank>.
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Table 5-11: Notification Registration Options(Continued)
Warning Level
Select the level of severity filter for the notifications from the dropdown list. The options are:
• Informational, Warning and Critical
• Warning and Critical
• Critical Only
Default: Informational, Warning and Critical.
E-Mail Addresses
E-mail Addr. n
(n=1 to 4)
Enter up to four addresses to receive e-mail event messages.
From Address
Enter the e-mail address that will be used as the return address for
the event messages and e-mails to Overland Support.
Default: <blank>.
NOTE: The library must be registered to receive replies from
Overland Support. See “Activating the Warranty” on page 2-1
for details.
Default: rmu@arcvault.
Attach Trace File
to E-Mail
By checking this box, a binary copy of the trace file is attached to all
Critical-level event messages sent out.
Default: <unchecked>.
SNMP Notification
Trap Address n
(n=1 to 4)
Enter the IP addresses of up to four hosts that can receive SNMP
Trap Version
Select the trap protocol of either SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c from the dropdown list.
Default: SNMPv1.
Trap Community
Enter the authentication for using Trap commands.
Get Community
Enter the authentication for using Get commands.
Set Community
Enter the authentication for using Set commands.
Default: private-traps.
Default: public.
Default: private.
To test the warning level and e-mail settings, with the Warning Level set to
Informational, Warning and Critical, open and close a door on the library. E-mails are
generated and should appear in the In box of the address configured to receive
notices and event messages.
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Reset to Defaults
When the Set Default button in the Setup menu is clicked, a confirmation screen
(Figure 5-31) is displayed warning that all the configuration settings are about to
be reset back to the default factory values stored in NOVRAM (excluding network
settings). Click Confirm to reset the library configuration to the default values (or
Cancel to terminate the process).
IMPORTANT: Clicking the Reset to Defaults button causes the unit to reboot (after
Figure 5-31: Reset Library to Default Values Confirmation Screen
Functions Tab
IMPORTANT: Administrator-level security is required to access this screen.
The Functions screen (Figure 5-32 on page 5-33) provides menu options that let
you execute these library functions:
Update Firmware Using HTTP
Update the library firmware
Update the drive firmware
Update Firmware Using FTP
Update the library firmware
Update the drive firmware
Check Firmware Revision Level
Send a Test E-Mail
Run a Library Diagnostic
Reboot the Library
Reconfigure the Library
Unlock Library
For information about downloading firmware, see “Firmware Updates” on page iv.
CAUTION: Before the Check Firmware Revision Level and Send a Test E-Mail
options can be used, the e-mail settings must be configured using Setup >
Notification Registration. Refer to the section “Notification Registration” on
page 5-29 for details.
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Figure 5-32. RMU Functions Option (Upper Half of Screen)
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Figure 5-33. RMU Functions Option (Lower Half of Screen)
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Update Firmware Using HTTP
The first two menu options on the Functions screen enable new firmware for
either the library or a drive to be uploaded and installed from a network-connected
workstation using HTTP.
CAUTION: Use only firmware tested and certified by Overland Storage for the
ARCvault products. Do not use drive firmware from the drive manufacturer’s site
unless told to do so by Overland Technical Support. The latest versions of library
and drive firmware are available on the Overland Support web site and the
Overland FTP site.
1. Locate the menu option for the type of update being done—Library or
2. Click the Browse button, navigate to select the firmware BIN file being
uploaded, and click OK.
3. If updating drive firmware, verify that the correct drive (or All Drives
option) is selected.
4. Click the Start the Update button to upload the file.
Wait 10-15 seconds while the bin file is uploaded to the unit.
5. Once the file is uploaded, a validation message (Figure 5-34) is displayed.
Click Confirm to continue.
Figure 5-34: HTTP Firmware Update Validation Message
Once the update is confirmed, a progress screen shows updates every five
seconds. It takes about two minutes for the CRC to be verified, the BIN file
to be installed, and the CRC to be reverified.
NOTE: For drive firmware updates, the progress screen is only shown until the drive
begins flashing the firmware.
6. For library firmware updates, upon completion of the update, the library
automatically reboots. Wait until the POST process completes before
relogging onto the system.
NOTE: If the update fails, an error message is displayed. Refer to Chapter 6,
“Troubleshooting and FSCs,” for information on the error.
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Update Firmware Using FTP
The second two menu options on the Functions screen enable new firmware for the
library or a drive to be uploaded and installed using FTP either locally or
CAUTION: Use only firmware tested and certified by Overland Storage for the
ARCvault products. Do not use drive firmware from the drive manufacturer’s site
unless told to do so by Overland Technical Support. The latest versions of library
and drive firmware are available on the Overland Support web site and the
Overland FTP site.
Local FTP Server Update
1. Verify that the latest firmware has been uploaded to the library.
See Appendix B, “Updating the Firmware,” for the procedure.
2. Locate the menu option for the type of update being done—Library or
3. Verify that the default Local FTP Server is selected.
4. If updating drive firmware, verify that the correct drive (or All Drives
option) is selected.
5. Click Start The Update.
6. At the Maintenance Post Data screen, click the firmware file name.
Both the web page and front touch screen show the progress of the upgrade.
It takes about two minutes for the CRC to be verified, the BIN file to be
installed, and the CRC to be reverified.
NOTE: For drive firmware updates, the progress screen is only shown until the drive
begins flashing the firmware.
7. For library firmware updates, upon completion of the update, the library
automatically reboots. Wait until the POST process completes before
relogging onto the system.
NOTE: If the update fails, an error message is displayed. Refer to Chapter 6,
“Troubleshooting and FSCs,” for information about the error.
Remote FTP Server Update
1. Verify that the Remote FTP Server has been configured for the library.
If necessary, use Setup > Remote FTP Server to change those settings.
2. Locate the menu option for the type of update being done—Library or
3. Verify that the Remote FTP Server is selected and click Start The
Both the web page and front touch screen show the progress of the upgrade.
It takes about two minutes for the CRC to be verified, the BIN file to be
installed, and the CRC to be reverified.
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NOTE: For drive firmware updates, the progress screen is only shown until the drive
begins flashing the firmware.
4. For library firmware updates, upon completion of the update, the library
automatically reboots. Wait until the POST process completes before
relogging onto the system.
NOTE: If the update fails, an error message is displayed. Refer to Chapter 6,
“Troubleshooting and FSCs,” for information about the error.
Check Firmware Revision Level
IMPORTANT: The library must be registered with Overland and the e-mail function
configured (“Configure E-Mail Communications” on page 2-4) before this option will
Click the Check Firmware button to send an e-mail to
support@overlandstorage.com that includes the current firmware version. An
automated agent intercepts that e-mail, parses the firmware version, checks it
against the current released version, and e-mails back to the registered user
whether their library firmware is current or if they need to get an upgrade.
If the library is not registered, the return e-mail reminds the user to register so
that this option can function correctly.
Send a Test E-Mail
Click the Send E-Mail button to send a test e-mail to Overland Technical Support
to determine if the e-mail settings (located at Setup > Notifications) are correctly
configured. An automated response is sent to the return (From) e-mail address
configured there.
Run a Library Diagnostic
1. Using the diagnostic menu option, select the type of test and length.
Table 5-12 lists the diagnostic tests that can be performed and the preset
lengths of time for them to run.
2. Press Start the Diagnostic.
NOTE: After starting a diagnostic test, clicking any RMU tab aborts the diagnostic.
Also, a message is displayed in the OCP with an Abort button. Pressing Abort
stops the diagnostic.
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Table 5-12: Diagnostic Options
Diagnostic to Run Choose from six different tests:
• Cartridge Cycle—randomly fetches from and stows to slots.
• Drive Cycle—randomly fetches from and stows between slots and a
• Exercise Shuttle (Motor)—runs the shuttle around the track,
stopping at random positions.
• Exercise Picker (Motor)—runs the picker all the way in and back out
to the inventory touch position.
• Exercise Vertical (Motor)—repeatedly raises and lowers the shuttle
• Static Bar Code Test—repeatedly performs an inventory to check
bar code reader accuracy.
NOTE: After running either a Cartridge Cycle or Drive Cycle
diagnostics, the host software should perform an inventory to
update its cartridge map.
Default: Cartridge Cycle.
Time to Run
Use the drop-down list to select the length of time the test should run.
Options include:
• 1 minute
• 5 minutes
• 10 minutes
• 30 minutes
• 1 hour
• 2 hours
• 6 hours
• No Time Limit
Default: 1 minute.
Reboot the Library
This option forces a reboot of the library.
Reconfigure the Library
This option forces the library to reset numbering to adjust for a permanently
removed drive.
Unlock Library
This option overrides a Host Prevent Media Removal state preventing magazine
access when the host is not available. Click the Unlock button to access the
magazines and resume normal operation.
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History Tab
The History button provides access to service-related options such as viewing the
library trace logs (Figure 5-35).
The trace log options let you either view a trace log on-screen or download it as a
file. When you select a file for downloading, a Save As window appears allowing
you to select a network destination for the download.
IMPORTANT: A Full Trace log (see “History Tab” on page 5-39) should be saved
every time changes are made to the configuration in the event that the information
is needed should the chassis or controller card be swapped out.
The Send a Support Ticket option lets you send an automatic service request to
Overland Technical Support. The e-mail also includes a copy of a Diagnostic Trace
CAUTION: Before the Send a Support Ticket option can be used, the e-mail
configuration settings must be entered. Refer to “Notification Registration” on
page 5-29 for details.
Figure 5-35. RMU History Screen
Display a Trace Log
From the drop-down list, select either a full or diagnostic trace. The diagnostic
trace is a subset of the full trace showing only higher-level information.
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IMPORTANT: Whenever configuration changes are made, print out the Full Trace
Log to capture the new settings.
By clicking the Display Trace button, a processed Full Trace (Figure 5-36) or
Diagnostic Trace (Figure 5-36) file is created and displayed in the web browser.
Scroll down to see all the information. Since a log can be around 200 pages long, it
is recommended that the file be saved and viewed electronically.
Figure 5-36. Full Trace Log (Partial Sample)
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Figure 5-37. Diagnostic Trace Log (Partial Sample)
Download a Trace Log File
You can download the full or diagnostic binary trace log using the download
option. Right-click the appropriate link and save the file.
Send a Support Ticket
IMPORTANT: The loader must be registered with Overland and the e-mail function
configured (“Configure E-Mail Communications” on page 2-4) before this option will
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When Send Ticket is clicked, an e-mail is sent to support@overlandstorage.com
with the library serial number and latest Diagnostic Trace log attached. An
automated agent e-mails back a confirmation message with a service ticket
number. Technical Support uses the original e-mail to look up the registered user
information and contact them to help troubleshoot the problem.
If the library is not registered, the return e-mail reminds the user to register so
that Technical Support can know how to contact them.
Help Link
The Help link on the right side of the top bar opens a PDF version of this user
Logout Link
The Logout link on the right side of the top bar provides an easy exit from RMU by
shutting down the web link. It is also recommended that you close your browser to
clear all temporary caches.
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Troubleshooting and FSCs
This section provides some troubleshooting information and a list of Fault
Symptom Codes (FSC) for the ARCvault library that may be displayed when there
is a possible malfunction. A descriptive message and instructions for clearing the
fault accompany each FSC.
Possible Problems
An incorrect installation or configuration can cause platform problems. In such a
case, the library appears to be operating normally, but data and commands can
not be interchanged correctly. An error code may or may not be displayed on the
OCP touch screen. To resolve an error caused by this type of problem, check your
installation and configuration setup. Refer to this user guide or the Overland
Support web site for information on how to correctly install and configure the
General drive errors usually result from a miscommunication between the library
and tape drive, or a mechanical malfunction. Media issues or read/write problems
usually do not cause an FSC to be displayed.
Both platform problems and general drive errors may display an FSC and an error
message on the OCP touch screen and the RMU Library Health Status table. Use
the FSC to determine a recovery procedure or report errors to your service
provider. If no FSC is displayed, try a different piece of media or use the other tape
drive if installed.
Sample Screens
When a malfunction occurs, an error message is displayed on the OCP touch
Figure 6-1: Sample OCP Error Message Screen
Use the arrow buttons on the right to scroll down to see all the message.
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Troubleshooting and FSCs
The same information is available in the RMU. Click the Status tab and choose the
Library Health option to view the following table:
Figure 6-2: Sample RMU Error Message in Library Health Table
Error Recovery
To simplify the Error Recovery Process (ERP), begin by using the Start/General
ERP to determine which Decision Tree flowcharts to use. If an FSC is shown, use
the cross-reference table to determine which ERP to use.
FSC/ERP Cross-Reference Table
NOTE: If an FSC number is not listed in the table below, contact Overland Technical
Table 6-1 lists the possible FSCs and accompanying messages and descriptions.
Use the listed ERP number to determine the correct procedure to use for resolving
the problem:
Table 6-1: FSC/ERP Cross-Reference
“Serial Port Initialization Error”
The serial port controller on the library controller
card failed to initialize during POST.
“NvRAM Update Error”
The non-volatile RAM did not update during
“Non-Volatile Configuration Save
The non-volatile RAM configuration did not save
correctly during POST.
“Drive Configuration Error:
Full-height drive is incorrectly
The library detected that the wrong serial cable is
connected to the full height drive.
“Drive Initialization Error”
The tape drive did not initialize correctly during
“Invalid Physical Drive Number”
The library detected an invalid drive number
during initialization.
“Invalid Logical Drive Number”
The library detected an invalid drive number
during initialization.
“Bar Code Reader Not Detected”
The bar code reader was not detected during
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ARCvault 24 User Guide
Troubleshooting and FSCs
Table 6-1: FSC/ERP Cross-Reference(Continued)
“OS Critical Error”
The library firmware encountered a critical
internal error.
“Network Critical Error”
The RMU firmware encountered a critical internal
error during network initialization.
“Invalid Ethernet (MAC) Address.
Program a valid Ethernet address
then reboot the unit.”
An invalid MAC address was encountered when
the library was initializing the RMU ethernet port.
“Invalid IP Subnet Mask
The library will use
until a valid IP Subnet Mask is
programmed and library
An invalid IP subnet was detected when
initializing the RMU ethernet configuration.
“Firmware Exception”
The library firmware encountered a critical
internal error.
“SCSI Firmware Error”
The library SCSI firmware encountered a critical
internal error.
“SCSI Invalid Element”
The library firmware detected an invalid element
address during initialization.
“SCSI Initialization Error: None of
the attached drives
have ADI bridging enabled.”
The library SCSI firmware was not able to
initialize because an ADI-enabled drive was not
”Invalid Control Command”
The library control firmware detected an invalid
internal command.
“Loader Not Ready”
The library control firmware detected that the
loader hardware was not ready.
“WARNING - Door open; I/E move
in progress. Do NOT access I/E
slot. Close door to continue.”
The operator opened the left door during an I/E
Element slot operation.
“Illegal Move”
The library control firmware detected an illegal
move attempted by an internal process.
“Door open; library motion halted.
Close door to continue.”
The library door/switch is open and all robotics
operations are suspended until this condition is
“No Magazine”
The door was closed and no magazine was
“Drive Media Removal Prevented:
Allow media removal using the
software application or reboot the
A host move medium command was attempted
but the library detected that the drive is in a
prevent media removal state from the host.
“Control Firmware Error”
The library control firmware detected a critical
internal error.
“Unknown exchange for the async 1
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The library interprocess communications
firmware detected a critical internal error.
©2006-2008 Overland Storage, Inc.
W 6-3
ARCvault 24 User Guide
Troubleshooting and FSCs
Table 6-1: FSC/ERP Cross-Reference(Continued)
“Motor Fault Condition; see trace
for details.”
A motor fault condition was detected and the
library trace file is required for additional error
“Picker Tach Errors”
The library picker motor has reported excessive
tach errors.
“Bin Fetch Failure”
The library failed to fetch a cartridge from a slot
and all retries were exhausted.
“Bin Stow Failure”
The library failed to stow a cartridge to a slot and
all retries were exhausted.
“Drive Fetch Failure”
The library failed to fetch a cartridge from a drive
and all retries were exhausted.
“Drive Stow Failure”
The library failed to stow a cartridge to a drive
and all retries were exhausted.
“Drive Status Failure”
The library was not able to get status from the
drive serial (ADI) interface during the normal
status check.
“Drive Communication Error”
The library was not able to communicate with the
drive ADI.
“Drive Get General Status Fail”
The drive did not return the general status packet
over the ADI.
“Drive Unload Fail”
The drive did not successfully unload a cartridge
when the library issued the eject command over
the ADI.
“Undefined Config”
The library firmware detected an invalid
configuration during a diagnostic operation. This
error usually indicates an internal hardware
“Orphan cartridge not stowed.
Empty I/E slot to proceed.”
The library was unable to stow an orphan
cartridge because the I/E slot is full.
“Chassis S/N mismatch. New
S/N stored.”
The serial number of the chassis did not match
the serial number stored in the library controller
“Chassis S/N character count is
not correct. New S/N stored.”
The serial number of the chassis did not match
the serial number stored in the library controller
“Chassis S/N did not scan.”
The library could not scan the chassis serial
“Chassis S/N save operation
The library could not save the chassis serial
number to the NvRAM.
“Loader Received Invalid Cmd”
The library firmware process detected an invalid
internal command.
“Loader Invalid Drive Number”
The library firmware process detected an invalid
drive number in an internal command.
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ARCvault 24 User Guide
Troubleshooting and FSCs
Table 6-1: FSC/ERP Cross-Reference(Continued)
“No Cartridges In Library”
A cartridge cycle diagnostic was attempted with
no media in the library.
“Too Many Cartridges”
A cartridge cycle diagnostic was attempted with
no empty slots in the library.
“Need 3 Cartridges Minimum”
A drive cycle diagnostic was attempted with too
few cartridges in the library.
“Need 1 Drive Minimum”
A drive cycle diagnostic was attempted but no
drives were detected.
“Memory Allocation Error”
The library firmware detected an internal memory
allocation error.
“Invalid Bin Number”
During cartridge cycle or drive cycle diagnostics,
the library firmware detected an invalid slot
selection. This condition indicates a diagnostic
firmware error.
“Cart blocking vertical”
The library detected an unexpected cartridge
ejected from the drive when the shuttle is not in
front of the drive. This condition prevents the
vertical robotics movement and requires manual
“Unable to Complete Homing
The library could not complete the vertical
homing algorithm. This usually indicates an
obstruction (such as, a cartridge in the bottom of
the chassis or other impediment).
“Diag get drive status failed.”
The library diagnostic firmware failed to get ADI
status from drive 1.
“Drive Stow Fail; Media Returned
to Source”
The library was unable to successfully stow a
cartridge to the drive so the cartridge was
returned to the originating slot.
“Drive Stow Fail; Media Remains in 7
The library was unable to successfully stow a
cartridge to the drive but the cartridge was left in
the drive.
“Unsupported Drive for Requested 2
The library detected an unsupported drive
(usually a hardware error).
“No Retry Fault on Fetch/Stow”
A robotics fetch stow operation failed and no
retry was possible.
“I/E Slot Load/Unload Error”
The library was unable to fetch/stow the
import/export slot.
“Picker Jammed”
The library detected a jam condition with the
picker motor.
“Picker Overtraveled Stall”
The library detected an unexpected overtravel
condition when moving the picker motor to a
position (stall was expected).
“Flex Cable Failure”
The library detected a defective shuttle cable
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W 6-5
ARCvault 24 User Guide
Troubleshooting and FSCs
Table 6-1: FSC/ERP Cross-Reference(Continued)
“12 Volt Fuse Opened”
The library detected a blown fuse in shuttle
“Picker Jammed on Stow”
The library detected a picker motor jam while
stowing a cartridge.
“Shuttle Jammed”
The library shuttle motor was stalled/jammed
during a shuttle move operation.
“Cart sense switch failed.”
The library did not detect the cartridge sense
switch in the shuttle assembly.
“Cart stuck halfway in shuttle.”
The library firmware detected a cartridge stuck
halfway in the shuttle or the shuttle shipping
tie-down wire was not removed – an
unrecoverable hardware condition.
“Unacceptable Cart Map“
When attempting a servo training diagnostic, the
wrong cartridge locations were detected (service
issue only).
“High Picker Friction“
Error during servo training diagnostic (service use
“Picker Missed Cart“
Error during servo training diagnostic (service use
“Upward Search Failed“
Error during servo training diagnostic (service use
“Downward Search Failed“
Error during servo training diagnostic (service use
“Shuttle Search Failed“
Error during servo training diagnostic (service use
“Shuttle Probe Failed“
Error during servo training diagnostic (service use
“Vertical Too High“
Error during servo training diagnostic (service use
“Excess Table Tilt“
Error during servo training diagnostic (service use
“Excess Shuttle Offset“
Error during servo training diagnostic (service use
“Vertical Elevator Jammed”
The library vertical motor was stalled/jammed
during a vertical move operation.
“Expired Cleaning Cart”
The library detected an expired cleaning cartridge
as reported by a drive.
“Not a Cleaning Cart”
A clean operation was attempted through the
library menu but the drive reported that it was not
a cleaning cartridge.
“Move Command Fail”
A library (menu mode) cartridge move operation
“Clean Operation Time-out”
A library (menu mode) clean operation failed.
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W 6-6
ARCvault 24 User Guide
Troubleshooting and FSCs
Table 6-1: FSC/ERP Cross-Reference(Continued)
“OCP Control errors”
All of these fault codes (7001-70FF) should be
considered library internal firmware errors
related to OCP firmware errors.
“Cartridge load recovery failed.”
The drive failed to successfully load the cartridge
at the completion of a library stow-to-drive
“Drive Load Time-out: Use Move
Media menu to remove the media
from the Tape Drive.”
The library stowed a cartridge to the drive but the
drive did not successfully complete the load
operation in the time-out period.
“Drive Load Error: Use Move Media 8
menu to remove the media from
the Tape Drive.”
The drive reported a cartridge load error through
the ADI.
“Expired Cleaning Media”
The drive reported an expired cleaning cartridge
error through the ADI.
“Unsupported Media Format: Use
Move Media menu to remove the
media from the Tape Drive.”
The drive reported through the ADI a media
format that is not supported by the drive.
“Invalid Cleaning Media”
The drive reported an invalid cleaning cartridge
error through the ADI.
“Defective Media: Use Move Media 4,8
menu to remove the media from
the Tape Drive.”
The media in the tape drive cannot be used.
“Drive Firmware Update Error”
Drive firmware update using RMU failed.
“SMX Send Error”
“SMX Receive Error”
“Comm Free List Empty“
“Invalid Comm Put Attempt“
“Invalid Comm Get Attempt“
“Comm Initialization Error“
“Put of a NULL Comm“
“Msg contains no Comm.“
“Comm return addr is unknown.“
“Gateway initialization failed.”
“Gateway Terminate Time-out”
“Error attempting to exit menu
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All of these fault codes (A001-A0nn) should be
considered library internal firmware problems
related to interprocess task communication
All of these fault codes (C001-C0nn) should be
considered library internal firmware problems
related to RMU firmware failures.
©2006-2008 Overland Storage, Inc.
W 6-7
ARCvault 24 User Guide
Troubleshooting and FSCs
Error Recovery Procedures
Use these following Decision Tree flowcharts to diagnose the problem that caused
the FSC.
Problem operating the
Does the unit
power on?
Library reports either a backup
application failure or a Fault
Symptom Code (FSC) is being
Using the Fault Code Table, note
number of the Error Recovery
Procedure (ERP).
ERP = 1?
FSC listed in
Fault Code Table?
Note fault code and error
message. Retrieve library trace.
Attempt to run standalone
cartridge-cycle and drive-cycle
diagnostics on library.
ERP = 1
ERP = 2?
ERP = 3?
ERP = 4?
Verify system and application is at
appropriate revision levels and
has no defective hardware or
ERP = 7?
Attempt to run read/write tests to
tape drive with known good
ERP = 6?
ERP = 5?
FSC listed in
Fault Code Table?
Level 3
(Resume normal operation)
Figure 6-3: Start/General ERP Decision Tree
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W 6-8
ARCvault 24 User Guide
Troubleshooting and FSCs
Error Recovery Procedure 1 is used for FSCs that indicates
the chassis FRU as the most likely problem
ERP = 1
Reboot the library and retry the
operation that produced the FSC.
Same FSC
1. Turn off power to the library.
2. Wait 5 seconds.
3. Power up the library.
4. Retry the operation that
produced the fault code.
Same FSC
(Resume normal operation)
Figure 6-4: ERP 1 Decision Tree
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W 6-9
ARCvault 24 User Guide
Troubleshooting and FSCs
Error Recovery Procedure 2 is used for FSCs that indicate
the chassis or drive FRU as the most likely problem .
Reboot the library and retry the
operation that produced the FSC.
Same FSC
1. Turn off power to the library.
2. Wait 5 seconds.
3. Power up the library.
4. Retry the operation that
produced the fault code.
Same FSC
Drive R&R
(Resume normal operation)
Figure 6-5: ERP 2 Decision Tree
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W 6-10
ARCvault 24 User Guide
Troubleshooting and FSCs
Error Recovery Procedure 3 is used for FSCs that usually
indicate a user error when configuring the library.
Instruct the customer on the
correct value to enter for their
library configuration.
(Resume normal operation)
Figure 6-6: ERP 3 Decision Tree
Error Recovery Procedure 4 is used for FSCs that usually
indicate a user error when operating the library .
Correct the condition indicated by
the fault code and retry the
(Resume normal operation)
Figure 6-7: ERP 4 Decision Tree
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W 6-11
ARCvault 24 User Guide
Troubleshooting and FSCs
Error Recovery Procedure 5 is used for FSCs that usually
indicate a system or application operational error.
Verify that the system, drivers,
and backup application are
supported configurations running
at the current version, then retry
the operation.
(Resume normal operation)
Level 3
Figure 6-8: ERP 5 Decision Tree
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W 6-12
ARCvault 24 User Guide
Troubleshooting and FSCs
Error Recovery Procedure 6 is used for FSCs that indicate either defective
media or chassis problem when moving media to or from a slot .
Reboot the library to attempt to
clear the fault condition.
Same FSC
Select a different piece of media
and retry the move operation.
Same FSC
Remove the defective
media from the library.
(Resume normal operation)
Figure 6-9: ERP 6 Decision Tree
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W 6-13
ARCvault 24 User Guide
Troubleshooting and FSCs
Error Recovery Procedure 7 is used for FSCs that indicate
either defective media, drive, or chassis problem when
moving between a slot and a drive.
Reboot the library to attempt to
clear the fault condition.
Same FSC
Drive R&R
Select a different piece of media
and retry the fetch/stow
Same FSC
• For a single-drive library,
retry using a different slot.
• For a multi-drive library,
retry using a different drive.
Remove the defective
media from the library.
(Resume normal operation)
Was the operation
successful ?
Figure 6-10: ERP 7 Decision Tree
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W 6-14
ARCvault 24 User Guide
Troubleshooting and FSCs
Error Recovery Procedure 8 is used for FSCs that indicate
either defective media or drive problem when stowing/
fetching a cartridge to /from a drive.
Reboot the library to attempt to
clear the fault condition.
Same FSC
Retry the drive fetch/stow
operation with a different
piece of media.
Same FSC
Remove the defective
media from the library.
(Resume normal operation)
Drive R&R
Figure 6-11: ERP 8 Decision Tree
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W 6-15
ARCvault 24 User Guide
Troubleshooting and FSCs
Touch the OCP to
power on the library
Is the OCP
Is the rear power
switch illuminated?
Does the
initialize ?
Press the rear power
switch and release
when the light goes out.
Then press the rear
power switch for 2
seconds (maximum)
until the switch
Verify that the power
cord is connected
between the AC outlet
and the library. Verify
that AC power is
functional. Unplug and
replug the the power
cord to the library and
then press the rear
power switch for 2
seconds (maximum).
Unplug and replug the
the power cord to the
library. If the rear
power switch
illuminates , proceed to
the next step. If not,
press the rear power
switch for 2 seconds
(maximum) until the
switch illuminates .
Touch the OCP to
power on the library
Touch the OCP to
power on the library
Touch the OCP to
power on the library
Does the
initialize ?
Does the
initialize ?
Does the
initialize ?
(Resume normal operation)
Figure 6-12: Power ERP Decision Tree
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W 6-16
ARCvault 24 User Guide
Troubleshooting and FSCs
Drive R&R
Remove the suspected tape drive
assembly from the library. Inspect
tape drive assembly for damage.
Replace tape drive
Dual Drives?
Swap drives to check
drive vs. position.
Retry the operation.
with same physical
Inspect the chassis assembly
interconnect cabling for visible
with other drive in
same position?
Replace chassis
Replace both chassis assembly
and tape drive assembly.
(Resume normal
Figure 6-13: Chassis vs. Drive ERP Decision Tree
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ARCvault 24 User Guide
Troubleshooting and FSCs
Replace the Chassis FRU.
(Resume normal operation)
Figure 6-14: Chassis R&R
Replace the Drive FRU
Resume Normal Operation
Figure 6-15: Drive R&R
Replace the Power Supply
Resume Normal Operation
Figure 6-16: Power Supply R&R
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W 6-18
ARCvault 24 User Guide
Troubleshooting and FSCs
Level 3 escalations are for system or application issues
with currently supported library configurations.
Level 3
Save a Library Trace at
the point of failure. Save all
system information, version
information, system logs , and
application logs.
Notify technical support
and wait for patch.
Apply library or system patch.
(Resume normal operation)
Figure 6-17: Level 3 Escalation
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W 6-19
ARCvault 24 User Guide
Troubleshooting and FSCs
Magazine Release
Should there be a loss of power, you can still access the magazines in an ARCvault
library using the Magazine Release Tool (MRT) that came in the Accessory Kit.
1. Slide the MRT into the manual release hole (Figure 6-18) under the
magazine handle.
Media Magazine
Insert MRT Here
Media Magazine
Insert MRT Here
Figure 6-18: Location of Magazine Release Holes
2. While pressing firmly with the tool, pull the magazine out about one inch
3. Remove the MRT.
4. Slide the magazine all the way out.
5. Repeat Steps 1–4 for the other magazine.
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W 6-20
ARCvault 24 User Guide
Troubleshooting and FSCs
Long-Term Drive Removal
If a drive is being removed for a period of time and the library will be operated
without it, you must install an air baffle in the drive’s place to ensure proper
cooling. Install the air baffle that was removed when the extra drive was installed.
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W 6-21
ARCvault 24 User Guide
Troubleshooting and FSCs
Touch Screen Overrides
If calibration or contrast problems exist with the OCP touch screen, it may not be
possible to make changes using the OCP. However, there are overrides that can
address these issues.
Touch Screen Forced Recalibration
1. Cycle the unit’s power.
2. At the startup screen, press the
following sequence:
a. Upper right quadrant
b. Lower left quadrant
c. Upper left quadrant
d. Lower right quadrant
3. Following the on-screen instructions, press the boxed X at the lower left of
the screen, and then press the boxed X at the upper right.
The screen should now be recalibrated and ready to use.
Touch Screen Contrast Reset
1. Cycle the unit’s power.
2. At the startup screen, press the
following sequence:
a. Upper right quadrant
b. Lower right quadrant
c. Upper right quadrant
d. Upper left quadrant
The screen is returned to the default setting of 32. Use Utilities > Diagnostics >
Screen Calib to make any changes.
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W 6-22
ARCvault Specifications
Physical Specifications
Library Configuration
Maximum Number of Tape Cartridges
Number of Media Magazines
Slots per Magazine
Number of LTO Drives, Default Configuration
1 half-height SCSI drive, 1 half-height SAS drive,
or 1 full-height FC drive
Number of LTO Drives, Maximum (Upgraded)
2 half-height SCSI drives, 2 half-height SAS
drives, or 1 full-height FC drive
Number of I/E Element Slots
0, 1, or 12, depending on configuration
Number of Possible Reserved Slots
Up to 11 or up to 12, depending on configuration
Native capacity in TB (LTO-4 / LTO-3 / LTO-2)
Max. compressed storage in TB (LTO-4 / LTO-3 /
19.2 / 9.6 / 4.8
38.4 / 19.2 / 9.6
Interface Connectors
HD 68
SFF-8470 (iPass)
LCD Touch Screen
2.5” x 1.25” (6.4cm x 3.2cm)
Pressure-sensitive blue and light-gray screen
128 x 64 pixels @ 50 dpi
*Assumes compression ratio of 2:1. Actual performance may vary with the application.
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W A-1
ARCvault 24 User Guide
ARCvault Specifications
Physical Dimensions
Dimensions (H x W x D)
3.475 x 18.9 x 34.25 in. (8.6 x 48.3 x 87.0 cm)
Weight Empty
32 lbs (14.5kg)
Base Weight, Single Half-Height Drive
35 lbs (16kg)
Base Weight, Single Full-Height Drive
38 lbs (17kg)
Shipping Weight, Single Half-Height Drive
50 lbs (22.5kg)
Shipping Weight, Single Full-Height Drive
53 lbs (24kg)
Fully Configured Weight with Maximum Number
of Magazines, Tapes, and Drives
49 lbs. (22kg)
Technical Information
Operational Specifications
Mount Time
Less than 60 seconds, estimated
Dismount Time (excluding rewinding)
Less than 60 seconds, estimated
Inventory Time (full including tape drives)
Less than 3 minutes with bar codes; less than 6
minutes without bar codes
Rewind Time (maximum/average)
98/49 seconds
Air Flow
38 CFM
Noise (maximum at 1m)
63.2 dB
Power Consumption
Idle State / Average Running State
52 Watts
Peak Power
97 Watts
Input Voltage, Low*
100-120 VAC ±10%
Input Voltage, High
200-240 VAC ±10%
Input Frequency
50-60 Hz
AC Power Input
One IEC320–C14 style rear-panel receptacle
BTU Heat
Idle State / Average Running State
177 BTU/hour (187 kJ/hour)
Peak Power
331 BTU/hour (349 kJ/hour)
*The low voltage nominal will be 110 VAC and the high voltage nominal will be 220 VAC.
†Based on 3.412142 BTU/watt.
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W A-2
ARCvault 24 User Guide
ARCvault Specifications
Reliability and Safety
Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF)
More than 250,000 hours
Maximum Swaps Between Failures (MSBF)
More than 1,000,000 cartridge swaps
Mean Cycles Between Failures (MCBF)
More than 2,000,000 cycles
Design life
7 years
Mean Time To Repair (MTTR)
Less than 30 minutes
Safety Standards
IEC60950-1, Standard for Safety of Information
Technology Equipment
NRTL - Canada
CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 950, Standard for Safety of
Information Technology Equipment
CE Marking (European Union)
Low Voltage Directive, 72/23/EEC, European
Temperature, Humidity and Altitude
Dry Bulb Temperature
10°C to 40°C
Temperature Gradient
1°C / min. (across the range)
Temperature Shock
15°C (over 2 min.)
Wet Bulb Temperature
Relative Humidity
15% to 85% (noncondensing)
Humidity Gradient
10% / hr.
Power On—No Tape Loaded (Unpacked—72 hours)
Dry Bulb Temperature
0°C to 50°C
Temperature Gradient
15°C / hr. (across the range)
Temperature Shock
15°C (over 2 min.)
Wet Bulb Temperature
Relative Humidity
10% to 95% (noncondensing)
Humidity Gradient
10% / hr.
Non-Operating—Long Term (Packed or Unpacked)
Dry Bulb Temperature
-40°C to 60°C
Temperature Gradient
20°C / hr. (across the range)
Temperature Shock
15°C (over 2 min.)
Wet Bulb Temperature
Relative Humidity
5% to 95% (noncondensing)
Humidity Gradient
10% / hr.
Transit—Short Term (Packed 7 Days)
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W A-3
ARCvault 24 User Guide
ARCvault Specifications
Dry Bulb Temperature
-40°C to 60°C
Temperature Gradient
25°C / hr. (across the range)
Temperature Shock
15°C (over 2 min.)
Wet Bulb Temperature
Relative Humidity
5% to 95% (noncondensing)
Humidity Gradient
10% / hr.
Operating (Within Spec—No Damage)
Peak Acceleration
31 Gs
Wave Shape
1/2 sine pulses
X,Y,Z axes, repeat 3 times
Non-Operating, with Tape Cartridges Removed (Unpacked—No Damage)
Peak Acceleration
71 Gs
Wave Shape
1/2 sine pulses
X,Y,Z axes, repeat 3 times
Transit/Storage (Packed—No Damage)
Peak Acceleration
30 Gs
Wave Shape
1/2 sine pulses
X,Y,Z axes, repeat 3 times
Physical Drop Test (Packed—No Damage)
Drop Test Distance
30 inches
Per ISTA (1 time)
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W A-4
ARCvault 24 User Guide
ARCvault Specifications
Operating (Within Spec—No Damage)
Frequency Range
Peak Acceleration
0.25 G
Wave shape
Sinusoidal, 1 octave/min.
X,Y,Z axes 2 sweeps per axis
Non-Operating (Unpacked—No Damage)
Frequency Range
Peak Acceleration
1.0 G
Wave shape
Sinusoidal, 1 octave/min.
X,Y,Z axes 2 sweeps per axis
Transit/Storage (Packed—No Damage)
Random Vibration Test
ASTM D4728-95
Air and Truck only
Electromagnetic Emissions
Agency Standards
US Std. 47 CFR, Part 15 Rules, Class A. Notation
on Product
Industry Canada (ICES)
Industry Canada Rules, ICES-003, Class A.
Notation on product
CE Marking (European Union)
EMC Directive, 89/336/EEC Laws, relating to
electromagnetic compatibility, European Union
EN55022, Standard, RFI limits, Information
Technology Equipment, Class A EN55024,
Information Technology Equipment, Immunity.
VCCI (Japan)
Class A per CISPR 22, Japan. VCCI statement on
BSMI (Taiwan)
CNS: 13438, Taiwan. Class A
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©2006-2008 Overland Storage, Inc.
W A-5
Updating the Firmware
As new features and functionality are made available, it is recommended to
update the ARCvault firmware. When using FTP instead of HTTP to update the
firmware, use one of the following two procedures.
Using a Local FTP Server
1. Download the latest firmware from the Overland website to a local
a. Point your browser to
b. Open the ARCvault folder.
c. Download the latest firmware file labeled ARCvault_nnnn.bin (where
“nnnn” represents the latest version number).
2. Using either an FTP software program or a web browser, access the
Upload folder located at the IP address of the ARCvault unit.
For example, in Internet Explorer, type “ftp://www.xxx.yyy.zzz/upload/” for
the URL.
NOTE: Currently, only Internet Explorer is able to be used with ARCvault since
Mozilla-based browsers can only download from FTP sites, not upload.
3. At the login screen, enter “x” for the User Name and “1” for the Password.
NOTE: If you have already changed the User password, enter the new password.
4. Copy the firmware BIN file to the Upload folder.
This can also be accomplished in IE by dragging and dropping the file icon
onto the Upload browser page.
5. Launch and log into RMU as Administrator.
6. Click the Function button on the Tool Bar.
7. In the Update Library Firmware Using FTP area, verify that the default
Local FTP Server is selected and click Start The Update.
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ARCvault 24 User Guide
Updating the Firmware
8. At the MaintenancePostData screen, click the firmware file name.
Both the web page and front touch screen show the progress of the upgrade.
Wait approximately 2 minutes while the CRC is verified, the BIN file is
installed, and the CRC ID reverified.
9. Upon completion of the update, the library automatically reboots. Wait until
the POST process completes before relogging onto the system.
NOTE: If the update fails, an error message is displayed. Refer to Chapter 6,
“Troubleshooting and FSCs,” for information about the error.
Using a Remote FTP Server
1. Launch RMU by typing “http://” followed by the IP address of the ARCvault
unit in a browser.
2. At the login screen, enter “2” for the Administrator password.
NOTE: If you have already changed the Administrator password, enter the new
password here.
3. Click the Setup button.
4. Click the Remote FTP Config button.
5. Verify that these remote server settings are correct:
Remote FTP Server Address
Remote FTP Server User ID
Remote FTP Server Password
Remote FTP Server Initial Directory
6. Verify that RMU has access through the network firewall.
7. Click the Function button.
8. In the Update Library Firmware Using FTP area, verify that the Remote
FTP Server is selected and click Start The Update.
Both the web page and front touch screen show the progress of the upgrade.
Wait approximately 2 minutes while the CRC is verified, the BIN file is
installed, and the CRC is reverified.
9. Upon completion of the update, the library automatically reboots. Wait until
the POST process completes before relogging onto the system.
NOTE: If the update fails, an error message is displayed. Refer to Chapter 6,
“Troubleshooting and FSCs,” for information about the error.
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Available Commands
The following table is an alphabetized list of the commands and configuration
options available for the ARCvault 24 Library. It shows the interfaces from which
the option can be accessed.
A “na” is shown when the item is not available in the particular interface. Items
divided by a vertical bar (|) indicate different options available at that level.
References to “Drive 2” only apply is a second drive is installed.
Table C-1: Commands & Configuration Option Interface Locations
Remote Management Utility
OCP Touch Screen
Bar code label, alignment
Setup > Library > Bar Code Label
Bar code label, check digit options
Setup > Library > Bar Code Label
Check Digit
Bar code label, number of
Setup > Library > Bar Code Label
Bar code reader, number of retries
Setup > Library > Bar Code Reader na
Calibrate the OCP touch screen
Clean a drive, automatically
Setup > Library > Auto Clean Mode na
Clean a drive, manually
Media > Clean a Drive
Configure FTP to run in passive
Setup > Remote FTP > Use Passive na
Contrast level setting for the OCP
Utilities > Diagnostics >
Screen Calib
Utilities > Service >
Clean Drive
Setup > Edit Opts > Library >
LCD Contrast
Determine if bar code label used on Status (mouse-over media image)
tape cartridge
Status > Cart Map > Left Mag|
Right Mag > {slot n}
Diagnostics performed on bar code Functions > Run a Library
Diagnostic > Static Bar Code Test
Diagnostics performed on cartridge Functions > Run a Library
Diagnostic > Exercise Picker
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ARCvault 24 User Guide
Available Commands
Table C-1: Commands & Configuration Option Interface Locations
Remote Management Utility
OCP Touch Screen
Diagnostics performed on drives
Functions > Run a Library
Diagnostic > Drive Cycle
Utilities > Diagnostics >
Drive Cycle
Diagnostics performed on shuttle
Functions > Run a Library
Diagnostic > Exercise Shuttle
Diagnostics performed on tape
Functions > Run a Library
Diagnostic > Cartridge Cycle
Utilities > Diagnostics >
Cart Cycle
Diagnostics performed on vertical
track assembly
Functions > Run a Library
Diagnostic > Exercise Vertical
Drive configured as bridge to host
when more than one drive
Setup > Library > Drive Used for
Drive Firmware update using FTP
Functions > Update Drive Firmware na
Using FTP
Drive Firmware update using HTTP
Functions > Update Drive Firmware na
Using HTTP
Drive n information, detailed
Status > Detailed Reports >
Drive n
Status > Drive n
Drive n information, tape status
Status (mouse-over drive image)
Status > Cart Map > Drv n
E-mail event notices, address to be Setup > Notifications > E-Mail
Addresses > E-mail Address n
E-mail event notices, attaching
trace file
Setup > Notifications > E-Mail
Addresses > Attach Trace File to
E-Mail Message
E-mail event notices, setting e-mail Setup > Notifications > E-Mail
return address
Addresses > From Address
E-mail event notices, SMTP server
Setup > Notifications >
Configuration > E-Mail Server
E-mail test
Functions > Send a Test E-Mail
Error list by operational hour
Utilities > Diagnostics >
Error Log
FC drive configuration
Setup > Drives > Drive Number n
Setup > Edit Opts > SCSI/FC > Drive
n Config (Set Values)
Firmware version, check for latest
Functions > Check Firmware
Revision Level
Help link (top-right) to FTP web site • Help
and embedded help on each page • Help > Other Help
I/E Element mode, choosing
Setup > Library > I/E Element Slots na
Interactive magazine tape cartridge Status or Media
Status > Cart Map > Left Mag|
Right Mag
Inventory the magazines
Media > Inventory Library
Utilities > Diagnostics >
Inventory, method used
Setup > Library > Inventory Method na
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ARCvault 24 User Guide
Available Commands
Table C-1: Commands & Configuration Option Interface Locations
Remote Management Utility
OCP Touch Screen
IP address selection method (Static Setup > Network
or DHCP) for RMU access
Setup > Edit Opts > Network >
IP Addr Assignment
Library Firmware update using FTP
Functions > Update Library
Firmware Using FTP
Library Firmware update using
Functions > Update Library
Firmware Using HTTP
Library mode, setting random or
Setup > Library > Library Mode
Setup > Edit Opts > Library >
Library Mode
Library name, changing
Setup > Library > Library Name
Media magazine access
Media > Mag Access
Media magazine access, all
Media > Mag Access > Unlock All
Move media inside the unit
Media > Move a Tape Cartridge
Media > Move Media
Password added or changed for
accessing the RMU
Setup > RMU Passwords >
RMU User | RMU Administrator
Setup > Edit Opts > Network >
User & FTP Login | Administrator
Password validation for different
levels of OCP access
Utilities > Security
User | Admin | Factory
Passwords added or changed for
OCP access
Setup > OCP Passwords >
OCP User | OCP Admin
Setup > Passwords >
User | Admin
Power off the unit
Power > Power Off Library
Rebooting the unit
Functions > Reboot Library
Power > Reboot Library
Reconfiguration to adjust for a
permanently removed drive
Functions > Reconfigure Library
Utilities > Service >
Force Reconfig
Remote FTP server address setup
Setup > Remote FTP > Address
Remote FTP server initial directory
Setup > Remote FTP > Initial
Remote FTP server password setup Setup > Remote FTP > Password
Remote FTP server user ID setup
Setup > Remote FTP > User ID
Reserved slots, setting
Setup > Library > Reserved Slots
Setup > Edit Opts > Library >
Reserved Slots
Reset configuration to default
Setup > Reset to Defaults
Utilities > Service >
Reset User Defaults
RMU Administrator lockout to
prevent remote changes
Setup > RMU Passwords > Disable Setup > Edit Opts > Network >
Administrator RMU Access
Disable Admin RMU Access
SCSI ID of a drive, changing
Setup > Drives > Drive Number n > Setup > Edit Opts > SCSI/FC >
Drv n Bus ID
SCSI import/export element base
address, viewing
Setup > View Opts > SCSI/FC >
I/E Elem Base Addr
SCSI Initialize Element Status
Setup > SCSI > Initialize Element
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ARCvault 24 User Guide
Available Commands
Table C-1: Commands & Configuration Option Interface Locations
Remote Management Utility
OCP Touch Screen
SCSI Mode Sense/Select Device
Capabilities Page byte length
Setup > SCSI > Device Capability
Page Length
SCSI product ID response
Setup > SCSI > Product
SCSI Read Element Status
command response
Setup > SCSI > Report Element
SCSI Recovered Error sense key
reporting status
Setup > SCSI > Post Recovered
SCSI Reset or Abort command
Setup > SCSI > Abort Move Status
SCSI TapeAlert data options
Setup > SCSI > TapeAlert Mode
SCSI vendor ID response
Setup > SCSI > Vendor
Set warning level to generate SNMP Setup > Notifications >
traps and e-mails
Configuration > Warning Level
Slot activation
Setup > Library > Number of
Enabled Slots
SNMP traps authentication for Get
Setup > Notifications > SNMP
Notification > Get Community
SNMP traps authentication for Set
Setup > Notifications > SNMP
Notification > Set Community Name
SNMP traps authentication for Trap Setup > Notifications > SNMP
Notification > Trap Community
SNMP traps host addresses
Setup > Notifications > SNMP
Notification > Trap Address n
SNMP traps protocol used
Setup > Notifications > SNMP
Notification > Trap Version
Static IP address setup for RMU
Setup > Network > Static IP
Address > IP Address
Setup > Edit Opts > Network >
Library IP Addr
Static IP default gateway setup for
RMU access
Setup > Network > Static IP
Address > Default Gateway
Setup > Edit Opts > Network >
IP Gateway
Static IP DNS server setup for RMU Setup > Network > Static IP
Address > DNS Server
Setup > Edit Opts > Network >
DNS Server
Static IP subnet mask setup for
RMU access
Setup > Network > Static IP
Address > Subnet Mask
Setup > Edit Opts > Network >
IP Mask
Status of library health, detailed
Status > Detailed Reports >
Library Health
Status of library network settings,
Status > Detailed Reports >
Library Status
Status of library, operational
Status (Library Status table)
Status > Library
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ARCvault 24 User Guide
Available Commands
Table C-1: Commands & Configuration Option Interface Locations
Remote Management Utility
OCP Touch Screen
Support ticket sent to Overland
History > Send a Support Ticket
Trace logs, downloading
History > Download a Library Trace na
Log File > Full Trace | Diagnostic
Trace logs, viewing online
History > Display a Library Trace
Log > Full Trace | Diagnostic Trace
Unlock from a Host Prevent Media
Removal lockout
Functions > Unlock Library
Utilities > Service > Override Host
View cartridge map of magazine
Status > Cart Map > [mag name]
View options without editing
Setup > View Opts >
Library | SCSI/FC | Network
Web login security
Setup > Edit Opts > Network >
Secure Web Login
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Sequential Mode
The ARCvault 24 library comes configured for random mode tape usage. In this
random mode, the library is accessed through LUN 1 using the port located on
Drive 1.
If there is a need to emulate an autoloader, sequential mode is also available on
the ARCvault 24. In sequential mode, only Drive 1 can be used for the operation.
Sequential mode can be activated from either the OCP or RMU. The current mode
setting is displayed in the OCP Library Status view (Figure 4-21 on page 4-11)
and the RMU Detailed Library Status table (Figure 5-10 on page 5-10).
IMPORTANT: If there are two drives in the library, both drives are visible to the host,
but ONLY Drive 1 can be used for sequential operations. Tapes can be moved to the
second drive manually (OCP) and be accessible from the host, but that move will not start
a sequential operation. However, if a tape is manually (OCP) moved FROM either drive,
the sequential process ends.
Certain limitations apply in sequential mode:
There is no host access to the library itself (only Drive 1).
In a dual-drive library, only Drive 1 can be used for sequential mode.
Media access through RMU is not available.
Reserved slots are not allowed.
Auto Clean is not allowed.
I/E Element slots are not allowed.
SCSI ID / SAS WWNID / FC WWNN and LUN are not shown.
Sequential Overview
With the ARCvault in sequential mode, a tape is moved into Drive 1 using the
OCP Move Media option. The host then accesses the tape with reads, writes, or
whatever operation the backup application requires. When full, the host issues a
UNLOAD command to the drive. The ARCvault automatically moves the tape
back to the slot it originally came from and loads the tape from the next slot into
the drive. This process continues until the library either encounters an empty slot
or all tapes have been processed. When done, a completion message is posted to
the OCP. The sequential operation can be terminated at any time by using the
OCP to remove the tape from the drive.
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ARCvault 24 User Guide
Sequential Mode
Sequential Setup
Sequential mode can be setup using either the OCP or RMU.
OCP Configuration
IMPORTANT: If Reserved slots are configured, you cannot switch to sequential
mode. A message about setting Reserved slots to zero is displayed if any attempt to
set sequential mode is made with Reserved slots still configured.
NOTE: When the library is configured for sequential mode from the OCP, the Auto Clean
feature and any I/E Elements are automatically disabled.
To configure sequential mode using the OCP:
1. At the Default menu, press Setup > Edit Opts > Library > OK (at the
going offline message).
2. Press the down arrow once to display Library Mode.
3. Press the data field (Rand) to display the option screen (Figure D-1).
Figure D-1: Press Data Field to Display Data Entry Screen
4. Press the Seq option. “Seq” appears in the New box.
5. Press Save.
6. At the "This change causes an immediate reboot…" message, press OK.
The Library Mode screen displays briefly with Seq flashing in the New box,
followed by a "Library rebooting” message. The library then reboots in
sequential mode.
RMU configuration
CAUTION: Clicking the Library button causes the library to go offline possibly
interrupting host requests. Once you exit the menu item, the library automatically
goes back online.
To configure the library to operate in sequential mode using the RMU do the
1. Click Setup > Library > Confirm (at the going offline message).
2. Using the Library Mode drop-down menu, select Sequential.
3. Verify these settings:
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Reserved Slots is set to zero
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ARCvault 24 User Guide
Sequential Mode
Auto Clean Mode is disabled
I/E Element Slots is set to zero.
4. Click Submit.
A screen appears informing the user that the update was successful and that
the library is rebooting.
IMPORTANT: If Reserved Slots is not set to zero, Auto Clean Mode is set to
Enabled, or I/E Element Slots is not set to zero, when the Submit button is
clicked, an error message appears at the top of the frame and the configuration
is not updated.
Visible Changes
The following table denotes changes that are visible based on the mode setting:
Table D-1: Random versus Sequential Mode Settings
Item Impacted
Random Mode
Sequential Mode
RMU Settings That Change
Status > Bridging Drive Status (Summary)
ADI Bridge = Enabled
ADI Bridge = (blank)
Status > Detailed Library Status Report
Library Mode = Random
Library Mode = Sequential
WWNN shown
WWNN not shown
Status > Detailed Drive n Report
(for bridging drive)
ADI Bridge = Enabled
ADI Bridge = Disabled
Full Library Trace > Library Info
Library Mode = Random
Library Mode = Sequential
Drive 1
Full Library Trace > Nonvol Config >Library Area
Mode = Random
Mode = Sequential Drive 1
Full Library Trace > Nonvol Config >Drives Area
Drive configured for bridging Drive configured for bridging
= Bridging Enabled
= Bridging Disabled
OCP Settings That Change
Status > Library
Mode = Random
Mode = Sequential
Setup > View Opts > Library
Library Mode = Rand
Library Mode = Seq
Sequential Mode Operation
IMPORTANT: A sequential operation can only be executed from the OCP. The Media
tab in the RMU is disabled. There should be no gaps between tapes.
1. From the OCP, press Media > Move Media > OK (at the going offline
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ARCvault 24 User Guide
Sequential Mode
2. Using the From (Fr) data fields, select the slot with the first tape to be used
in the sequential operation (Figure D-2).
Figure D-2: Move Media Screen
3. Select Drive 1 as the destination.
NOTE: Moving a tape to Drive 2, does NOT start the sequential operation. Only
Drive 1 can be used.
4. Press Execute.
The selected tape is moved to Drive 1. The host detects the tape and
performs the operations, swapping tapes when full.
5. The process continues until one of the following occurs:
All the tapes in the library have been cycled through the drive and
restored to a slot.
An empty slot is encountered when the library is looking for the next
tape to move to the drive.
Using the OCP, a tape is removed from any drive.
At this time the OCP displays the message "Sequential mode completed"
(unless it was stopped by removing a tape from any drive).
Possible Error Conditions
NOTE: Opening a door displays a message on the OCP, but it is not an error and does
not end the sequential process. Sequential processing continues when the door
is closed.
If certain actions or conditions occur, the sequential process may fail:
If Drive 2 is present, moving a tape out of the drive.
Moving a tape into the slot which the tape in Drive 1 was retrieved due to
the sequential process (Fault Code: 2008 (Soft), Illegal Move).
Accessing a magazine.
Various fault conditions occurring.
Rebooting or cycling the power.
These conditions will not post a message indicating the sequential process was
ended. If a tape remains in Drive 1, it must be removed manually using the OCP.
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ARCvault 24 User Guide
Sequential Mode
When cleaning is requested by a drive, the cleaning is done with the normal
manual cleaning method using the OCP. A cleaning tape can be left in a magazine
before the first data tape or after an empty slot prior to starting sequential mode.
Reserved slots are not allowed in sequential mode.
Cleaning is requested by the drive. No read or write operations are allowed on the
drive until the cleaning is completed. If a sequential operation is in progress, it is
terminated and cleaning must be done before proceeding.
Clean the drive as follows:
1. If a sequential operation is in progress and cleaning is required, the
sequential operation is terminated.
2. Using the OCP, move the cartridge from Drive 1 back to its slot.
3. Follow the normal cleaning procedure (see “Tape Drive Cleaning” on
page 3-10).
IMPORTANT: If the cleaning tape is expired, a soft fault (800A Expired
Cleaning Media) is posted and the tape is automatically returned to its slot.
4. After the cleaning is complete, restart the sequential operation.
Other Considerations
RMU Functionality
The Media tab and Diagnostics options are not available with the library
configured for sequential mode. All other RMU access is available and can be used.
OCP Tape Management
IMPORTANT: It is not recommended that cartridge moves or magazine access be
done while a sequential operation is in progress.
Prior to starting sequential mode, cartridges can be moved from slot to slot or to
Drive 2. A cartridge move to Drive 1 begins the sequential operation. After
starting the sequential operation, any other cartridge move, attempt to access a
magazine, or accessing the I/E Element may end the operation with no error
message posted to the OCP.
If a tape is loaded into a slot left vacant by the tape currently in Drive 1 due to the
sequential operation, the library will post a soft fault and terminate the sequential
operation when it attempts to return the tape to the slot. After the fault message
is cleared, the extra tape must be removed from the slot and the full tape in Drive
1 must be moved back to its slot using the OCP Media commands. The sequential
operation can then be resumed by moving the next tape in sequence into Drive 1.
Configuration and status are available while the library is configured for
sequential mode.
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Glossary and Acronym List
NOTE: This is a general Overland Storage glossary and acronym list. Not all items may
be found in this document or be used by this product.
1000BASE-T (also known as IEEE 802.3ab) is a standard for gigabit Ethernet over
copper wiring. It requires, at a minimum, Category 5 cable (the same as 100BASETX), but Category 5e ("Category 5 enhanced") and Category 6 cable may also be
used and are often recommended. 1000BASE-T requires all four pairs to be
present and is far less tolerant of poorly installed wiring than 100BASE-TX.
An address is a data structure or logical convention used to identify a unique
entity, such as a particular process or network device.
Auto Balance
A feature that automatically balances preferred paths evenly among all available
host ports and controller ports. Auto balancing spreads I/O load by utilizing as
many host ports and controller ports as possible.
Front-end and back-end are terms used to characterize program interfaces and
services relative to the initial user, human or program, of these interfaces and
services. A "front-end" application is one that application users interact with
directly. A "back-end" application or program serves indirectly in support of the
front-end services, usually by being closer to the required resource or having the
capability to communicate with the required resource. The back-end application
may interact directly with the front-end or, perhaps more typically, is a program
called from an intermediate program that mediates front-end and back-end
Bar Code
The machine-readable representation of a product code. Bar codes are read by a
scanner that passes over the code and registers the product code. The width of
black lines and white spaces between varies. Combinations of lines and spaces
represent characters. Overland uses 3-of-9 code (Code 39) where each character is
represented by 9 bars, 3 of which are wide.
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Glossary and Acronym List
Devices that connect and pass packets between two network segments that use
different communications protocol.
Bus or Channel
A common physical path composed of wires or other media, across which signals
are sent from one part of a computer to another. A channel is a means of
transferring data between modules and adapters, or between an adapter and SCSI
devices. A channel topology network consists of a single cable trunk that connects
one workstation to the next in a daisy-chain configuration. All nodes share the
same medium, and only one node can broadcast messages at a time.
Cat 5 Cable
Short for Category 5, it is network cabling that consists of four twisted pairs of
copper wire terminated by RJ-45 connectors. CAT 5 cabling supports frequencies
up to 100 MHz and speeds up to 100 Mbps. It can be used for ATM, token ring,
100BASE-T, and 10BASE-T networking.
Cat 5 is based on the EIA/TIA 568 Commercial Building Telecommunications
Wiring Standard developed by the Electronics Industries Association as requested
by the Computer Communications Industry Association in 1985.
Cat 6 Cable
Short for Category 6, it is network cabling that consists of four twisted pairs of
copper wire terminated by 8P8C modular connectors made to higher standards
that help reduce noise caused by crosstalk and system noise. The ANSI/TIA-568B.2-1 specification states the cable may be made with 22 to 24 AWG gauge wire, so
long as the cable meets the specified testing standards.
It is designed for Gigabit Ethernet that is backward compatible with the Category
5/5e and Category 3 cable standards. Cat 6 features more stringent specifications
for crosstalk and system noise. The cable standard provides performance of up to
250 MHz and is suitable for 10BASE-T / 100BASE-TX and 1000BASE-T (Gigabit
Short for Device Specific Module, it is a software module that allows the
ULTAMUS RAID storage array hardware to use Microsoft's MPIO.
Expansion Slot
Area in a computer that accepts additional input/output boards to increase the
capability of the computer.
A Fabric port within a Fibre Channel switch that provides a point-to-point link
attachment to a single N_Port. F_Ports are intermediate ports in virtual point-topoint links between end ports, for example N_Port to F_Port to F_Port to N_Port
using a single Fibre Channel fabric switch.
A Fabric Loop port within a Fibre Channel switch that is capable of Fibre Channel
Arbitrated Loop operations and is connected to one or more NL_Ports via a Fibre
Channel Arbitrated Loop. An FL_Port becomes a shared entry point for public
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Glossary and Acronym List
NL_Port devices to a Fibre Channel fabric. FL_Ports are intermediate ports in
virtual point-to-point links between end ports that do not reside on the same loop,
for example NL_Port to FL_Port to F_Port to N_Port through a single Fibre
Channel fabric switch.
Failback occurs when a path with a higher priority than the currently active path
is restored. In this case, I/O will “fail back” to the higher priority path once it is
available again.
The ability to automatically substitute a working system or path for one which has
A combination of Failover and Failback. When a preferred path becomes
unavailable, another path is used to route I/O until the preferred path is restored.
In this case I/O will "fail back" to the preferred path once it is available again.
Short for Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop. An FC-AL is a Fibre Channel network in
which up to 126 systems and devices are connected in a loop topology, with each
transmitter connecting to the receiver of the device on its logical right. The Fibre
Channel Arbitrated Loop protocol used for transmission is different from Fibre
Channel switched and point-to-point protocols. Multiple FC-AL loops can be
connected via a fabric switch to extend the network.
Software stored in read-only memory (ROM) or programmable ROM (PROM).
Firmware is often responsible for the behavior of a system when it is first switched
See Back-end.
Gigabit Ethernet
Also known as GigE or GbE, this Ethernet standard uses a one Gigahertz (1000
Hz) clock rate to move data.
Short for Host Bus Adapter. An HBA is an I/O adapter that sits between the host
computer's bus and the Fibre Channel loop and manages the transfer of
information between the two channels. In order to minimize the impact on host
processor performance, the HBA performs many low-level interface functions
automatically or with minimal processor involvement.
Hot Swap
The action of components being removed and replaced while the unit is running,
with power to either the component or a device still connected to the unit. Not all
components are hot swappable. Please read installation and maintenance
instructions carefully.
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Glossary and Acronym List
A global network of networks used to exchange information using the TCP/IP
protocol. It allows for electronic mail and the accessing ad retrieval of information
from remote sources.
Initiator Device
A system component that originates an I/O command over an I/O bus or network.
An initiator issues the commands; a target receives them.
Short for Internet Protocol. IP specifies the format of packets and the addressing
Short for Internet SCSI. iSCSI is an IP-based storage networking standard for
linking data storage facilities, developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force
(IETF). By carrying SCSI commands over IP networks, iSCSI is used to facilitate
data transfers over intranets and to manage storage over long distances. The
iSCSI protocol is among the key technologies expected to help bring about rapid
development of the storage area network (SAN) market, by increasing the
capabilities and performance of storage data transmission. Because of the ubiquity
of IP networks, iSCSI can be used to transmit data over local area networks
(LANs), wide area networks (WANs), or the Internet and can enable locationindependent data storage and retrieval.
iSNS Server
Short for Internet Storage Name Service Server. This is a server on an iSCSI SAN
providing name registration service and query capability to other iSCSI clients per
the IETF draft iSNS specification.
Short for Local Area Network. A network connecting computers in a relatively
small area such as a building.
Short for Light-Emitting Diode. An LED is a type of diode that emits light when
current passes through it. Visible LEDs are used as indicator lights on electronic
Short for Logical Unit Number. A SCSI or Fibre Channel device identifier. LUN is
a subdivision of a SCSI target.
MAC Address
Short for Media Access Control address, a hardware address that uniquely
identifies each node of a network.
Mapping table
A table indexed by sequential LUN values, indicating the selected
BUS:TARGET:LUN devices. Mapping tables are used by routers and bridges like
the GEOi to perform Ethernet-to-SCSI pathing.
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ARCvault 24 User Guide
Glossary and Acronym List
MD5 Algorithm
MD5 is a way to verify data integrity, and is much more reliable than checksum
and many other commonly used methods.
Short for Multipath Input/Output. A multipath solution built into Microsoft
server-grade operating systems. It requires the DSM to work with the ULTAMUS
RAID storage array hardware.
Short for Maximum Transfer Unit. It is the largest size packet or frame, specified
in octets (eight-bit bytes), that can be sent in a packet- or frame-based network.
A Node port connects via a point-to-point link to either a single N_Port or a single
F_Port. N_Ports handle creation, detection, and flow of message units to and from
the connected systems. N_Ports are end ports in virtual point-to-point links
through a fabric, for example N_Port to F_Port to F_Port to N_Port using a single
Fibre Channel fabric switch.
Network Interface Card (NIC)
A board that provides network communication capabilities to and from a
Short for Network Data Management Protocol. A protocol standard used by some
Network Attached Storage systems to provide an industry standard means to do
backup and restores of the NAS system without the need for 3rd party agents to be
installed on the NAS device. Also see NDMP.org for further details.
A Node Loop port is capable of arbitrated loop functions and protocols. An NL_Port
connects via an arbitrated loop to other NL_Port and at most a single FL_Port.
NL_Ports handle creation, detection, and flow of message units to and from the
connected systems. NL_Ports are end ports in virtual point-to-point links through
a fabric, for example NL_Port to F_Port to F_Port to N_Port using a single Fibre
Channel fabric switch. In the absence of a fabric switch FL_Port, NL_Ports can
communicate with other NL_Ports in virtual point-to-point links through a FC-AL
open loop circuit often through FC-AL (Arbitrated Loop) hub or loop switch
Node Name
This is an eight-byte, 16-character hexadecimal number, uniquely identifying a
single fibre device. It incorporates the World Wide Name and two additional bytes
that are used to specify the format. In a host system with multiple FC ports, all
adapters typically use the same Node Name, but unique Port Names.
Abbreviation of Non-Volatile Random Access Memory, a type of memory that
retains its contents when power is turned off.
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©2006-2008 Overland Storage, Inc.
W GL-5
ARCvault 24 User Guide
Glossary and Acronym List
Port Name
This is an eight-byte hexadecimal number, uniquely identifying a single host HBA
port. It incorporates the World Wide Name and two additional bytes that are used
to specify the format and indicate the port number.
Preferred Path
The preferred path is the default path. When the path selection policy is set to
Failover/Failback, the preferred path is always used if it is available. If the
preferred path fails, I/O switches to another path. If it is later restored, I/O
switches back to the preferred path.
Short for Point-to-Point. PTP is the common mode of attachment to a single host.
PTP is sometimes used to attach to a Fibre Channel switch for SAN connectivity.
Short for Radio-Electronics-Television Manufacturers' Association. It is the
common name given for a 19-inch distribution frame rack for mounting
Round Robin
The Round Robin path selection policy causes all healthy paths to be used for I/O.
Paths are used in a round-robin order.
A router is a device that enables connectivity between Ethernet network
Short for Storage Area Network. A shared storage architecture connecting
computers and storage devices for online data access. Each connected system can
directly access any attached storage device. Usually refers to the network behind
servers that links one or more servers to one or more storage systems.
Short for Serial Attached SCSI. It is a point-to-point serial protocol that replaces
parallel SCSI bus technology and uses the standard SCSI command set. At
present it is slightly slower than the final parallel SCSI implementation, but in
2009 it will double its present speed to 6 Gbit/s, allowing for much higher speed
data transfers than previously available, and is "downwards" compatible with
second generation SATA drives.
Short for Small Computer System Interface. SCSI is an industry standard for
connecting peripheral devices and their controllers to an initiator. Storage devices
are daisy-chained together and connected to a host adapter. The host adapter
provides a shared bus that attached peripherals use to pass data to and from the
host system. Examples of devices attached to the adapter include disk drives, CDROM discs, optical disks, and tape drives. In theory, any SCSI device can be
plugged into any SCSI controller.
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ARCvault 24 User Guide
Glossary and Acronym List
SCSI addressing
Each device supported by a SCSI adapter has its own unique SCSI address, which
dictates the device’s priority when arbitrating for access to the SCSI bus. A SCSI
address of 7 has the highest priority. For a fast/wide SCSI adapter that supports
up to 16 devices, the next highest priority address is 6, then 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 15, 14,
13, 12, 11, 10, 9, and 8. The narrow SCSI adapter supports up to eight devices,
including itself. The SCSI address 7 has the highest priority, followed by 6, 5, 4, 3,
2, 1, and 0.
SCSI bus
A SCSI bus provides a means of transferring data between SCSI devices. A SCSI
bus is either an 8- or 16-bit bus that supports up to 8 or 16 devices, including itself.
The bus can consist of any mix of initiators and targets, with the requirement that
at least one initiator and one target must be present.
SCSI device
A SCSI device is a single unit on a SCSI bus that originates or services SCSI
commands. A SCSI device is identified by a unique SCSI address. SCSI devices
can act as initiators or targets.
SCSI port
A SCSI port is an opening at the back of a router that provides connection between
the SCSI adapter and SCSI bus.
Storage Area Network
See SAN.
A target is a device (peripheral) that responds to an operation requested by an
initiator (host system). Although peripherals are generally targets, a peripheral
may be required to act temporarily as an initiator for some commands (for
example, SCSI COPY command).
A terminal emulation program for TCP/IP networks such as the Internet. The
Telnet program runs on a computer and connects it to a server on the network.
You enter commands through the Telnet program and they will be executed as if
you were entering them directly on the server console. This enables you to control
the server and communicate with other servers on the network. To start a Telnet
session, you must log in to a server by entering a valid user name and password.
Telnet is a common way to remotely control Web servers.
A terminator refers to the electrical connection at each end of a SCSI bus. The
terminator is composed of a set of resisters, or possibly other components. The
function of a terminator is to provide a pull-up for open collector drivers on the
bus, and also impedance matching to prevent signal reflections at the ends of the
cable. SCSI buses require that a terminator be placed on the SCSI connector on
the last SCSI peripheral. Data errors may occur in a SCSI bus that is not
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ARCvault 24 User Guide
Glossary and Acronym List
Logical layout of the parts of a computer system or network and their
interconnections. There are two types of topology: physical and logical. The
physical topology of a network refers to the configuration of cables, computers, and
other peripherals. Logical topology is the method used to pass the information
between workstations.
USB (Universal Serial Bus) Port
A hardware interface for low-speed peripherals such as the keyboard, mouse,
joystick, scanner, printer, and telephony devices.
Short for Virtual LAN. It consists of a network of computers that behave as if they
are connected to the same wire - even though they may actually be physically
connected to different segments of a LAN.
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©2006-2008 Overland Storage, Inc.
W GL-8
> (Flow Indicator) .................................. Preface-iii
2U dimensions ..................................................... 1-1
abort move status .................................... 4-23, 4-24
bar code labels
displayed........................................................ 5-8
installing........................................................ 3-4
Cart Map screen.................................................. 3-3
clean a tape drive.............................................. 3-10
cleaning a drive ................................................. 3-10
configuration settings, saving .......................... 3-1
configuring Fibre Channel drives ................. 4-23
configuring for e-mails....................................... 2-4
controlled shutdown ........................................... 3-2
Conventions............................................. Preface-iii
creating passwords .................................. 4-24, 4-25
current library status......................................... 3-2
customer support .................................... Preface-iv
decision trees........................................................ 6-8
default IP address ...................... 2-2, 5-17
default RMU passwords .................................... 1-7
Default screen, OCP .................................... 4-2, 4-4
Help button ................................................... 4-5
Media button................................................. 4-6
Power button................................................. 4-4
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Setup button ................................................ 4-14
Status button................................................. 4-8
Utilities button............................................ 4-26
disabling passwords .......................................... 4-25
door opened ........................................................... 1-3
drive covers ........................................................... 1-3
drive status ........................................................... 4-9
dual-port FC drives ........................................... 5-27
Edit Opts screen, OCP...................................... 4-18
Library button............................................. 4-18
Network button........................................... 4-19
SCSI/FC button........................................... 4-22
editing passwords .............................................. 4-24
e-mail configuration .................................. 2-4, 5-29
ERP flowcharts..................................................... 6-8
Error Recovery Process (ERP) .......................... 6-2
Fault Symptom Codes (FSC)............................. 6-1
features .................................................................. 1-2
Fibre Channel drives
configuration................................................ 4-23
topology......................................................... 5-29
front panel layout ................................................ 1-2
FSC/ERP table ..................................................... 6-2
Full Trace log........................................................ 3-1
Functions tab, RMU.......................................... 5-32
Check Firmware Revision Level option 5-37
Firmware Updates-FTP options ............. 5-36
Firmware Updates-HTTP options .......... 5-35
Reboot Library option................................ 5-38
Reconfigure Library option ...................... 5-38
Run a Library Diagnostic option............. 5-37
Send a Test E-Mail option ........................ 5-37
Unlock Library option ............................... 5-38
©2006-2008 Overland Storage, Inc.
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ARCvault 24 User Guide
general library information ..................... 4-11, 5-6
OCP main screen
Help button .................................................... 4-5
Media button ................................................. 4-6
Power button ................................................. 4-4
Setup button ................................................ 4-14
Status button................................................. 4-8
Utilities button............................................ 4-26
OCP touch screen
displaying errors........................................... 6-1
location.................................................... 1-4, 4-1
overview.......................................................... 3-2
power on option............................................. 2-2
software map ................................................. 4-3
specifications ................................................. 4-1
open door warning ............................................... 1-3
Operator Control Panel (OCP).......................... 1-4
Overland Technical Support ................ Preface-iv
Overland website ................................................. 4-6
Help link, RMU ................................................. 5-42
Help screen, OCP ................................................ 4-5
History tab, RMU ............................................. 5-39
Display a Library Trace Log option....... 5-39
Download a Library Trace File option .. 5-41
Send a Support Ticket option ................. 5-42
I/E Element
definition........................................................ 3-5
full magazine ................................................ 3-6
single-slot....................................................... 3-6
LCD touch screen................................................ 1-2
loading a drive ..................................................... 4-7
loading the media ............................................... 2-5
Logout link, RMU ............................................. 5-42
LUN for robotics................................................ 5-22
Magazine Release Tool (MRT) ....................... 6-20
media magazines................................................. 3-4
accessing ............................................... 4-6, 4-27
loading............................................................ 2-5
manual release ........................................... 6-20
overview ......................................................... 1-5
status (OCP)................................................ 4-10
status (RMU) ................................................ 5-6
unlocking .............................................. 4-6, 4-27
Media screen, OCP ............................................. 4-6
Mag Access button....................................... 4-6
Move Media button...................................... 4-7
Media tab, RMU ................................................ 5-12
Clean a Drive option ................................. 5-13
Inventory Library option ......................... 5-14
Move a Tape Cartridge option ................ 5-13
Move Media screen details................................ 4-7
moving media................................................ 3-8, 4-7
network configuration...................................... 5-17
network management system ........................ 5-29
Node Name ........................................................ GL-5
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password release................................................ 4-26
creating ......................................................... 4-25
disabling ....................................................... 4-25
levels...................................................... 1-6, 4-24
Port Name ......................................................... GL-6
Power screen, OCP .............................................. 4-4
Power-On Self-Test (POST)............................... 2-2
rear panel connections........................................ 1-3
Remote Management Utility (RMU)............... 1-4
reserved slot
configure ....................................................... 5-20
display ............................................................. 5-8
default IP address ........................................ 2-2
default passwords......................................... 1-7
interface.................................................. 1-4, 5-1
login ......................................................... 2-2, 5-2
software map ................................................. 5-5
tab bar ............................................................. 5-3
RMU media map symbology ............................. 5-7
RMU navigation tabs
Functions tab............................................... 5-32
History tab ................................................... 5-39
Media tab...................................................... 5-12
Setup tab ...................................................... 5-14
Status tab ....................................................... 5-6
Robotics LUN...................................................... 5-22
©2006-2008 Overland Storage, Inc.
W IX-2
ARCvault 24 User Guide
saving configuration settings ........................... 3-1
SCSI configuration options.......... 4-17, 4-23, 4-24
SCSI drive configuration................................. 4-22
security levels ................................... 1-6, 4-24, 5-16
sequential mode .................................................. C-3
Setup screen, OCP ............................................ 4-14
Edit Opts button ........................................ 4-18
Password button ........................................ 4-24
View Opts button ....................................... 4-14
Setup tab, RMU................................................. 5-14
Drive Configuration option...................... 5-25
Library Configuration option.................. 5-19
Network option........................................... 5-17
Notification Registration option............. 5-29
OCP Security Passwords option............. 5-16
Remote FTP Server option ...................... 5-19
Reset to Defaults option ........................... 5-32
RMU Security Passwords option............ 5-16
SCSI Configuration option ...................... 5-22
slot numbering.............................................. 1-5, 3-7
SMTP mail server ............................................. 5-30
SNMP trap addresses ...................................... 5-29
Startup screen ..................................................... 4-2
static IP address setup .................................... 5-17
Status screen, OCP............................................. 4-8
Cart Map button .......................................... 4-9
Drive n button ............................................ 4-12
Library button ............................................ 4-11
Status tab, RMU ................................................. 5-6
Detailed Reports menu............................... 5-9
Drive Status Summary table .................. 5-11
Library Status table.................................... 5-7
media map ..................................................... 5-7
Operational Status box............................... 5-7
refresh options.............................................. 5-7
Diagnostics button ..................................... 4-28
Security button ........................................... 4-29
Service button ............................................. 4-27
validating a password....................................... 4-29
View Opts screen, OCP .................................... 4-14
Library button............................................. 4-15
Network button........................................... 4-15
SCSI/FC button........................................... 4-16
warranty activation............................................. 2-1
technical support
contacting .......................................... Preface-iv
information.................................................... 4-5
test notifications................................................ 5-31
topology ............................................................... 5-29
flowcharts ...................................................... 6-8
FSC/ERP table ............................................. 6-2
overview ......................................................... 6-1
Typographic Conventions..................... Preface-iii
Utilities screen, OCP........................................ 4-26
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