Elektrik-elektronik Mühendisliği


Elektrik-e lektronik Mühendisliği

Dr. DEE-201 Special Area Course 6 (5+0) G

Discussion and interpretation of the results of the research and studies conducted by graduate students under the supervision of a faculty member.

Name of the lecturer : Anabilim Dalı Ögretim Üyeleri

Dr. DEE-203 Special Area Course 6 (5+0) G

Discussion and interpretation of the results of the research and studies conducted by graduate students under the supervision of a faculty member.

Name of the lecturer : Anabilim Dalı Ögretim Üyeleri

Dr. DEE-205 Special Area Course 6 (5+0) G

Discussion and interpretation of the results of the research and studies conducted by graduate students under the supervision of a faculty member.

Name of the lecturer : Anabilim Dalı Ögretim Üyeleri

Dr. DEE-207 Special Area Course 6 (5+0) G

Discussion and interpretation of the results of the research and studies conducted by graduate students under the supervision of a faculty member.

Name of the lecturer : Anabilim Dalı Ögretim Üyeleri

Dr. DEES-101 Seminar 6 (0+0) G

Name of the lecturer : Anabilim Dalı Ögretim Üyeleri

Dr. DEET-301 Thesis Work 24 (0+0) G

Name of the lecturer : Anabilim Dalı Ögretim Üyeleri

Dr. DEET-303 Thesis Work 24 (0+0) G

Name of the lecturer : Anabilim Dalı Ögretim Üyeleri

Dr. DEET-305 Thesis Work 24 (0+0) G

Name of the lecturer : Anabilim Dalı Ögretim Üyeleri

Dr. EE-0003 Microfabrication and basic processes in VLSI technology 6

(3+0) G

Name of the lecturer : Doç.Dr.Mutlu AVCI

Y.L. EE-503 Advanced Electronic Circuit Design 6 (3+0) G

Op-Amp Fundemantals, Static and dynamic Op-Amp Limitations, Noise, Stability, Fundamentals of Electronic Design

Techniques. Practical applications of OTAs. OPAMP's and comparators: Active filters, Nonlinear circuits, Signal Generators,

Voltage Reference and Regulators, Nonlinear Amplifiers.

Name of the lecturer : Yr d.Doç.Dr.Murat AKSOY

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ElektrikElektronik Mühendisliği

Y.L. EE-505 Applied Mathematics for Engineers I 6 (3+0) G

Applications of Divergence, Curl and Grad in Electrical Engineering. Infinite Series, Infinite products. Legendre Polynomials and

Related Functions, Bessel Functions.

Name of the lecturer : Prof.Dr.Süleyman GÜNGÖR

Y.L. EE-529 Theory of Complex Functions 6 (3+0) G

Numbers and algebraic relations in the complex plane. Limits and convergence. Functions and inverse functions. Riemann surfaces. Differentiation and Cauchy-Riemann relations. Integrations in complex plane. Cauchy Theorem, Jordan's Lemma.

Cauchy integral formula and its consequences. Liouville, Taylor, Laurent, Rouche and Mittag-Leffler theorems. Integrations by residues. Summation of infinite products. Entire functions. Analytic continuation.

Name of the lecturer : Prof.Dr.Turgut İKİZ

Y.L. EE-585 Project Work-1 6 (4+0) G

A theoretical and/or experimental investigation of various topics in Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Name of the lecturer : Anabilim Dalı Ögretim Üyeleri

Y.L. EE-587 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 6 (3+0) G

Overview of AI and AI systems. Introduction to expert systems and natural language processing. Forward and backward chaining techniques. Fuzzy logic and probability. Financial planning expert system. Sales expert system. Learning evaluation expert system. Object oriented programming. Semantic nets and automated learning. Introduction to Prolog LISP.

Name of the lecturer : Yrd.Doç.Dr.Turgay İBRİKÇİ

Y.L. EE-589 Introduction to Neural Networks 6 (3+0) G

History of Neural Networks, Fundamental Neural Networks, Statistical Pattern Recognition, Classification and Regression,

Single-Layer Networks, Multi-Layer Perceptron, Radial Basis Function, Error Functions.

Name of the lecturer : Yrd.Doç.Dr.Turgay İBRİKÇİ

Y.L. EE-601 Computer Graphics Fundamentals 6 (3+0) G

Hardware, sofware and algoririthms for computer graphics. Scan conversion. 2-D and 3-D transformations, object hierarches

Hidden surface removal, clipping, and antialiasing.

Name of the lecturer : Doç.Dr.Ulus ÇEVİK

Y.L. EE-607 Advanced Power Electronics I 6 (3+0) G

Modern power semiconductors characteristics, trends. Power integrated circuits. AC-to DC converters; unity power factor converters. DC- to DC converters; switch mode power converters, resonant converters, DC-to AC converters; Current-fed and voltage-fed inverters. Pulse width modulation techniques. Motor drives and control methods. Thermal effects in power electronics. Protection of power semiconductors.

Name of the lecturer : Doç.Dr.K. Çağatay BAYINDIR

Y.L. EE-617 Computational Electromagnetics 6 (3+0) G

One dimensional scalar wave equation, Yee Algorithm, Numerical dispersion and stability, Incident wave source conditions,

Analytical absorbing boundary conditions, Near-to-far field transformation, Local Subcell models for fine geometrical features,

Nonorthogonal and Unstructured grids, Modeling of antennas.

Name of the lecturer : Prof.Dr.Turgut İKİZ

Dr. EE-621 Multirate Filter Banks and Wavelets 6 (3+0) G

Fundamentals of signal decompositions, concepts and theory, including time-frequency decompositions; Review of Fourier and z transforms, Fourier series, etc; Two-channel filter banks; Perfect reconstruction; Interpretation as a series expansion of a discrete-time signal; Generalizations to M-channel filter banks, modulated filter banks, oversampled filter banks;

Transmultiplexers, filter-bank precoders and multirate communication systems; Wavelets and wavelet packets; Interpretation as a series expansions of continuous-time signals: Connections with filter banks and fast transforms.

Name of the lecturer : Doç.Dr.Sami ARICA

Y.L. EE-623 Application Specific Processors 6 (3+0) G

This course is intended to help students to gain the background needed to understand and design application-specific processors. Following topics are covered; number formats, aritmetic circuits, pipelining and paralel processing, low-power design methodologies, array processor architectures, FIR, DFT, and FFT implementations, programmable digital signal processors, multimedia processors, and multiprocessor systems.

Name of the lecturer : Prof.Dr.Mustafa Gök

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Elektrik-Elektronik M ühendisliği

Dr. EE-627 Advanced Power System Analysis 6 (3+0) G

Background, Basic Principles, Modeling of Power System Component, Per Unit Quantities, yield Bus Admittance matrix using the concept of multi-terminal network components, Power Flow Analysis and Solution Methods, Formation and Modification of Bus

Impedances Matrices for changes in the network, Formation of Large-Scale Power Systems Models and Analysis by using

Diakoptics, B-coefficients method in calculating Transmission Losses in an Interconnected Power System. Modelling of three-phase network, short circuit calculations using, Faulted Power System Analysis, Transient Analysis of Power System,

Name of the lecturer : Prof.Dr.Mehmet TÜMAY

Y.L. EE-629 Flexible Control of Distribution Systems 6 (3+0) G

Introduction to distribution automation (DA) and flexible control; Relationship of DA to supervisory control and data acquisition

(SCADA) and automated mapping and facilities management (AM/FM); Integration of DA, SCADA and AM/FM; Communications infrastructure; DA functions; Distribution system load models; Outage management; Restoration following extended outages;

Loss management; Voltage/Var management.

Name of the lecturer : Prof.Dr.Me

hmet TÜMAY

Y.L. EE-631 Introduction to Volume Graphics 6 (3+0) G

Volume rendering. Volumetric data. Voxels and cells. Voxel classification. Transforming into the viewing direction. Extraction of isosurfaces. Structural considerations in volume rendering algorithms. Ray casting. Voxel projection methods.

Name of the lecturer : Doç.Dr.Ulus ÇEVİK

Y.L. EE-645 Introduction to Modern Control 6 (3+0) G

State space characterization of multivariable control systems. Concepts of controllability, observability, stability and canonical representations. Noninteracting control. Design of observers. Inverse systems. Static and dynamic compansation techniques.

Survey of current research topics in control science.

Name of the lecturer : Prof.Dr.İlyas EKER

Dr. EE-649 Adaptive Control Strategies 6 (3+0) G

Introduction. Need for adaptive control. Early adaptive control algorithms. Implicit and explicit algorithms. PID, minimum variance, detuned minimum variance, peterka's minimum variance, pole-placement, generalized minimum variance adaptive control algorithms. Predictive control and generalized unified approach. Choice of variable parameters for predictive control. Application of adaptive control to process control systems. Model of plant, plant input and output disturbance, measurement of noise for processes. Computer demonstrations. Industrial examples.

Name of the lecturer : Prof.Dr.İlyas EKER

Y.L. EE-655 Artificial Neural Networks in Electronic Circuit Design 6 (3+0)


Artific ial neural networks (ANN) in computer aided design amd modelling of eleçtronic circuits and elements.ANN structures used for modelling electronic circuits. Solving optimization.ANNs' used in designing integrated circuit elements and circuits.

Solving optimization problems encountered in VLSI design ANN.Introducing circuits used in implementing ANN.

Name of the lecturer : Doç.Dr.Mutlu AVCI

Y.L. EE-659 Random Variables And Processes For Electrical Engineering 6

(3+0) G

Probability, conditional probability, Bernoulli trials, the concept of a random variable, distribution and density functions, specific random variables, conditional distributions, functions of one random variable, mean and variance, moments, characteristic functions, two random variables, bivariate distributions, one function of two random variables, two functions of two random variables, joint moments, joint characteristic functions, conditional expected values, statistics, stochastic processes, systems with stochastic inputs, the power spectrum, discrete-time processes, random walks and other applications, poisson points, modulation, deterministic signals in noise, spectral representation, mean square estimation, markov chains and queuing theory

Name of the lecturer : Doç.Dr.M.Fatih AKAY

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ElektrikElektronik Mühendisliği

Y.L. EE-661 Principles Of Computer Networking 6 (3+0) G

Computer networks and the Internet, What is Internet?, packet switching and circuit switching, delay and loss, protocol layers, application layer, principles of application layer protocols, the Web and HTTP, file transfer: FTP, electronic mail, DNS, transport layer, multiplexing and demultiplexing, connectionless transport: UDP, principles of reliable data transfer, connection-oriented transport: TCP, principles of congestion control, TCP congestion control, network layer and routing, routing principles, the

Internet Protocol (IP), routing in the Internet, what is inside a router?, IPv6, multicast routing, link layer and local area networks, error detection and correction techniques, multiple access protocols, LAN addresses and ARP, Ethernet, Hubs, Bridges, and

Switches, wireless links, PPP, asynchronous transfer mode (ATM), multimedia networking, multimedia networking applications, streaming stored audio and video, protocols for real time interactive applications, integrated services, RSVP, differentiated services, security in computer networks, principles of cryptography, authentication, integrity, key distribution and certification, firewalls

Name of the lecturer : Doç.Dr.M.Fatih AKAY

Y.L. EE-663 High Performance Computer Architecture 6 (3+0) G

Fundamentals of a computer designer, the task of a computer designer, technology and computer usage trends, cost and trends in cost, measuring and reporting performance, quantitative principles of computer design, classifying instruction set architectures, memory addressing, operations in the instruction set, type and size of operands, encoding an instruction set, pipelining, the basic pipeline for DLX, pipeline hazards, data hazards, control hazards, extending the DLX pipeline to handle multicycle operations, advanced pipelining and instruction level parallelism, overcoming data hazards with dynamic scheduling, reducing branch penalties with dynamic hardware prediction, memory-hierarchy design, caches, reducing cache misses, reducing cache miss penalty, reducing hit time, main memory, virtual memory, storage systems, interconnection networks, multiprocessors.

Name of the lecturer : Doç.Dr.M.Fatih AKAY

Dr. EE-665 Modeling and Control of Power Electronic Systems 6 (3+0) G

Modeling and simulation in general. Modeling Power Electronics in Electric Power Applications. Modeling power system, switching devices and controls. Modeling and Simulation Programs. PSCAD, MATLAB, PROTEUS, MULTISIM. Modeling examples.

Name of the lecturer : Doç.Dr.K. Çağatay BAYINDIR

Y.L. EE-667 Energy Efficient Technologies in Electrical Systems 6 (3+0) G

Maximum demand controllers; Automatic power factor controllers; Energy efficient motors; Soft starters with energy saver;

Variable speed drives; Energy efficient transformers; Electronic ballast; Occupancy sensors; Energy efficient lighting controls;

Energy saving potential of lighting technology; Alternative approaches to improve energy efficiency.

Name of the lecturer : Yrd.Doç.Dr.Ahmet TEKE

Dr. EE-669 Custom Power Devices for Power Quality Enhancement 6 (3+0)


Evolution of modern distribution systems; Custom power (CP) concept and general system considerations; Reactive power compensation and voltage control: Shunt, series and unified compensation; Power flow control; Phase angle control; Application examples and case studies; Harmonic distortion from CP devices; Filter design; Reference current extraction; Reference voltage extraction.

Name of the lecturer : Yrd.Doç.Dr.Ahmet TEKE

Y.L. EE-677 High Voltage Measurement Techniques 6 (3+0) G

Fundamental principles of high-voltage measurement techniques, electrostatic high-voltage measuring instruments, voltmeters based upon the generator principle, peak value measuring instruments, voltage measurement with sphere gaps, measurement with voltage transformers, high-voltage dividers, measurement of impulse currents, capacitance and dielectric loss measurement, measurement of corona losses, measurement of electrostatic fields, experimental determination of the breakdown voltage and the breakdown strength of insulating materials, the evaluation of test results by statistical methods.

Name of the lecturer : Prof.Dr.Mehmet TÜMAY

Y.L. EE-679 Current Mode Circuits 6 (3+0) G

Current conveyors, current feedback operational amplifiers and other current mode building blocks. Voltage-mode to current-mode conversion. Translinear circuits. Current-mode analog filter design.

Name of the lecturer : Yrd.Doç.Dr.Murat AKSOY

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ElektrikElektronik Mühendisliği

Dr. EE-683 Special Topics in Microelectronics I 6 (3+0) G

Course is based on the detailed discussion of current research subjects and recent developments appearing in recent issues of technical journals.

Name of the lecturer : Yrd.Doç.Dr.Murat AKSOY

Y.L. EE-685 Digital Signal Processing 6 (3+0) G typical applications of digital signal processing:processing of speech, processing of images. conversion of continuous signals to discrete signals:sampling, aliasing, analog to digital conversion, quantization, digital to analog conversion.transform methods: z-transform, discrete fourier transform (dft) , windowing, fast fourier transform (fft), spectral analysis, filtering, wavelets. digital filters: fır-filters, ıır-filters, design methods, optimal filters, filter structures. realization: realiza using digital circuits, realization using signal processors, floating point arithmetic, integer arithmetic, quantization, truncation, overflow.

Name of the lecturer : Doç.Dr.Sami ARICA

Y.L. EE-687 Lightning Protection & Grounding System 6 (3+0) G

Electrical system safety practices

Introduction to the lightning protection and grounding

Lightning phenomenon and its characteristic

Types and specification of lightning protection system

Testing of the installed lightning protection system

Assessment of the existing system and improvement when necessary

Type and characteristic of grounding

Effect of grounding system to lightning protection system

Lightning protection; ground system design calculation

Name of the lecturer : Yrd.Doç.Dr.Ahmet TEKE

Dr. EE-693 Advanced Topics in Medical Imaging 6 (3+0) G contemporary medical imaging algorithms and techniques. special hardware for medical imaging.

Name of the lecturer : Doç.Dr.Ulus ÇEVİK

Y.L. EE-695 Digital System Design on FPGAs 6 (3+0) G this course provides background knowledge for the students who intends to design very large scale designs on field programmable gate array (fpga) platforms. the following topics are covered in the course: basic digital system design, efficient modeling of the digital sytems, trade off between area and delay efficient design, clocking issues on fpgas simulation and synthesis tools each student is expected to develop a project on an fpga development board.

Name of the lecturer : Prof.Dr.Mustafa Gök

Dr. EE-697 Special Topics on System on Chip Design 6 (3+0) G this course offers to discuss recent advances, software and hardware technology and research ideas in the area of the system on chip design.

Name of the lecturer : Prof.Dr.Mustafa Gök

Y.L. EE-699 Controller Implementation I 6 (3+0) G controllers, issues in practical applications, analogue and digital signals,signal sampling, filters, signal filtration, open-loop and closedloop control, signal transmission, pıd controllers, fuzzy control, experimental application.

Name of the lecturer : Prof.Dr.İlyas EKER

Y.L. EE-703 Intelligent Robotics I 6 (3+0) G

Name of the lecturer : Yrd.Doç.Dr.Cabbar Veysel BAYSAL

Dr. EE-707 Advanced Project Work I 6 (4+0) G

Name of the lecturer : Anabilim Dalı Ögretim Üyeleri

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ElektrikElektronik Mühendisliği

Dr. EE-709 Advanced Computational Learning Methods and Applications 6

(3+0) G

Name of the lecturer : Yrd.Doç.Dr.Turgay İBRİKÇİ

Y.L. EE-711 Analysis and Design of Switched Mode Power Supplies 6 (3+0)


Inductor volt-second balance and capacitor charge balance, steady-state equivalent circuit modeling, losses, and efficiency, switch realization and power semiconductor devices. Discontinuous conduction mode, converter topologies. Closed-loop transfer functions and stability, regulator design, measurement of loop gains.

Name of the lecturer : Yrd.Doç.Dr.Mehmet Uğraş CUMA

Y.L. EE-713 Automotive Electronics and Control Systems 6 (3+0) G

Input, active and passive electronic devices, automotive components and electronic sensors and interfaces that allows movement, microprocessor-based systems, Electronic Ignition Control Unit, Distributed control electronics and data communications, CAN communication structures, methods, and combination of sensor data applications in the automotive industry, automotive diagnostic systems, automotive electronics and control systems for practical applications, motion control, comfort, information and security systems.

Name of the lecturer : Yrd.Doç.Dr.Mehmet Uğraş CUMA

Dr. EE-715 Transformer Design Principles 6 (3+0) G

Introduction to transformers, transformer circuit models including magnetic core characteristics and applications, reactance calculations, fault current calculations, leakage field, forces and inductances in transformers, mechanical design, capacitance calculation, high voltage insulation design, losses, thermal calculations, load tap changers, phase shifting transformers, cost minimization.

Name of the lecturer : Yrd.Doç.Dr.Mehmet Uğraş CUMA

Y.L. EE-717 Advanced Electromagnetic Theory 6 (3+0) G

Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Theory; Problems with discrete or continuous spectrum, Method of separation of variables,

Expressing Maxwell's equations in the sense of distributions, Derivation of natural boundary conditions; Edge conditions;

Radiation Condition.

Name of the lecturer : Prof.Dr.A. Hamit SERBEST

Y.L. EE-719 Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation 6 (3+0) G

Radiation, Transmission, Guided Waves and Media, Near-Field And Far-Field Regions, Far-Field Radiation From Wires,

Radiation Pattern, Directivity, Radiation Resistance And Efficiency, Power Gain, Bandwidth, Reciprocity, Receiving Antenna

Aperture, Beamwidth And Directivity, The Friis Formula: Antennas in Free Space, Polarization Matching, Dipole Structure, Input

Impedance, Antenna Arrays, Linear And Planar Arrays, Parasitic Elements: Uda-Yagi Antennas, Reflector Antennas, Corner

Reflectors, Parabolic Reflector Antennas, Horn Antennas, Loop Antennas, Helical Antennas, Patch Antennas

Name of the lecturer : Prof.Dr.A. Hamit SERBEST

Dr. EE-721 Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves 6 (3+0) G

General Methods of solution: Reduction to simpler problems, Problems with discrete or continuous spectrum, Method of separation of variables, Boundary Conditions:

Distributions, Expressing Maxwell's equations in the sense of distributions, Derivation of natural boundary conditions; Scattering by a full plane, an infinite cylinder and a full sphere, Diffraction by Semi-Infinite Geometries, Wiener-Hopf technique, Approximate

Boundary Conditions, Half-Plane Problems.

Name of the lecturer : Prof.Dr.A. Hamit SERBEST

Y.L. YLEE-201 Special Area Course 6 (5+0) G

Discussion and interpretation of the results of the research and studies conducted by graduate students under the supervision of a faculty member

Name of the lecturer : Anabilim Dalı Ögretim Üyeleri

Y.L. YLEE-203 Special Area Course 6 (5+0) G

Name of the lecturer : Anabilim Dalı Ögretim Üyeleri

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ElektrikElektronik Mühendisliği

Y.L. YLEES-101 Seminar 6 (0+0) G

Name of the lecturer : Anabilim Dalı Ögretim Üyeleri

Y.L. YLEET-301 Thesis Work 24 (0+0) G

Name of the lecturer : Anabilim Dalı Ögretim Üyeleri

Dr. DEE-202 Special Area Course 6 (5+0) B

Discussion and interpretation of the results of the research and studies conducted by graduate students under the supervision of a faculty member.

Name of the lecturer : Anabilim Dalı Ögretim Üyeleri

Dr. DEE-204 Special Area Course 6 (5+0) B

Discussion and interpretation of the results of the research and studies conducted by graduate students under the supervision of a faculty member.

Name of the lecturer : Anabilim Dalı Ögretim Üyeleri

Dr. DEE-206 Special Area Course 6 (5+0) B

Discussion and interpretation of the results of the research and studies conducted by graduate students under the supervision of a faculty member.

Name of the lecturer : Anabilim

Dalı Ögretim Üyeleri

Dr. DEE-208 Special Area Course 6 (5+0) B

Discussion and interpretation of the results of the research and studies conducted by graduate students under the supervision of a faculty member.

Name of the lecturer : Anabilim Dalı Ögretim Üyeleri

Dr. DEES-102 Seminar 6 (0+0) B

Name of the lecturer : Anabilim Dalı Ögretim Üyeleri

Dr. DEET-302 Thesis Work 24 (0+0) B

Name of the lecturer : Anabilim Dalı Ögretim Üyeleri

Dr. DEET-304 Thesis Work 24 (0+0) B

Name of the lecturer : Anabilim Dalı Ögretim Üyeleri

Dr. DEET-306 Thesis Work 24 (0+0) B

Name of the lecturer : Anabilim Dalı Ögretim Üyeleri

Y.L. EE-0002 Statistical Learning Methods and Pattern Recognition 6 (3+0)


Name of the lecturer : Yrd.Doç.Dr.Turgay İBRİKÇİ

Dr. EE-0004 High Speed Semiconductor Devices and Circuits 6 (3+0) B

Name of the lecturer : Doç.Dr.Mutlu AVCI

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ElektrikElektronik Mühendisliği

Y.L. EE-506 Applied Mathematics for Engineer II 6 (3+0) B

Fourier Series. Fourier Integrals and Fourier Transforms. The Laplace Transforms. z-Transforms. Partial Differantial Equations.

Name of the lecturer : Prof.Dr.Süleyman GÜNGÖR

Dr. EE-508 Integral Equations 6 (3+0) B

Basic classes of integral equations. Fredholm Theory. Equations with degenerate kernels. Equations with small kernels.

Perturbed kernels. Equations with symmetric kernels. Special classes of integral equations. Nonlinear integral equations.

Name of the lecturer : Prof.Dr.Turgut İKİZ

Y.L. EE-562 Analog to Digital Conversion 6 (3+0) B

Fundamentals of Measurement, Introduction to Data acquisition Systems, Sensors, Signal Conditioning, DAC converters, A/D converters: Flash A/D convenor, Subranging A/D Convenor, Delta-Sigma A/D Convenor, Dual Slope ADC, SAR Convenor, A/D conversion techniques with Microcontrollers, System Error Analysis.

Name of the lecturer : Yrd.Doç.Dr.Murat AKSOY

Y.L. EE-586 Project Work-2 6 (4+0) B

A theoretical and/or experimental investigation of various topics in Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

Name of the lecturer : Anabilim Dalı Ögretim Üyeleri

Y.L. EE-588 Advanced Topics in Neural Networks 6 (3+0) B

Discussion of the results of research, Parameter Optimization Algorithms, Learning and Generalization, Bayesian Techniques,

Mixture Models, and Applications of Neural Networks.

Name of the lecturer : Yrd.Doç.Dr.Turgay İBRİKÇİ

Y.L. EE-608 Power Systems Protection 6 (3+0) B

Relays: classifications, characteristics and applications. Static relays and their development. Comparators. Principles of power system protection . Protection of transformers, generators and busbars. Feeder and transmission line protection. Differential, distance and pilot-wire protection. Differential and phase-comparison carrier protection.

Name of the lecturer : Prof.Dr.Mehmet TÜMAY

Y.L. EE-610 Raster Graphics 6 (3+0) B

Harware , software and algorithms for raster devices such as video displays: Frame buffers, multiprocessor cellular systems, hidden-line/ visible surface processing, modelling of shadows, curved surfaces, natural textures.

Name of the lecturer : Doç.Dr.Ulus ÇEVİK

Y.L. EE-622 Digital Image Processing 6 (3+0) B

Mathematical Representation of Images, Image Sampling and Quantization, Image Transforms: Fourier, Karhunen-Loeve, etc.,

Image Enhancement: Statistical Techniques and Ad-Hoc Techniques, Image Restoration: Inverse Filtering, Statistical and

Algebraic Approaches, Image Coding, Edge Detection, and Texture Analysis.

Name of the lecturer : Doç.Dr.Sami ARICA

Dr. EE-624 High Speed Computer Arithmetic 6 (3+0) B

This course introduces high-speed algorithms used in modem processors. Following topics are covered: digital arithmetic with emphasis on unsigned and two’s complement number systems, carry-look-ahead adders, carry-select adders, parallel-prefix adders, Booth multipliers, Dadda and Wallace tree multipliers. Introduction to high-level design languages will also be encouraged.

Name of the lecturer : Prof.Dr.Mustafa Gök

Dr. EE-628 Power Electronic Systems 6 (3+0) B

Operating principles of power electronic circuits, improving the features for the supply and load sides: Improving the power factor of rectifiers, special modulation technologies for inverters. Power electronic circuit models and derivation of transfer functions.

Modern control methods and hardwares for power electronic systems. Design and computer simulation of static and dynamic control systems

Name of the lecturer : Prof.Dr.Mehmet TÜMAY

Y.L. EE-630 Algorithms in Volume Rendering 6 (3+0) B

Surface tracking. Iso-surfacing. Frequency domain rendering. Compression domain rendering. Wavelet domain rendering. Object order rendering. Image order rendering. Hybrid order rendering.

Name of the lecturer : Doç.Dr.Ulus ÇEVİK

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ElektrikElektronik Mühendisliği

Y.L. EE-634 Principles of CMOS VLSI Design 6 (3+0) B

Introduction to CMOS circuits. MOS transistor theory. CMOS processing technology. Circuit characterization and performance estimation. CMOS circuit and logic desing. Structured design and testing. Symbolic layout systems. CMOS subsystem desing.

System case studies.

Name of the lecturer : Doç.Dr.Mutlu AVCI

Y.L. EE-638 Biomedical Instrumentation 6 (3+0) B

Basic concepts of medical instrumentation, Sensors, Biopotentials and related devices, Measurement of blood pressure and flow,

Measurement of the respiratory system, Medical imaging systems, Therapeutic and prosthetic devices.

Name of the lecturer : Yrd.Doç.Dr.Mustafa Kerem ÜN

Y.L. EE-640 Optimal Control Theory 6 (3+0) B

Introduction to optimization problems and concepts of system performance. Important tools such as calculus of variations.

Pontryagain's maximum principle and dynamic programming. Discussion and comparison of numerical techniques.

Name of the lecturer : Prof.Dr.İlyas EKER

Dr. EE-648 Low-Voltage Analog Integrated Circuit Design 6 (3+0) B

Low voltage limitations for MOSFETs and BJTs. Constant-gm rail input stages for low voltage operational amplifiers.Rail-to-output stages for low vomtage operaional amplifiers.Rail-to-output stages for low voltage operational amplifiers.

Compensation of low-voltage multistage operational amplifiers. Low-voltage current mirrors, transconductors, analog multipliers.Current-mode techiques for low-voltage analog Ics.Other low voltage desing techniques (e.g.differential approach, log-domain filters, etc)

Name of the lecturer : Yrd.Doç.Dr.Murat AKSOY

Y.L. EE-652 Biomedical Signal Processing 6 (3+0) B

(Application of signal processing methods to bioelectrical signals)

Basis of Bioelectrical Signals. The Electroencephalogram (EEG). EEG aplications. EEG signal processing. Spectral analysis of

EEG. Evoked Potentials. Noise reduction by averaging and linear filtering. The Electromyogram (EMG). Amplitude estimation in the surface EMG. Spectral analysis of EMG. The Electrocardiogram (ECG). ECG signal processing. QRS dedection. Heart rate variability (HRV). Spectral analysis of HRV.

Name of the lecturer : Do ç.Dr.Sami ARICA

Y.L. EE-654 Parallel Computer Architecture 6 (3+0) B

Introduction, why parallel architecture?, fundamental design issues, shared memory multiprocessors, cache coherence, memory consistency, design space, synchronization, snoop-based multiprocessor design, atomic bus, split-transaction bus, scalable multiprocessors, scalability, realizing programming models, directory-based cache coherence, scalable cache coherence, directory-based approaches, design challenges, memory-based directory protocols, cache-based directory protocols, hardware/software trade-offs, relaxed memory consistency models, reducing hardware cost, interconnection network design, definitions, interconnection topologies, routing, switch design, flow control

Name of the lecturer : Doç.Dr.M.Fatih AKAY

Y.L. EE-656 Performance Analysis Of Computer Networks 6 (3+0) B

Probability theory and its application to networks, delay models in networks: Queuing models, Little's theorem, Markov chains and its application in the computer networks, M/M/1, M/M/1/K, M/G/1 queuing system models, priority queuing, networks of queues - Jackson's theorem, self-similar traffic

Name of the lecturer : Doç.Dr.M.Fatih AKAY

Y.L. EE-658 Electrical Power Quality 6 (3+0) B

Power quality problems, sources and effects. Power quality standards. Harmonics, passive and active filtering. Harmonic analysis. Custom Power and Custom Power Devices. STS, Active Power filters, Dynamic Voltage Restorer, UPQC. Custom

Power Park. Power quality monitoring.

Name of the lecturer : Doç.Dr.K. Çağatay BAYINDIR

Dr. EE-662 Smart Electrical Energy Networks 6 (3+0) B

Structure and problems of electrical power systems, principles of electrical power control. Energy storage systems. Grid integration of wind and solar power systems. Distributed generation. Smart grids, microgrids. HFAC Distribution Platforms.

Name of the lecturer : Doç.Dr.K. Çağatay BAYINDIR

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ElektrikElektronik Mühendisliği

Y.L. EE-664 Renewable Energy Systems 6 (3+0) B

Renewable energy sources: Hydro power; Pumped storage; Wave; Wind; Solar; Geothermal; Biomass; Bio-fuel; Ethanol-fuel and recycle wastes; Their nature; Sustainability; Operating principles and cleanliness; Incentives and barriers; Utilization; Efficiency and effectiveness; Management of renewable energy and its sustainability; Energy storage: Flywheel; Batteries and fuel cell;

Hybrid system and integration; AC and DC electricity conversion; Electricity quality regeneration; Power conditioning and renewable energy to grid.

Name of the lecturer : Yrd.Doç.Dr.Ahmet TEKE

Y.L. EE-668 Dynamics Simulation of Electric Machniery Using

Matlab&Simulink 6 (3+0) B

Sütün beslenmedeki önemi, süt bileşenlerinin memede sentezi, oluşumu ve sütün bileşimi, süt bileşenlerinin fizikokimyası, süt teknolojisinde biyoteknoloji, ısıl işlemlerin süt üzerindeki etkileri, süt ve süt ürünlerinde aroma ve aroma maddelerinin oluşumu.

Name of the lecturer : Yrd.Doç.Dr.Mehmet Uğraş CUMA

Dr. EE-672 Power System Harmonics 6 (3+0) B

Definitions and power quality, nonlinear loads and system behavior, mathematical methods, harmonic producing networks

(switched mode power converters, power electronic circuits in motor control, renewable energy production, arc-furnace, etc), distribution of harmonics in power system, modelling and simulation, parallel and series resonance, adverse effects of harmonics in power system, filtering of harmonics, passive and active filters, other power quality mitigation methods.

Name of the lecturer : Prof.Dr.Mehmet TÜMAY

Y.L. EE-676 Controller Implementation II 6 (3+0) B controllers, linear and nonlinear control, minimum variance (mv) control, sliding mode control,generalized mv control, neural network control, experimental applications.

Name of the lecturer : Prof.Dr.İlyas EKER

Dr. EE-678 Soft Computing Control 6 (3+0) B hard computing and soft computing methods, model-based computing, model-free computing. soft computing and stability, practical expectations.

Name of the lecturer : Prof.Dr.İlyas EKER

Y.L. EE-680 Electronic Communication Techniques 6 (3+0) B

Radio Frequency Amplifiers, oscillators, modulation and amplitude-modulated systems, transmitter circuits, receiver circuits, frequency and phase modulation, phase-locked loops, fiberoptic communication.

Name of the lecturer : Yrd.Doç.Dr.Murat AKSOY

Dr. EE-684 Adaptive Filter Theory 6 (3+0) B study of the mathematical theory of various realizations of linear filters. detailed study of linear optimum filtering, namely wiener filtering, linear prediction, and kalman filtering. f ır structures versus lattice filter structures. method of least squares, comparative study of steepest descent, least-mean sequare (lms) and recursive least squares (rls) filter design algorithms.

Name of the lecturer : Doç.Dr.Sami ARICA

Y.L. EE-686 Energy Conversion for Motor and Generator Drives 6 (3+0) B

Review of ac and dc machines

Power electronic control of machines

Control techniques and system performance

Drive comparison and applications

Performance and cost

Analysis of typical load systems and specifications

Name of the lecturer : Yrd.Doç.Dr.Ahmet TEKE

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ElektrikElektronik Mühendisliği

Dr. EE-694 Distributed Generation 6 (3+0) B

DG definitions and standards, DG potential

DG technologies

Distributed generation applications, operating modes

DG interconnection, interconnection requirements

Power quality issues, reliability

Protection issues, islanding

DG cost issues

Name of the lecturer : Yrd.Doç.Dr.Ahmet TEKE

Dr. EE-696 MR Imaging (MRI) 6 (3+0) B creation of magnetic resonance images. basic components of the mr system hardware. safety considerations of mr imaging.

Name of the lecturer : Doç.Dr.Ulus ÇEVİK

Y.L. EE-698 Introduction to Embedded Systems De 6 (3+0) B this course provides background knowledge for the studentes who intends to be embedded system designer. the following topics are covered in the course: basic processor architecture, clock system, timers, interrupt sytem management, power efficient system design, embedded software. each student is expected to develop an embedded system project.

Name of the lecturer : Prof.Dr.Mustafa Gök

Dr. EE-700 Special Topics on Embedded Systems Development 6 (3+0) B this course offers to discuss recent advances, software and hardware technology and research topics in the area of the embedded systems.

Name of the lecturer : Prof.Dr.Mustafa Gök

Y.L. EE-704 Intelligent Robotics II 6 (3+0) B

Name of the lecturer : Yrd.Doç.Dr.Cabbar Veysel BAYSAL

Dr. EE-706 Advanced Project Work II 6 (4+0) B

Name of the lecturer : Anabilim Dalı Ögretim Üyeleri

Dr. EE-712 Advanced Topics in Bioinformatics 6 (3+0) B

Name of the lecturer : Yrd.Doç.Dr.Turgay İBRİKÇİ

Y.L. EE-714 Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy 6 (3+0) B

Transmission and distribution of electrical energy, transmission lines equations, parameters and solutions, transients on transmission lines, transmission lines in steady state operation, special considerations for three phase lines, voltage limitations on power handling capacity, current limitation on power handling, system protection, dc transmission lines.

Name of the lecturer : Yrd.Doç.Dr.Mehmet Uğraş CUMA

Dr. EE-716 Electric Vehicles 6 (3+0) B

Introduction to transformers, transformer circuit models including magnetic core characteristics and applications, reactance calculations, fault current calculations, leakage field, forces and inductances in transformers, mechanical design, capacitance calculation, high voltage insulation design, losses, thermal calculations, load tap changers, phase shifting transformers, cost minimization.

Name of the lecturer : Yrd.Doç.Dr.Mehmet Uğraş CUMA

Y.L. EE-720 Propagation for Wireless Communications 6 (3+0) B

Basic Propagation Models, Definition Of Path Loss, Free Space Loss, Plane Earth Loss, Link Budgets, Antenna Fundamentals,

Terrestrial Fixed Links, Tropospheric Refraction, Ducting And Multipath, Obstruction Loss, Influence Of Clutter, Tropospheric

Effects, Attenuation, Rain Attenuation, Gaseous Absorption, Tropospheric Refraction, Tropospheric Scintillation Depolarisation,

Sky Noise, Group Delay, Dispersion, Ionospheric Scintillation, Satellite Earth Station Antennas

Name of the lecturer : Prof.Dr.A. Hamit SERBEST

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ElektrikElektronik Mühendisliği

Y.L. EE-722 Planning for Cellular Communication Systems 6 (3+0) B

Cellular Mobile Systems Conceept, Cellular Mobile Architecture, Co-Channel Interference, Cell Planning Criteria, Network

Capacity, Frequency Reuse Factor, Trunking Gain, Empirical and semi-empirical path loss models, Indoor Propagation Effects,

Indoor Propagation Modeling, ITU Indoor Path Loss Model, The Log-Distance Path Loss Model, Review of Geometrical Theory of Diffraction, Ray tracing techniques, Estimation of radio channel parameters from the results of GTD models, Microcellular design and channel allocation.

Name of the lecturer : Prof.Dr.A. Hamit SERBEST

Dr. EE-724 Interaction of Electromagnetic Waves With Anisotropic Media 6

(3+0) B

Electromagnetics theory fundamentals, Review of high-frequency asymptotic techniques, Cold plasma, Chiral media, magnetic media, Metamaterials, Frequency selective surfaces, Cross polarization, RCSfradar cross section) of targets, RCS enhancement,

Reduction of RCS, Target shaping, Discrete loading, Surface modifications, Absorber coating, RCS reduction by active diode loading.

Name of the lecturer : Prof.Dr.A. Hamit SERBEST

Y.L. YLEE-202 Special Area Course 6 (5+0) B

Name of the lecturer : Anabilim Dalı Ögretim Üyeleri

Y.L. YLEE-204 Special Area Course 6 (5+0) B

Name of the lecturer : Anabilim Dalı Ögretim Üyeleri

Y.L. YLEES-102 Seminar 6 (0+0) B

Name of the lecturer : Anabilim Dalı Ögretim Üyeleri

Y.L. YLEET-302 Thesis Work 24 (0+0) B

Name of the lecturer : Anabilim Dalı Ögretim Üyeleri

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