&-s C p 4 Going Around Corners and Friction / 25 NAME____________________________ DATE_________________ Going Around Corners and Friction Questions and Problems i going at eters nd a car with a C20 m/sebout 40 mph), what is the centripetal force exerted on the car? (ooO F S SD cO rn 2. What is the minimum coefficient of friction required to enable the car in problem 1 to go around the corner? -1jf the radius of a turn J = r ( )(com) 3. Given the same radius and speed as in problem 1, what would the minimum coefficient of friction be for a 2,000 kg truck? 4. Does the amount of mass matter when you are looking for the minimum coefficient of friction needed to go around a corner? (You might try vehicles of other masses if you are in doubt.) 5. How does the minimum coefficient of friction change when the radius of the turn is made larger? (You might try changing the radius given for problem 2 to 100 meters.) it :1 6. What forces must be equal to enable a rider to stay inside the rotor after the floor has dropped out? a 4 ft carrying a person with a 60 kg mass 7. If a rotor which has a radius (about 130 pounds) and is traveling at 5 m7&what is the minimum coefficient of friction needed to keep the person up on the wall? 8. (‘I) 26 I What effect does your mass have on your aEility to stay in the rotor? © 1985 J. Weston Walch, Publisher