WebLinks OLFS Reporting – Vendors, Payments

WebLinks OLFS Reporting – Vendors, Payments, and Liens
Frequently Asked Questions
Payments, and
Liens using:
 Accounts
Payable Report
 GL Transaction
What’s the difference between Voucher
ID and Invoice ID?
Why do I see a charge in WebLinks but
a check has not been issued?
When an invoice is entered into the PeopleSoft Accounts
system or BearBuy, it is assigned a Voucher ID.
You can look up an invoice by either the vendor’s Invoice ID
or the Voucher ID.
 When a voucher is posted, the expense is debited and the
AP liability account is credited. Therefore, the expense
shows on the GL Transaction Detail report after the nightly
posting of Accounts Payable transactions to the General
Payment is issued upon vendor terms and will post to the
General Ledger the following day after payment has been
made. When the payment to the vendor is posted, the AP
Liability account is debited and the Cash account is
How can I find payment information with
purchase order number?
WebLinks OLFS
Reference Manual
Chapters 3 and 6
How can I find check number since it’s
not on GL Transaction Detail?
 On the Accounts Payable report, enter a purchase order
number in PO ID. Select a From and To Invoice Date and
From and To Entry Date that provide a broad enough range
to include all vouchers (invoices) against the purchase
order. See example #1 at the end of this document.
 If you have problems finding the information by purchase
order number, search on Vendor Name and create a report
for the Vendor ID.
 From the GL Transaction Detail report, click Source Code
“426” to drill down to the Accounts Payable Detail report.
The Accounts Payable Detail provides payment information
for a voucher (invoice). See examples #1 and 2 at the end of
this document.
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WebLinks OLFS Reporting – Vendors, Payments, and Liens
Payments, and
Liens using:
 Accounts
Payable Report
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I check the status of an
invoice? How can I tell whether an
invoice has been entered, put on hold,
How can I find out if an invoice or check
request was paid and when it was paid?
How can I tell if a check has been
WebLinks OLFS
Reference Manual
Chapter 6
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On the Accounts Payable report, the Accounting Status
column indicates the status of the invoice. See example #2
at the end of this document.
 Accrual (entered in PeopleSoft but not paid)
 Cancel (canceled)
 Closure (closed)
 Payment (paid)
If the payment is on hold, there is a “Y” in Payment Hold and
the Hold Reason indicates the reason the payment is on
hold. See example #2.
 APV – Invoice is over $2500
 AMD – Pending subcontract amendment
 EFT – Reissue of payment
 OTH – Contact AP for hold reason
 TIN – 1099 hold
 WIR – Wire payment in process
On a regular basis, run a report for your department,
selecting a Hold Status of “Y,” to determine which invoices
are on hold and why.
On the Accounts Payable report, Payment Method (Paper
check or electronic deposit via EFT or ACH), Payment
Date, Payment ID Reference (check number or electronic
reference number) provide information about the payment.
Payment Clear Date is the date the payment cleared our
bank. See examples #1 and #2 at the end of this
WebLinks OLFS Reporting – Vendors, Payments, and Liens
Payments, and
Liens using:
 Accounts
Payable Report
 Purchase Order
 Speed Chart
WebLinks OLFS
Reference Manual
Chapter 6
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I access the check handling
code information?
You can’t see the check handling code in WebLinks. You will
need to contact the CO Solution Center (6-2126) for
How can I tell if there are duplicate
payments of certain invoices? How can
I tell if the payment and cancellation of
checks was posted? How can I find out
the date a check was generated,
canceled or re-issued?
If a payment was canceled, and a new payment generated,
the Accounts Payable report shows the last payment but
does not show the canceled payment.
Contact CO Solution Center at
COSolutionCenter@ucsf.edu or (415) 476-2126 for
assistance with duplicate payments, cancellations, stop
payments, reissues, etc.
How do I cancel a lien?
A lien is created when a Purchase Order is posted.
To cancel a lien, contact LienRemoval@ucsf.edu
Run a Purchase Order Report and enter the purchase order
number in PO Number. Drill down to PO Detail to display
chart string information. See example #3 at the end of this
How do I verify the chart string on a
purchase order?
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WebLinks OLFS Reporting – Vendors, Payments, and Liens
Frequently Asked Questions
What types of PO’s would I see in
A Speedchart is 10 digits (5 numbers followed by a letter
and then 4 letters or numbers, assigned by a department).
For example, 12345D1234.
A P2P purchase order will contain a 10 digit Purchase
Order number (6 digits after 4 leading zeros, e.g.
A BearBuy purchase order will contain a 10 digit
Purchase Order number (starts with a ‘B’, e.g.,
A Blanket PO is a blanket contract # (example:
900000xxxx) and may reference a Speedchart# (example:
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WebLinks OLFS Reporting – Vendors, Payments, and Liens
Example #1 – Accounts Payable Report Using PO ID
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Enter a purchase order number in PO ID
to print a report for vouchers (invoices)
against a specific purchase order.
Select a From and To Invoice Date range
that is broad enough to include all
Select a From and To Entry Date range
that is broad enough to include all
WebLinks OLFS Reporting – Vendors, Payments, and Liens
Example #1- Accounts Payable Report Using PO
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Payment Method – paid by paper check or electronic
deposit via EFT or ACH.
Payment Date – date payment issued.
Payment ID Reference - check number or electronic
reference number.
Payment Clear Date is the date payment cleared our
WebLinks OLFS Reporting – Vendors, Payments, and Liens
Example #2- Accounts Payable Report Using Vendor
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To look up invoices for a vendor, type
a partial value in Vendor Name, and
click Search. Select the vendor and
the Vendor ID is returned to the
option page.
Select the From and To Invoice Date
range that is broad enough to include
all invoices.
Select From and To Entry Date range
that is broad enough to include all
Select Hold Status “On Hold” to
obtain a list of invoices on hold. “All”
provides a list of all invoices that meet
your other criteria.
WebLinks OLFS Reporting – Vendors, Payments, and Liens
Example #2- Accounts Payable Report Using Vendor
Payment Hold and Hold reason indicate if the
payment is on hold and the reason the
payment is on hold.
Click a Voucher ID to drill
down and view chartstring
Accounting Status indicates if the
voucher is paid (Payment), entered in
PeopleSoft but not paid (Accruals),
canceled (Cancel), or closed (Closure).
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Payment Method (Paper check or electronic deposit via
EFT or ACH), Payment Date, Payment ID Ref (check
number or electronic reference number) provide
information on payment. Payment Clear Date is the date
payment cleared our bank.
WebLinks OLFS Reporting – Vendors, Payments, and Liens
Example #2- Accounts Payable Report Using Vendor
Reference is the purchase order number.
DPA, Fund, NCA, and Program Code indicate where the expense was charged.
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WebLinks OLFS Reporting – Vendors, Payments, and Liens
Example #3- Purchase Order Report
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To verify chartstring on
a purchase order, type
in the PO number.
Select a Start Date and
End Date range that is
broad enough to
include the PO.
WebLinks OLFS Reporting – Vendors, Payments, and Liens
Example #3- Purchase Order Report
Click the PO ID to drill down to chartstring information.
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WebLinks OLFS Reporting – Vendors, Payments, and Liens
Example #3- Purchase Order Report
DPA, Fund, NCA, and Program Code indicate where the
expense will be charged.
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