Interpreting Analytical Results Beyond Guidelines and Exceedances Frans Hettinga Tetra Tech EBA Inc. Calgary, Alberta Contents • • • • Focus on groundwater chemistry Some basics and tricks What is the value? A few case studies Multiple choice Interpreting analytical results.. a. is boring b. just tabulate it and compare to Tier 1 c. is always straightforward, an exact science d. is disconnected from other assessment info e. all of the above f. none of the above Skills needed Compare to Rubik’s cube - My record: poor, never finished one, frustrated - My son’s (12 yr old) record: 2 minutes, 16 seconds The difference: he figured out the tricks and practiced Basics Why are we sampling? • Compliance with an Approval, site assessment or monitored natural attenuation • Tailored suite of parameters or prescribed (e.g. AER Directive 058: pH, EC, major ions, dissolved metals, DOC, phenols, BTEX and PHC fractions) • Keep it simple, best bang for the buck Garbage in, Garbage out • Adhere to sampling protocols, holding times, preservatives, etc. • If filtration is required do it in the field • Check COC’s and use preprinted forms if possible • Check data upon receipt (e.g. ion balance) • Upload electronically The bigger picture – a decaying leaf.. .. or chemical processes and redox Redox Who needs it… • Ties much together (e.g. hints at releases or natural conditions) • Indicates degradation environment (oxic/anoxic) and therefore degradation rate • Valuable for monitored natural attenuation • Not rocket science… Redox Levels – the Simplified Ladder Redox Sensitive Parameter Comments Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Questionable value; hard to measure the low levels that matter Nitrate >0.5 mg/L often indicates oxic conditions Dissolved manganese Becomes mobile after nitrate and oxygen are consumed >0.1 mg/L indicates suboxic conditions Dissolved iron Next in line to mobilize >0.1 mg/L indicates anoxic conditions Sulphate Sulphate reduction (relative to background) indicates anoxic conditions Methane If present, deep anoxic conditions exists Keep it simple, but.. • Know the value and limitations of gross indicator parameters (e.g. DOC, TKN, COD) • Always request a chromatogram for PHCs • Identify chemicals of potential concern (CoPC) beforehand (e.g. MSDS sheets, Phase 1 ESA) • Link chemistry results to soil, stratigraphy, hydrogeology, historical info • Do not blindly use statistics or geochem programs; follow the rules, stick to the basics What is the value, what is the reward Looking beyond exceedances can help: - make monitoring programs more efficient - prevent forming “data grave yards” - use existing data smarter and more effective A few examples… Example: Natural Gas Processing Plant Compliance monitoring identified nitrate as CoPC Assumption was made that nitrate was related to facility activities based on: - Downgradient monitoring wells had nitrate > 20 mg-N/L - One upgradient well (MW05) had no nitrate NO3-N (mg/L) 2013 data Setting • • • • • • • Relatively small facility East-central Alberta Surrounded by agricultural land Semi-arid Clay till overlying sand Water table at variable depth (> 2 m) High TDS groundwater 2013 Groundwater Quality mg/L Average Downgradient MW05 TDS 2,307 3,930 Sulphate 986 1,660 Nitrate-N 23.2 Non-detect Non detect Non detect BTEX + PHCs Interpretation hampered by: • Limited historical data (just 2010 – 2013) • Basic analytical program without redox sensitive metals (Fe/Mn) Zoom in on MW05 mg/L First data (2010) 2013 data Nitrate-N 1.0 < 0.5 DOC 530 168 0.0114 (just benzene) All non detect All non detect All non detect BTEX + PHCs glycols Interpretation: • Suspected previous impact at MW05 (dehydrator) • Caused anoxic conditions at MW05 and denitrification • Nitrate at other wells likely related to previous agricultural land use • Based on glycol, BTEX and PHC results no further work recommended Example: Staining at a compressor station Also bubbling gas and liquids Initial soil analyses: Parameter Results pH 10.5 EC 41.1 dS/m Na 4,170 mg/kg Cl 175 mg/kg BTEX Non-detect PHC fractions Non-detect A clean Chromatogram? Subsequent Water Analyses Requested: - Routine water chemistry - TOC - Total metals Select Results pH 13.5 DOC 2,150 mg/L Sodium 12,000 mg/L Sulphate 100 mg/L Arsenic 1.64 mg/L Nickel 1.55 mg/L Silica 1,510 mg/L Vanadium 1.59 mg/L Gas analyses (Tedlar bag) Summarized chemistry: Highly alkaline and saline, elevated metals, not a hydrocarbon product, not methanogenic Putting one and one together • Site is flat so natural groundwater discharge unlikely • Water table > 1 m deep • Not a “normal” groundwater type (too alkaline, too many “exotic” metals, high silica, high TOC) • Presence of hydrogen gas is key The Cause – Cathodic Protection • Client interviews suggested anode bed near facility fence is to blame. • Consists of sacrificial iron anodes embedded in petroleum coke. • Coke is source of metals, sodium and silica are also added. • Targeted and cost effective analyses solved problem in less than 2 weeks. • Discussed operational changes to prevent further impact. Example: Benzene plume The issue: Assessments prior to redevelopment identified benzene in groundwater greater than applicable guidelines Potential sources: Adjacent service station(s) and laboratory Previous Building Assessment Data • Stratigraphy: alternating sand, clay and silt layers • Groundwater table around 6 – 7 m below grade within sand • Highly mineralized, non-potable groundwater • BTEX compounds non-detect except benzene • Benzene concentrations up to 4 mg/L • Fraction F1-BTEX non-detect, no F2 either Potential Sources and Further Work • Service station ~100 m upgradient? • Adjacent asphalt lab? • Confusion due to absence of toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, F1-BTEX and F2 • Suggested plume was old (only benzene persisted) and added VOC scan (EPA 8260) • Other than benzene, VOC results only showed 1,2-dichloroethane (up to 0.141 mg/L) • 1,2-DCA is “lead-scavenger” formerly added to leaded gasoline Outcome • Discussions with consultant for service station owner • VOC results supported that 1,2-DCA and benzene were linked • Re-development proceeded with risk management measures • Service station owner contributed to costs Example: MTBE plume • Injection well site • ERCB regulated (Directive 058) • Compliance monitoring program required semiannual groundwater sampling for: - Routine water chemistry - Dissolved metals - Phenols - BTEX and PHCs - Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) DOC results for one monitoring well Date DOC June 2002 9.2 mg/L October 2002 827 mg/L March 2003 42.6 mg/L June 2003 14.8 mg/L October 2003 1,710 mg/L • Analytical program expanded based on DOC trends • VOC scan (EPA 8260) added • No clear indication at first what caused high DOC but lab flagged “unknown peak” • Eventually identified as MTBE (230 mg/L in 2004) Current status • MTBE was formerly produced in the Edmonton area for used as fuel additive (mainly export) • Persistent and mobile • Highest concentration onsite was 960 mg/L vs. guideline value of 0.015 mg/L • Finding triggered immediate remedial action and concentrations have decreased In Conclusion • Look beyond exceedances and to get the most out of analytical data • Connect the “dots”; (groundwater) chemistry results and assessment data are always related • The lab can help; not just with providing the data but also with expert advise Questions?