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Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Igor V. Gorelov
Department of Physics and Astronomy,
MSC07 4220,
University of New Mexico,
Albuquerque NM 87131-0001, USA.
office: +1 505 277-4370
Home page:
1991 Ph.D., Physics, Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP), Moscow, USSR.
“Study of Charm Baryons in Electron-Positron Collisions at 10 GeV Center-of-Mass Energy with
the ARGUS Detector at DORIS-II, DESY”, awarded by the Scientific Council of ITEP. Ph.D.
adviser: Prof. Mikhail Danilov.
1980 M.S., Physics, Moscow Lomonosov State University, USSR.
Mar 2015–Present Adjunct Research Professor, UNM (CDF, ATLAS).
June 2008–Feb 2015 Research Professor, UNM (CDF, ATLAS).
2005–June 2008 Research Associate Professor, UNM (CDF, ATLAS).
2002–2004 Research Assistant Professor, UNM (CDF, ATLAS).
2001–2002 Research Scientist III, UNM (CDF, ATLAS).
1999–2001 Post-Doctoral Fellow, UNM (CDF, ATLAS).
1991–1999 Senior Research Scientist, ITEP, Moscow (H1 Collab., DESY).
1985–1991 Research Scientist, ITEP, Moscow (ARGUS, DESY).
1980–1985 Junior Scientist, Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow Lomonosov State Univ.
(NA-22, NA-23 Collab., CERN).
Prof. Sally Seidel
University of New Mexico
Prof. Marjorie Shapiro
UC Berkeley & LBNL
Dr. Patrick Lukens
Dr. Diego Tonelli
Dr. Maurice Garcia-Sciveres
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL)
2008–2009 University Research Association (URA), Visiting Scholars Program to support my CDF data
analysis topic “Measurement of the masses and widths of the bottom baryons Σb+− and Σb∗+− .”
Dec 2008–Mar 2011 National Science Foundation (NSF), Doctoral Dissertation Enhancement award
to support my graduate student Jessica Metcalfe working on ATLAS data analysis topic “A Study
of the Heavy Quark Content of b-Jets.”
• Richard Schmidt, Univ. of Heidelberg, B.S., September 2006, now at Harvard.
• Jessica Metcalfe (UNM), graduated with PhD in Dec 2011, currently post-doc at BNL (ATLAS).
• Constantinos Calancha (CIEMAT, Spain), graduated with PhD in Feb 2011, post-doc, KEK (ILC).
• Prabhakar Palni (UNM), graduated with PhD in Dec 2013, post-doc, Michigan State Univ.
• Neil McFadden (UNM), graduate student, active in ATLAS data analysis, expected date of degree
• Toyonobu Okuyama, Tokyo Univ., doctoral candidate, active within W/Z 0 + D ATLAS analysis
• Yoichi Ninomiya, Tokyo Univ., doctoral candidate, active within W/Z 0 + D ATLAS analysis group.
• Elena Vataga, UNM postdoc (2004-2008), CDF Collaboration, now at Southampton Univ., UK.
• Konstantin Toms, UNM postdoc (2007-present), ATLAS Collaboration, active.
In addition, I served in various dissertations committee at UNM.
Membership: APS
American Physical Society: Active member since March 1, 2002.
2006-2007 CDF Collaboration: Initiated and carried through the search for and discovery of four bottom
baryon resonant states, Σb
2007-2011 CDF Collaboration: Directed and led precise mass and width measurements of the previously
discovered [15] four bottom baryon resonant states, Σb
2008-present ATLAS Pixel Detector: A physics coordinator of the project on the pixel sensors’ leakagecurrent in-situ measurement system that monitors the radiation damage of the sensors. The system
was commissioned during Winter 2011 LHC technical stop. The latest physics results can be found
in my talk [1] and in ATLAS Public Note [2].
2011-2013 CDF Collaboration: Led the search for a new orbital excitation of the bottom baryon Λ0b [5].
2014-present ATLAS Collaboration: I am leading the ad-hoc analysis group on the measurement of
the relative cross-sections σ(V + D(∗) )/σ(V ), where V ≡ (W, Z 0 ).
Research and Professional Experience
Physics Data Analysis
• 1999-Present: CDF Collaboration, ATLAS Collaboration
– CDF Collaboration: Primary author, QCD 3-jet production analysis, Phys. Rev. D paper [22]
(< 50 citations); the analysis team was composed of 3 physicists.
– CDF Collaboration: Primary author, search for a cascade pentaquark, my talk at DIS 2004 [20]
(< 50 citations) and Phys. Rev. D paper [18] (< 50 citations); the analysis team was composed
of 3 physicists.
– CDF Collaboration: Primary author, discovery of four bottom baryon resonant states,
specifically J P = 12 states Σb− , Σb+ and J P = 32 states Σb∗− , Σb∗+ , reported at the conferences [16] and published as Phys. Rev. Lett. paper [15] (100+ citations); the analysis team
was composed of 5 physicists from UNM, Johns Hopkins and FNAL.
– CDF Collaboration: Primary author, confirmation, precise mass and width measurements
of four bottom baryon resonant states, Σb− , Σb+ and Σb∗− , Σb∗+ ; the analysis team was composed of 2 physicists. The results were reported at the ICHEP 2010 Conference [10]
and published as a Phys. Rev. D paper [9] (< 50 citations). The measurement results
have been entered by Particle Data Group (PDG) into the Σb bottom-baryon record and
the Σb∗ bottom-baryon record. The Ph.D. Thesis by Dr. Constantinos Calancha (CIEMAT,
Spain) is based on this result.
– CDF Collaboration: Primary author, the observation of an orbitally excited bottom baryon
b ; the analysis team was composed of 2 physicists. The result was reported at the the
ICHEP 2012 Conference [6] and published as a Phys. Rev. D paper [5] (< 50 citations).
The measurement result has been entered by Particle Data Group (PDG) into
the Λ∗0
b (5920) bottom baryon record. The Ph.D. Thesis by Dr. Prabhakar Palni (UNM) is
based on this result.
– ATLAS Collaboration: leading the ongoing analysis on the measurement of the relative crosssections σ(W + D(∗) )/σ(W ) and σ(Z 0 + D(∗) )/σ(Z 0 ), where W and Z 0 are reconstructed
in their electron and muon channels and the charm is reconstructed as exclusive D-meson
states, e.g. D∗+ → D0 (→ K − π + )πs+ , D+ → K − π + π + . The analysis is being done by a
team of 3 senior physicists and 3 graduate students from LBNL, UNM and from Univ. of
Tokyo. I am the chair of the analysis group, I convene bi-weekly meetings of the group.
The meetings are an effective forum, in which I lead discussions and mentor the graduate
students, T. Okuyama (Univ. of Tokyo), Y. Ninomiya (Univ. of Tokyo) and Neil McFadden
(UNM). The production of W + D(∗) states is directly sensitive to an s-quark PDF at a
momentum transfer squared of Q2 ∼ m2W and a momentum fraction x ∈ (0.001, 0.1). The
ratio Rc± = σ(W + + D(∗)− )/σ(W − + D(∗)+ will also be measured with a high statistical
uncertainty to evaluate the symmetry of the light-quark sea, rs = 0.5(s + s)/d and the relative
strange-quark asymmetry Ass = (s − s)/s. The Z 0 + D(∗) production is probing directly
the c- or b-quark PDFs again at (x, Q2 ) ∼ (0.001...0.1, m2Z ). The powerful high statistics
signal of D(∗) associated with Z 0 has been found contrary to a low statistics signals published
recently by LHCb. Many signals for new physics at LHC involve W, Z 0 bosons and hadron
states containing heavy quarks c and b. Moreover the W/Z 0 + Q processes are the important
physical background to the Higgs produced in W/Z 0 + H(→ bb) and identified in its most
abundant hadronic mode when the candidate event can be triggered by a fast lepton coming
from W ± → ℓνℓ and Z 0 → ℓ+ ℓ− . The process gb → Z 0 b is an irreducible background to
gb → Hb, where the Z 0 boson and the H boson decay to the same final state bb, τ + τ − , µµ.
The analysis group is currently developing an MVA approach to measure the b-quark
√fraction of
D(∗) observed yields. Both analysis topics are based on a large dataset collected at s = 8 TeV
by the ATLAS detector during 2012 runs.
• 1992-1999: H1 Collaboration, DESY
– calibration, performance and data quality analysis of LAr calorimeter based triggers, e.g. the
electron trigger, ET , E
6 T.
– performance and data quality analysis of H1 SPACAL backward calorimeter; gain calibration
and HV adjustment of the photo-multipliers (fine mesh Hamamatsu PMT); monitoring and
analysis of the efficiency of the electron trigger provided by the H1 SPACAL system. The calibration and trigger efficiency results have directly contributed to a measurement of the proton
PDF F2 (x, Q2 ) published in Nucl. Phys. B [27] (500+ citations) and [28] (250+ citations).
• 1985-1991: ARGUS Collaboration, DORIS II, DESY
– physics data analysis on charm-baryon spectroscopy and production based on a data collected
by the ARGUS detector at the e+ e− machine DORIS II, DESY.
– primary author of the analyses on charm baryon Λ+
c , charm-baryon resonant states Σc and
Σc , and the charm-strange cascade baryons Ξc and Ξc observed and measured in e+ e−
annihilation for the first time. The results have been published in Phys. Lett. B [38] (<
50 citations), and [37] (50+ citations), and [36] (50+ citations). The analysis work on the
charm baryon topics has been done by the team of 3 physicists.
– co-authored the discovery of B 0 –B 0 mixing made by ARGUS Collaboration [39] (1000+ citations).
• 1980-1985: NA22, NA23 Collaborations, CERN
– junior scientist, responsible for the software of a film-measurement and film-data processing
system for NA22 and NA23 hybrid bubble chamber experiments (EHS-RCBC Collaboration);
collected data from 360 GeV/c pp fixed-target interactions [40], [41].
• 1999-Present: ATLAS Collaboration, RD50 Collaboration
– ATLAS Pixel Detector: development of a QA procedure for the pixel sensors; QA measurements during the sensors’ mass production period. ATLAS note published as [25].
– study and development of the radiation-hard silicon sensors: irradiating and testing of the
devices at a high-intensity proton beam at LANL (LANSCE area); the beam-shape analysis,
fluency monitoring and the analysis of the absorbed dose.
– ATLAS Pixel Detector: physics coordinator of the pixel sensors’ leakage-current measurement
system monitoring NIEL radiation damage. The leakage current measurement system was
developed by UNM team. The developed leakage current measurement boards (CMB) of the
system are running at the level of ATLAS High Voltage Patch Panel 4 (HVPP4). The CMB
system allows simultaneous measurement of the leakage currents in 4 pixel detector modules in
the current range from 0.04mA to 2mA with a precision of better than 20% per module. I was
leading the project from its R&D phase through installation, calibration and commissioning of
the system during Winter 2010 technical stop. The project team was composed of 2 engineers
and 5 physicists. The latest physics results covering full Run 1 period have been reported in
my talk at the “Pixel 2014” Conference [1]. The results are published as an ATLAS public
note [2].
• 1992-1999: H1 Collaboration, DESY
– senior physicist responsible for the R&D (test beams), construction, installation, and commissioning of the hadron wheel of an H1 backward scintillating fiber calorimeter (SPACAL).
– responsible for the monitoring of the trigger system of a SPACAL calorimeter
– responsible for the HV and gain calibration of the Hamamatsu fine mesh photo-multipliers
(PMT). Hamamatsu PMTs were used as photo-detectors of both electromagnetic and hadronic
wheels of the H1 backward SPACAL calorimeter.
– the results of the R&D, the performance, and the description of the project were published in
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A [34] (100+ citations), [33] (< 50 citations), [32] (< 50 citations), and
[31] (100+ citations).
• CDF Collaboration, served as internal reviewer for various CDF analyses.
• Physics Letters B : external referee of the paper draft submitted by the major HEP Collaboration
• JINST : external referee for the Pixel 2014 Proceedings.
Talks at Seminars/Colloquia
• “Recent Results on Heavy Baryons from CDF,” invited talk given
at the Joint Experimental-Theoretical Physics Seminar (“Wine & Cheese” Seminar), 13 December 2013, FERMILAB, USA.
• “Bottom Baryon Resonances with CDF Detector,” invited talk, Nuclear, Particle, Astroparticle
and Cosmology (NUPAC) Seminar, Physics & Astronomy, UNM, 1 October 2013
• “Discovering New Particles with CDF Detector at Tevatron,” invited talk, UNM Physics & Astronomy Research Review Seminar, September 21, 2007, Albuquerque.
• “Discovering New Particles at Tevatron,” invited talk, Colloquium, Physics Department, University
of Texas at Arlington, October 24, 2007, Texas.
• “First Observation of Bottom Baryon Σb States at CDF,” invited talk, P-25 Seminar at Los Alamos
National Laboratory (LANL), May 9, 2007, New Mexico.
• “First Observation of Bottom Baryon Σb States at CDF,” invited talk, Seminar at Columbia University, February 7, 2007, New York City.
• “First Observation of Bottom Baryon Σb States at CDF,” invited talk, Seminar at Rockefeller
University, February 8, 2007, New York City.
Talks at Conferences
• “A Leakage Current-based Measurement of the Radiation Damage in the ATLAS Pixel Detector,”
(plenary), Pixel 2014, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. Published in [1].
• “Heavy Flavor Physics at ATLAS and CMS,” (plenary), Hadron Structure’13 Conference (HS 13),
Slovakia, June 30-July 4, 2013. Published in [4].
• “Radiation Damage of the ATLAS Pixel Sensors Using Leakage Current Measurement System,”
(plenary), 22nd RD50 Workshop, 3-5 June 2013, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.
• “Tevatron results on open b and c production,” (plenary),
Workshop on Heavy Flavor Production at Hadron Colliders, 14-16 January 2013, LBNL / UC Berkeley, USA.
• “Evidence for the bottom baryon resonance state Λ∗0
b with the CDF II detector,” (parallel), ICHEP
2012, 4-11 July 2012, Melbourne, Australia. Published in [6].
• “Heavy Hadron Spectroscopy and Production at Tevatron,” (plenary), Hadron 2011, 13-17 June
2011, Munich, Germany. Published in [8].
• “New Results on Bottom Baryons with the CDF II Detector,” (parallel), ICHEP 2010, 21-28 July
2010. Paris, France. Published in [10].
• “ATLAS Pixel Radiation Monitoring with HVPP4 System,” (parallel), DPF 2009, 26-31 July 2009.
Published in [11].
• “Beyond the Standard Model Physics Searches at the Tevatron,” (plenary), HSQCD 2008, 30 June
- 4 July 2008, Gatchina, St. Petersburg, Russia. Published in [13].
• “Latest results on bottom spectroscopy and production with CDF,” (plenary), Photon 2007, 9-13
Juy 2007, Paris, France. Published in [14].
• “First Observation of Bottom Baryon Σb
States at CDF,” (plenary), 2nd Meeting of the APS
Topical Group on Hadronic Physics, GHP 2006, 22-24 October 2006, Nashville, Tennessee. Published in [16].
• “Latest Results on Orbitally Excited Strange Bottom Mesons with the CDF II Detector,” (parallel),
ICHEP 06, 26 July-2 Aug 2006, Moscow, Russia. Published in [17].
• “Heavy flavor production in CDF II detector,” (plenary), PANIC 05, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 23-30
October 2005. Published in [19].
• “Measurement of orbitally excited D-mesons at CDF II,” (plenary), 1st Meeting of the APS Topical
Group, GHP 2004, Batavia, USA, October 24-26, 2004. Published in [21].
• “Pentaquark searches at CDF,” (parallel), DIS 2004, Strbske Pleso, Slovakia, April 14-18, 2004.
Published in [20]
• “Three-Jet Production Cross-Section Measurement at CDF,” (parallel), APS/DPF April 2003 Meeting, April 5-8, 2003, Philadelphia, PA.
• “CDF Direct Photon Measurements at Different
- 23, 2002, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
s,” (parallel), APS April Meeting 2002, April 20
• “Recent QCD Results from CDF,” (plenary), HADRON 2001, August 25 - September 1, 2001,
Protvino, Russia. Published in [23]
• “Three-jet Event Properties at CDF,” (parallel), DPF 2000, 9-12 Aug 2000, Columbus, Ohio; Published in [26].
• “The Silicon Pixel Sensors in ATLAS,”, DPF 2000, 9-12 Aug 2000, Columbus, Ohio; Published
in [24].
• “Recent experience with the H1 lead/scintillating fibre calorimeter,” (plenary), 6th International
Conference on Calorimetry in High-energy Physics (ICCHEP 96), 8-14 June 1996, Rome, Italy.
Published in [29].
• “H1 Lead/Scintillating-Fibre Calorimeter: the Hadronic Section,” (plenary), 6th International Conference on Instrumentation for Experiments at e+ e− Colliders, 29 Feb - 6 Mar 1996. Novosibirsk,
Russia; Published in [30]
• “Recent Results On Charm Spectroscopy,” (plenary), Rheinfels Workshop 1990 on Hadron Mass
Spectrum, 3-6 Sep 1990, St.Goar, Germany. Published in [35].
Full Publication List
The full publication list of 1107 citeable papers can be found at inSPIRE, the High Energy Physics
information system. The web link is
Selected Publications
[1] I. V. Gorelov [ATLAS Collaboration], “A Leakage Current-based Measurement of the Radiation
Damage in the ATLAS Pixel Detector,” arXiv:1501.07192 [physics.ins-det].
[2] ATLAS Collaboration, “A Leakage Current-based Measurement of the Radiation Damage in the ATLAS Pixel Detector,” ATL-INDET-PUB-2014-004. The figures are available at this public web page.
[3] T. A. Aaltonen et al. [CDF Collaboration],
“Mass and lifetime measurements of bottom and charm
baryons in pp̄ collisions at s = 1.96 TeV,” Phys. Rev. D 89, 072014 (2014) [arXiv:1403.8126
[4] I. V. Gorelov [ATLAS and CMS Collaborations], “Heavy Flavor Physics at ATLAS and CMS,” Nucl.
Phys. Proc. Suppl. 245, 168 (2013) [arXiv:1309.3603 [hep-ex]].
[5] T. A. Aaltonen et al. [CDF Collaboration], “Evidence for a bottom baryon resonance Λ∗0
b in CDF
data,” Phys. Rev. D 88, no. 7, 071101 (2013) [arXiv:1308.1760 [hep-ex]].
[6] I. V. Gorelov [CDF Collaboration], “Evidence for the bottom baryon resonance state Λ∗0
b with the
CDF II detector,” PoS ICHEP 2012, 349 (2013) [arXiv:1301.0949 [hep-ex]].
[7] T. Aaltonen et al. [CDF Collaboration], “Measurement of the branching fraction B(Λ0b →
− + −
c π π π ) at CDF,” Phys. Rev. D 85, 032003 (2012) [arXiv:1112.3334 [hep-ex]].
[8] I. V. Gorelov [CDF and D0 Collaborations], “Heavy Hadron Spectroscopy and Production at Tevatron,” Published in proceedings SLAC-eConf-C110613 [arXiv:1110.4415 [hep-ex]].
[9] T. Aaltonen et al. [CDF Collaboration], “Measurement of the masses and widths of the bottom
baryons Σb+− and Σb∗+− ,” Phys. Rev. D 85, 092011 (2012) [arXiv:1112.2808 [hep-ex]].
[10] I. V. Gorelov et al. [CDF Collaboration], “New Results on Bottom Baryons with the CDF II Detector,” PoS ICHEP 2010, 203 (2010) [arXiv:1011.5236 [hep-ex]].
[11] I. Gorelov, M. Hoeferkamp, S. Seidel and K. Toms, “ATLAS Pixel Radiation Monitoring with HVPP4
System,” Published in the Proceedings of DPF-2009, eConf C090726 [arXiv:0911.0128 [physics.insdet]].
[12] G. Aad, M. Ackers, F. A. Alberti, M. Aleppo, G. Alimonti, J. Alonso, E. C. Anderssen and A. Andreani et al., “ATLAS pixel detector electronics and sensors,” JINST 3, P07007 (2008).
[13] I. V. Gorelov [CDF and D0 Collaborations], “Beyond the Standard Model Physics Searches at the
Tevatron,” arXiv:0811.0865 [hep-ex].
[14] I. V. Gorelov [CDF Collaboration], “Latest results on bottom spectroscopy and production with
CDF,” Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 184, 196 (2008) [arXiv:0710.3213 [hep-ex]].
[15] T. Aaltonen et al. [CDF Collaboration], “First observation of heavy baryons Σb and Σb∗ ,” Phys. Rev.
Lett. 99, 202001 (2007) [arXiv:0706.3868 [hep-ex]].
[16] I. V. Gorelov, “First Observation of Bottom Baryon Σb States at CDF,” J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 69,
012009 (2007) [hep-ex/0701056 [HEP-EX]].
[17] I. V. Gorelov [CDF Collaboration], “Latest Results on Orbitally Excited Strange Bottom Mesons
with the CDF II Detector,” Conf. Proc. C 060726, 923 (2006) [hep-ex/0610080].
[18] √
A. Abulencia et al. [CDF Collaboration], “Search for Exotic S = −2 Baryons in pp Collisions at
s = 1.96 TeV,” Phys. Rev. D 75, 032003 (2007) [hep-ex/0612066].
[19] I. V. Gorelov [CDF Collaboration], “Heavy flavor production in CDF II detector,” AIP Conf. Proc.
842, 271 (2006) [hep-ex/0601012].
[20] I. V. Gorelov [CDF Collaboration], “Pentaquark searches at CDF,” Academic Electronic Press,
Bratislava, 2004; ISBN 80-88880-57-2 [hep-ex/0408025].
[21] I. V. Gorelov [CDF Collaboration], “Measurement of orbitally excited D-mesons at CDF II,” J. Phys.
Conf. Ser. 9, 67 (2005) [hep-ex/0412061].
[22] D. Acosta et al. [CDF Collaboration], “Comparison of three-jet events in pp collisions at s =
1.8 TeV to predictions from a next-to-leading order QCD calculation,” Phys. Rev. D 71, 032002
(2005) [hep-ex/0410018].
[23] I. V. Gorelov [CDF Collaboration], “Recent QCD results from CDF,” AIP Conf. Proc. 619, 385
[24] I. Gorelov [ATLAS Collaboration], “The silicon pixel sensors in ATLAS,” Int. J. Mod. Phys. A
16S1C, 1100 (2001).
[25] I. Gorelov, G. Gorfine, M. Hoeferkamp, V. Mata-Bruni, G. Santistevan, S. C. Seidel, A. Ciocio and
K. F. Einsweiler et al., “Electrical Characteristics of Silicon Pixel Sensors,” ATL-INDET-2001-011,
ATL-COM-INDET-2001-015, CERN-ATL-INDET-2001-011.
[26] I. Gorelov et al. [CDF Collaboration], “Three-jet event properties at CDF,” Int. J. Mod. Phys. A
16S1A, 242 (2001).
[27] S. Aid et al. [H1 Collaboration], “A Measurement and QCD analysis of the proton structure function
F2 (x, Q2 ) at HERA,” Nucl. Phys. B 470, 3 (1996) [hep-ex/9603004].
[28] C. Adloff et al. [H1 Collaboration], “A Measurement of the proton structure function F2 (x, Q2 ) at
low x and low Q2 at HERA,” Nucl. Phys. B 497, 3 (1997) [hep-ex/9703012].
[29] I. V. Gorelov [H1 Collaboration], “Recent experience with the H1 lead/scintillating fibre calorimeter,”
CALORIMETRY IN HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS: proceedings. Edited by A. Antonelli, S. Bianco,
A. Calcaterra, F.L. Fabbri. Bologna, Italy, INFN, 1996. 959p. (Frascati physics series; 6, ISBN:
[30] I. Gorelov and M. Weber, “Performance of the H1 lead/scintillating-fibre calorimeter,” Nucl. Instrum.
Meth. A 379, 518 (1996).
[31] R. D. Appuhn et al. [H1 SPACAL Group Collaboration], “The H1 lead / scintillating fiber calorimeter,” Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 386, 397 (1997).
[32] R. D. Appuhn et al. [H1 SPACAL Group Collaboration], “H1 backward upgrade with a SPACAL
calorimeter: The Hadronic section,” DESY-96-013.
[33] R. D. Appuhn et al. [H1 SPACAL GROUP Collaboration], “Hadronic response and e / pi separation
with the H1 lead / fiber calorimeter,” Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 382, 395 (1996).
[34] T. Nicholls et al. [H1 SPACAL Group Collaboration], “Performance of an electromagnetic lead /
scintillating fiber calorimeter for the H1 detector,” Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 374, 149 (1996).
[35] I. V. Gorelov, “Recent results on charm spectroscopy,” Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 21, 378 (1991).
[36] H. Albrecht et al. [ARGUS Collaboration], “Measurement of Ξc production in e+ e− annihilation at
10.5 GeV center-of-mass energy,” Phys. Lett. B 247, 121 (1990).
[37] H. Albrecht et al. [ARGUS Collaboration], “Observation of the Charmed Baryon Σc in e+ e− Annihilations,” Phys. Lett. B 211, 489 (1988).
+ −
[38] H. Albrecht et al. [ARGUS Collaboration], “Observation of the Charmed Baryon Λ+
c in e e Annihilation at 10 GeV,” Phys. Lett. B 207, 109 (1988).
[39] H. Albrecht et al. [ARGUS Collaboration], “Observation of B 0 –B 0 Mixing,” Phys. Lett. B 192, 245
[40] T. Aziz et al. [EHS-RCBC Collaboration], “Inclusive K ∗ and Σ ∗ Production in 360 GeV/c pp Interactions Using the European Hybrid Spectrometer,” Z. Phys. C 30, 381 (1986) [Yad. Fiz. 46, 136
[41] J. L. Bailly et al. [EHS-RCBC Collaboration], “Test of a Quark - Diquark Fragmentation Mechanism
in Proton Proton Interactions at 360 GeV/c,” Z. Phys. C 31, 367 (1986).