Economic Growth and Air Quality in China Daigee Shaw*, Arwin Pang**, Ming-Feng Hung***, Wei Cen**** * Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica,Taiwan ** Department of Public Finance, Chengchi University, Taiwan ** * Department of Industrial Economics, Tamkang University, Taiwan **** Jin He Economic Research Center, XiAn JiaoTong University, XiaXi, China Abstract This paper investigates the relationship between economic development and air quality by examining Environmental Kuznets Curves from 1992 to 2001 for Mainland China. We construct simultaneity models for three air pollutants (SO2, NOX and TSP) and income. We then compile a panel data set of air quality, production, income and environmental policy variables for 99 cities for these years to estimate the simultaneity models. The regression results indicate that the EKC hypothesis is supported in the cases of SO2 and TSP. The only one pollutant that does not reflect the EKC relationship is NOx, probably due to the fact that it is the most expensive-to-abate pollutant. Keywords: Air quality; China; Environmental Kuznets curve; Latecomer JEL classification: O13; Q53; Q56 1 1. Introduction Switching from planned to market economy has brought about Mainland China’ s economic miracle. Since the economic reform in 1978, China has experienced rapid economic growth. During past years the average annual economic growth rate is close to ten percent. In 2001 China’ s gross domestic product is 1,207,924 million RMB (at 1978’ s price), while it was only 362,410 million RMB in 1978. The GDP has become tripled. Although the per capita income in China before 1978 was very low, a series of measures designed to protect the environment were implemented. After taking part in the first United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (UNCHE), which was held in Stockholm, Sweden in 1972, China started to concern itself with environmental issues. In 1973, the Chinese government held the first national conference on environmental protection, set up a national environmental protection organization a nds t i pul a t e dt he“ three s y nc hr oni z a t i ons ”system.1 However, in actual pr a c t i c e ,t he “ three s y nc hr oni z a t i ons ” system was said to have been rarely implemented (Goldman and Tsuru, 1985). In 1978, the Chinese Constitution adopted 1 The organization is the Environmental Protection Office under the State Council. This “ three s y n c h r on i z a t i ons ”system entailed (1) designing antipollution measures simultaneously, (2) constructing antipollution equipment simultaneously with the construction of industrial plants, and (3) operating antipollution equipment simultaneously with the operation of industrial plants. 2 Article 9 that states: “ t heSt a t eshall protect the environment and natural resources, and shall a l s o pr e ve nta nd e l i mi na t e pol l ut i o na nd ot he rpubl i c nui s a nc e s . ”In accordance with this ne wa r t i c l e ,“ t he PRC Environmental Protection Law for Trial Implementation”was promulgated by the National People’ s Congress in 1979 which adopted the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) System and the Polluter Pays Principle.2 A pollution levy system, which was based on the Polluter Pays Principle, was implemented nationally in 1982. Observers seem to agree that the real improvements in environmental protection started to come only after the promulgation of the Environmental Protection Law in 1979 (Goldman and Tsuru, 1985). In 1983 environmental protection was declared as one of the two Chinese 3 “ national fundamental policies” . More environmental laws and ambient standards were gradually established in the 1980s. An important one wast he“ environmental responsibility system”i nwhi c hg ove r nor sa nd ma y or swould be responsible for overall environmental quality in their jurisdictions. In the 1990s, the cleaner production program and the discharge permit system were applied. Under the discharge permit system, pollution sources were required to register with local Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPB) and apply for a discharge permit. These 2 The Environmental Protection Law was revised and officially enacted in 1989. 3 The other national fundamental policy is aimed at controlling the growth of population. 3 EPBs then allocated the allowable pollution loads to sources, issued discharge permits, and enforced permit conditions. Thus, a quite complete system of environmental management regulations and institutions was developed along with the rapid economic growth over the last twenty years. This is quite different from what had happened in the high-income countries such as Japan, the U.K. and the U.S. during the last century. These countries by contrast all followed t hepa t t e r nof“ pollute first and clean up later.”It thus needs to be asked whether a latecomer such as China could have been capable of avoiding this pattern by adopting the policy that economic growth could not continue without consideration being given to its impact upon on the environment from the earliest days of development.4 We would not expect to see any deterioration in the environmental quality, or even an improvement in it along with the rapid economic development, if such policies and regulations were to be completely enforced. That is, we would not be able to find an inverted U-shaped relationship between income and environmental quality, i.e. the famous Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC), as has been observed for many different kinds of environmental quality indices in the high-income countries. This paper is intended to answer this question by investigating the relationship 4 Compared with Japan and “ dragons”of East Asia (South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong), China is a latecomer economy. 4 between economic growth and air quality in China using a panel data set comprising ninety-nine cities. If the results support the EKC hypothesis, this means that China has failed to enforce its policy of “ three synchronizations.” The air pollution indicators used in our study are sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOX) and total suspended particulates (TSP). All of them are major local non-uniformly mixed assimilative pollutants. SO2 mainly comes from burning fuel containing sulphur such as coal and oil. Exposure to an environment with high concentration of SO2 will damage the respiratory system and aggravate the bronchitis. NOX is produced during high temperature combustion in power generators and car engines. It would irritate the lungs and decrease the respiratory system’ s resistance to infection. In the long run, it will cause the pathological changes of lung. TSP comes from roads, construction works, industrial procedures or in nature. The harms to our health of TSP are respiratory problems and even long-term damage to lung. Although there is a large body of literature on the EKC phenomenon for many countries and for many environmental quality indices, little is known about China. There is only one previous study about China.5 Groot, Withagen, and Zhou (2004), 5 The three other papers studied the Chinese income-pollution relationships (Wu, et al., 2002, Yuan and Yang, 2002, Wu and Chen, 2003). However, they all focused on one city or province using time series data and their regression analyses of the EKC relationship were not performed properly. Wu, et al. (2002) used R2 to determine whether the estimated regressions support the EKC hypothesis. Yuan and Yang (2002) used the correlation between pollution and GDP to examine EKC. Wu and Chen (2003) 5 studied EKC for China by a sample of thirty regions from 1982 to 1997. Their models are standard EKC regression models. The pollution has three forms, emissions in absolutely levels, per capita terms and per unit of Gross Regional Product terms. However, all these three indices of emission are not good measures of environmental quality because they ignore the dispersion effect that transforms emissions into ambient environmental quality. They also ignored the fact that bad environmental quality would have some impacts on the economy. Thus, the paper was unable to answer the question we have asked. We first explore the relationship between China’ s air quality and economic development by examining its EKCs following Hung and Shaw’ s(2004) simultaneous EKC model to test China’ s data. Then, we use the empirical results to evaluate the performance of China’ s environmental policy and its implementation. Finally, we conclude and draw some policy implications about the real forces behind China’ s environmental performance. 2. Methods and Procedures 2.1 The EKC Hypothesis First, we inquire into the empirical relationship between income and didn’ t show the significance of variables in their model. 6 environmental quality. Grossman and Krueger (1991) initially estimated the relationship between air quality and economic growth using reduced-form regression models based on cross-sectional data for various countries. They found that two pollutants, sulfur dioxide and smoke, exhibited an inverted U-shaped relationship. When national income was low, these two concentrations increased with per capita GDP. However, after reaching a certain maximum, they started to decrease at higher levels of national income. The curve followed a similar pattern to the income inequality pointed out by Kuznets (1955), and so this inverted U-shaped trend between income and pollution was referred to as the “ Environmental Kuznets Curve.” The relationship depicted by this curve is that pollution is inevitable in the early stages of development, but that there will be improvements as the economy reaches a certain point. Since then, there have been a considerable number of empirical studies on the EKC hypothesis. The issue of environmental quality has been broadened to encompass the toxic intensity of industrial production (Hettige, Lucas, and Wheeler, 1992), water quality in river basins (Grossman and Krueger, 1995), industrial pollution (Hettige, Muthukumara, and Wheeler, 2000), deforestation (Bhattarai and Hamming, 2001), the percentage of protected areas within a national territory (Bimonte, 2002), a composite environmental degradation index (Jha and Murthy, 7 2003), and so on. Not all of the studies, however, have resulted in consistent “ inverted U-shaped”income-pollution relationships. On the other hand, numerous attempts have been made to identify the forces behind the EKC relationship (Grossman and Krueger, 1991 and 1995; Selden and Song, 1994; Dinda, Coondoo and Pal., 2000; Gangadharan and Valenzuela, 2001; Copeland and Taylor, 2003). The first force relates to the scale effect. It means that the total amount of pollution will rise along with economic activity provided that the economic activity does not change. This scale effect explains the rising part of the EKC curve. The second is concerned with the composition effect.6 When a country becomes significantly richer, the clean parts within the economic structure become larger. The third has to do with the technique effect in which case the richer country will invest more in research and development, and will adopt more advanced production and pollution control technologies that generate less pollution. The fourth is the income effect. Higher income means not only increased affordability of advanced technologies, but also higher demand on the part of the people for a cleaner environment because environmental quality is usually a luxury good. These last three effects improve the environment along with the increase in income and explain why part of the EKC actually decreases. 6 Copeland and Taylor (2003) presented “ sources of growth”to highlight the composition effect. 8 In addition to the above factors, political systems (Selden and Song, 1994; Torras and Boyce, 1998; Dinda, Coondoo and Pal, 2000; Magnani, 2000), income distribution (Torras and Boyce, 1998; Magnani, 2000; Bimonte, 2002), threshold limits (Copeland and Taylor, 2003), increasing returns to scale in the abatement technology (Andreoni and Levinson, 2001; Copeland and Taylor, 2003) and the “ latecomer’ s advantage”have been invoked to explain the shape of the EKC.7 2.2 The Model In this paper, we specify a simultaneity model to investigate the relationship between urban air pollution and economic development in China. Since the economy and the environment are determined in combination, the relationship must thus be estimated simultaneously (Perrings, 1987; Lopez, 1994; Stern, 1998; Borghesi, 1999). Hung and Shaw (2004) first set up a simultaneity model to study the income-pollution relationship for Taiwan. In this paper, we use the simultaneity model to examine this issue for China. The basic simultaneity model is as follows: 2 ln Pit t lnX it it 1 (lnYit ) 2 (lnYit ) 7 (1) The “ latecomer’ s advantage”means that the latecomer may have advantages such as learning from the lessons of developed countries, more availability of technology and lower abatement cost. The peak of the EKC may drop and the EKC pattern may occur at an earlier stage of economic development for such latecomers (Iwami, 2004). 9 ln Yit t 1 ln Pit 2lnFI it 3lnK it 4lnLit 5lnGit 6lnH it it (2) where subscript i denotes city and t year. Equations (1) are the pollution equations. Pti denotes air pollution in year t for city i. The intercepts ( t , t and t ) denote the time-specific effects in the fixed-effects model that we use to analyze the panel data. X is a vector of exogenous variables. Y is per capita GDP. Equation (1) is a quadratic model with both linear term and squared term of income. If the subscript i of the coefficients of the lnY term and its squared term are positive and negative, respectively, then the EKC hypothesis holds.8 Equations (2) is a Cobb-Douglas production function. The independent variables are air pollution, foreign indirect investment (FI), fixed capital investment (K), labor (L), government spending (G), human capital (H). We can expect that the production factors apart from pollution would have a positive effect on production.9 A special feature of this fixed-effects model specification is that there is only time-specific effects and no city-specific effects. We choose this model specification after we closely examine the estimated cross-sectional relationships of air quality and 8 Actually, during regression analysis we have tried both linear models and cubic models in addition to the quadratic models. After close examination, we find the most appropriate model for SO2 and TSP is quadratic and for NOX is linear. 9 Barro (1990) studied the issue of whether different allocations of government spending will have different effects on economic growth. He found that government expenditure on consumption may decrease the economic growth rate. 10 economic development for each year as in Appendix 3. This will be discussed in depth in the estimation section. The vector of exogenous variables, X, used in the regression includes population (POP), the contribution of secondary industry to GDP (TWO) and a policy variable, i.e., the cumulative number of years that a city has been included in the Two Control Areas (TC). 10 These variables can capture the forces behind EKC. POP is corresponding to the scale effect, TWO to the composition effect, TC to the policy effect, and Y to the income effect. 2.3 Data We compile a panel data set for the ninety-nine cities of the national monitoring network (see the Appendix). 11 These cities are selected to represent different characteristics of Chinese cities such as per capita income, environmental quality, pollution size, location, etc. The data comes from different sources including the China Environment Yearbooks from 1992 to 2001, Chinese Statistical Yearbook, 10 In 1995, the National Environmental Protection Agency marked out two control areas, which included an acid rain control zone and an SO2 control zone. 11 From 1980 China National Environmental Monitoring Center is responsible for managing and guiding the work of the national environmental monitoring system, and providing technical support to State Environmental Protection Administration of China in carrying out environmental supervision and management. It is the center of network, technology, information and training for the national environmental monitoring. The center also ensures the environmental monitoring data to be reliable. 11 Cities of China 1949-1998, and Urban Statistical Yearbook of China from 1993 to 2002. The summary statistics and the sources of these data are presented in Table Ⅰ.12 Among these variables, monetary terms as Y, FI, K and G are deflated by the indices for the gross domestic product with the base year being 2000.13 H is the number of persons with a senior high school education and above as a percentage of the total population. In accordance with the availability of data, the yearly numbers of persons with a senior high school education and above are linearly interpolated using the two values for the two census years 1990 and 2000.14 3. Estimation In the beginning, we estimate cross-sectional relationships of air quality and economic development for each year as shown in Appendix 3. We find that the overall impacts of income and other variables as measured by the regression coefficients are largely the same for the three kinds of air quality measures, although the quantitative 12 Since some of the data are unavailable, e.g., NOX for 2001, our model forms an unbalanced panel. Greene (2000, pp. 566-567) suggested no other changes are necessary for the one factor LSDV (least squares dummy variable) estimator in the case of unbalanced fixed effects panels. 13 Data are obtained from the Chinese Statistical Yearbook (2002). 14 The number of persons with a senior high school education and above is obtained from China’ s population census that was conducted every ten years. 12 estimates vary. Based on these findings, we specify the model for the panel data using time-specific fixed effects and without city-specific fixed effects. The estimation of cross-section data reflects only inter-city differences inherent in comparisons of different cities. By following giving cities over time as they grow, we can study the relationship between income and pollution. It is also widely recognized the panel data model has many advantages. It can construct and test more complicated behavioral models than purely cross-sectional or time-series data. It gives researchers a large number of data points, increases the degrees of freedom and reduces the collinearity among explanatory variables and hence improves the efficiency of econometric estimates (Hsiao, 2002, p.5). The time-specific effect may represent the effects of technological changes and changes in government regulatory policies in different years. This is especially true for China because the evolution of environmental protection policies for every city has been tightly controlled by the central government. We presents the results of our panel data analysis and tests in Table II. Some tests are performed before running regressions and the results are listed in Table II.15 First, 15 We also consider the problem of unit roots in our model. Levin, Lin and Chu (2002, p. 3) studied the unit root in panel data. They noted the following: “ On the other hand, if the time series dimension of the panel is very small, and the cross-section dimension is very large, then existing panel data 13 we consider the endogeneity of income in the pollution equations by means of the Wu-Hausman test. We see that the test results of NOX and TSP indicate that the null hypothesis of income exogeneity are rejected at the 1% significance level.16 Second, we find that the order and rank conditions in our two simultaneity models are both satisfied. Third, the group-effects models rather than the classical regression models with no group specific effects are chosen on the basis of the Lagrange multiplier (LM) test. Fourth, each result from using the Hausman test shows that the null hypothesis of the random-effects model is rejected. The adoption of the fixed-effects model also accords with the view put forward by Hsiao (2002, p. 43).17 We use the two-stage least squares method to estimate this fixed-effects model for NOX and TSP, and the least squares dummy variable model for SO2. The regression results are presented in Table II. The table contains three models, of three air pollutants (SO2, NOX and TSP) and income. The robust estimates of heteroscedasticity are presented in Table II as white (1) procedures will be appropriate.”So it is not necessary to test the hypothesis of unit roots in our model. 16 Regarding the causality problem, Maddala (1992, p. 394) suggests that, if the periods in the panel data are not numerous, “ Granger noncausality is neither necessary nor sufficient for exogeneity as understood 17 in the usual simultaneous equations literature.” See Hsiao (2002,p. 43) :“ The situation to which a model applies and the inferences based on it are the deciding factors in determining whether we should treat effects as random or fixed. When inferences are going to be confined to the effects in the model, the effects are more appropriately considered to be fixed.” 14 and white (2).18 We find that the estimates of white (1) and white (2) are smaller than the least squares results and the significances are not changed.19 The estimates of autocorrelation are also presented in Table II. We find no evidence of autocorrelation. First, we examine whether or not the EKC hypothesis applies to Mainland China. We can observe that the coefficients of lnY are positive, and that all the coefficients of the squared term, (lnY)2, are negative for SO2 and TSP. All of the coefficients of lnY and (lnY)2 in the two models are significantly different from zero. Thus, the EKC hypothesis is supported by the cases of SO2 and TSP). The coefficients of lnY for NOX is positive and significant. The result is reasonable since NOX is the most expensive of the three pollutants in terms of the air pollution abatement activities. The turning points, 1 2 2 , for TSP is about 90,000 RMB ($11,524 in 2000 US dollars) , and for SO2 it is about 60,000 RMB ($7,877 in 2000 US dollars) (see Figure 1-2).20 In 2001, the minimum, average and maximum per capita GDP of these 99 cities was 3,645, 17,865 and 127,529 RMB respectively. This shows that the pollution 18 The row of t-statistics labeled white (1) are the estimates based on the usual calculation, white (2) are the estimates based on the groupwise heteroscedasticity model. 19 Greene (2000, p. 315) said that it is unclear which computation is preferable. 20 World Bank (2001, p 79) analyzed the time-series monitoring data in urban areas between 1991 and 1998 and showed similar ambient air quality trends. It stated that there are different trends among three pollutants. First, ambient SO2 levels declined significantly, Second, ambient TSP levels decreased slightly, but remained high in most urban areas. Third, NOX level worsened, reflecting the growing impact of vehicular emissions. 15 is increasing for most cities in 2001. In addition, SO2 is the pollutant that passed the turning point the earliest. This can be attributed to reduced coal consumption and successful promotion of use of gaseous fuels in urban residential and commercial sectors, especially in large cities. (World Bank, 2001) While TSP is more difficult to control due to its various sources and it still is China’ s most significant air pollutant. Let us now examine the effects of exogenous variables in the pollution equations. First, the total population has a positive and significant influence on all pollutants. This means that the more urbanization there is in a city, the more serious the pollution is. The coefficients for secondary industry are positive in relation to air pollution, which indicates that a higher degree of industrialization will result in more air pollution. In China, secondary industries mainly rely upon coal burning for their energy needs. TC is the cumulative number of years a city has been included in the Two Control Areas which includes Acid Rain Control Zones and SO2 Control Zones. In our regression, the coefficients of this variable are significantly positive. It indicates the fact that the problems of SO2 pollution are more serious in the Two Control Areas. In 1995, Two Control Areas contributed 60% of total SO2 emissions while they only occupied 11.4% of China’ s territory. Although the central government has established SO2 emission standards for these cities,, its ineffectiveness in enforcement has 16 resulted in an unsuccessful outcome. We now turn to the income equations. Basically, pollutants have two contrasting, i.e. positive and negative, effects on income. They might on the one hand increase income by acting as production inputs, but they might also decrease income by harming human health and increasing production costs when firms are asked to control pollution. Among air pollutants, only SO2 is negatively insignificant in relation to income. It may be due to the fact that the above-mentioned two effects on income offset each other. NOX and TSP are significantly positive in the income equation. The estimated income equations indicate that in general China has sacrificed air quality for the sake of economic progress in this period. Traditional production factors such as fixed capital, labor and government expenditure perform as expected, and all have significantly positive effects on income. Foreign direct investment also has a positive effect on income. During the decade considered, there was a huge influx of foreign direct investment into China which gave rise to significant economic achievements. Although labor is an important factor in production, the contribution of human capital in production is not consistent in the two models. On the one hand, owing to the limitation of data which is stated in section 2.3, the representation of human capital is not good. On the other hand, this indicates that the economic development in China still relies primarily on 17 labor-intensive industries. Coming back to the questions we posed in the introduction, we can draw three conclusions. First, since the EKC hypothesis is supported in the cases of SO2 and TSP, there exists a pattern of “ pollute first and control pollution later”in China, even t houg ht hec e nt r a lgove r nme ntr e pe a t e dl ys a i d“ no”t osuch a development pattern since 1974. There is much evidence indicating that the local governments’ enforcement and implementation of policies to protect the environment has been rather uneven. There have been many reports in the news and in journals that have documented serious incidences of pollution in cities or villages. Xia (2001, p. 153-159) cites several news reports that show that in reality local governments put economic growth and industrial production first, and do not seriously enforce regulations to abate pollution. Second, the turning points in regard to the Chinese EKC occurred at an earlier stage of economic development. O’ Connor (1994) pointed out that there may be four reasons for the “ latecomer’ s advantage” : learning from experience, increased availability of technology, lower unit abatement costs, and increased exposure to international environmental pressures. The timing of these turning points reveals that China has this advantage. Several articles can support this finding (Vermer, 1998; Mao, 2001; World Bank, 2001). Chinese environmental laws, law-making bodies and 18 other related regulations have been built upon foreign countries’experiences. Pollution treatment techniques, clean production processes and the evaluation of environmental monitoring have also been mostly imported. Foreign technical and financial assistance agencies such as the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank have played important roles in improving China’ s environment. International conventions have played a significant role in promoting environmental protection in China. Besides, the variables of key environmental cities in the regression are significant. The effects of the central government’ s environmental policies have also resulted in a lowering of the peak in the environmental Kuznets curve. Third, the income effect in relation to the EKC still exists even though the political system is not open and democratic in China yet. During the early stages of economic development, the scale effect contributed to more environmental pollution. Then the income effect brought about an improvement in the environment when the economy became richer in addition to the composition and technique effects. The demand on the part of the people for a clean environment can curtail the inconsistency between the central government’ s directives implementation of them. 4. Conclusions 19 and the local governments’ In recent years, Mainland China has been successful in its economic accomplishments and has built up a fairly complete system of environmental management regulations and institutions. While the EKC hypothesis has been examined since the 1990s for a number of countries, there is only one application to China. In this paper, we use a simultaneity model to examine the relationship between China’ s economic growth and its air quality by panel data . By testing the exogeneity hypothesis, we find that the income and air pollution must be determined jointly for NOX and TSP. The regression results lead us to conclude that two of the air pollutants (SO2 and TSP) confirm the EKC hypothesis. It can be seen that China did not achieve economic growth and environmental protection simultaneously. In practice, local governments sought economic development first and then cleaned up. From the Chinese experience, the income effect in relation to EKC theory is still important even in a politically tightly-controlled country if there is to be an improvement in the environment, i.e. the implementation of environmental policies in China depends on the public demand for them. The turning points in terms of per capita GDP occurred $7,877 for SO2 and $11,524 for TSP in 2000 US dollars. Compared with other countries’experiences,21 China entered this decreasing part of the EKC at an earlier stage of development. This 21 For example, Selden and Song (1994) estimated turning point for SO2 exceed $8,000 in 1985 dollars. Kaufmann et. al (1998) estimated turning point for SO2 exceed $125,000 in 1985 dollars 20 may be explained in terms of the “ latecomer’ s advantage”and the effects of the central government’ s environmental policies. China has learned from other countries’ experiences in managing its environmental problems, as Grossman (1995, p.44) pointed out: “ The low-income countries of today have a unique opportunity to learn from this history and thereby avoid some of the mistakes of earlier growth episodes.” On the other hand, pollution also affects income. In our regression results, we find that China achieves economic benefits in exchange for enhanced environmental quality. Variables such as the share of clean energy in the overall energy source, the expenditure on the environment and specialists for each city, and the numbers of motor vehicles are lacking in the statistics. In addition, the environment exerts an all-round influence. Apart from air pollution, water quality, solid waste treatment, hazardous waste and noise in the city are all important to residents. A further extension could be made in any of these directions. 21 TableⅠ Variable Statistics Variables Description Mean Standard Minimum Maximum Source Deviation 3 SO2 (0.001mg/m ) Sulfur dioxide concentrations (annual mean) 73.16 65.06 10 463 China Environment NOX Nitrogen oxides concentrations (annual mean) 47.59 24.85 4 164 Yearbook 3 (1993-2002) (0.001mg/m ) TSP (0.01mg/m3) Total suspended particulates concentrations 29.89 14.65 5.5 143.3 Per capita GDP 18.09 15.24 2.48 133.30 Cities of China 1949-1998 POP (10 person) Total population at the end of the year 174.37 186.62 10.93 1262.41 (National Bureau of TWO (%) The contribution of secondary industry as a 53.53 11.14 16.07 92.84 Statistics of China) 2.108 2.747 0 10 Urban Statistical Yearbook (annual mean) 3 Y (10 yuan) 4 share of on GDP TC (year) Cumulative number of years a city has been of China (1993-2002, included in the Two Control Areas FI (10 US dollar) Per capita foreign direct investment for 33.37 60.07 0.02 539.78 of China) employed persons at the end of the year K (103 yuan) Per capita fixed capital investment for employed 12.9 11.62 0.55 85.42 49.93 24.85 6.14 248.49 persons at the end of the year L (%) Employed persons as a percentage of total National Bureau of Statistics population at the end of the year 22 G (102 yuan) Per capita local government budgetary 14.95 19.25 0.50 190.76 36.71 11.62 0.55 85.42 expenditure H (%) The number of persons with a senior high school Chinese Statistical Yearbook education or above as a percentage of total (2002, National Bureau of population at the end of the year Statistics of China) Note: 1. The city boundaries in our sample do not include prefectures under the muni c i pa l i t y ’ s control. 2. mg/m3 = 10-3 grams per cubic m 3.1 US$= 8.2775 Yuan. (Year 2000) 23 Table Ⅱ Regression Results (Panel Data) 1. Model of SO2 Variable SO2 Y Y 0.96*** (4.39) White(1) (2.95) White(2) (3.428) SO2 -0.001 (-0.15) White(1) (-0.098) White(2) (-0.099) Y2 -0.256*** FI (-6.624) White(1) (-4.752) White(2) (-5.711) 0.062*** (7.169) White(1) (4.327) White(2) (4.834) POP 0.328*** (9.745) White(1) (7.083) White(2) (7.406) K 0.319*** (13.753) White(1) (7.691) White(2) (7.785) TWO 0.472*** (3.827) White(1) (2.423) White(2) (2.542) L 0.57*** (12.391) White(1) (4.609) White(2) (4.686) TC 0.122*** (10.072) White(1) (4.311) White(2) (4.546) G 0.229** (10.284) White(1) (5.379) White(2) (5.472) H 0.101** (2.934) White(1) (2.23) White(2) (2.256) Adj R2 0.349 Adj R2 0.769 LM test 270 LM test 13.83 Hausman test 15.24 Hausman test 10.62 Autocorrelation 0 Autocorrelation 0 Wu-Hausman test 10.51 Turning point (RMB) 65,208 No. of observations 725 No. of observations 656 No. of cross-sections 99 No. of cross-sections 99 No. of time periods 10 No. of time periods 10 24 2. Model of NOX Variable NOX Y Y 0.06* (1.764) White(1) (1.66) White(2) (1.671) NOX 0.176*** (4.075) White(1) (4.361) White(2) (4.43) POP 0.358*** FI (15.408) White(1) (15.458) White(2) (15.65) 0.707*** (7.042) White(1) (6.026) White(2) (6.114) TWO 0.432*** K (5.022) White(1) (4.264) White(2) (4.309) 0.303*** (11.776) White(1) (7.134) White(2) (7.264) L 0.588*** (10.855) White(1) (9.939) White(2) (10.058) G 0.199*** (8.009) White(1) (6.029) White(2) (5.983) H 0.06 (1.509) White(1) (1.524) White(2) (1.569) Adj R2 0.356 Adj R2 0.759 LM test 0.04 LM test 22.29 Hausman test 7.7 Hausman test 11.42 Autocorrelation -0.10 Autocorrelation -0.026 Wu-Hausman test 24.61*** No. of observations 521 No. of observations 521 No. of cross-sections 99 No. of cross-sections 99 No. of time periods 9 No. of time periods 0 25 3. Model of TSP Variable TSP Y Y 1.448*** (4.595) White(1) (4.278) White(2) (5.152) TSP 0.597*** (4.36) White(1) (2.506) White(2) (2.559) Y2 -0.321*** FI (-5.817) White(1) (-5.253) White(2) (-6.315) 0.137*** (6.186) White(1) (3.43) White(2) (3.534) POP 0.129*** (5.514) White(1) (5.797) White(2) (6.084) K 0.365*** (10.186) White(1) (7.88) White(2) (8.253) TWO 0.511*** (6.375) White(1) (5.442) White(2) (5.663) L 0.684*** (9.229) White(1) (3.501) White(2) (3.582) G 0.279*** (7.672) White(1) (6.89) White(2) (6.924) H -0.168** (-2.048) White(1) (-1.103) White(2) (-1.129) Adj R2 0.255 Adj R2 0.5 LM test 11.37 LM test 20.92 Hausman test 6.89 Hausman test 9.21 Autocorrelation 0 Autocorrelation 0 Wu-Hausman test 42.3*** 617 Turning point (RMB) 95,396 No. of observations 617 No. of observations No. of cross-sections 99 No. of cross-sections 99 No. of time periods 10 No. of time periods 26 10 Notes: (1) All variables are in the form of natural logarithms except for three variables, TC. In order to keep scale , (2) * Significant at the 10% confidence level. ** Significant at the 5% confidence level. *** Significant at the 1% confidence level. (3) t-statistics are shown in parentheses. 4. Time effect pollutant SO2 NOX TSP -0.0362631 0.0427546 0.122882 -0.054672 -0.219219 -0.382406 -0.658909 -0.820363 -0.996625 -1.05699 0.0647994 0.15045 0.159394 0.145011 0.188215 0.182731 0.167595 0.262951 0.122207 -0.932981 -0.843767 -0.702696 -0.726798 -0.783471 -0.741516 -0.896742 -0.904181 -0.729395 -0.880852 year 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 27 SO2(1000mg/m3) Per capita income (103 RMB) Figure 1. The relationship estimated between income and SO2 Note: On the 95% confidence level, the confidence interval for turning point of SO2 is 64,099 to 66,317 RMB. NOX(100mg/m3) Per capita income (103 RMB) Figure 2. The relationship estimated between income and NOX 28 TSP(100mg/m3) Per capita income (103 RMB) Figure 3. The relationship estimated between income and TSP Note: On the 95% confidence level, the confidence interval for turning points of TSP is 94,287 to 96,505 RMB. Appendix 1: Cities in the Study 1 ANQING 34 HEGANG 67 SHANGHAI 2 ANSHAN 35 HENGYANG 68 SHENYANG 3 ANYANG 36 HUAIHUA 69 SHENZHEN 4 BAISE 37 HUHEHAOTE 70 SHIJIAZHUANG 5 BAODING 38 HULUDAO 71 SHIZUISHAN 6 BAOJI 39 JIAN 72 SIPING 7 BAOTOU 40 JIAOZUO 73 SUZHOU 8 BEIJING 41 JIAYUGUAN 74 TAIYUAN 9 CHANGCHUN 42 JILIN 75 TANGSHAN 10 CHANGDAO 43 JINAN 76 TIANJIN 11 CHANGDU 44 JINGDEZHEN 77 TUMEN 12 CHANGHAI 45 JIUJIANG 78 WANXIAN 13 CHANGSHA 46 KAIFENG 79 WENZHOU 14 CHENGDU 47 KUNMING 80 WUHAN 15 CHONGQING 48 LANZHOU 81 WULUMUQI 16 DALIAN 49 LASA 82 WUZHOU 17 DAQING 50 LESHAN 83 XIAMEN 29 18 DATONG 51 LIANYUNGANG 84 XIAN 19 FUZHOU 52 LIUPANSHUI 85 XIANGFAN 20 GANZHOU 53 LUOYANG 86 XINING 21 GEERMU 54 NANCHANG 87 XUZHOU 22 GEJIU 55 NANCHONG 88 YAN AN 23 GUANGZHOU 56 NANJING 89 YIBIN 24 GUILIN 57 NANNING 90 YICHANG 25 GUIYANG 58 NANTONG 91 YICHUN 26 HARBIN 59 NINGBO 92 YINCHUAN 27 HAIKOU 60 PINGDINGSHAN 93 YUNCHENG 28 HAILAER 61 PINGXIANG 94 ZHANJIANG 29 HAMI 62 QINGDAO 95 ZHENGZHOU 30 HANGZHOU 63 QINGHUANGDAO 96 ZHUHAI 31 HANZHONG 64 QITAIHE 97 ZHUZHOU 32 HECHI 65 RIKEZE 98 ZIBO 33 HEFEI 66 SANMING 99 ZIGONG Appendix 2: The Acid Rain Control Zone and SO2 Control Zone ph<5.6 acid rain control zone ● SO2 control zone Source: The acid rain control zone and the SO2 control zone, State Environmental Protection Administration of China. Note: The acid rain control zone covers the areas where the ph value of precipitation is lower than 4.5, sulfur deposition exceeds the critical load and the SO2 emissions are large. The SO2 control zone 30 includes areas whose average sulfur dioxide concentration exceeds the standard level. The SO2 control zone is mainly located in the north and the acid rain control zone is mostly in the south Appendix 3 Regression Results (Cross–sectional) 1. Model of SO2 Year Variable Y Y2 POP TWO TC Constant Adj R2 Hausman test Durbin-watson test Variable SO2 FI K L G H Constant Adj R2 Durbin-watson test (to be continued) Year Variable Y 1992 SO2 -2.867 (-1.09) 0.359 (0.79) 0.576*** (3.99) 1.501** (2.09) 0.794*** (3.37) -0.067 (-0.02) 0.189 11.22* 1.914 1993 SO2 1.414 (1.4) -0.376** (-2.16) 0.389*** (3.75) 0.439 (0.72) 0.331** (2.89) -0.529 (-0.24) 0.356 9.93 2.131 1994 SO2 -1.414* (-1.93) 0.103 (0.85) 0.427*** (4.1) 1.239** (2.58) 0.189** (2.52) 0.305 (0.16) 0.349 16.48** 1.91 1995 SO2 1.169 (1.42) -0.314** (-2.34) 0.256** (2.7) 0.993** (2.36) 0.221** (2.89) -2.012 (-0.97) 0.38 5.13 2.045 1996 SO2 1.087 (1.26) -0.322** (-2.38) 0.414*** (3.92) 1.285** (2.47) 0.189** (2.98) -3.779 (-1.53) 0.471 4.14 2.083 1997 SO2 0.969 (1.58) -0.28** (-3.02) 0.361*** (4.37) 0.773** (2.2) 0.149** (3.16) -1.617 (-0.95) 0.428 4.49 2.167 Y 0.246** (2.48) 0.058* (1.79) 0.538** (2.21) 1.325*** (4.81) 0.09 (0.61) -0.176 (-1.07) -7.09*** (-4.62) 0.702 2.227 Y 0.018 (0.33) 0.001 (0.01) 0.379** (2.35) 0.498** (2.42) 0.358*** (3.62) 0.107 (0.61) -3.19** (-3.2) 0.722 1.993 Y 0.121 (1.34) 0.032 (0.76) 0.358* (1.88) 0.809*** (4.37) 0.236** (2.07) 0.079 (0.49) -4.345** (-3.17) 0.689 2.339 Y -0.001 (-0.08) 0.099*** (3.47) 0.136** (2.54) 0.714*** (5) 0.188*** (4.42) 0.255** (2.36) -2.62*** (-3.42) 0.821 1.882 Y -0.01 (-0.22) 0.089** (2.28) 0.271** (2.37) 0.859*** (5.17) 0.104* (1.98) 0.136 (1.3) -3.409** (-3.45) 0.769 1.701 Y -0.168 (-0.39) 0.046 (1.29) 0.315** (3.33) 0.619** (3.22) 0.158* (1.67) 0.188** (2.26) -2.927** (-3.01) 0.787 1.854 1998 SO2 1.381** 1999 SO2 1.215* 2000 SO2 0.289 31 2001 SO2 1.143* (2.1) Y -0.339** (-3.18) POP 0.411*** (3.93) TWO 0.307 (0.71) TC 0.15** (3.21) Constant -1.006 (-0.52) 2 Adj R 0.441 Hausman test 9.86 Durbin-watson test 2.029 Variable Y SO2 -0.03 (-0.54) FI 0.07** (2.23) K 0.381*** (3.73) L 0.619*** (4.66) G 0.131* (1.78) H 0.107 (1.19) Constant -2.979** (-3.42) 2 Adj R 0.784 Durbin-watson test 1.95 2 Model of NOX Year 1992 Variable NOX Y 0.112 (0.78) POP 0.327*** (4.33) TWO 0.426 (1.04) Constant 0.161 (0.09) Adj R2 0.272 Hausman test 7.18 Durbin-watson 2.26 test Variable Y (1.93) -0.276** (-2.72) 0.277** (2.92) -0.025 (-0.07) 0.138*** (3.79) 0.763 (0.44) 0.35 7.26 1.892 Y -0.016 (-0.43) 0.064** (2.79) 0.254** (2.37) 0.36** (3.02) 0.445*** (5.17) -0.004 (-0.04) -2.589* (-1.8) 0.836 1.745 (0.41) -0.108 (-0.99) 0.239** (2.76) 0.124 (0.36) 0.1** (3.26) 1.566 (0.86) 0.245 7.13 1.853 Y -0.014 (-0.27) 0.04 (1.25) 0.221* (1.67) 0.298** (2.39) 0.488*** (5.81) 0.179* (1.86) -1.854** (-2.09) 0.803 1.596 (1.7) -0.228** (-2.11) 0.178** (2.05) 0.121 (0.43) 0.065** (2.46) 0.646 (0.43) 0.205 2.7 1.943 Y 0.034 (0.59) 0.097* (1.78) 0.427** (3.07) 0.539** (3.45) 0.208** (2.52) 0.082 (0.85) -3.519** (-3.24) 0.787 1.786 2. 1993 NOX 0.056 (0.51) 0.318*** (5.12) 0.488 (1.29) 0.161 (0.1) 0.274 5.06 2.28 1994 NOX 0.127 (0.91) 0.412*** (6.34) 0.616* (1.91) -1.009 (-0.77) 0.42 8.75* 2.15 1995 NOX 0.07 (0.56) 0.415** (5.27) 0.698** (2.47) -1.195 (-1.02) 0.38 10.43** 2.514 1996 NOX 0083 (0.27) 0.341*** (5.34) 0.328 (1.26) 0.815 (0.72) 0.389 2.38 2.183 1997 NOX -0.043 (-0.5) 0.395*** (8.02) 0.285 (1.29) 0.882 (0.92) 0.49 3.87 1.931 Y Y Y Y Y 32 NOX 0.081 0.096 0.211* 0.197* (1.05) (1.22) (1.97) (1.83) FI 0.033 0.011 0.054 0.085** (1.06) (0.24) (1.25) (2.3) K 0.467** 0.37** 0.328* 0.23** (2.56) (2.06) (1.88) (2.12) L 1.057*** 0.466** 0.799*** 0.76*** (4.61) (2.54) (5.46) (6.06) G 0.06 0.353*** 0.162* 0.184*** (0.5) (3.41) (1.71) (4.37) H 0.034 0.061 0.023 0.112 (0.024) (0.37) (0.15) (0.73) Constant -5.449*** -3.142** -4.088** -3.62*** (-5.18) (-2.92) (-4.39) (-4.04) Adj R2 0.777 0.73 0.726 0.759 Durbin-watson 2.251 2.02 2.299 2.114 test (to be continued) Year 1998 1999 2000 Variable NOX NOX NOX Y 0.055 0.027 0.178** (0.46) (0.5) (2.41) POP 0.388*** 0.189*** 0.235** (7.02) (4.13) (3.68) TWO 0.412* -0.327 -0.289 (1.85) (-1.63) (-0.93) Constant 0.11 4.205*** 3.219** (0.11) (5.05) (2.49) 2 Adj R 0.446 0.329 0.37 Hausman test 3.5 4.44 9.54** Durbin-watson test 2.04 1.959 1.993 Variable Y Y Y NOX 0.091 -0.05 -0.08 (0.98) (-0.57) (-0.37) FI 0.075** 0.104*** 0.028 (2.16) (5.77) (0.59) K 0.361*** 0.143 0.295* (2.76) (1.24) (1.66) L 0.575*** 0.27* 0.296 (4) (1.74) (1.48) G 0.104* 0.428*** 0.468** (1.76) (4.38) (3.25) H 0.106 0.06 0.337* (1.13) (0.55) (1.31) Constant -3.099** -0.623 -2.6* (-3.28) (-0.76) (-1.82) 2 Adj R 0.75 0.855 0.836 Durbin-watson test 1.944 1.641 1.764 33 0.038 (0.44) 0.093** (2.3) 0.26** (2.06) 0.883*** (6.04) 0.104* (1.99) 0.11 (1.09) -3.555*** (-4.08) 0.778 1.765 0.001 (0.1) 0.047 (1.21) 0.319** (2.97) 0.637** (3.32) 0.159* (1.68) 0.182** (2.18) -3.112** (-3.22) 0.787 1.887 Model of TSP Year 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Variable TSP TSP TSP TSP TSP Y 2.684 0.979 0.903** 0.414 0.533 (1.43) (0.69 (2.68) (1.11) (1.37) 2 Y -0.669* -0.298** -0.224** -0.139** -0.152** (-1.66) (-1.12) (-3.21) (-2.02) (-2.05) POP 0.173* 0.212** 0.12** 0.118* 0.098 (1.99) (2.6) (2.01) (1.88) (1.42) TWO 0.864** 0.887** 0.427** 0.544* 0.433 (2.48) (2.52) (2.08) (1.79) (1.56) Constant -3.48 -1.731 0.388 0.651 0.919 (-1.59) (-1) (0.38) (0.49) (0.72) Adj R2 0.269 0.214 0.171 0.285 0233 Hausman test 14.05** 14.15** 6.05 5.65 5.07 Durbin-watson 2.208 1.842 1.923 1.943 1.812 test Variable Y Y Y Y Y TSP 0.465* 0.991** -0.057 -0.076 -0.053 (1.85) (2.33) (-0.45) (-0.62) (-0.65) FI 0.056 0.169** 0.026 0.055 0.084* (1.3) (2.07) (0.57) (1.05) (1.92) K 0.614** 0.669** 0.338** 0.223** 0.256** (2.39) (2.12) (2.13) (2.26) (2.17) L 0.613 -0.13 0.747** 0.744*** 0.834*** (0.83) (-0.21) (2.17) (5.86) (5.74) G 0.101 0.439** 0.196 0.188*** 0.114** (0.59) (2.68) (1.48) (4.42) (2.02) H -0.039 -0.4 0.12 0.232* 0.157 (-0.16) (-1.29) (0.99) (1.96) (1.48) Constant -5.67** -4.38 -3.29** -2.86*** -3.169*** (-2.28) (-1.5) (-2.18) (-3.69) (-3.84) Adj R2 0.5 0.148 0.665 0.773 0.772 Durbin-watson 1.698 1.6 2.167 1.814 1.7 test (to be continued) Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 Variable TSP TSP TSP TSP Y 2.867** 2.086** 0.465 0.693 (3.06) (2.07) (1.21) (1.4) 2 Y -0.583** -0.427** -0.153** -0.185** (-3.04) (-2.2) (-2.32) (-2) POP 0.089 0.125** 0.122** 0.092 (1.16) (2.01) (2.54) (1.62) TWO 0.633** 0.429* 0.512** 0.334** (2.42) (1.81) (2.79) (2.12) Constant -2.849 -1.471 0.486 1.011 (-1.63) (-0.82) (0.52) (1.01) 2 Adj R 0.08 0.08 0306 0.263 3. 34 1997 TSP 0.706* (1.79) -0.186** (-2.6) 0.084 (1.51) 0.635** (2.6) -0.049 (-0.05) 0.283 4.5 1.961 Y -0.094 (-1.05) 0.032 (0.77) 0.318** (3.34) 0.587** (3) 0.152* (1.63) 0.233** (2.7) -2.683** (-2.81) 0.793 1.823 Hausman test Durbin-watson test Variable TSP 15.06** 2.291 Y 0.726 (1.59) FI 0.174** (2.23) K 0.512** (2.4) L 0.73** (3.26) G 0.263** (2.11) H -0.349 (-1.05) Constant -5.834** (-2.33) Adj R2 0.436 Durbin-watson test 2.125 9.33* 2.068 Y 0.071 (0.41) 0.08** (2.78) 0.263** (2.15) 0.383** (2.87) 0.408*** (3.46) -0.01 (-0.12) -1.914* (-1.79) 0.815 1.92 3.98* 1.874 Y -0.207** (2.34) 0.017 (0.53) 0.23* (1.91) 0.289** (2.2) 0.447*** (5.4) 0.238** (2.45) 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