Limiting examination attempts – January 2016

Limiting examination attempts
Updated Policy 2016
In September 2012 the Examinations Committee announced that with effect from 1 August 2013
attempts at each examination would be limited to six, and any attempts made prior to this date
would be discounted. This was later superseded by the decoupling of the Part 2 FRCOphth
examination, for which it was agreed that candidates would have a maximum of four attempts at
each component (Part 2 only), with effect from September 2014. Any attempts made prior to this
date were also discounted.
The Examinations Committee revisited this matter at its meeting on 6 November 2015 and
discussed the grounds upon which an application for an additional attempt might be considered.
The Committee agreed, however, that allowing additional attempts at such a late stage was
counter-intuitive and that intervention should be made at a much earlier stage.
The Examinations Committee agreed therefore, that rather than allowing additional attempts, it
would introduce a system to alert the Training Programme Director and/or Head of School after a
candidate’s second failing at an examination so that support can be provided at an earlier stage. A
transitional arrangement to allow for an additional attempt for candidates who have already
reached their maximum number of attempts has been agreed.
New process
With effect from January 2016 and applicable to all examinations:
a. Within two weeks of release of examination results, a generic letter will be sent to the
TPD/HOS of candidates who have failed for a second time to request that they discuss this
with the candidate and explore any areas of support that may be required.
b. During the introduction of this process (i.e. until 31 December 2016), the same procedure
will apply for candidates who have failed for a third-fifth time.
c. The candidate will receive a copy of the letter.
d. For candidates not in Ophthalmic Specialist Training, a letter will be sent directly to the
candidate after they have failed an examination for a second time advising them to seek
support from their supervisors or mentors on addressing any areas of weakness before
attempting the examination again.
e. Candidates may be advised by their TPD/HOS to consider postponing re-sitting an
examination to enable any areas of weakness to be addressed
f. Examination feedback will not be sent to the TPD/HOS by the Examinations Department, it
is the responsibility of the candidate to share this with their TPD/HOS/ES.
g. Following the transitional period (see below), any candidate who exhausts their
examination attempts at an examination will no longer be eligible to sit the examination.
Transitional arrangements (applies to all candidates, regardless of training status)
a. Until 31 December 2016, candidates exhausting their examination attempts will be
permitted to apply for one additional attempt
b. Applications must be received by 31 December 2016, but if an additional attempt is
granted, this can be taken at a date no later than 31 December 2017
c. Applications should be made in writing to the Head of the Examinations Department and
should be accompanied by the following:
i. a personal development plan, which demonstrates the candidates areas of
weakness, and how the candidate intends to address them
d. Written support from the candidate’s TPD/HOS or equivalent which outlines why another
attempt should be granted. Applications will be considered by the appropriate Senior
Examiner, the Chairman of the Examinations Committee, and another member of the
Examinations Committee.
e. The Chairman of the Training Committee will be asked to review and comment on whether
the personal development plan submitted with the application is suitable.
f. Candidates will normally be advised of the outcome of their application within four weeks
of its receipt by the Head of Examinations.
g. Candidates whose application for an extra attempt is declined will have the right to appeal.
h. The appeal should be submitted in writing to the Head of the Examinations Department to
arrive within 6 weeks of the date of the initial decision letter
i. Full details of the appeal process are available from the Head of the Examinations
Department and the College website
January 2016