Greatly simplified processes thanks to re

Great l y simpl if ied processes t hanks t o
re-impl ement at ion of SAP at Ducat t
Solar panel company updates SAP environment with
help from TheValueChain
Ducat t of Lommel is a manuf act urer of high-qual it y gl ass
f or sol ar panel s. The company chose TheVal ueChain as a
part ner t o updat e t he ol d SAP environment .
Satenrozen 10
2550 Kontich - Belgium
+32 3 844 26 05
The factory which once turned out light bulbs
now produces ultra-thin glass for solar
panels. Following the modernisation of the
production lines, the old SAP environment no
longer met Ducatt?s requirements. ?The old
software provided too little support for a
number of critical processes,?says former
CEO Henk Coppens. ?Some data and
processes of the previous system were no
longer relevant.?
Logistical process in SAP
For this reason, Ducatt chose to introduce a
new version of SAP in 2014 and called on
the services of TheValueChain to do so. As
business improvement manager at Ducatt,
Monique Eerdekens made sure the
changeover went smoothly. ?We carried over
a number of things such as work instructions
or order processing. The biggest innovation
is the way in which our production operators
work. Before, they used to get their
instructions on paper; today, the whole
logistical process runs in SAP.?
Simple and personalised data input
It is crucial that the operators input the data
of the production process into the system
accurately. ?The Screen Personas and
NetWeaver Business Client play an
important role in this,?Monique Eerdekens
says. ?Because the input screen is so simple
and personalised at that, it also actually gets
used. The uniform data input has resulted in
improved communication, including between
Higher traceability, lower error margin
Ducatt differentiates itself by providing high
quality and attaches great importance to a
reliable production process. Everything is
traceable, from the raw material extraction to
the final solar panel on the roof of the
customer. Operators know at all times where
a product is, where it comes from and what
pathway it follows.
?Our way of working has been simplified.
Stock control has become more efficient and
the error margin has decreased
considerably,?Monique Eerdekens says. For
instance, it is no longer possible for a glass
plate that has not gone through quality
'The biggest innovation is the way in which our
production operators work. Before, they used to get
their instructions on paper; today, the whole logistical
process runs in SAP.?
control to be processed or to dispatch a set
of panels incorrectly.
Factory remains operational during
Ducatt supplies solar panels in a range of
dimensions and packaging. The factory
operates around the clock on four shifts. The
same flexibility was also expected from the
?The key thing I take away from this? It?s so
important to really click with the partner. This
kind of changeover is a major project and
you have to work closely together. Of course,
not everything will run smoothly. Take for
example the data transfer we had both
underestimated. But because we brought
people together who got along well with each
?TheValueChain is solution-oriented and communicates
honestly and openly. They don?t sugar-coat things, even
when the message is less positive.?
SAP partner. The factory had to remain
operational during the changeover.
other, we were able to stay on top of any
?The consultants of TheValueChain were
ready to assist us when we needed them,?IT
manager Joeri Schutters says. ?They didn?t
follow rigid procedures but were available at
crucial times, day and night. Our production
was not halted for one minute.?
In the future, Ducatt wants to carry on down
the chosen path with SAP. ?We are
considering implementing SAP in the control
of production machines and in cost price
calculation,?Monique Eerdekens confirms.
?Again, with TheValueChain. They continue
to be our preferred partner. I don?t see any
reason why we should look for anyone else.?
Direct and solution-oriented
Three partners were in competition for
Ducatt?s contract, but TheValueChain stood
out. ?Because of the quality of the work as
well as their no-nonsense approach,?
Monique Eerdekens says. ?TheValueChain is
solution-oriented and communicates
honestly and openly. They don?t sugar-coat
things, even when the message is less
About Ducatt
Ducatt arose from the ashes of glass
company Emgo in 2010, the former producer
of light bulb glass for Philips and OSRAM.
When Europe banned light bulbs, Emgo
made a new start as Ducatt. The company
was completely modernised with
state-of-the-art production lines.
Ducatt?s activities are focused on the solar
panel glass of the future: ultra-thin glass of
only 2 millimetres thickness with 95%
transparency. The solar panel has a lifespan
of up to 40 years, double that of ordinary
solar panels. Together with 3M, Ducatt
developed an anti-reflective coating which
allows up to 5 percent more light to be
Ducatt employs about 160 people, most of
whom are glass engineers or glass furnace
operators. The company is situated in
Lommel, one of the best places in Europe for
silica sand extraction. The local low-iron
silica sand quarry provides the raw material.
The Global Cleantech Cluster Association
ranked Ducatt in the top 30 worldwide of
clean tech companies.
Scope of the project
1. Quality management
2. Production planning and operation
3. Follow-up of internal goods movements with scanning,
including monitoring of supply to production lines
4. Planning and implementation of maintenance, including
shift management
5. Purchasing and sales
6. Distribution and transport, including self-billing for
transports with external logistics partner
7. General and analytical accounting
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