JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 104, NO. Cll, PAGES 25,833-25,851, NOVEMBER 15, 1999 A case study of air-sea interaction during swell conditions A. Smedman,U. H6gstr6m, H. Bergstr6m,and A. Rutgersson Department of Earth Sciences,Meteorology,Universityof Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden K. K. Kahma and H. Pettersson Finnish Institute of Marine Research, Helsinki Abstract. Air-sea interaction data from a situationwith pronouncedunidirectionalswell havebeen analyzed.Measurementsof turbulenceat three levels(t0, 18, and 26 rn above meansealevel)togetherwithdirectional wavebuoydatafromthe siteOstergarnsholm in the Baltic Sea were used.The situation,which lastedfor --•48hours,appearedin the aftermathof a gale. The wind directionduring the swellsituationturned slowlywithin a 90ø sector.Both duringthe gale phaseand the swellphasethe over-waterfetch was >150 km.Thewindspeedduringtheswellphasewastypically 4 rn s-•. Duringtheswellphase a wind maximumnear or below the lowestwind speedmeasuringlevel t0 rn was observed. The netmomentum fluxwasverysmall,resulting in Cz>values--•0.7x 10-3. Throughout the lowest26 m, coveredby the tower measurements,turbulenceintensitiesin all three componentsremainedhigh despitethe low value of the kinematic momentumflux -u'w', resultingin a reductionof the correlationcoefficientfor the longitudinaland vertical velocityfrom its typicalvalue around -0.35 to between-0.2 and 0 (and with some positivevaluesat the highermeasuringlevels),appearingabruptlyat waveageco/Uwequal to 1.2. Turbulencespectraof the horizontalcomponentswere shownnot to scalewith height abovethe water surface,in contrastto vertical velocityspectrafor which sucha variation was observedin the low-frequencyrange. In addition, spectralpeaksin the horizontal windspectra werefoundat a frequency aslowas10-3 Hz. Froma comparison with resultsfrom a previousstudyit was concludedthat this turbulenceis of the "inactive" kind, beingbroughtdown from the upper parts of the boundarylayer by pressure transport. 1. Introduction face shearingstressat a site in the Baltic Sea. The near-surface atmosphericcharacteristics in the STH (1994) studywere very muchthe sameasthosereportedin the above-citedreferences. The air-sea interaction regime characterizedby the dominatingwavestravelingfasterthan the wind (swell)is muchless No wave measurements were available, but as the situation well studied and understood than the situation with a wind appeared in the aftermath of a gale, it was conjecturedthat speedhigherthan the dominantwavespeed.In view of obvious "swell conditions,"here defined as conditionswith co/U•o >applicationsthe interest in situationswith growingwaves is 1.2, prevailed. natural. Nevertheless,as pointed out alreadyby Kitaigorodskii The basicconceptualideafor air-seainteractionduringswell [1973],possiblewidespreadoccurrenceof "supersmoothflow" conditionsis that the surfacewavestransportmomentumup[Donelan,1990]overthe oceancouldbe of considerableinter- ward into the atmosphere,with the aid of pressurefluctuations est from a global climatologicalviewpoint. Observationsof inducedby the waves.That this actuallyoccurs,at least during situationswith very low surfacefriction and even, sometimes, idealized laboratory conditionsover mechanicallygenerated momentum flux directed from the water surface to the atmomonochromaticwaves,has been convincinglydemonstratedin sphereduringconditionswith co/U > 1, where Cois the speed several studies [Harris, 1966; Lai and Shemdin, 1971]. The of the dominatingwavesand U is the wind speedat somelow depth of the atmosphericlayer affectedby this energytransfer height abovethe water surface(typically10 m), were made was found by Lai and Shemdin[1971] to be appreciableand ch•rino qovor•l rn•rine Rc•viet exnediticm•q in the 1970s [Volkov. muchdeeperthan the corresponding depth affectedin the case 1970;Makova, 1975;Benilovet al., 1974]. Similar resultswere of developingwaves (when there is a pressuretransport of reportedfrom measurements over Lake Michiganby Davidson energyin the oppositedirection,i.e., from the atmosphereto and Frank [1973]and from watersoutsidethe Australiancoast thewatersurface).The fieldstudiesreportedbyMakova[1975] by Antonia and Chambers[1980] and Chambersand Antonia seem,in fact, to indicatethat surfacewave-inducedsignatures [1981].Smedmanet al. [1994] (hereinafterreferred to as STH can be traced to appreciableheightsin those conditions. The laboratory studies cited above were conducted over (1994)) carried out an intensivestudyof the entire marine monochromaticwaves, giving rise to a well-defined peak in boundarylayer with the aid of an instrumentedaircraft and spectraof the wind componentsat the samefrequency.With a tower-mountedinstrumentationduringa situationwith no surnatural oceanicwave spectrum,wave forcing occursover a Copyright1999by the AmericanGeophysicalUnion. continuumin frequency.Benilov et al. [1974] carried out a theoretical analysisbased on a simplifiedassumptionof the Paper number 1999JC900213. 0148-0227/99/1999 JC900213 $09.00 interaction 25,833 of turbulence in the airflow with the wave-induced 25,834 SMEDMAN ET AL.: AIR-SEA INTERACTION DURING SWELL OSTERGARNSH TOWER GOTLAND 0 f!6 ø 18ø 5 km 20ø Figure1. Map of theBalticSea,witha close-up of thesiteOstergarnsholm. Thewavebuoyis mooredin 36m deepwater--•4kmto theESEof thetowersiteonOstergarnsholm, having roughly thesamesectorof >150 km unobstructed over-water fetch as the tower site. perturbationsand arrived at spectraltransferfunctionsthat resultin appreciableinfluencesover a broadbandof frequencies,particularlyso for the swellcaseand for the spectrumof vertical velocity.Although Belcherand Hunt [1993] convincingly show that the key assumptionmade by Benilovet al. [1974], i.e., that the "basic"turbulent fluctuationsof the airflow over the wavesare passivelyadvectedalongwavytrajectories,is fundamentallywrongfor the caseof stronglydeveloping waves,the situationrelated to swellconditionsin this respectis not known. In spring 1995 an air-sea interaction researchfacility for long-term measurementsof turbulent fluxes at three levels above the water surface and simultaneous sectorfrom NE to SW in the clockwisesense.The seafloorup to 500 m from the peninsulahasan approximateslopeof 1:30, varyingsomewhatin different directions.About 10 km from the peninsula,the depthis 50 m, reachingbelow 100 m farther out. In section3 the possibleinfluenceof limited depthon the wave field is discussed. The data from a wave rider buoy (run and ownedby the FinnishInstitutefor Marine Research)mooredat 36 m depth ---4km from the tower in the direction115ørepresentthe wave conditionsin the upwind fetch. During the swell period the buoyis exposedto nearlythe samegeneralwaveconditionsas the flux measurements. surface wave mea- The 30 m tower is instrumentedwith slow-response ("profile") sensorsof in-housedesignfor temperature[H6gstr6m, Ostergarnsholm. Themeasurements andthesitearedescribed 1988]and for wind speedand direction[Lundinet al., 1990]at in section 2. From the data set available from this site so far, a the followingheightsabovethe tower base:7, 11.5, 14, 20, and particularsituation,occurringon September18-19, 1995,has 28 m. In addition, humidity was measuredat 7 m above the been chosenfor an analysisof the air-sea interaction mecha- tower base. Turbulent fluctuations were recorded with SOnism during swell conditions.As describedin section3, this LENT 1012R2sonicanemometers(Gill Instruments,Lymingsituation occurredduring a period immediatelyfollowing a ton, United Kingdom)at the heightsof 9, 17, and 25 m above gale,which culminatedduringSeptember15 and 16, resulting the towerbase.The sonicswere calibratedindividuallyin a big in low windsand swell,so that co/U•o -> 1.2. In section4 the wind tunnelprior to beinginstalledon the tower.The calibraturbulencestructureis presented.In section5 the findingsare tion procedureusedis similarto that describedby Grelleand discussed with referenceto previousfindingsin generaland Lindroth [1994],givinga matrix of calibrationconstantswhich thosereportedby STH (1994) in particular. surements was established at a site in the Baltic Sea called correct for flow distortion caused by the instrument itself. From the sonicsignalsthe three orthogonalcomponents of the 2. Site and Measurements wind and virtual temperature(the measuredtemperaturesigThemainmeasuring siteistheislandC)stergarnsholm, situ- nal agreesto within0.20% with thevirtualtemperature[Depuis ated •4 km eastof the big islandof Gotland in the Baltic Sea, et al., 1997]) are obtained. Both profile and turbulencedata are 1 hour averages.In Figure1. C)stergarnsholm is a lowislandwithnotrees.The 1 km long peninsulain the southeasternpart of the islandrises order to removepossibletrends,a high-passfilter basedon a 10 min running averagewas applied to the turbulencetime to no more than a coupleof metersabovemean sea level. A 30 m tower has been erected at the southernmosttip of this seriesprior to calculatingmoments(variancesand covaripeninsula.The baseof the tower is situatedat just about 1 m ances).This procedureamountsto applyinga high-passfilter above mean sea level. The distance from the tower to the shorelinein calm conditionsis only a few tensof metersin the witha cutofffrequency at --•10-3 Hz. A wayto checkthatthis proceduredoes not mean reducingthe measuredvariances SMEDMAN ET AL.' AIR-SEA INTERACTION and covariancesis to produce so-calledogive curves,i.e., to integrate measuredcospectra(derived from the unfiltered time series)from the high-frequency end(in thiscase10 Hz) to successively lower frequenciesn and plot this integral as a functionof n. The resultis a curvewhich normallyrisesmonotonicallywith decreasing frequencyandwhichfinallylevelsout asymptotically. This asymptotegivesthe total covariance.For the swellcasesof this studyit is found that the ogivesattain a plateauat a frequency somewhere in the range2 x 10-3 < Ft< 10--2Hz andthenriseto a finalasymptote at n • 10-3 Hz. These two plateausare likely to representdifferent transport mechanisms. Nevertheless, we have used the lowfrequencyplateauthroughoutto obtainan estimateof the total flux.This meansthat our 10 min runningmean proceduregives accuraterepresentationof the covariancesand hence of the correspondingfluxes. As discussedin section 5, the low-frequencypart of the turbulenceduring swell is likely to be highly influenced by so-called "inactive" turbulence, brought down by pressure transportfrom the upper layersof the boundarylayer to the layersnear the surface.This turbulencedoesnot contributeto the momentumflux but causesrandom variability in the lowfrequencypart of the u, w cospectrum,where u and w are the longitudinaland vertical components,respectively.This is the causeof the large scatterin the plots involvingthe kinematic momentum flux - u ' w '. The measurementsrun continuously,with a samplingfrequencyof 1 Hz for the meteorologicalslow-response (profile) sensorsand 20 Hz for the turbulence signals.Wave data is recordedonce an hour. The directionalspectrumis calculated from 1600 s of data onboard the buoy. The spectrumhas 64 frequencybands(0.025-0.58Hz). The significant waveheight DURING SWELL 25,835 speedof dominantwavesin the footprint, calculatedover the flux footprintof the 10 m measurements (circles)(seeappendicesA andB) and the 26 m measurements (crosses), with the limited depth being accountedfor. From Figure 2c we can see that {Co) for the footprint of turbulentflux measuredat 26 m height(the crosses) doesnot differ noticeablyfrom the deep-waterphasespeed(the stars), except during a short time at the very peak of the gale. As shownin the so-calledfootprint analysisin appendixA, during typicalconditions,90% of the turbulentflux measuredat 26 m height originatesfrom distances>770 m away from the tower. At lower levelsthe footprint of the turbulentflux lies closerto the tower and partly in shallowerwater. Still, Figure 2c shows that duringthe swellperiod, {Co), over all the footprintscorrespondingto the measurementheights10 m and 26 m, is very closeto the deep-watervalue of Co. This appliesalso to the period before the gale. Using the results of Anctil and Donelan [1996], we have estimatedin appendixB that the reductionin {co) (compared with the deep-watervalue) shouldbe larger than that seenin Figure 2c before shoalingwave effectsmanifestthemselvesin the airflow. This result is confirmedin the analysisof turbulencemomentspresentedin section4.2, where no distinctionis found in the plots for caseswhere (Co) is very closeto the deep-watervalue. It is also shownthat the resultsof the analysisare, in effect,independentof measuringheightand thusof differencesin footprint. Our conclusion,therefore, is that during the swellperiod it is very unlikely that the turbulent flux measurementsat any of the three levels are influenced by effects of limited water depth. During the gale these effects seem small, and they cannot alter the significantdifferencesobservedbetween the swellperiod and the pre-swellperiod. While multiple peaks are common in wave spectrain the Baltic Sea, especiallyduringswell,the wave spectraduringthe study period exhibit only one well-defined peak. A typical exampleof a measuredspectrumis presentedin Figure 3 (the top curve).Also shownin Figure 3 is the corresponding Pierson-Moskowitzspectrum[Piersonand Moskowitz,1964] calcu- is calculatedby trapezoidmethodfrom frequencybands0.050.58 Hz, and the peak frequencyis determinedby a parabolic fit. The meteorologicalmeasurementshavebeen runningsemicontinuouslyfrom May 1995. Wave data have been recorded semi-continuously duringthe sameperiod but with breaksduring wintertime periodswith risk for ice damage. For the present analysisof swell, data have been chosen from one particular situation, September 18-19, 1995, with lated for the samewind speed,4 m s-•, as that measured due referencealsoto the high-windperiod precedingthe swell locally. Figure 3 showsthat swell energy dominatesthe specsituation itself, as described in detail in section 3. trum, and up to 0.6 Hz, the wave spectrumis higher than the maximum spectrumthat can be generatedby the local wind. The swellhasbeen generatedseveralhoursearlier -100 km to 3. General Characteristics the southby the higherwind that was blowingat that time. By of the Measuring Situation the time the wavesarrivedat the measuringpoint the wind had Figure 2a shows,for the time periodSeptember14-19, 1995, decayed,and the waveshad turned into swell.The shorterlocal the variationof the wind speed(starsand left-handscale)and waves(the shadedspectrumin Figure3) were generatedby the significant waveheight(circlesandright-handscale),Figure2b weaker local wind from the SE. The directional spreading presentswind directionand dominantwavedirection,and Fig- between0.27 and 0.5 Hz is therefore higherthan normal. This ure 2c eives the vhase sveed of the dominatin• wave. The wind confirms that at those frequencies the spectrum is the sum of increased at firstto a maximum of- 16m s- • onSeptember 15, the two wave systems:the fully developedlocalwavesand the followedby a decrease to -4 m s-• on September 18 and19. superimposedswell.During September18 and 19 there were The wind direction(Figure 2b, stars)duringthe period Sep- periodswhenwind andwavedirectionswereveryclose(Figure tember 14-17 was -90 ø, turning to between 110ø and 200ø during the last two daysof the period. With referenceto the descriptionof the site in section2 it is clear that the wind was from the sectorwhere the upwindfetch was over 150 km. As previouslystated,the presentstudywill concentrateon results from the last 2 days.The phasespeedplot, Figure 2c, shows boththe phasespeedof dominantwavesin deepwater (stars), which is expected to equal the deep-water value, and a weightedmean phasespeed(Co) that representsthe phase 2b) but also periodswith deviationsas large as 60ø. In the analysespresentedin section4.2, data from this period have been dividedinto two groupsaccordingto whether the deviation between wind and wave direction is less than or larger than 30 ø. Figure 4 showsthe wind gradientevaluatedat 10 m (in the followingtext, "height" alwaysrefersto height abovemean sea level)for the entireperiodSeptember14-19. The gradientwas derived at the lowest turbulence level, 10 m, from a best fit 25,836 SMEDMAN ET AL.' AIR-SEA INTERACTION DURING SWELL 20 It 4.5 18 16 -4 14- -3.5 •% 12- • • 0(9 .% o -3 o E •E1o •o o •o -2 o 6 -1.5 o **'-1 2 0 14 15 16 17 18 19 0 20 September 1995 350 - b 300 - 250 - 200 15O - o IO0 © o o o© o o 14 15 16 17 18 19 September 1995 Figure 2. (a) HourlymeanwindspeedU at 10 m abovemeansealevel,denotedby stars,and significant waveheightH s, denotedbycircles,duringthetimeperiodSeptember 14-19, 1995.(b) Winddirectionat 10m, denotedby stars,anddominantwavedirection,denotedby circles,duringthe sametimeperiodasin Figure 2a. (c) Phasespeedof dominantwavesco. Deep-watervaluesaredenotedbystars,andweightedmeanvalues overthe fluxfootprintare denotedfor the 10 m measurements by circlesandfor the 26 m measurements by crosses (seeappendixB for details). log-lin plot of wind speedmeasuredat the five heightsmenThe kinematicmomentumflux - u' w' dropsto very small tioned in section2. Note that the gradientis negativefor most values (aroundor below0.01m2 s-2) at -2000 localstandard of the time duringSeptember18-19. This meansthat the wind time (LST) on September17 andstaysat that low levelfor the profile has a maximumat a heightbelow 10 m. It is natural to remainingperiod.As noted above,the wind gradientbecomes interpretthis localwind speedincreaseas the effectof a "wave- negativeor very smallat the sametime as the momentumflux drivenwind";comparethe laboratoryresultof Harris[1966]and dropsto valuesnear zero. the field resultfrom Lake Ontarioof Donelan[1990]. Stabilitywas closeto neutral duringthe high-windperiod SMEDMAN ET AL.: AIR-SEA INTERACTION DURING SWELL 25,837 13 12 11 xx xX x•% e' xxx 4 x x ß ooo x 0 0 xXX 0 C•oO 0 o o - o o o I 6 14 I I I I 16 17 18 19 20 September 1995 Figure 2. (continued) /• N (September 14-17). During September 18-19 the sensible heat flux was positivebut numericallysmall. As discussedin section5, it is doubtful whether it is meaningfulto attempt a stabilitycorrectionduringthoseconditions.Calculationof Hs =0.7 rn for the swellperiodgivesa meanof --•0.7x 10-3, withlarge E 0.25- •no-H•z 0.19 scatter. Here Cr, is defined in the usual manner as Cr, = (u./U•o) 2, whereU•o iswindspeedat 10m. ß• 0.20- In Figure 5, hourlymeanvaluesof the verticalwind gradient at 10 m (derivedfrom 5 levelsof wind speedmeasurements) have been plotted as a function of wind speedfor the same height for the entire time period of wind increaseand subsequent decrease(compareFigure 2). The curveswith arrows drawnby handto fit the data indicatethe directionof evolution with time. A pronouncedhysteresis effect is found.Thus dur- '- 0.15- 0.10 - ing the stageof increasing wind a wind speedof 7 m s-• corresponds to a windgradient of --•0.05s-•, ascompared to a valueof just0.01s- • for thesamewindspeedduringdecreasing wind conditions.Again, it is seenin thisplot that the wind gradientbecomesnegativefor most of the time during September 18 and 19. 1130 4. Turbulence Characteristics 4.1. Turbulence Kinetic Energy Budget In stationaryand horizontallyhomogeneousconditionsthe 25 turbulence kineticenergybudget(theTKE budget)attainsthe 0 0.0 I I 0.2 0.4 form [Moninand Yaglom,1971]: 0.6 Frequency n (Hz) Figure 3. An exampleof wavespectrumwith meandirection and spreadingversusfrequencyduringthe swellperiod. The smaller shadedspectrumis the Pierson-Moskowitzspectrum [Pierson andMoskowitz,1964]for fully developedwavesat 4 m OU g 0 w' e'2 1 0 u'w'Oz ToW'O' v+ Oz 2 + po•p 'w' + õ O, P B Tt Tp (1) • where e2/2= •(u2 + v2 + w2) istheturbulent kinetic s- • windspeed,,-u'w' is the kinematicmomentumflux, w' O'vis the 25,838 SMEDMAN ET AL.: AIR-SEA INTERACTION DURING SWELL 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 -O.O2 -0 O4 , 14 15 16 17 18 -19 September 1995 Figure 4. Wind gradient at 10 m, derivedfrom cup anemometermeasurementsat five levelsfor the time period September14-19, 1995.Note that negativegradientsprevailduringmostof the swellperiod,September 18-19. kinematicheat flux, or, more precisely,the flux of virtual po- (B < 0) or destruction(B > 0) of TKE by buoyancy;Tt, tential temperature.To, mean temperature(in Kelvin) of the turbulenttransport of TKE; Tp, pressure transport of TKE; surfacelayer; #, accelerationdue to gravity;9o, air densityat and 5, molecularrate of dissipationof TKE. temperature T O. The physical interpretation of the various Figure 6 showsthe terms of the TKE budgetfor the time terms in (1) is as follows:P, mechanicalproductionof TKE periodwith swell,September18-19, 1995.The termsP and B from the mean flow; B = -(#/To)(w'O'•, ), production were evaluated from the turbulence measurements at 10 m and 0.16 , , , 4 6 • 8 0.14 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 0 04 o o2 -0.02 -004 2 • •0 1 •2 1 • 14 • 16 18 U (m/s) Figure 5. Estimatedvaluesof hourlymeanwindspeedgradientat 10 m (determinedfrom cupanemometer measurements at fivelevels)for the entiretime periodSeptember14-19, 1995,plottedasa time sequence in the directionindicatedby the arrowsand as a functionof wind speedat 10 m. Stars,September14; phis, September15; crosses, September16; pluses,September17; solidcircles,September18; and opencircles, September19. SMEDMAN ET AL.: AIR-SEA INTERACTION DURING SWELL 25,839 X 10'3 18 19 September 1995 Figure 6. Turbulence energybudget at 10 m for the time period with swell, September 18-19, 1995. B, buoyancy production; P, mechanical production; e, dissipation; Tp, pressure transport term;andTt, turbulent transport term.Valuesareto the 10-3 power. co/U•o < 1.2 the correlation coefficient has its usual value found in near-neutral atmosphericsurface layers over land, 18 m. The dissipationterm e was obtainedfrom inertial sub- -0.35 _ 0.05. For swell conditionsof the last two days,ruw range levelsof longitudinalvelocityspectra,assuminga value attainsvaluesbetween -0.20 and 0. Note the rapid transition of 0.52 for the Kolmogoroff spectralconstanta [HOgstrOm, in the value of ruw at co/U•o = 1.2, the wave age at which the 1990].The pressure transporttermTp wasassumed to equal wavesbecomefully developedaccordingto Piersonand Mosthe imbalance.This is a reasonableassumption,considering kowitz [1964]. As illustratedby the mean valuespresentedin that changesin the turbulenceenergywere sometimespositive Table 1, the situationis exactlythe sameat 18 and at 26 m; see and sometimesnegative,with no indication of a systematic also Figure 7b, which showsthe situation for the 26 m level. time rate of changeduring the time period of swell studied The observedtrend of ruw with wave age is in agreementwith here; nor were any systematicadvectivechangesobserved. earlier findings,i.e., Kitaigorodskii[1973] and Makova [1975]. Concerninginterpretation of the pressuretransport term, see Most previousstudiesof this quantitywere, however,made at section 5. a fairly low height abovethe water surface.Note that there is From Figure 6 it is first of all seenthat mechanicalproduc- no significantdifference between the two groups during the tion of turbulent kinetic energy is close to zero during the swell period representingsmall and large deviation between entire period.The two dominatingsourcetermsare buoyancy wind and wave direction, nor do the data points representing production B andpressure transportTp. The followingmean "pregaleconditions"(circles)standout amongthe other data values are obtained for the entire swell period, September for "youngwave conditions."The reasonfor the drop of -ruw 18-19,1995: P = 0.08x 10-3 m2s-3, Tp= -0.47 x 10-3 with wave age is very probably the dominance of so-called m2 s-3, Tt = -0.10 x 10-3 m2 s-3,B = -0.62 x 10-3 m2 inactive turbulenceduring swell, as discussedin detail in sec- from mean wind profile fits. The turbulencetransportterm T t was derived from measurements of w'e '2 at the levels 10 and s-3, and e = 1.11 x 10-3 m2 s-3. 4.2. Turbulence The correlation tion 5. Moments coefficient between u and w is defined r•w= u'w'/rruO'w, (2) where - u'w' = u,2, the kinematicmomentumflux;o-u, the standard deviation of the longitudinalwind component;and O-w,the standarddeviation of the vertical wind component. Figure 7a shows,for 10 m, ruw plotted againstwave age co/U•o (actually,(co/U•o), where anglebracketsdenotethe weightedmean, but for conveniencewe drop the anglebrackets from here on). During the period September14-17 when Figure 8 shows,for 10 m, rrw/U, as a function ofco/U•o. As illustratedby the mean valuespresentedin Table 2, the result is very much the samefor the other two measuringheights,18 and 26 m. This quantityhasits normalneutralvalueof --1.2 for co/U•o < 1.2 and valuesabout double that for swellconditions.Again, note the rapid transitionat the fully developed wave age co/U•o = 1.2. Also, in this plot there is no systematic differencebetween swell caseswith small and large deviation betweenwind and wave direction or for the pregale data during the phasewith co/U•o < 1.2. Exactlysimilarincreases asfor rrw/U, are found for the normalizedstandarddeviations of the two horizontal components,rr•,/u, and rr•,/u, (not 25,840 SMEDMAN ET AL.: AIR-SEA INTERACTION DURING SWELL ruw 0 i I i + -0.05 i x i + x x x -0.1 x x + XX -0.15 young waves + + Xx swell + x x x + x x -0.2 + x x -0.25 -0.3 -0.35 -0.4 -0.45 0.5 • •5 1 • 1. 2 • • 2.5 3 3.5 2.5 3 3.5 co/U10 ruw 0.2 i 0.1 0 young waves -0.1 swell _ -0.2 - -0.3 )I• • -0.4 -0.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 co/U10 Figure 7. (a) Correlationcoefficientr•,w = u'w'/(%,trw) for 10 m plotted as a functionof the waveage parameterco/U•o (whereCohasbeencalculatedasweightedmeansoverthe fluxfootprintfor the 10 m level, seeappendixB). Circles,data from the pregaleperiod duringSeptember14; stars,data from the galeperiod September14-17; pluses,data from September18 and 19, with wind-waveangle difference<30ø; crosses, sameas pluses,but with wind-waveangledifferencebetween30ø and 60ø. (b) Sameas Figure7a but from measurements at 26 m and with Cocalculatedas weightedmeansover the flux footprintfor this level. Note that here no distinctionis made betweenthe three data categoriesof Figure 7a. shownhere). Thusthe normalizedturbulenceenergyincreases 4.3. Spectral Characteristics In a near-neutralsurfacelayer over land, spectraof atmoby a factor of 3 to 4 for co/U•o > 1.2 comparedto its normal value. In section5 it is explainedhow this result is a conse- sphericvariablesscalelinearlywith the heightabovethe surquenceof the flow being dominatedby inactiveturbulence. face [Kaimalet al., 1972].During the period of increasingwind SMEDMAN ET AL.: AIR-SEA INTERACTION DURING SWELL 25,841 Table 1. Mean Values and StandardDeviationsfor the Correlationruw for the Three MeasuringHeightsand for Young Waves(co/U•o < 1.2) and Swell(co/U•o > 1.2) 10 m co/U•o < 1.2 co/U•o > 1.2 18 m 26 m ruw s.d. N ruw s.d. N r,w s.d. N -0.34 -0.14 0.04 0.07 57 33 -0.38 -0.17 0.05 0.07 57 33 -0.34 -0.10 0.05 0.11 57 33 N, numberof measuringhoursfor eachcategory. in September 1995 this was also found to be the case for Twenty-fourhour mean u, v, and w spectraare shownin spectra measured at Ostergarnsholm (notshown here).Such Figure 11. Possibleweak wave influencesmay be noted. Thus scalingis not obtainedduringthe swellperiod. Figure 9 shows an exampleof the longitudinalvelocity spectrumnSu(n), wheren is frequency,plottedagainstn for the threemeasuring heights10, 18, and 26 m. It is clearthat the spectraare virtually independentof height (the pointsrepresentingthe two lowest frequenciesbeingvery uncertain,for statisticalreasons).An exactly similar picture is obtained for the spectrumof the lateralcomponent nSv(n) (not shownhere). The spectrumfor the vertical componentnSw(n) differs in a systematicway from this picture,as shownin Figure 10. For this component the high-frequency part of the spectrum(aboven • 0.1 Hz) is also independentof height. The spectrallevel of the lowfrequencypart varies,however,systematically with height.The presentresultfor the horizontalandverticalvelocityspectrais in total agreement with the findings from measurements throughoutthe boundarylayerin the studyby STH (1994), as discussed in detail in section 5. the vertical velocity spectrumhas a wide plateau, and the horizontalvelocityspectrahavean inflectionor evena "bump" near the peak wave frequencyno, as indicatedin Figure 11. 4.4. Quadrant Analysis Quadrantanalysisis a conditionalsamplingtechniqueoriginally developedfor turbulent laboratory flows by Lu and Willmarth[1973].It separatesthe fluxesinto four categories, accordingto the signof the two fluctuatingcomponents.Thus, with the two componentsdenotedx andy and numberingthe quadrantsaccordingto mathematicalconvention,we have for the x-y plane: quadrant I x > 0, y > 0 quadrant II x < 0, y > 0 quadrant III x < 0, y < 0 Ow/U. 3.5 x 2.5 _ young waves swell x x + Xx XxX++X x 1.5 x ++ xx x + 1I o 0.5 1 1. 2 215 3 co/U1o Figure 8. NormalizedverticalvelocitystandarddeviationCrw/U.for 10 m plotted as a functionof the wave ageparameterco/U•o (whereco hasbeencalculatedasweightedmeansoverthe flux footprintfor the 10 m level,seeappendixB). Circles,datafrom the pregaleperiodduringSeptember14; stars,datafrom the gale period September14-17; pluses,data from September18 and 19, with wind-waveangle difference-<30ø; crosses,sameas for crosses,but with wind-waveangledifferencebetween30ø and 60ø. Note that the data set includesthree additionaldatapointswith co/U•o valuesbetween2 and 3 and Crw/U.between5 and 6, i.e., out of range of the plot. 25,842 SMEDMAN ET AL.: AIR-SEA INTERACTION DURING SWELL Table 2. Mean Values and StandardDeviationsfor rrw/u, for the Three Measuring Heightsand for Young Waves(co/U•o < 1.2) and Swell(co/U•o > 1.2) 10 m co/U•o < 1.2 co/U•o > 1.2 18 m 26 m rrw/U, s.d. N rrw/U, s.d. N rrw/U, s.d. N 1.16 2.15 0.04 1.02 57 33 1.18 1.91 0.09 0.52 57 33 1.28 2.84 0.13 1.42 57 33 N, number of measuringhoursfor each category. quadrant IV regionin the quadrantanalysis.By progressively increasingthe magnitudeof H the importanceof eventsexhibitingincreas- x > 0, y < 0, wherey = w andx = u, or 0 (0v, actually,but for the present inglylargevaluesof Ix'y'l can be determined within each purposethe distinctionis of little relevance)in our case.Pos- quadrant. itive contributions to the kinematic momentum flux - u' w' are FollowingRaupach [1981], a flux fraction Sir•, where subobtained for quadrant II events(ejections,i.e., momentum scripti refersto the quadrantnumber,is definedas deficitbeingtransportedupward)and for quadrantIV events s,,, = [ x 'y ' ] i,,/x'y ' , (4) (sweeps,i.e., momentumexcess beingtransporteddownward), whereasthere are negativecontributionsfor quadrantI (out- where the bracketssignifya conditionalaverage.This condiward interaction)and quadrantIII (wallwardinteraction).For tionalaverageis formallydefinedusinga conditioningfunction the heatflux,w' O'v quadrantsI andIII givepositivecontributions. IiH which obeys The importanceof relativelyshort-livedlargevaluesof the IiH = momentsx'y' may be seen by estimatingthe importanceof these eventsto the total flux and by comparingthis with the fractionof time theselargevaluesoccur.This is accomplished 0, otherwise. by determiningthe cumulativefrequencydistributionsof the Then, the conditionallyaveragedstressbecomes fluxeswhen keepingvalueslargerthan somegivenfractionof the averageflux. This is equivalentto usingthe hyperbolic hole, introducedby Willmarthand Lu [1974].The sizeH of the [x'y']iH = liminf7 x'y'(t)I,H(t) dt. (5) 1,ifthe point (x', y') lies in the ith quadrant and •c'y' I-> H•c'y' hole is defined as S: Ix'y' I/Ix'y'l, (3) Sincethe stressfractionsare normalizedquantities,it is clearthat where the point (x', y') lies on the hyperbolawhichbounds the wholeregionin thex-y plane.The hyperbolichole is shown as the hatched area in Figure 12 and becomesan excluded 4 • Si,0= 1. 26 rn 18m c- 0'2 lorn lO• 10-4 i 10'3 i 10ø2 I -1 10-'• , i ...... 1 10ø n(s ) Figure 9. Exampleof longitudinalvelocityspectra,nSu(n) from 10 m (stars),18 m (circles),and 26 m (crosses) for a particular30 min period(September18 around0100localstandardtime (LST)) plottedon a logarithmicscaleagainstlog n, wheren is frequency(Hz). (6) SMEDMAN ET AL.' AIR-SEA INTERACTION DURING SWELL 25,843 10-2 26 18m 10-3- 10m 10-4 10-4 10 -3 10 -2 n(•1) 10 '• I no t0ø 10• Figure 10. Exampleofverticalvelocityspectra, nSw(n) from10m (stars),18m (circles),and26 m (crosses), for a particular30 min period(September18 around0100LST) plottedon a logarithmicscaleagainstlogn, wheren is frequency(Hz). The no indicatesthe frequencyof the peak in the wavespectrum. Figures13a-13d showexamplesof cumulativedistributions in the four quadrantsfor -u'w' (Figures13aand 13b)andfor w' O'v(Figures13c and 13d) at the lowestmeasuringheight, 10 m. Note thatH, by definition,is alwayspositive.Thishasthe consequence for the compositequadrantplots of Figure 13a13d that H increasesfrom the centerline towardthe right for quadrantsI andIV and towardthe left for quadrantsII and III. Note alsothat the stressfractionsSill (Figures13a and 13b) are positivefor quadrantsII andIV but negativefor quadrants I and III. For the heat flux plots, Figures 13c and 13d, the corresponding heat flux fractionis positivefor quadrantsI and III and negativefor quadrantsII and IV. To exemplify,take Figure 13a,which showsthe momentum flux analysisfor youngwaves,and extract first the stressfrac- l 100 2 EJECTION x 10-1 OR BURST I OUTWARD INTERACTION lu'w'l- H lu'w'l 10-2 o o o o o o o o •o• • •I l o o o 10-• 10-4 I •o'• I INWARD I •c/• •c; I n(s-1) •oø no Figure 11. The 24 hour mean (from September18, 1995) INTERACTION 3 SWEEP OR GUST 4 velocityspectra,nS..... (n) for the horizontalcomponents u (closedcircles)and v (crosses) andfor theverticalcomponent Figure 12. Longitudinaland verticalvelocityfluctuationdow (opencircles)for 10 m plottedon a logarithmicscaleagainst main showingthe quadrantsand the hyperbolicexcludedrelog n. Also indicatedin Figure 11 is the peak wavefrequency gion(hatchedarea).H, sizeof the hyperbolichole.After Shaw no during the measurementperiod. et al. [1983]. 25,844 SMEDMAN ET AL.' AIR-SEA INTERACTION 1.0 -1.0 0.8 -0.8 S 2H 2nd qu. 81H 1stqu. o 0.6 -0.6 oO c0.4 / .o -0.4 • i.2.___.._ E ++ • -0.4 S 3H 0.2 + + + 3d qu. 04 + -0.6 S4H 4thqu + 06 + -0.8 • -1.0 30 0.8 10 20 10 Figures13a and 13c are from September15, when the wind was increasingand co/U1o = 0.90; Figures13b and 13d are from September 18, with co/U1o = 3.33. For young wave conditionsthe plot for -u'w' (Figure 13a) hasrelativelylarge contributionsfrom the ejectionand sweepquadrantsII and IV, respectively,comparedwith the much smaller contributions from the interactionquadrantsI and III, in generalagreement with what is typicallyfound overland. For swellconditionsthe - u'w' plot (Figure 13b) differs strikinglyfrom the correspondingplot for co/U1o = 0.90 (Figure 13a). Thus the interactionquadrantsare almostaslarge as the sweepand ejection quadrants.This result is in general agreementwith the findingsof ChambersandAntonia [1981].In addition,all four curvesof Figure 13b are much spread out, indicating that infrequentbut intenseeventsof fluxesof both signsplay a big role in the transportprocess,resultingin nearlyzero net flux. The corresponding plots for the heat flux, Figures13c and 13d, are also different from each other, but here a strong relative accentuationof the role of quadrantI resultswhen the -0.2 2 • 0 10 Hole s•ze, H 20 30 Hole size, H 2.5 -1.0 1.0 -0.8 0.8 -2.5 82H 2ndqu. 1.5 DURING SWELL o SIH 1st qu. -0.6 -1.5 x .o¸ x x o SIH S 2H x x 1 ooOøø 0.5 2ndqu' -0.4 x • -0.5 -0.2 xx 1stqu. •x. .... 0.4 0.2 . x XXXXXxxxx x x --= o -r' -0.5 0.2 +++--0.5 -0.4 0.4 +* S4H S 3H S3H *+* •+ -1.5 -0.6 1.5 +++++* -0.8 0.8 -2..0_ 30 4th qu 3d qu. 0.6 S4H 4thqu. 2.0 20 10 Hole s•ze, H 0 10 20 30 1.0 30 Hole size, H 20 d 1.0 the flux occursin eventsmore than 10 times the averageflux and that out of this, 0.2/0.28 •- 70% occursin ejections,i.e., quadrant II events. 0.8 -0.8 -0.6 2nd qu. •< 1stqu. x 8 2H 0.6 SIH x x -0.4 0.4 x 0.2 -0.2 XXXXxv )+++; ',',•',',i',',I',','• :•I,:: 0 tion values for the various quadrantsfor hole size H = 0. Figure13agives,approximately, S•,o = -0.17, S2,o= 0.65, S3,o = -0.38, andS4,o= 0.90, the sumof whichis 1.0,as statedby (6). For H = 10 the corresponding approximate flux fractionsare S•,•o = -0.02, S2,o= 0.20, S3,o = -0.02, andS4,o= 0.12. Thesumof thisis0.28,meaning that28%of 3O Hole s•ze, H Hole s•ze, H Figure 13. Examplesof quadrantanalysisfor 10 m (a) and (c) from an hourwith youngwaves,co/U•o = 0.90 (September 15, 1500 LST) and (b) and (d) from an hour with swell, co/U•o -- 3.33 (September18, 2000 LST). Figures13a and 13b refer to the momentumflux and Figures13c and 13d refer to the kinematicheat flux. Figures13a-13d giveflux fractions SiN, equation(4), in the four quadrantsi againsthole sizeH, equation(3). Note that H, by definition,is positivefor all quadrantsand that in the momentumflux plots,Figures13a and 13b,the signof Si• is positivefor quadrantsII and IV and negativefor quadrantsI and III and that the corresponding signsare reversedin the heat flux plots,Figures13c and 13d. -1.0 10 10 0.2 -0.2 0.4 -0.4 84H S 3H 0.6 4th qu 3d qu. -0.8 0.8 1.0 30 -0.6 2'0 1'0 Hole size, H 1'0 2'0 Hole size, H Figure 13. (continued) -1.0 3O SMEDMAN ET AL.: AIR-SEA INTERACTION Table 3. Ratiosfor MomentumFlux [(II + IV)/(I + III)]Hm and for Heat Flux [(I + III)/(II + IV)]Hh for 10 and 26 m and For Young Wave (co/U•o = 0.89) and Swell (co/U•o = 2.04) Conditions co/U•o DURING SWELL 25,845 of -0.35 to a value between0.2 and 0. (3) Most of the time there is a wind speedmaximumbelow a heightof 10 m above the mean water level, a phenomenoninterpretedas a wavedrivenwind speedincrease.(4) The characteristicchangesto the turbulence structure mentioned under feature 2 are ob- served equally clearly at 10 and at 18 and 26 m. (5) The Sea Level, m H 0.89 2.04 turbulenceenergybudget at 10 m is dominatedby two gain terms of approximatelyequal magnitude,pressuretransport, Momentum Flux and buoyancy,whereasthe local mechanicalproductionand 10 0 3.1 _+ 0.4 1.5 _+ 0.3 turbulent transport terms are very small numerically.(6) 5 7.9 _+ 2.5 1.7 +_ 0.5 10 17.6 +_ 7.7 2.0 _+ 0.9 Wave-relatedsignaturesin energyspectraand cospectraare 26 0 2.8 _+ 0.7 1.5 +_ 0.5 not verypronouncedat anyof the measuringlevels.(7) Quad5 6.6 _+ 3.2 1.6 _+ 0.5 rant analysisof the momentum flux showsthat flux contribu10 14.6 _+ 8.3 2.0 _+ 1.0 tionsfrom the interactionquadrantsbecomealmostas big as Heat Flux the sumof sweepsand ejectionsfor high-waveageconditions, 10 0 3.3 _+ 0.8 8.1 _+ 0.6 makingthe net flux numericallysmall;no suchcorresponding 5 9.3 _+5.6 o• effect is observedin quadrantanalysisof the heat flux. In that 10 19 +_ 12 o• 26 0 3.3 _+ 0.5 6.0 _+ 2.6 case,instead,the relative contributionof quadrantI to the 5 9.4 +_ 4.0 29 _+ 14 transportprocessincreasesdramatically. 10 24 +_ 13 o• The above picture for the momentum flux is in general agreement with previousfindingsin similarsituations[Volkov, The figuresare meanvalues,derivedfrom hourlymeansfor periods Height Above ' of -48 hours duration each, with standard deviations. Roman numer- 1970; Makova, 1975; Antonia and Chambers, 1980; Chambers als denote quadrantnumber, and H is hole size. andAntonia, 1981].As noted in section4, previousmeasurementswere mainlyconfinedto relativelylow heightsabovethe water surface, and in none of these studies were there simul- wave age increases.Chambersand Antonia [1981] observeno changein the form of their heat flux quadrantplotswhentheir c/u, increasesfrom -•40 to 80, but their analysisis basedon just a few cases.The pattern illustratedin Figures13a-13d is very persistentin the present data set. This is illustrated by the analysis presentedin Table 3. Shownin Table 3 are the ratios [(II + IV)/(I + III)]Hm for--u'w' and [(I + IXI)/(II + IV)]nh for w' O'v,whereromannumeralsdenotequadrantnumbers,H is hole size, and m and h denote momentum and heat flux, taneous measurements of turbulent characteristics at several levels.Thus it is a new findingof this studythat the turbulence "anomalies"during swell (compared to young wave conditions)are actuallyobservedto occurin a layerextendingto at least 26 m. In fact, there are no indications in the data of a gradualdecreaseof the "degreeof anomaly"within this layer. 5.2. PossibleLinks to Processesin the Deep Boundary Layer respectively.All data from September14 and 15 have been As mentionedin section1, the meteorologicalregime studtaken togetherin one group,havinga meanvaluefor co/U•o of ied by STH (1994) had all the characteristics of previousstud0.89, and all data from September18 and 19 are in another iesduringswellconditions.There were,unfortunately,no wave groupwith a mean co/U•o of 2.04. Resultsare given for three measurements to confirmthat, actually,co/U > 1.2. The fact hole sizesH - 0, 5, and 10. For the momentum flux, Table 3 shows that for 10 m and co/U•o = 0.89 the ratio increasesfrom -•3 to -•18 when the that the situationoccurredin the aftermathof a galeis, how- hole size increasesfrom 0 to 10, whereasit is in the range between 1.5 and 2 for co/U•o = 2.04, thus showingthe stronglyincreasinginfluenceof the interactionquadrantswith increasingwave age and increasinghole size. The pattern is verymuchthe samefor 26 m. For the heat flux the ratio [(I + III)/(II + IV)]nh changesfrom 3 to 20 whenH increasesfrom 0 to 10 for the youngwave case.For the swellcasethe ratio is between6 and 8 for H - 0 andvery largefor H -> 5. Also for the heat flux the pattern remains largely unchangedwith the occurrence of simultaneous height. 5. 5.1. Discussion Summary of Results ever,strong indirectevidence thatthiswasactually thecase. The uniquefeatureof the studydescribed by STH (1994)is airborne and tower-mounted measurements.During a period of-•5 hours the momentum flux was observedto be slightlypositivenot only in the tower measurementsat a height of 22 m but throughoutthe lowest 100-200 m layerof the atmosphere,asrevealedfrom flightlegs at 30, 60, 90, 150, and 200 m above the water surface. Wind speedwasbetween 2 and3 m s- • throughout thelowest500m. In spiteof thisvirtual absenceof shearingstressat the surface, turbulenceintensitywas high, giving,in fact, almostconstant rate of dissipationthroughoutthe bulk of the boundarylayer or, more precisely,up to a height of 700 m. Figure 14, whichis reproducedfrom STH (1994), presents the terms of the turbulence energy budget for the entire boundarylayer. Figure 14a showsthe mechanicalproduction term P, dissipation•, turbulenttransportterm Tt, and the buoyancyproductionterm B, whereasFigure 14b showsthe imbalanceterm (solid curve in the right-handpart of the The most strikingfeaturesof the presentstudyare the following:(1) For valueslargerthan 1.2 for the waveageparameter co/U•o the shearingstressat and near the surface becomesstronglysuppressed,-u'w' taking on values smaller graph),interpreted as pressure transportTp. Note that all than0.01m2 s-2, thecorresponding average Co valuebeing terms,includingthe pressuretransportterm derivedfrom the -•0.7 x 10-3. (2) Theturbulent intensities of allthreevelocity airbornemeasurements, extrapolatenicelyto the independent componentsremain high, so that the modulusof the correla- tower measurements at 22 m. tion coefficientfor u andw dropsfromitstypicalnormalvalue The relative role of the various terms of the turbulence 25,846 SMEDMAN ET AL.: AIR-SEA INTERACTION DURING SWELL z/z i 1.0 (a) 0.8 0.6 O.4 0.2 I 5 & 13, 3 2 LOSS I O 13 •, 1 0 -1 I I I -2 -3 -½ GA!N (m2- s-3) . -5 .10-• zlz i 1.0 (b) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 o0 • ' nce • I I 2 4 6 ! U(ms'1) • 0 -1 !o -2 GAIN I ! -4 -3 (m25'3 ) -5 lO-; Figure 14. Turbulenceenergybudgetestimatesfrom the studyof STH (1994). (a) Mean profilesof the varioustermsof the turbulenceenergybudgetthat were directlyderivedfrom airborneslantprofiles(curves) and mast measurements(circles).(b) Right-handpart: imbalanceobtainedwhen summingup the directly measuredtermsfrom slantprofiles(solidcurve),horizontalflightlegs(dashedcurvewith crosses), and mast measurements (circle).Dashedcurvewith trianglesis the time rate of changeterm derivedfrom profilesat 0900 and 1130LST. Left-handpart: Mean wind profile.Samenotationsasin Figure6; zi denotesthe height of the mixed layer. After Smedmanet al. [1994]. energybudgetfor the layerscloseto the surfacegivenby STH (1994) are very much the same as observedin the present study:Mechanicalproductionis closeto zero,whichis alsothe casefor turbulent transport.The pressuretransportterm and buoyancyproductionthus make up most of the energygain, being balancedby dissipation.In Figure 14 it is clearly seen that the net sourceof turbulentenergyis mechanicalproduction in the upperhalf of the boundarylayer;buoyancy production, which is a gain near the surface,beinga lossthroughout the bulk of the boundarylayer. The turbulencecharacteristics of the boundarylayerstudied by STH (1994) bear all the characteristics of a convectively mixedboundarylayer [Kaimalet al., 1976].However,the similarity is only formal, with the height of the boundarylayerzi being the characteristiclength scale.It was shownthat this boundary layer is not driven by thermal convectionbut by large-scale turbulencethat wasproducedin the upperlayersin the boundarylayer and broughtdownto lower heightsby the pressuretransportmechanism. It wasarguedthat thisphenomenon must be identical to inactive turbulence, which was first identifiedby Townsend[1961] and Bradshaw[1967] in laboratory flow. H6gstr6m[1990] showedthat inactiveturbulenceis likely to be universallypresent in near-neutral atmospheric boundarylayer flow (explaining,e.g.,why the correlationcoefficient between u and w in the near-neutral atmospheric surfacelayeris about -0.35 rather than -0.5 astypicallyfound in turbulentlaboratoryboundarylayer flow). As the conceptof activeand inactiveturbulenceis crucialto the interpretationof the presentflow regime,a brief summary of the general characteristicsof these phenomenais given SMEDMAN ET AL.: AIR-SEA INTERACTION here. Townsend[1961,p. 116] introducedthe conceptof active and inactiveturbulencein a boundarylayer thus:"(i) Active turbulencewhich is responsiblefor the turbulent transfer and determinedby the stressdistributionand (ii) an inactivecomponentwhich doesnot transfermomentumor interactwith the universalcomponent."Inactive turbulenceis characterizedby the following:(1) It doesnot interactwith the activeturbulence in the inner layer (the surfacelayer). (2) It does not contributeto the shearingstress.(3) It arisesin the upperpart of the boundarylayer.(4) It is of relativelylargescale.(5) It is partly due to the irrotational field created by pressurefluctuationsin the boundarylayer and partly due to the large-scale vorticity field of the outer layer seen as an unsteadyexternal stream. Note that in a flow situation where inactive turbulence be- comesof major importancethe surfacemomentum flux drops while turbulence intensity remains high. This will result in reduction of the correlation coefficient between the u and w component,-ruw, as observed(Figure 7), and an increaseof normalizedvelocity standarddeviations,as illustrated in Figure 8 for rr,•/u, but also noted for the two normalized horizontal wind components. The followingmain conclusionwas drawn by STH (1994) concerningthe mechanism of inactive turbulence: The net energyexchangeat the surfaceis suchthat the surfaceshearing stressis closeto zero. In keepingwith the conclusionfrom the community-wide evaluation of turbulent boundary layers [KlineandRobinson,1989]that turbulenceproductioncloseto the surfaceis an autonomousprocessthat takes place largely independentof large-scaleprocessesin the outer layer it was argued that the turbulenceobservednear the surfacewas in fact just inactiveturbulence,"imported"from aboveby pressuretransport.As a contrast,the "traditionalview," expressed, e.g., by Kitaigorodskii[1973] aswell as by Antonia and Chambers [1980] concerningthe observedcombinationof numericallyvery smallvaluesof momentumflux and relativelylarge values of the turbulent fluctuations, is that this state of affairs is brought about by pressuretransportof momentum upward from the wavesto the atmosphere.Below, an attempt will be made to reconcilethesetwo seeminglycontrastingviewsof the turbulence mechanism above a surface with waves traveling DURING SWELL 25,847 Figure 10 showsan exampleof simultaneousw spectraat the three measuringheightsof the presentstudy.As noticed earlier, the spectralcurvescollapsein the high-frequencyrange but diverge in the low-frequencyrange, with spectrallevels increasingwith height. Comparisonwith the correspondingw spectrafrom STH (1994, Figure 5c) showsexactlyanalogous behaviorthroughoutthe lowest300 m. The frequencyof the spectral peak at the lowest measuring height in that study, 22 m, correspondsquite well with that observedat 26 m in the present study. In fact, the above spectralbehavior is exactly what is expectedfor a boundary layer dominated by inactive turbulence,which, in turn, bears striking resemblanceto a convectiveboundarylayer.Thus, as explainedby STH (1994), the spectraof the horizontal componentsremain largely the same over a large portion of the boundarylayer whereasthe spectra of the vertical component changesystematicallywith height in sucha manner that the spectralmaximum shiftsto progressively lower frequencieswith height.Note that the similarity with a convectiveboundarylayer is only formal, as discussed below. In the discussionof the turbulenceenergybudget at 10 m in section4 it was noted that buoyancyproductionwas of the same magnitude as the pressuretransport gain. Thus it is a relevant questionwhether the boundarylayer of the present studyis in fact dominatedby buoyancyinsteadof, as suggested, by inactiveturbulence.Also, in the caseof STH (1994), buoyancyproductionoccurredin the layersnear the surface(Figure 14a). This term changessign alreadyat --•200m, and it was shownby STH (1994) that spectralscalingwas not in agreement with the idea of mixedlayer scaling.Thus observationsof Kaimal et al. [1976] showthat the ratio of dissipationto buoyancy production is constant with height in the convective boundarylayer: ß = •/[(#/To)(w'O')o] • 0.6. For the presentstudy,ß • 1.7,which is not far from the value reported by STH (1994, p. 3405), "around2." This analysisshowsconclusivelythat mixed layer scalingis not applicablehere. Another consequenceis also evident: As the boundary layer is controlledby an entirely different turbulencemechanismthan is usuallythe case,we cannot expectMonin-Obukhov scaling to be valid. The result shownin Figure 13d for the heat flux during swell is in remarkable agreement with the large eddy simulations (LES) of KhannaandBrasseur[1998]of the expectedvaluesof 5.3. A Conceptual Model of the Turbulence Regime w' O' conditionedon w' for the simulatedconvectiveboundary Above a Surface With Waves Travelling Faster layer [Khannaand Brasseur,1998,Figures26 and 28]. Khanna Than the Wind and Brasseurfind both for the very unstablecase(characterReturn to the spectralgraphsof the longitudinalwind com- ized by zi/L = - 730, where zi is the height of the convective ponentand note the following:(1) From the individualexam- boundarylayer and L is the Monin-Obukhovlength) and the ples of simultaneousspectraat 10, 18, and 26 m in Figure 9 it slightly unstable case (zi/L = -8) that the heat flux is is clear that these spectrado not scalewith height. The same stronglydominatedby upward directed motions,at least for resultwasobtainedthroughoutthe swellperiod. (2) From the heights>0.1 z i. Again we see striking similarity between the 24 hour mean u spectrumdisplayedin Figure 11 it is clear that swell boundary layer, which is controlled by inactive turbuthe peakis foundat a frequency as low as 10-3 Hz. This lence, and the ordinary convectiveboundarylayer. To conclude,in the lowestlayersof the near-neutral marine contrastssharplywith the wave spectrumpeak which is found around0.2 Hz. In fact, the shapeof the u spectrumin Figure atmospheric boundary layer during swell conditions, both 11 is very similarto that observedby STH (1994) throughout buoyancyand shear production are small, leaving pressure the lowest300 m (STH, 1994,Figure5a), the main difference transportas the dominantsourceof turbulent energy.This being the slight bulge noticeable in the 10 m spectrum in energyis fed into the vertical componentand redistributedto Figure 11 near the peak wavefrequency.Spectraof the lateral the horizontalcomponentsby pressure-velocity derivativecorcomponenthave the same characteristicsas the u spectrum: relations.This meansthat the "swellboundarylayer" has cerindependenceof height and with a peak frequency around tain characteristics in common with a free-convection bound10-3 Hz aswell asstrikingsimilarity withcorresponding spec- ary layer, becauseshearingstressis quite small and the energy input is in the vertical component. tra observedby STH (1994,Figure5b). faster than the wind. 25,848 SMEDMAN ET AL.: AIR-SEA INTERACTION DURING SWELL X 10'3 -1 10'4 10 '3 10 '2n (s' 1) 10 '• 10 ø 101 10'3 10'2 10ø 10'• 9O 80- 70- 60- 5O 40 302O 10 0 10'4 ' n (s'l) 10'• Figure 15. (a) Mean u, w cospectra(curveswith circles)and quadraturespectra(curveswith stars)for September18, 1995, 10 m, and (b) the corresponding phaseangle 4• as functionof frequency. Figure 15a showsmean cospectraand quadrature spectra COuw (n) and Quw(n), respectively,calculatedfor the entire September18, and Figure 15b showsthe corresponding phase angle4>for the sameperiod,determinedfrom the relation[see, e.g.,Lumleyand Panofsky,1964] tan 4)= Q,w(n)/Co,w(n). (7) completelyout of phase, giving zero contributionto the cospectrumand thusto the momentumflux, in exactagreement with the predictionfor inactiveturbulence,whichwe expectto find at theselow frequencies.Note that the phaseangleis ->60ø for frequencies below---10-2 Hz. Thisis an indication thatin thefrequency range10-3 < n < 10-2 thereis a mixtureof truly inactiveturbulence,which has a phaseangle of 90ø, and activeturbulencewith phaseanglezero. Analysisof cospectra andquadraturespectraandthe corresponding phaseanglefor vertical velocityand temperature (not shownhere) for the zerophaseanglefor frequencies below---10-2 Hz (notshown sametime period (September18) revealsan entirelydifferent here). It is notablethat the phaseanglein Figure 15b comes behavior,i.e., a phaseangle that fluctuatesrandomlyaround closeto 90øfor the lowestfrequencies;that is, u and w become zero over the entire frequencydomain encountered. The systematicincreaseof phase angle with decreasingfrequencydisplayedin Figure 15b is in strikingcontrastto the correspondingplots for the pre-swelldayswhich shownear- SMEDMAN ET AL.' AIR-SEA INTERACTION DURING SWELL 25,849 From comparisonof spectra from the present study and therewasa windspeeddropfrom -15 m s-• to 4 m s-• over those from STH (1994) the following conclusionscan be a period of about a day; during a period of 48 hoursafter this drawn: (1) It is quite reasonableto assumethat the same wind speeddrop occurred,the wind directionfluctuatedwithin mechanism created the observed turbulence features in the a _+50ø sector, and the wind speed was rather constant;the two studies.(2) It is highlyunlikely that this turbulencehas wave spectrum had a single peak, and the direction of the been producedby influencefrom the waves.Instead,it is very waveswas roughlythe same as that of the wind; and the swell probable that inactive turbulence produced aloft has been originated from an area with stronger winds located in the brought down to near the surfaceby pressuretransport.The southernmostpart of the Baltic Sea. From the information crucial questionthen becomesthe following: How does the available for the caseswith strong frictional decouplingreair-seainteractionprocesscome into the picture? ported in section1 it appearsthat similar conditionsprevailed It is reasonableto assumethat in a shallowlayer just above in these casesas well. As revealed by Figures 7a and 8, no the undulatingwater surfacethere is, in the terminologyof systematicdifferenceswere found in statisticsderived sepaBelcherand Hunt [1993], an inner surfacelayer, which is gov- rately for periodswhen wind and wave directionswere within ernedby localmomentumtransferin the directionfrom the air 30ø of each other and when they differed by between 30ø and to the sea.In this layer it is alsoreasonableto assumethat the 60ø, respectively. It is interesting to ask what the requirements are for a ordinarywall layer turbulenceproductionmechanismis active [Klineand Robinson,1989].At the sametime, the longerwaves situationsimilar to this to occur,in terms of wind speeddrop, (whichtravelfasterthan the wind) producemomentumtrans- alignmentof wave propagationand wind, and, not the least, port by pressurefluctuationsin the oppositedirection. That timescaleof the drivingforcesproducingthis situation.To be suchtransportactuallytakesplaceis clearly demonstratedby more precise' Does a similar reduction of stressas that obthe quadrant analysis,which showsthat for the momentum servedhere occur as soon as there is an appreciabledrop in transportthe interactionquadrantsbecomeof increasingim- wind speed;doesit occurin a situationwith a multipeakwave portancewith increasingwave age;that is, excessmomentumis spectrum?At presentthere appearsto be no informationavailbeing transported upward and deficit momentum is being able to answer these and related questionsconcerningthe transporteddownward.At the sametime, the heat flux is not at generality of the results discussedhere. One may speculate all affected in this way. Thus momentum must be transported upwardfrom the surfaceby a mechanismwhichincludespressure-velocitycorrelations.Sucha mechanismis not possiblefor transport of a scalar, such as virtual potential temperature, that effects of this kind occurringduring lesswell pronounced conditionscould temporarily reduce the stressand thus contribute to the inevitablescatterof Co plots(a hysteresiseffect similarto that displayedin Figure 5 for the wind gradient).It is alsorelevant to askwhat the requirementsare for frictional This situation creates a net momentum transport that is reductionto occurin open oceanareas;is the situationoccurclose to zero. This in turn means that there can be little local ring as regularly as there are appreciablewind speed drops mechanicalproduction of turbulence (because mechanical after the passageof storms, or does omnidirectional swell productionis equal to the productbetweenthe kinematicmo- changethe situation to a considerabledegree? mentumfluxandthe localwindgradient).The net resultof this which is studied here. state of affairs is that, in fact, there will be little active turbu- lence in the boundarylayer, exceptin a shallowinner surface layer near the undulatingwater surface,leavingprimarily the inactivekind of turbulence,whichis likely to originate,primarily, highup in the boundarylayer.It is worth notingthat during the presentsituationwith swell,the number of individual60 min periodswith negativenet momentum flux (upward directedflux)increases with height,beingzero at 10 m, 3 at 18 m, and 6 at 26 m. In the casestudiedby STH (1994) the net momentumflux wasfound to be slightlynegativein the lowest 200 m during a period of severalhours. The abovesketchdoesnot answerthe questionof how deep the zone of direct wave influenceis and how deep the inner surfacelayer is. The measurementsof this studydo not give very clear surfacewave signaturesin the spectraduring the swellperiod:At the mostthere is a bulgeand a plateauin the mean u and w spectradisplayedin Figure 11. At the same time, as shownin Figure 4, there is a wind maximum present somewherebelow the lowestmeasuringpoint, 10 m, for most of the time during the swellperiod. From that it can be concludedthat the inner surfacelayer is certainly<10 m deep.A way of describingthe situationwouldbe to saythat the bulk of the boundarylayeris floatingwith verylittle frictionon top of a layerlimitedin depthby thiswindmaximumcloseto the surface. 5.4. Generality of the Present Results The situationthat hasbeen the subjectof the presentstudy is very well defined:It occurredin the aftermath of a gale, so 6. Conclusions A casehas been studiedwhich is characterizedby the dominant waves traveling faster than the wind. It has been demonstratedthat at the same time as momentum is transported from the atmosphereto the ocean surface by the ordinary turbulent mechanism, momentum is also transferred from the wavesto the atmosphereby the pressuretransportterm, producinga wave-drivenwind increaseat low height(a consistent wind speedmaximumbelow 10 m) and very low net surface shearing stress.It was observedthat turbulence intensities were neverthelessquite high at 10, 18, and 26 m above the surface,givinga u, w correlationcoefficientwith a modulusin the range 0 to 0.2. Direct wave signaturesin the wind spectra are quite weak. It is concluded that mechanical turbulence productionin the layer coveredby the observationsis virtually zero. Instead, the turbulenceenergy must have been brought downby pressuretransportfrom layersin the upper parts of the boundarylayer, so-calledinactiveturbulence.Analysesof turbulencecharacteristicsreveal that a systematicchange occurs at wave age co/U•o = 1.2, indicatingan almost discontinuouschangeof regime. Appendix A: Determination of Flux Footprint for the Eddy Correlation Measurements at Ostergarnsholm The turbulentfluxmeasured at someheighton the Ostergarnsholmtower originatesfrom an upwindarea at somedis- 25,850 SMEDMAN ET AL.' AIR-SEA INTERACTION tance from the tower. It is the purposeof appendixA to show how the locationof this area, "the flux footprint,"for the three measuringheights10, 18, and 26 m abovemean sea level was determined. DURING SWELL tion from a strip of width Ax situatedbetweenx and x + Ax. By accumulatingflux contributions/SF(x) from x = 0 to increasingdistancesin the wind directionit is possibleto calculatethe relativerole of upwindareasat differentdistancesin It is assumedthat the flux originatesat the surfacefrom a the total measured flux. It is found from such calculations that for the 10 m level, row of infinitely wide line sourcesoriented perpendicularto the mean wind direction during a particular run. The source 90% of the measuredflux originatesfrom areasbeyond250 m strengthis assumed to equalQ(x) with unitskg m-2 s-•. and 50% originatesfrom beyond670 m and that 70% of the Assumingstationaryconditionsand that the flux gradientre- flux comes from areas between 250 and 1700 m. For 18 m the lationshipholds,the diffusionequation takesthe form: correspondingfiguresare 450 m, 1250 m, and 450 and 3200 m, respectively.For 26 m, finally, the correspondingfigures are 770 m, 1980 m, and 770 and 5300 m. The abovecalculationsrefer to an ordinaryneutral surface Here K z is the exchangecoefficient,• is the mean concentra- layer. In this study,particularinterestis focusedon the swell tion, and u is the mean wind speed. For neutral conditions, situation.As discussed in this paper, the turbulencestructure Kz •- u,kz and g = u,/k ln z/zo, and (A1)cannot be solved in this case differs from that of the ordinary case. At this analytically.An approximate solution of this equation was, moment there is hardly enoughinformation to tailor the foothowever,obtainedby van Ulden [1978]. Gryninget al. [1983] print equationsto fit exactlythis kind of situation.Generally carried out numerical solutions, which were found to be in speaking,Co wasfound to be reducedcomparedto the ordiclose agreementwith those of van Ulden [1978] and in very nary caseduringswell.This meansthat the effectiveroughness good agreement with measurementsfrom Project Prairie lengthz 0 is likely to be appreciablysmallerthan assumedin the Grass. Gryning et al. find that the solutioncan be approxi- abovecalculations (1.5 x 10-4 m). This,in turn,is likelyto have the effect on the footprint that it becomesremovedeven mated with the followingexpression: farther from the shore comparedto what was obtained from Q exp {-[z/B' •(X,Z)= At(s)btpxO.z (s)(rz]s}, (A2) the detailed calculations. whereUpxisthemeanwindspeed attheheight 0.6;•, where Appendix B: Determination of the Effects Z(x) is the heightof the plumecenterline, crz • 1.35 Z, for neutral conditionsand s is a parameter which can take on valuesbetween0.5 and ---2.7 dependingon stabilityand distance from the source.For neutral stratification,Gryninget al. [1983] found that s •- 1.25. For this value,van Ulden[1978] findsA' = 0.902 and B' -- 0.968. of Water Depth in the Footprint for the Eddy Correlation Measurements at 0stergarnsholm To quantifythe influenceof shallowwater, we have defined a weightedmean phasespeed van Ulden[1978]presentsthe followingexpression for neutral conditions' (Co}= = X/Zo K2ZoIn 0.6 . F(x, Z)Co(X) dx (A3) over the footprint. The weightingfunction is the vertical flux Takingz0 = 1.5 x 10-4 m asa typicalvaluefor the rough- densityF(x, z) givenby (A7) in appendixA, normalizedso that nesslengthoversea,x canbe computed asa functionof •. Plotting the result in a log-log representationshowsthat the data fall closelyon a straightline, which correspondsto 2 = 2.22 x 10-2(x0'94) Jo © F(x, z)dx =1. (A4) From van Ulden[1978]it alsofollowsthat for neutralconditions The phase speed has been calculated using the dispersion relation •:(x, O)u,/Q •- 1.54/x. (A5) CO--- The verticalflux at the point (x, z) is F(x, z) = -rz(o•/Oz)(x, z) • -kzu(O•/Oz)(x, z) (A6) The derivative O•/Oz is obtained after differentiation of (A2). Insertingthe ensuingexpression in (A6), togetherwith (A3) and (A4) andthe valuesfor s, A ', andB' outlinedabove givesthe followingapproximateexpression for neutralconditions: 0.674 I3.0X10-2(X z 0'94) exp{ [3.0 x10_2(x0.94) 11'25}. F(x,z)/Q= x z ß - (A7) The totalverticalfluxat (x, z) is the integralofF(x, z) over x from zero to infinity.By numericalcalculationwith (A7) it is simpleto obtain an approximateestimateof the flux contribu- # tanh 6O0 , where6o0is the frequencyof dominatingwaves(the peakof the wave spectrum)and h is the depth.The resultsare shownin Figure 2c for the flux footprint for 10 m (circles)and 26 m (crosses), togetherwith the phasespeedin deepwater (stars). Thesevaluescan be comparedwith the resultsof Anctil and Donelan [1996],who have measuredthe effectsin turbulent fluxesinducedby shoalingwaves.From their run 166,in which no shoalingeffectscan be seenin the wave heightor the drag coefficient,we calculatedc0 overthe footprintto varybetween 79 and 91% of the deep-watervalue. In our data, duringthe swellperiod the valueswere consistently closer to the deep-waterphase speed over all three footprints.Over the footprintcorresponding to the lowest10 m elevation,Co varied between92 and 99% of the deep-water SMEDMAN ET AL.: AIR-SEA INTERACTION value (Figure 2c). Over the footprint correspondingto 26 m, Coledeep wasbetween 99 and100%. During Anctil and Donelan's[1996] run 166 the peak wave period T Owas5.7-6.1 s, and the significantwaveheightH swas 0.8 m, which are comparableto our values;The ratio Hs/Xo (where Xois the wavelengthof waveshavingperiod To) was higher in their data than in our data. In our data the valuesof H• and H•/X o over different parts of the footprint were consistentlysmaller.Therefore no shallow-watereffectscan be expectedto be seen in our flux data from the swell period. 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