Return Amplifiers 0 $*1$92; 5 (7851 $03 57 *$, 1 0$1 G A I N $*& 6/23( 0$1 M A I 7(67 N $ 6& S L O P E *$,1 0$*1$9 2; Return amplifiers combine return trunk and feeder signals, amplify them, and route them in the return direction back toward the headend. 0$ *1$ 92 ; 6/23( 0$*1 $92; T R U N K AM P M O DE L 8 -T 5 50 COMPLETE CONTROL && *$, 1 BRIDGER MODEL: 6 - B5 50 Manual gain and slope controls are accessible through the front cover. Compatible with all existing Magnavox mainstations. C om bin e 5 -R T C * /15 On ly C has s is D ebu m pe r G T T ru nk Inp ut T herm a l C able C ont ro l (plug-in) P os tA mp Pre-A m p A ux S lo pe G ain Low Pas s F ilter O utpu t 9-A Fe ede r Att enua tor (plu g-in ) F eed er Pre-A m p 5-RT */15 and 5-RTC */15 F eed er Inp ut The return amplifier accepts return signals from the trunk and feeder lines, combines and amplifies these signals, and directs them toward the headend along the trunk path. Mounted on a die-cast aluminum base, the module’s circuitry lets you control slope and gain manually or automatically. The 5-RTC series modules come with a plug-in board that provides thermal compensation protection. Read the return amplifiers Ordering Information to determine if you need to order and install plug-in circuits for your return trunk amplifier modules. On the 5-RT 26, you control gain and slope manually by adjusting controls that are easily accessible through the module’s cover. In addition to this manual type of control, the 5-RT 33/15 and the 5-RT 50/15 also offer an automatic gain and slope control option. 8-1-96 RF Amplifiers-145 Mainstations P I L O T Spectrum 2000 5-RT Series 0$*1$92; 6/23( Return Amplifiers Station Performance* 5-RT 26/15 5-RT 33/15 Notes & 5-RTC 26/15 & 5-RTC 33/15 Performance Measured in a 7-MC-2 */* Chassis Technology Bandwidth Response Flatness @ rated gain and slope (trunk/feeder) a Minimum Full Gain (trunk/feeder) 33/50 42/54 50/70 Push-Pull Push-Pull Push-Pull Push-Pull 5 - 26 5 - 33 5 - 40 5 - 50 MHz ± 0.25/± 0.5 ± 0.25/± 0.5 ± 0.5/± 0.7 ±0.25/±0.5 dB 16/16 16/16 15/15 16/16 dB 10 10 10 10 dB 0 - 7 @ 33 0 - 8 @ 40 MHz MHz 0 - 9 @ 50 MHz dB 0 - 6 @ 26 MHz Return Loss (75-ohm ref. @ rated gain and slope) Distortion at Rated Input Level (per NCTA test methods) Units 26/45 Gain Control Range Slope Control Range (cable) 5-RT 50/15 5-RT 40/15 & 5-RTC 50/15 16 16 16 16 dB 20 20 20 20 dBmV b Rated Input Level Number of Analog Channels 4 4 4 7 Rated Operating Gain (trunk/feeder) 15/15 15/15 15/15 15/15 dB Composite Triple Beat (trunk/feeder) -88/-84 -88/-84 -83/-79 -88/-84 dB Cross Modulation (trunk/feeder) -80/-76 -80/-76 -77/-73 -80/-76 dB Second Order (trunk/feeder) -80/-72 -80/-72 -80/-72 -80/-72 dB 13/12.5 13/12.5 13/12.5 13/12.5 dB Hum Modulation (at 8 amps maximum operating current) -65 -65 -65 -65 dB 24 Volt DC Load Current (maximum) 320 320 320 320 mA 52 @ 550 MHz 52 @ 550 MHz N/A 52 @ 550 MHz dB Length 6.2 (15.7) 6.2 (15.7) 6.2 (15.7) 6.2 (15.7) in. (cm) Width 1.7 (4.4) 1.7 (4.4) 1.7 (4.4) 1.7 (4.4) in. (cm) 3.2 (8.1) 3.2 (8.1) Noise Figure (trunk/feeder) Cable Compensation—Thermal (RTC units only) Mechanical Dimensions Height 3.2 (8.1) Weight 14.3 (405.4) Plug-In Circuits (Required Optional Feeder Input Attenuator 14.3 (405.4) 14.3 (405.4) 3.2 (8.1) in. (cm) 14.3 (405.4) ) 9-A 9-A 9-A 9-A *All specifications are subject to change without notice. Measured at 70° F ambient. Measured in a 9-TH housing and 7-MC-2 */* chassis. 9/30/94 Notes: a. For models 5-RT 33/15, 5-RTC 33/15, 5-RT 50/15, and 5-RTC 50/15, measured with a 9-A-9 attenuator in the feeder leg. b. Distortion specifications are worst case for system performance calculations; individual module performance may vary. RF Amplifiers-146 8-1-96 oz (g) Return Amplifiers Ordering Information To order, call your sales representative at 1-800-448-5171 (in NY State 1-800-522-7464). Mainstations The 5-RT series return amplifiers are available in several models, as indicated below. 5-RT _/D S S A _ _/_ _ C = T h e m a l C o m p e n sa tio n 2 6 /1 5 = 5 to 2 6 M H z (o rd e r 9 -A a tte n u a to rs s e p a ra te ly) 3 3 /1 5 = 5 to 3 3 M H z (o rd e r 9 -A a tte n u a to rs s e p a ra te ly) 5 0 /1 5 = 5 to 5 0 M H z (o rd e r 9 -A a tte n u a to rs s e p a ra te ly) Model Description 5-RT Series Return Amplifiers Push-pull return amplifiers with manual gain and slope controls. Available for different return bandwidths: 5-RT 26/15 5-RT 33/15 5-RT 50/15 5-RTC Series Return Amplifiers Return bandwidth is 5 - 26 MHz. Return bandwidth is 5 - 33 MHz. Return bandwidth is 5 - 50 MHz. Push-pull return amplifiers with manual gain and slope controls and a factory-installed thermal compensation board. Available for different return bandwidths: 5-RTC 26/15 5-RTC 33/15 5-RTC 50/15 Return bandwidth is 5 - 26 MHz. Return bandwidth is 5 - 33 MHz. Return bandwidth is 5 - 50 MHz. 8-1-96 RF Amplifiers-147 Return Amplifiers Ordering Information To order, call your sales representative at 1-800-448-5171 (in NY State 1-800-522-7464). Plug-in Circuits The 5-RT series return amplifier accepts an optional 9-A series plug-in attenuator, as shown below. R eturn A m p 5R T * /* 9 -A F e ed er A tte nua tor (un de r the co v er) S lo p e G a in M a d e in U S A Model Description Optional 9-A Series Attenuators All 5-RT and 5-RTC series return amplifiers accept an optional 9-A series attenuator. This circuit plugs into the module’s main circuit board and is used to attenuate the feeder input to the return module. The 9-A series attenuators are available in 0.5 dB steps from 0 to 26 dB. To find the value of feeder input attenuator needed, subtract the loss (in dB) of the bridger splitter (feedermaker) from nine. dB value of feeder input attenuator ( in dB) RF Amplifiers-148 8-1-96 = 9 − loss of feedermaker (in dB)