Cake Stacking Construction System This system allows you to build your cake from the bottom tier up for a more secure construction. Create a secure center support for stacked cakes using interlocking rods. Works to create any size tiered cake. Use with Wilton Support Rods and Caps, which are inserted around the center of the cake. Perfect for use with Wilton Cake Circles with perforated centers. Position each tier as you build for greater precision and strength. Step 1 Before you start, determine how many Center Core Rods and Cake Support Rods are needed for your cake. For Center Core Rods, add up the height of all cakes plus cake circles. Do a test assembly of the Center Core Rods for the cake. The assembled Center Core Rods should be shorter than, but at least halfway through, the top tier. For example: a three-tier cake with each tier 4 inches tall would need two 4.5 in. Center Core Rods and one 2 in. Center Core Rod. To determine the number of Cake Support Rods needed, divide the diameter of each cake in half. For example: 6 in. cake = 3 rods, 8 in. cake = 4 rods. Add more rods if desired. Step 2 Place cakes on cake circles. Use perforated cake boards or cut a hole in the center of cake circles to the size of the Center Core Rod. If cutting cake boards, carefully measure and mark the position and size of the center core. Place each cake on same-size cake circle. Prepare cakes, covering with icing or fondant as desired. If cakes were baked with a heating core, use icing around the core of cake before inserting back into the cake layer. Step 3 Mark and cut Cake Support Rods. Measure height of iced cake and mark rods about 1/16 in. shorter than height to allow for thickness of support cap. Use sturdy scissors to cut rods at mark. Step 4 Insert Cake Support Rods. Center and gently imprint bottom cake with the next size cake board being stacked. Attach Support Caps into Support Rods. Insert rod into cake, spacing about 1 1/2 in. from edge of cake board imprint. Make sure top of cap is even with top of cake. Repeat, inserting remaining rods around the cake at even intervals. Repeat with all cake tiers except the top tier. Step 5 Insert Center Core Rods into cake. Insert narrow end of one Center Core Rod into a second rod. Press straight down into center of the bottom cake tier until rod presses against the cake circle. Step 6 Stack cakes. For the next cake, align the hole in the center of the cake board with Center Core Rod and slide second tier onto the bottom tier. Cake may displace. If needed, press cake back into place to level. Remove any excess cake crumbs. Step 7 Repeat to stack remaining cakes. Before positioning the top cake tier, be sure your final Center Core Rod is shorter than the top tier to avoid the rod coming through the top of the cake. Step 8 Serve the cake. Remove Center Core Rods and Cake Support Rods and Caps before serving. Use and Care Dispose of Center Core Rods or to reuse, hand wash in warm, soapy water. Dry thoroughly with a soft cloth. Wilton Support Rods and Caps 14-Pc Model 399-5004 © 2003-2014 Wilton Industries. All rights reserved.