RC 417 01-10 PLEASE READ THIS ENDORSEMENT CAREFULLY, AS IT MODIFIES THE POLICY. BIN STORAGE BUILDING(S) BLOCKED VENT COVERAGE With regard only to the coverage provided by this endorsement, “your” policy is amended as indicated. “We” cover damage to a grain storage bin or building arising from increased air pressure produced by the use of a drying or air circulation unit and a blockage of the vents by frozen moisture. This coverage applies when the bin storage building(s) is specifically listed in the Declarations with this endorsement number. Any exclusion or term of the policy and attached endorsements which terminates coverage for expansion or bulging of a building does not apply to the coverage provided by this endorsement. Payment for damage will be made in accord with the loss settlement provisions of the policy. Any damage to the stored grain is not a subject of this endorsement. All other terms, conditions, and exclusions of this policy, not contrary to this endorsement, continue to apply. RC 417 01-10 Page 1 of 1