Datum Planes

Datum Planes
Up until now we have been working with three datum planes – Horizontal, Frontal, and Profile. We know
that they are infinite in size, can be selected by selecting the plane’s name or one of its edges. We also
know they may be located on the surface of a part, through an edge of a part, through an axis (revolution),
in the middle of the object (extrusion in two directions), outside the part, and dimension to the edge view of
the plane.
What we don’t know is that we can change the planes color and name, resize most planes, redefine
planes, add additional planes before creating a feature, and add additional planes while creating a feature
(called on-the-fly).
Datum Planes may be added by selecting the Insert
Plane icon, located to the right of your screen, or
selecting Insert – Model Datum – Plane.
Insert Plane
Insert Axis
Insert Sketched Datum Curve
Insert Point
Insert Coordinate System
Insert Analysis
The datum planes must be constrained. (Only the constraints you will use in EG T
and 121 will be covered – Primary selections: Through, Offset and Parallel)
The Datum Plane Placement menu displays the types of constraints that may be
added to a plane.
Select the option
to see other
To select multiple entities,
hold down the CTRL key
while making selections.
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To delete, click on
Reference and press
the Delete key.
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The Datum Plane Display page allows you to
Flip the directions of the inserted plane and
size the datum plane. The Datum Plane
Properties page allows you to rename the
datum plane to a relevant name.
CONSTRAINT OPTIONS (Through, Parallel and Offset)
THROUGH – select up to 3 references, such as plane,
surface, edge or point to place plane: used to create a
plane through a point, line, or edge.
It may also be used as a secondary choice, such as
Through – Offset, Through – Normal, etc.
Angle = 55°
from Selected
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PARALLEL: is used to create a plane parallel to an
existing plane. It may also be used with secondary
choices, such as Parallel – Tangent, etc.
OFFSET: the new plane will be parallel to an
existing plane at a specified distance. It may
also be used with secondary choices, such as
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OFFSET: the new plane will be parallel to an
existing plane at a specified distance. It may
also be used with secondary choices, such as
Through cont’d.
Use the Rib Tool to
create the rib.
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Inserting a Datum Plane Before Creating a Feature
Select the Plane icon.
Select appropriate reference.
Select the desired constraint.
Repeat steps 2 and 3 as necessary.
Angled Datum Plane Example:
1. Select Plane icon
2. Select vertex – first Reference (Through). The new
plane will pass through a selected point
3. Hold down the CTRL key and select plane – second Reference (Offset) –
4. Enter Value: type in a value for the angle and the offset (to reverse the direction, type a negative
number) – select OK. Value entered depends on where Pro/E places the angle.
Notice value may be added using simple
arithmetic (180-55).
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5. Completed plane. Notice DTM1 in the Model Tree
Double click on the inserted plane (DTM1) to edit the angle.
Create a Feature Sketching on the Inserted Plane
1. Extrude – Placement – Define –
2. Select new plane (DTM1) to sketch on.
3. Notice the Default option for Reference is Frontal and Orientation is
4. Select the Sketch button.
5. References: You need two planes, edges, axis, etc., that are perpendicular to the plane you will be
sketching on. Pro/E has selected one, you must select the other. Close the References dialog box.
dimensioning –
dimensions may
only be applied to
entities in the
sketch and
reference lines.
You may need to right
mouse click and
select Pick From List
in order to select the
edge of a plane.
Sketch 2D shape, dimension, constrain, etc.
Thinking dimensioning – if dimensions are
incorrectly placed in the part file, take the time to
fix them. Doing so will save time later in the
drawing file. The linear dimensions shown in the
figure to the left are incorrectly placed.
If you can’t add a dimension, you may need to
add a Reference line. To do so select Sketch –
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7. Extrude the 2D shape (Up to Surface).
Do not judge whether your answer is
correct here or not. Select the ‘eye
glasses’ and preview your results.
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