2.HYD R O FU G - Reynchemie nv

RC 224
KIK REPORT NR.2004.08263
Art. 21003
products for
RC 224 is a colorless water-repellent high quality product for the treatment of mineral building materials. RC 224 is
UV and alkali resistant, and this without changing the aspect of the surface and the preservation of the vapor
permeability. After the application of the RC 224, the active product undergoes a chemical conversion: it is a polysiloxane and provides a permanent water-repellent and good pearling effect. RC 224 is a ready to use dilution of a
high quality and low molecular siloxane (10% active agents) dissolved in a slow evaporating hydrocarbon fraction
with a high penetration capability.
For making bricks, concrete blocks, aerated concrete and all porous rocks (white limestone) who are constantly
undergoing the adverse influence of rain, water repellent.
Reduction of water absorption and indoor humidity.
Protect against contamination of cleaned facades.
Prevention of salt efflorescence and frost damage.
Reduce moss.
Perfect vapor permeable.
Protect against acid rain.
In the application of RC 224, the surface should be as mentioned in § 5.4 of TV 224 of the CSTC clean, sound and
dry We remind you that before treating old soiled surfaces cleaning is recommended. (See cleaning techniques in
TV 197 of the CSTC and our chapter regarding cleaning agents). After cleaning, please rinse until it is completely
dust free the subsurface. Joints, cracks or cavities in the stone should be repaired first .One should, however wait 2
days before starting with the impregnation of fresh jointing. Pulverized material should first be treated a stone
strengthener from our range (RC stone strengthener) in order to rebuild the mineral structure. After the treatment
with our stone strengthener one should wait 24 hours before one applies RC 224.
The treatment is preferably carried by the irrigation of the substrate under low pressure, so that no misting or
atomizing of the product takes place. The treatment takes place from bottom to top with a horizontal reciprocating
motion, so that a flush of approximately 20 cm is obtained. Two treatments should be carried out. Wet-on-wet. The
use of a Backpack Sprayer is recommended, or an electric pump as long as it ensures that the product flows at a
constant pressure across the surface.
Is highly dependent on the porosity of the substrate from 0.2 to 1.5 l / m² for a proper evaluation absorption tests
will have to be carried out. With the Karsten tube absorption test(Technical data sheet n ° 224 C.S.T.C.).
ALL GLASS ELEMENTS SHOULD BE PROTECTED. RC 224 causes irreversible stains on blue stone and nonporous surfaces. RC 224 is not crack bridging.
Technical information
(alkylalcoxy) siloxane.
Active matter:
10% actives.
Low aromatic hydrocarbon.
Colorless product.
Color applied:
Solvent odor.
Resistance to alkalis:
Very good.
0.80 g / cm ³ + - 0:02.
Flash point:
> 39°C.
Water repellent for more than 10 years.
Contains organic solvents and is combustible. Should be stored in tightly closed container. Because of the fire
hazard one should not smoke during spraying. Skin contact should be avoided; It is recommended to wear a mouth
mask and gloves. Consult the safety data sheet.
Cleaning equipment
With the use of white spirit.
RC 224
Exclusively in the original container. Store in a cold , well ventilated space. Opened containers should be carefully
sealed and stored upright to prevent leakage.
Shelf Life
1 year after production in the original container.
25L drum, 200L drum, 1000L IBC.
Legal Notes
The information, and, in particular, the recommendations relating to the application and end-use of Reynchemie products, are given in good faith based on Reynchemie
current knowledge and experience of the products when properly stored, handled and applied under normal conditions in accordance with Reynchemie recommendations. In
practice, the differences in materials, substrates and actual site conditions are such that no warranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose, nor any
liability arising out of any legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either from this information, or from any written recommendations, or from any other advice offered.
The user of the product must test the product’s suitability for the intended application and purpose. Reynchemie reserves the right to change the properties of its products.
The proprietary rights of third parties must be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always refer to the most recent
issue of the local Product Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which will be supplied on request.
Reynchemie nv – Industrieweg 25 – 8800 Roeselare
Tel: 051/24.25.27 – Fax: 051/22.98.92 – reynchemie@reynchemie.com – www.reynchemie.com
BTW: BE 0435.567.612 – ING: BE34 3850 6217 0090 – BNP Paribas Fortis: BE71 2850 5691 3969
RC 224