Rearranging Terms in Alternating Series Author(s): Richard Beigel Source: Mathematics Magazine, Vol. 54, No. 5 (Nov., 1981), pp. 244-246 Published by: Mathematical Association of America Stable URL: . Accessed: 12/05/2014 23:32 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact . Mathematical Association of America is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Mathematics Magazine. This content downloaded from on Mon, 12 May 2014 23:32:31 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Rearranging Termsin Alternating Series RICHARD BEIGEL StanfordUniversity CA 94305 Stanford, It is wellknownthatifyouchangetheorderof thetermsin a conditionally convergent series, thesumof a theresultmayhavea different sum.We willdemonstrate a methodforcalculating broadclassofsuchreordered series.The resultis notnew;itoriginally appearedin a 19thcentury Germanpaper[8],and similarworkappearedlaterin [2],[4],and [6].The purposeof thisnoteis to bringattention to theresult, whichcouldappropriately be mentioned in introductory calculus classesrightafterRiemann'stheorem morecomplicated thanthe [1]; themainresultusesnothing integral test,and thediscussion usesnothing morecomplicated thantheconceptof o(f), which couldbe explained(see [5]) or circumnavigated in lecture. The resultsfrom[3] on thealternating harmonic seriescouldwellbe includedin thelecture. Let S = I' (-l)i+'aj, witha1 > 0 and {a1} eventually to zero. monotonically decreasing DefineSm' as therearrangement (no signschanged)obtainedfromS by takinggroupsof m positivetermsfollowed terms(thusS" S and S21 a, + a3-a2 + a5 bygroupsof n negative +a7-a4 + *--). THEOREM. Letf be a continuous and eventually monotone suchthatf(2k - 1) function forpositiveintegral k, andletm > n> 0. Then Sm = S + a2k I lim i f(x) dx, 2 k-oo0,k ormaydiverge withtheunderstanding thatbothsidesmaybe infinite byoscillation. Proof.Sinceak - 0, Stn is thelimitofits(m + n)kthpartialsum.Identically, rnk S(m+n)k = S2nk + 2 j=nk+ I (1) a2j1. Sincef is eventually monotone to zero,thelimit decreasing t lim : f(2jf-1)- f(2x-1)dx It followsthatthe testforconvergence. exists;thisfollowsfromthestandard proofoftheintegral tailexpression goesto 0; therefore, lim j k-?? / rk a j=nk+?I rnk a2j- I Pk f(2x- 1)dx 0. Therefore, lim k-? 244 lika2 V= nk+ I kk-oo ,k f(2 - 1) dx MATHEMATICSMAGAZINE This content downloaded from on Mon, 12 May 2014 23:32:31 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions I I f(x)dx lik mk-f k-oo 2 2 tk- I = kim fkf(x) 2 k-&oo sk (2) dx, Let or maydivergeby oscillation. thatbothlimitsmaybe infinite againwiththeunderstanding k - oc in (1) and use (2) to finishtheproof. "= S. If If (aj) is absolutely convergent, thenwe get theexpectedresultthatSn REMARK. rearrangem= n we also find,as expected,thatS""' = S. (Severalless obvioussum-preserving mentsofinfinite seriesarediscussedin [7].) the diverseresultsthatcan be obtainedby applyingour Severalexampleswill illustrate Sm" ofparticular series. alternating Theoremto rearrangements + EXAMPLE1. If H""' is obtained fromthe alternatingharmonicseries (1 - 1/2 + 1/3 - 1/4 ) by takinggroupsof m positivetermsand n negativeterms,then 1. lim| H 'n=log2+ J-dx =log2+jlog-2log kl I 4m seriesI - 1/2P + 1/3P- 1/4P fromthealternating EXAMPLE 2. If pnn is obtainedsimilarly "' to positiveinfinity. + with0<Op < 1 and m> n, thenP diverges . Then EXAMPLE3. Let L be Leibniz's sum for</4: L 1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + .**, 7 = + 2I lm Ltt Mi 4 2 k-J0 EXAMPLE4. Let S - 1,= (-l)i+ St" =S?+ EXAMPLE5. Let S= thatf is monotone. S ?+ smn irkI (1/(2x-l)) /k k 410g-. I dx='4+ 4 4 nl '/jlog j. Then lim (loglogmk-log lognk) = S. 2 k-oo wheref(x) =(cos(logx) ,=,(-l)j+lf(j), + 2)/x. It is easy to check lim (sin(log mk) + 2log mk-sin(lognk) -2log nk), k-oo unlessm= n. whichdiverges byoscillation to a ifwe can findan exampleforwhichS"n"converges Thecuriousreadermaybe wondering functions "artificial" term.Barring otherthana logarithmic fromS by something valuediffering thereis none. forwhichlim._Oxf(x) diverges byoscillation, Proof.Iff(x) = o(l/x), then lim f( x) dx 6 klim (imk-nk -oo k -00 fk,k )f( nk),sincef is monotonedecreasing, m nkf(nlk), fl =0. Therefore Smn= S. Iff(x) = c/x + o(l/x), then limkf f(x) k-00 tk dx - lim k-00 ,k = lim | ?+ (-) dx X k-00 'nk X = clog X dx, by theprecedingresult, n, n 1981 VOL. 54, NO. 5, NOVEMBER This content downloaded from on Mon, 12 May 2014 23:32:31 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 245~~~~~~~~~~ if so S" =S++Lclog(m/n). The readermay check that S"m' divergesto positiveinfinity > f(x) O(l/x). The remaining possibility, thatxf(x) diverges byoscillation, seemsto meritattention. Suppose we modifyExample5 slightly by letting f(x) = (cos(alogx) + 2)/x, wherea 2-7/log(m/n). Then alog mk- alog nk= alog 2 T, so sin(alogmk) - sin(alognk) =0. -= n Hence S'l = S + I + lim mk- sin(alognk) - 2lognk) = S + log-. 2 k-. (sin(alog mk) 2log fl is proportional ifand only Onceagainthedifference tolog(m/n).Also,noticethatSpq converges ifalog( p/q) is an integral ifand onlyifp/q is an integral multiple of21r,or equivalently power ofm/n.It wouldbe interesting to findanswersto thefollowing twoquestions: S" -S converges Is there a seriesS forwhich forsomevaluesofmandn,butis notproportional tolog(im/n)? Is therea seriesS= ,=(-l)i+'f(j) such thatxf(x) divergesby oscillation butSt" -S converges forall valuesofm andn? EXAMPLE 6. SupposeS = 2 1(- l)'+sin(I/j). Naturally we takef(x) to be sin(l/x),which is I /x + o(l/x). Thuswe findthat = S+ I log- lim xsin-= S + I log-. Sm11 to backtoourtheorem, thatm> n is unnecessarywe shouldnotethattheassumption Getting to see this,just identify In a modification with a21fact, slight (left j=mk+ X=}nk+1a2j-1 thereader)ofourproofyieldsa similarresultforanyrearrangement ofS thatleavestheorderof its positiveand negativesubsequences of S withf( k) intact;if S' is such a rearrangement ourold hypothesis, termsin Sk, andf satisfies then negative +I 1 li 1k-oo -0k-f (x dx) (k) thisresultto theseriesS = 1-2 - 1/2 + 3 -1/2 - 4 - 1/2 + *,and taking Applying 'p(k) tobe the integralpart of ((I- 2k - 12 )/2)2 fork > 112 (p can be arbitrary a simple elsewhere), showsthattherearranged calculation seriessumsto S + 1. For anotherapplication of thisresult, choosethereordering, H', of thealternating harmonic seriesforwhich?(k) equalstheintegral partof k/(4e2 + 1). ThenH' = 7T. I wish to expressmy thanksto all thosewho read over and commentedon thismanuscript, especiallyAlan Siegel. References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] 246 T. 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